Purchase of assets of enterprises in crisis. The most reliable assets for investment Where is the asset

Anything that brings money into your pocket is called an asset. Passive - accordingly, everything that takes this money out of your pocket. This is the most general and simplest definition of an asset and a liability. Acquiring assets and getting rid of liabilities is all the necessary amount of knowledge that is necessary in order to become rich (according to Robert Kiyosaki).

In spite of apparent simplicity and unambiguity, often people confuse these two concepts or take one for the other. It is all the more important to clearly understand for yourself what assets and liabilities really are and why you need to get rid of some of them, and attract others in every possible way.

What are assets and liabilities

An asset is, in other words, something that is capable of generating cash flow(cashflow). Or is it something that you already have, and you are going to sell IT in the future and get more money for IT than you spent.

What can act as an asset?

  • Leased property. Generates cash flow to the owner.
  • Long-term investment shares (buy & hold strategy). Over long periods of time, the portfolio of shares of successful companies grows in value, which means that in 5-10 years the shares can be sold at a considerable profit. In addition, dividends are already being paid on shares.
  • Bank deposit.
  • Equity securities (shares) investment funds(Mutual funds)
  • Any other items leased by the owner for the purpose of making a profit (equipment, car, etc.)

However, the apartment in which you live and for which you pay with your money, buy furniture there, is not an asset. This is definitely a liability.

Just like private car that will be a liability requiring care and investment until you start renting it out or working on it in a taxi. Only then will it become a money-making asset.

A liability is something that, as mentioned above, takes money away. Bank loans, for which we pay interest, our housing and cars are all liabilities.

Nevertheless, it will not be possible to completely get rid of insidious liabilities. Otherwise, you will have to be forced to lower your standard of living. The correct strategy is to strike a reasonable balance between assets and liabilities. Do not seek to acquire all the unthinkable luxury goods. Do not voluntarily plunge yourself into the bondage of bank loans.

Assets provide that very financial independence when money is already working for a person, and not vice versa. By purchasing assets, we provide ourselves in the long term a comfortable existence.

But what about the huge mansions and luxury cars of the rich? - some will ask. And they can afford it, too, thanks to the return on assets.

A financially educated person who knows exactly what can make him rich will seek to limit his liabilities and gain knowledge of how to acquire assets. While the majority of illiterate people do just the opposite.

  • It is better to acquire real estate as an asset abroad, in an economically stable state. There you can find really very affordable housing, which you can then rent out and receive an income of up to 30% per annum.
  • If there is not enough money to buy, housing can be purchased on credit. For example, using the services of banks in Cyprus or Portugal. This is a profitable option as bank rate on lending abroad below the inflation rate in Russia.
  • Or if you do not want to bind yourself credit liabilities you can buy real estate at the initial stage of construction, and then sell it profitably.
  • And finally passive income will bring shares of a company that has established itself in the market and is developing steadily. The next time you sell, the shares will also bring you a profit.

If you have no idea where you can get funds for the acquisition of assets, try, on the advice of Robert Kiyosaki, to save ten percent of each salary and spend it only on investing in assets. You will be surprised at the results of such a seemingly simple action.

As an afterword

Think a little about yourself, try on all of the above. What do you have at the moment? If from the available assets you only have a job and debentures on bank loans- think about where you are going, in the right direction and what awaits you at the end of the road - wealth or a vicious circle of poverty.


This video covers assets and liabilities.

Do you want to get rich? It's just not to think about how to live from paycheck to paycheck, but to know for sure that in any case, a certain amount will arrive on your bank account every month?

Then you have to spend short course applied accounting for home use and understand what your individual assets and liabilities are, what makes a person richer, and what invariably leads to poverty.


Any balance sheet consists of two parts: an asset and a liability. But we will not deal with the intricacies of accounting, we will understand one thing for ourselves: an asset is something that makes a profit, and a liability is something that takes a profit, that is, your money.

With regard to your own wallet, you can say this: sources that generate income (various kinds of business, salary) are an asset, and sources that require spending (utility bills, car insurance, loans, taxes, etc.) are a liability.

This concept was described very well by Robert Kiyosaki. The table below clearly shows what brings in income and what takes it away:

A simple diagram by Robert Kiyosaki showing us how the sources of assets and liabilities affect.

But money can also enter the wallet in different ways. If this is borrowed money, then we will have to give it back, and sometimes even with interest. Then it is no longer an asset, but a full-fledged and burdensome liability. Own cash flow management - the main task, which stands in front of a person who wants to achieve sustainable well-being.

