Does the compulsory medical insurance policy number change when it is replaced - What do you need to know? Where and how to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name: features, requirements and recommendations Change compulsory medical insurance after changing your last name.

When entering into a legal marriage, people are often puzzled by such issues as re-registration of documents, in particular, replacement compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name. This event is as mandatory as changing your passport or driver’s license. This article will describe all the nuances of changing your insurance policy.

What is compulsory medical insurance?

Mandatory medical insurance is state system social protection of the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in health care. The policy guarantees every resident of the country to receive free medical care. This document will be useful in all cases of life - in case of an accident, complicated childbirth or serious illnesses. The owner of this piece of paper can easily get a hospital bed and the necessary medications.

Important! Since 2011, policies have been issued in a single form throughout the state. Organized the production of insurance documentation of a single sample Federal Fund Compulsory medical insurance of Russia. The policy is issued to the population by medical institutions that provide insurance in accordance with the compulsory medical insurance rules.

When is it necessary or not to change the policy?

Changing such documentation in a public medical institution is not required in the event of dismissal, layoff, transfer to another job or employment.

Need to know! The policy should be replaced if a person changes his first name, last name, patronymic, rearranges the year or place of birth and other data. It should also be changed if some error or inaccuracy is found in a person’s personal documentation.

In what cases is a duplicate document issued?

Sometimes situations arise in which a copy of insurance documentation is necessary:

  • dilapidation or poor condition of the policy for subsequent use (loss of parts, distortion or unclear printing, its fading);
  • loss of document.

Important! Re-obtaining or re-registration of insurance should be free of charge.

According to current legislation By presenting insurance at a hospital or clinic, a person has the right to receive free medical care. A medical institution does not have the right to refuse a person who has a valid insurance certificate.

Example of an insurance policy

Compulsory health insurance establishes the only requirements for obtaining a policy. When going to a hospital, people with health insurance must show their insurance policy, excluding cases when a person is admitted by ambulance.

Is it necessary to replace a medical insurance policy?

At the beginning of 2014, paper policies were replaced by plastic cards. The main thing is to remember that without this certificate, receiving free medical care is impossible.

Plastic policy

Insurance is a personalized document that indicates the last name, first name, patronymic and other personal information of the insured person. Situations often arise when a person decides to change his last name, for example, if:

  • he entered into marriage;
  • divorced;
  • decided to return to his old surname;
  • changed the data in your passport or other documentation.

Individual account insurance number

That is, in case of marriage, a woman must certainly change her passport, insurance policy and other documentation. It should be taken into account that when applying for insurance, you will need to present a new document (original passport). The only exception is the insurance number of the individual account - despite the fact that it must also change when receiving new policy, you can provide the old one, since the number itself will remain the same.

Important! Article No. 326 of the Federal Law states that only 30 days are given for reissuing a policy after a change of name.

Having changed your last name or registration, you need to go to a medical organization that provides insurance services to receive new documentation. If this is not done on time, the provision of free assistance will be temporarily stopped. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is better not to waste time with this issue.

Where to go to exchange a policy

When changing any information in your documentation, including your policy, you need to know where to go for this.

When discussing the fact that when changing your last name, you need to know that depending on the situation, the registration rules change. When a woman or man decides to change only their last name, they should contact the insurance institution and write an application. If a person gets married, sells a house and moves to another city for permanent residence, then there are several outcomes of the situation.

For example, when an insurance organization draws up documentation for a person and all services will operate in the territory of her residence, then you only need to come to the office and write an application to change the certificate due to a change in personal information and relocation. Be sure to have the necessary documentation with you.

Exchange of insurance certificate

If a decision has been made to change the organization providing insurance services (it does not matter for what reasons this happened), you need to choose the right one insurance agent, come to the office and write a statement.

List of required documents for re-registration

For re-registration it is mandatory health insurance necessary:

  • Application form. It is provided by company employees. The form must indicate why the decision was made to change the last name, write down your passport details and wishes for a new type of policy.
  • Original passport. It must be new and contain changed data, since obtaining a policy using an old passport is impossible.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce as a reason for changing the surname.
  • Old policy. Its presence is not required, but insurance organizations often ask to present it.
  • Individual account insurance number card.

List of documents for re-registration

Important! If you want to change your baby's insurance, you will need the mother's or father's original passport, the child's birth certificate and any paper indicating the reason for the change of name.

