Which banks buy checks from foreign countries. Procedure for processing American checks for collection

According to the current currency legislation of the Russian Federation, when submitting checks for collection in an amount exceeding US$ 5,000.00 or an equivalent amount in another currency, you will be required to submit documents to the bank justifying the transaction.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Moscow
Citi-Bank (www.citibank.ru)30-90 days
PromsvyazbankDoes not accept checks for collection-
Alfa BankDoes not accept checks for collection-
UralsibDoes not accept checks for collection-
RaiffeisenDoes not accept checks for collection-
UniCredit Bank (Unicredit)Does not accept checks for collection-
BinbankDoes not accept checks for collection-
Bank of Moscow (www.bm.ru)Bank commission - 2% of the check amount, but not less than 350 rubles. Checks in US dollars, euros, and British pounds sterling are accepted for collection. The commission is paid directly when the check is submitted for collection. In case of non-payment foreign bank The commission paid to the bank by check is not refunded. To submit a check for collection, you need to go to any branch of the Bank, having with you the check and an identification document.?
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Rostov-on-Don
Citi-Bank (www.citibank.ru)Bank commission on checks in US dollars - 1% of the check amount, min. - 25, max. - 300 US dollars For checks in euros - 1% of the check amount, min. - 20, max. - 220 euros. Carefully read the bank's terms of service!30-90 days
Center-investDoes not accept checks for collection-
Bank ZenithDoes not accept checks for collection-
VneshTorgBankBank commission - 3%, but not less than $15 and not more than $300. The commission is paid when submitting a check for collection in rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate. Checks with denominations ranging from $25 to $5,000 are accepted for collection. For example, checks from German banks in euros and checks from Canadian banks in US dollars are accepted without problems. Opening an account is free.45 days
SberBank, Bin-Bank, PetrocommerceChecks for collection are not accepted-
UniastrumBank commission - 1.5% of the check face value; min 10 - max 200 US dollars from each check. In EURO and other currencies: 1.5% of the check face value min 10 - max 200 euros per check. At the time of receipt of checks for collection only minimum amount commission in accordance with the Bank's tariffs (10 US dollars / euro). If the foreign bank does not pay the check, the commission paid to the bank is not returned to the client. For cashing received funds when issuing cash, 2% of the amount is charged.?
RosbankBank commission - 2% of face value, min 30 US dollars?
RosEvroBank (SovKomBank)Acceptance for collection of any registered bank checks in any currency. Bank commission - 2% of face value, min 30 US dollarsup to 3 weeks
Converse BankCommission is $5 if the check is less than $200, $20 if the check is more than $200. Return check $9.5.3 weeks
Promradtehbank$9 per check, $7 if there is more than one check. The money is deposited into your account (opened for free). When withdrawing from the account + 2% of the amount. Myasnitskaya, 35, tel 207-91-572 - 3 weeks
Morskoy Bank (Morskoy Joint Stock Bank) 0.15% of the amount, min $50, max $400; return of unpaid checks - $100 ?
Bank Sofia0.15%, min $15. Return of an unpaid check - $20. Delivery by DHL mail at the expense of the recipient. Commission is charged upon receipt of money.2-4 weeks
Sudostroitelny Bank3%, minimum $50.002-4 weeks
Bank for Development and Reconstruction$50 + 2.5% of the amount ?
AB RussiaAcceptance of checks in US dollars for collection: Bank commission - 2% of the check face value; min 5 US dollars from each check. The amount of the minimum balance on the demand account in foreign currency- 15 USD for each check. The fine for non-payment of a check is 15 USD.
