Do-it-yourself columnar foundation for a veranda. Columnar foundation for a terrace Is it necessary to make a foundation for a veranda

The veranda is a universal structure. It functions as a vestibule, preventing the penetration of cold street air, and can serve as a resting place or even a kitchen. Depending on the intended purpose choose the type of foundation. The more massive the extension, the more reliable the foundation should be.

Which foundation to choose?

When choosing a foundation for a veranda with your own hands, you need to proceed from the following data:

  • soil heaving;
  • the depth of its freezing;
  • the total weight of the extension including the roof and furniture;
  • Will the veranda be heated?

So, for heaving soils and prone to flooding, a foundation on piles will be optimal.

It is not afraid of temperature changes, seasonal rise of groundwater and freezing levels. But it is more difficult to insulate an extension on such a foundation - you need to properly organize the ventilation of the base, ensuring its tightness and wind resistance in winter.

Pouring a strip foundation is justified in stable soils that will not sag. But even here it is important to correctly calculate its depth and width. For a brick extension to a house, you need a stable and deeply buried foundation so that the entire veranda does not sag relative to the house under the weight of the walls and roof.

But for a light wooden structure, ordinary wooden pillars buried a meter and a half will be sufficient.

A columnar foundation made of brick or asbestos pipes would also be a good solution. But any foundation options with free space under the base of the veranda require good floor insulation, and this should not be forgotten.

Foundation on piles - features of its construction

If the space under the floor is planned to be fenced and insulated in the future, then it is advisable to remove the entire layer of fertile soil and take it to the garden or flower garden. Why should good things go to waste? But this point is not necessary if foundation costs need to be kept to a minimum.

There are several stages in the construction of a pile foundation:

Advantages pile-screw foundation– relatively low cost, ease of installation and high reliability. You can start building the frame for a small open veranda the very next day! True, it will not be possible to screw in the piles alone - depending on the hardness of the soil, you will need from 2 to 4 people.

Strip foundation - is it economically profitable?

For soils that are not heaving and not prone to flooding, a strip foundation can be poured under the veranda. The optimal depth is up to 50 cm. It is very unprofitable to make a deeper foundation for a simple extension. But at the same time, if you do not take into account all the properties of the soil, after winter shallow foundation may crack. Therefore, when choosing this type of foundation, you need to proceed from the budget and its need in a particular situation.

The installation of a strip foundation is also carried out in stages:

Reinforcement can be placed in the trench to strengthen the foundation. But, again, for a simple veranda this option will be quite expensive. Another way is to place stones with a bandage in a more liquid concrete solution. In this case, there is no need to add crushed stone to the mixture.

Columnar foundation. How to mark + instructions.

If there are no assistants for screwing in piles, and pouring a strip foundation is still expensive, then a foundation on pillars is the best option. This can be reinforcement poured with concrete or brick columns and even wooden logs.

To install a columnar foundation you need:

  1. Continue to remove the top layer of soil and mark the location of the holes.
  2. The holes are dug deeper than the freezing point of the soil. Their diameter should be at least 10 cm larger than future pillars.
  3. A sand cushion is poured onto the bottom. If the bottom layer of soil is already sandy, then a layer of gravel is poured and filled with bitumen for waterproofing.
  4. Formwork is installed and concrete mortar with crushed stone is poured so that 15-centimeter foundations are formed above ground level.
  5. The columns are laid out of bricks or blocks on bases treated with bitumen or covered with roofing felt.
  6. They are cut to the required length with a concrete saw, installed in the hole and filled with cement to the very top. Crushed stone is poured into the hole along the perimeter or a solution is poured.

    Logs for the foundation are taken that are resistant to rotting - larch or oak with a diameter of 25 cm.

    The part immersed in the ground is treated with bitumen or fired. A sand cushion is also poured onto the bottom of the pit, and to give the logs stability, their lower end is concreted, increasing the support area. After the solution has hardened, the remaining part of the holes is covered with soil and thoroughly compacted.

