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Having start-up capital is always a great help when entering adulthood. Since the times of the Soviet Union, everyone remembers the savings books that grandparents and other relatives opened for their children. The question of how to open an account for a child in Sberbank is still popular today. The largest bank in Russia makes it possible to receive passive income monthly by registering a deposit for a minor.

Grounds for opening an account for a minor child

At Sberbank you can open both a deposit and a regular current account for a child. Bank employees will offer individual options, depending on the life situation in which the child will have to use banking product. If a minor needs to receive regular transfers (when studying away from parents, receiving alimony, benefits, etc.), then it is more convenient to open a current account. A deposit is more suitable for accumulating and accruing interest.

Minor citizens are divided into three categories, according to the civil code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Competent minors under the age of 14, transactions on whose behalf can only be concluded by parents or guardians (Article 28, paragraph 1).
  2. Partially capable minors aged 14 to 18 years, who can make transactions independently, but with written confirmation from their parents or guardians (Article 26, paragraph 1).
  3. Competent minors over the age of 18. Full legal capacity can occur at the age of 16 by decision of the court or guardianship authorities, if the child is officially working under an employment contract or is leading entrepreneurial activity with the consent of parents or guardians.
  1. Until the age of 14, only parents (guardians) or close relatives can open a savings book, deposit or current account for a child. The bank will need to provide the child’s birth certificate, passport and Taxpayer Identification Number (SNILS) of the applicant.
  2. After turning 14 years old, a child can open a savings book, deposit or current account independently with the written consent of one of the parents (guardians). Both the child’s passport and the passport of the parent who signed the consent are provided to the bank.

Opening an account for a minor at Sberbank is as easy as for an adult

Procedure for registering an account for a minor child

Evaluating offers from different banks and financial organizations, it is worth paying attention to the age at which you can open a deposit or current account for a child. As a rule, you can draw up an agreement from the birth of the child, and such services will differ only in interest rates.

The procedure for drawing up an agreement to open an account or deposit in a bank is practically no different from the standard one. The applicant is required to provide Sberbank employees with his passport, TIN (or SNILS), the child’s birth certificate or passport, or written consent from the parents. If all documents are in order, an agreement is drawn up and signed.

For getting passive income You can also open an account for your child for savings. The amount of interest will depend on the period of use of the deposit. Most high stakes are accrued on deposits for a period of 5 years, which can be replenished, but negotiable transactions on them are prohibited.

The previously popular deposit options “Until the age of majority” are no longer in demand and are gradually being removed from Sberbank’s offer line.

Features of using a minor child's account

After signing the agreement, parents (guardians) become full users of the account. A contribution for a minor child is not required special participation except for replenishment. Negotiable transactions on the account are carried out only by the parents; sometimes the approval of the guardianship authorities may be required. Upon reaching 18 years of age, a child can perform all operations independently.

Being between the ages of 14 and 18, a child can freely withdraw from the account funds transferred to him or herself, and funds transferred by third parties only with the written consent of the parents (sometimes the guardianship authorities).

Sometimes it becomes necessary to terminate the agreement with the bank and close the account or deposit. In this case, certain rules apply regarding minor children:

  • For children under 14 years of age– to present to the bank you will need the parent’s or guardian’s passport, the child’s birth certificate, a passbook in the child’s name and an agreement. In some cases, the bank may require the consent of the trusteeship and guardianship authorities. If the documents are in order, the contract will be terminated and the due amount of money will be paid to the applicant.
  • For children aged 14 to 16 years– the parents and the child himself have the right to terminate the contract. The difference is that the child will also need the written consent of the parents to terminate the agreement. After termination of the contract, he will be paid all accumulated cash.
  • Upon reaching 18 years of age The child just needs to present his passport, savings book and agreement to the bank. Even if the deposit was made when the child did not have a passport, he has the right to close accounts opened in his name using the received passport independently.

IN Civil Code In the Russian Federation, there is no clear description of the rules according to which parents or guardians are required to notify the guardianship or guardianship authorities of their decision to close the account of a minor child. However, banks often do not want to take responsibility for approving such a decision: parents may be considered unreliable, deprived of parental rights, or shirk parental responsibilities.

