The whole truth about getting a free credit history from the National Bank of Ukraine online. Credit history bureau - check your credit report for free by last name! Credit history online without registration

The decision to take money from a financial institution does not always promise successful receipt Money. Banks often refuse without explanation. And clients can’t understand what’s going on. The reason for this result is the lack of knowledge of the borrower’s reputation “on the part” of the lenders. To understand such situations and correct them, you need to check your credit history free online and regularly monitor data changes independently by borrowers.

To check your credit history (CI), you can choose one of the more suitable methods for everyone:

  • In BKI (Credit History Bureau);
  • Through the Bureau's partners.

The two listed options differ in the methods of submitting applications, the conditions for providing data, and the timing of the provision of services. Let's look at each of the ways to obtain a borrower's dossier.

The Bureau is a legal entity authorized Federal Law No. 218 receive, process and store data on all extinguished, existing customer relationships with credit organizations.

There are about 16 BKIs operating in the market. Lenders have the right to work with several bureaus at the same time. This fact makes it difficult for borrowers to create a high-quality, complete report, since it is necessary to find out which bureaus may contain the information and send it to each request.

Important! It is impossible to purchase a CI report without confirming the client’s identity in any BCI.

The procedure consists of identifying the borrower by:

  • Notarized signature of the information consumer;
  • Personal application to the BKI office;
  • Completing and sending an application via Telegram;
  • Paid services of partner bureaus.

Using one of these methods, you can contact any BKI in Russia.

Which BKI will my report be in?

Now let’s figure out where out of 16 organizations to apply for a report.

Based on the Central Bank ( Central Bank Russia) there is a department that will tell you where to apply for a credit history. The department is called the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH). To know required list organizations simply:

It’s easy to get such a list for free on the Internet if you know the subject code.

What to do if there is no code?

This code appears for each borrower when applying for the first credit transaction. You can see it in the contract. If there are no documents left, you can find out the code at any financial institution: MFO, BKI, bank. Come to the department in person, the consultant will give you the necessary information using your passport. After this, you will be able to contact the Central Control Committee on your own free of charge.

There is another option for getting a list without code. You can make a request to the Central Catalog through any of the organizations: bank, bureau, microfinance organization. Visit the office in person and a specialist will make the request for you based on your passport data. This service is paid, the price is set by each institution separately.

When you find out the exact names of the BKI, apply for a credit history in the following ways.

Free credit history check using NBKI as an example

The leader in terms of volume of information and number of partner organizations is the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI). On the official website of NBKI, the borrower is offered a list of services:

  • Information about the CI, the factors of importance of such data;
  • Service for checking and challenging CIs;
  • Preparation of certificates from the Central Control Commission on the list of bank credit institutions, which contains data on the borrower;
  • Purchasing an individual code for a CI subject.

Application form for free

Through BKI, you can check your credit history for free once a year. Receipt of CI by individuals requires filling out and sending an application from the official website of the NBCI to the actual location of the legal entity.

Sending a request can be done in any of the following ways:

  • Via postal delivery, the application must contain a notarized signature;
  • By telegram, the signature is certified by an authorized employee of the postal organization;
  • Upon personal visit of the NBKI borrower with the provision of a passport;
  • NBCI's closest partners in relation to the user.

Based on the visual diagram of contacting the bureau for data, you can see that the check credit information through BKI online is impossible, each process takes a certain amount of time. ABOUT free service may be discussed once a year. It is important not to forget that all postal and notary services require payment.

How to check your credit history online through an NBCI partner

Many popular portals on the Internet act as service providers for providing credit rating data, and are partners of BKI. One of the most famous and in demand service has become ➠. is a reliable, effective provider of individual rating reports - detailed analysis CI using a credit scale.

The service generates a data report based on information from leading Russian banks within 15 minutes.

In the report you will receive information about:

  • delays in obligations;
  • facts and possible reasons banks refusing loans;
  • the number of loans the customer has;
  • chances of approval of new loan funds.

I. Filling out the application form on the service, payment for the service - 340 rubles

III. Providing a detailed CT report within 10 – 15 minutes by email

The rating document contains the results of checking passport data, applications to credit organizations for money, and the status of the borrower’s obligations. The specificity of such a document is that it assigns a certain score to the customer.