Acceptance of checks in euros and other currencies for collection: Bank commission for checks - 2.5% of the check face value min. 15 euros per check. The amount of the minimum balance is determined depending on the currency of the demand account in which it is placed and the number of checks submitted for collection: for an account in US dollars - 30 USD for each check, for an account in Euros - 30 EUR for each check. The fine for non-payment of a check is 30.00 USD, 30.00 EUR.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: St. Petersburg
Bank "Russia"2% of the check. Opening an account for $100 (you can withdraw everything almost immediately), no deposits. Smolny, Kvarnegi lane, 41-3 weeks
Baltic Bank$5 + $3 val. score (Muchnoy, 2)1 month
Petrovsky Bank2%, but not less than $10. (Nevsky pr., no. 26, Mikhailova st., no. 17)3-4 weeks
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Ufa
BashkreditbankCollection fee: 0.15% of the amount, minimum $50. Postage costs: $5-10 - by regular mail, $40-50 - by DHL mail. For issuing: 2% of the amount, minimum $102-4 months; by DHL mail - 1-4 weeks.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Minsk
Prior Bank4% of the amount (min. $10) + 5% tax1.5 - 2 months.
Bank Aval (www.aval.ua)1% of the amount when credited to the account, 2% of the amount (min $5)When issued in cash 50 days
Privatbank (www.privatbank.ua)3% of the amount (min 20 UAH)1.5 months
AT "VABANK" (www.vabank.ua)1 min. 5 dollars USA. Cash withdrawal on checks accepted for collection 1%?
VAT KB "NADRA" (www.nadra.com.ua)Acceptance and processing of personal checks in USD for collection, issued to banks in the USA and Canada: Amount over 3001 USD - 1.50% (min $50.00), Amount up to 3000 USD - 2.00% (min $2.00, max $50.00). Commission is charged in USD
Acceptance and processing of personal checks in USD for collection, issued to other banks: Amount over 3001 USD - 1.50% (min $50.0), Amount up to 3000 USD - 2.00% (min $2.00, max $50.00). Commission is charged in USD
Acceptance and processing of personal checks in EUR for collection: Amount over 3001 EUR - 1.50% (min 50.00 EUR), Amount up to 3000 EUR - 2.00% (min 2.00 EUR, max 50.00 EUR). Commission is charged in EUR
JSC "UKRINBANK" (www.ukrinbank.com)Acceptance of registered checks for collection: 2% of the amount of checks, min 10.00 US dollars?
VAT "DERZHEKSIMBANK UKRAINE" (www.eximb.com)2% of the amount indicated in checks, min. 1 USD?
LLC "FINANCE AND CREDIT" (www.fcbank.com.ua)2%, min $5?
JSCB "IMEXBANK" (www.imex.odessa.ua)Payment of registered checks 2% (min 5$)?
JSC "INDEX-BANK" (www.indexbank.ua)Acceptance and processing of personal checks for collection in USD, EUR and GBP: 2.00% of the amount, min 5 USD (charged when paying cover on the check). When accepting personal checks for collection, a guarantee in the amount of 20 (twenty) US dollars is placed, which is returned upon reimbursement of the amount on the personal check according to the NBU exchange rate on the day of the operation.?
PRAVEX-BANK (www.pravex.com)Personalized and traveler's checks in currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, JPY, NOK, SEK. Payment in US dollars, Euros or British pounds minus commissions of foreign banks and Pravex-Bank.30-40 days
BANK "CAPITAL" (www.stolytsa.com.ua)1.5% (min 10.00 USD)?
VAT "KREDITPROMBANK" (www.kreditprombank.com)Receipt of cash by order, registered and gift checks accepted on "collection" terms: 3%, min 10 USD?
First Ukrainian International Bank(www.fuib.com)1% of the check amount (min $30) + postage?
Oschadny Bank2% of the amount2-4 weeks
Ukreximbank3% of face value?
Ukrsotsbank5%, minimum $35?
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Kyiv
HansabankaFor a check up to $200 - a commission of 5.00 Ls, for a check >$200 - a commission of 10.00 Ls. Commissions are withdrawn at the time the cover on the check is credited to the account.21 day

