Can Sberbank give a deferment on a loan? How to get a deferment on a loan from Sberbank

According to statistics, approximately 70% of all Russian credit borrowers at least once, but have encountered a situation where you need to introduce the established banking agreement monthly amounts to repay the loan becomes almost unrealistic. Moreover, the need to suspend payments arises in any bank. Including clients of the largest credit and financial institution in the Russian Federation - Sberbank. This raises the question: how to get a deferment on a loan from Sberbank? This article examines situations and options that apply only to individuals. Resolving issues regarding restructuring of a loan issued legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is a separate topic.

We must warn you that obtaining such an indulgence can be a very labor-intensive process. The financial institution, on the one hand, is interested in the client maintaining solvency and paying the due amount in full, including interest. This is a plus for decisions regarding confirmation of a deferment or change in loan terms. But on the other hand, the bank is also interested in the borrower repaying the loan as quickly as possible. And preferably in the amount that was established in the terms of the loan agreement. Therefore, it is still quite difficult to achieve a deferment on a loan from Sberbank. A compelling reason and its documentary evidence will be required.

Valid reasons for deferment from the banks' point of view

Until recently, Sberbank supported a very convenient option for its clients. Without much paperwork and tedious proof of the need to suspend payments, almost any borrower could quickly obtain a month-long deferment. That is, without any penalties, changes in lending conditions and accrual additional interest the client just missed it once monthly payment. Such a short-term respite could help solve some minor financial difficulties and return to regular payments. However, this was the case before the crisis. Today Sberbank canceled this service. Therefore, in any case, you will have to go through thorns in order to achieve a reprieve. From the bank’s point of view, what reasons are considered valid for an institution to suspend credit obligations or restructured the loan?

  • loss of the main source of income, and in 90% of all credit situations This is hired labor for wages. Moreover, voluntary dismissal or dismissal for dishonest work is not considered a valid reason. Only staff reduction, business closure or forced job change, for example due to relocation;
  • temporary or permanent disability of the borrower (usually a period of illness or disability and permanent medical support);
  • the need to pay for the treatment of a loved one;
  • death of one of the family members (especially important if the deceased family member contributed a share to the total family budget);
  • birth of a child and child support (up to the age of three);
  • the appearance of a dependent (for example, taking guardianship of a minor);
  • moving to another locality;
  • various force majeure circumstances beyond the control of the client and causing losses (the car crashed in an accident, the house was damaged by fire, attackers cleaned out the apartment, etc.).

Confirmation of a difficult financial situation with documents

Apart from a couple of points, the rest, of course, will not bring joy. Even purely psychologically, a person may not be able to repay some loans. But the main thing is that all of the above items entail an increase in financial costs. Sometimes such that the size exceeds the monthly loan payments. To have a real chance of deferring payment or restructuring the loan, you will have to take care of documentary evidence of the reason. Based on the reasons listed above, the following documents may be needed:

  • an entry from the employer in the work book about forced layoffs, tax certificate according to form 2-NDFL, which may reflect negative changes in the client’s income;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate that the woman is in maternity leave in connection with the birth of a child;
  • death certificate of a loved one;
  • certificate of receipt of guardianship;
  • a doctor’s certificate of illness / certificate of disability - from the borrower himself or his relative (it is advisable that all necessary medications are indicated, since if the drugs are expensive, this will also be a plus for the client);
  • papers proving a change of permanent residence (for example, a change in registration in a passport);
  • documents proving unexpected material losses (for example, an accident report, a damage assessment report for the destruction of housing, etc.).

Options for easing the credit burden

Sberbank may grant a deferment of loan payments if it considers that circumstances really do not allow continuing to repay credit debt. The problem is that Russia has not developed a clear scheme for suspending credit collections and changing them in favor of the client. How to get a deferment in conditions when banks have tightened policies due to the crisis? This is problem. But in any case, the borrower will need to visit the bank, where it is necessary to fill out an application form with a corresponding request. Of course, you need a passport. And a document confirming the specified reason for the borrower’s financial difficulties. It is recommended to do this immediately after making the last payment, i.e., so that there is about a month left before the next payment. Since the client's request banking organization will consider it for two weeks or even a little longer. Each bank has its own policy. This is especially true for private establishments. But at Sberbank it is quite possible to defer payment if the circumstances are truly objective. What options can the institution’s staff offer? In general, there are five such options:

  1. For a certain period, the borrower will only pay interest, and credit loan will not decrease. Main disadvantage this method is that the loan itself will remain unchanged in amount. This means when the agreed upon ends Grace period, you will have to start paying off the loan, taking into account the same interest. That is, there is a large percentage overpayment.
  2. For a certain period, the borrower will pay only installments to repay exclusively the body of the loan, without interest charges. The option is quite convenient, since the principal loan amount is main source, from which are accrued annual interest. But after leveling the loan body, problems may arise with calculating the interest that the client must pay. Some banks have even used this deferment method as a means of extracting extra cash from customers by charging interest on the interest. It is necessary in advance, together with the bank’s specialists, to accurately calculate how much will remain to be paid in annual interest.
  3. The best and most desirable option for a borrower is to write off the loan debt altogether. However, officially and voluntarily, the bank rarely does this for obvious reasons. For financial organization these will be 100% pure costs. In rare cases, when the loan amount is small by banking standards (close to a microloan), the institution may, as they say, “give up”. Otherwise, a credit debt is canceled only through a court decision. Or after the statute of limitations has expired (3 years), but with it a lot of problems also arise that are not worth going into now.
  4. Although the already mentioned “vacation for a month” program was canceled, but in individually Sberbank occasionally gives clients breaks when they don’t have to pay anything at all. The duration of such “vacations” varies from one to several months.
  5. The last method is the most diverse. In principle, this is debt restructuring. A loan from Sberbank can be reviewed in all respects. What changes in lending conditions can specialists offer to the borrower in order to ease his financial burden? Firstly, the reduction interest rate which will reduce the size monthly payments. Secondly, a change in the frequency of contributions. For example, not every month, but once every six months. Sometimes it is more convenient for clients to deposit larger amounts, but less frequently. Thirdly, partial write-off of the debt amount, i.e. reducing the loan amount. Typically, banks carry out such promotions through refinancing. Fourthly, increasing the loan term, i.e. stretching the loan over time, which will also reduce the amount of monthly payments. But this has its limits. Consumer loan cannot be extended for longer than 7 years, and the mortgage cannot be extended for 35 years. Finally, fifthly, the bank can leave the terms of the loan the same, but no penalty interest will be charged for any delays. Debt under such conditions will accumulate only purely from monthly contributions.

The main thing is that when we're talking about to defer payment on a loan from Sberbank, all applications are considered on an individual basis. There is no single program that addresses the problem of borrowers at or near default. It is important to provide only accurate information. Otherwise, the bank, having discovered a discrepancy, may not only not cooperate, but also file a lawsuit alleging fraud. This article discusses all the main points regarding loan review for those clients who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. At least within one financial organization - Sberbank. Although general scheme is the same in all banks.

When applying for a loan, few borrowers think about what will happen if it is not possible to pay the obligations one day. And if you violate the terms of the contract, this entails unpleasant consequences in the form of fines, additional interest and penalties. But banks are ready to accommodate respectable borrowers if there really is a good reason why the client cannot make the next payment. Next, we will consider whether a deferment on a loan from Sberbank is possible, because many borrowers prefer to take out loans here.

Does Sberbank provide for a loan deferment?

When issuing a loan, the lender has one goal - to make a profit from the interest on the loan. Therefore, if the borrower has not made the next payment, the bank will inquire about the reason for the lack of payment. There is no point in hiding from security calls, this will only make the situation worse. On the contrary, it makes more sense to come to a bank branch and bring with you evidence of temporary financial insolvency.

Each case is considered individually by the bank, and yes, it is quite possible to defer a loan from Sberbank. But rest assured, the lender will carefully vet the borrower before approving a loan deferment. The reason for refusal is a damaged credit history or suspicion of fraudulent actions on the part of the client.

Before going to the bank, prepare documents that will confirm your temporary financial insolvency.

As mentioned earlier, Sberbank of Russia is ready to treat the problems of its borrowers with understanding, because cooperation with collection agencies and litigation is not beneficial to either side. Therefore, depending on the life situation, the bank is ready to provide the client not only with a deferment, but also with debt restructuring or loan refinancing. In fact, both of them involve applying for a new loan, which means you need to collect documents again and submit an application to the bank. To begin with, it is better to think about how to get a deferment on a loan from Sberbank and what this will require from the client.