Thanks to the active development of the World Wide Web, now everyone can check their credit history for free via the Internet. This will save time spent on visiting the BKI. Below we will talk about the specifics of ordering a credit history from a credit bureau, what errors may occur and whether it is possible to find out a credit history by last name.

Let's begin with credit history represents the totality of all loans taken by a person and payments made. If the borrower fulfills his obligations in good faith, then he is said to have a “good” history. Such a client will easily receive new loan in any bank/MFO.

If the client turned out to be unscrupulous and made constant delays in the payment schedule, his ki is considered “bad”. With such a reputation, it is difficult for a person to register new loan in a financial institution.

To know what their credit status is, a borrower should check their history once a year. This is necessary for the following reasons:

  • to avoid “sticking” extraneous loans and unmade payments. The latter occurs due to inaccurate transmission of data by institution employees;
  • so that, if necessary, you can easily obtain a new loan.

In addition to the borrower himself and financial institution may be interested in the state of his credit history Insurance companies. This happens if a person decides to take out an insurance contract. Viewing a client's key allows you to identify it financial condition, attitude towards payments.

When conducting major deal To purchase/sell a car or real estate, a person may be asked to provide his credit history.

When hiring, a future employer may inquire about the credit status of the hired employee. Thus, the manager wants to understand how responsible a person is in his actions, how he knows how to plan his financial flows.

TsKKI and subject code

When concluding a loan agreement in any bank or microfinance organization, the code subject. It is a set of numbers and letters invented by the client. This combination is transmitted to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. This institution stores information about which specific BKI each person’s ki is located in. The subject code can change throughout life if a person has forgotten or lost it. To apply for a new one, you need to contact your nearest bank or bank office.

To get a list from the Central Control Committee the client can make a corresponding request in one of several ways:

  • by going to the official website of the Central Control Committee, entering the subject code in the appropriate field, order a list of the BKI. It will be sent to the specified address;
  • at no subject code, a person can apply for a new one and then make a request on the official website of the Central Control Commission. Or maybe, through the nearest bank or bank account, submit a request for a list of bureaus in which his ki may be located;
  • in the absence of a subject code, the client has the right to send a notarized request to the CCCI, which indicates all his passport data, to obtain a list of BCI;
  • a person has the right to send a telegram to the TsKKI with his passport data, which was previously certified by a representative of the Russian Post, with a request to provide a list of BKI to the specified address.

The procedure for obtaining a list of bureaus is free and available to any citizen of Russia without restrictions.


Credit histories of Russian citizens are stored in four large credit institutions and a dozen smaller ones. Once a year every person has the right get the report absolutely free about the state of your ki.

It can be in the database:

  • NBKI;
  • Equifax;
  • OKB;
  • Russian Standard.

If a request to them comes with the answer “Credit history not found,” it means the person has never taken out a loan in his life or his history needs to be searched in smaller credit history agencies.


This abbreviation hides the National Bureau of Credit Histories, which today is one of the largest credit repositories in Russia. Peculiarity of this institution thing is his client cannot view his credit history via the Internet. The company provides its services only offline.

The borrower must contact the NBKI representative office with a passport. After registration official request, in a few hours the client will receive a full report on his loans and payments on them.

NBKI actively cooperates with partner organizations that provide services online, for example, This bureau is distinguished by loyalty in its work. To receive a report, the client does not need to visit the office in person. On the official website ➠ a person fills out a special form by entering his full name and date of birth. The client pays 340 rubles to the account specified by BKI. Within an hour on his email address A five-page credit history report arrives.


This bureau was the first to allow clients to check their credit history online for free. A person can contact Equifax in person. Or you can do this online by visiting the company’s official website on the Internet. There you need to go through three main stages:

  • create Personal Area and go through the registration procedure;
  • use one of convenient ways to confirm your identity (via the eID online service, payment system CONTACT, by confirming your current account, visiting the company office in person or sending a telegram with certified passport data);
  • After opening access, view your credit history for free via the Internet at home.

If a person wants to constantly monitor the state of his history, he can order special packages from the company, paying for them according to the current tariffs.


United credit bureau works with its clients both offline and online. By visiting the company’s official website, the client must fulfill three basic conditions:

  • open a personal account;
  • complete the personal identification procedure in a way convenient for him;
  • receive the ordered report.

Anyone can view the status of their credit history online for free by contacting OKB once a year. Repeated requests are paid according to company rates.