Therefore, based on the Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on Guardianship, Sberbank puts forward a requirement to its clients that when closing the account of a minor child, it is necessary to notify and obtain the consent of the guardianship authorities.

Upon reaching 14 years of age, the child has the right to independently close the account and receive the accumulated money

Opening an account in precious metals for a minor child

Unallocated metal accounts (OMA) in which bullion is stored are becoming increasingly popular among parents seeking to open a deposit for a child under 14 years of age. precious metals(gold, silver, platinum or palladium). The profitability of such accounts depends on the price of metals on the market.

The procedure for opening such an account for a child is similar to the procedure for opening a standard deposit. If it is necessary to close an account or partially withdraw funds from it, for children under the age of 14 years, the consent of the guardianship authorities is required. Upon reaching 14 years of age, all you need is a passport and written parental consent. This is a standard rule for most Russian banks, including Sberbank. Some financial institutions require notification of guardianship authorities before reaching 18 (sometimes 16) years of age. It is better to clarify such requirements before signing the contract.

Unallocated metal accounts are attractive from the point of view of minor fluctuations in price rates, which gives relative stability to their safety. It is profitable to open them only in long term. And close market fluctuations at the right moment, when the price of the metal reaches its peak.

Opening an account or deposit in the name of a minor child is not a complicated procedure. Sberbank offers its clients a variety of conditions for servicing and using such accounts. By correctly calculating the time and amount of investment, you can provide your child with significant assistance in entering adulthood.

Among Sberbank clients, deposits for children are quite in demand. Parents are able to save sum of money, which can later be spent on the education of a child or the purchase of real estate for him.
The bank's management did everything possible to make children's deposits in Sberbank as convenient as possible for potential clients.

Contribution for a child under 18 years of age

  • To open an account, just visit any bank branch and present your passport and birth certificate. The contract is concluded in a few minutes.
  • Replenishing your account is possible in several ways: directly at the branch, through your Personal Account on the bank’s website and through the official mobile application.
  • Upon reaching fourteen years of repayment, the child can only use the accrued interest. Full management of a personal account is given after the age of eighteen.

Sberbank card from 14 years old

If a child wants to save money on his own, he needs to visit the branch and open a deposit called “Replenish” - a special children’s balance with the following features:
  • small size down payment- 1000 rubles;
  • You can increase your contribution at any convenient time, and both the child and his parents and relatives can do this;
  • Every month the deposit amount increases according to the contract rate.

Sberbank has special offer- Youth Card 14+. Using it you can buy goods in stores and receive small bonuses.

Sberbank card from 7 years

If your goal is to teach your child how to manage money, then a Sberbank card will help from the age of 7. Every parent using the services of Sberbank can open such an account. The child will be able to pay independently without using cash. Experts have thought through this proposal in great detail:
  • purchases of goods on the Internet are always confirmed by SMS;
  • parents have access to the transaction history and are able to control the account;
  • You can set a monthly spending limit.

Children's deposits in Sberbank can also be opened for orphans, for this there is a Social Deposit. The down payment is only 1 ruble. Interest is accrued every quarter, and the deposit is valid for three years. The validity of the deposit can be extended by contacting a bank branch.

Targeted deposit for children in Sberbank

If you need to save money before reaching adulthood, it is recommended to open a target deposit. This account is intended to hold large sums for the purchase of real estate, payment for education, etc.
To open a target deposit, you don’t even need to go to the branch, you just need:
  • go to your Personal Account on the official website;
  • indicate the purpose for accumulating money, the planned amount, the expected date of withdrawal;
  • at any time you can write off an arbitrary amount from your card to a target deposit, and Sberbank will charge certain interest.
An undoubted advantage is the absence minimum deposit. You can open it without a down payment and top up your balance at a convenient time.
As for withdrawing and depositing money, it is carried out without additional commissions or penalties.

How to open a deposit for a child?

Children's deposits in Sberbank are opened upon application to the bank office. Our staff will tell you in detail how to properly create and manage a children's account. You need to have your passport and child's birth certificate with you.

