Raiffeisen payment holiday service. What do you need to know about credit holidays? How to apply for a credit holiday at Raiffeisenbank

Credit holidays are a deferment of monthly payments that the bank provides to the borrower for some time. During the holidays, the borrower does not repay the loan. There are three options for credit holidays at the bank:

  • Full deferment of payment;
  • Partial deferment of payment;
  • Recalculation of the loan amount by changing the currency of the loan (for example, ruble to foreign currency and vice versa)

Full deferment of payment. This type of deferment is a normal break in loan payments. That is, the borrower does not pay any monthly payments or interest on the loan. This type of deferment is granted only for good reason. For example, if the borrower lost his job or became seriously ill. True, a good reason will have to be documented, for example, a certificate from work and so on.

Partial deferment of payment. This type of deferment involves drawing up a new monthly payment schedule, according to which the client will make payments during the holidays. For example, you can agree with the bank to pay only interest on the loan, or extend the loan repayment period, but reduce monthly payments.

Changing the loan currency. A temporary change in the loan currency can also be a way out of a difficult situation. This can be very beneficial when the dollar or euro exchange rate falls (if the loan is in rubles), and vice versa - when it rises (if the loan is in foreign currency).

Who can ask for a deferred payment on a loan?

If you document a valid reason for a possible deferment of payment, the bank will most likely meet the client halfway and provide him with the necessary benefits. Sometimes creditors generally put special conditions to receive credit holidays, which limit the number of users of this service. This is an addition to the family, or the conclusion of an agreement for consumer loan. But usually the lender invites the borrower to independently choose when and in what way the client will take a break from loan payments.

Not many bank clients even know about the existence of the opportunity to go credit holidays. But gradually this service is finding its consumers and gaining popularity. How to get credit holidays?

  • Call the bank and consult with a credit manager. It is imperative to warn about financial problems and determine possible appearance deferment of loan payments;
  • Document the need for a deferred payment (for example, bring a work record book with the appropriate notes or a certificate informing about a salary reduction or indicating a medical diagnosis);

The lender may require some additional documents at your own discretion.

  • Write an application for a credit holiday and sign everything Required documents bank about credit holidays.

Credit holidays for no reason

Sometimes a client just wants to take a break from monthly payments to go on vacation abroad or hide from the bustle of the city in the country. Lenders treat even such desires with understanding. In such cases, some banks offer credit holidays as an additional option, for which you will have to pay extra. The provision of this service by banks goes to special conditions, which are completely different everywhere.

Pros and cons

On the one hand, deferring payment on a loan from a bank makes it possible not to become a debtor and avoid litigation, but on the other hand, overpayment on the loan during the holidays will only increase. The amount of the overpayment will depend on the duration of the deferment on payments, because during the holidays the amount on which interest is accrued does not decrease, and the interest goes to the bank irrevocably. The period of respite also varies everywhere: from a couple of months to several years. The choice of a deferment program is also strictly individual.

In conclusion, we note that a credit holiday is a temporary respite from a loan, and you will still have to return the money to the bank later. We can only advise you to solve all problems during the holidays as quickly as possible, otherwise the loan debt will grow like a snowball. And this can already lead the borrower to court, and collectors to his door. Therefore, you need to assess your strengths and calculate the amount of the monthly payment using a loan calculator now, so as not to ask for a loan holiday later.

Anfisa Khramova, expert editor

Credit holidays - separate species restructuring. How to apply for credit holidays at Raiffeisenbank

Features of credit holidays in Russia. Credit holidays are a deferment of payment that the bank gives you. A client who has a white CI can receive such a privilege. For example, you lost your job, became seriously ill - and financial resources No. It is better to sign up for the program than to later pay fines, answer calls from bank employees, etc.

Types of programs

  • With deferred payments. In this case, the schedule moves. For example, the payer received a vacation for 3 months. During this period, he does not deposit a penny into the account, but the total loan period increases by 3 months.
  • With partial deferment.
  • Recalculation of the amount when changing the loan currency.
  • Initially, you should contact the financial institution and notify it of your problems.
  • Then you need to provide evidence that confirms your difficult financial situation.
  • Next, you will be asked to read the terms and conditions. Before signing a new contract, you should carefully check whether interest is accrued for a given period of time, whether the interest rate increases, or whether penalties are provided.