Check credit history by last name

Many people ask the question Is it possible to check your credit history online for free using just your last name?? Impossible. A credit report is classified as information that is prohibited from public disclosure. And there are namesakes in our country a large number of. As a result, Ivan Ivanovich’s report may come to another person.

There are services that provide the opportunity to view a credit history via the Internet, but not free of charge and only if all the client’s passport data is available.

Sometimes during the course of life a person changes his last name for various reasons. How to be in this case? If you have changed your last name, you need to contact the BKI or bank with a request to make changes to the status of the ki. A copy of a new passport with a changed surname is attached to the application.

Correcting errors in your credit history

After checking your credit history online for free, you discovered errors and inaccuracies in it. What to do?

If you have a loan that you did not apply for, you need to write a statement to the bank’s security service asking them to look into the situation. Loan information may be entered incorrectly. It is possible that a fraudulent loan has been issued for your lost documents. In this case, you must provide a copy of the statement about the loss of your passport.

Sometimes your credit history incorrectly shows payments made or closed loans. To make corrections to the credit card, you must write an application to the BKI or bank, attaching copies of checks for payment of the loan or its complete closure.

Video: how to check CI

Surely every borrower knows about the existence of a credit line, but few people know what it is formed from? Who actually does this? Is it possible to check your line of credit for free? If this payable service- how much is it?

BKI - what is it

The definition of “BKI” means a legal entity that is commercial structure. BKI provides services for the formation, storage and processing of information on loans for each borrower.

In turn, a credit history provides information to banking institutions about each specific borrower upon request so that the lender can assess the solvency of its potential client.

In the event that the information provided by the BKI contains the fact of the availability of loans previously issued by borrowers, such citizens in most cases are denied new loans.

Today in Russian Federation carry out their work more than 20 BKI. Each bureau is ready to provide the credit history of the required borrower at any moment.

The most important thing about shaping history

Many people are interested in the question of how their credit history is formed. Let's try to figure this out.

First of all, when receiving a loan, each borrower signs an agreement, which contains a clause allowing the transfer of information about payments (whether there are late payments or not) and about the borrower himself.

Based on this document, the lender monthly transmits information about a specific borrower to the BKI, which, based on the information received, draws up a credit line.

If the creditor has informed the BKI that there is a delay, this organization lowers the credit line by several points; if there are no further delays, the credit line is improved.

In fact, this is the basic principle of creating a credit line for borrowers.

Many believe that the rating could be improved much more by bank loan, rather than from MFOs, but this is not at all. It is necessary to understand that regardless of whether a loan is issued for 500 rubles or 500 thousand, the rating decreases and increases in the same way.

Where to check history

Surely, many borrowers are confident in their impeccable credit rating, but sometimes checking their credit line is simply necessary.

This may be due to the fact that some bank refused to provide a loan, citing a negative credit line. In this case, the borrower must check why this situation arose; perhaps it is just an error.

You can check your credit history:

  • through the Internet;
  • by personal contact to the relevant organization.

How to check in person?

Checking in person can sometimes be faster than checking online. The procedure in this case is as follows:

the borrower applies to the nearest bank office at his place of residence with a passport;

  • submits an application;
  • receives his line of credit.

Where can I check on the Internet?

Today you can check your credit line on the Internet in many services. Among which:

  • Intermediary services.

If we talk about more specific services, then in this case we're talking about about such as:

  • Equifax is a financial institution that provides such a service;
  • Payment - in this MFO you can get a statement on the credit line;
  • at the National Credit History Bureau;
  • at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If we talk about the procedure for obtaining a credit history, then in all organizations it is not much different and consists of the following:

  • You need to go through a short registration;
  • indicate passport details;
  • confirm your information using the eID service;
  • submit a request for a credit line;
  • Get a detailed report of your credit score.

How to check your history in Sberbank

The banking institution Sberbank provides all its clients with a unique opportunity to find out their credit line.

To get a line of credit from Sberbank, you must:

  • go to your Sberbank personal account (if you don’t have one, you must first register);
  • go to the “Loans” subsection;
  • click on the link/button “Get a credit history”;
  • in the window that appears, fill in all required fields and make payment;
  • confirm payment by entering a special code that is sent to the client’s phone;
  • go to the personal credit history section.