Having with you old policy and SNILS, you can significantly simplify the registration procedure and reduce the time it takes to complete it. The presence of the child in the company’s office is not mandatory; the presence of his birth certificate is sufficient. You can also replace the policy yourself with your wife or mother; their presence is also not necessary, but a power of attorney is required.

Where to contact

The application can be submitted to any organization that has received accreditation from the state. A list of such companies hangs in any hospital or on the Internet. When choosing an insurer, it is advisable to carefully weigh everything and analyze information about the company.

Note. The Max insurance group has proven itself quite well. The organization has branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Far Eastern, Volga, North-West, North Caucasus, Ural, Siberian, Central and Southern regions. The company has existed since 1992, provides all types of insurance services and occupies a leading position.

By region, the most authoritative branch of the insurance group in Ivanovsk, Spasskie Vorota. The institution has been operating since 2004, has a license to provide compulsory medical insurance, and provides insurance to the entire population of the city. Among the many insurance institutions in Moscow, the most prominent are the companies “VTB Medical Insurance” and the insurance company “RESO-Garantia” on Borovskoye Highway.


Changing your compulsory medical insurance policy should occur in the following sequence:

  1. Choosing a decent insurer. He must have an impeccable reputation in his professional activities.
  2. Preparation of all necessary papers.
  3. Having everything with you necessary certificates and papers, you should contact the insurance office and write an application to reissue a new policy. If a single type policy was previously issued, you only need to conclude a new contract. All agent details must be indicated on the back of the policy.
  4. Next comes the waiting time. When the document is ready, a company employee will call you. You will have to wait about 30 days, but in most cases the processing takes 2-3 weeks.

Temporary certificate

Important! For the period of time when re-registration occurs, you need to request a temporary certificate. It is equivalent to a policy, the only difference is that it is printed on paper, so it can become wrinkled or torn.

Is VHI necessary if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Voluntary health insurance is paid care in hospitals and other medical institutions. It is impossible to say clearly how much the policy will cost, because the main role is played by the range of services provided.

Voluntary insurance gives everything the same as compulsory medical insurance, but with more favorable conditions- no queue, good service. The contract optionally includes various services that allow you to call a doctor, go to a specialized doctor, go to a hospital, etc.

On a note. This insurance can be individual, that is, you can insure yourself and a loved one, and collective - insurance by the employer of the health of its employees. Is it necessary to purchase voluntary health insurance if the company does not provide for its registration? This is a personal matter, it all depends on the person’s desire to save time and nerves.

The cost of the policy can be calculated on the website of the insurance company. When calculating the cost, the range of services provided, gender, age, well-being, and working conditions are taken into account. The choice of an insurance company must be careful and thoughtful; it is advisable to pay attention to studying the contract when signing it.

Updated 09/12/2016

Answers to frequently asked questions:

1 . Who is eligible to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy?
The list of persons subject to compulsory health insurance can be found in the section

2. What documents are required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in 2011?
The list of documents required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy can be found in the appropriate

3. Where can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?
Information about addresses and operating hours in the corresponding section.

4. How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?
You need to contact the nearest Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy Issuing Point with an Application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization.
The following documents or their certified copies required for registration as an insured person are attached to the application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance organization:
for children after state registration birth and up to fourteen years of age being citizens Russian Federation:
birth certificate;
an identification document of the child’s legal representative (usually the passport of one of the parents);
SNILS (if available);

5. How it is now in MoscowIs compulsory medical insurance policy issued for nonresidents? Can citizens of the Russian Federation in Moscow obtain a policy without registration?
Section II of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated February 28, 2011 No. 158n) does not require citizens of the Russian Federation to register at their place of residence or stay in order to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.
Thus, compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow are issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of registration at the place of residence.

6. I got married and changed my last name, is my compulsory medical insurance policy replaced when my last name is changed?
In accordance with Section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2011 No. 158n), the Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy is subject to re-issuance if:
- change of surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, date of birth, place of birth of the insured person;
- establishing the inaccuracy or error of the information contained in the policy.
If you have an old-style policy, then you need to contact the Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy Issuing Point with an Application for choosing (replacing) a medical insurance organization to receive a new-style policy.
If you have already received a policy uniform sample(beginning of issuance - 05/01/2011) - with an Application for the issuance of a duplicate or re-issuance of the policy for re-issuance of the policy.
Renewal of the policy is carried out upon presentation of documents confirming the changes (marriage certificate, certificate from the registry office, court decision, etc.)

