Short term deposits. Short-term deposits, deposits for several days

You can buy a car today using a specialized bank car loan program. When issuing targeted loans, financial institutions try by all means to minimize their risks of non-repayment of debt, therefore a loan agreement can be concluded only if mandatory requirements are met, one of which is the issuance of a CASCO insurance policy. Potential borrowers, on the contrary, do not want to do this, because the cost of the policy is unaffordable for most car owners. This raises the question of how to get a car loan without CASCO, and which banks offer such conditions for their borrowers.

Features of insurance

Auto liability insurance is the responsibility of every car owner. Insurance companies offer two types of OSAGO and CASCO policies. The latter of them has a huge number of advantages, because insurance covers any risks of loss and damage to the car, including accidents, natural disasters, theft, etc. OSAGO, unlike CASCO, has a limited range of insurance risks, for example, if a car is stolen, the car owner does not receive compensation.

Until recently, CASCO insurance was strictly mandatory in every bank that provides a targeted loan for the purchase of a car. Today's market situation financial services has changed somewhat, the competition between financial institutions is quite fierce, so each of them is trying to offer its potential borrowers more favorable lending conditions in order to increase its customer base and, accordingly, profits. It follows that it is still possible to find an offer without the obligation to apply for CASCO insurance.

It is important to understand that for the bank CASCO is a guarantee of safety collateral property, a loan without this guarantee will be significantly more expensive for the borrower.

So, if the bank agrees to issue targeted loan to purchase a new or used car, the loan terms will be slightly different:

  • the rate is 5-10 points higher;
  • minimum term, no more than 5 years;
  • down payment amount from 20-25%.

In addition, the lender can more carefully study the borrower's solvency and financial responsibility, so the time frame for reviewing each application will be increased by several days. However, even if the bank raises the loan rate, it will still be more profitable for the borrower compared to taking out a CASCO policy.

List of banks

So, as mentioned earlier, today there are quite a lot of banks that specialize in such a product as car loans, about half of them are ready to cooperate without compulsory CASCO insurance. Now let’s look at which banks provide car loans without CASCO, as well as the basic lending conditions.

VTB 24

VTB24 Bank is not only one of the leaders among credit and financial institutions in Russia, but also offers a wide selection of car loan programs for individuals. By using borrowed money Bank borrower can purchase a new or used car of domestic and foreign production, through a car dealership or from a private person. The peculiarity of lending here is that you can buy a car without taking out a CASCO policy, that is, you can insure the collateral under MTPL.

VTB 24 Bank loan calculator, official website

Loan terms for each borrower may vary depending on the chosen loan program. There are only 2 of them, consider the conditions:

  1. “Freedom of choice” program for purchasing cars from individuals, base rate 13,9% an initial fee from 0%.
  2. “Autoexpress” base rate without issuing a policy is 10.7%, down payment from 20%, the peculiarity of the program is that the bank makes a decision within 30 minutes after filling out the questionnaire.

Thus, base interest rates are quite competitive, but it is worth considering that they will increase depending on certain circumstances. First of all, the overpayment will depend on the make of the car; for domestic cars the rate will be increased by 1-2 points, for used domestic cars up to 5 points. In addition, if the potential borrower is not a member salary project The bank's rate for him will be increased by another 0.5-1 point. In total, a car loan without CASCO for used cars will cost from 18 to 22%.

Please note that the bank has strict requirements for the age of a used car: if it is domestic, then up to 4 years, if foreign, then up to 10 years.

If a client of VTB24 Bank believes that it is expensive for him to pay for a CASCO policy, then the lender is ready to offer him an alternative insurance program instead of CASCO. According to the terms of the program, the borrower can take out a policy on more favorable terms, while upon the occurrence insured event the amount of damage coverage will exceed the coverage under compulsory motor liability insurance. The policy covers theft of the car and its total loss.