    An original method of constructing a columnar foundation with your own hands on a prepared concrete base with roofing felt formwork is shown in the video:

    When building any structure, one of the most important stages of work is pouring the foundation. Therefore, if you are planning to build a terrace, carefully consider what the foundation will be like, taking into account the soil characteristics and climatic conditions. A correctly selected foundation option and its construction will be the key to the durability and strength of your veranda. What is needed for this and how to make a foundation for a veranda, you must find out in advance and prepare everything necessary for construction.

    A well-made warm veranda will not only decorate the house, but also emphasize the status of its owner.

    How to choose a foundation for a veranda

    Most often, a pile or columnar foundation is used for the base of the veranda, since they are the most budget options.

    Before building a terrace, you need to carry out soil research; all you need to know is the type of soil and the depth of its freezing. If you are planning to build a building next to your house, then even in this case, experts do not advise combining two foundations into one. Since the influence of the soil on the veranda and the house will be uneven.

    But when constructing a veranda next to the house it should be the same as that of the main building. If your area has high groundwater, then it is better to choose columnar or screw foundation, and for non-heaving soils, a strip foundation would be an ideal option. If the foundation is chosen incorrectly, the terrace structure itself will not last long, and very soon deformation of the foundation, and therefore the entire structure, will begin.

    Most often, for such structures they prefer to build a columnar or pile foundation, but this is not the standard; you can also make a pile-screw or monolithic one, although the latter option will be quite expensive.

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    Columnar foundation of the veranda

    This option is one of the most economical, which, of course, makes it relevant. But this is not its only advantage; there are other advantages:

    • it is being built quickly;
    • it is allowed to build it in areas not only with high humidity, but also on frozen soils;
    • very easy to construct, even a non-specialist can do it with his own hands;
    • reliability and durability.

    Its depth usually depends on the depth of soil freezing in the area.

    To begin work on constructing a terrace, you need finished project. You can make it yourself, taking into account all the nuances, or find a ready-made one. You must have accurate calculations of the future structure in your hands; constructing such a structure by eye is unacceptable.

    Columnar foundation can be built from metal or asbestos pipes, blocks, with a grillage or columnar-tape type.

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    Preparation and marking of the site for the construction of the veranda foundation

    It is recommended to start with preparatory work, first you should clear the area of ​​debris. The top layer of soil is usually removed to a depth of 15-20 cm, after which the surface of the earth is carefully leveled. In order to carry out marking and further work, you will need the following tools and materials:

    The marking of a columnar foundation is done using boards, pegs and rope.

    • roulette;
    • pegs;
    • ribbon or twine;
    • shovel;
    • plumb line;
    • level;
    • concrete mixer.

    Using this, according to the project, you need to make accurate markings, drive in pegs and tension the rope, after which you need to check the accuracy of the markings again to avoid mistakes.

    When marking, you need to separately mark the places where the pillars will be installed, in mandatory they are located at every corner of the building and at the intersections of partitions and walls - in large areas. The distance between them should not exceed 1.5-2 meters.

    Drilling holes for pillars is done with a special drill, but this can also be done with an ordinary shovel; the diameter of the hole should exceed the diameter of the pillars by 5-10 cm. Their depth is 40 cm below the freezing level. are separate supporting structures on which you can mount a grillage or immediately lay a frame for installing walls.

    Then sand is poured into the bottom of the pits in a layer of 20 cm. If the soil is sandy or a heavy structure is being erected, crushed stone is poured instead of sand, which, in turn, must be filled with hot bitumen.

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    Asbestos pipes: application features

    If you have chosen asbestos pipes for construction, then in this case you should adhere to the following sequence of work:

    The foundation made of asbestos pipes is quite strong, it can easily support small buildings, so a veranda on such a foundation will last for many years.

    • asbestos pipes are cut using a grinder to the required length; for this you need to use special cement discs;
    • to provide additional waterproofing, the pipes are wrapped in a layer of roofing felt or other suitable material;
    • pipes are installed in wells, the voids are filled with crushed stone or filled with concrete, the internal cavity of the pipe also needs to be filled with concrete.