7. How to change the compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost or if the policy has become unusable?
If an old-style policy is lost or has become unusable, you need to contact us to obtain a new-style policy.
If a uniform policy (issued after 05/01/2011) is lost or has become unusable - to issue a duplicate policy.

8. Does the law provide for a compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens?
In accordance with Section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2011 No. 158n):

Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation (with a residence permit - editor's note) are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year.

Persons entitled to receive medical care in accordance with Federal law“On refugees”, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the period of stay established in the documents*2 specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 9 of the Rules.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation (those with a temporary residence permit - editor's note) are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

Workers of the EAEU member states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia) temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the employment contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state.

Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation and belonging to the category of members of the Commission board, officials and employees of EAEU bodies, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the period of execution of their respective powers.

The list of documents required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy can be found in the corresponding section.

9 . There is no way to get a policy on my own, can I get a policy through a friend?
Yes, you can apply for a policy through your representative. To apply for a policy through a representative, you need to fill out. Notarization of the power of attorney is not required.

11 . What services can be obtained under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

The list of medical services of the compulsory medical insurance system is presented in the section.

12 . How is emergency medical care different from urgent care?

Emergency - medical assistance, provided for sudden acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, conditions that pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Emergency medical care, provided for sudden acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, conditions without obvious signs of a threat to the patient’s life.

Planned - medical care, provided during preventive measures, for diseases and conditions that are not accompanied by a threat to the patient’s life, that do not require emergency and urgent forms of medical care, the delay of which for a certain time will not entail a deterioration in the patient’s condition, a threat to his life and health.

13 . The doctor ordered an MRI, but said that I would have to wait in line. What is the maximum waiting time for this examination?

The waiting period for computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography when providing primary health care in a planned manner is no more than 26 calendar days from the date the need for such studies is established for the patient.

Did not find an answer to your question? You can

Policy Compulsory health insurance is a system that allows you to receive most medical services free of charge in any region. It works as follows: every month everyone who works in the Russian Federation makes contributions to the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. These funds go to medical insurance organizations operating in compulsory medical insurance system. And they already pay for the work of employees of clinics, hospitals, dispensaries and other medical organizations - according to the number of patients served and services provided to them.

To give you medical services free of charge, you must confirm that you are in the compulsory medical insurance system. This can be done by presenting a compulsory medical insurance policy.

">compulsory health insurance (CHI) - a document confirming your right to free medical care in state medical institutions throughout Russia.

2. How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy you will need:

  • passport or temporary identity card if you are changing it;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS).

If you are taking out a policy for a child, you will need:

  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a document confirming that you can represent the interests of the child: your passport, an act of the guardianship and trusteeship authority appointing a guardian or trustee, a court decision, and so on;
  • SNILS number of the child (for children under 14 years old - if available, for children over 14 years old - mandatory).

If your representative will submit the documents, you will additionally need:

  • representative's passport or temporary identity card, if he changes it;
  • power of attorney for insurance in the selected organization.

Compulsory medical insurance policy can also be issued To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a foreigner will need:

  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • passport foreign citizen or another document recognized in the Russian Federation as identifying a foreign citizen in accordance with an international treaty;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in the passport of a foreign citizen or in another identity document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">foreign citizens, To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a stateless person will need:
  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • a document recognized in the Russian Federation as identifying a stateless person in accordance with an international treaty, or a document issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have identification documents;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in an identity document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">stateless persons
And To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, a refugee will need:
  • application (filled out at the appointment);
  • one of the following documents: a refugee certificate, a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition, a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note on acceptance for consideration, a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.

You can submit documents to a medical insurance organization from the register of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Citizens of the Russian Federation registered in Moscow (both adults and children), who have never previously received a compulsory medical insurance policy, can apply for a policy both at the insurance company and at any public service center, regardless of the region of registration.

Please note: before registering the birth of a child and for 30 days after that, medical insurance for the child is provided by the same insurance company that insures his mother or other legal representative. After this period, one of the parents or another legal representative may choose another insurance company.