Reasons for insolvency

Before going to the bank, you need to prepare a document that will indicate that the client cannot pay the loan. By the way, the reason must be truly valid, these include:

  • job loss;
  • decrease in level wages;
  • illness or injury, with long period treatment;
  • emergency situation, such as fire;
  • maternity or child care leave;
  • large amounts of payments for loans from other banks;

In general, the reason must be truly valid, the bank will check all the information, so try to collect as much evidence as possible. Each individual case is considered individually by the lender, so this is an incomplete list of reasons why a client is forced to ask for a loan deferment.

The process of applying for a deferment

So, now we’ll look in detail at how to get a deferment on a loan from Sberbank. First step: you need to come to the bank and write an application for an installment plan under a loan agreement. This application can be written at home, but to do this you need to find a form to fill out; this is not difficult to do on the Internet. Then you need to contact the bank’s credit department and submit the application to the manager.

Sample application to the bank for deferred payment

Don’t forget to take a copy of your application with the bank’s mark; it will confirm that the application was accepted and registered, so that there are no problems later controversial situations with the creditor.

The bank has 2 weeks to consider the application. During this period, the creditor checks the authenticity of the submitted documents, looks into credit history client and makes a decision. If the decision is negative, although the reason for the application is truly valid or, in other words, the deterioration of the borrower’s financial situation was not due to his fault, then you can go to court. To file a claim, you will need a loan agreement, a copy of the application, evidence of temporary financial insolvency and a passport.

If the bank makes a positive decision, then you will need to come to the bank branch and resolve the debt issue with the credit manager. It is impossible to predict in advance what the decision will be, because each client has a separate approach, the bank may offer to open new loan to refinance loans, including from other banks, to extend the term of the loan agreement, thereby reducing the size of the monthly payment. By the way, the lender takes into account the interests of the borrower and makes offers as convenient as possible for him.

The bank may offer different deferment options, for example, under an additional agreement, the borrower will only pay interest on the loan for a certain period. Or the bank will revise the payment schedule. In general, everything largely depends on the client’s situation.

You can request a deferment for all types of loans, including consumer and mortgage.

Delay in childbirth

Often the reason for the inability to pay a loan is an addition to the family. Sometimes this event is quite difficult to predict, and with the arrival of a baby in the house, it is quite difficult to optimize your expenses and competently plan the family budget. Of course, the birth of a child is a valid reason for providing an installment loan. And the creditor is ready to make concessions not only to the mother who is on maternity leave or parental leave, but also to the father, if the agreement was concluded with him.

So, how to defer payment on a loan from Sberbank if a child appears in the family. Submit your application and documents to the bank and wait 2 weeks; after making a positive decision, you need to come back to the credit department and select current offers.

The bank will also offer several options, for example, changing the payment schedule or extending the term of the agreement. Please pay Special attention

the fact that the bank offers a deferment of repayment of the loan principal, but interest will have to be paid in the same mode, unless the bank reduces the interest rate, and this happens extremely rarely. The bank has a different attitude towards young families who took out a mortgage loan from the bank. When the first child is born, the bank gives a “vacation” of 3 years, and when the second child appears, 5 years.

It’s the same here, you have to pay interest monthly. Although whether or not to use this opportunity is up to the clients to decide for themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages In a stressful situation, the borrower is unlikely to think about whether it is beneficial for him to ask for a deferment or not. Of course, when there is nothing to pay at all, the client is ready to agree to any conditions of the lender, even if they are extremely unfavorable for him. For example, deferring payment of the principal debt is a pointless exercise, sometimes, especially mortgage loan

, the interest far exceeds the principal. In fact, by agreeing to such conditions, the client increases the amount of overpayment.

Undoubtedly, loan refinancing is a more profitable and acceptable measure for the client. Only here you will have to apply for a loan again and until this moment there should be no debts to banks. Otherwise, the client has only one real option, and this is a deferment of payment on the loan. Sberbank, by the way, is not obliged to provide it by law, the decision remains solely with the lender.

But there are also many advantages to deferment, for example, you will not pay fines and penalties because you are late in payment. And if the loan is secured by collateral, then the deferment is a real salvation, because real estate is usually used as collateral.

In general, when force majeure occurs, the main thing is to remain calm and not shy away from calls from the creditor. After all, he is most interested in returning borrowed money and percent. Even if there are current overdue loans, still go to the bank; perhaps, together with the lender, you will be able to find a compromise that will suit both parties.

