What should I do with my deposit now? What to do with ruble savings? Half have a stash

Sberbank, which traces its history back to 1841, is today the most authoritative financial company Russia. In more than 20 thousand branches located in 11 time zones, clients can take advantage of all kinds of offers of the organization, including credit and deposit projects.

One of the most popular services of Sberbank are those of legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs can also store money here. About what profitable offer The bank is making deposits for individual entrepreneurs this year and will be discussed further.

Types of deposits for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank

Open savings deposit Almost every Russian citizen can use Sberbank today. The deposit investment service will be of particular interest to private businessmen who seek not only to preserve their earned funds, but also to place them profitably in a bank with the possibility of receiving regular and stable profits.

Today Sberbank presents the following types deposits that can be opened in both domestic and foreign currencies:

The “Classic” deposit for individual entrepreneurs implies the following conditions:

  • deposit currency - rubles / US dollars / euros;
  • the minimum investment amount is not limited;
  • the maximum deposit amount is up to 100 million in rubles or 10 million US dollars/euro;
  • opens for a period of one week - 3 years;
  • the rate is set daily. For example, at the end of September it was 4.70% for deposits in rubles.

An individual entrepreneur can open a “Classic Online” deposit in Sberbank under the following conditions:

  • provided in Russian currency, as well as in dollars and euros;
  • the maximum volume in rubles is 100,000,000, in US dollars and euros – 10,000,000;
  • investment period – from one week to 1096 days;
  • withdrawal and account replenishment are not provided;
  • interest depends entirely on the size of the deposited amount and the period of its placement (as of September 28, 2017, the rate was 5.02% for an investment amount of 500,000 rubles and a period of two weeks).

“Revocable Online” deposit for individual entrepreneurs:

  • currency for opening an account: rubles/dollars/euros;
  • the minimum contribution is not established;
  • the maximum deposit amount is 100 million rubles or 10,000,000 dollars or euros;
  • period for placing money on the account from 31 to 366 days;
  • you have the opportunity to withdraw your funds at any time;
  • the profit percentage is set separately for legal entities. individuals and individual entrepreneurs depending on the amount and term of the deposit.

Deposit “Replenishable Online”:

  • can be opened in three types of currencies;
  • the minimum amount for opening a deposit is not established;
  • maximum amount: 100,000,000 rubles, 10,00,000 dollars/euro;
  • deposit term – from 1 month to 1 year;
  • the client has the right to top up his account at any time through a bank branch during opening hours;
  • rate - set daily.

“Revocable” contribution:

  • you can open 3 types of currency;
  • the minimum amount for opening a deposit is not established;
  • the maximum is 100,000,000 rubles, 10,000,000 dollars/euro;
  • placement period - from 31 to 366 days;
  • partial or complete withdrawal of funds is provided at any time at the request of the client;
  • the rate for investing money for a month is 3.62% (as of September 28, 2017).

“Replenishable” deposit for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank:

  • can be opened in three types of currency;
  • volume minimum funds not installed;
  • maximum investment amount - 100 million rubles, 10 million US dollars/euro;
  • deposit term - from a month to a year;
  • it is possible to replenish an amount not less than 10% of the initial deposit amount,
  • rate - 3.89% for 1 month.

Before deciding in favor of a particular deposit offer, an individual entrepreneur should consider all options and study the rates on them, since the percentage changes in most cases daily (or once a month).

How more amount IP investments, the higher interest rate.

What is the most profitable investment?

One of the fundamental points indicating successful development any business - competent and effective management of financial flows. Considering all opportunities to increase income own company, the entrepreneur must take into account all options, including making a bank deposit.

When choosing one or another, first of all, the client pays attention to the interest rates that are favorable to him. If we're talking about about placement own money, then the determining factor is the reliability of the bank. Sberbank of the Russian Federation is the largest to date financial institution, which is popular among Russians due to its compliance with guarantees towards depositors. To this end, several deposit programs have been introduced for small businesses who want to earn real profits.

