How to find out the debt by name for an administrative fine? Administrative fine: how to find out debt by last name Search for fines by last name and date of birth.

Often cameras automatically record a violation, and the resolution is lost in the mail or arrives at the place of registration where you do not actually live. Another situation is also possible: an inspector stops you and draws up a report, and you conveniently forget about it. Or you pay a fine, but due to the bank’s fault this information does not reach the traffic police, and you continue to be on the list of debtors. Or they simply decided that it was not necessary to pay the fines and that everything would somehow resolve itself.

Be that as it may, this may cause you trouble in the future:

  1. You will not be able to go abroad. Before you do, be sure to check to see if you have any fines. If the amount of debt is equal to or exceeds 10,000 rubles, there is a high probability that you will not be allowed to leave Russia.
  2. You will be punished for evading payment of a fine. If an inspector stops you again and finds that the previous fine has not been paid, you may be given an additional penalty. Usually this is a double fine. But administrative arrest for 15 days or compulsory labor is also possible. True, this rarely happens.

How to check traffic police fines online

In the search results you can find many sites offering to check fines. But it is better to use official sources or resources that indicate which databases they work with.

1. On the official website of the traffic police

On the traffic police website in the “Services” section there is a form for checking fines. To obtain information, you must enter the car number and vehicle registration certificate number.

If you paid a fine, and information about it is displayed, it means there is a problem on the bank’s side. In this case, you need to send a payment receipt to the traffic police.

Upload a scanned receipt (a photo will do) and leave your email for feedback. When traffic police officers check this information, they will make changes on the website and send a notification to you by email.

2. On the public services portal

You can learn about fines in the “Transport and Driving” category. Log in to the government services portal and go to the “Traffic Police Fines” section. There are two ways to check for debts:

  1. By the driver's last name and driver's license number.
  2. By car number and vehicle registration certificate.

After submitting an electronic application, the system will issue a list of fines that are assigned to you or your car.

If you already have a fine receipt in your hands, you can enter its number and pay everything immediately.

3. Through Yandex.Money

The service allows you to find out information about fines by license number or vehicle registration certificate and pay the debt.

Just fill out the form fields and click on the “Check” button. If you check the box “Receive notifications about fines”, in the future this information will be automatically sent to you by email or SMS.

Afterwards you will receive a message about the presence or absence of fines. You can pay your debt here. But keep in mind that the service takes a small commission: 1% of the amount, but not less than 30 rubles.

Yandex also has a special application for searching and paying traffic police fines - Yandex.Fines. In the application you can find out the validity period of the 50% discount or set up notifications about new fines.

The rest of the fines and types of punishments of this type fall on other areas of Russian life. Administrative responsibility in Russia is exercised by representative offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). The basic claimants in this regard are:

  • bodies of the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI);
  • police;
  • investigative committee;
  • tax authorities.

Today there are not so many types of punishments for administrative violations. The main ones are rightfully considered:

  1. warnings;
  2. fines;
  3. confiscation of the subject of the violation;
  4. deprivation of special rights available to the offender in relation to which the offense was committed;
  5. administrative arrest;
  6. administrative expulsion from Russia;
  7. disqualification;
  8. suspension from activity for a certain period;
  9. compulsory work;
  10. administrative prohibitions of a different nature (for example, regarding visiting specific places).

Most often, in approximately 90% of all cases where administrative liability is imposed on citizens, penalties are applied in the form of punishment.

Conventionally, such fines can be subdivided based on traffic violations, improper driving professional activity and violations in other areas of law.

Perhaps the presented basis on administrative responsibility in the Russian Federation is enough to understand its general essence. If you want to learn about it in more detail, any reader of our resource should turn to the study of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and now let’s move on to a detailed consideration of administrative fines.

Amounts of penalties for administrative violations

Sometimes people don't even realize they have unpaid fines

Many people who have been subject to administrative liability are often interested in the severity of the fines imposed on them. Note that for most types of offenses the amount of penalties is fixed and is indicated in the relevant articles of the Administrative Code RF.

For a smaller segment of violations, the fine is determined by the government agencies authorized in this regard and their representatives; the law for such violations specifies only the minimum and maximum size thresholds.

Despite the relative uncertainty in terms of the size of administrative fines, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determines the minimum and maximum size those for different offenders. Regardless of the status of the latter, the minimum collection threshold is always at the level of 100 rubles.

The maximum dimension varies for different offenders, for example:

  • for ordinary citizens, the maximum for administrative fines is 5,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • for officials - 50,000 rubles.