The compulsory medical insurance policy will be ready within 30 working days after registration of the application and documents submitted by you. During this time, on the day of your application, you will be given a temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

3. How to change or restore your compulsory medical insurance policy?

If you are satisfied with your insurance company, you need to change your compulsory medical insurance policy or issue a duplicate in cases where:

  • you changed your place of residence, full name or other data in your identity document - within a month;
  • you have discovered an inaccuracy in the personal data specified in the document;
  • you have an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy (green A4 or plastic card), and you want a new document (blue A5 sheet or three-color plastic card);
  • you have spoiled or lost your compulsory medical insurance policy.

To replace or obtain a duplicate policy, you will need the same documents as for initial registration. If your personal data, place of residence has changed, or inaccuracies have been discovered in the issued compulsory medical insurance policy, you will also need documents confirming this.

You need to contact your insurance company. IN

  • when a duplicate policy is needed - provided that the previous policy was of a new type and issued in Moscow;
  • when you need to replace an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy with a new-style one - provided that the old policy was issued in Moscow and your personal data has not changed since then;
  • when you need to replace your compulsory medical insurance policy due to a change in personal data: last name, first name, residential address - provided that you have a new type of policy and it was issued in Moscow.
  • ">in some cases you can also contact any center in the city, regardless of where you are registered.

    If you want to change your insurer, you need to apply for a new policy from the organization you like. But please note that general rule You can change your insurance company no more than once a year. If you have changed your place of residence or your insurance company has ceased operations, you can do so more often. However, from November 1 to December 31, applications to change the insurance company are not accepted.

    Within 30 days after registration of your submitted application and documents, you will be issued a new sample compulsory medical insurance policy (old sample policies are no longer issued). During this time, you will be given a temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

    4. Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy online?

    Adult users of the Official Website of the Moscow Mayor who have a full (confirmed) account and who have SNILS indicated in their personal account can submit documents for registration (replacement, restoration) of a compulsory medical insurance policy online.

    To apply for (replace, restore) a compulsory medical insurance policy online, you will need:

    • scanned copy of an identity document;
    • Black and white photograph 320x400 pixels in size, up to 5 MB in format: JPG, JPEG, JPE.">photography(when ordering a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form plastic card with electronic media)
    • A scanned copy of the signature in black and white, 160x736 pixels in size, up to 5 MB in size in the following formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE. The size of a handwritten signature should not exceed 10x46 mm.">scanned copy of the signature(when ordering a compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media);
    • compulsory medical insurance policy number (if available).

    After you submit the documents, a temporary certificate will be available for download in your personal account. The compulsory medical insurance policy itself will be ready within 30 days after registration of the submitted documents. You will be able to receive it at your chosen point for issuing policies of a medical insurance organization or at a government services center (depending on which method of receipt you specify when submitting documents).

    5. How to check if my compulsory medical insurance policy is valid?

    6. What medical services can be obtained free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

    Under the compulsory medical insurance policy throughout Russia (regardless of where it is issued), you can receive free Medical services are provided in medical organizations participating in the implementation of territorial compulsory medical insurance programs, to the extent established by the basic compulsory health insurance program.

    Everyone knows that treatment, medical assistance and appointments at public clinics are possible only if you have a medical certificate giving the corresponding right. For convenience and to save time, you can obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy through State Services.

    Following step by step instructions, presented below, portal users have the opportunity to order its production via the Internet, or contact the insurance company in person. In addition, the article presents ways to solve the main problems that you may encounter when applying through State Services. It is worth considering that when changing your last name, you need to contact the organization where the issuance was carried out previously.

    To order compulsory medical insurance, you need to go to State Services, fill out the necessary information and submit an application to insurance organization. Step-by-step algorithm as follows:

    Please note that registration requires a qualified electronic digital signature. If you don’t have one, you’ll have to contact the company in person.

    Filling out an electronic application for issuing compulsory medical insurance

    The first items with personal data will be automatically taken from personal account State services, so we will not dwell on them in detail and move on to the sacred instructions for replacing the policy.

    This service is completely free, and for additional advice, anyone can write to technical support.

    Issuance of a temporary certificate from an insurance company

    After completing the actions through State Services, a message will appear in the notification feed that you need to visit the previously selected organization to get a temporary certificate. To receive it upon arrival, you need to provide a passport and SNILS. With it, you can use the entire range of free medical services in the Russian Federation until the basic plastic compulsory health insurance is prepared for you.