Alfa Bank

There is one car loan program here, and according to the conditions, a potential borrower can apply for a loan without issuing a CASCO policy. If its presence interest rate can reach 22.9% per year, then without a policy 24.99% per year. The amount without a policy is reduced to 3 million rubles for new cars, maximum 2 million rubles. Down payment from 15% maximum loan term 5 years.

The application can be submitted on the bank’s official website, the review period is up to 3 working days, a positive decision is valid for 3 months.

Offer from Alfa Bank

Bank Avangard Here you can also get a car loan for a new or used car of foreign or domestic production; CASCO insurance is not included in the list of mandatory conditions for borrowers. Maximum term loan up to 5 years, interest rate starts from 19% per year for regular customers

bank, down payment from 30% of the cost of the car.

You can submit an application on the bank’s official website, the application is reviewed within 3 days. Gazprombank It offers a car loan without CASCO for a new car, for which

interest rates start from 12.75% per year, down payment from 15 to 20%

. The loan is provided for the purchase of domestic or foreign-made vehicles, but the caveat is that under this program you can only buy a new car. As for insurance, there is no mandatory condition for purchasing CASCO insurance.

Now let's return to the question, what are the advantages of buying a car on credit without a CASCO policy. The main advantage is that the cost of this type of insurance is quite high, and it may be unaffordable for most borrowers; accordingly, without the requirement to obtain CASCO insurance, the final cost of the loan will be significantly lower, even if the bank raises the rate by several points.

There is also a drawback, and only one: in case of loss of the car, the bank may require early repayment of the loan, if this is provided for by the terms of the loan. But in any case, if the borrower for some reason loses the car, then under compulsory motor liability insurance he will not receive the full amount of compensation; accordingly, credit obligations

falls entirely on the shoulders of the borrower.

Please note that even if the car is insured under compulsory motor liability insurance, the amount of insurance coverage will be transferred to the account of the lender, not the borrower, that is, the funds will be used to repay the loan debt. Thus, if you want to save on insurance, you can easily find banks credit offers , according to the terms of which, registration of CASCO insurance is not mandatory. But at the same time, you need to understand that the lender will in any case receive its profit and minimize risks by increasing total cost


To buy a car on credit, you sometimes have to overpay a significant amount. Insurance further increases costs. And if you cannot do without MTPL under any circumstances, then the value of CASCO in the eyes of motorists is minimal. However, without car insurance coverage, most banks do not issue loans, despite the fact that the price of the policy can be up to 10-15% of the cost of the vehicle. When choosing a loan, you should definitely consider which banks provide car loans without CASCO and under what conditions - you may be able to save money.

Why do you need CASCO?

Not everyone understands why banks require the purchase of a CASCO policy. When applying for a car loan, the purchased car is used as collateral, i.e. The loan is secured. Hence the ease of obtaining a loan, a minimum of documents, optional confirmation of solvency and other “indulgences”. Since the car will be pledged, the lender will not be left at a loss if the borrower cannot pay the bill: he will simply take the car. If something happens to the vehicle: it is stolen, damaged in an accident, damaged during service, then will pay compensation to the car owner. Using the money received, he will be able to repay the loan ahead of schedule, or will spend it on car repairs, which ultimately will not affect his solvency, and he will make the next payment on time.

For this reason, banks that provide a car loan without CASCO take a great risk: it may turn out that the car becomes unusable and its value turns out to be zero. And if the borrower stops paying the loan, then there will be, in his own words, nothing to withdraw. Therefore, if a program without CASCO is offered by banks, it is under more stringent conditions.

Car loan terms without CASCO

In a normal situation, the bank will require you to take out car insurance. The possibility of obtaining a loan without CASCO insurance is often provided under special programs. Before you look at which banks give car loans without CASCO, you need to evaluate the conditions. Typically they are:

  • interest rate is higher than regular loan: banks compensate possible risks;
  • loan duration – no more than 3 years; for a regular car loan there are programs with a length of up to 7 years;
  • the loan amount is limited, each bank has its own threshold, but usually no more than 1 million rubles;
  • The minimum contribution is not less than 20% of the cost of the car.