    In order for the pillars to stand more stable, when pouring them with concrete, each pillar should be slightly raised, so the solution will flow under the pillar itself and spread along the bottom of the well.

    To give the pipes greater stability and remove excess air from the poured concrete, you need to do the following: hammer a reinforcing rod into the center of the pipe.

    Blocks for the construction of a columnar terrace foundation should be made of expanded clay concrete or heavy concrete.

    They are stacked on top of each other to the height you need, fastened with cement mortar.

    For one pillar you may need approximately 4-7 blocks measuring 20x20x40 cm. It is very important that all the pillars are of the same level, so it is worth using a level and plumb line while working. It is necessary to control the level during installation, since it will be quite difficult to correct unevenness later.

    If the depth is more than one meter, it would be correct to make formwork and spacers from ordinary boards. In this case, the pits must match in width so that additional support can fit into them.

    In order to prevent the pillars from settling, a reinforced concrete pad is placed in each hole. After the solution has hardened, the formwork is removed and the voids are also filled with crushed stone or filled with concrete.

    Screw piles

    Screw piles for foundation construction can be used on any type of soil.

    The advantage of this choice lies in its versatility, that is, this option is suitable for all types of soil and in the case of construction on uneven terrain, and its installation is relatively inexpensive.

    Screw piles have special blades with which they are screwed into the soil. The choice of pile diameter depends on the expected severity of the future veranda. For a veranda of small size and weight, small-diameter piles are suitable, screwing them in by hand is quite possible.

    1. The pitch of the piles depends on the load, it can vary from 1.5 to 2 meters, the optimal step size for the veranda is 2.5 meters. Frequent steps are expensive, and with a greater distance the joists will sag.
    2. First, the top layer of earth around the perimeter of the foundation is again removed. For clayey soil, it is recommended to add a layer of sand to reduce moisture.
    3. The piles are screwed in to a depth, usually at least one and a half meters. Every few turns, use a level to check the screw-in angle; it should be 90 degrees.
    4. To facilitate the screwing process, two holes are made in the upper part of the pile, rods are inserted into them, which will be used for screwing. Even to screw in small piles you will need at least 3-4 people.
    5. After screwing in, the piles are trimmed to the required level using a regular grinder.

    For a veranda made of wood, the piles do not need to be concreted, but for a brick structure, the piles should be filled with mortar to the very edge of the trim, after which the top is covered with a cap.

    Further actions depend on your project; you can either immediately lay timber or boards, that is, the rest of the veranda arrangement is carried out in accordance with the project.


    - means creating a kind of rigid sole that will evenly distribute the weight of the veranda across all foundation pillars. Typically, the construction of a grillage is carried out on shallow foundations.

    You will need additional material to build the formwork, these can be any boards, the most important thing is that they can withstand the pressure of the foundation. After construction, a reinforcing frame is laid inside the formwork and the structure is filled with concrete.

    Owners of their own homes very often have a need to expand their living space or add additional extensions. Most often a veranda is added. The question immediately arises - how to build a foundation for a veranda to the house with your own hands.

    If it has a common foundation with the main area of ​​the house, then its construction does not arise.

    Another question is when it is necessary to lay a new supporting structure under the veranda, then you need to adhere to certain rules.

    Features of foundation preparation

    The main nuance is that you cannot connect the foundation of the veranda and the common foundation of the house together. You should always leave a gap between them within 20–40 cm. This is done so that the shrinkage of the house does not cause cracks in your new building. Two factors are also taken into account:

    1. It is necessary to take into account the type of soil and the influence of groundwater when choosing the type of foundation. If these factors are not taken into account, after some time the newly built structure may undergo deformation.
    2. The size of the pit must correspond to the depth of the main structure. If this parameter is unknown, the recess should be at least 1–2 meters.

    The next point that needs to be paid attention to is the type of future foundation.