    Receiving a permanent policy in a month

    After 30 days, a notification will be sent to your personal account on the State Services website. It will contain an invitation to pick up a ready-made permanent policy. Regardless of the region of residence, the insured will be able to receive free treatment in any corner of the country.

    If there is no electronic signature

    In the absence of an electronic signature, it is not possible to replace the compulsory medical insurance through State Services. You will have to act independently and honor the insurance company with a physical presence, and you will need to prepare the appropriate documents. The gradation depends on age.

    Children under 14 years of age will need:

    • birth certificate;
    • if available, SNILS;
    • passport of one of the guardian.

    Teenagers from 14 to 18 years old:

    • personal passport;
    • SNILS;
    • parent's passport;

    People who have reached the age of majority present:

    • own passport;
    • SNILS.

    The algorithm of actions, as when ordering through State Services, remains the same:

    1. You submit an application to any insurance company.
    2. The applicant is issued a temporary document.
    3. In a month we will collect the completed medical certificate.

    Changing your last name or accidentally losing your policy does not mean that citizens no longer have the opportunity to see a doctor. To restore or replace your previous compulsory medical insurance policy with a plastic one, in the form of a card, you need to come to the insurance organization that previously issued the certificate.

    For visiting foreigners, when filling out an application, you must additionally have a residence permit or permission to certain period accommodation.

    List of organizations where compulsory medical insurance is issued

    There are a few large companies, where you can get a policy that the applicant can choose himself. By following the link you can select any IC.

    The exception is cases of loss or change of surname in the compulsory medical insurance (then we go to the old organization). To the most large enterprises in the insurance market include

    • Ingosstrakh-M
    • Insurance group "Spasskiye Vorota-m";
    • Insurance company "Sogaz-med";
    • "Medical Joint Stock Insurance Company";

    For remote consultation, you can contact the contact number provided on the website.

    How to change a medical policy when changing your last name through government services

    The algorithm of actions for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy after changing your last name is similar to paragraph 1 of these instructions. However, if the applicant does not have one, you need to come to the insurance company yourself and replace the policy. In this case, you need to go to the insurer that issued the policy earlier.

    According to the law, the replacement must be made within 30 days after the marriage is registered.

    When contacting the insurer, you need a passport with a new surname and SNILS. After making changes to the database, a temporary policy is issued, and a month later the main policy is issued, both plastic, a new type, and paper.

    Thus, to obtain, restore or exchange compulsory medical insurance through State Services, you should follow the tips presented above. When performing these mandatory procedures, a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreigner will be provided with free medical care guaranteed by the government of the Russian Federation.

    State health insurance is issued once and is indefinite, but in some circumstances it is subject to renewal. Replacing the compulsory health insurance policy when changing your last name is mandatory, since if the document contains outdated information about the insured person, it is considered invalid.

    Is it necessary to change the policy by law?

    Based on this document, a citizen has the right to receive free medical and drug care in the country’s healthcare institutions in the amount state program. Information about the policyholder is included in the contract, so important changes must be recorded in it.

    Since 2011, policies of a new type began to be issued in the Russian Federation. At first, the document was issued only in paper form, but since 2014, chipped plastic cards have appeared. Thus, citizens have two types of compulsory medical insurance contracts in their hands - electronic and paper. IN this moment Health insurance is issued for life and has no expiration date. However, old valid documents are also valid until they expire.

    Despite the fact that since 2011 the form of filling out and the type of document have changed, citizens can continue to use their existing contracts. If the insured expresses a desire to obtain a new type of insurance, changing the policy is absolutely free.

    If he wants to continue to use the old agreement, he has the right to do so. It is necessary to change the document to an indefinite one when the old insurance expires, or under other circumstances: change of registration, personal data, etc.

    How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name

    The medical insurance contains the personal data of its owner: date of birth, gender, registration and, of course, full name. Consequently, when changing the surname, the number of documents that are subject to re-registration includes mandatory policy Compulsory medical insurance.

    This issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 326-FZ “On Mandatory health insurance in the Russian Federation" dated November 29, 2010. In Art. 16 p. 2 p. 3 of this law states that insured persons undertake to notify the insurance company of changes in personal data: change of full name, passport, move to another permanent place of residence.