Usually there is another feature of preferential car loans without CASCO: the products come with special conditions, for example:

  • it is possible to purchase a car only of a certain brand or country of manufacture (domestic or foreign);
  • the program is valid exclusively for corporate clients;
  • an increased down payment is expected;
  • issued only upon approval car loan with state support .

Thus, the lack of CASCO is compensated by additional conditions that immediately limit the number of potential borrowers. Therefore, when analyzing which banks issue car loans without CASCO, it is a good idea to carefully read the full terms and conditions of the program.

Future car owners themselves are often subject to increased requirements:

  • age – from 21 years (instead of the standard 18);
  • Pensioners are not so willing to issue loans;
  • sometimes banks require a license to confirm the presence of a minimum driving experience;
  • work experience – from 5 years, at the last place of work – from 6 to 12 months;
  • there are requirements for minimum size wages.

More precisely, all these points must be discussed with the car loan manager at a particular bank.

Which banks can I apply for?

There are few banks in Russia that are willing to provide a car loan without insurance. Among them there are both large federal and regional ones, with the latter being an order of magnitude larger.

The list summarizes banks that provide car loans without CASCO, indicating the key terms of the loan. The selection included only those institutions that are among the 50 largest banks in terms of the number of loans issued (according to the Central Bank).

It is possible to take out a car loan without mandatory insurance, but the terms of such a loan will be less favorable than with CASCO insurance. The reason is simple: banks do not want to lose the collateral – a car. Choosing suitable program, you need to pay attention not only to which banks give car loans without CASCO and what interest rates they offer, but also to additional conditions. For example, restrictions may be imposed on the choice of model or country of manufacture of the car.

A car loan is one way to purchase a new or used car with minimal upfront costs.

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Banks are primarily involved in issuing car loans. Less commonly, you can get a loan to buy a car from a car dealership or microfinance organization.

Majority credit institutions They prefer to issue these types of loans if they have full car insurance, that is, CASCO.

But nowadays you can choose a bank that issues car loans without requiring the borrower to provide additional guarantees in the form of car insurance. full cost car.

Is it possible to take out such a loan?

So, get a car loan without additional registration CASCO is possible. However, this may not always be more profitable than a car loan with insurance.

The main differences between the two types of car loans are:

  • when the bank offers a higher interest rate. Insurance is an additional guarantee of repayment of the loan received, which helps reduce the bank’s risks. A loan without CASCO is issued under average percentage, amounting to 22% per year, and at compulsory insurance– 13% per annum;
  • in reducing the loan period, which will inevitably entail a significant increase in the amount of the monthly payment under the loan agreement;
  • There is a mandatory down payment, the amount of which must be at least 30% of the cost of the purchased car. A loan with insurance can be obtained without a mandatory down payment.

Many people believe that a car loan without CASCO insurance is much more profitable than a loan with full insurance, but this is not always true.

For example, many car dealerships, including the state, offer benefit programs car loans, for which the initial interest rate can be reduced by 9–10 points (which is very good).

You can use such products only by concluding a contract additional insurance technology.

Which banks give car loans without CASCO?

There are relatively few banks willing to issue a loan without purchasing an additional insurance policy. In every region of Russia you can find such offers.

Of the large banks represented in almost every city, the following can be noted:

Bank Maximum loan amount, rub./Maximum loan period, months. Minimum interest rate, % per year Minimum down payment, %
Alfa Bank 3 million/70 12 + monthly commission of 0.99% of the payment amount 10
AK Bars 3 million/70 16,5 20
VTB 24 5 million/84 15,5 15
Rusfinance Bank 5 million/70 8,5 10
Rosbank 3 million/70 16.4 + card maintenance fee (90 – 600 rubles monthly) 0
Home Credit Bank 500 thousand/70 18,4 0
UniCredit Bank 1 million/70 17,5 40

As can be seen from the table, the most optimal conditions for a car loan without additional insurance are provided by Rusfinance Bank.