Benefits of the program

  • It is very convenient when a deferment is provided for 3 months.
  • During this time, the client will not be charged any fines. Those. the amount of debt will not grow, the account is frozen.

Disadvantages of "vacations"

  • You will have to repay the loan over a longer period than previously expected. If the holidays were given for 3 months, the loan term will increase by the same amount. There is another option: the amount that you will not be able to pay for several months is divided and included in the remaining months. In this case, the loan repayment time will not change, only the monthly payments will change.

As for the psychological disadvantages, the client relaxes and ceases to control his income. It will be difficult to get back on track as an efficient payer.

It is best not to bring the matter to debt collectors, but to inform the organization about your problems in a timely manner.

Features of credit holidays in Russia: list of banks

  • Promsvyazbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Delta;
  • Renaissance;
  • Russian standard;
  • Home Credit;
  • Raiffeisenbank and others.


How to apply for credit holidays at Sberbank in 2018

Those who are temporarily unable to make monthly payments can find out how to properly apply for credit holidays at Sberbank of Russia in 2018 and submit an application for consideration.

If there is a valid reason for the delay, the bank will give a positive answer. Loan repayment is a long process.

When applying for a mortgage or making large purchase, many people hardly think about the fact that in 3-5 years their financial situation may change.

Not only for the better, but also for the worse. Sberbank gives its clients the opportunity to recover and continue loan payments after a certain period of time.

Important information

There are several reasons that may make a person think about how to apply for credit holidays with Sberbank online:

  1. Dismissal from work, reduction of staff or liquidation of the company.
  2. Registration of disability, detection of a serious illness requiring immediate treatment.
  3. Loss of money and property due to a natural disaster.
  4. Change of permanent residence.

The bank gives the opportunity to arrange holidays, but only on the condition that the client is a bona fide payer.

What it is

Credit holidays are a kind of “vacation” that is given to a client who has issued a large consumer or mortgage. The mortgage loan agreement can be downloaded here.

Vacations are a great way to avoid falling into debt and save a good relationship with Sberbank.

There are several types of credit holidays:

Termination of payments with full deferment This option may not be profitable for the client, since the bank charges additional penalties on payments
Partial deferment Only interest or only principal is repaid. During the entire loan period, you can use this type of deferment only twice.
Change interest rate by increasing the loan term It should be taken into account that the bank will go to a concession not in every case. Change of size wages to a lesser extent will not always be a basis for granting vacations. Only serious deterioration financial situation and complete inoperability may become a reason for changing the terms of the loan

If the loan was issued to purchase a car, the bank may offer an option in which vehicle is put up for auction, the loan is closed, and the remaining funds are transferred to the client.

Who are the contenders?

Credit holidays provided by the bank are a separate type of service such as debt restructuring.

Get this advantage Only those clients who have repaid the loan in good faith, avoiding delays, can.

When answering the question of how to apply for a credit holiday at Sberbank for an individual, first of all, one should highlight the fact that the client must evaluate his chances.

Who can be approved for installment plan:

  1. Only to bona fide payers.
  2. Persons in difficult financial situations.
  3. A decrease in the amount of personal funds is not always a reason for providing a credit holiday. Only complete disability, loss of employment or illness are grounds.

Citizens who have changed their place of residence not only within the same city, but also within the country, as well as those who have lost their job, can receive an installment plan or deferred payment.

From time to time, Sberbank of Russia holds various promotions Both bonuses and the opportunity to receive a loan holiday are offered to some of the most diligent payers as a gift.

Thus, they get the opportunity to take a break from payments for several months.

What regulations governs

The process of issuing loans, including granting deferments, is regulated by several legislative acts RF:

Also, in its activities, Sberbank of Russia is guided by the standards issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Thus, a requirement is established for the bank to obtain a license, which gives the right to carry out various banking and credit operations.

The process of issuing loans and the bank’s compliance with certain conditions is regulated, for example, when setting an interest rate.

How to apply for credit holidays in Sberbank today

Any borrower who has taken out a loan from the largest bank in Russia has the right to apply for a credit holiday.

After studying the documents and payment schedule, the specialist makes a decision. In most cases, if all conditions are met, it turns out to be positive.

Sometimes an offer to apply for a credit holiday is sent to the client via SMS message.

To use it, you only need to contact the bank branch where it was issued. cash loan.

Vacations are practically the same restructuring, during which the client can pay off the mortgage on more favorable terms.

