Conditions for issuing joint bank cards. Bank cards: types of bank cards, design, purpose, features and functionality

Plastic cards Banks have long become a part of the life of every modern person. And there are a number of reasons for this. Some - a salary, others - a scholarship or financial assistance receives on bank cards.

Kinds bank cards, the conditions for their opening, use, methods of closing, as well as the history of this financial product, you can find out by reading this article. The most popular ones will also be given international systems, engaged in the issuance and support of plastic cards.

Origin and further history of development

Let's look at plastic cards, starting from the moment when the first bank cards began to appear.

Before the trade boom in America in the fifties of the last century, as throughout the world, money was used in two forms: cash and non-cash.

If everything is clear with the first form, then let’s focus our attention on the second.

Non-cash money then consisted of checks and check books. For the modern user plastic card All the negative aspects of using a checkbook are clear:

Possibility of counterfeiting;

Long processing time for each operation;

You should always carry a paper receipt with you, which can easily be damaged.

During that same American trade boom, when the number trade deals has multiplied several times, the need to have a means that will be more reliable than checks has become very acute.

The choice should depend on your needs

Knowing all the listed features of the cards, you can easily choose the one that suits you. The most important thing is to correctly identify your needs. For example, why do you need a “credit card” if you are a wealthy person, as well as a “Kukuruza” card if you do not use the services of “Euroset” or its partners?

Also keep in mind: the higher the class of the card, the more expensive its maintenance will cost you. If you are a student then gold card You obviously don't need it. And with frequent trips abroad, it’s enough large turnover You won’t be able to get by without a platinum bank card, given all the services that will be available to you.

Appendix No. 4

to the Procedure approved by Order dated May 22, 2015. No. 260,

amended by Order No. 359 dated 07/08/2015,

amended by Order No. 417 dated August 21, 2015

amended by Order No. 534 dated 09.11.2015


(Joint-Stock Company)


1. TERMS and definitions

    1. In these Terms of issue and servicing of bank cards BBR Bank ( Joint-Stock Company) (hereinafter referred to as the Terms) the following are used Terms And Definitions:

  • Authorizationthe procedure for obtaining permission from the Bank necessary to carry out a transaction using the card/card details and generating the Bank’s obligation to execute the Holder’s orders drawn up using the card/card details. After authorization, the Holder has no right to dispose of funds within the authorized amounts until the amount of the authorized transaction is written off from the Account or the authorization is canceled.

  • Authenticationcertification of the eligibility of the Cardholder to apply to the Bank to make banking operations using a bank card/card details.

  • Bank– BBR Bank (Joint Stock Company).

  • Bank card(map) electronic means payment issued by the Bank and which is a means for drawing up settlement and other documents payable at the Client’s expense.

  • Bank card type -bank cards of payment systems: Payment system "MASTERCARD" LLC - Cirrus/Maestro, Standard, Gold, Business ; LLC Payment System "VIZA" - Electron, Classic, Gold , issued by the Bank.

  • Card blockingprocedure for the Bank to establish a technical restriction on transactions using a card, providing for the Bank’s refusal to provide Authorization.

  • Extract– a document containing information about transactions made using the Bank Card and the Account balance at the time of generating the statement, as well as other information that the Bank considers necessary to bring to the attention of the Holder.

  • Card currency - the currency in which the Holder opened the card account.

  • Transaction currency– the currency in which the Holder performed the transaction using the bank card.

  • Payment currency– the currency in which settlements are made for transactions using Bank cards between the Bank and the Payment System.

  • Holder - Client or Representative, in whose name, in accordance with the law Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, a Bank card was issued.

  • The authorized representative of the Client (hereinafter referred to as the “Representative» ) - an individual for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, an Additional Card has been issued.

  • Client– an individual who has entered into an Agreement with the Bank, in whose name, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, an Account is opened with the Bank (Account owner).

  • Payment systems-AO " National System Payment Cards", Payment System "MASTERCARD" LLC and Payment System LLC "VISA".

  • Instant card- bank card of Payment Systems "MASTERCARD" LLC - Cirrus/Maestro and LLC Payment System "VISA" - Visa Electron and Visa Classic (Unembossed), allowing access to non-cash payments for goods and services, cash withdrawal Money, bank transfers, as well as remote account management. The Cirrus/Maestro card does not contain CVC/CVV2 and is not intended for paying for goods and services on the Internet. The Visa Classic (Unembossed) card contains the inscription - Electronic user Only.

  • MOTO(Mobili order / Telephone order ) - a type of operation during which the bank card holder remotely provides card details by phone, fax or e-mail, while the card is not physically involved in making the payment.