    Where to contact

    There are several ways to replace your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name:

    • through the employer. As a rule, organizations with a large staff of people control the need to reissue health insurance without the participation of employees. This is done by a HR specialist. All conditions are stipulated in the collective agreement, which is signed upon admission to work;
    • at the insurer's office. You can change your health insurance directly from the insurance company where you received it. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and visit the organization yourself;
    • on the government services website. This is a very convenient resource with many useful options. The replacement can also be made on this website, however, this service is operating in test mode and is available only in some regions. In the near future, this opportunity will appear for all citizens of the Russian Federation: it will be enough to go to the government services website, log in or register, select the category “Service Catalog” - “My Health” - “What is a compulsory medical insurance policy and how to get it”;
    • in any branch of the MFC. To do this, you need to make an appointment in advance so as not to take a ticket to the electronic queue and not waste time waiting. The operator accepts the documents, and then issues a temporary certificate and sets a date for receiving a new contract - no more than 30 days from the date of submission of the application.

    On a note! Registration for government services takes a long time – up to one month. Use the service in simplified mode you can immediately, but in order to order renewal of documents you need a verified account. In order to gain full access you will need to undergo verification, and this takes some time. You can quickly replace an insurance contract only if the user is already registered in the system. Some new users are waiting for confirmation account up to 30 days.

    What to carry

    To replace the compulsory medical insurance agreement due to a change of surname, you will need to prepare the following package of papers:

    • civil passport with new information;
    • old contract (optional);
    • Marriage certificate;
    • personal account number in the mandatory system pension insurance(SNILS).

    how to find out compulsory medical insurance policy by last name

    You can find out the compulsory medical insurance policy number by last name and check its availability in the database on the website of the insurer whose services the insured person uses. As a rule, to do this, it is enough to enter your full name, and the necessary data will appear on the screen. A personal 16-digit number can be seen on the front side of an electronic plastic card or paper form.

    Many citizens are interested in whether the compulsory health insurance number changes when changing their last name? It all depends on the type of insurance. If an old document is being replaced, the number will also change when re-issued. If insurance was received later than 2011, then the number remains the same.

    Replacing a medical insurance policy for a child

    Everyone has health insurance age groups population, from small to large. It is issued immediately after birth. The most common reason for its replacement is marriage. However, a child may also need new health insurance, for example, if parents are adopted or divorced.

    Where to contact

    The procedure for replacing an insurance contract for a child is absolutely identical. The only difference is that a parent or legal representative must apply for new insurance for him. It can be done:

    • through the insurer;
    • at the MFC branch.

    If the parent does not have information about who the insurer is, necessary information can be obtained at the clinic at your place of residence.

    What to carry

    To obtain new health insurance for a child, you will need to collect the following documents:

    • civil passport of the parent or legal representative;
    • birth certificate with a new surname;
    • old insurance contract (optional);
    • SNILS (if the child is under 14 years old, it is not necessary to present it);
    • power of attorney (if the interests of the child are represented by third parties).

    Sample application

    When filling out an application for a new health insurance, a citizen fills out the following information:

    • reasons for re-registration;
    • old and new personal data;
    • information about the insured;
    • information about the representative.


    Some important documents, such as those that prove identity, require immediate replacement. The first to be reissued is the civil passport, and a month is allotted for this. The owner of the insurance is not limited in time and can renew it at any time.

    In practice, medical institutions do not refuse to provide medical services due to a discrepancy between the last name in the passport and the insurance contract. However, there is no point in delaying the replacement. How long does it take to change health insurance?

    The rules of compulsory health insurance stipulate that maximum term registration of insurance cannot exceed the validity period of the temporary certificate. It turns out that you can receive insurance with new data no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the application.


    Renewing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name is absolutely free. If this procedure is carried out on behalf of the employer, then the insurer may charge some money for re-registration, especially if we are talking about health insurance with additional options and services. For the issuance and replacement of insurance in the amount of mandatory basic program There is no charge - this procedure is free of charge.

    Temporary certificate

    After accepting the application for a replacement, the citizen is issued a temporary certificate, which is valid for 30 days. With it, the insured has the opportunity to receive medical care in the same volume as provided by the insurance program.

    Such a certificate is issued to all insured persons without exception, regardless of age. When the permanent insurance contract is prepared and issued, the temporary one becomes invalid and unusable.


    When changing your surname, re-registration insurance contract is prerequisite. Such a procedure may be needed not only after marriage, but also during adoption or divorce. It is better not to delay the replacement, as discrepancies in the documents can lead to confusion, and in the end you will have to pay for medical services out of your own pocket.

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