Bank information

Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest and most visited in the country. It was founded in 1841.

More than 70% of Russians use the services offered by the financial institution.

The bank is developing rapidly and has become no longer even similar to itself as it was ten years ago. Initially, the main function was the presence of savings banks.

Today, the population is provided with all types of credit and financial services.

general information about the bank:

There is a wide network of terminals and ATMs. They can be found on almost every street in any city.

Issued credit and debit cards. More than 260 thousand people work for the company.

Terms of service

There are certain conditions, subject to which a service such as credit holidays can be provided:

Conditions for lending, as well as for providing credit holidays, are assigned in each case individually.

Possible options for women on maternity leave

Sberbank of Russia gives young mothers on maternity leave the opportunity to change the terms and payment schedule.

If a woman realizes that she cannot afford to pay the mortgage and at the same time buy everything necessary for the child, she can apply to credit institution and wait for a decision to be made.

Such a large bank as Sberbank of Russia provides long credit holidays - up to 5 years upon the birth of a second or third child in a family.

Required condition granting a deferment - deterioration of the financial situation in the family.

Vacations are issued if a woman’s departure from work has caused a significant decrease in the amount of money in the family and a lack of it.

Particularly relevant is the issue of providing holidays to single mothers who, at the time of caring for a child after childbirth, receive nothing except state benefit, the size of which is so small that the woman will not be able to repay the loan.

Required documents

To apply for a deferred repayment large loan The applicant must present the following documents to the bank:

The application is drawn up in two copies, one of which must remain in the hands of the Sberbank client.

What is needed to obtain a deferment

To apply for a credit holiday, you need to do the following:

  1. Write an application for in the prescribed form and present it to the credit department of Sberbank.
  2. Prepare all the necessary documents according to the list. Make copies of them.
  3. Wait for an answer. The maximum period is three working days.

It is possible to receive vacations for up to 12 months. Minimum term– six months.

Even before contacting the bank, you should decide what type of vacation is needed - whether at least partial payments can be made.

What to pay special attention to

When planning to apply for a credit holiday, you need to take into account some nuances:

A loan can be really convenient and profitable, but in some cases it is no longer possible to repay it.

For example, a person may become seriously ill, start caring for a sick relative or child, or lose his job.

If the situation is really serious, and there have been no payment violations in the past, the bank makes concessions and gives “credit holidays”.

The length of such leave may vary - for some, a few months are enough to fully recover financially, for others – six months or more.

By applying for a loan from Sberbank, you don’t have to worry if your financial situation worsens, but try to solve the problem by contacting a specialist at the nearest branch.


How to apply for a credit holiday | Vremya.ru

IN modern world credit institutions offer everything more active to the population new credit service called “credit holidays”. The fact that the borrower has a temporary outlet for repayment plays a very strong role here. credit loan, and the financial organization receives additional income thanks to this service.

In practice, as it became known, when interviewing credit managers, greatest number requests from bank clients are associated with changes that have occurred to them: loss of a job, serious disease the borrower himself or close relatives. In such a situation, make timely payments current loan becomes difficult, and in a standard loan agreement any deviations are not acceptable, they are punished immediately with fines and penalties, there are exceptions, but this is more often manifested in mortgage agreements.

So what is it and how to apply for a credit holiday? This is a deferred payment on a current loan that is provided to the borrower. Not so long ago, only those citizens who found themselves in the events described above could receive such holidays. Typically, in such cases, banks would restructure the loan. those. executed a new loan agreement with the client to repay the previous one possible change monthly payment, or increasing the term of the loan provided. Currently, some banks have officially announced that their clients have the opportunity to receive credit holidays without providing or explaining the reasons why the bank should provide them to them.

Banking institutions offer two types of holidays. The first option is a deferment of all loan payments, and the second option is a deferment provided only for the principal debt. In such a situation, you should not expect leniency from banks; credit holidays are one of the types credit product and it is also sold by banks to their existing customers. If you use the first vacation option, then at the end the bank’s economists will recalculate the amount of monthly payments, which in turn will increase. You also need to be prepared for the fact that a fee for deferment may be added, but not all banks charge for such a service cash, there are those who do it for free.