    Choosing a foundation

    There are many types of foundations; several of them are suitable for this type of work:

    The most common option

    - This is a strip foundation for the veranda to the house. It is great for buildings of varying gravity, but it cannot be used for all types of soil. If we're talking about about unstable and heaving soils, then it is better to choose a columnar base for your veranda. Also in this case, you can use the pile option. This is enough new technology in the arrangement of a supporting structure on which the foundation for a light veranda is made. The most expensive of all the foundations listed will be monolithic. Let's consider all the proposed types separately. You can read about it here.

    Strip foundation

    This option is quite suitable as a foundation for a brick veranda. Its marking is carried out not only on the outside, but also on the inside. To obtain a monolithic structure you will need the following materials:

    • or cement mortar;
    • sand;
    • reinforcing bars;
    • wire;
    • wooden boards for formwork;
    • crushed stone;

    Once the necessary parameters have been determined and markings have been applied, you can begin preparing the trench:

    1. A ditch is dug around the perimeter of the future veranda, the depth varies depending on the recess under the main structure and the characteristics of the soil.
    2. The formwork is being installed. To do this, wide boards are selected; after installation, they should protrude beyond the surface of the trench to a small height.
    3. Sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted. If the soil is sandy, then this operation is not necessary.
    4. A reinforced belt is installed along the entire length, made of rods connected to each other with wire.
    5. Now you can start pouring directly. For this, a cement-sand mortar with the addition of crushed stone is used. The ratio of cement, crushed stone, sand is 1:4:2.

    Important point! Filling must be done in one step, this will make your foundation strong and durable.

    1. The finished base is kept for 10 days, after which you can begin subsequent work on the construction of the veranda.

    Monolithic foundation

    This type is quite expensive, but sometimes the design requires only a monolithic base. The sequence of work is as follows:

    1. Marking is carried out according to the plan.
    2. A continuous pit 50 cm deep is being prepared.
    3. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand and thoroughly compacted.
    4. The sand is followed by a layer of crushed stone. It is also poured over the entire surface of the pit and compacted.
    5. The base is poured with concrete on top of crushed stone.
    6. After the solution has hardened, the reinforcement cage is laid.
    7. The reinforced structure is poured with concrete over the entire surface and left for four weeks to achieve strength.
    8. Waterproofing is being carried out.

    To obtain a solid foundation, you should adhere to the correct technology and follow the rules and use as many appropriate quality materials as possible..

    Columnar foundation

    The base consists of isolated elements that have no connection with each other. Subsequent components of the structure after the foundation are installed on the support pillars. For arrangement you will need the following materials:

    • sand;
    • crushed stone;
    • bitumen;

    The number of pillars to be laid depends on the size of the structure being built. The four main ones are located under all corner posts. If the dimensions of the future veranda are large, then the presence of pillars under the intermediate posts is mandatory.

    The sequence of construction work is as follows :

    1. Holes are dug for the required number of pillars. Their size should be greater than the freezing depth of the soil.
    2. Sand is poured into the bottom of the hole. The thickness of the layer is 20 cm. If the weight of the structure is large enough, then crushed stone is poured instead of sand. It is compacted and watered with heated bitumen.
    3. Reinforcement is installed in the pit and filled with concrete.
    4. The pillars are laid to a height below 20–30 cm of floor level in two ways:
    • concrete is poured at ground level, and then the pillars themselves are laid out of brick after hardening;
    • the pillars are made of concrete, for this purpose formwork is constructed to the required height, and after that the entire device is filled with concrete;
    1. After hardening, it is necessary to waterproof the pillars.

    Pile foundation

    It also has another name - pile-screw. This category has come into use relatively recently and has been appreciated for its versatility. This base can be used for any type of soil. The main element is piles in the form of a screw, at the ends of which there are blades for screwing.

    For lightweight structures, a pile foundation for a veranda to a house is simply a godsend, due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. The number of screws depends on the load that will be placed on them. Depending on this, they are placed at a distance from each other within 1.5–3 meters.

