300 thousand for the first child, what documents. Overdue changes are being prepared for the “300 thousand for the first-born” project in Bashkiria

In connection with the entry into force of the Decree of the head of Bashkiria on the payment of 300 thousand rubles for the first-born child, many residents of the republic were interested in the question of whether a single mother who gave birth to a child without a spouse has the right to this payment.

This question was answered by Salavat Sagitov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, who is in charge of this topic. He said that only a young family has the right to payment: husband and wife. And he explained that the entire social block of the 2030 Strategy being developed is aimed at the entire family.
“Both the federal government and the republican level of government see family support as a priority, and we must support the family,” said Salavat Sagitov.

300 thousand rubles for the first child in Bashkiria

The Republican State Committee for Construction and Architecture has developed a procedure for young families in the republic to receive 300 thousand rubles for the birth of their first child. The draft government resolution is currently undergoing the necessary approvals.
Let us recall that on February 10, at a meeting on demography and increasing the birth rate in the region, the Head of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov said that he would soon sign a Decree on one-time social payments to young families in the amount of 300 thousand rubles, starting this year for improvement living conditions at the birth of a child.
These funds should help improve the housing situation of young families. To do this from republican budget More than one billion rubles will be allocated.

Conditions for receiving payment:

1. The age of each of the couples who apply for this payment must not exceed 35 years.2. A young family must be recognized as in need of housing.3. The first child must be born between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018 inclusive.

What are these funds allowed to be used for?

300 thousand from the government of the Republic of Belarus can be spent on buying an apartment or house, or finishing construction that has already begun. It is envisaged that families can use this amount to pay off their mortgage. In the latter case, the family must be recognized as needy by the time the mortgage agreement is concluded and the amount of payment will not exceed the amount that the young people have left to repay. Fines, penalties for late payments and commissions will not help pay these 300 thousand.

What kind of housing can you buy?

Housing must be located on the territory of Bashkiria and must be economy class (there are no restrictions regarding square footage). You cannot purchase a house or apartment from relatives, including from parents, grandparents, full and half brothers and sisters. It is also prohibited to buy an apartment in which members of a young family permanently reside. The purchased housing is registered on common property or in the name of one of the spouses.
On this moment Economy class housing includes a house of no more than 4 floors (townhouse) with an area of ​​no more than 200 meters (a plot of no more than 15 acres) or an apartment located in a wooden, brick, large-panel, large-block apartment building(area no higher than 150 meters).

Can it be combined with maternity capital?

Yes. If in specific cases a young family also applies for maternity capital, they can take advantage of both this and this payment. It is not forbidden to use your own savings and take out additional loans.

Where to go and how to get it?

After the rules come into force, you will need to apply for a subsidy to your district administration. In the meantime, you can collect the necessary package of documents. This includes: an application in two copies (one will be returned to the applicant indicating the date the application was accepted), a copy of all completed pages of the passport of each spouse, a copy of the marriage certificate, a copy of the child’s birth certificate, a document confirming that the young family needs housing. The administration will issue a personalized certificate.
The allocated funds are not handed over, they will be transferred to the bank account of the seller or developer, seller building materials or the family account specified in the loan agreement.

25-year-old Azat Muratov was among the 35 lucky ones who were the first to receive certificates worth 300 thousand rubles for the birth of their first child. The young father told the site how he and his wife managed to bypass all bureaucratic barriers and get the coveted payment.

My mother-in-law gave me the idea

Azat heard the cherished “yes” from his chosen one last summer. And already in December, the newly formed Muratov family signed up for a mortgage in a house under construction - the happy spouses were expecting an addition. On February 6, a cheeky little one was born - the question of own housing became more acute than ever: young people wanted independence, but had to live with their parents.

Azat’s mother-in-law came up with the idea: in March, she heard on TV that in the republic they had already begun to give out the coveted 300 thousand for the first-born.

“A good help in paying off the mortgage,” thought the young father. And he began collecting documents.

– Before starting this epic, I carefully studied the issue - I spent a week on the Internet in the evenings. The State Committee of the Republic for Construction and Architecture told me what certificates and papers to collect - I had to go there for a consultation. Collecting all the documents took two months: I had to constantly ask the director for time off and knock on the doorsteps of offices. They began to see me much less often at work,” Azat smiles.

