Money for home: login to your personal account. Money delivered to your home

Loans with home delivery allow you to solve many life situations. It happens that money is not just needed, but really needed, and the latter circumstance occurs with a significant advantage in quantity. It is for these reasons, without having sufficient financial resources To implement current affairs, people begin to look for a loan. Another difficulty is the fact that standard bank lending is not always able to resolve the financial difficulties that have arisen. Today, banking structures, more than ever, refuse applicants for various reasons - some have open credit products, others do not want to repay multi-year loans, cannot provide funds for a short term, others have insufficient wages etc.

Today, the emergence of small financial institutions in the lending segment providing home loans has proven more opportune than ever. Such institutions specialize in issuing funds in the amount of 1,000 rubles (in some companies you can issue even 100 rubles) to 50,000 rubles. (also, individual organizations will be able to lend up to 100,000 rubles). And this is with a high chance of approval of the application for the issuance of money, as well as without completing the package of documents confirming solvency required by the bank. Popularity and demand in this area financial services is growing day by day due to the above benefits.

Today, due to the increase in the number of microfinance organizations, in the fight for every consumer, companies are trying to provide even better services. Companies that provide microloans with home delivery are in demand today. The positive nuances of such lending are that both the receipt of funds and the execution of the necessary package of documents takes place at the consumer’s home or in any other suitable place for the borrower.

This section offers you microfinance organizations that today issue microloans with home delivery.

Home loan - advantages and positive aspects

  • The most important thing is that you receive a small loan without leaving your home and do not pay for the delivery of funds at all. Lending data will be relevant for those who have absolutely no time to visit the bank and wait in queues. An application for a microloan at home is sent via the Internet. After the issuance of money is confirmed, the manager of the organization contacts the applicant in order to clarify at what time and place it will be convenient for the client to receive sum of money and sign the corresponding offer agreement. Also, some companies are considering the option of signing an agreement through a courier employee with further transfer of funds to bank card borrower.
  • You can immediately note several advantages of this method of receiving money. You don’t have to go anywhere at all and you will save a lot of time (compared to bank lending).
  • In addition, the advantage is that you can, in a calm environment - for example, at home, discuss with the manager a debt repayment schedule that is convenient for you. Here you choose for yourself, and not because the bank sets a certain regime for you on your own. Another advantage is the convenience of making regular payments. A home loan also means repayment at home. By the same principle as the applicant receives money, he can make a return credit funds, that is, set a specific time and place when the courier will arrive for the next payment.

What to pay attention to when applying for a loan with delivery?

In order to be guaranteed to receive the money you need, you must correctly fill out the form offered on any MFO service. online application. In addition, it is necessary to study all the conditions of the parameter credit product, and also compare the most suitable credit programs in order to be sure to take money in the most economical way.

Advice! In order to increase your chances of approval, you can send not one, but several applications at once.

What are the features of an online loan without leaving home?

If you are planning to take out a loan from the comfort of your home, you may encounter some issues.

The “money for home” loan service, like any other microloan, is quite expensive. According to statistics, the majority of organizations in this segment provide funds at a cost of 1% per day. In addition, factors such as a certain age category, the presence of open debt obligations, bad credit history, and many others can significantly increase the cost of providing credit services. Interest rate ratio of large consumer loans issued banking structures, turns out to be much cheaper, but small loans, for their part, are distinguished by their simplicity, convenience and speed of receipt. If you have enough time and can collect the necessary package of documents, first contact the bank. But if you don’t have the time or the strength, then in order to take the money financial institution small lending you only need a passport and Internet access.

Now, if you compare the issuance of money to a bank card or bank account, it is worth recognizing that a microloan with home delivery loses in the speed of issuance. As well as in online lending in other ways, the application is processed quickly, but the courier needs to come to you at the specified location; it will still take more time than a prompt non-cash transfer of funds, which is carried out in just a few minutes. The non-cash loan category includes a loan to a bank card, an account to online wallet or through the system money transfers Contact.

As for the service itself, the system is quite flexible - cash can be delivered to your home not only to the specified home address, but also to absolutely any other specified place (to work, to a cafe, to a store where you plan to make a purchase, etc.). d). Also, such services are very helpful when it is necessary to borrow money from people with limited time and capabilities, for example: pensioners, young mothers or very busy people.