Where to check for free

Today, there are several ways to find out your credit history online for free. To do this, it is enough to use one of the following organizations, namely:

  • with the help of the Credit Information Agency;
  • using Equifax BKI;
  • with the help of MFO Platiza.

With the help of the Credit Information Agency

The National Credit History Bureau is the main partner of the Credit History Agency. Thanks to this, in NBKI every borrower has every right check your credit line for free once per calendar year.

To receive a report from NBKI, just go through a short registration and send a request.

Equifax - BKI, which issues a free CI report

This credit history bureau provides each of its clients with the opportunity to find out about their credit rating for 1 time free of charge for 1 calendar year. If you need to check the CI again, you need to pay for it. We'll talk about the price below.

A distinctive feature of this bureau is the wide range of services that they are ready to offer. In particular, we are talking about such services as:

  • the ability to connect SMS notifications to clients about changes in their credit ratings;
  • free correction of errors in credit lines if errors are discovered;
  • assisting borrowers in correcting their credit histories.

It is worth noting that the level of protection from fraudsters of this BKI last year was recognized as the best compared to others.

MFO Platiza

Despite the fact that this company does not belong to the category of credit line, they offer their customers to find out about their credit line for free.

Moreover, this organization offers you a unique opportunity: fix in short time borrowers their negative credit line.

According to those who have already used such a program, they only in 3-4 months managed to restore a positive credit line and now they can apply for any loans in all banking institutions in the country.

Where is it paid?

Everyone knows that obtaining a credit history once a year is free almost everywhere (provided that it is only 1 time). But at the same time, when you apply again, you need to pay. But how much should borrowers prepare when obtaining a credit history for a fee? Let's look at this in a table:

If there is an error in the CI

Often, after receiving a credit line report, borrowers discover errors in it. In this case, you can challenge your credit rating and return it to its previous state.

To do this, just contact the BKI where the credit rating was obtained and follow the following procedure:

  1. Contact any notary organization and, together with the notary, draw up an official appeal on the issue of appealing the credit line.
  2. The completed application is sent either by registered mail or delivered in person to the BKI office.
  3. In turn, BKI thoroughly checks the credit line for errors within 1 month.
  4. After checking, the borrower is sent a report indicating whether there are errors and they have already been corrected, or no errors have been detected.

If, after checking, the owner of the credit rating does not agree with the decision, then he has every right to appeal statement of claim V district court at your place of residence, and then challenge your position there.

Credit history management

Each borrower has full control over their credit line. To do this, it is enough to regularly check your credit line and, if you discover that it has deteriorated, take steps to improve it.

As practice shows, it is enough Check your credit rating no more than once a year. This period is quite enough.

If the borrower regularly uses loans, he has the right to check his credit line after repaying each of his next loans.

About credit history on video

About credit history - in the “Special Correspondent” program

Welcome readers of the online magazine “site”! Today we’ll talk about credit history - what it is, how you can find out and check your credit history for free using your last name (or passport) via the Internet, where it’s better to order and view CI online 🖥.

After reading the article you will also learn:

  • why you need to know your own credit history;
  • Is it possible to check your CI in all databases at once using your passport only?
  • how to quickly get a credit history report online from BKI.

At the end of the publication, we traditionally answer the most popular questions on the topic.

So here we go!

About what a credit history is, how to find out (check) your credit history for free by last name via the Internet and where you can view the CI online using your passport 📕 - read in our issue

1. What is a credit history and why is it needed 📄 - a complete overview of the concept

Let's start with determining your credit history.

Credit history– this is information about the borrower (a specific person or company), characterizing the fulfillment of obligations to repay money borrowed from a bank, microfinance organization and other organizations.

In most cases, credit history (CI) is used by financial institutions when deciding whether to issue next loan

What information is contained in the borrower’s credit history and where can you get your CI (free and paid)

At its core, a CI is a document that includes 3 section.

Section 1. Title part

The title section includes basic information about the borrower, as well as abbreviated information about his loans.

Sample of the title part of a credit history of an individual

  1. Personal information about the borrower. This includes the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the date and place of birth;
  2. Identification data – registration and residence address, as well as telephone numbers;
  3. Summary data – the number of loans, both timely paid and overdue, the amount of debt per this moment, the current state of calculations.

The title section also contains information about how many inquiries regarding credit reputation have been submitted?. Most often, banks are interested in the borrower’s reputation when applying for a loan or.