The amount of the penalty imposed for an administrative violation is always reflected in the decree issued to the violator. All representative offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their employees are authorized to issue this document when a fact is identified.

In any case, the form of the resolution is standard and in mandatory involves indicating the amount of the fine. If desired, the offender can appeal the verdict regarding his situation, but in most cases this does not give anything and does not make much sense.

Taking this into account, it is much easier to simply pay the fine on time, especially in the absence of compelling reasons and facts to suggest a violation of the rights and freedoms of the offender in terms of issuing a decision in his name.

Checking the presence and determining the amount of penalties

Taxes must be paid on time!

Administrative fines on the territory of the Russian Federation must be paid within 60 days after the relevant decision is issued or the violator receives one.

Having overstayed the 2-month period, the person who previously violated administrative legislation undertakes to pay double the amount of the fine, but not less than 1,000 rubles.

Willful defaulters may also be subject to measures of administrative arrest or compulsory work. In addition, if there are unpaid administrative fines, no citizen will be able to leave the country, therefore, if you want to go abroad, you should make sure that there are no penalties in question.

Most citizens who have committed an administrative offense receive a corresponding resolution and can use it to collect information about:

  • dimensions of the imposed penalty;
  • the fact of the violation itself;
  • required deadlines for payment of the sanction.

But what to do if the resolution is lost, and there are grounds to believe that administrative penalties have not been paid? Naturally, look for the necessary information in alternative sources, since it is impossible to treat unpaid fines with disdain.

Today you can find out about your administrative fines in many ways, which are divided into online methods of searching for the necessary data and contacting specialized authorities. Below we will look at each possible variant in details. Let's start by searching for information about fines via the Internet.

Online methods

The fine must be paid within 60 days

In the period of global informatization, the opportunity to find out the presence of fines in your name through the World Wide Web does not cause any surprise. The basic source of such information is the Gosuslugi portal, already known to all Russians.

In addition to this site, information about administrative violations is also reflected:

  1. on the pages of the Ministry of Internal Affairs resources (websites of the traffic police, local police departments, etc.);
  2. on the bailiffs portal (if the fine is overdue);
  3. on the tax service website.

In general, the procedure for searching for information of interest is not complicated. In order to find out your administrative fines you will need:

  • Enter a query in a search engine regarding one of the resources noted above, for example, “public services portal.”
  • Follow the first link found.
  • Understand the interface of the open portal (as a rule, this happens on an intuitive level) and register on it.
  • Please note that when registering, it is important to enter only reliable information about the identity of the person in whose name administrative penalties will be applied. As a rule, for registration you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS (less often other documents).

After registration, all that remains is to find the tab of interest on the site, click on it and request the necessary data. So, on the State Services website, the search for the necessary information is carried out through the sections:

  1. Traffic police fines;
  2. Information by departments.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to search for data, since all government portals are well thought out and easy to use. You can read more about each of them and their use in other articles on our resource.

Note! On most websites of government agencies - from State Service to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate portal, it is possible not only to check the presence of administrative penalties, but also to pay them off online. If you wish, no one forbids you to take advantage of this opportunity, remember this.

Search for fines in real time

Pay administrative penalty possible online

If you are not comfortable with the Internet or computer, you will have to spend time visiting government agencies to check your administrative fines. In this regard, government agencies such as:

  • traffic police;
  • police departments;
  • tax service;
  • mail;
  • multifunctional centers.

To obtain the information you are interested in, it is enough to personally visit one of the designated government agencies, provide its employees with your passport and request the necessary data.

As a rule, within a few minutes the corresponding printout is issued or citizens are told orally about the presence of any outstanding penalties. Of course, in terms of standing in queues, this option of searching for information is not convenient, but if there are no other opportunities to find out about your administrative fines, then you will have to endure such inconveniences.

On this, perhaps, the topic of today’s article is the most important information has come to an end. We hope the above material was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

A short video will teach you how to independently check fines, tax and bailiffs:

On our website you can find fines by driver's license number and pay them immediately on the website.

It is important to know that the search is exclusively by driver's license, will only find fines that were issued by the traffic police inspector to the driver personally when he was stopped, and fines imposed based on the results of video recording of traffic violations will not be found.

Traffic police fines based on vehicle registration number

When searching for your fines according to reg. car number, state registration number, you will only find decisions issued through automatic video recording devices. To check fines issued to drivers, they must provide their driver's license number.

When checking fines, it is safer to fill out absolutely all fields of the form; this will give you the opportunity to find all the orders issued to you regarding traffic violations.