Deposit program for small business

“Classic” is a traditional bank deposit. According to the terms of the agreement, the investor has the right to receive interest upon its completion. However, changes are not allowed original amount. main feature“Classic” deposit – a chance to get a higher profit than in other deposit offers. "Classic Online" The deposit that Sberbank offers for legal entities is similar to the “Classic” one. The only difference is remote registration. All the bank’s basic requirements for the “Classic Online” deposit are identical to the previous option, but with similar factors the interest is higher (must be multiplied by 1.07). “Replenishable” – a deposit in which the amount can be replenished while maintaining the full rate. "Refillable Online"– an option that is similar to the “Replenishable” offer, but is issued remotely. Sberbank establishes a “Replenishable” deposit with more than high percentages(multiply by 1.07). "Recalled" This product may be early termination validity of the contract. But according to the condition, it is not allowed to replenish the deposit, even in the event of unforeseen circumstances requiring the use of invested funds for the purpose of urgent financing of business activities. "Revokeable Online" Similar to the previous one, but its registration takes place remotely. The coefficient 1.07 also applies. Deposits under other conditions The bank allows everyone to place funds to corporative clients on an individual contract basis. This is possible in the following cases:

  • the deposit amount exceeds 100 million rubles/10 million US dollars/10 million euros (from 7 to 1096 days);
  • period – 1-6 days;
  • account replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds are allowed;
  • investments in other currencies (except US dollars and euros).

Anyway, banking institution may provide special offers to investors, but this is possible subject to previous placement of funds. If the size of the next deposit is twice as large as the previous one (or the contract term is increased), then the rates are higher.

Deposits placed remotely are an innovative and more profitable option for individual entrepreneurs and corporate clients.

Conditions of deposits in Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses

Conditions for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • In case of early withdrawal of the “Revoked” and “Revoked Online” products, you must inform the bank about your decision 3 days in advance (application in any written form).
  • The return of the deposit and interest due under the agreement occurs on the last day of validity of the concluded agreement.
  • In all cases, an extension of the contract is provided.

Registration procedure:

  • Under the standard procedure, the depositor contacts the banking institution and submits an Application for Accession in writing.
  • Replenishment is made remotely under the same conditions.
  • If the legal entity has the person and individual entrepreneur, the money on it and supporting documents, by order of the client, the banking institution independently replenishes the deposit account.

Interest Rates for Small Businesses

Conditions for legal entities

PJSC Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia. It compares favorably with many competitors in its versatility, serving both individuals and legal entities with equal success. The deposit savings service is especially popular as the most reliable way not only to save money, but also to increase it. Companies have unique and advantageous offers on cash deposits. Let's look at them in more detail.

Popular deposits for legal entities in Sberbank

Sberbank PJSC offers legal entities three options for deposit products, each of which is further divided into two types according to the design option. Depending on the needs of the enterprise, any of them may be beneficial. When choosing a deposit, you need to focus not only on interest rates, but also on other conditions. For example: placement period, the ability to withdraw money ahead of time or top up your account, and so on.


This deposit product provides maximum profit. Suitable for all companies that are ready to deposit money and not withdraw it until the expiration date. The agreement does not provide for the possibility of replenishing the deposit, which also needs to be taken into account.

  • The deposit can be placed in US dollars, euros and, of course, rubles.
  • There are no restrictions on the minimum amount (from 1 ruble), and the upper limit is limited to 10 million $ or €. In rubles, the maximum deposit should not exceed 100 million.
  • The validity period of the deposit can be from 7 days to 3 years, depending on the agreements reached.

Classic online

The second option of the same deposit, with absolutely similar conditions, but a higher interest rate. Compared to the regular “Classic” deposit, in “Classic Online” the percentage of income is multiplied by 1.07. Thanks to this, this deposit product is considered the most profitable from Sberbank. But it is not available to everyone. Only companies that are already served in this financial organization on a remote basis, can open such accounts. Everyone else needs to visit the branch, choosing the usual “Classic”.


This type of deposit, as the name suggests, offers clients the opportunity to top up their account. The additional amounts deposited are accrued the same interest as the main deposit placed at the time of account opening.

  • Sberbank allows you to make such deposits in rubles, euros and US dollars.
  • There is a limit on rubles maximum amount: up to 100 million. Deposits in other currencies cannot exceed 10 million.
  • The “Replenishable” deposit is opened for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 1 year.