Five families received certificates from the hands of the head of the republic

You can't pay off your mortgage

The application for payment had to indicate what the family was going to spend the government money on. The choice turned out to be small: purchasing a home, paying off a mortgage or building. Of course, our heroes chose to pay off their debt mortgage agreement: paying 20 thousand rubles for 25 years is not a pleasure for the faint of heart.

This was not the case: in order to qualify for this type of government assistance, you must stand in line to improve your living conditions as a needy family. And you should have stood in line even before taking out a mortgage.

I had to rewrite the application.

All papers were collected and submitted only on May 18. Endless days of waiting dragged on. The young parents were not even upset - they say, it was immediately clear that nothing would work out.

The remaining 20 happy couples received certificates from the State Committee for Construction

Suddenly... At the beginning of August, they called from the State Committee: they say, congratulations, come to the presentation of the certificate.

Wow! Not believing his ears, Azat again asked to leave work and on August 11, together with his wife, went to the officials for a secret document.

Five families received certificates personally from the hands of the head of the republic, Rustem Khamitov.

Another 20 lucky couples were presented with certificates by the Chairman of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture, Khalit Makhmudov.

When the euphoria passed, the Muratovs began to think: what should they spend their sudden wealth on now?

“We will no longer be able to pay for the mortgage,” says Azat. - The only one best option– sell the apartment mortgaged to the bank, add 300 thousand on the certificate and buy a new home. There is still time to think - unspent money will only be used up in six months.

Many came with their children

What documents should be prepared to receive 300 thousand for the first child?

You can manage the payment in only three ways: pay for housing purchased or under construction (apartment, room, house), build a residential building or pay off the mortgage.

    To buy or build housing, you need:

  • application for payment;
  • a copy of the applicant’s and spouse’s passport (all completed pages of the document);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the certificate from the registry office about the birth of the child;
  • information about registration at the place of residence of all family members;
  • a copy of the financial personal account (in an apartment building) or an extract from the household ledger (in an individual residential building) for each family member;
  • copies of documents on housing owned by family members, documents on the alienation of housing, if any, for the last five years. You need to take them from the registry office.

2. If you are going to pay off your mortgage, prepare:

  • a document confirming that the family needs to improve their living conditions as of the date of concluding the mortgage agreement;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement;
  • a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for residential premises;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the right to residential premises (in case of purchasing residential premises);
  • copy of the participation agreement shared construction multi-apartment residential building (in case of purchasing residential premises under construction);
  • copy of the contract construction contract(in case of construction of an individual residential building);
  • a certificate about the remaining principal amount and the amount of interest owed for using a mortgage loan.

Are you planning a pregnancy, expecting the birth of a child, or have already experienced the joy of motherhood? One way or another, you decided that it’s time to find out what payments and benefits you can count on when a child is born in 2019. It’s easy to get confused here, which is not surprising, because in our state there are a number of measures to support motherhood and childhood.

In this section, dear visitors, we will try to help you understand the multitude of payments, benefits and other support measures for the birth of a child in 2019. Please note that to select all due payments and benefits, you can use the benefits selection service.

Primary attention should be paid to the following points:

  • payments at the birth of a child can be one-time(paid once) and monthly (paid monthly until the child reaches of a certain age), as well as support measures are provided in the form of a certificate (birth certificate, maternity capital, certificate for the purchase of housing) and benefits (for example, preferential travel or a discount on utility bills).
  • Benefits for the birth of a child at the federal level apply to all citizens, but there are also regional payments - they can be received by residents of certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is the next important point.
  • The number of children born and/or adopted matters!

If you are not officially employed and have not entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund voluntary insurance, then maternity payments (also known as maternity payments) and a one-time benefit upon registration with early dates pregnancy is not allowed.

Now about payments and benefits at the birth of a child in order:

The test showed the coveted two stripes... For further possibility of receiving, you should register with the nearest antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you will most likely need vitamins or medications; more about this in the article Free medications for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

It's time to calculate the amount of maternity benefits that you will receive when you go on maternity leave in a maternity calculator.