Photos and videos of fines

Fines issued by means of automatic recording of traffic situations almost always include photographs. Unfortunately, it is still not uncommon for there to be no photographic records in the fines database. In this case, you will have to contact the traffic police department that issued the fine. The name of the traffic police department can be found in detailed information, on the page your unpaid traffic fines.

In principle, there is no video of the violation; instead of a video, there will be a series of photographs.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After paying the fine through the service, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission, if 14 days have passed since payment and the fine has still not been paid.

The guarantee only applies if fines are paid on our website.

If you paid the fine elsewhere, then claims must be sent to the place of payment.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment occurs in real time:

  • payment is made in less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount
  • you will receive notifications about new fines

Payment Methods

  • Bank cards: MasterCard, VISA, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi,
  • Banking systems: , Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank,, Russian Standard

After payment you will receive a payment receipt

All payments are made by Non-Banking credit organisation"" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) is registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the national payment system”.

NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 2, 2012.

Payment of traffic fines with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. From January 1, 2016, you have the right to pay a fine for violating traffic rules in the amount of 50% of the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2:

1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses, provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of Article 12.15, Part 3.1 of Article 12.16, Articles 12.24, 12.26, Part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date When a decision is made to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by a judge, body, official who made the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

Fines that are not eligible for the 50% discount

  • Violation of parking rules and non-payment for parking in Moscow fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (if repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving through a prohibitory signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles
  • The car is not registered (for repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles

Punishments for administrative offenses in Russia are of several types: warning, fine, administrative arrest. The most common option is a fine, since such a penalty can be applied to both individuals and legal entities. The procedure for assigning, the amount and reason for imposing a fine is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offences.

The Code provides for several groups of administrative offenses that are related to the activities of entrepreneurs, owners Vehicle, migrants, production workers, etc. Minimum amount Since 2017, the administrative fine for an individual is 500 rubles, and for an official – 5 thousand rubles. Unpaid fines can lead to serious troubles, so citizens should check their outstanding fines and pay them off in a timely manner.

How to check an administrative fine of an individual?

Previously, the need to clarify debts on fines forced citizens to visit government agencies executing collections. Today there is an alternative way - online checking. This way you can find out about the existence of fines, the reason for their imposition, as well as the amount of the penalty. As a rule, the sites also provide payment options. However, the information content of such resources is inferior to a personal visit to a specialized service, where you can obtain all the necessary information.

A request for penalties on a government service or on the portals of specific services is possible only if you have passport data, and sometimes additional information from other documents.

Services that provide information about fines include:

  • portal of State services (wide range of services, authorization required);
  • portal of the Federal Bailiff Service (information on overdue fines for which enforcement proceedings have been opened);
  • portal of the Federal Tax Service (data on tax debts and fines);
  • portal of the Office of the Federal Migration Service (fines for violation of migration legislation).

Features of checking administrative fines online

The widest range of services is provided by the State Services portal, which is available to any citizen of Russia. Here you can find out:

  • O tax debt;
  • about fines issued by the traffic police;
  • on penalties during enforcement proceedings;
  • on other penalties across all departments.

To work with the service, you need authorization, a passport, a certificate of pension insurance. After entering the data, you will receive a personal code by mail, which will allow you to register and log in Personal Area on the State Services portal. By selecting the “Popular services” option, you can get information about fines by clicking the “By departments” button. The option “Check tax debts” works separately.

Data on overdue fines transferred bailiffs, can be obtained on the official FSSP portal. The database is collected here enforcement proceedings, within the framework of which administrative fines that are not paid on time are collected. On home page you need to select the “Services” section and go to the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”. Option "Search" individuals» opens a required form. You can indicate only your last name and first name, but it is better to provide all the information so that the system does not give out information about the namesake. In the “Regions” line, you need to select the region where the debtor lives. After entering the verification code (this is how the system cuts off robots), a list of production facilities will be provided by the specified last name. If the site page is empty, then there are no debts.

The Federal Tax Service service involves entering the address, details and passport data. To simplify the procedure, you need to register on the portal. To do this, you need to visit with your TIN and passport tax office, where they will provide information for registration.

Penalties for violations of migration rules (for both foreigners and Russian citizens) can be found on the official portal of the Federal Migration Service. There is a database in which debtors of this service are collected. Knowing the full name and date of birth, you can check whether a citizen is on the “black list”. Data is generated instantly, information is updated.

Searching for data on penalties on any official services does not require the user to immediately pay the penalties. This is information of a reference nature, which is sometimes worth double-checking by personally contacting the organization that issued the fine. If the punishment for an administrative violation is illegal, then payment can be avoided by appealing the penalty within 10 days after the decision is issued.