Refillable online

As in the case of “Classic Online”, this deposit option differs from its “original” only in the interest rate increased by 1.07. The remaining conditions are similar. It is available only to clients working with the bank remotely. If they decide to sign up for a deposit agreement in a branch, then the regular “Replenishable” deposit will be offered, and not its online version.


This deposit product option allows for the possibility early termination agreement and transfer of all funds to the current account. The best option to store funds in case the amount may be needed at any time.

  • Currency: rubles, euros, US dollars.
  • Amount restrictions: no more than 100 million rubles and no more than 10 million dollars or euros.
  • Validity period: 1-12 months.

Revocable online

More profitable option, available only to clients who work with the bank remotely. When a representative of a legal entity visits a branch in person, it is impossible to open such a deposit. Bonus: increase in interest rate by 1.07. For example, with a standard percentage of 5%, online version will give a profit of 5*1.07=5.35% per annum.

Terms of deposits for legal entities from Sberbank

Unlike deposits individuals, when working with companies, all banks, including Sberbank, prefer to use an individual approach, selecting the most suitable conditions. This may concern both the interest rate and the validity period, placement conditions and many other features. That is, nothing is fixed rigidly and can be changed by agreement with the bank.

But there are also conditions common to all that almost never change. Interest on deposits begins to accrue from the next day after the funds are credited to the account. Accrual ends exactly on the day the deposit is returned. If it is necessary to calculate the amount for the entire year, a period of 365 or 366 days is taken into account, in accordance with the number of days in the calendar.

If the deposit assumes the possibility of early closure, all amounts due for payment (not counting the “body” of the deposit) are subject to recalculation at the lowest possible rate. For rubles it is 0.1%, for foreign currency - 0.01%. Payment is made on the last day of the contract, immediately after accrual. If this day falls on a weekend or holiday, payments are made on the next closest business day. When the contract is closed, the entire amount, along with accrued interest, is transferred to the current account. In addition, by agreement of the parties, the deposit can be extended. This operation is performed 1 day before the end of the contract. For example, if the deposit ends on the 20th (and then must be returned to the client’s account), the extension will take place on the 19th. As a result, if it is no longer necessary, it is recommended to notify the bank of your desire to close the agreement in advance.

General conditions of accommodation

The conditions for placing new deposits differ slightly depending on the chosen option, regular or its online version. Let's consider both cases.

For ordinary deposits of legal entities:

  • You must provide a completed “Application for Joining”. This can be done either directly at the department or in advance at in electronic format. You can find the document form on the Sberbank website in the deposit section. The application is standard, but it is better to download it directly under the deposit option that is supposed to be opened. Under any product, below the description, there will be a “Placement Procedure” item, where there is a link to this document.
  • After submitting the Application, the bank draws up a deposit agreement in accordance with the agreed conditions, current tariffs, regulatory documents and so on.
  • If the client is served in the same structural unit Sberbank, simultaneously with signing the agreement, you can fill out an application for the transfer of funds. The bank will independently withdraw money from the current account and transfer it to the deposit.

For online versions of deposits, the same conditions remain, but a personal visit by a company representative to a branch is not required. Everything is done remotely, including registration, signing and submission of the application.

What documents are needed?

Start the procedure for opening a deposit account without first providing everything Required documents, impossible. An exception is made for those companies that are already serviced by Sberbank. In this case, all the necessary paperwork is already there, and all that remains is to open a deposit by transferring money. Everyone else must provide the following set of documents:

  • Certificate of state company registration. It is provided in form No. P51003. If entity was created before July 1, 2002, a Certificate of inclusion in the Unified State will be required. register (form No. P57001). Both certified copies and originals will be required.
  • Information about the client in the bank form, corresponding to the requirements of Federal Law No. 115 of 08/07/2001. In this case we are talking about combating money laundering.
  • Tax registration documents (original).
  • All papers confirming the authority of the company body responsible for opening a deposit account.
  • Decision of the founders, board of directors or any other authorized body regarding registration of the deposit (if required).