If the client chooses the second vacation option, i.e. refusal to pay the principal, but the client will continue to pay interest on the loan (such a service exists), in which case the amount of monthly payments will not change. If you look at it from a different angle, it becomes clear that monthly interest payments reach 70 percent of the annuity payment. This means that during the provided holidays it will not be possible to reduce the amount of payments.

How to arrange credit holidays for clients banking institutions? Here you need to be prepared for the fact that not all financial institutions provide such a service. Often it only works on consumer loans, but banks approach this issue individually. Therefore, you should contact your bank and get proper advice from your loan officer.

Also, one of the significant factors is the time period during which vacations can be granted - usually no more than once every six months. The bank also reserves the right to unilaterally change the conditions for granting vacations, even change the duration.

The legal procedure for applying for a credit holiday is almost the same for all credit institutions; the client needs to write a corresponding application and, after five working days, go on vacation.

More on the topic:


Credit holidays. Options. How to apply

Due to the fact that recently the number of problematic loan agreements has been constantly growing, banks have accommodated borrowers and are offering them a special banking product aimed at facilitating the loan repayment procedure.

It's about restructuring credit debt when the bank increases the term of the loan agreement in order to thereby reduce the size of the monthly payment. The payment becomes smaller, monthly debt load for the borrower is reduced, he enters into the payment schedule, and the bank relieves itself of the burden of the problematic agreement.

Bank loan restructuring may be offered when the borrower has not yet committed arrears, but has contacted the bank in advance with his problem. Banks also apply restructuring to problematic contracts when the borrower no longer pays the loan. In any case, the bank tries to take into account the interests of the borrower and takes into account his position.

Recently, in addition to standard loan debt restructuring, borrowers have been offered a separate type of it - credit holidays.

What are credit holidays?

This type of restructuring bank loan can be called a pause in the payment schedule. If for some reason the borrower cannot temporarily make monthly payments, for example, he lost his job or became seriously ill, then banks may release him from payment obligations for a certain period.

In fact, this is an even more convenient option than a standard restructuring with a stretched term. By extending the term, the total overpayment automatically increases, despite the reduction in the monthly payment. If credit holidays are applied, then the payment schedule is simply frozen, that is, no terms of the loan change, only the payment dates are shifted.

The term of the credit holiday is set by the bank based on the specific situation of the borrower. Typically, credit holidays are 3-12 months.

Credit holiday options

Banks offer several types of credit holidays:

1. Complete exemption from paying monthly payments for certain period. This is the most profitable option restructuring, when the level of overpayment on the loan does not change.

2. Partial exemption from monthly payments. In this case, the bank releases the borrower only from paying the principal debt, but does not cancel interest on the use of money. It turns out that the total overpayment increases and the longer the period of credit holidays, the larger its size becomes.

The amount of the interest itself assigned to monthly payment, will depend on the period of the payment schedule when the credit holidays are issued. If we take into account that most banks offer an annuity scheme for calculating the monthly payment schedule, then: - at the beginning of the loan repayment, interest predominates in the monthly payment; - from approximately the second half of the term, the payment mostly consists of the principal debt; - by the end of the payments, the interest is gradually reduced to zero. Therefore, this credit holiday scheme is more profitable when there is not much left before the end of the payment period.

How to apply for credit holidays?

After applying for a credit holiday, the borrower receives a new monthly payment schedule. If this is a complete exemption from payments, for example, for 6 months, then 6 empty columns are added to the schedule, that is, the borrower can miss six monthly payments. If this is an exemption only from the payment of the principal debt, then all columns will be empty except for the “interest” column. What is indicated in this column will be the amount required for monthly deposit.

Credit holidays are a more profitable procedure than standard bank loan restructuring.


What are credit holidays? Benefits and disadvantages.

You took out a loan and repay it on time every month by paying monthly payment. But what to do if you suddenly have nothing to pay the loan? How to pay off debt if unexpected emergencies arise financial difficulties? There is a solution - the “Credit Holidays” service. We'll tell you in detail.

Credit holidays are a kind of bank loyalty program. This is a deferment of loan payments for some time. For financial institutions, such a program has one advantage - the retention of respectable borrowers.

Do you have really important reasons for not paying your loan? Perhaps you lost your job or got sick? Then you can temporarily stop payments by using the service - credit holidays.

What are the benefits of credit holidays for the borrower?

You maintain a good relationship with the bank, do not spoil your credit history and, of course, avoid fines and penalties.

What are the disadvantages of credit holidays?