Only officially employed women (or individual entrepreneurs who have entered into a voluntary social insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund) at the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy have the right to receive a one-time benefit for women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy.

Payments and benefits for maternity and childbirth from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. When you reach 30 weeks of pregnancy (28 for multiple pregnancies), the antenatal clinic will issue you with a certificate of incapacity for work, which will be required at your place of work to receive maternity benefits (maternity benefits), paid to the employee in the amount of 100% of the average earnings. Maternity benefits are assigned within ten days after all necessary documents. Maternity payments calculator.
  2. The amount of a one-time benefit for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy has been since February 2019 RUB 649.84(in January 2019 - 628.47 rubles). You will need a certificate from a medical institution confirming registration for up to 12 weeks. Documents should be submitted at the place where you receive maternity benefits.
  3. Along with the certificate of incapacity for work, the housing complex will give you a birth certificate. Coupon No. 1 of the birth certificate will remain in the antenatal clinic, you will need coupon No. 2 in the maternity hospital, and coupon No. 3 - in the children's clinic.
  4. Perhaps your constituent entity of the Russian Federation pays additional regional benefits for the birth of a child. Muscovites are paid 600 rub. for registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Payments and benefits after the birth of a child

  1. One-time benefit for the birth of a child. The amount of the benefit remains in 2019 in the amount RUB 16,870.
  2. A monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years is paid in the amount of 40% of the average income for the previous two years before the onset of pregnancy to the person actually on parental leave and caring for the child (can be mother, father, grandmother and other relatives relatives). Minimum amount monthly allowance care since January 2019 - RUB 4,512 for the first child and RUB 6,284.65 on the second, maximum - RUB 26,152.39 MONTHLY. Monthly care allowance calculator.
  3. At the birth of a second and subsequent child, mothers are subject to the issuance of a certificate for maternity capital with a nominal value of RUB 453,026 (in 2019 size maternity capital remains unchanged). It can only be spent on certain purposes. In a number of regions, regional maternity capital is additionally issued.
  4. Families with three or more minor children are provided with benefits and benefits as large families. And also, for the third and subsequent children born no earlier than January 1, 2013, an additional monthly benefit is paid up to 3 years.
  5. Regional payments at the birth of a child. For Muscovites this is: 1) One-time payment at birth for the first child - 5,500, for the second and subsequent ones - 14,500 rubles. 2) Additional benefits for young families (Luzhkov payments). It is paid to parents under 30 years of age: for the first child - 5 subsistence minimums, for the second - 7 LM, for the third and subsequent ones - 10 LM. From the 3rd quarter of 2018, the Moscow subsistence minimum per capita is equal to 16,260 rubles, for working population- 18580 rub. 3) Happy birthday three or more children at the same time 50 thousand rubles. regardless of other benefits for the birth of children.
  6. One-time and monthly

    The maximum monthly child care benefit in Russia has increased to 26.1 thousand rubles since January 1, 2019. (from previous 24.5 thousand rubles). The amount of maternity benefit for 140 days of maternity leave will be 301 thousand 95 rubles in 2019.

    As you can see, the list of payments, benefits and benefits for the birth of a child is significant and not final. We constantly strive to update it, subscribe to site news in a convenient way for you!

All you have to do is wait for the appointed time and come with all the documents to the selected MFC. At the appointed time you will be invited to the window. The employee will check the presence of all documents and explain the registration procedure. If you have not completed the application in advance, then you will have to do so at the time of registration. Therefore, if you do not have time, it is better to take care of this in advance.

  • birth certificate;
  • registration information (certificate of family composition, etc.);
  • a document confirming your citizenship of the Russian Federation. However, this point can be skipped if there is a corresponding mark on the birth certificate or an insert is glued to it.
  • application for the issuance of a document. You can find a sample of it on the Internet and fill it out yourself, or ask for the form directly from the MFC. You can fill out the application manually or via computer. The second method is more convenient, since this way you can correct any errors that have occurred without refilling. In the application, you must indicate that the passport is being issued for the first time, and not “upon reaching the age of 14”;
  • two photographs that meet the standards (35 by 45 mm, color or black and white). They can be made in any photo salon;
  • payment receipt state duty. At the moment, the fee is 300 rubles. It must be paid through a Sberbank branch or terminal. If you do not have time to visit Sberbank, you can make the payment directly at the MFC, since you can find the appropriate terminal there. You can also pay the fee through the single portal of the State Service. In this case, simply print it from your personal account.

