The project of a house is 10 by 11, one-story. Plan of a one-story house: options for finished projects with photo examples

Despite its small size, housing based on 11 by 11 house designs can become a real castle. Everything you need will fit here. It’s a beautiful porch that doesn’t look like a porch at all. This is a real grand entrance, with a large beautiful open area. You can go out here, lean on a column and watch how long-awaited friends get to you in their noisy cars.

House project 11 by 11: site design

Friends will never get lost; the beautiful complex roof covering the attic will gleam in the sun from afar, like a guiding star. The building, based on 11 by 11 house designs, looks especially majestic among the even vegetation of the emerald lawn, and several lonely fir trees only emphasize the importance and dignity of the exquisite structure.

You can challenge nobility and plant the entire area with flowers, create alpine hills sandwiched by stones, all the plants of which cannot be appreciated at one glance. Plant a small orchard of early cherries, tart pears and, of course, fragrant multi-colored and assorted apples.

House project 11 by 11: layout features

Friends arriving in cars had not yet seen the main decoration of the castle house. These are large beautiful balconies, from which it is so great to look at the surroundings in the morning and drink morning tea. It’s great, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, you can go out onto your balcony, look down at the rose bushes and stretch and sit down three times, almost like doing exercises. Wash, right there on the second floor, and proudly go to dress up in a real dressing room. It is very convenient when everything is nearby, on the same level.

And then quickly run down the stairs, take in the majestic expanses of the first floor: separated from the kitchen-dining room only by a thin partition, a huge living room with a comfortably crackling fireplace, closed doors to the bathroom and bathroom. Give a friendly wave to mommy peeking out of the bedroom door. Shout loudly: Hello everyone. And run along the path to the car. Because you need to go to work, things are waiting.

What building material to choose when building a cottage? There is no clear answer to this question. Each material has its fans, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, wood is considered the most environmentally friendly, and brick is considered the most durable. Somewhere in between are blocks. There are also combined buildings that are designed to combine the advantages of several materials. You can choose 11 by 11 house designs for every taste and financial situation.

It should be remembered that the actual size of the house always differs from the declared one, up or down. The fact is that part of the area is occupied by walls and partitions. Besides, in project documentation Protruding elements, such as bay windows, are not taken into account. Adding a terrace or creating a habitable attic instead of an attic are proven techniques for increasing the usable area of ​​your home. Projects of 11 by 11 houses are quite easy to remake in this way.

Ready-made project or custom order

What to prefer – standard documentation or creation of an individual one? There is something to think about here, since both options have their undeniable advantages. Let's look at them.

The advantage of standard documentation is that it is already available and you do not have to wait for it. Such projects of 11 by 11 houses have been implemented more than once, that is, they have stood the test of time. If you wish, you can even find the owners of an analogue of your future home and learn about its advantages and disadvantages. This option is definitely cheaper, since even with a number of changes it will require less labor.

pros individual design no less obvious. Yes, yours future home you create it yourself. With the participation of the architect, of course. Consequently, you don’t have to follow fashion and generally accepted canons of home planning. Such 11 by 11 house projects are truly a dream come true, since everything in them meets the interests, hobbies, tastes and lifestyle of their owners. In addition, literally the whole family can take part in working on documents.

Private houses are not a luxury these days. A modern person chooses individual housing from a practical point of view: it means getting away from a crowded house and a crowded yard, and creating for himself more comfortable living conditions than those offered. The choice of a convenient construction format depends on many factors: availability of funds, number of family members, size of the land plot and others.

Project of a house with an attic measuring 11 by 11 meters

For the majority of average families, the optimal solution is a housing layout of 11x11 m. Such a house is not, but it is also difficult to call it small.

For the owner of a large plot, horizontal development is optimal, when they do not skimp on living space for the sake of landscaping. The house 11 by 11 can be built on either one or two floors.

The materials from which the structure will be built are quite diverse:

  • stone;
  • wood (log or timber);
  • brick;
  • foam, thermo and gas blocks;
  • frames.

For the future owner, it begins with setting priorities: either the building will be luxurious, or simple and economical, after which rational solutions for construction are sought.

Detailed layout of the house 11 by 11

Whatever option the owner chooses, comfort will always remain the main requirement for the home. It is also an indisputable statement that thanks to the planning of construction, time and money can be saved.

What is a layout? This concept presupposes a rational and competent location of the house, which is chosen taking into account:

  • landscape features;
  • wind roses;
  • neighboring buildings;
  • approaches to the house and communications;
  • the interior space of the house and its shape;
  • purpose of premises and their quantity.

A rational solution is in which the location of the house will be such that the winds will blow into the roof slopes. This will reduce windage during strong gusts, and rain will not flood the gables.

Ready project two-story house 11 by 11 with layouts of all floors

If the wind constantly changes direction in the area, it is recommended to mount it. Such structures create additional planes above the walls, canopies and serve as protection from precipitation.

If the terrain is relief, then you need to remember that the house should not be located on a high or low point in the terrain. When planning communications, it is important to lay pipes for drains in accordance with the slope of the landscape.

Read also

Projects and construction of small houses

The construction of an 11x11 house is best suited for suburban developments.

A fairly spacious house with a large usable area will be used not only by the owner, but also by his children.

It is important to arrange living rooms and utility rooms on different sides of the building. This layout of rooms is carried out so that nothing disturbs residents - this is called zoning.