Home loans are a great way to quickly get the cash you need. Such lending is safe, convenient and makes it possible to borrow funds without being distracted from everyday worries.

It will not be a secret to anyone that today an increasing number of potential borrowers give their preference to non-bank lending, where it is necessary to collect a whole lot of documentation to obtain even a small consumer loan, and urgent money delivered to your home from microfinance institutions. There are a lot of reasons for this trend: the former do not want to spend a lot of personal time on preparing and collecting various documents, the latter are forced to take such a step by a difficult life situation, which, in order to be resolved, requires investing money yesterday. Well, of course, home delivery of money is relevant for borrowers who have bad credit history, as a result of which they will not be able to get a loan (credit) from the bank or will receive it at a high interest rate.

Maybe private financial companies also cannot boast of the lowest interest rates, but you can be sure that when you choose money with home delivery from Mikroklad, you receive service and maintenance of a European level. This is where the money on loan with delivery is issued under the means of applying through online service, and you don’t have to wait in lines for hours, after which, in 20% of cases, you would still be refused. We, in turn, approve the applications of our clients in 99% of cases, and the remaining percentage includes unscrupulous borrowers who carry out illegal financial operations and do not pay the debt on time.

After our specialists have approved your application, the money can be transferred to you by transfer to your account, customer card, or the money can be delivered by courier to the address you specified. If you are unable to leave your workplace, and you urgently need money to pay off your colleagues or pay off a debt to your boss, then the most relevant thing for you will be the delivery of money to work.

How to get a quick loan with home delivery?

As already noted, you can submit an application through our online service, after which our managers study it and make a verdict as to whether we can give you money or not. But there is an even simpler option if you decide to receive money delivered to your home - the company manager will come to the address you specified and bring with him the amount of money you need, where you will sign the contract. Such a transaction can be called the safest without the slightest risks and losses. You won't have to worry about transfer fees electronic money systems or to a bank card. In addition, you will bypass the internal anxiety that takes over a person when making non-cash transactions.

Conditions for receiving fast money with courier home delivery

In order for home delivery of money to become available to you, you need to have only one document - a passport. We issue loans (credit) only to borrowers who have reached the age of majority and have a permanent place of registration. If this is your first time contacting our company, we will be able to give you money in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles for a period of up to 30 days. If you have the opportunity to repay the loan ahead of schedule, you can do this without overpaying huge interest rates, as our competitors often require. All information that we receive from you remains confidential and will not be available to third parties under any circumstances, unless this contradicts the laws of the Russian Federation. All this makes cooperation with a microfinance organization not only comfortable, but also safe.

We value our reputation, so we try to fulfill our obligations as efficiently as possible, so that you recommend our services to your friends and acquaintances, and resolve all your related issues as quickly as possible. financial difficulties with minimal time investment.

Microloans with home delivery are a common type of lending in Russia, when the loan is issued not at the office of a microfinance organization, but at the borrower’s place of residence. On our website you can find best companies microloans that issue money and receive it remotely to a card, bank account or Qiwi wallet. You can receive money directly from home. Submit an application and receive money within 1 hour. All you need is a passport, no certificates or guarantors.

Detailed microloan calculator

Before borrowing from an MFO, you should carefully read the terms of the loan agreement and calculate the overpayment on the microloan. A special one can help with the latter credit calculator presented on our website

Loan calculator

Choosing a loan

Enter your loan amount or select a loan from the list

When you select a loan from the list, your loan parameters will be set automatically. If you set the conditions manually, enter another rate and term

Yo-Loan, up to 15,000 rubles, 0% per day Borrower, up to 30,000 rubles, 2.2% per day GreenMoney, up to 15,000 rubles, 1% per day Credit 24, up to 15,000 rubles, 1.9% per day Lime Loan, up to 5,000 rubles, 1.09% per day SMS Finance, up to 15,000 rubles, 1.135% per day Ekapusta, up to 15,000 rubles, 2.2% per day MoneyMan, up to 10,000 rubles at 1.7% per day

Loan amount, rub.

