How to sell an apartment: detailed instructions. Learning how to quickly sell your apartment How to show an apartment correctly

Rodion Sovdagarov, head of the consulting bureau Sovdagarov HR services, a famous business coach from Moscow, talks about how a realtor can successfully interact with a buyer and seller when showing an apartment.

I find the concept of “viewing” extremely harmful. It is never a viewing, it is always a showing, and its task and methodology are different, depending on whether the realtor is working for a buyer or a seller. However, there are a few general points worth remembering. First about them.

  1. A demonstration is a critically important action from the point of view of marketing a real estate service, because a demonstration is almost the only moment where the client sees with his own eyes the work of a realtor. As our research shows, it is by the behavior of the realtor during the showing that the client first of all evaluates the quality of his work. That is, you can do all the paperwork wonderfully, conduct a marketing analysis, but make a mistake at the show, and the client will think that you are a complete fool.
  2. During the showing, the realtor has 100% initiative. It shouldn’t be like this: so I went to a corner (this is the difference between “showing” and “viewing”), and they themselves are watching something there. Firstly, the client’s assessment will depend on the behavior of the realtor. Secondly, the clients themselves will definitely not see anything: they will only see what is shown and what they focus on. Thirdly, the display is potentially dangerous situation, fundamentally conflictual if the owners are present there. In fact, at this moment there are 2 owners in the apartment, the past and the future, and sparks definitely begin to spark between them. Moreover, if the buyer really likes the apartment, then at that moment he begins to mentally arrange the furniture, move his relatives in, and he begins to terribly dislike everything connected with the previous owner. Criticisms are expressed and conflict arises. This is why initiative is so important for a realtor.
  3. About the counterparty to the transaction. Anything can happen, so you may come across a clown on the other side. How to insure yourself against this? The only way is to agree on the show schedule in advance. For example, you say to your contact agent: “Let’s talk, the show lasts half an hour. First, we introduce our clients, agree in advance what can be given to the client, what is and what is not in the handouts. Then it’s your 10 minutes, show and tell, I won’t say a word, sing your song. Then I take the initiative and ask my questions. Get ready, we always check this and that. Our goal is not to disgrace you.” Then we come to the show and understand a simple thing: a person adheres to the regulations - it’s good, if he begins to grossly violate the established rules, my advice is: take your client and evacuate him from there. If the realtor, on the other hand, cannot adequately demonstrate himself at the initial stage, then imagine what he will do during the transaction.

Now let's separate two points: and.

If we work from the seller

The ideal display is when there is no owner at all, but this is rarely achievable.

First, the apartment must be prepared.

What is a show-ready apartment? General principle– the less visible the life activity of the current owners, the better. The apartment should be clean, ventilated: as little household odors as possible. No air fresheners: Russian people associate them with the toilet. If you need to give pleasant smells, the ideal option is the smell of freshly brewed coffee or something baked. To do this, just throw a few coffee beans into the microwave - that’s it, you’ve already got the desired smell.

Place furniture against the walls to maximize free space. If possible, flowers should be removed from the windows; they block the light. In general, in a display situation, the ideal place for home flowers is on the landing to give a well-groomed appearance. If the show is in the evening, then it is better to change all the light bulbs to 100-candle lights. The main thing is that it is very light.

The basic principle is more light, space and air.

The ideal is a well-lit, empty apartment with whitewashed walls. Get as close to him as possible. Anyone who can be kicked out of the apartment should be kicked out. Be sure to remove pets. No excuses: “He doesn’t bite,” “He’s affectionate,” “He’s kind.” The pet will not be kind at this moment for a simple reason: he will see how a stranger has come to take over his house. And even the cutest animal in such a situation begins to show aggression. Therefore, let the neighbors take the animal for a walk or go for a walk, and at the same time we automatically remove family members from the apartment.

Pay attention to the entrance. People start asking prices from there: prepare the area, at least hang an old calendar on the wall. By the way, this is the only place where you can use an air freshener, especially if it smells like garbage or rats.

Second important point– preparation of the owner.

The owner must be forced to remain silent. Why? I'll explain what's going on. He, poor thing, is worried that his apartment will not be shown properly and begins to interfere, disrupting the structure of the show. Therefore, we convey to him simple logic:

“Enemies are coming to you, these people are here for the sole purpose: either to waste your time, or, if they like the apartment, to throw all their efforts into bringing down the price. You are under interrogation, I am your lawyer. Any word you say will be used against you. If it seems like I haven't made something clear, tell me."