Nominal bank check- is a non-issue security issued to a specific person, an individual or legal entity abroad, and payable in foreign banks. The check must be printed. The inscriptions Void, Copy,... are clearly visible on photocopies.

The inscription on the check "void after 180 days" means that the check is invalid after 180 days. After six months, it is extremely difficult to cash the check. Although some banks carry out this procedure for an additional commission.

The check must contain the following details:

    Name of the “check” included in the text of the document Date, month, year and place of drawing up of the check Name of the drawer (payer) Name of the check holder (recipient of funds) Name and location of the payer bank for the check Instruction to the payer to pay a certain amount of money, check currency code, check amount (in numbers and words) A simple and unconditional offer to pay a certain amount A magnetic strip containing information about the check number, the code of the payer bank for the check, the account number of the drawer The place where payment for the check should be made Signature of the person who issued the check (payer )
Payments by checks are one of the safest types of payments. If the check is issued in your favor, then only you or the person in whose favor you make the endorsement can cash it. If your check has been stolen, you can report it to the issuing bank; the check will be canceled and no one will receive money from it.

In addition to the commission of banks accepting checks for collection, the client must pay the bank a commission from foreign banks (if any). As a rule, you receive the amount in your account minus the commission of foreign banks.

A check collection fee may be charged both when the check is submitted for collection and when funds are received into the account.

It usually takes 10-20 days for a check to arrive in the mail.

There is criminal liability for operations involving the collection of counterfeit or stolen checks.

Sberbank of Russia temporarily(?) does not accept personal checks for collection.

In all developed countries It takes a few minutes to cash a check. Moreover, the commission is often much lower than in Russian banks.

If you have friends or acquaintances in the US, you can cash checks through them. Just write on the back “Pay to the order of Vasya Pupkin” and sign. Vasya Pupkin will be able to cash this check in American bank for free.

What banks do you use to cash checks?

Can I cash a check? foreign bank in Russia? It is possible, but it will be expensive, and the procedure will take 1-2 months.

To the editor "F." The owner of a Bank of New York personal check for $200 asked to tell us how to cash it in Russia. It turned out that not all large banks provide this service. Based on the results of calling the largest credit institutions It turned out that Sberbank, Rosbank, MDM Bank, Promsvyazbank do not work with registered commercial checks issued to individuals. The call center of Alfa Bank reported that its Moscow offices do not collect registered “physical” checks.

This situation is easy to explain. According to respondents “F.” bankers, the demand for this service from the population is low: we're talking about about one-time transactions, so sometimes even on the websites of some banks the tariffs are not indicated - the fact that you can cash a check is only told in call centers. Telephone operators do not always have complete information about the fees charged to the client and ask to come to the branch.

Collection of a registered check from a foreign bank in Russia is expensive. The final amount of the client's costs for cashing out consists of three main parts: the bank's commission for the service (1-2% of the nominal amount of the check), the commission of the foreign issuing bank (if it is assumed by tariffs) and the costs of the Russian bank (postage costs, settlements with banks - correspondents). As a result, the total commission reaches 4-6% of the nominal amount of the check.

It is imperative to remember that the owner can receive the “cash” no earlier than 1-2 months after completing the application in Russian bank. It is necessary to compare this period with the validity period of the check itself - often the amount indicated in the document must be cashed within three months from the date of issue. It is advisable to have with you a document indicating the source of funds, the amount of which is indicated on the check. Suppose, if you received a fee for the work done in this form, you need to ask the customer for a supporting document. Banks need such certificates to exchange control, that is, monitoring the origin of funds intended for the recipient. It is not necessary to have such a document everywhere, but the bank has the right to ask for it.

Sometimes prerequisite collection becomes the payment of a guarantee deposit. If the check is refunded successfully, the deposit is returned to the client, otherwise it remains with the bank as compensation for expenses. An “incoming” commission, that is, a fee when submitting a check for collection, is provided for by almost all Russian operators, and these funds are not returned to the client even if the check is not paid.

Commission for depositing a check, % of the nominal amount of the check

Commission for cash withdrawal, % of the nominal amount of the check

Other expenses*

min 200 rubles, max 6000 rubles



1.5% of the nominal amount of the check

Commissions of foreign banks if they arise

Commissions of foreign banks if they arise

Bank of Moscow

min 350 rubles

Postage costs and commissions of foreign banks if they arise


min 500 rubles

max 7200 rubles (depending on the currency of the check)

min $30, 30 euro

Commissions of foreign banks if they arise

Absolut Bank

Guarantee fee ($100). In case of refund the check will be returned

2% per issue

min $10, max $250

Commissions of correspondent banks (not fixed, on average 1-2% of the check face value)


1000 rubles

Foreign bank commissions, postage costs

Shipping (Russian Post - $1, DHL - $60), 75 euros in case of non-refundable check, foreign bank commission (about $50)

In Russia, checks have not gained such popularity as in the USA and Europe. However, they exist and can be used for mutual settlements.

A “check” is a written order from a bank client to issue a certain amount of money. to an individual, in whose name the check is written. If no name is given, the amount is paid to the holder of the check.

A “bank check” can also be understood as a certificate giving the holder the right to purchase a security under certain conditions. The specific price of the security and the validity period of the check are specified. Essentially, this is an addition to a security, drawn up on behalf of joint stock company in the name of the check holder.