5 000 10 000 30 000

500 +1 000 +5 000

Bid, %

Per day per week

Loan term, days

10 days 20 days 30 days

Fill in the highlighted fields

Where can I get a microloan with home delivery? 5 proven options

Despite the popularity of this type of lending, not many large microfinance organizations offer microloans with delivery to the office or home. Among the largest, we have identified 5 MCCs with different conditions and rates. Let's look at them in detail in the table.

Organization name/Parameters Amounts Maximum term Rates
Borrowing time 30 thousand 60 days (120 for repeat) From 1% per day
Home Money 30 thousand 52 weeks 0.337% per day
Financial aid 30 thousand rubles. 52 weeks 0.33% per day
Home loan From 10 to 50 thousand rubles. 14 days From 1% to 2% per day
Money for a house 30 thousand 52 weeks 0.555% per day

With the exception of MFOs Home Loan and Vremya Loan, other companies provide long-term microloans with home delivery. And only these two organizations are ready to bring money to the borrower’s place of registration in order to lend it to short term up to 14 or 60 days, respectively. Wherein maximum amounts for these organizations it is even higher than for long-term loans.

If we compare companies by interest rate, the leaders will be “Home Money” and “Financial Protection”.

Both organizations lend at 0.33% per day and are ready to lend money for 52 weeks. The difference between them lies only in the geography of presence. If Home Money is an all-Russian company with a huge network of personal managers in different cities and regions of the country, then Financial Protection is a local MFO operating in Moscow.

What is the procedure for applying for a home delivery loan?

Receiving a remote microloan with delivery to your place of residence may vary somewhat depending on the organization, although everything starts in a formulaic way:

  • The borrower submits an application for a microloan via the Internet, or by calling the toll-free number hotline for clients. Such an application consists of several questions (full name, city, phone number) and only shows the MFO that a new potential client has appeared in such and such a region/city. In almost 99% of cases, the application is approved in 5 minutes. The organization cannot make a final decision, because it knows absolutely nothing about the borrower.
  • Next, the head office sends the relevant information to the agent, who is located in the city of residence of the borrower. After this, a personal manager contacts the potential client. They agree on a convenient time for the visit. During the telephone conversation, the agent also provides the client with basic information about the loan, required documents, etc. At the appointed hour, the personal manager comes to the borrower’s home. According to the client, he fills out detailed questionnaire to receive a microloan, takes scans of documents prepared by the borrower. After this point, further processing differs in different microfinance organizations.

For example, in one company the agent takes the application form signed by the borrower and leaves, sends it to the head office and waits for a decision. If the application is approved, he calls the borrower again and schedules a new meeting to sign the documents. At the specified time, he comes again to the client’s place of residence with an already prepared and completed loan agreement, cash in cash or a card with balance, corresponding amount loan On the spot, the client signs documents, receives a payment schedule, a copy of the contract and money.

In other companies, after the borrower fills out a questionnaire, he is immediately given a loan agreement with basic terms and a payment schedule for signature. Moreover, the client is immediately given a special card with a zero balance and a PIN code, to which, if approved, the loan will be credited. After this, the manager leaves and sends the questionnaire and copies of documents to the head office. This is where his work ends. At the head office, the application is reviewed within a few hours. If a positive decision is made, the money is transferred to the card left to the borrower immediately after approval. The client is notified of a positive decision by SMS message.

It is absolutely obvious that the simpler and in a fast way obtaining a microloan for a home is the second option, when the manager and the borrower meet only once.

How should I repay microloans with home delivery?

In most cases, such loans are provided for long term, which means that repayment a priori will not be one-time, but gradual.

The majority of companies use weekly repayments in annuity (equal) payments. In this case, the loan body is multiplied by the interest rate based on the loan term and divided by the number of weeks. This results in equal payments.
At first, many borrowers like the idea of ​​repaying a microloan weekly in equal small payments, but after several months they realize that this is not as convenient as it initially seemed.