How to create an asset

Your assets can be.

  • and purchase
  • PAMM accounts
  • Business, etc.

Financial literacy

Even at the most basic level, it can contribute to the formation of the worldview of a wealthy person. And the rich man really thinks differently. His thought is not aimed at spending his savings and buying another yacht. He is puzzled first of all by increasing his capital, which will be profitable.

In order to live without knowing a special need, you need to keep your assets and liabilities in balance. Try to list your own assets: most people have only one number in this column - their monthly salary. But the liability will be overloaded. There will be utility bills, and expenses for the maintenance of oneself and the family, and debts, and payments on loans.

Yours from external circumstances begins when the increase in the column of assets and the decrease in liabilities begins. And here it is not a matter of increasing the figure, which denotes monthly income in the form of a salary. It is important to increase assets in a qualitative state and reduce liabilities in quantitative terms. As boring as it sounds, but we need to learn how to correctly save the money received. And instead of unreasonable and unnecessary spending, invest in the acquisition of assets.

Ideally, assets generate income for their owner without his participation. For example, you put money on a deposit. The bank charges you interest, your participation in the formation of income ended on the procedure for making an initial deposit. Then the asset is formed independently. Subsequently, your management of the created asset can continue in the direction of its increase: you can replenish your account, transfer money to a deposit with more favorable interest, withdraw money and invest it in stocks, gold, etc.

So your "active" speaker will multiply and diversify. The day will come when you will not need to worry about losing your paycheck. The money invested earlier will work for you. And if you continue the process of investing money in profitable financial instruments, you will be able to consider yourself a wealthy person.

Below you will find some helpful articles to help you take your first steps towards financial independence:

So what is the difference between the rich and the poor? Rich man:

  • Constantly trains the mind to develop new ways to make money out of money.
  • He is not afraid of healthy risk when investing finances, he takes every chance that comes up, believes in a happy coincidence.
  • Practices constant self-discipline in spending funds.
  • Focused on the goal of increasing its own assets.
  • Invests money profitably, prefers long-term planning.
  • Does not strive for immediate benefits.


To achieve sustainable prosperity, it is not enough just to learn how to make money. To reduce the share of liabilities in your balance sheet, you need to learn constant self-control in spending and spend money so that the liability turns into an asset as a result.

For example, let's say you decide to invest in real estate. If it will be used by you personally, then, despite such a seemingly significant purchase, indicating the availability of finance, it will be an unequivocal liability for you. After all, you will have to pay for the maintenance of the apartment, utility bills, and make repairs from time to time.

And if the same purchased apartment will be used for renting, and the amount of monthly income from its delivery will exceed the costs of maintenance and operation, then the apartment can be recognized as an asset, because you receive income from owning this property.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few practical advice to master the skills of a rich person.

  • Learn to manage your money.
  • Chat with wealthy people and observe their financial mentality, learn from them.
  • Master financial literacy.
  • Get ready to change your old money habits and break down the psychological barrier that separates you from wealth.
  • Constantly strive to reduce liabilities, avoid debt and loans, control unproductive expenses.

Where do you get the assets? How to earn money? and Where can I find business ideas?

Not everyone who strives to make a million earns it, but those who do not strive will never earn it. The basic tenet of how to get rich is that wealth is the result of action, not knowledge. A rich person is a person with an income opportunity. That is, in broad understanding- this is what brings you profit, and not necessarily just money. The actions of those who strive to get rich (and this is exactly what they should strive for) should be aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of their assets.

Where do you get the assets? How to make money and where to find business ideas? There are two options: you can buy them, you can start creating them. There are also rare cases, such as inheritance, but we will not consider them due to their uniqueness.

To buy an asset, you need money. And more often than not, a lot. So, in order to get rich, you must already be so. It turns out a vicious circle. What if there is no money? Then the necessary must be created. You cannot create assets or figure out how to get rich without controlling your money. You should constantly monitor your income and expenses, and spend less in each month than you earn. You can also borrow funds. For example, I already wrote about starting a business.

The rest of the funds should be invested, for example, open a deposit in a bank, purchase securities, etc. This stock cannot be spent on buying a TV, car or on vacation. This is your stock - the beginning and basis of future wealth. You need to start such actions even if you have a small income. Keeping track of this will allow you to develop a good money management habit.