Accordingly, what to present at the show itself? Definitely not an apartment. It's crazy when a realtor starts telling you, "These are the walls, this is the door, this is the toilet." The display must include a printed map, for example, from Yandex.Maps, showing key objects correlated around the infrastructure. Because we are not presenting an apartment, but the social opportunities and lifestyle changes that it provides: location, resources.

A very useful thing is a map of neighbors: who lives above, below, on the side, if the neighbors are decent. If the neighbors are “indecent,” then we talk not about nearby neighbors, but about resource ones. Which useful people live in this entrance: employees of local authorities, housing and communal services, law enforcement officers, etc. We tell and carefully monitor the buyer’s reaction, react to his emotions, but at the same time we must have our own plan: we do not blindly follow the buyer’s interest , we present the apartment according to a certain logic.

One more thing - there must be handouts with several photographs, a map, a description, contact information. This flyer is handed to the buyer or realtor. The buyer looks at many objects that are mixed in his head. But if he receives handouts, he will remember your apartment, moreover, he will highlight it among other showings.

The owner needs to be controlled during the work process, because he is nervous and eager to fight. Therefore, firstly, he needs to really show how we beautifully present his apartment. Secondly, you need to respect his fetishes. Each apartment seller has something that he considers especially valuable in the apartment, despite the fact that it usually is not so. But this still needs to be shown, otherwise the owner will think that we did not tell the most important thing. Thirdly, there are “non-stop” hosts with whom you need to learn a speech: give some piece of speech, but immediately agree that you control the whole process. And the owner will not have the feeling that he has been pushed into a corner.

It is important to have the buyer sign the viewing sheet because there should be at least some trace of the showing. The viewing sheet must contain several entries to confirm that there is interest in the apartment and this buyer is not the only one who came to see it.

If we work for a buyer

The main mistake a realtor makes when he comes with a buyer is that he makes excuses for bringing the client to this particular apartment and starts praising it and “selling it.” A realtor does not have such a task. The realtor who came with the buyer should be the most helpful organizer and curator of all discussions. He, like the Lord's Prayer, must have a plan for the technological examination of the apartment, because the person who comes to the showing will be confused. This is a stressful situation: in 15-30 minutes you need to inspect an apartment where you will live for several decades.

In this situation, the realtor calmly takes the initiative: after the showing, he begins to ask questions about the inspection map:

  • presence/absence of redevelopment;
  • operation of key technological units;
  • work of the riser, hood;
  • double-glazed windows: are they installed correctly, are they exposed to ventilation.

We check the apartment for the presence of fungus and leaks, pay attention to the floor: laminate, linoleum.

All this can be easily googled on the Internet on sites related to repairs. The realtor must calmly and carefully carry out the initial examination for the client. Thus, showing the client the “product” and why realtors exist in this world in general. Plus, identify all the shortcomings: if you like the apartment, we need arguments to reduce the price, which appear in the process of technological examination.

It is important to agree with the buyer so that he shows less emotion during the show. Dissatisfaction and criticism will result in conflict, and excessive interest and compliments will result in difficulties when bargaining.

Before starting showing the apartment, it is important to decide whether we will show it to everyone or not to everyone. I am for the sale of an apartment at minimum number impressions!

And not because time is a pity. But because each showing strengthens your confidence that your apartment is in high demand, and it doesn’t matter that most of the tourists who come simply do not have money. And false illusions are a serious thing.

And the second point: every show is an invasion of privacy, because... people often live in apartments for sale.

The main thing you need to understand when showing an apartment is You are not showing YOUR apartment, but the BUYER’S FUTURE APARTMENT! This means that instead of saying “from this window I like to look at the sunset,” it is better to say “from this window YOU will like to look at the sunset.” Lyrics, of course, but I hope the meaning is clear.

It is important that the Buyer felt how HE lives in this apartment. “Felt” is the key word. Often people make decisions based on emotions rather than logical conclusions.

How do you think buyers explain their decision to buy this or that apartment? Not at all because the price per meter is the lowest, or that the price/quality ratio is optimal, but because “I walked into the apartment and realized – this is MINE”.

How can you help the buyer mentally “live” in your apartment for now?

Firstly, this is the same “depersonalization” that I wrote about in pre-sale preparation. That is, it is necessary to free the room from personal belongings as much as possible.

Secondly, the room must be cleared of people. It is best to have your agent show the apartment. If there is none, then one (!) adult family member. Send the rest of the household to get some fresh air. If there are animals in the house, put them there too.