Firstly, it is inconvenient to go and pay every time. In the hustle and bustle, the date of the next payment may slip out of your mind and the delay will begin. Secondly, most Russians receive a salary once a month and, as a rule, after 2-3 weeks the bulk of it has already been spent. The last 1-2 weekly payments before the next salary are very difficult for many borrowers to cope with. If we're talking about about monthly repayment, then everything is much simpler. The man received his salary and immediately deposited it monthly payment and lives peacefully until next payment.

Some organizations also offer repayments in equal payments every 2 weeks. A similar story as in the previous case.

If we talk about repayment methods, then there are practically no complaints. MFOs took care of the convenience of borrowers and prepared a huge number of different ways payment. The most common of them is payment in QIWI terminals or through a personal Internet wallet. Very popular with monthly repayments bank transfer according to the details of the microfinance organization.

Geography of presence of different companies: Moscow, St. Petersburg, all of Russia?

The largest selection of microfinance organizations where you can get an urgent microloan with home delivery is from residents of the capital. It is in Moscow that most microfinance organizations are concentrated. Moreover, there are both large network organizations and local local structures. Purely Moscow microcredit companies include: “Financial Assistance”, “Home Loan”, “Loan Time”.

You can get urgent loans with home delivery in St. Petersburg from a limited number of organizations: Hermes Credit, Microklad, etc.

Local microfinance organizations include the Money on the Divan company, which delivers cash to the homes of residents of the Krasnodar Territory and North Ossetia.

Throughout Russia, microloans with home delivery are provided by the following companies: Home Money, Money for Home, Microklad, etc.

The real story of getting a loan from a regular reader - Alexandra Yu. from St. Petersburg

Alexander is 27 years old, 10 of which he spent in the northern capital. As a young man, he came here from Kirovo-Chepetsk to study and after graduating from university he stayed to live here. Now Sasha works as an administrator at a nightclub and rents an apartment with a former classmate.

Alexander’s birthday was approaching and he wanted to celebrate it “in a big way.” According to the most conservative estimates, Sasha needed 20 thousand to celebrate Birthday with friends. However, he could not allocate the entire amount from his salary. Otherwise, he will have no means of subsistence until the next payment. Then Alexander decided to borrow the missing amount for several months.

He studied the issue of interest to him with credit institutions on the Internet, looked at the conditions in different companies, compared payments. His attention was attracted by the Home Money company, which issued loans with home delivery. Sasha liked this approach and decided to apply here.

I chose the amount and period, filled out a detailed form on the Internet (indicated all passport details, place of work, residential and registration addresses, provided contacts, personal information, etc.) After about 40 minutes, an SMS message came to the phone with a preliminary positive decision and We recommend waiting for a call from your personal manager.

A little over an hour later, the girl called and introduced herself as an agent of the Home Money MFO, asked where to go and what time. Another hour later, the personal manager was sitting in Alexandra’s rented apartment and filling out a repeat questionnaire.

Then she explained to Sasha all the terms of the loan, had him sign the documents, familiarized him with the payment schedule, left copies of the documents and plastic card with PIN code in an envelope. The agent said that if approved, the money would be transferred to this card. You can cash them out at any ATM and immediately warned about a possible commission.

It should be noted that Sasha has already had to meet with credit institutions. 3 years ago he took out an express loan from a bank to buy a phone. I didn’t make payments on time, there were delays of up to 10-15 days, but with grief I still closed the loan. Therefore, Alexander was worried that the Home Money MFO might refuse to provide a microloan, but an SMS received a few hours later dispelled his worries, because the loan was approved for him.

Sasha withdrew the money from a nearby ATM that same evening. There really was a commission, and not a small one. For withdrawing 20,000 rubles, Sasha was charged about 700 rubles in commission.

Among the advantages of the Home Money company, Sasha highlighted the unusual procedure for applying for a loan at home, which turned out to be very convenient, and the variety of methods for repaying a microloan. The disadvantages include being too big minimum term lending (from 26 weeks), frequency of payments.

Now the easiest way to quickly borrow money in Moscow is through a microfinance credit organization. Whatever your immediate need, you need cash, you can get it from the comfort of your home on the same day you apply. Creditznatok has full list MFOs and banks that give Muscovites quick loans at home.