Section 2. Main part

The main part contains a detailed transcript of financial transactions. This section includes information about issued loans and the procedure for servicing them.

The main part of the borrower's credit history

The main part of the report contains the following information:

  1. Type of loan issued – consumer, card, car loan, mortgage;
  2. Basic terms of the loan agreement – the amount of the payment, the frequency of its payment, the start and end dates of the agreement;
  3. Workmanship credit obligations – the number of repaid, active and overdue loans, as well as those transferred to collection services;
  4. Balance , that is, information about the amount of debt at the moment.

For this purpose, color highlighting is used for greater clarity:

  • green the report highlights loans that were repaid without violations;
  • yellow– loans with minor arrears;
  • red– loans for which payment terms were seriously violated;
  • black– non-repaid loans, as well as collections.

Borrowers must understand what's wrong 2015 year, the credit history dossier also includes information about other debts, including alimony, public services , fines.

Section 3. Closed part

This section contains confidential information. Here is information about how the presented credit history was formed. In other words, who transmitted the data to the BKI, as well as who requested the information.

Additional (closed) part of the CI report

WITH 2014 year, any company has the right to obtain information from its credit reputation (from the title and main sections). However, this requires written permission from the borrower. A brief description of the sections of the credit history report is presented in the table below.

Table: “Sections of the credit history report and the information they contain”

Credit history section Information Contained
1) Title section Basic information about the borrower

Brief information about issued loans

How many credit history inquiries have there been?

2) Main section Detailed transcript financial transactions– information about issued loans and the procedure for servicing them. This contains information not only about loans, but also about debts for alimony, fines, and utilities
3) Closed section Contains confidential information about who provided the information to the bureau, as well as who requested it

2. Why do you need to know your credit history?

It is useful for citizens to know their own credit history. At the same time, even those who have never taken out loans should periodically study the report. This will help eliminate a number of troubles.

There may be different reasons why you should periodically request information from your credit history:

  1. Elimination of fraud. Loans are often issued using forged documents. As a result, the passport holder may not even know that he has become a borrower. Most often, this situation arises in the field of microloans.. Often, MFOs are issued using a copy or photo of a passport. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they do not fall into the hands of dubious individuals. It would also be a good idea to check the information from the BKI for those who have ever lost their passport.
  2. Correction of incorrect information. Errors are present in all areas of activity, including banking. Most often, inaccuracies in this area are associated with the human factor, as well as software failures. As a result, errors can distort the credit history report, and the borrower's reputation can be damaged without his participation.
  3. Assessing the likelihood of a positive decision on loan applications. If you plan to apply for a new loan, most likely, when assessing a potential client, the bank will ask the BKI for his credit history. Based on the borrower's reputation, the lender concludes that he is conscientious. If your credit reputation turns out to be damaged, the amount of your loan application may be significantly reduced, or a negative decision may be made altogether. Read about how to do it without refusal in one of our articles.
  4. Checking whether there is a ban on traveling abroad. Often, borrowers are faced with the fact that they are not allowed to leave the country due to unfulfilled debt obligations. To avoid ending up in an unpleasant situation, It's worth checking in advance. A travel ban applies if there is a debt exceeding 30,000 rubles. To still leave, the payment should be made in advance - for about 3 weeks before the travel date. Experts recommend After repayment, contact the bailiffs so that they cancel the travel ban. If such measures are not taken, the document may not have time to reach the border guards.
  5. Elimination of the possibility of interaction with collection services. To return own funds banks take various measures against debtors. We often work with such clients security Service, and collection agencies . Despite the fact that their actions are strictly regulated by law, interaction with them can be extremely unpleasant.

Thus, Here are many reasons why citizens need to regularly check the information contained in their own credit history.

Basic ways to check your credit history (free and for money)

3. How to find out your credit history - 4 proven ways to view CI 🔎

There are many ways to request a report on your own credit history. When deciding which one to use, it is important to understand that information about the borrower is often stored in several bureaus at once and can differ significantly in different financial institutions.

That is why experts recommend first finding out where exactly information about you is stored. To do this, it is possible to contact BKI Central Catalog . You can submit a request here using the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

However, in addition to personal data, you will need to indicate here credit history code . If the borrower does not know him, he should contact financial institution where the loan was issued.

Highlight 4 main ways to get and view information about your own credit history . Each of them is described in detail below.