During the show, do not present too much text - you may blurt out too much. (We don’t have cockroaches - we just poisoned them). But don’t be silent like a fish. Answer the questions, pay attention to those advantages of the apartment that are not obvious. For example, that your double-glazed windows are not simple, but “breathable”.

I got ahead of myself a little here, missing one important thing:

You never get a second opportunity to make a good first impression, so start with the entryway and staircase - this is the first thing a buyer evaluates. If necessary, sweep and wash it, clean or remove the rug completely, replace burnt out light bulbs, tidy up the front door. Don't forget to remove bottles from the windowsill.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything! It is unlikely that you will be able to disperse the homeless people hanging out at the entrance to the entrance, since I suspect that they deeply care about your concerns. Unless you are two meters tall and about a hundred and twenty kilograms.

Once I was selling an apartment at a good price, in a good location. There were a lot of showings, but for some reason it still didn’t sell. And so I bring customers there (for the twentieth time), and a drunk man is sleeping on a bench at the entrance. Well, I think I'll be wasting my time again. And what do you think? It was these buyers who bought that apartment. So, personally, drunks on benches don’t bother me anymore.

One more nuance:

Don't force your customers to take off their shoes. Suddenly a person has a sock with a hole. And simply put, it’s time to quit with the scoop. It’s especially touching when gentlemen sellers thrust their slippers (worn and dirty) into buyers’ hands. You are our caring people! It’s better to be barefoot, and even better – not to walk at all. If you are really worried about the cleanliness of your laminate flooring, place a rug and a damp cloth at the entrance and invite guests to wipe their shoes on them.

And finally, respect to non-standard solutions! About five years ago I sold an expensive new building in the center. We sold out from one show, which I still remember. Shown at night, i.e. in the evening, but since it was winter, it was dark at night. There was no light in the apartment (it is new, unfinished and without light bulbs). The seller came to the showing with a candle(I couldn’t find a flashlight)! Everything went well: we walked around the mansions with that candle, the lights of the city at night outside the windows... In general, the buyers liked the apartment, and they ended up buying it. Of course, we watched it again during the day, but the first impression is difficult to beat.

Note: if the seller had come with a flashlight that time, things could have turned out completely differently. I didn’t understand it then, I just noticed the unusualness of the candle. And the trick is that in the light of a lantern, especially a bright one, all the flaws in the concrete wall become hypertrophied. That's it.

More than that, that's it.

Mostly people look at apartments after work, tired and hungry. Remember this and try not to bother your guests with your problems. Create a cozy and comfortable environment and be optimistic and friendly.

Have a nice and successful showing!

Step aside and, as they say in Odessa, let the Buyer calmly make his own opinion. A small concession in price - personal discount for the Buyer - at the end of the show, it can be very useful. Give the Buyer a sincere compliment - this always helps in negotiations and puts the interlocutor in the right mood. The main thing is without fanaticism! If we constantly buzz in the Buyer’s ear, praising our apartment and lavishing pleasantries, we risk having the opposite effect. Everything should be in moderation. ♦ ♦ If you are not a born showman and do not have hypnosis skills, then it is better to prepare for your “performance” in advance. Let's select a few positive characteristics of our apartment that are not immediately visible during a quick inspection. For example, we have new copper wiring in our apartment, or we have heated floors in the kitchen. We will inform the Buyer about this during the “tour”.

How to show an apartment correctly. from the experience of professionals

We need to be prepared for such questions in advance, so that right moment do not start mumbling, stuttering and “getting confused in the testimony”, giving the Buyer the impression that “something is wrong here, he is being dark, I’d better get out of here.” Typical questions from the Buyer when inspecting an apartment usually boil down to the following:

  • “How much is opium for the people?” - This question is rhetorical, it is not necessary to answer it.
  • Who is the owner of the apartment, how many owners are there, which of them are married, are there any minor children among them? - Questions relate to the spouse’s consent to the transaction, and obtaining permission from the Guardianship and Trusteeship Authorities;
  • Who is registered in the apartment? Is it possible to check out before the transaction? - Obviously, a “legally free” apartment is more liquid, i.e.

How to show an apartment on the secondary market

How to bargain when selling an apartment When submitting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, it is best to proceed from the fact that the price of the object being sold needs to include a certain amount for bargaining. The amount of such an amount should be small, and such a small overstatement is much better than mentioning the word “bargaining” in the advertising text. Also, you should not negotiate to reduce the price of an apartment over the phone.