It is worth saying that interest continues to accrue during the holiday period. Therefore, do not consider this service a gift from a banking organization.

Beyond that, you really need a compelling reason to defer payment. The bank may require you to present documents: a certificate of employment, a document confirming dismissal or a medical certificate of illness.

If you have been granted a vacation, please read the terms and conditions carefully. After all, if you prolong your “vacation”, you can significantly overpay on the loan.

What are credit holidays?

  • Your payments may be deferred completely - for some period of time you will not have to repay the debt and even interest (for the unemployed or seriously ill).
  • A partial deferment means a change in the payment schedule. You make no payments on the loan for a certain period of time, but continue to pay interest. You can also increase the loan term and reduce the monthly payment amount.
  • If the ruble exchange rate fluctuates significantly, if there is a difference between the loan currency and the client’s income, the bank can provide you with a holiday with debt recalculation when changing the loan currency (the loan is in dollars, and the salary is in rubles).

It is worth saying that if you want to get a vacation in order to travel abroad, then the bank may simply offer to pay extra for the service.

Carefully check all the terms of the agreement and do not sign it without reading it from beginning to end.


how to apply for credit holidays at Raiffeisenbank

Modern banking services are very common in the household sector, car loans or mortgage lending, but they are quite extended in time. Behind a long period During the period during which the consumer uses credit funds, many unforeseen circumstances can occur in a person’s life. Due to which a person cannot make several payments, he needs to get a credit holiday.

Concept and how are they formalized?

Not every consumer of banking products knows about the possibility of receiving and processing them. It is worth understanding what kind of service this is and in what cases it is provided.

Credit holidays are a banking service for deferring payments for a certain period of time. There are several reasons for receiving such a service: a sharp deterioration in financial situation due to illness or loss of work. From attacks that no one is currently safe from.

To obtain a deferment of loan payments, you must notify the bank in a timely manner about the occurrence of adverse changes in life. To do this, you need to write an application and attach supporting documents, for example, a copy of the work record book with a note about termination of employment, or an extract from the medical history.

Unfortunately, mortgage payment holidays are provided at the discretion of employees of a particular bank and depending on the personality of the borrower. There are several types of deferments:

    Holidays in the full sense of the word, there are no payments on the loan: neither repayment of the principal debt, nor payment of interest.

    Partial repayment of the loan - a new repayment schedule is drawn up, and the borrower repays the loan according to the new schedule - only the interest or the principal of the loan is repaid. You can extend the loan term, but the monthly rate is reduced.

    It is possible to change the currency of the loan - if the dollar exchange rate falls or rises, if the loan is in rubles.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, a more reasonable approach would be to talk with credit expert and searching for the optimal way out and the current situation. You should not avoid visiting the bank and hide, otherwise penalties will be assessed and negative comments will be entered into the borrower’s credit history.

To successfully consider the submitted application, you must provide documents confirming these circumstances.

It can be:

    A copy of the work record book containing the dismissal record;

    An extract from the medical history with the established diagnosis and time of treatment;

    Change of residence and relocation

    due to certain life events;

    Force majeure events or natural disasters, etc.

When submitting an application, credit holidays imply that the applicant receives certain benefits. Typically, employees themselves offer to choose the most advantageous from the available conditions and make a decision on their own.

Banking institutions are in no hurry to notify their clients of the availability of such a service, but the few who managed to use it are very pleased with this decision and advise those people who find themselves in difficult life situations to take advantage of it. Usually, lenders loyally consider such applications from bona fide borrowers, and consumers who have recently begun to cooperate can only count on luck and the loyal attitude of their employees. The borrower will have a great advantage if he has property, a large income, or the ability to put down a significant amount of collateral.

If a person needs to apply for a credit holiday, a number of actions must be taken:

    Contact bank representatives and report financial difficulties and ask them to find the best way to repay the debt.

    Make an appointment and visit the person responsible for these issues. If necessary, provide the necessary documents confirming the circumstances. In addition to the standard requirements, each borrower is subject to individual requirements, and may need to present other documents.

    If you receive an affirmative answer from bank representatives, ask for a new loan agreement with the changes made (deferment, restructuring or partial repayment debt) and pick up your copy of the agreement.