Method 1. Contacting BKI directly ✔

Despite the fact that in our country today there are more 20 credit history bureau, over 90 % of all information about borrowers is concentrated in 4 -ех of them.

The largest BKIs are:

  1. National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI);
  2. Equifax Credit Services;
  3. Credit Bureau Russian Standard;
  4. United Credit Bureau.

When the borrower knows which BKI stores information about him, it is better to immediately contact these bureaus. There are several ways to do this:

  • visiting a bureau branch;
  • sending a written request, For example, in the form of a telegram;
  • via the Internet, if a specific office provides such an opportunity.

BKI collects, stores and processes information about citizens who took out loans. In addition, the bureau generates and provides credit history reports upon request from financial companies and individuals.

BKI provides citizens with various services:

  1. Providing a report on the borrower's credit history. Statistics confirm that this service is the most popular. They contact BKI for her individuals those wishing to clarify their credit history, as well as legal entities who need to check the reliability of a potential client.
  2. Generating a certificate containing detailed information about BKI storing information about the borrower. Such a document may be needed in situations where it turns out that information about an individual is contained in several bureaus. It is important to understand that information may vary significantly - in some BKI information may be negative , in others – positive .
  3. Correcting inaccuracies and errors in your credit history - This is another one of the functions of the BKI. You can dispute the information in the report through the credit bureau.
  4. Possibility to obtain or change a credit history code. When making such a request, the borrower must provide identification.

Once every 12 months The credit information report from the bureau is provided free of charge.

Method 2. Contact a bank branch that is an agent of BKI ✔

You can request a report on the borrower's reputation by contacting a financial institution that is an agent of the BKI.

Such services are provided by the largest banks, including Renaissance Credit , VTB Bank of Moscow , Post Bank , Binbank , as well as some regional financial companies. It is best to inquire about the possibility of obtaining such a service. directly at a branch of a credit institution.

To prepare a report in this way, you should go to the BKI agent bank and write the appropriate statement . As a rule, it takes no more 15 minutes.

It should be kept in mind that, unlike BKI, banks charge a fee for providing a credit history report. In most cases it is in the range from 800 to 1,300 rubles .

Big plus (+) The method under consideration is the absence of the need to contact a notary to certify the document.

Method 3. Through Internet banking ✔

Today, any client of a large bank can easily check their own credit reputation online. In most cases, to send a request, it is enough to log in to your personal account and select a service "Credit History Request".

In this case, the report is provided with a fee commissions, which is usually written off directly from bank card. It should be understood: banks cooperate with specific financial institutions, from which the report will be provided.

Method 4. Using credit history assessment services ✔

IN Lately The popularity of services that allow borrowers to assess their credit history has increased. They provide in just a few minutes mini statement . It contains borrower rating, as well as basic information - number of loans And presence of overdue debt.

Despite the brevity of the resulting report, the service is popular. This is explained high speed of obtaining information, and low ↓ cost, which will be only about 300 rubles

The most popular services are:

  • My rating ;
  • MoneyMan ;
  • ZBKI .

The presented methods allow you to obtain a credit history report. The choice between them depends primarily on the desire of the borrower.

4. How to check your credit history for free via the Internet (online) using your last name and passport - step-by-step instructions 📝

A citizen can obtain a report on his own credit reputation different ways. Due to the active development of the Internet, options that provide the opportunity to do this have recently become especially popular. in online mode .

It will take a little time to obtain credit reputation information online. However, in order for the process to be really fast and correct, you should first study the following step by step instructions .

Step 1. Find out in which BKI the credit history is stored

To get a report on your own credit reputation, you will first have to find out where is data about you available?. It is important to understand: to obtain information, you need . It is issued by banks during the process of drawing up a loan agreement.

If for some reason the code is missing or forgotten, You will first have to visit the nearest branch of any bank. Here, upon presentation of your passport, you can submit a request to receive a new code.

1) Open the official Internet portal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ( ). Here you need to find the item "Central catalog of credit histories" . After selecting this section, follow the link “Request for credit bureau data” .


2) Clicking on the item "Subject", the borrower must fill out the form that appears. To do this you will need to enter last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the details of the identity document, as a rule, passports.

In addition, you will need to indicate credit history subject code, and email.

Action No. 2. Click on the “Subject” button

3) When necessary information will be entered into the form, you will remain in the box indicating consent to the transfer of the application by ticking ✔. After this you need to press the button "Send data" .