Deferment of payment on a Sberbank loan is possible only if there are compelling reasons. All that is required from the applicant is to write a corresponding application and collect required package papers After this, the terms of the loan will be revised. If the bank gives an unreasonable refusal, then you need to contact certain authorities. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Is deferment of loan payments at Sberbank allowed for individuals?

The bank may postpone the payment due date. This is done in two ways:

  1. Postponement. Provided for a period of one year. The procedure involves transferring payments on the main loan, but the client will have to pay the accrued interest. The bank allows you to significantly reduce the monthly payment amount until your financial problems are resolved.
  2. Restructuring. The method involves changing the terms of the loan. There are two restructuring options. The first is an increase in the loan term. The second is changing the payment date.

Which borrowers can take advantage of the deferment

Is it possible to defer payment on a loan from Sberbank? Every borrower has this right, but this will require compelling reasons. If there are no reasons, the bank will not be able to satisfy the client’s request.

Good reasons for delay

Since you can take out a deferment on a loan from Sberbank only if there are compelling reasons, you need to familiarize yourself with their list. Let's consider in what cases the bank will not refuse a deferment:

  1. Dismissal from the workplace. To confirm the existence of a reason, the bank must present a work book, a certificate from the Employment Center or a document confirming the amount of wages.
  2. Birth of a child. This reason is determined by law Russian Federation, according to which the period is extended by one year (at the discretion of the bank, the period can be extended to three years). To confirm the birth of the child, you will need to provide a birth certificate.
  3. Loss of ability to work. These may be temporary health problems or disabilities. To confirm the grounds, a medical certificate or expert opinion is presented to the bank.
  4. Illness of a relative, for the treatment of which it is necessary to spend a large sum money. Medical bills and certificates from medical institutions will be required to confirm expenses.
  5. Force Majeure. The bank provides a deferred payment in any unforeseen circumstances that entail large financial losses. Documents from the police, medical institutions and other authorities will be required for confirmation.
  6. Other circumstances that are considered by the bank on an individual basis. The client will be required to submit a package of documents that can fully characterize the current situation.

Not every application for loan restructuring is approved by the bank. The reason is that there is insufficient evidence presented or the problem is not serious. The commission's suspicions of the possibility of deception or fraud will lead to the refusal of the application.

What is restructuring

Restructuring is a revision of the terms of a loan. Sberbank can change all variables except the principal loan amount. The client can count on an increase in the payment period, a decrease in the interest rate, and a change in currency. Restructuring is granted only if there are grounds for it.

How to apply for a deferment on a loan payment

A deferment is possible only if the established requirements are met. The procedure is carried out in accordance with a single algorithm, regardless of the chosen method and restructuring parameters.

Instructions for action

The client will only need to collect Required documents: passport, loan agreement and confirmation of the grounds for requesting a deferment. Then go to the bank branch, where an employee will help you fill out the application and submit it.

Sample application for a deferment

Selecting Restructuring Options

There are several options for loan restructuring. The client can independently choose the type that suits him:

  1. Extension of loan terms. Prolongation implies an increase in the term of the agreement in order to reduce the size of the monthly payment. But this method will increase the amount of the total overpayment.
  2. Credit holidays. The most common method of restructuring. In this case, the debtor is given a certain period of time to restore his financial situation, during which the payment of the principal loan or accrued interest is “frozen.”
  3. Changing the loan currency. This is an inconvenient way for a bank to change lending conditions, since this reduces the organization’s profit. A surge in filing applications for restructuring by changing the currency occurred in 2014.
  4. Refinancing. Transfer of a loan to another bank under new conditions.
  5. Decrease in interest rate. Only clients with an impeccable credit history can use this method.

Accepted procedure for postponing loan payments

To get a deferment, you must follow the following algorithm. Before visiting a bank branch (we go to the branch where the loan agreement was previously concluded or the card was issued), we prepare the necessary package of documents. Next, we make a statement. The petition must accurately describe the reason for the financial difficulties and attach documents confirming the reality of the problem.

All documents are submitted to the commission for consideration. The decision will be made within two weeks. Until a positive verdict is reached regarding the deferment or restructuring of the loan, the client must fulfill his obligations by repaying the debt. If the application is approved, a new loan agreement will be drawn up.