    Installation sequence :

    1. The total area is prepared and a 20 cm deepening is made. If the soil is clayey, then backfilling with sand over the entire surface is advisable. This will reduce soil moisture.
    2. The location of the piles is marked, during which all right angles must be strictly maintained. The most distant piles from the house should be located at a distance of 3–4 cm.
    3. The piles are being installed. Since the screws used are small in diameter, they can be installed manually. They must be screwed in in a strictly vertical position; compliance with this condition must be monitored throughout the entire installation process. The screw must enter the ground below the freezing depth, which is at least 1.5 meters.
    4. The size of the protruding end needs to be adjusted. It should be cut at a height of 30–40 cm from ground level.
    5. The installed piles are being concreted. It is performed by filling the solution along the entire length.
    6. A head in the form of a square made of sheet metal is installed. A beam or dock will subsequently be laid on it for mounting walls or laying a grillage.

    You can also sometimes find a support structure where wood is used instead of pillars.

    Wooden foundation

    This is a rather rare category today; it was mainly used in the past. But still, it is sometimes used, especially if the entire house is built from wood. This is an environmentally friendly option from all those discussed above. Its installation can be done in two ways:

    First way. For stability, a cross is placed on the lower part, installed in the ground. For this purpose, blanks of 70 cm are used. After which the entire structure is filled with concrete.

    Second way. Wells are drilled in 1.5 meter increments. The depth should be below the soil freezing level. A sand cushion is lined on which the logs are placed. Verticality is checked, after which crushed stone is backfilled and compacted.

    The creation of an extension or veranda for a private house can be carried out after the completion of the main building. Often a veranda is attached to an existing house, but it is important to equip the foundation, because both the reliability of the house structure and the durability of the extension depend on it.

    Do you need a foundation for a veranda?

    Situations often arise when an already finished house is supplemented with an extension or veranda. Such an addition is usually a light structure, but sometimes it also develops into permanent structure. In any case, it is important to ensure the reliability, stability and durability of the veranda, and for this it must be placed on a strong foundation. There are many options for foundations, differing in construction technology, but a foundation for a veranda is always required.

    The veranda can be built immediately or after the construction of the house is completed

    In the case when the veranda is built together with the house, a common foundation is built. This allows you to avoid distortion of the structure and damage to the load-bearing elements of the main building. If an extension is created to an already finished house, then it is placed on a separate foundation, which should not be inferior in reliability to the foundation of the house.

    Options for foundations for the veranda of the house

    The foundation is the basis that ensures the reliability, stability and durability of the structure. The size and type of base depend on the scale of the extension. When choosing a foundation, you should take into account the freezing depth and type of soil, the level of groundwater, and the degree of heaving at the construction site.

    If the soil is stable and non-heaving, then a strip base is suitable for an extension. Groundwater may lie close to the soil surface, in which case the soil will be swampy, and the foundation on it will be columnar or pile-screw.

    When choosing the type of foundation, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil and the individual characteristics of the structure. The different types of foundations on which you can build a veranda differ in design, bearing capacity

    and construction technology. When choosing, the dimensions of the future extension are also taken into account.

    Strip foundation for an extension

    For the construction of a permanent brick extension, a strip foundation, which is a monolithic structure, is optimal. When constructing it, you will need cement or concrete mortar, reinforcement, sand, crushed stone and wire. To create a flat surface with clear shapes, you need formwork, which is constructed from wooden boards fastened together into panels.

    Strip foundations are used for heavy buildings, for example, made of bricks.

    1. They dig a trench along the perimeter of the foundation marked with a rope. The depth depends on the quality of the soil. For example, for clay bases the depth is 1–1.5 m, and on sandy soil you can limit yourself to removing 20–30 centimeters of the surface layer. The width of the trench should be approximately 30 cm greater than the thickness of the future walls, because formwork is installed in the trench.