Goal setting is also very important - it's a very powerful tool. A correctly set goal, also approved in writing, has the ability to come true. Therefore, be sure to set yourself a clear goal and write it down. But what is “correct target”? This is the goal from which it is clear what needs to be done. For example, finding 5 new customers a day is a goal, but buying a car or increasing income by $ 1000 per month is a wish. Wishes are always the first to come to mind, but here you need to understand what goals to set for yourself so that these wishes can come true.

We have determined how to do this. But what to do? Where to start without any assets. Here the Internet can come to the rescue, its advantage is that it can always be at hand and available at any time of the day. But remember that there is no freebie on the World Wide Web and is not expected, although many people understand this when they go a long and difficult path, meeting all kinds of scams and pyramids on their way.

So where to start your online career? How to get rich? Where to get business ideas?

There are a lot of options, but for each his own. First, analyze your potential, and the availability of free time. The availability of free time is important at first for making money online, since at the start, working on the Internet takes a lot of time. Small free funds in the form of web money will be a good help, although this item is not required, but it can speed up your career.

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Absolutely all successful people on the planet have their own assets. This is one of the best ways to get passive income by investing just a certain amount of funds once. An asset is, in fact, a money generator that works around the clock without the participation of an investor. An asset generates money regardless of what its owner is doing. How to acquire assets in our country if there is no start-up capital?

Assets can be different in value, so it is not necessary to immediately count on the acquisition of three room apartment... You can start with small investment gradually increasing their savings and acquiring new assets.

Popular assets

  • The property. The most common and highly reliable asset that consistently brings passive income. To acquire this type of asset, you need an impressive, initial capital.
  • Stock. With knowledge in the field of investing in stocks, you can acquire profitable assets. The share market is developing every year, therefore it has good prospects for acquiring new assets.
  • Share in the business. Big business often has several founders who manage their shares in the company. With good organization and management of the company, you can receive passive income from your share in the business.


Small investments can be initially deposited with the bank at interest. A bank deposit is also an asset that can be used profitably. Having a good amount in the bank account, you can receive passive income for life. It is better to invest in deposits different banks and in different currencies.

For novice investors, the first acquisition can be a garage in a cooperative. This asset is not so expensive compared to housing, but brings a stable monthly income. Having several garages in the cooperative, the investor will receive passive income while going about his business.

With a certain start-up capital, many people start to acquire assets from real estate. This market is full of offers from which to find profitable options to invest your funds. Renting out real estate will allow you to receive a stable cash flow.

It is possible to acquire assets without having initial capital... Acquisition of real estate on credit for its subsequent lease can be an excellent way to generate passive income. You just need to competently approach the choice of real estate and find profitable proposition on a loan.

Calculate your strength if you buy real estate on credit. Otherwise, the asset can turn into a liability, which will pull money from the investor. Do not make risky transactions, buy only reliable real estate options that can be immediately rented out and start earning income from them.

Save 10% of your earnings from all your assets and invest them in other liabilities. This will allow each year to increase its turnover by acquiring new assets. Within 3-5 years passive income will be increased significantly.

Question: The cost of repaying a loan is higher than the cost of renting a home, how to acquire assets in this case?
Answer: It seems only at first glance. Need to know market value lease of real estate and build on this figure when consulting a bank regarding a loan.

Question: Is it bank deposit can be considered an asset?
Answer: The asset brings in additional money, the bank deposit also multiplies money.

Question: How can I purchase assets abroad?
Answer: If we talk about real estate, it is quite easy to buy it abroad or take out a loan. Banks are loyal to investors in our country and provide favorable interest rates.

Assets and liabilities - what are they? Despite the seeming simplicity for many, these two concepts cause difficulties, and for others it is something from the field accounting... In fact, everything is not so scary. Your material well-being directly depends on how you distribute the ownership of assets and liabilities.

So what are liabilities? And what are assets?

Let's not go into the jungle of scientific financial definitions and terms. Let's formulate everything very simply and clearly.

Assets are what brings you money.

Liabilities are what takes your money.

Types of assets and liabilities


Assets include all of your financial investments, which:

  1. generate constant financial (passive) income
  2. and / or increase in value over time.