Types of bank checks

There are different types of checks:

  1. Settlement or crossed (for transfers from account to account);
  2. Cash (giving the right to pay cash at the bank's cash desk).

Private checks can be:

  1. Registered (issued to a specific person and used only by those whose name is indicated in the document);
  2. Order (issued to a specific person, but can be cashed by any person);
  3. To the bearer (the name is not indicated; anyone can cash the check).

Filling out a bank check

It is not enough to simply write out an order on any paper. A special form is required, which can be obtained from the bank. This form indicates:

  • Passport details of the person issuing the check;
  • Bank details (primarily account);
  • The amount that the bank must transfer to the holder of the check and the timing;
  • Recipient's passport details, if necessary.

A signature is required. Fill out the check with a ballpoint pen. You cannot edit information.

Using bank checks

Bank checks to securities are used as an additional means of attracting shareholders. They are issued if it is necessary to sell shares or bonds of an open joint stock company.

Private checks are used as a means of payment between individuals or legal entities. They allow you to simplify the procedure for paying for work without cash. However, they lose relevance with the advent additional services, simplifying work with plastic and invoices.

Checks are still in demand abroad; in Russia they are most often used for mutual settlements between legal entities.

How to fill out a bank check correctly?

You should fill out the bank check carefully. Each form is on the account, as it is issued by the bank. It may not be copied or printed for later use. Unused checks are returned to the bank.

You can only use a ballpoint pen (we recommend using one pen, the opposite may cause suspicion). After filling out the check, you must put a signature and seal, if any.

You cannot make amendments or cross out anything. This eliminates the possibility of cashing out. Before filling out the check, you need to double-check all the data specified in the form. If anything deviates from reality, the check will be invalid.

Cash a bank check

You can only cash a bank check. Settlement (crossed) ones give the right only to transfer funds from account to account. In this case, you have the right to withdraw money from your account.

Cashing checks in Russia is problematic if the drawer's account is in a foreign bank. This can be done through collection. The commission is 3% (in particular, at Sberbank), and the entire operation takes about two months. If you're going abroad, cashing a check will be easier.

You can also open a correspondent account and transfer funds to it. This will take no more than a month, but keep in mind that servicing the account will be expensive, and you won’t save on interest.

Validity period of a bank check

Try to cash the check as quickly as possible, as it has a limited validity period. In Russia, this is usually 10 days from the date the check is issued. Please note that within this period you must submit a check for payment to the bank. You will receive the money itself within the period specified by the financial institution. So, if the drawer holds an account in a Russian bank, the money can be received immediately. If in a foreign country, the process will be delayed.

You can simplify the process by selling the check to another person. This is possible if you were issued an order check or a bearer check.

In Western countries, including America, such bank document, like a check, is a type of payment for work activities, which is used along with payment cards in order to receive your wages for, for example, participation in foreign partnership or sponsorship programs. The document is sent by mail to a person living in Russian Federation, and in order for him to get his money, he should find out how to cash an American check in Russia.

Is it possible to cash an American check in Russia?

It is necessary to immediately take into account the fact that it will not be possible to cash any foreign, including American, check in the Russian Federation in every, even large Russian banking institution located in big city, such as Moscow, Kazan, St. Petersburg, etc. Sometimes employees of call centers of such banks do not even have an idea about what operations can be carried out with such a payment document.

The procedure for cashing a personal check has its own name - “collection of a personal check from a foreign banking organization" This is a rather expensive service, since the bank charges the client certain commissions and guarantee fees.

The presence of such difficulties can be explained by the fact that such a service is popular among people conducting any kind of work activity abroad or working in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc., but in a foreign company.

Typically, the cost of cashing an American check includes the following items:

  • bank commission for collection (about 2% of the total amount);
  • commission foreign bank(sometimes it is paid, and sometimes it is not);
  • other costs of a bank located in the Russian Federation.

If we make the necessary calculations, it turns out that total amount the commission that the bank takes for cashing a check is about 7% of all money.

In addition, the domestic bank, in order to cover its own costs, may take a deposit from the owner of the check in order to protect itself in a situation if the foreign organization refuses to satisfy the request.

This procedure, as a rule, lasts about sixty days from the moment of execution of an agreement on the provision of services with a bank in the Russian Federation. It is necessary to remember about the validity period of the payment document, because if it expires, it will be almost impossible to receive money. Banks will not accept a check for collection if it expires in thirty days.