Vacations and holidays can be combined

In addition to difficult life situations, the client may have a desire to go on vacation or abroad for a long period. Some banks even meet such desires halfway, but this option will already be paid. Therefore, such credit holidays will cost the borrower a certain amount - after the deferment, the loan will increase slightly. But for every benefit you need to pay, these are the principles that credit institutions adhere to.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having studied the information provided, the user knows what it is - a deferment loan payments. Deferred payment provides an opportunity to take a break from financial burdens, but at the same time it arises and constantly grows large debt. Therefore, during your vacation, your problems need to be resolved as quickly as possible, otherwise the issue of a court summons and bailiffs appearing on the doorstep of the house will not keep you waiting. In addition to official methods of dealing with defaulters, there are also unofficial ones - collection offices and individual collectors.

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How to apply for credit holidays at Raiffeisenbank?

Have you taken out a loan from a bank, but suddenly your financial situation has changed for the worse? During economic crisis Such situations are not uncommon in the country.

That is why borrowers with real problems can apply for a “credit holiday” at Raiffeisenbank and debt restructuring, subject to certain conditions.

How to apply for a “credit holiday” at Raiffeisenbank?

Persons who have valid reasons can apply to the bank with a request to defer payment of the monthly payment.

We are talking about the emergence of health problems, dismissal from work, a decrease in income received, etc. To prove the existence of a compelling reason for contacting Raiffeisenbank, you will need to provide documentary evidence.

For example, people who have health problems or are forced to care for a sick relative can present the manager with a certificate from the clinic, a doctor’s medical report and similar documents.

Formally, Raiffeisenbank does not provide “credit holidays”. Instead, the client can submit a request for “Delayed payment”.

Payment terms for the following mandatory contribution for the loan in this case are determined by the manager on a personal basis.

You can submit your application in two ways:

The location of a bank branch can be found using a special online map. The client should have a passport, a loan agreement and documents confirming the existence of compelling reasons for postponing the payment date.

The application is considered if the borrower has no debt to the bank or if less than 3 months have passed since the debt arose. However, the service is not available if a mortgage loan has been issued.

Submitting a request for restructuring

In most cases, a borrower with financial difficulties can reduce the amount obligatory payment on the loan, increasing the time frame for repaying the debt to the bank.

Experts are also considering other ways to restructure the client’s existing debt - refinancing the loan, providing a deferred payment, etc.

The application is submitted:

  • through the official website of the bank;
  • by contacting bank office;
  • by phone 8-800-700-82-40.

When visiting a branch, the client must provide the manager with a certain package of documentation for approval of the application.

As a rule, the borrower should have a passport, a loan agreement, and documents confirming the deterioration of their financial situation. The exact list depends on the type of loan and the status of the applicant, so please check with the manager.

Is it possible to restructure debt at a bank?

Problems with repaying issued loans are familiar to most residents of our country. The reason for this is job loss, severe illness, lack of money. Delays in payments inevitably lead to a deterioration in the borrower’s credit history and the accrual of penalties, regardless of the reason for non-payment of debts. It is possible to avoid these negative circumstances in advance. It is enough to contact a banking institution and take credit holidays.

What are credit holidays?

Credit holidays imply that the debtor receives an actual deferment on debt obligations. The debt remains unchanged, but penalties no longer accrue. The duration of the pause invariably depends on the type credit program, problems encountered by the borrower. It is often possible to achieve a delay of three to twelve months. A credit holiday is a period of time during which the debtor must completely solve the problems that have arisen and continue paying the debt in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

A little about existing varieties

1. Complete deferment of debt obligations. This implies that the borrower will be temporarily charged all debentures, and you will not be required to make monthly payments for a certain number of months. People who know how to get credit holidays, on personal experience made sure that in practice a complete deferment is extremely rare. Financial institutions prefer to offer other types of deferments on debt payments rather than credit holidays.

2. Partial exemption from debt payment loan agreement. The bank gives permission to the borrower to pay smaller amounts than those initially specified in the agreement. The debtor is forced to pay only interest charges. Please note that such credit holidays are calculated strictly on the balance of the debt.


  • up to 300,000 rubles
  • from 0% to 49.9%
  • 55 days
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More details

Design features

Not many people know how to get credit holidays, and there is no uniform procedure, since this service banking institutions is not mandatory. It is likely that one bank or another will not be able to agree on the provision of this exemption from debt obligations. It turns out that financial institutions themselves control the possibility of providing such assistance to borrowers and choose its form. Conditions of credit holidays different everywhere.