  • Unauthorized overdraft –spending by the Holder of funds in excess of the balance on the Account or in excess of the established Payment Limit.

  • Operator cellular communication – OJSC Mobile TeleSystems, OJSC MegaFon.

  • Mainmap– Bank card issued in the name of the Client.

  • Additional card- Bank card issued in the name of the Client or the Representative specified by the Client. The Representative does not enter into an Agreement with the Bank, is not the owner of the Account, but has the right, on the basis of the Client’s written authority (power of attorney), to dispose of funds placed on the Client’s Account.

  • Pin - personal identification number, an individual code assigned to the card and used by the Holder when performing transactions using the card as an analogue of his handwritten signature.

  • Pay limit– the amount of funds available to the Holder for performing transactions using a bank card and established as the difference between the balance of funds on the Account and the amount of authorized but not yet paid transactions performed by the Holder.

  • Bank Processing Center (UCS) - an independent Processing Center (JSC KOKK), servicing transactions with bank cards of the Bank in accordance with the agreement between the Bank and the Processing Center.

  • Calculation information– information provided in in electronic format, for transactions using bank cards, compiled on the basis of Documents for transactions using bank cards.

  • Check(abbreviated SKS) account opened by the Bank To the client on the basis of the Agreement.

  • Customer Support Service -A system of software and hardware complexes of the Bank, allowing the Holder, after successful Identification through a telephone channel with the participation of an operator - an employee of the Bank, to remotely receive reference information about ongoing operations involving the card or its details, the available balance on the card, limits, restrictions and blockings, and carry out operations , as well as disconnect/connect services provided for in the Agreement.

  • Bank tariffs -a collection of commissions and various fees charged by the Bank for the provision of services for issuing and servicing bank cards.

  • SMS notification – prompt notification service Client, Bank Card Holder about completed authorizations. SMS -message is sent directlyafter completing the transaction using the card/card details to the number mobile phone specified by the Client. The SMS message is considered received by the Holder on the date the SMS message is sent by the Bank.SMS-informing is carried out by sending an SMS message indicating the type, amount of the transaction, the number of the Card with which this operation was made, as well as information about the available payment limit on the card at the time of completion current operation.

  • Special equipment for drawing up Documents on transactions using Bank cards:

  • Automated Teller Machine (ATM)– an electronic software and hardware complex designed for issuing and accepting (if the ATM has the appropriate capability) cash, drawing up documents on transactions, issuing information on the Account, making non-cash payments using bank cards. Upon completion of the operation of issuing, receiving cash and cashless payment services, a check is issued indicating the date of the transaction, the amount in the currency of the transaction, the available balance on the Bank Card at the time of completion of the current transaction and economic essence operations;

  • Cash collection point (CAP)- place (cash desk of the Bank, cash desk of a Bank branch, cash desk of an additional office of the Bank, cash desk of the Bank’s operational office) for performing operations for accepting and issuing cash using Bank cards. Upon completion of the operation of issuing or receiving cash, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the operation, the amount in the currency of the operation and the economic essence of the operation;

  • Trade and service enterprise (TSE) - an organization that accepts Bank cards as payment for goods or services sold. Upon completion of the payment transaction, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the transaction, the amount in the currency of the transaction and the economic essence of the transaction;

  • Electronic terminal– an electronic software and hardware device designed to perform transactions using bank cards. Upon completion of the transaction, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the transaction, the amount in the currency of the transaction and the economic essence of the transaction;

  • Imprinter– a mechanical device designed to transfer an imprint of the embossed details of a Bank card onto a Document on transactions using Bank cards drawn up on on paper. Upon completion of the transaction, a check is issued, which indicates the date of the transaction, the amount in the currency of the transaction and the economic essence of the transaction.

  • Check(Document on transactions using Bank cards) –a document that is the basis for making settlements on transactions using a Bank card and serving as confirmation of their completion, drawn up using Special equipment with the participation of the Bank card card details on paper and/or in electronic form, personally signed by the Holder or certified by a PIN code or one-time password 3D-Secure protocol.

  • “UCS SMS-Banking” service -the service of remote access of the Holder to his card accounts and other services provided by the Bank to the Client using cellular communications (by mobile phone number(s)).

  • "Autopayment" service -a service for automatically replenishing the telephone balance (subscriber's account) with cellular operators in Russian rubles, when it decreases to the established threshold, from a bank card account based on the Client's instructions.

  • 3D-Secure- secure authorization protocol for the Bank Card Holder for CNP operations (without the presence of a card). This technology is used to securely pay for goods and services on the Internet using one-time passwords.