If there are grounds, any client will be able to get time or change the terms of the contract in a direction convenient for themselves. Any bank is interested in the creditor being able to return the borrowed funds, so he will be provided with the necessary assistance.

At Sberbank, a deferred payment on a loan can be granted after the debtor formally submits a corresponding application. This possibility exists, but the standard procedure for consumer loans(unlike a mortgage) no, the decision can be made individually. To apply, serious reasons will be required (loss of job, birth of a child, change in health status, etc.). On the official site detailed information and there are no instructions on this issue. It is hardly possible to resolve such an issue over the phone (reviews confirm this fact). Let us consider in detail how to act in the event of debt, and arrange a restructuring or a short deferment (for one or several months).

How to get a deferment on a Sberbank loan

Sberbank is actually the largest bank in the Russian Federation, whose services are used by many residents. Naturally, lending is one of the popular areas of Sberbank’s activities. Like other banks, after the change economic situation in the country, Sber faced non-repayment of loans and overdue payments loan agreements. In such situations, the client is interested in the question: is it possible to defer loan payments at Sberbank? The conditions for mortgage restructuring can only be found out in person.

To write an application

WITH consumer lending obtaining restructuring is more problematic. Most often, these loans are not secured by collateral; banks are reluctant to change the terms current agreement. But, according to current legislation, the borrower, in the event of difficulties with payment, has the right to contact the lending organization for a peaceful resolution of the issue.

According to reviews, deferment of loan payments can be achieved at Sberbank. But for this you will need:

  • submit a corresponding application in person or in writing (such issues cannot be resolved by telephone);
  • draw up an application yourself or with the help of qualified lawyers (it is better not to use the standard form);
  • indicate objective reasons that prevent you from fulfilling your obligations: loss of a job or change in income level, the birth of a child, long-term illness are valid reasons;
  • offer your options for resolving the problem (if a short delay of a month or two, say, if you lose your job, is not of interest to you, it is better to immediately indicate the desired terms.).
  • obligatory condition: the application must be accompanied by documents confirming the reasons for the delay (copy of employment, income certificate, child’s birth certificate, medical certificates).

If the application is sent by mail, then this must be done by registered mail; if the borrower applied in person, then you should receive a note confirming the acceptance of documents for consideration indicating the incoming number. The standard response time is 15 days. If there is no response within this time, then you should proceed to the next step - go to court. Therefore, it is important to keep a receipt for sending a letter or a copy of an application with an incoming number (a telephone conversation cannot be provided as evidence of an attempt at a peaceful settlement).

Reviews confirm that there is no point in waiting for an answer for more than two weeks (say, a month).

Read reviews

If a situation arises in which the borrower is unable to fulfill his obligations to the bank, then action must be taken as quickly as possible. This will avoid the accrual of fines and penalties, which significantly increase the debt. How to apply to Sberbank for a deferred loan payment? Reviews confirm that you should not do this:

  • by phone: solving such problems is beyond the competence of call center operators;
  • online: chatting with a consultant will also not allow you to change the agreement; you will be advised to personally visit the bank and communicate with a loan specialist;
  • in a standard form: such statements often do not contain the necessary points; they are formal. The standard form often does not allow you to express important information, so you shouldn't use it.

Prepare documents

It is better to submit an application for a deferred payment on a loan to Sberbank yourself, making sure to indicate the reasons for the delay (loss of job, transfer to another position with a decrease in salary, birth certificate of a child, divorce) and options for solving the problem.

Important: You must attach documents supporting your application.

It could be:

  • a copy of the work record book (if you lose your job, are transferred to another position, or are sent on leave at your own expense for a period of more than a month);
  • order to transfer to another job with a reduction in pay (a certificate of income for Lately, where its size is indicated);
  • documents confirming a change in marital status: child’s birth certificate, divorce certificate, etc.;
  • medical certificates about illnesses, injuries, and other causes of long-term disability.

Options for solving debt problems at Sberbank

To resolve the debt issue as quickly as possible, you should offer your own solutions (in person, in writing or by phone). It can be:

  • deferment of loan payments from Sberbank for a month, three or six months;
  • restructuring;
  • refinancing.

Be sure to indicate your own methods of further repayment, the actual amount you are willing to pay each month, new loan terms, etc.