It is best to organize a meeting, inspect the apartment, and discuss the size of the discount on the spot. It is worth reducing the declared price of a home only if significant shortcomings apartments. In addition, in order to sell an apartment faster, it is necessary to compromise with the buyer, because he, one way or another, wants to purchase the property at the lowest price, so sometimes it is necessary to slightly reduce the previously set price.

Should a realtor be present when showing apartments?

  • How quickly are we ready to collect the missing documents, and when will we be ready to enter into a deal? - Depends on the composition of the package of documents for this transaction and on the Buyer’s requirements for additional confirmation certificates (for example, certificates from the IPA and ND).
  • How do we plan to receive money, and on what terms? - It's about about methods of payment for an apartment (cash, bank transfer, moment of receiving money, etc.).
  • What is the amount of advance payment and on what terms will we be satisfied? - The amount, term, conditions of return, and the document/agreement under which the prepayment will be transferred are discussed (more on this in the next step).
  • Is bargaining possible? - A categorical refusal to bargain can be justified for us only in the case of a clear increase in prices on the market, when the price of an apartment tomorrow is higher than today.

Instructions for beginners: how do realtors work when selling an apartment?


By concluding an agreement for the services of a realtor, the seller wants to get a quick and profitable sale of his home. Buyers hope that when purchasing through a realtor, the transaction will be legally clear. A good specialist will conduct a full inspection of the apartment being sold and its owner.

To conclude a transaction, it is necessary to establish the presence or absence of:
  • encumbrances on the real estate being sold;
  • debts for housing and communal services;
  • rights of other persons to the object being sold;
  • disputes over the apartment;
  • the seller's authority to alienate the apartment.

When concluding an agreement for the provision of services, a realtor undertakes to support the transaction from beginning to end. If the realtor performs his work conscientiously, all parties to the transaction benefit. Sellers and buyers do not need to independently organize the sales process, draw up documents, or delve into the nuances of the transaction.

Articles about real estate

But the front door (entrance) was so terrible, with smells and inscriptions, that buyers did not even want to go upstairs, they turned around and left, taking a few steps on the first floor. A savvy agent hired workers who doused and washed the walls with water: the inscriptions and most of the dirt were washed away. And they began to tell customers that the front door would be renovated.

The apartment was sold immediately, and buyers who had not previously reached the apartment were indignant that they were not told about the upcoming renovation - Tatyana Prolesko, St. Petersburg/Europe/Seychelles. — I had an apartment filled to capacity with rubbish from the dump. It was impossible to even breathe there. I hired workers almost at my own expense, took out all the garbage in two containers, did partial dismantling, constantly ventilated the room, filled it with air fresheners, did wet cleaning twice (with bleach), and also painted something so that the paint stank.

We show the apartment to buyers

What is the difference between a technical passport and a technical plan for an apartment? What document is needed for the transaction? What nuances need to be taken into account when showing an apartment? The display time (if possible) can also be turned to your advantage. It has been noticed that in the morning (or at least in the first half of the day) people are calmer and more receptive to the positive. They have not yet been stressed at work, they are not tired, daytime stress big city has not yet imprinted itself on their mood.
If we managed to agree on a showing for the morning, try to create a good mood for the Buyer for the whole day. This positive background will be linked to our apartment. You can also use the weather to your advantage. Let's look at the forecast: a gloomy gray sky, rain and slush will clearly not add glamor to us.
But it would not be a shame to show the sun and blue sky from the window of our apartment. All this will also be deposited in the “subcortex” of the Buyer.

How to buy an apartment with the help of a realtor? main features


After approval, he discusses the nuances of the transaction with the buyer and accepts an advance from him in the amount agreed upon with the seller. Then you need to check the availability of all the documents required for the transaction, prepare an agreement, and set a date for signing the documents. Before the meeting, it is worth briefing each party.

The owner of the apartment and its buyer must come to the meeting with passports and other documents confirming the authority and identity of the parties to the transaction. It is important to discuss in advance the method of transferring money, the procedure for registering the transfer of rights under the transaction, and transferring the apartment to the new owner. The realtor acts as an intermediary, helps the parties agree on all the nuances of the transaction, and correctly draw up the contract.

Client Expectations There are advantages for each party in completing transactions through a realtor. The owner of the apartment does not need to waste time posting an advertisement for sale, searching for buyers, or negotiating with them.

How to control the work of a realtor; manual for an apartment seller

First of all, you need to put the apartment in order, it should be clean. The seller should also take measures to eliminate unpleasant or pungent odors in the apartment, if any. If possible, personal items should be removed, for example, family photos, various postcards, certificates, so as not to once again remind the potential buyer that he is on foreign territory.