List of documents for a newborn baby (tips)

The birth of a child brings into the life of a family not only new concerns about caring for the baby, but also many other concerns. We live in a state, so a family event must be recorded in government agencies, and the little man should soon acquire all the documents. The paperwork required for a newborn baby must be completed within the first month of life. Our “cheat sheet” will help you avoid getting confused in this procedure and meet the deadlines.

This paper is needed so that the child can receive the free medical care he is entitled to. Right to mandatory health insurance Absolutely all citizens of the Russian Federation have. You also have the opportunity to choose your own insurance company. Compulsory medical insurance policy is issued at the actual place of residence, it is in no way tied to registration.

In Bashkiria, applications for receiving 300 thousand for the first-born child begin

There are nuances: subject to action new program First-born children born from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive will be eligible. Single mothers will not be able to receive a cash bonus, but men who become fathers for the second or even third time will be able to: if their current wife gives birth to their first child.

The city mayor’s office noted that there are already about 2,200 families that fall under the above criteria. That is, at least 660 million rubles will be needed to implement the project. The maximum that the government is counting on is 1 billion rubles, said Yegor Rodin, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

Dear firstborns: Bashkir parents will have to fight for 300 thousand

However, it is impossible to increase the birth rate by paying 300 thousand for first-born children, says the chairman of the regional public organization"Commonwealth large families Bashkortostan" Rustem Shayakhmetov. According to him, the program has too many restrictions, and only a few will be able to take advantage of the payment.

Parents must collect an impressive package of documents, which includes, in addition to copies of passports, birth and marriage certificates, also documents from Rosreestr on civil law transactions that led to the alienation of residential premises, at least 5 years before submitting the application.

What documents are needed to receive 300 thousand for the first child at the MFC

This is done at the passport office at your place of residence or MFC. If you apply for the service before the child is one month old, you will only need an application from the mother to register the child. If later, also a certificate from the father’s place of residence. In addition, keep in mind that a child can only be registered at the place of registration of one of the parents; It is impossible to register a baby either with grandparents or in an empty apartment.

To find out what benefits you can count on, contact the department of social support and population protection at your place of residence (in the old days still called social security). Keep in mind that they are assigned only if the official income for each member of your family does not exceed living wage(in the Samara region in the third quarter of 2019 this amount is 10,014 rubles).

What documents are needed to obtain children's documents, their registration and submission deadlines

Documents confirming income, certificates of absence of benefits and use maternity leave, must be taken from the human resources department of the organization where the parent works. If parents do not work, then documents are taken from the Employment Center or educational institution, if any of them are studying.

  • Identity cards of parents or guardian (their original and photocopy)
  • Certificate of family structure
  • Child's birth document
  • Statement of the amount wages over the last twelve months
  • Copy of work book
  • Birth certificates of previous children

How to obtain a child’s birth certificate at the MFC

The authority that issued it is authorized to restore the document. What to do if a person lives in another place at the time of loss of the certificate? Then he should contact the registry office or MFC at his place of residence. Will be done official request to the place where the document was issued for the first time. The restored certificate is sent by registered mail to the registry office or MFC that organized the request. The applicant will be notified when they can come and receive the completed document.

In accordance with the law “On Acts civil status» No. 143 Federal Law of November 15, 1997, according to the provisions of paragraph 6 of Article 16, a child’s birth certificate must be issued within thirty days from the date of birth of the child. It is worth noting that there will be no penalties for accidental or deliberate extension of this period. But it is still not recommended to delay. Before your child reaches the age of 14, you will need this document more than once.