In order to control the origin of money, a Russian bank may request a document confirming the legality of the source of profit. This can be provided by the check drawer.

What should a check document look like?

In order for a Russian financial institution to agree to process a check document issued in the United States, it must contain all required details provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • the paper must contain the word “check”;
  • sum of money written in both numbers and letters;
  • the currency must be named both briefly and in full;
  • information about the payer is required along with the specified number bank account from which the amount of money was transferred;
  • day of drawing up the document;
  • designer's signature.

If the check is missing at least one of the elements described above, the bank may refuse to work with the client.

Types of checks and methods of cashing them

There are two types of checks: cash and settlement. The first ones are needed in order to pay cash to the person who presents the document.

Settlement cards are necessary for making non-cash payments in order to transfer a certain amount written in the paper to the account of its bearer.

In the case of American checks, collection operations are often carried out according to a covered scheme, i.e. money is paid to the bearer of the check only if it is in the payer's account.

Depending on who the recipient is, the following types of checks can be distinguished:

  • registered, which must be issued in the name of a specific person who is the bearer of a personal check from America;
  • an order transferred in favor of a specific recipient with the right to transfer to a third party. A note to this effect is placed on the back of the check;
  • A bearer card can be cashed by any person who comes with it to a banking organization.

To ensure that Russian bank employees do not have unnecessary questions when transferring funds to the bearer of a check, they should use personalized documents that make it possible to receive money without presenting additional documents.

Cashing method

There is a specific cashing method suitable for each of the types of checks described above.

You can receive money from a payment document in almost many domestic banks, but to do this you should first learn more about the conditions for the procedure, which may differ in different organizations, mainly in the amount of interest for the services provided.

It is most profitable to process checks with large sums, since a mandatory interest is charged for the bank’s work, the amount of which cannot be less than the minimum allowable rate.

You need to understand that you won’t be able to get money right away, since the whole process takes place in several steps:

  • receipt of a check at the bank;
  • processing of information transmitted to the organization;
  • sending by a foreign bank the amount required to the bearer of the check;
  • last to receive money.

Having received the check in your hands, you should take into account that any transactions with it can only be carried out within the next six months, after which it will no longer be possible to cash the document.

Review of Check Cashing Companies

It is possible to receive money using a check document at many financial institutions that support this option. For example, VTB 24, according to reviews, is quite popular among clients working in foreign companies, thanks to the favorable collection conditions it establishes.

It must be said that the conditions for the provision of such a service change frequently, but, nevertheless, they do not lose their benefits.

You can carry out collection within the borders of the Russian Federation without being present in person and without leaving your home, simply by using an online bank, for example, if the bearer is a client of Sberbank. The procedure is carried out only if you provide information in special sections of the application form.

In addition, you may need a photo of the receipt itself.

Collection services are also provided by such organizations as Alfa-Bank and Impexbank.

If the amount on the check is in dollars or euros, it is better to use a payment system called EPayService, which serves American, Canadian, European and Asian clients.

How does the procedure work?

Although in most domestic financial organizations You can easily cash an American check; collection is not the most popular service.

You should choose a place where they will be provided cash, with all responsibility, stop at the most favorable conditions, for example, on lowest percentage from the money received.

Collection is carried out by the bank employee and the person presenting the check, and includes the following steps:

  1. Choice the desired bank in the Russian Federation.
  2. Drawing up an application for the provision of money (2 copies - one remains with the client with the registration number and the day the document was considered).
  3. Opening a bank account in the currency in which money will be withdrawn.
  4. Payment of commission for the service.
  5. Registration of an inscription on the transfer of funds.
  6. After all checks, you receive money into your account.

Important! Before giving the check to a bank employee, it is better to make a photocopy of it. It is better to do the same with the receipt in order to avoid troubles that may arise if the document is lost or damaged.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Cashing a check from a foreign bank using collection is possible only in situations where there is a reliable and trusting relationship between the parties to the transaction.

The main disadvantage is the long period of time required to verify the payment, confirm it and make the payment. It slows down entrepreneurial activity Moreover, there is no guarantee of receiving funds.

Collection – time-consuming financial transaction, therefore, in some cases, when working with foreigners, it is better to use international payment systems.

If this is not an option, you can say that the wait when cashing a check at the bank is justified.