If a deposit needs to be opened non-resident legal entity, then, in addition to all of the above, he will additionally be required to:

  • Confirmation of the company's status in accordance with the laws of the country where the legal entity is registered.
  • Constituent documents.
  • All registration papers.
  • Documents indicating that the company is indeed permanently located in another country. These papers will need to be translated into Russian. They must be provided every year.
  • Permission to carry out activities (if required).
  • Regulations on the division (branch, division, representative office) in Russia.
  • Confirmation of authority of the director/head of the unit.
  • Certificate of registration in the register of foreign companies.
  • Tax registration documents (notarized).

Interest rates for raising funds

Any business is primarily focused on making a profit. If free funds cannot be put into circulation or spent in another way, increasing income, they must bring in money at least in the form deposit. Because of this, the interest rate is given Special attention. As already mentioned, the bank prefers an individual approach and regularly changes interest rates, bringing them to the optimal form both for itself and for companies. As of October 2017, Sberbank offered the following profitability conditions:

  • Classic - from 5.08 to 6.21%.
  • Replenishable - from 4.32 to 5.25%.
  • Recalled - 4.07 to 4.95%.

The interest rate is greatly influenced by the amount transferred to the deposit, the term of the deposit, the opportunities provided to the client for replenishment or early withdrawal, as well as other conditions agreed upon individually.

For example:

  • Deposit "Classical". The maximum interest rate of 6.21% can only be obtained if an amount of at least 30 million rubles is deposited for a period of 1 year.
  • “Replenishable” deposit. Maximum bet 5.25% is possible when placing 30 million rubles for 1 year.
  • “Revocable” contribution. The 4.95% rate is available only to those companies that are willing to invest their funds in the same amount and for the same period as in previous cases (30 million for 1 year).

As you can see, high rate allowed only when placing large sum on a long period. In all other cases it will gradually decrease to the lower limit.

For example:

  • Deposit "Classical". Minimum bid 5.08% does not imply a limit on the amount (but not less than 1 ruble), and the period can be only 1 month.
  • “Replenishable” deposit. A rate of 4.32% is offered under the same conditions (from 1 ruble and for 1 month).
  • “Revocable” contribution. The rate of 4.07% implies no restrictions on the amount and a period of only 1 month.

Let us remind you that the maximum interest rate presupposes remote registration of a deposit. Otherwise, you can immediately reduce the bet by 1.07.

Is early withdrawal possible?

All deposits can be divided into term deposits, which are issued for 1-3 months or six months, and long-term deposits - from six months or more. If necessary, “hold” money certain period, it is better to plan everything in advance so as not to touch them until the end of the deposit agreement. If for some reason this is not possible, you should select the “Revocable” deposit. This is the only deposit product of Sberbank that allows the possibility of terminating the agreement ahead of schedule, taking the money. To do this, you must submit a termination application to the bank at least 3 days before the date early return funds. This can be done no earlier than 7 days from the start of the contract. For example, the contract began to operate on 03/01/2017. You can break it as early as 03/08/2017, but to do this, on 03/05/2017 you must submit a corresponding application on the bank’s form.

One of the right decisions regarding how to manage the profit of an enterprise for a legal entity is to receive additional financial flow, is the opening of a deposit.

And while the interest rate plays a fundamental role when choosing a lender, when opening a deposit the most important aspect is the reliability of the credit institution.

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Sberbank is one of these organizations and offers its clients the most loyal investment conditions, and also guarantees a full refund upon request or termination of the contract.

General accommodation requirements

To open a deposit, a potential depositor must first submit a corresponding application to the bank of his choice. It is important to indicate in the application form your desire to join the bank’s remote management and maintenance service. In this case, not only the client himself, but also the bank will be able to deposit additional funds into the account.

However, for this you need:

  • so that the investor always has free money in the account, which will be enough for automatic translation for a deposit;
  • investor's current account;
  • complete documentation of the deposit.

Among the documents required to open a deposit account, a legal entity should provide:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • a document confirming the right to sign this agreement (power of attorney);
  • application for approval of opening a deposit by the owner of the organization (if necessary);
  • information about the legality of funds that the client wants to invest in the bank.

How to open

Deposits for legal entities in 2019 from Sberbank are opened quite simply. The investor is not required to provide a large package of documents, and the personal presence of the owner of the company is optional. An authorized person can submit an application and sign the agreement ( Chief Accountant, deputy, director, etc.), having a corresponding document about this.