Rules for servicing a debit bank card

The rules for servicing a debit card are a collection of conditions and rules that must be observed by clients receiving plastic and banks issuing it. They set out the basic definitions and concepts applied to cards, the obligations and rights of the client, the obligations and rights of the bank itself, the procedure for opening and maintaining a debit card account, as well as the procedure for conducting transactions on it, the client’s responsibility and financial obligations. institutions, the procedure for resolving disputes that arise, the procedure for completing plastic maintenance.

Rules for use and maintenance debit cards are usually issued immediately upon receipt of the plastic. In the application upon receipt, the client must sign that he has received the rules and is familiar with them.

If the plastic arrives by mail, or the branch forgot to issue the rules, you can always find them on the website of the issuing banking organization.

Changes and additions may be made to the rules for servicing debit cards. However, the bank does not always notify the holder about this.

ABOUT latest changes and additions to the service rules can be found:

  • On the official website of Fin. institutions (usually there is a note about changes in the news feed on the website or in the “Tariffs” section)
  • In the department (when visiting the department, a specialist can inform you about the changes, you can clarify it yourself during communication with employees or at information stands)
  • By phone hotline(news about changes can be broadcast by a hotline voice assistant or a call center specialist)
  • In your Internet account.

The main points of the rules for servicing bank debit cards or what to pay attention to.

  1. Terms, concepts, definitions. Rules often use specific terminology. To have an accurate idea of ​​what we're talking about at each point, you should study all the terms and concepts. Do not forget that the same designation may have different meanings in different banks. For example, the abbreviation RBS in one bank means “agreement banking services", and in the other - " remote maintenance" Or, an additional card in one case means an additional card that has one common account with the main one, and in the other, it goes as a gift to the main one and has its own personal account, separate from the main one.
  2. Responsibilities of the client. This paragraph describes all the client’s obligations to the bank when using plastic. Here it is worth paying attention to all points without exception. For example, a clause on the obligation to store all payment documents for the card (checks, statements) for the entire period of using the card and provide them upon the bank’s first request. Let's say the bank requests from the holder statements for the first half of the year for all transactions (and there may be more than a thousand of them if the client actively uses plastic) because it considers some transactions illegal. If the client does not provide, then the financial. the institution may suspend the card, block it or refuse the next issue because the holder violated the rules for servicing and using plastic. A clause on the client’s obligations to notify about loss, theft or transactions that the client did not perform. Different banks have different procedures for notifying the bank about this.

    At one bank you only need to call the hotline. In another - call and the next day go in person to the branch to write an application. In the third, simply send an SMS to the bank’s short number. If the specified conditions are not fulfilled by the holder, the bank has the right to refuse to resolve the problem and relieve itself of financial responsibility. Special attention You should pay attention to the moment at which the bank assumes responsibility. Many banking organizations indicate the period - from the next day after the oral notification. It turns out that the bank will not be responsible for fraudulent transactions on the first day. A clause on the time limits within which the client must submit claims for transactions. Most often it is tied to the monthly statement. But in some organizations the claim may not be accepted after certain period, for example, later than 30 days from the date of discharge.

  3. Client rights. This paragraph describes everything that the client can do with the card. The client can receive all justifications for bank write-offs from his account and challenge them, carry out transactions, demand from the financial services. organizing the provision of services in accordance with the rules, etc.
  4. Rights and obligations of the bank. This paragraph spells out everything that the bank is allowed to do: open card accounts, request documents on transactions, provide the holder with statements, write off their fees for the provision of services ( annual maintenance, SMS notification, etc.). In addition, a clause is often indicated here stating that the bank can change the conditions for cards at any time. unilaterally, and the client will be notified in the specified way (SMS notification, information on the website or stands, etc.).
  5. Conditions for opening and maintaining an account. Here are stated the conditions on the basis of which a client can receive bank cards, a list of documents for receipt, and the procedure for maintaining a client’s card account.

Resolution of disputes regarding violation of the rules of service and use of debit bank cards.

All disputes are resolved in individually. If possible, a mutually beneficial solution is achieved through negotiations between the plastic holder and financial representatives. institutions. If a solution is not found or does not suit one of the parties, then everything is decided in court.

Where are the rates and fees for debit cards?

Tariffs are a document where all commissions, limits and other service conditions are specified. Tariffs and commissions when using debit cards are issued to the holder at the time of receipt. The client must sign that he agrees with them and is familiar with them.