      Markings for the foundation trench are done using pegs and rope

    2. River sand is poured into a 10 cm layer at the bottom of the trenches. This is necessary for all types of soil except sandy.
    3. Formwork panels are made from boards and installed in trenches. The height of such a structure should be approximately 30 cm above the edges of the trench. The formwork is supported with pegs along the entire perimeter.

      The formwork is assembled from wooden panels and reinforced with transverse lintels and struts

    4. Next, knead concrete mixture(one bucket of water, the same volume of cement and sand and 50 g of plasticizer). To prepare large volumes of solution, it is convenient to use a hand mixer. The concrete is mixed, poured into the formwork, then a new portion is prepared. In this way, the entire perimeter of the foundation is poured.

      In a concrete mixer, the solution is prepared faster and with better quality.

    The fixation of the base takes place within several weeks, after which you can begin construction work for the construction of a veranda or extension.

    The monolithic strip base is durable and suitable for verandas made of brick, blocks and other massive materials. The horizontal dimensions of the structure do not affect the foundation construction technology; it is important to determine the required foundation parameters depending on the type of soil, wall thickness and total weight of the extension.

    Pile foundation

    To build a light veranda, a pile foundation is often created. The simplest option is a foundation on bored piles. This option is suitable for a light extension, for example, made of timber. The foundation is easy to construct and does not require large quantity concrete, as well as the installation of a grillage, which is often made of wood.

    For a pile foundation, it is necessary to construct support points on which the grillage is mounted

    The grillage is a long connecting element attached to the piles. It serves as a load-bearing foundation for the construction of veranda walls.

    The scope of work to create a pile foundation for an extension is as follows:

    1. For the preparation of total area remove the top layer of soil by 20 cm. If the soil is clayey, then sand and crushed stone are poured onto the surface in a layer of 10 cm each.

      On clay soils, be sure to make a drainage bedding of sand and gravel

    2. The location of the piles is marked, the maximum step between which should not exceed 3 m. The average distance between the supports is 2–2.5 m.
    3. At each point where the piles are located, a recess is made of approximately 1.5 m, and then ready-made piles are installed or screw structures are used.

      Recesses 1.5 meters deep are made for bored piles

    4. The top of the piles should be at a level of 40 cm from the ground. A head in the form of a square metal plate is mounted on the upper end of the supports.
    5. Next, fix the grillage or timber for the base of the veranda.

      The base of the veranda is usually made of timber

    The height of the piles above ground level can vary depending on the properties of the soil and the design features of the house. When installing finished piles in depth or pouring concrete pillars, it is important to install a sleeve made of roofing felt in the pits, thereby ensuring waterproofing of the foundation.

    Columnar base for the veranda

    For lightweight wooden extensions or structures from blocks, you can make a columnar foundation, which involves the creation of several separate supports that are not connected to each other. In this case, the depth of the pillars must correspond to the depth of the foundation of the house.

    The foundation pillars are not connected to each other, but further components of the structure are laid on their upper ends

    For creating columnar base Reinforcing bars with a cross-section of about 0.7–1 cm, concrete mortar, roofing felt, sand, pegs and rope for marking, as well as boards for formwork are required.

    Installation of a columnar base for a veranda is as follows:

    1. The area is cleared of debris, marked and pegs are installed at the points where the pillars are located, the distance between which should not exceed 1 m.

      The distance between the pillars (they are marked with circles) should not exceed one meter

    2. At the locations of the supports, using a garden drill, create holes with a depth of 70 to 100 cm. Sand is poured into the bottom in a layer of 15 cm and compacted.

      Wells are drilled to a depth of about 1 meter with an ordinary garden drill

    3. A rectangular reinforcement frame is installed in the pits, which is made without welding, connecting the rods with knitting wire.
    4. Wooden formwork is installed inside the pits. Filling can be done without formwork, but in this case the walls are reinforced with roofing felt.

      A reinforcement frame and formwork must be installed in the drilled holes, the role of which can be played by a sheet of roofing material rolled into a cylinder

    The columnar base can be made from ready-made concrete blocks. To do this, you need to dig a trench, the parameters of which are determined using the strip foundation method. The number of blocks is determined individually depending on their size.