Monthly child benefit: necessary documents and registration procedure

If the child’s mother worked before pregnancy, the amount of the child’s monthly benefit directly depends on the size of her salary. By general rule, the payment amount is 40% of average size earnings. At the same time, there is minimum amount, less than which they cannot be accrued.

Regardless of salary, the amount of monthly child benefit cannot exceed 17,990 rubles. If a parent simultaneously cares for two or more children whose age does not exceed 1.5 years, benefit payments are summed up. But according to the law, their total amount cannot exceed 100% of earnings.

What documents are needed to apply for child benefits?

To apply for benefits for a child under 16 or 18 years of age, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to the social protection authorities, which, in addition to the standard in such situations, includes a certificate of the applicant’s family composition, as well as documents recording the level of income for the 3 months preceding the filing of the application.

Important! With the emancipation of the child, when living separately from the parents or in the event that the child switches to state provision, right to receive state aid is lost. A child’s emancipation (that is, recognition of his legal capacity) can be carried out upon his marriage, getting a job, or opening his own business.

How to get a passport at 14 years old at the MFC

  • Collection of necessary documentation. The exact list can be found on the website of the Federal Migration Service of the region of application. Before submitting, you need to carefully check the documentation package for correctness.
  • Duty paid. In many MFCs, you can pay tribute to the state on site through the terminal. Otherwise, payment of the fee must be taken care of in advance. You can make payment at any bank or through online resources.
  • All centers accept pre-registration. This can be done in person, by phone, or via the Internet. Making an appointment in advance will help you avoid waiting in line.
  • If it was not possible to make an appointment, the child will have to wait his turn at the MFC. The centers operate an electronic queue system. To do this, just come and contact a specialist at the center and take a coupon. When the number from the coupon is displayed on the board, you can go to the indicated window.
  • In the presence of an MFC specialist, an application for obtaining a passport is filled out.
  • If all the papers are in order, the center employee accepts them and sets a date for receiving the finished document. If any paper is missing, the center specialist will ask you to provide it additionally. Then the time for submitting documentation will increase.
  • At the appointed time, you need to go to the center for a ready-made ID card. You must take your ID with you. When you receive a finished document, you need to review it for errors. If they are, the document needs to be replaced. The law provides thirty days for changing an identity card. The replacement procedure is identical to the original receipt, even if an error was made by a FMS specialist. Only you do not need to pay any additional fees, and the application describes the reason for the change.

Still, you shouldn’t neglect getting an ID card. Circumstances may arise in which a passport is urgently needed. From the age of fourteen, a birth certificate can no longer be accepted as an identity document. Therefore, it is recommended to issue the document in statutory term.

Photo from the personal archive of Almira Khaibullina
For the second year now, a state program to support young families has been implemented in Bashkortostan, under the terms of which 300 thousand rubles are paid to young families in which the first child was born between January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2019.

Undoubtedly, the development state program gave many young families a chance to acquire their own treasured corner. However, as they say, the first pancake turned out to be lumpy. For the first time months after state committee for Architecture and Construction began accepting documents from applicants for payment; shortcomings were identified in the resolution itself. Thus, already in the summer of 2017, the first amendments were made to the resolution, namely, single-parent families and single mothers were added to the list of young families, and the clause according to which it was forbidden to buy housing from relatives was excluded. One could say great, the program worked in full force, but that was not the case.

Due to the large flow of people wishing to receive this state support, the fact of the state committee’s unwillingness to consider documents at the outset was revealed specified deadlines, namely within 30-45 days. They started sending answers once a quarter, or even longer! The surprises did not end there either: initially the program was designed for two years – 2017 and 2018, but the allocated funding was not enough for one year. It's May 2018. Those who managed to submit their documents before October 2017 received their coveted certificates. But those who submitted documents since November 2017 were less fortunate - these families began to receive notifications that they were included in the list of applicants for a certificate of a one-time social payment, and the family will receive the certificate itself as additional funds are allocated Money from the budget of the republic in order of priority. So, according to Gosstroy employees, additional funding is expected only in 2019.