Action No. 3. We send our data to receive information about the BKI in which the borrower’s dossier is stored

A report on the location of storage of the applicant’s data is sent in the form email.

Step 2. Get a credit history

Once the list of BKIs is received, you can proceed directly to requesting data from them. To do this, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Go to the official BKI website and register on it. To do this, you will have to enter the requested data in the form provided. It is important to consider that the search for information about the applicant is carried out using passport data. Therefore, it is important to provide all information as carefully as possible. If you make a mistake while filling out the form, your credit history information will not be found.
  2. Give your consent to the processing of personal data by checking the appropriate box. This is an important condition providing a report from the BKI. If you do not do this during the process of forming a request, the bureau will refuse to provide information.

Consent to the processing of personal data and obtaining a credit history at OKB (United Credit Bureau)

Before BKI provides the applicant with a CI report, he will have to go through an identification procedure.

The following identification methods are provided:

  • visit the BKI office with your passport;
  • pass verification on the Internet portal;
  • send a registered letter via Russian Post with a request certified by a notary;
  • invite a courier home;
  • in partner banks;
  • in the offices of the Contact system.

Remote online identification via Equifax

When the CI report is ready, it is delivered to the applicant in various ways:

  1. by registered mail to your residential address;
  2. by courier;
  3. through the office of the Contact system;
  4. electronic;
  5. by personal visit to the BKI branch.

If the borrower's data is stored in several bureaus at once, To save time, experts recommend contacting their partners to obtain a report. It could be anyone bank, Credit history agency, Service

Important to remember: It is only possible to request a report on your own credit reputation without paying a fee 1 times throughout 12 months. If you want to make requests more often, you will have to pay for each of them. Typically the commission ranges from 300 before 1 000 rubles

In addition, there are BKIs that allow subscribe to your own credit reputation updates . In this case, after each change in the report, the client receives a corresponding notification. This allows you to quickly track changes in your credit history and help avoid fraudulent activities.

The subscription service for updates in CI is provided by:

  • NBKI;
  • Equifax;
  • Mycreditinfo.

5. Is it possible to check your credit history on all bases yourself 📔?

Borrowers must understand What single base credit histories have not been developed. The information is stored in credit history bureaus, of which there are more than one in our country. 2 -x tens.

However, all BKIs are registered in Central catalog of credit histories. Borrowers can apply here to find out where exactly the information about them is located.

To form request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH), you must go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Here you need to fill out a form with the obligatory indication credit history subject code .

If the code is unknown or lost, you will first have to recover it. For this purpose, you must contact the bank that issued the loan or BKI.

Once the form is completed, the request can be sent to the CCCI. When report will be generated, it will be sent to the borrower by letter to the email address specified in the application.

The central catalog of credit histories is not uniform information base. Therefore, information about loans and their servicing is not stored here. Borrowers from this organization can obtain information exclusively about which BKIs contain information about them.

Where to order and how to get a credit history quickly and inexpensively

6. Where else can you order and get a credit history from the BKI - overview of options 📋

There are many ways to get your own credit history report. Some of them have already been discussed in this publication earlier.

Below are more 2 popular ways to find out your credit history .

Option 1. Order a credit history at the Euroset communication salon

Not long ago in Euroset communication salons A service has appeared that allows you to order a report on your own credit history. For this purpose, you need to visit the company's branch.

How to order a credit history in Euroset

When contacting the operator, you must present passport. After this it will be issued request to provide a credit reputation report. It is important to understand that the service is provided for a fee. The commission for it is near 1 000 rubles.

A service called "The Ideal Borrower" . Paying order 500 rubles, available instructions, which will help correct a damaged reputation. It is developed using a scoring assessment of the borrower’s reputation, as well as the period within which he wants to correct the situation.

There is also an article on our website about doing it yourself.

Option 2. Obtain a credit history through the Credit Information Agency (AKRIN) service from NBKI

The report can be ordered using specialized service AKRIN . The agency is the largest official representative of the National Credit History Bureau.

At AKRIN, the borrower can use the following services:

  • order a certificate from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories;
  • receive an extract as well as a credit report from the National Credit History Bureau;
  • request information from BKI "Russian Standard";
  • challenge the data contained in the credit reputation report from the National Bureau;
  • form new code credit history;
  • obtain information about the borrower’s scoring assessment;
  • activate the service of informing via SMS about changes to your credit history;
  • check the vehicle's encumbrance information.