If you visit the Sberbank website, you will not find official information about the provision of the service. You can find out about them at a bank branch by talking with managers. Talk to me how to apply for a credit holiday if possible earlier than you lose your solvency. Sometimes employees propose restructuring. Information about applying for a deferment is posted openly on the VTB24 website. Clients know that they can only defer one loan payment.

In each financial organization it should be clarified whether credit holidays are provided to her and under what conditions. Sometimes you have to officially prove the deterioration of your financial situation. The country's legislation does not prohibit banks from acting this way. If the borrower informs the lender about the loss of work, he can request a work book to check the presence of the corresponding mark left by the labor exchange.

Subject to the provision of deferment services, a sample application is posted on the website for preliminary downloading and filling out. Applications for credit holidays are processed individually by a special overdue debt department. The client is sent there to draw up a new loan payment schedule.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews about credit holidays are extremely mixed. They have pros and cons that require attention.


Speaking about how to apply for credit holidays, we note that they act as an analogue of financial protection for the borrower and the financial institution. It is possible to maintain a positive credit history of the credited party and avoid the accrual of penalties. Getting into a difficult financial situation will not be detrimental to further work with a financial company.


The deferment applies to the entire debt, and as a result, the amount of the final overpayment increases. Credit holidays involve paying interest on debt. The final overpayment will be increased by the amount of interest paid during the period of the deferment of debt obligations. Sometimes you have to document the loss of solvency.


  • 0 - 18000 rub.
  • according to your passport
  • from 18 years old
  • on the day of treatment
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More details


  • up to 150,000 rubles
  • 1100 days
  • 0 rubles
  • according to your passport
  • from 20 to 70 years
  • on the day of treatment
  • by mail or
    by courier
  • Mastercard
  • 8% discount "MEDSI"
  • To submit an application for a Zero card, you must fill out online form on the official website of MTS Bank. For release you need to pay 299 rubles at a time, and then monthly service is free, only 30 rubles will be charged every day for use credit limit. When you have no debt to the bank, you do not need to make any payments. The credit limit, by the way, is up to 150,000 rubles. You can withdraw funds from the card at ATMs of any banks, but not exceeding the limit of 50 thousand rubles. per day and 600 thousand per month.

You can use Raiffeisenbank money for free for no more than 50 days. Please note that the LP only applies to payment for purchases; other transactions (cash withdrawal, transfers) are automatically subject to interest accrual.

Every month in the statement the bank indicates the amount that must be paid before the end of the repayment period.

LP scheme

Raiffeisenbank independently installs settlement date and communicates it to the client when issuing a credit card. In addition, this date is always indicated in the statement. For example, if it is the 7th, then the reporting period will be from the 7th to the 7th.

Everything you spend during this period of time will need to be returned within the next 20 days (i.e. until the 27th). And this only applies preferential transactions, for the rest you can only deposit before this date minimum payment.

Thus, the debt that must be paid by the 27th to save the drug includes the amount of debt of the reporting period and the minimum payment.

If you cannot pay the entire debt, then in order not to fall behind, you must pay at least the minimum payment. Its size is 5% of the debt on the settlement date plus interest. Moreover, interest will be accrued on the entire amount, since the LP is terminated.

Maximum and minimum

As already stated, maximum term The LP at Raiffeisenbank is 50 days. This amount will only be obtained if you pay for the purchase on the first day of the reporting period (in our example, this is March 7th).

The minimum period can be 20 days - if you make the payment on the last day of the reporting period - April 6th. Everything that will be spent during the payment period (i.e. from April 1st to April 27th) is subject to the next LP and must be repaid before May 27th.

The client, whose information (full name, passport data, address information) is contained in the documents submitted to the Bank, gives his consent to processing by Raiffeisenbank JSC, 129090, Moscow, st. Troitskaya, 17, building 1 (including receiving from the Client and/or from any third parties) the Client’s personal data and confirms that, by giving such consent, he acts of his own will and in his own interest.

Consent is given by the Client for the purposes of concluding any agreements with the Bank and their further execution, provision of services by the Bank, participation in promotions, surveys, research conducted by the Bank (including, but not limited to, conducting surveys, research via electronic, telephone and cellular communications), making decisions or performing other actions that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the Client or other persons, providing the Client with information about the services provided by the Bank, providing consulting services by the Bank, including for the purpose of the Client concluding contracts/agreements with other persons in the future, and applies to the following information: last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date and place of birth, address, details of an identity document, family, social, property status, education, profession, income, information about enforcement proceedings in relation to the Client and any other information related to the Client’s personality (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”).