Deferred payment on a loan at Sberbank- this is an opportunity for the borrower to at least temporarily reduce the amount of their monthly financial obligations. This service is also provided in other Russian banks. But you can’t always claim it. At Sberbank you will have to follow a certain procedure, collect documents and contact the branch with an application.

What is a deferment?

For clients with complicated financial situation Many banks have developed the ability to defer payments for a certain time. What does it mean? That for a specified time the client is fully or partially released from all obligations to the bank. At the same time, he is not charged fines or penalties, and his credit history does not deteriorate.

If a person needs to defer payment on a loan from Sberbank, an application for restructuring is written. Such a service appeared in this institution not so long ago. For loans, it started in 2016. Today the bank proposes to restructure consumer and mortgage loans, credit cards, but subject to the presence of compelling arguments.

A few years ago, Sberbank implemented the function of obtaining a deferment for a period of a month according to a simplified scheme. That is, a person was freed from his financial obligations for 1 month, after which he again had to make payments on the loan.

Currently, this format of deferment is not practiced, including due to its low efficiency. After all, a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation can very rarely improve the situation in such a short period of time.

In addition, the situations of borrowers require detailed study. Someone will be able to get back on track in 2 - 3 months, but in very difficult situations it may take a year.

Deferred payment options at Sberbank

You can defer payment on a loan at Sberbank today if you have compelling reasons. For the most part, they are all directly or indirectly related to the deterioration financial condition. Traditionally, deferment of payments on Sberbank loans is called restructuring. It can appear in the following forms:

  1. deferment of loan payments for a certain period of time (moreover, most often we are talking about exemption from payment of only the principal debt, that is, the person will still have to repay the interest to the bank);
  2. increasing the loan term and, accordingly, reducing the monthly payment;
  3. changing the frequency of payments (instead of monthly payments, quarterly payments are used or payments are made entirely in accordance with individual schedule- most often this measure is applied in relation to individual entrepreneurs);
  4. reducing the amount of debt through sales collateral property(later the monthly payment or the loan term may be reduced).

After the protracted crisis, Sberbank began to practice another type of restructuring - reducing the interest rate on the current loan. Most often, this measure was used in relation to mortgage loans. Moreover, the bank did not require any valid reasons for reducing interest rates. However, greater priority was given to families with children.

If the borrower is unable to repay the loan to the bank, the borrower may begin to panic. It is very important to calm down as quickly as possible and contact the bank with your problem. Yes, any financial institution is interested in making a profit, but it is ready to make concessions to conscientious clients who themselves addressed the problem and asked for a deferment.

Of course, Sberbank does not respond to every request with consent. He provides support only to those clients whose reasons turn out to be truly valid. These include the following life circumstances:

  • the person was left without work;
  • due to illness or injury, a person is temporarily or completely unable to work;
  • a child appeared in the family;
  • one of the relatives is very ill and needs to be cared for (and the cost of treatment or the need for personal care for the patient may be taken as an argument for deferment);
  • other serious reasons that resulted in a significant decrease in income (for example, the loss of a breadwinner).

But reluctance to pay a loan for a while or the need to buy an expensive phone will not be a valid reason for the bank. The client's application is simply turned down and no deferment is provided.

In addition to good reasons, Sberbank imposes other requirements on borrowers. For example, the bank is ready to work in this vein only with bona fide borrowers who fulfilled their obligations on time before applying for a deferment.

It is also important how long the client pays off the debt and how much he still has left to pay. You can get a deferment on a loan if it is issued no earlier than 3 to 12 months, depending on the loan amount and other conditions. If you have several months left to repay the loan, then the deferment will most likely also be denied due to the inexpediency of such actions.

To receive a deferred payment current loan at Sberbank, the client will have to personally contact the bank with a written application. The document form is usually given on the spot and helps you fill it out if necessary. In addition to the application, you must attach documents confirming a decrease in income or an increase in expenses.

It is important to indicate in your application the reasons for obtaining a deferment. The document should be filled out in 2 copies - you should keep the second one, having first asked a bank specialist to endorse it.

The application is then considered by a special committee. The decision is usually made within 14 days. After which the borrower is informed about the answer. And if it is positive, he is provided with a new payment schedule.

The procedure for applying for a deferment itself is not complicated, the main thing is to prove the seriousness of the situation and provide weighty arguments. And then the bank will most likely meet the client halfway.