Depositors who have never been clients of Sberbank before opening a deposit account must bring not only copies of the required documents, but also their originals. If there was cooperation with the institution before, then it will be enough to provide copies certified by the owner.

Transfer of funds to the deposit account is made only after checking all documentation and signing the agreement.

If the depositor does not have time to visit a bank branch, he can use the remote service and fill out the necessary application via Internet banking. In this case, money is transferred to the account online, and the documentation is sent in the form of scans.

To prolong the deposit, the client must, when signing the contract, inform him of his desire to activate this service.

Popular deposits for legal entities in Sberbank

Deposits for legal entities from Sberbank have a wide selection, so each depositor can choose the most suitable conditions for themselves. In order not to make a mistake when signing an agreement, you should study the available offers in advance and only then go to the bank.


The deposit under the “Classic” program refers to non-replenishable deposits. In addition, according to the terms of the agreement, there is no possibility of early withdrawal of funds.

You can open a deposit both in rubles and in foreign currency. Minimum amount There are no restrictions on the contribution. The duration of the deposit period is determined by the client himself: long-term or short-term.

The interest rate is set not only in accordance with the currency and amount of the first placement, but also depending on whether the client is a separate legal entity. face or individual entrepreneur. Also on annual rate depends on what term of the deposit will be initially specified in the agreement.

Interest is accrued monthly, and in case of early termination of the contract, the rate is reduced up to 0.01% regardless of currency.

Classic online

The “Classic online” deposit, just like just the “Classic” one, is non-replenishable and does not provide partial withdrawal invested funds. If the full amount of money is claimed early, the client loses a large part of the income, since the interest rate falls to the level 0,01% .

You can place a deposit under this program without leaving your home, using remote customer service. By making a deposit online, the depositor receives a rate slightly higher than when visiting a bank office to open the same deposit.

The deposit rate directly depends on the length of the investment period, the base amount, and the currency. Therefore, a bank employee will be able to determine it only after studying the documentation and drawing up an agreement.


This program from Sberbank provides the possibility of additionally depositing funds into the main deposit account. However, the amount of all subsequent investments must be at least 10% from the down payment.

You can increase the deposit amount only during the first half of the investment period specified in the agreement.

A deposit for the “Replenishable” product can be opened in any currency convenient for the client: dollar, euro, rubles. The minimum deposit amount has no restrictions, but the maximum amount on the account should be increased by no more than 200% from basic.

The annual rate is determined locally when drawing up the deposit agreement.

Refillable online

This type of deposit provides for the possibility of remote registration and also applies to replenished deposits.

You can open it in any of three currencies: dollar, euro, rubles. The interest rate is also set based on the length of the contract term and the basic amount paid.

Interest begins to be calculated on the second day after funds are deposited into the account, and income can be withdrawn at the end of the investment period.


Unlike previous programs this type The deposit provides for the possibility of early withdrawal of personal funds without terminating the contract and losing accruals. To use the deposit, the client must notify the bank in writing three working days before withdrawing money.

You can invest money in the bank in any currency convenient for the client, and withdraw the full amount of the deposit along with income only after the end of the full investment period.

Revocable online

This product has the same conditions as simply “Recalled”, the only difference is that it can be issued not only during a personal visit bank branch, but also online, using the service remote maintenance clients.

Other options

If necessary, each investor can invest their funds on other conditions, namely:

  • several currencies at once;
  • for a period of one up to 6 days;
  • with the possibility of partial use of funds and replenishment of the base amount;
  • to another foreign currency, not prescribed in any of the programs.

However, such placement of deposit funds requires the signing of a general Agreement.

In some cases, the bank may refuse to accept new conditions and then the investor will have to either agree to existing programs or look for another banking institution

Early withdrawal of money

By posting cash on a deposit account, each legal entity must take into account possible financial risks of your enterprise. Therefore, it is important for an investment to choose a program that allows early withdrawal of money from the deposit without loss of profit.

The thing is that most deposit products do not provide for premature full or partial withdrawal of invested funds. Otherwise, the interest rate decreases up to 0.01% and the investor receives virtually no profit.

Therefore, before signing a deposit agreement, you should check with the manager whether the selected program has an early withdrawal service.

Understanding that your business may need additional investment in the future, give preference to a “Recalled” or “Online Recalled” product.