    Foundation blocks are usually used for light buildings: cabins, verandas, gazebos, etc.

    Blocks must be laid according to the building level indications. Before installation, you need to arrange a sand cushion 15 cm thick and compact it. This will ensure the stability of the foundation.

    Video: installation of one of the columnar foundation options

    Screw foundation for an extension

    You can provide a solid foundation for a light terrace or veranda by installing a screw foundation.

    Screw piles have a point and blades at the end; they are screwed into the ground like a drill

    For this purpose, special piles are used, which are equipped with blades and are screwed into the ground. Free-standing elements are convenient on any type of soil, and the diameter of the piles is determined depending on the massiveness of the structure.

    The screw elements inside have a cavity into which concrete is poured during installation. Before installation, markings are carried out to determine the location of the piles, the pitch between which is about 1–1.5 m. The piles are pre-treated with bitumen to prevent corrosion. Next, the following actions are carried out:

    1. The top layer of soil 20 cm thick is removed and sand is poured in a layer of 15 cm.
    2. Piles are screwed into the support points to the depth of soil freezing. For central Russia this figure is 1.5 m.

      Screw piles are convenient because they can be screwed in by hand

    3. The ends of the piles are placed 20–30 cm above ground level.
    4. A concrete solution is poured into the cavity of the cylindrical piles, and after its final fixation, the installation of the veranda frame begins. A metal head is welded to the ends.

      On the heads screw piles metal plates are welded on which the frame of the veranda is placed

    Video: installation of screw piles for the foundation

    Pipe foundation

    PVC pipes are often a good reinforcing base for the foundation of a veranda or extension. To construct the base of the extension, pipes about 2 m long are needed. In this case, they will be buried 1.2 m, and 80 cm will remain above the ground surface. It is this part of the pipes that performs the function of permanent formwork, which is reinforced and filled with concrete during the work process.

    For the foundation you need PVC pipes diameter from 70 mm

    1. To install pipes, you need to dig a 50 cm hole with a shovel, and then deepen it another 1.8 m with a drill bit.
    2. Next, a pipe is inserted into the hole to a depth of 160 cm and filled with a bucket of concrete mortar. At the same time, the pipe is raised slightly to prevent the base from being pushed out of the ground.
    3. After the composition has dried, you need to fasten three reinforcing rods vertically with wire, install them in the pipes and fill them with a new portion of the solution.
    4. The concrete is fixed within a few days, and then construction work can continue.

    The block foundation is convenient for construction on sandy soil, but is also suitable for other types of soil. This base option is expensive, and special equipment is required to install the blocks. Therefore, FBS elements are practically not used in the construction of a veranda, since there are more affordable and simpler options.

    A block foundation is expensive and is not in demand for veranda construction

    A block foundation needs careful waterproofing to ensure its durability. This building material is convenient for massive structures, but for a veranda the blocks will be too bulky and expensive material.

    Construction of a monolithic foundation with your own hands

    The monolithic foundation is a continuous concrete slab under the entire building structure. When constructing a veranda, this option is used only on heaving soils, since the technology for constructing the foundation is complex. All calculations depend on the individual characteristics of the future structure, soil properties, and groundwater levels.

    The monolithic slab is durable and ensures stability of the structure on any soil

    An accurate calculation of the amount of materials and foundation parameters is carried out individually in each situation. The dimensions of the base are affected by the massiveness of the veranda or extension. The general package of work involves the following main actions:

    A monolithic base requires a large amount of concrete mortar, which must be poured at once when installing the main slab.

    Video: cushion and formwork of a monolithic slab

    The construction of a veranda or any extension requires the construction of a foundation, as it ensures stability not only for this structure, but for the entire house. Thanks to a reliable foundation, the outdoor terrace will be durable and beautiful, and inside it will always be warm and dry.