How to apply

Applying for a loan to purchase a car is a standard operation for all credit institutions. Let's look at the process of applying for a car loan using the example of VTB 24 Bank.

To apply for a loan you will need:

  • a questionnaire that is an application. Filled out according to the bank's form. It is possible to fill out online;
  • client’s passport and its copy;
  • in the presence of - driver's license+ a copy of this document;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a specialist, which confirms the general work experience of the individual and work experience in a specific organization;
  • a document confirming the amount of income of the applicant (your choice: certificate 2-NDFL or certificate banking form, extract from bank account and so on).

Additionally you may need:

  • documents on completed education (most often for the younger generation);
  • military ID (for persons of military age);
  • copies of documents confirming that the borrower owns any property subject to collateral;
  • a similar package of documents for your spouse.

An individual can count on receiving a loan:

  • aged from 21 to 65 years;
  • permanently registered and residing in the service area of ​​one of the bank's branches;
  • working at the specified enterprise for at least 3 months, but having a total experience of at least 1 year;
  • receiving an income of at least 20,000 rubles per month;
  • not having children under 6 months (applies exclusively to female borrowers).

At the first stage, the future recipient of a car loan must choose a car. It is advisable that the car seller be a partner of the bank. Otherwise, getting a car loan will be almost impossible.

  • An application is submitted to one of the bank branches, attaching the necessary documents and a description of the selected car (make, model, seller details);
  • within approximately 2 - 3 days, bank experts review the received application and make a decision, which is communicated to the loan applicant;
  • If approved, a purchase agreement is drawn up between the car seller (car dealership) and the buyer. The company manager provides the buyer with a package of documents required by the bank (purchase agreement, certificate - invoice, and so on);
  • With the provided documents, the client contacts the bank, where he concludes loan agreement;
  • After the bank pays the remaining cost of the car (2 - 3 days), the happy buyer can pick up the equipment from the car dealership.

Used car

A car loan without additional insurance can be obtained for both a new car and a used car.

The main condition is that the car must be sold not by a private individual, but by a car dealership. Registration process and Required documents similar to the example discussed above.

No down payment

Due to high competition among banking structures, the latter strive to reduce the requirements for obtaining loans in general and car loans as much as possible.

Some banks, for example, Rosbank, offer the purchase of a car on credit without paying a down payment. In such a situation, you should understand that the loan amount will be quite high, and, therefore, you will have to overpay the bank somewhat.

However, in such situations it becomes possible to buy a car even without having any initial capital, which attracts a large number of people.

According to two documents

Obtaining a car loan from some banks is possible without a fee large quantity documents. These loans are called express loans.

To register and purchase a car you will need to provide only two documents:

  • passport;
  • another document with a photo that can confirm the identity of the borrower. This could be a foreign passport, driver's license, and so on.

It should be noted that interest rates on express car loans will be significantly higher than in standard car loan programs, but sometimes (for example, in the absence of an official place of work or too little wages) this is the only way to purchase a car on credit.

Benefits and Disadvantages

So, from all of the above, we can determine the negative and positive aspects of a car loan without CASCO.

The positive points include:

  • complete absence additional costs related to the purchase of insurance. And this is approximately from 6% to 10% per year and is calculated from the market value of the car;
  • the money that was supposed to be spent on insurance can be made as a down payment when buying a car, which will significantly reduce the amount of the car loan received and, consequently, the amount of overpayment to the bank;
  • A car loan without insurance can be repaid early. If a loan is issued with CASCO insurance, in most cases this option is not available;
  • If necessary, you can apply for a CASCO policy at any time and from any insurance company (and not just those offered by the bank), which will reduce the cost of purchasing the policy.

TO significant drawback car loans without a CASCO policy include:

  • the need to pay a down payment, the amount of which in some cases can reach 50% of the cost of the car;
  • an increase in the interest rate on the loan, since the bank does not have additional guarantees of loan repayment;
  • in case of loss of a vehicle (theft, major accident, etc.), the bank has the right to demand from the person being credited early repayment the entire amount of the remaining debt;
  • if the car gets into an accident, the owner will have to pay for the repair of his own and the damaged car;
  • Most banks prefer to issue uninsured car loans only for used cars.