Detailed layout of the cottage 11 by 11

That is, recreation areas that provide peace and tranquility are located at a certain distance or are structurally separated from those areas that are distinguished by the presence of noise from economic activity.

Options for building a two-story house

If a two-story building project is being created, then traditionally the first floor is allocated for the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, hallway, living room and boiler room. The second floor of the house most often houses living quarters. The ground floor can be used as a garage or workshop.

In order to strengthen the structure, the plan may include. It can be used as decorative interior decoration. The column position must be calculated by an experienced specialist.

The problem becomes the impossibility of remodeling the premises, so the location of the rooms and convenience must be carefully thought out in advance.

Original project of a two-story house 11 by 11 meters

The design of an 11x11 house on two floors can be made without a bay window, with a bay window, with an open veranda, porch or terrace. This will add beauty to the facade and add convenience to the residents. To diversify the square shapes of the house, the following can be included in the project: architectural solutions, like or semicircular terrace.

The advantages of building such housing are:

  • compactness;
  • various options for interior layout;
  • saving in the use of land;
  • the plan allows for lower costs for insulation and roofing;
  • low cost of construction per square meter.

This catalog page presents photos and projects of 11 by 11 m houses from different building materials. This is a practical choice for those who want to build a cottage that is not too large - medium, both in size and in terms of cost. Effective area it ranges from 85 m2 (one-story) to 250 m2 (two-story). Compact square building takes up little space plot of land, this is convenient when the terrain is uneven, or you want to preserve the landscape in its original form.

Layout and design of a two-story house

An economical house design 11 by 11 is an ideal option for building a square 2-story cottage with a rational system engineering communications. The internal layout usually provides for a radial structure - the hall is located in the middle of each floor, and the bedrooms are located along the perimeter.

Among our offers you will see a variety of architectural forms and styles:

  • European - on a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation, made of aerated concrete;
  • Scandinavian - on a frame with a wooden ceiling;
  • Russian estate - made of timber, with an attic, terrace and sauna.

Any style is suitable for a medium-sized construction project, as the catalog photos clearly demonstrate.

Choosing the optimal solution

Using a convenient filter system, you can select a project for a suitable house or cottage 11 by 11 m from different materials (wood, brick, aerated concrete), with a mansard roof, terrace or garage in ground floor. Pay attention to the 3D option - it allows you to imagine the future building in the selected color scheme with replacement of the finishing of the facade, roof and base.

The most economical option is a standard object with parameters of 11 by 11 meters. If necessary, the architects of our company will make changes to the plan, which will be cheaper than developing an individual solution.

Almost every developer, even before the start of construction, tries to present the final result of this process as clearly as possible. To ensure successful turnkey implementation of ready-made and original house projects on the developer’s site, it is necessary to foresee some points in advance. What exactly needs to be taken into account before choosing 11 by 11 house designs that are popular among developers, we will tell you in this article.

1. Correct plots for 11 by 11 house plans

When choosing an 11 by 11 house plan, you need to know in advance the individual characteristics of the site on which the cottage will be built. Some features of the land plot can significantly reduce the possibilities of a new home. Read more about choosing a site for an 11 by 11 house project here.

There is an opportunity to do it differently: first choose and buy an 11 by 11 house project, and then purchase a plot of land that meets the construction requirements. You can implement an 11x11 house plan on a plot of almost any shape, the main thing is that its area is 4 or more acres.

2. House project plans 11 by 11: implementation costs

When choosing cottage projects, developers mainly focus on the budget they have for construction. The cost of implementing house plans depends on many factors (construction technology, materials, region of development, etc.), which can either reduce or increase the construction cost estimate. We have described how to choose good and economical options for house designs.

3. Layout of houses 11 by 11: one-level, two-story or cottage with an attic

For the right choice layout and number of floors of the future house, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons of possible solutions.

Single-level houses are good and comfortable because the lives of all household members are concentrated on one plane and all corners of the house have easy access. In such houses the risk of injury is reduced due to the absence of stairs, which is very convenient for families with children. However, the price of building such a house is high, since the roofing and earthworks have a larger volume.

Houses with a residential attic allow a clear distinction between the sleeping area and the daytime part. In addition, such houses are warmer, but require insulation of the entire roof area. There is also a drawback in the form of sloping roof slopes, which reduce the space of the attic. But the design of 11 by 11 houses allows you to eliminate these shortcomings and make the room comfortable and functional.

Houses with a full second floor require significantly higher costs than attic houses, but as a result, their premises are more convenient and comfortable for living.

There are also projects that provide for the possibility of equipping an attic into a living space. This can be done as necessary or whenever possible, while living on the ground floor.

4. Selecting a private house project taking into account the needs of the future

It is very important that the layout of 11 by 11 house projects meets not only the needs of today, but is also convenient a decade later. Perhaps elderly parents will live with you or children will bring their families into the house. Therefore, it is advisable to provide an additional room on the ground floor, which will now serve as a workshop or guest room.

5. Possibility of adjusting architectural projects

Often standard projects houses 11 by 11 (photos, drawings, videos, diagrams, sketches are posted on the website in this section) do not fully correspond to the client’s requests. In such cases, designers, architects and engineers can get involved in the project without compromising the quality characteristics of the future structure.

We hope that our article helped organize your knowledge of how to find best project houses 11 by 11. We wish you to choose from the catalog updated in 2018, suitable project your dream home!