The Bank processes the Client’s Personal Data to the extent necessary to achieve each of the above goals. The client confirms that given consent is valid for the period of storage of documents and information containing personal data established current legislation RF and agreements concluded with the Client.

The Client has the right to withdraw his consent by sending a corresponding written notice to the Bank at least 3 (three) months before the withdrawal of consent. In case of withdrawal of the Client's consent to the processing of Personal Data, the Bank has the right not to stop processing Personal Data and not to destroy it in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including if the storage period for Personal Data has not expired.

This consent is provided to carry out any actions or set of actions, with or without the use of automation tools, in relation to Personal Data that are necessary or desirable to achieve each of the above purposes, including, without limitation: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage , clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, cross-border transfer of Personal Data, obtaining an image by photographing, as well as carrying out any other actions with the Client’s Personal Data with taking into account current legislation.

The processing of Personal Data is carried out by the Bank using the following main methods (but not limited to): storage, recording on electronic media and their storage, compiling lists, labeling. The Client acknowledges and confirms that, if necessary, the Bank has the right to entrust the processing of Personal Data, as well as transfer Personal Data to achieve the above purposes, for archival storage purposes, for the purpose of debt collection to a third party (including OSG Records Management LLC, 127083 , Russia, Moscow, 8 Marta st., 14, building 1, JSC " Insurance Company MetLife", 127015, Moscow, st. Butyrskaya, 76, building 1, LLC "Telekontakt", 142191, Moscow, Orlikov lane, building 3 building "B", LLC "SK" Raiffeisen Life ", 115230, Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky proezd, 10, building 1, Liberty Insurance JSC, 196084, St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr. 79A, lit. A, SPAO "RESO-Garantiya", 117105, Moscow, Nagorny proezd, 6, JSC "Intach Insurance", 127018, Moscow, st. Sushchevsky Val, 18, OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie, 115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31, building B, Renaissance Insurance Group LLC, 115114, Moscow, Derbenevskaya embankment, 7 building 22, SK LLC VTB Insurance» 101000, Moscow, Chistoprudny Boulevard, 8, building 1, ERV Travel Insurance JSC 119049, Moscow, 4th Dobryninsky lane, 8, office C 14-01, Medlabel LLC (AP Companies ) 117152, Moscow, Zagorodnoye shosse, 1, building 1, Filbert LLC, 198095 St. Petersburg, st. Marshala Govorova, 35 k.5 lit. Zh, Everest LLC, 109147, Moscow, st. Marksistskaya, 34 k.8 room 2, JSC "Financial Agency for Collection of Payments", 109044, Moscow, st. Krutitsky Val, 14, LLC "Bureau" credit security"Russkollektor", 129515, Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 13, building 1, Sequoia Credit Consolidation JSC, 127473, Moscow, st. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, building 2, Stolichnoe AVD LLC, 107564, Moscow, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 2 building 2 room 5, Creditexpress Finance LLC, 127055, Moscow, st. Butyrsky Val, 68/70 building 1, M.B.A. LLC Finance", 115191, Moscow, per. B. Starodanilovsky, 2 building 7 floor 3, Agency LLC judicial recovery", 194100, St. Petersburg, ave. Lesnoy, 63 litera A, Trade and Shopper Marketing LLC, 119334, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 3, JSC "Prime Club" Moscow, Roshchinskaya 2nd street, 4, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, 1030, Austria, Vienna, Am Stadtpark 9, Abi LLC, 127273, Moscow, st. Otradnaya, building 2B, building 6, office 12, Kofax Schweiz AG, 6343, Switzerland, Rotkreuz, Grundstrasse 14, iB Group LLC, 115088, Moscow, st. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 1, office ET 9 K 2, Kaspersky Lab JSC, 125212, Moscow, Leningradskoye Shosse, building 39a building 2, as well as other non-credit and non-banking organizations), as well as when involving third parties in the provision of services, transfer by the Bank of its functions and powers to another person (assignment, including for considering the possibility of assignment and making a decision on assignment, pledge, owned by the Bank rights, etc.).