Thus, it turns out that obtaining a loan without additional insurance is not always a good idea.

Before choosing a certain type of lending, the borrower is recommended to independently calculate economic benefit from one type or another and pay attention to your accident-free driving experience.

Is refinancing possible?

Refinancing (otherwise known as refinancing) is the ability to repay a previously taken loan using funds from a new loan.

The refinancing procedure can be carried out within the bank (by choosing the most suitable lending program according to the conditions, for example, at Sberbank) or with another credit institution.

You can refinance absolutely any loan, including a car loan without CASCO. The main thing is that both banks agree to carry out such a procedure.

Before proceeding with refinancing, the borrower is recommended to calculate material benefit, which consists of saving interest and mandatory condition insurance.

It is worth noting that refinancing can be an effective measure only during the first half of the loan repayment period, since it is during this time that the bank repays mainly the accrued interest, and not the principal amount of the loan.

If a loan is issued, as a rule, the client needs to have about 20-30% of the cost of the selected car on hand to pay the minimum contribution and insurance. Unfortunately, for some clients, meeting this requirement becomes an insurmountable obstacle. Realizing this, individual banks have developed special programs, which do not require issuing a CASCO policy or paying a down payment.

Basic conditions

Before we begin a detailed consideration of car loans without CASCO, let's remember the basic conditions of standard credit programs s to purchase a car. So, the distinctive features of car loans are the following characteristics:

Intended use

The loan was initially intended for the purchase of a car. Typically, loan funds are issued to the borrower's current account, from which the money is transferred non-cash form are sent as payment for the vehicle.

However, there is no fundamental prohibition on issuing a cash loan - the bank has the right to decide on the method of issuing the loan independently. However, no matter how the loan funds are issued, mandatory documentary evidence of their intended use is required.

In case of carrying out a transaction to pay for vehicles in non-cash form (from the client’s account), no additional confirmation is required. Conversely, if money is given to a client in cash, the borrower usually needs to fixed time submit to the bank documents that indicate the purchase of the car.

Banks take this issue quite seriously, and may even increase the rate if the borrower fails to fulfill this obligation on time (if this condition is specified in the agreement with the client).

The second distinctive feature of car loans is collateral

As part of specialized loan programs for the purchase of vehicles, the bank accepts collateral for a car purchased for a loan as collateral for a loan. credit funds. This makes the process of obtaining a loan accessible even to those who do not own any other assets.

However, this advantage there is also the other side of the coin - in order to cover their risks, banks will require the borrower to pay a certain amount (minimum contribution) to pay for part of the car. Typically, the amount of such contribution depends on credit policy bank, borrower assessment, car brand and loan period.

Of course, if financial institution deems it necessary (the client, for example, previously had arrears, or in the case of a pensioner applying for a loan), the borrower may be required to provide an additional guarantee of a third party, a pledge of other property of the borrower and/or his guarantor. However, in most cases, credit organization The car pledged as collateral will be quite sufficient.

Third characteristic feature loans for the purchase of a car is comprehensive car insurance for risks such as “damage” and “theft” (CASCO policy), issued in favor of the bank

This requirement is stipulated by law (in accordance with Article 353 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for the period of validity of the loan agreement, the collateral must be insured in favor of the lender against the risks of damage and loss). And since the car is held as collateral by the bank until repayment, insurance is mandatory (unless otherwise stated in the contract).

Car insurance is fundamentally important for the bank, because... in case of theft or total damage to the vehicle, it is due to payment insurance compensation The bank plans to repay the loan debt. And if the damage is minor, the car will be repaired for this money, which will allow you to return it market value to the calculated value (acceptable for the bank).

It is worth noting that many clients who previously took out standard car loans with CASCO, when renewing their insurance, resort to in various ways to evade payment for the services of the insurance company and renew the existing policy, hoping to avoid “extra costs.