How to get a credit history online from NBKI partner – AKRIN

The borrower can obtain information about the credit history in online mode . To do this, you need to register a personal account and go through the identification procedure. If you need advice from an AKRIN employee, you can get it as follows: by phone, and through Email.

Experts believe that the service in question is perfect for those who want to regularly check their own credit history. The cost of the services provided here is relatively low. At the same time, payment can be made not only using bank card, but also through popular electronic wallets Yandex money And WebMoney.

7. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Many borrowers try to learn as much as possible about the concept of credit history. That is why many questions arise on the topic under consideration. The answers to the most popular ones are presented below.

Question 1. How can I view my credit history on the Internet (online) for free through State Services without registration?

Recently there has been an increase in popularity state portal "State Services" . With its help you can get popular services.

However, despite the fact that the service collects a large amount of information about the user, it is in no way connected with credit institutions. Therefore here impossible order and check your credit history report no charge, neither free.

Question 2. Is it possible to find out (check) a credit history only by last name?

Many people want to know whether it is possible to find out a credit history based on their last name alone. However, such a possibility in our country No . This is primarily due to the confidentiality of information.

For information security purposes, credit history data can be obtained only certain categories individuals and organizations.

Moreover, in Russia there are a huge number of namesakes who have the same first and middle names, and sometimes even their dates of birth. In such a situation, it is possible to identify a specific borrower only if passport data is provided.

Question 3. How many times can I request a credit history for free from BKI?

To obtain a credit history report, the borrower should contact the BKI with an identification document. 1 time per year this service can be obtained absolutely for free .

If for any reason the borrower wishes to update the information again within a year, he will have to pay commission . The cost of the service is usually several hundred rubles.

Often, BKI employees do not inform borrowers about the opportunity to obtain credit history information for free and charge a commission for this service. However, such a right is enshrined in law in the article 8 FZ- 218 « About credit histories» . Therefore, you can safely demand a free report from BKI.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic

To maintain their own reputation, any citizen who has ever taken out a loan must know how to check information about their own credit history. It is useful to have such information for those who have never registered loan agreements. This will help eliminate fraud.

We should also not forget that 1 time per year You can get a credit history report completely free of charge. Absolutely everyone should use this right in order to promptly track changes in their data.

That's all for us.

If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic, write them in the comments below. We will also be very grateful if you share the article with your friends on social networks.

See you again on the pages of our online magazine “site”!

To begin with, as in the first option, you should find out the list of bureaus, for which we send a request to the Central Bank. After this, we go to the websites of these organizations and look in the list of services to see if it is possible to obtain data online. If there is, then you will have less trouble.

It is worth noting that gradually all banks and bank accounts will switch to an interactive work scheme. At the moment there are already more than 30 such organizations, and their number is gradually growing. Among them are the following options:

  • NBKI (national BKI) provides such a service through the Credit History Agency. The service becomes available after registration. Besides this, you can learn a lot useful information for those who are planning to take out a loan.
  • Equifax BKI offers the service free of charge only the first time. Subsequent calls must be paid. At the same time, this bureau provides such services as correcting errors in the CI, informing via SMS about changes in the CI, protection from fraudsters, etc.
  • On the Mycreditinfo web resource, the service is also provided after authorization. Here, in addition to obtaining information about your credit history, they offer services such as checking a car that is pledged, informing you via SMS, scoring tests, etc.

It should be taken into account that some bureaus may offer the service for a fee, since as commercial legal organizations, they also pay for requests to the BKI.


If necessary banking institution is located in another region, you can visit it in person or send a request certified by a notary office to the specified address. To write a request addressed to the head of the organization, use a free form indicating your full name and passport details. Keep in mind that without notarization the request will not be considered. The cost of such certification usually costs several hundred rubles (depending on where you live). The bureau employees are obliged to send the answer to the address you specified within ten days.

You should know that credit history is never stored in one place. It usually consists of several parts and is stored in different places for your safety.

Checking your credit history through online banking

If you cannot find a credit history check button in your account on the Internet banking website, then to clarify information about the availability of this service, you need to contact a consultant. Consultation can be obtained online (in real time) on the website by sending email contact support or dial the phone number free service indicated on the resource.