    Is it possible to make a foundation for a veranda for a house with your own hands? Of course yes. To do this, you need to know what types of foundations can be used to build a veranda, their features, and the stages of construction. Only a correctly selected type will ensure long-term safety and operation of the extension.

    Preparation and start of construction work

    The first stage of all work is drawing up a project for the future veranda or terrace. The choice of foundation type depends on the characteristics of the soil, the proposed design, building materials, which will be used. It is important to provide options for connecting the extension and the house.

    The main criteria in choosing a foundation are:

    1. Soil freezing depth. According to all requirements for the construction of buildings, the base of the foundation must be below the point of possible freezing.
    2. Affects the choice of species and groundwater level. Some types are not recommended for installation in areas where groundwater is very close to the soil surface.
    3. If the house stands on soils prone to movement, then it is necessary to give preference to stable types of foundation.

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    Types of foundations for verandas

    There is a strip type of foundation. This is a monolithic structure that can be used for a brick veranda. For its construction, you will need materials such as concrete or cement mortar, sand, reinforcement, wire, formwork made of wooden boards, and crushed stone. Work on the construction of this foundation takes place in the following sequence:

    1. The dimensions of the future veranda are determined and markings are made on the ground.
    2. Depending on the characteristics of the soil and the massiveness of the future structure, a ditch of a certain depth is made.
    3. Formwork is assembled, a small part of which should be on the surface of the trench; It is better to take wide boards for it so that there are fewer connecting joints.
    4. It is necessary to pour sand into the bottom of the trench and compact it thoroughly.
    5. In order to provide additional strength to the foundation, experts recommend installing a reinforced frame in the formwork; It is better to use thick wire to connect the rods together.
    6. The next step is mixing cement mortar with crushed stone and pouring into the finished formwork. The optimal ratio of components in the solution is 1:4:2 (cement, crushed stone, sand).

    Professional advice: to ensure the rigidity and durability of the foundation, it must be poured in one step.

    In addition to tape, there are monolithic foundation. It is extremely difficult to make it yourself under the veranda. This design requires not only certain skills and knowledge, but also significant financial investments. But if the house is located on ground that requires only such a foundation, then the work must be performed in the following order:

    • a plan for the future structure is drawn up and, according to project documentation, markings are being made for the future veranda;
    • a continuous pit is dug out, the depth of which is at least 50 cm;
    • the bottom of the pit must be covered with a 10 cm layer of sand and thoroughly compacted;
    • then a layer of crushed stone is laid and also compacted;
    • the next layer is concrete mortar;
    • when the solution has completely hardened, the reinforcement cage is laid;
    • another layer of concrete is poured on top, which must dry for at least 4 weeks;
    • It is recommended to lay a waterproofing layer on top, which will ensure heat retention inside the room.

    There is also a columnar foundation. It consists of separately standing structures, which are not related to each other. DIY installation principle:

    • it is necessary to dig holes to install the pillars: their depth varies between 70-100 cm - the approximate level of soil freezing;
    • the bottom is covered with sand and compacted; if it is planned to build a massive terrace, then crushed stone is poured onto it so that the pillars can withstand a greater load;
    • Pillars are installed in the prepared pit and filled with concrete level with the ground.

    If you are planning a small lightweight terrace, then it is possible to build a foundation from blocks. To do this you need to purchase ready-made blocks and place them in a dug pit. The width and depth of the latter are calculated by analogy with the ribbon view. Professionals advise that the depth of the trench be equal to 2/3 of the block. The part of the slab that will be above the ground will become the base of the floor of the future terrace.

    A timber foundation is being built near wooden house, where the same veranda is planned. Basically, the future design of the terrace will be small in size. Every owner must remember that a wooden structure has minimum terms services. The best option will use larch or oak wood. To increase the service life of wood, experts recommend covering it with a layer of bitumen or firing it.

    The foundation for a wooden terrace is made according to the columnar principle. Wooden logs are driven into the ground or placed in pre-prepared holes. At the end of each of them there should be a spike and a socket. The entire wooden structure will be connected through them.