April 19 current year During the direct line, the head of the republic, Rustem Khamitov, was asked a question regarding this payment. In his response, Rustem Zakievich noted that adjustments will be made to the program for paying young families 300 thousand rubles. “There were errors and shortcomings in the program, I received a lot of letters from those who could not receive the money. Now we have more than a thousand applications, they are being processed. By the end of 2019, more than two billion rubles may be needed to implement this program,” replied the head of the region.

So what changes should young families expect? According to the amendments that they now want to make to the resolution, the first child in a family can be born outside of Bashkortostan. The validity period of the certificate increases from six to nine months. In addition, the deadline for submitting applications and documents is increased by six months for families where the first child was born from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. But it is worth remembering that these amendments have not yet been made.

The payment itself in the amount of 300 thousand for the first-born, as we noted at the very beginning, is very tangible financial support for young families. I would like to remind our readers once again: where to start when collecting documents, what deadlines to meet, and what exactly the certificate can be used for. At the moment, the main criteria for receiving the payment are: the age of the spouses is not older than 35 years, permanent registration in Bashkortostan, the birth of a child on the territory of Bashkortostan, the child must be the first-born of the mother, i.e. This may not be the father’s first child; the family must be recognized by the local administration as in need of improved living conditions. Before you begin collecting the necessary documents to obtain a certificate, the family will first need to contact the local administration and find out the list of documents for their family to be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. And for this, an important criterion is that for each person who is registered with a young family, there should be no more than 12 sq.m., plus the calculation will also take into account the living space of those people who are registered with you and have their own property. If a family meets these criteria and has received a certificate to expand their living conditions, then they can safely collect the rest of the package of documents. However, you need to remember that you need to collect and submit documents for payment before the child turns 6 months old!

The certificate can be used for three purposes: 1. purchase of housing (can be used as an initial fee on mortgage; buy housing using only a certificate, or adding your own money; buy a share in the parental home); 2. for construction (you will need to draw up an agreement with construction organization to perform work); 3. repayment of the principal debt on the mortgage (this goal can only be chosen by those families who, at the time of registration of the mortgage, were recognized as in need of improved housing conditions).

Thus, the list of documents will depend on the purpose for which you want to apply. The list can be found in Ufa at the state committee or at any multifunctional center.

This is all just the first stage. Yes, yes, after receiving the certificate there will be a second stage. Namely, a young family must have time to use the certificate within 6 months after receiving it. It seems that no sooner has the family had time to rejoice at the “free” money than they will have to face new hassle – there’s no other way to describe it. Okay, if the family received a certificate for repayment of a previously taken out mortgage, in this case they will only have to hand over necessary documents to Gosstroy and write an application to transfer money to the bank. But buying an apartment/house is a very important moment in itself: you want to choose a suitable area and an apartment you like - after all, you want to live in it. And here it turns out that the state committee is driving young families into certain deadlines. In 6 months, the family must have time to contact the bank and, if the mortgage is approved, find housing, draw up a purchase and sale agreement, send all documents to Rosreestr for approval of the transaction and submit the documents to Gosstroy for payment. And there is one more point here - not all sellers agree to wait one or two months until the State Construction Committee transfers these 300 thousand to them. This means that not everyone will be able to buy the apartment of their dreams.

According to the resolution, after the young family submits documents for the second stage, Gosstroy must transfer the money to the seller within 30 calendar days. But, as practice shows, many documents are returned due to an error in the purchase and sale agreement. This point can also be understood, this program is new, not all towns and villages have competent specialists who will draw up an agreement the first time as required by the State Construction Committee. Realtors, lawyers, notaries, employees of the MFC and local administrations often dictate their own rules for receiving payments and registering real estate. And there are quite a few families throughout the republic who, instead of finding the decree on the Internet and reading it in full once, believed the words of the MFC employees that according to some criteria they were not entitled to this payment and did not even begin to collect documents. Therefore, I would like to warn all those who are just about to become happy parents or are busy collecting documents to contact the State Committee for Architecture and Construction in Ufa directly with all questions. It is, of course, impossible to reach them by phone, because they call from all over the republic, but you can devote one day to this and go to Ufa for a consultation. Gosstroy is located at the address Ufa, Sovetskaya Square, 18, visiting days are Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, activists created a VKontakte group (