Method of obtaining an urgent microloan

Opportunity to take quick loan delivery services have long been used by Moscow residents who are aware of the availability of such a service. It is difficult to overestimate the comfort of this service. Using the site, it’s easy to get a loan without leaving your home according to the following scheme:

  • choose from the list a company offering the most “appetizing” lending conditions;
  • click on the “Apply for a loan” button;
  • the system redirects to the website where the microloan is directly issued;
  • enter your data and wait for a response from the credit institution;
  • After approval, select the “Delivery” function and indicate your residential address.

How quickly can loans be issued with home delivery?

The fact that you can now get a loan without leaving your home attracts many potential borrowers. At the same time, simplicity online registration alarms clients who have already had difficulties with banking structures in the past. The first question that worries everyone concerns refusals due to an unclean credit history.

Creditznatok has the coordinates of all microfinance organizations that guarantee quick receipt of money even in the presence of a bad CI. Loan applications are usually processed within 10-15 minutes (maximum, several hours). After approval, you can receive the money on your card or wait a little to have the cash delivered straight to your home.

Choose the most easy and comfortable method for yourself. If you are used to online shopping, it is more convenient to take out a loan on a card. You need tools for offline payment - order delivery. Whatever the course of events, you will receive funds almost instantly, and for this you will not even need to leave the threshold of your apartment.

The "Money in Pocket" service offers to quickly and practically seamlessly issue cash loan Houses. At the same time, the potential debtor does not need to collect all kinds of certificates, invite guarantors and perform other similar actions. In addition, the company does not check the borrower’s place of residence and work. The main thing is that the client is an adult citizen of the Russian Federation.

To apply for a loan, you need to register on the Money in Pocket company website and fill out a short form. The corresponding form contains the following information:

  • Full name of the potential debtor;
  • Current phone number;
  • Bank card number and amount;

Please note that the service does not require a copy of your passport. Money is transferred to a credit or salary card any bank Russian Federation. In addition, the entire amount can be given to the client in cash. Qualifying loans are provided with home delivery. The funds will be delivered to the client by a company employee in the shortest possible time. However, we do not specify the reason for choosing this method of receiving money.

Microloan with home delivery

Get a loan without leaving home!

The "Money in Pocket" service is an opportunity to get the required amount money quickly, without certificates and guarantors. We do not check your place of work or residence in the region where the MFO department is located. What is important to us is that you need to receive some amount of money. And we are ready to provide it to you on the most favorable terms.

Loan delivered to your home in a couple of clicks!

Offering money to borrow at home, we serve everything settlements Russian Federation. Note that the convenience of loans with home delivery is determined by the following circumstances:

  • No bank commission, which is charged for corresponding transfers or cash withdrawals from an ATM
  • There is no need to collect various certificates and confirm solvency
  • No need to attract guarantors or pledge property
  • Loans are provided to all adult citizens of Russia.
  • The requested amount is credited within a few minutes
  • There is no need to indicate the reason and purpose of the loan. We also do not require reports on funds spent.

Payday loan with home delivery!

The "Money in Pocket" service provides and new opportunity receiving money - in cash. If for some reason you do not want to transfer money to a card, or you don’t have one, or you urgently need cash and don’t have time to go to an ATM to withdraw money, we are ready to provide a loan with home delivery.

We respect your choice, we do not ask why you want to get an urgent loan. We only ask you to indicate in the method of receiving money that you want to order home delivery. At the agreed time, a company employee will come to your home or office and bring with him the contract and the required amount of money.

Benefits of money for a house

You will not go to an ATM or travel to receive a transfer. If you need cash urgently, we will provide it to you. The convenience of this option: you will not pay commissions to banks for transfers or withdrawals through an ATM.

Otherwise, the conditions for receiving a microloan will be no different from transferring to a bank card or e-wallet. We will also not require proof of employment or check your solvency. You must also be at least 18 years old and a Russian citizen.

We trust you too. We will also confirm our readiness to provide you with a loan for urgent needs within 10-15 minutes. And we don't ask why you need money. You asked - we provided. We are not interested in intended use.

The Money in Pocket company provides online loans under minimum interest. Wherein interest rate is calculated based on two important factors - the loan amount, as well as the term of the loan.