Light cosmetic repairs will also be beneficial; it is also worth fixing small details in the apartment, for example, a door handle or a dripping faucet in the bathroom. To objectively assess the readiness of the apartment to receive buyers, you can invite a friend or colleague to evaluate appearance apartments with a “fresh look”. It is worth noting that it is better to show the apartment to each potential buyer separately.

Step-by-step instructions for selling an apartment through a realtor

The view from our apartment windows can play for us or against us, depending on what kind of view it is. If the view from the window pleases the eye, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. We open the curtains wider and lead the Buyer to the window (outside the window, of course, it is day and good weather).


If the view from the windows depresses us, then we should not complain about this to the Buyer - we close the curtains (it’s evening outside the window anyway and little is visible), and focus his attention on something else. It is better to keep furniture and things in the apartment to a minimum so that they do not leave the impression of a cramped space. We throw away excess trash or donate it to neighbors. Spaciousness in the hallway and rooms always leaves a better impression than cluttered passages and rooms crammed with furniture.

Indoor lighting largely determines the emotional effect of it. A dim light bulb under the ceiling, gray windows and dark corners will make even a comedian sad.

Finding a buyer and showing an apartment

Do I always use all of the above? No. But I’m so trained that when I lose my footing, my brain immediately registers inaccuracies. There are things that I always do: I explain the meaning, necessity and technology of pre-sale preparation, the rules of client behavior at the show; I find out as much as possible about the buyer’s preferences over the phone (from this a display strategy is built), etc. There are things that I can neglect in a specific situation, with a specific buyer. But before you can give yourself the freedom to do something and leave something out, unconscious competence must be developed. — Regarding the smell... I was selling an apartment under major renovation not in the most favorable area of ​​Kyiv. A girl called from an advertisement and it turned out that when choosing an apartment, her first priority was the condition of the entrance and the cleanliness of the elevator, as well as the neighbors.
This means that he either does not understand the importance of the office for clients, or does not make enough profitable deals.

  • Membership in real estate associations. Availability of certificates and awards. These are not mandatory, but highly desirable conditions.
  • Activity on the Internet. Availability of a website, blog, pages on social networks with regularly updated information.
  • Personal impressions. If, when communicating with a broker, you see that he behaves intrusively, tries to quickly sign an agreement and does not want to answer all your questions, it is better to look for another intermediary. A conscientious realtor will always give detailed advice, since he has nothing to hide. A simple phone call can reveal a lot.
  • Field of activity.

A standard showing of an apartment by a seller, which I have observed quite a few times, looks like this. Buyers, together with the seller or his realtor, walk around the apartment, and, entering the rooms, the seller (or his realtor) says: “This is our kitchen, and this is our bedroom, etc.” That's all. Next, buyers inspect the specified premises and ask some questions. If there are no questions, then the seller silently stands aside. It's not really a show. You can’t even call it an excursion, because the guide usually tells something about the subject of the excursion. And it would be nice if this was done by unprofessional sellers - apartment owners, but this behavior, unfortunately, is typical of many “specialists”.

What should be done? But we should remember that the apartment in this case is a product. And the product needs to be presented! And if pre-sale preparation is a beautiful wrapping of a product, then showing an apartment is its demonstration. Imagine that you are buying something in a store, because a good seller will definitely tell you about it, show you, let you touch it, and in general, demonstrate your product. So why do sellers behave differently when selling an apartment? After all, in fact, when entering an apartment, the buyer does not know anything about it. And the task of a good seller is to tell about it. Show all the advantages of the apartment, talk about the advantages compared to other similar offers. And, by the way, I don’t recommend keeping silent about the apartment’s shortcomings at all. Firstly, it is not a fact that the circumstances that you consider a big disadvantage are such for someone who wants to buy an apartment. Secondly, the buyer will most likely see all the shortcomings of the apartment himself, and you will not be able to influence the conclusions he draws. But if you present a disadvantage in combination with an advantage: “Our pipes are bad, but the first entrance has already begun to be repaired, and in a week it will be our turn,” then the disadvantage may look completely different in the eyes of the buyer. But in order to compensate for the shortcomings of an apartment in this way, you need to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of competing apartments. From my own experience, I know how well the phrase “We have such a disadvantage, but in comparison with similar apartments currently for sale, we have such and such advantages,” works on potential buyers.” And even if buyers have not yet looked at your competing apartments, then during their viewing they will definitely remember your words. And perhaps these words will play a decisive role in choosing your apartment. Especially if other apartments are sold by inept sellers.

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