Since children's deposits in Sberbank are registered in the name of minors, non-targeted accounts have certain restrictions:

  • Only the parent or guardian indicated in official documents can open a deposit;
  • the deposit cannot be opened remotely; to do this you will need to visit the branch;
  • To withdraw money from the child's account in full, you need to obtain permission from guardianship.
You can top up your account using a smartphone application, official payment terminals and through your Personal Account on the bank’s official website.

Compensation for targeted deposits for children

Sberbank provides compensation for target deposits that were issued before 1991, even if lost savings book. This opportunity available to investors, children and heirs. The payment amount is calculated on the official website.


As you can see, from the very birth of a child you can open a targeted deposit. Suitable for a child from 7 years old special card, located in the parental control zone. And fourteen-year-old children have the right to open deposits on their own and save money.

Sberbank began offering the first deposits for children in their classical sense back in the early eighties. Their popularity dropped noticeably for a while. Today, again, many people turn to the bank to open a deposit for a child. The purpose of such deposits is usually to provide for the child personal capital at the time of majority, a major purchase, for example, housing, tuition fees, etc.

Design features

Any adult can make a target deposit in the name of a child. This is often done by parents and grandparents. To get it, you need to contact the bank with your passport and the child’s birth certificate. The bank may offer it as usual savings deposit, and a special program.

Programs until the child reaches adulthood are not popular, except in situations where no more than five years are left before this date. On average, deposits in the name of a child are concluded for a period of five to six years.

If the purpose of placing funds is to save up for any purchase or to pay for education, you should choose contracts with the possibility of replenishment and payment of interest at the end of the term. Also It is profitable to arrange deposits with automatic prolongation and interest capitalization. Before signing the agreement, the investor should pay attention to the terms of automatic extension. It is better to renew the contract at the rate current at the time of renewal, and not at the original rate. Otherwise, the investor may find himself in a situation where the average market rate will be much higher.

A child can independently open a deposit after reaching the age of 14. In addition to an identification document, you must present written permission from your parent to open an account.

An additional advantage of opening a deposit in the name of a child is that these funds cannot become the subject of a dispute in the event of the divorce of the parents.

Service Features

The depositor himself or a child can replenish the account, provided that he is already 14 years old. If the deposit provides partial withdrawal, then a minor child can independently withdraw only those funds that he contributed personally.

How to close a deposit?

The procedure for receiving deposits and interest depends on the age of the child at that date. The deposit is usually opened for such a period that the expiration date of the contract is later than the age of majority.

According to the Civil Code Russian Federation, the following stand out age groups: minors - up to 14 years old, minors - from 14 to 18 years old, adults - over 18 years old.

Up to 14 years of age funds can only be disposed of by the person who opened the account. He can withdraw the funds himself upon expiration of the contract or ahead of schedule, if the deposit provides for such an opportunity.

After 14 years partial legal capacity occurs and the child can, to some extent, manage money. To receive money, he must apply with an identification document to a bank branch. Many credit institutions require written permission from the person who opened the deposit.

If the person who contributed funds wants to terminate it until adulthood, then some banks will ask him for permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. This norm is not directly stated in the Civil Code, but financial institutions do not want to take responsibility.

After reaching adulthood, the person in whose name the deposit was opened has the right to withdraw it independently. To do this, you must present your passport and contract.

Where to go?

​Before depositing funds, you must ensure that financial institution included in the deposit insurance system. This will guarantee that upon completion of the contract the child will receive his funds. Just don’t place more than 1,400,000 rubles in one bank, taking into account all replenishments and capitalization of interest.

Sberbank offers “Replenish” deposit, which can be opened by the child's parent or legal representative. You can apply for it at a bank branch, and replenishment is available through the Sberbank Online Internet bank or mobile app. It is worth noting that online replenishment occurs using bank details; the account status is not displayed in the system. Full withdrawal of the deposit before the child reaches adulthood is possible only with permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. From the age of 14, a child has the right to replenish the deposit himself, as well as accrued interest.

Today the bank offers following conditions:

  • Interest rate:
    • US dollars and Euros - from 0.01%;
    • rubles - from 5%.
  • The placement period is from 1 year.
  • Capitalization of interest is possible.