We strongly do not recommend doing this, because... As a result, you may not only receive an increased interest rate, but also a requirement to close the loan early. If the situation has already occurred, it is worth considering the issue of refinancing a car loan (today you can get such a loan), within the framework of which the “old loan” is repaid with a new loan, which does not subsequently require the registration of collateral and payment of insurance.

So, if we consider the conditions of standard car loans (focusing, for example, on such major market players as Cetelem, Rosfinance and Rosbank, Unicredit and VTB24), then maximum size The loan will be 12 million rubles, and the term will be 7 years. The annual interest rate on such loans will range from 7 to 28% (new cars 7-22.9%, used cars - 15.9 - 28%). By the way, Rosbank and Cetelem do not provide loans for used cars at all.

Those wishing to purchase a car on credit will need to pay at least 10% of the cost of the vehicle, register the purchased car as collateral, and also purchase a CASCO policy. In some cases, banks may also require you to insure the life and health of the borrower. This service is voluntary, but in practice it may be mandatory. Some banks can include insurance in the body of the loan, but then you will have to return the money for it with interest.

You can learn more about the standard conditions for obtaining a loan to purchase a car here:

Loan parameter name Meaning
Purpose of the loan Purchase of vehicles (new and used)
Annual interest rate, % per annum 7-28
Down payment, % of the cost of the car 10-20%
Loan amount, thousand rubles. 50-12 000
Loan term, months 3-84
Minimum down payment, % of the cost of the car 10-20%
Security Purchased car
Insurance CASCO – mandatory

Life and health insurance of the borrower - voluntary

Repayment method Annuity

According to the standard offers on the market, the borrower will ultimately have to pay about 20-30% of the cost of the vehicle purchased with a loan. The amount, frankly speaking, is not small, and in most cases requires the client to have significant savings.

If such money is not available, it is usually used as an alternative consumer loan for any purpose without collateral or guarantors.

Conditions consumer loans significantly less attractive in terms of cost (banks set maximum bets), as well as other equally important lending parameters, such as the term and amount of the loan (their size is also significantly less than for car loans). It is worth noting that such loans also have advantages - there is no need to arrange collateral, there is no need to issue a CASCO policy or make a down payment.

In general, in most cases, those who want to take out such a loan are stopped by its price. And here it makes sense to consider special programs for the purchase of vehicles without a down payment and/or CASCO insurance. For many, the question that is quite relevant is whether such a loan is real and how favorable its terms are for the borrower. Without getting too far ahead, let’s say that, at a minimum, it is already possible to get such a car loan today.

When considering the terms of such loans, it should be noted that there are some features that such programs have in comparison with standard car loans:

  • more stringent conditions for selecting borrowers (by length of service, place of registration, age, etc.);
  • presence of restrictions on vehicle brands;
  • reducing the loan term;
  • reducing the loan amount.

It is worth noting that in the case of a loan with a zero installment, when applying for CASCO insurance, the bank imposes increased requirements on insurance policy(for example, zero deductible, etc.), which significantly increases the cost of such insurance (up to 10% of the cost of the car). The situation is similar when applying for loans without CASCO insurance - in this case, as a rule, the bank increases the minimum contribution.

Which banks give car loans?

Name of the bank Standard terms Without CASCO Without CASCO and down payment
New Boo New Boo New boo
Rusfinance Bank + + + +
Rosbank +
Setelem Bank
VTB 24 + + +
UniCredit Bank + +
Bank Union
Alfa Bank +
Plus Bank + + +
I Money Bank + +