In fact, there are a great many assets. Here are just the most famous and popular ones:

  1. Bank deposits. Money invested at interest in the bank and making a profit.
  2. Bonds. Profit is generated by coupon yield, charged in a certain period of time. Usually once a quarter or six months, a year. By purchasing long-term bonds, you can create a constant source of profit for years to come.
  3. Stock. Here we can make a profit in two directions at once. Firstly, buying shares is buying a piece of business, which will increase in price over time, which means that the value of your shares will also increase. Second, buying dividend shares, you have the right to count on an annual distribution of profits in proportion to the shares you have purchased.
  4. The property. Practically the most reliable way to make a profit. By investing in the purchase of this asset, you guarantee yourself a constant cash flow from rental income. And the value of real estate itself is only growing from year to year. There is a similar picture of earning income here as from buying stocks.
  5. Mutual funds and other investments. Assets for the lazy. Suitable for those who do not want to puzzle over the question: where to invest their money? You put your finances under the control of professionals who have much more knowledge about financial instruments, and therefore can use your money more efficiently. Of course, not for nothing. They will have to pay a certain percentage.
  6. Borrowed money. This is also an asset. Of course, if you borrow for a reason. And you have your own financial interest. Otherwise, you have not an asset, but a liability.
  7. Buying assets that will grow in value over time. What are these assets? Gold, silver and others precious metals... Collectibles: paintings, stamps, rare coins. In general, everything that is constantly growing from year to year.


  1. Mortgage loans.
  2. Consumer loans taken for the purchase of things, travel, entertainment.
  3. All your movable and real estate(apartment, car, household appliances, gadgets, things, etc.). Yes Yes. Everything you own and use in your daily life is liabilities.
  4. Borrowed money. Even if you were given a loan out of friendship, given the fact that you only need to return the principal amount, without any interest, this is also a liability.

For a better understanding, let's fix it with an example.

Let's say you suddenly became the owner of 3 million rubles. It doesn't matter where. Fell from the sky, won the lottery, found on the street, inherited.

How can they be disposed of?

You can buy an apartment with this money. V good area, in good condition. In general, liquid real estate, for which there is a constant demand and which, if necessary, can be easily rented out or sold without problems over time.

After purchasing, you rented it out for 15 thousand a month. It is 180 thousand rubles a year. We remove utility bills and other current payments from this amount - we get about 140 thousand a year.

Buying this asset (real estate), we generated a monthly constant income in the form rent... Those. the asset will bring us money.

But this is not yet the most important thing. There is an invisible tax in the world called inflation. Those. every year, thanks to her, everything in the world is becoming more expensive. And real estate is no exception. Typically, it grows 15-20% per year. Even if you take a modest 15% increase in value per year, then after 3 years, your apartment will cost not 3 million, but 4.5 million. Those. in 3 years you will become 1.5 million richer.

And rent will only grow every year.

If you add up total income from the increase in value and from renting, we get that in 3 years you will become richer by about 2 million.

And one could have acted differently. Many people adhere to the principle of money in life, "came easy, easy left." You think the same. And with the money that suddenly fell on you, they decided to buy an excellent (expensive) car for 3 million. As soon as you left the car dealership, the car will immediately lose 10-20 percent in price. Add here annual expenses for insurance, parking, car wash, gasoline, maintenance, tuning and so on. This car will pull at least 300 thousand a year.

And if after 3 years you decide to sell it, you can get about half of it for it. original cost... Those. in 3 years you have lost 1.5 million. Plus, each year of its operation costs you about 300 thousand, for 3 years it is about a million.

In total, 3 years of car operation will cost you 2.5 million.

In the first case, when we invested in an asset, we received 2 million, and in the second case, buying a liability, we became poorer by 2.5 million.

Of course, these are the 2 most extreme cases. But I think it is precisely in such contrasts that it will be easier for you to understand the difference between liabilities and assets.

What to do with assets and liabilities?

Of course, in life you cannot do without liabilities. Our entire life practically consists of liabilities and it is impossible to completely eliminate them. Clothes, food, technology - this is what we use every day. The main thing here is to find a balance. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the profit received from assets exceeds the cost of liabilities.

Of course, you will not be able to change the situation every second. This is not a quick process. It takes many years.

To start:

  1. Determine the size of your liabilities, i.e. your current needs or monthly expenses
  2. See what you can refuse, or something you can cut. Let's say you spend a lot of money on entertainment (restaurants, clubs, etc.), or on the purchase of unnecessary or expensive things.
  3. Now define your assets. Those. what bring you money. What monthly cash flow do they bring to you.
  4. Now compare the difference between your assets and liabilities. Those. how much money you spend and how much money your assets bring you.
  5. you need to strive to ensure that the income from assets exceeds your expenses from liabilities.

Assuming for a start, set yourself a goal to reach an income from assets in the amount of 10% of your liabilities. Further by 20%, etc. Break the global goal into many smaller ones. So you will be the result of your little achievements and constantly go forward.