Coalmetbank offers clients who want to open a deposit in the name of a minor child the “Investment in the Future” program. Money can only be placed in Russian rubles The conditions are as follows:

  • Minimum amount- 1000 rubles.
  • Interest rate - 9% per annum.
  • Additional fees- at least 1000 rubles one-time (additions are not accepted if there are less than 90 days left until the end of the contract).
  • The placement period is 369 days, and the contract can be automatically extended up to 10 times.

Zenit Bank has a “Children’s” deposit. A deposit can be opened in favor of any person under the age of majority with whom there is a family connection. Relationship must be documented. The person who places the funds can independently determine the age of the child at which he has the right to access the money (but not earlier than 14 years).

The bank accepts funds under the following conditions:

  • The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 Euros.
  • Interest rate:
    • US dollars - 0.75%;
    • euro - from 6.5%;
    • rubles - from 5%.
  • Additional contributions - at least 3000 rubles/500 US dollars/500 Euros one-time (additional contributions are not accepted if there are less than 30 days left until the end of the contract).
  • The deposit period is from 181 to 731 days with the possibility of automatic extension.

Every parent wants a decent future for their child. And probably many have thought about whether it is possible to open a deposit for a minor child in order to provide him with financial basis. Yes, Sberbank provides such an opportunity, let’s look at the conditions under which you can open a deposit account, as well as the conditions for servicing it.

Deposit for a minor child

A deposit account for a minor child can be opened by one of the parents or a legal representative. This account can be replenished not only by parents, but also by other persons, for example, grandmothers and other relatives, this is according to the conditions of Sberbank of Russia. Access to the account can only be obtained by a child and only upon reaching 18 years of age.

This deposit involves the accrual of interest, and its size largely depends on the amount of the deposit and the size of its replenishment. Starting from the age of 14, the account owner can independently replenish it, as well as withdraw interest, without parental permission. Full disposal of the deposit will be possible only with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Please note that the minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles.

Deposit 0+ in Sberbank

How to open a deposit

Let's look at how to open an account for a child in Sberbank. The only documents you will need from you are a passport, a child’s birth certificate, if he is over 14 years old, then a passport, and money. You can submit an application only at a bank branch; you cannot leave an application remotely on the website.

So, you come with documents to the bank branch of your choice, submit documents, sign an agreement to open a deposit account, and, in fact, the registration procedure is completed. By the way, you have the opportunity to choose a program; the amount of interest accrued on the deposit depends entirely on it.

Contribution 14+

This deposit is available to citizens over 14 years of age, and its peculiarity is that a teenager himself can become a client. That is, a child can independently contact Sberbank and open a replenished deposit in his name. The terms of service are the same: third parties, for example, parents, grandparents, can top up the account.

The difference between this proposal is that this deposit account the client can issue a debit youth card, the bank will transfer interest and personal contributions to the teenager. Other transfers from third parties, for example, from relatives, as well as benefits, alimony and other payments, can only be received upon reaching the age of majority. By the way, you can top up your account remotely through Sberbank Online.

Please note that you can withdraw money from the account ahead of schedule only with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and parents.

Interest rates

Before opening a bank account for a child, you need to consider what potential benefits it will bring. The interest rate on the deposit depends on two factors – the amount of the deposit and the term of the deposit. Minimum amount from 1 thousand rubles, maximum amount not limited. Rates on average range from 5% to 6.15% than more amount, the higher the rate.

Deposit 14+ in Sberbank

The maximum period is 3 years, after which the contract is automatically extended for the same period and on the same conditions, taking into account the capitalization of interest. Parents cannot close the deposit until the child reaches adulthood; accordingly, the deposit account will be opened until its owner turns 18 and he can independently manage his money.

Please note that on the official website of Sberbank you will find a calculator with which you can easily calculate your potential profit.

By the way, you can replenish the deposit for a child under 18 years of age at Sberbank remotely, through Personal Area Sberbank Online. But no access to this account you won’t have it, but the funds can be sent using the details.

So, how to open a deposit for a child in Sberbank, everything is extremely simple - contact the bank branch directly. The registration procedure will take you only a few minutes, and you are required to provide a minimum set of documents.