Standard terms

Name of the bank ∑ loan, thousand rubles. Loan term, months Interest per annum, %
New Boo New Boo New Boo New Boo
Rusfinance Bank 50-12 000 12-60 7-21 15,9-28 20
Rosbank 300 -5 000 6-60 10,5-21,5 20
Setelem Bank 10 — 4 000 12-60 10,67-21,5 20
VTB 24 10 – 7 000 12-84 12-20,5 16,5-23,9 20
UniCredit Bank 40 -7 000 3-84 9,5-22,9 15,9-25,9 10 15
Bank Union 200-3 000 3-84 15,5-18 19-20,5 20
Alfa Bank 112-5 600 112-4000 12-60 18,99-21,49 18,99-26,49 10
Plus Bank 30 – 4 500 12-60 21-27,9 0
I Money Bank 100- 3 000 36-60 From 22 From 25 0

*-300 thousand for cars older than 15 years at the loan repayment date1

Without CASCO

Name of the bank ∑ loan, thousand rubles. Loan term, months Interest per annum, % Minimum contribution, % of the vehicle cost
New Boo New Boo New Boo New
Rusfinance Bank 50-750 24-60 26-38,5 30
Rosbank 300 -5 000 6-60 21-21,5 20
Setelem Bank
VTB 24 100 — 1500 12-60 19,5-26 20
UniCredit Bank 100-6500 12-84 18,5-23,3 15
Bank Union
Alfa Bank 112-1000 12-60 21,49 10
Plus Bank 30 – 800 12-60 21-27,9 25,49-26,49 0
I Money Bank 100 – 3 000 36-60 22 19-28 0

No CASCO and no down payment

Name of the bank ∑ loan, thousand rubles. Loan term, months Interest per annum, % Note
New Boo New New Boo
Rusfinance Bank
Setelem Bank
VTB 24
UniCredit Bank
Bank Union
Alfa Bank
Plus Bank 30 – 800 12-60 21-27,9 Only on the territory of car dealerships – bank partners
I Money Bank 100 – 3 000 36-60 22 19-28

As can be seen in the table, the banks on this moment still more willing to finance credit transactions for the purchase of a car without CASCO (but only for the purchase of new vehicles). Loans without a down payment and without CASCO can be obtained today only in two banks - Plus Bank and Ai Money Bank.

How to apply and receive

The process of applying for and receiving car loans without CASCO, in general, differs little from the standard one:

  • client chooses motor vehicle, bank and credit program;
  • collects the necessary package of documents and fills out a loan application;
  • after making a positive decision, the bank draws up a vehicle purchase and sale agreement and makes a down payment for the car;
  • carries out registration of the car with the traffic police;
  • signs a loan agreement, draws up a collateral and insurance agreement, makes payment for insurance services;
  • picks up the car.

Applying for a car loan without CASCO and/or without a down payment, as a rule, is carried out only on the territory of car dealerships - the bank’s partners in this program (including with only two documents). To save time and narrow down your search for a credit institution, we recommend that you first decide on the make and model of the vehicle, and also choose a car dealership for the transaction.

Requirements for the borrower

To receive a positive decision, the client must meet the requirements set by the bank. You can view the selection criteria for potential borrowers here:

Required documents

In order to confirm these requirements, the future borrower provides a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of the bank. It can be conditionally divided into 2 parts - mandatory papers and documents that are provided to the client at his choice (from the list). Mandatory, as a rule, are a passport and a driver's license.

Documents that can be provided to the client by the bank at its discretion (optional) include: TIN, international passport, military ID, SNILS, as well as documents that confirm the borrower’s creditworthiness, place of work and level of available income.

Advantages and disadvantages of a car loan without CASCO

Assessing the advantages and disadvantages of loans without CASCO, of course, an attractive condition is the absence of the need to pay insurance annually. If we don’t talk about the lack of insurance protection, then in general, similar proposal makes perfect sense. The disadvantages of such loans include quite high bid on the loan, and the use of an increased down payment.

What conclusions can be drawn

No matter how attractive, at first glance, the conditions for lending a vehicle without the requirement to purchase a CASCO policy and/or pay a down payment are, we strongly recommend that our readers use such programs only in case of emergency vehicle and only after calculating all payments on the loan (including various services not indicated in the initial price list for the loan).

If you have money for a down payment, we consider it advisable to consider the conditions of standard programs for purchasing a car, incl. with government subsidies.