For the convenience of customers, changes to the Terms of Service and Tariffs for bank cards are introduced according to the schedule: 4 times a year on January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1 or at other times in connection with legal requirements.

  • Conditions for issuing, servicing and using bank cards from October 1, 2019.
  • APPENDIX 18.1. Form of statement of disagreement with the transaction (chargeback).
  • APPENDIX 18.2. Application form confirming blocking of the Card (in case of loss of the Card or unauthorized use).
  • APPENDIX 18.3. Application form for re-issuance of a bank card for use (in case of loss of the Card or PIN).
  • APPENDIX 18.4. Application form for the provision of an additional bank card of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK".
  • APPENDIX 18.5. Application for adjustment of activity limits.
  • APPENDIX 18.6. Application form for connecting, disconnecting or making changes to the parameters of the SMS service.
  • APPENDIX 18.7. The procedure for providing SMS service to cardholders.
  • APPENDIX 18.8. Application for writing off funds from a card for loan servicing.
  • APPENDIX 18.9. Application form of an individual to open a current account using a bank card of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK".
  • APPENDIX 10.18. Application for termination of the Bank Account Agreement using bank cards (closing a card account).
  • APPENDIX 11.18. Restrictions on transactions made using bank cards of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" (activity limits).
  • APPENDIX 18.12. Reward payment program to cardholders of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" (cashback).
  • Terms of issue, use and maintenance of virtual cards from October 1, 2018.
  • APPENDIX 13.1. Application form for issuing a virtual card.
  • APPENDIX 13.2. Receipt for receiving a virtual card.
  • APPENDIX 13.3. Application for return of unused Card limit.
  • APPENDIX 13.4. Application form confirming blocking of the virtual Card.
  • APPENDIX 13.5. Restrictions on transactions made using prepaid virtual cards of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" (activity limits).
  • Terms of issue, use and service of prepaid gift cards from October 1, 2017.
  • APPENDIX 13.1. Application to close a prepaid gift card and return the unused balance.
  • APPENDIX 13.2. Application for confirmation of blocking of a prepaid gift card.
  • APPENDIX 13.3. Restrictions on transactions made using gift cards of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" (activity limits).

Tariffs for issuing and servicing bank cards (from October 1, 2019)

1. Operations with current card accounts 1

1.1 For current card accounts individuals using bank payment (debit) cards. Account currency: Russian rubles/US dollars/euro

1.1.1. Crediting cash and non-cash funds to a card account

not charged

1.1.2. Cash withdrawal from a card account (without the presence of a card), with the exception of clause 1.1.3.

1% of the transaction amount, but not more than 200 rubles. / 3 dollars USA/ 3 euro

1.1.3. Cash withdrawal from a card account (without the presence of a card) at emission rates " Social card", "Social Security", " Pension card" and "Pension"

not charged

1.1.4. Maintenance of the current card account after the expiration date (1 year or more) of the last card provided 3

250 RUB / 5 USD / 5 EUR

1.1.5. Non-cash transfers of funds to accounts opened with PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" and its additional branches and operational offices at the request of owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

not charged

1.1.6. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other credit institutions according to statements from owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the recipient of funds

1.1.7. Non-cash transfers of funds to accounts and cards opened in PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" and its additional branches, operational offices, carried out using the SBB Online / SBB Mobile Remote Banking Service (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

— to the client’s own accounts and cards

not charged

— to accounts and cards of other individuals

not charged

— to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

0.1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 10 rubles, not more than 1000 rubles.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the recipient of funds

1.1.8. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened in other banks, made using the RBS service SBB online / SBB Mobile (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

— to accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

0.2% of the transferred amount, but not less than 20 rubles, and not more than 1000 rubles, with the exception of tax payments

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the recipient of funds

1.1.9. Non-cash transfers to pay for the services of suppliers registered in the federal system "City", made using the RBS service SBB online / SBB Mobile

in accordance with the tariffs of the federal system "City" (the amount of the commission for a non-cash transfer in favor of a specific supplier is reflected when registering the transfer in RBS SBB online / SBB Mobile, before the Client completes the corresponding non-cash transfer transaction)

1.1.10. Preparation of certificates based on customer requests, including information on the presence/absence of a current card account

300 rub., incl. VAT

1.1.11. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

depending on the type of card issue tariff

1 For transactions with current card accounts without the use of cards not specified in this list, the current tariffs may be applied to the current accounts of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

2 Accounts in euros are opened only for cards of the Mastercard payment system, accounts in US dollars for cards of the VISA and Mastercard payment systems


1.2. For current card individuals using bank cards with grace period lending, account currency - Russian rubles

1.2.1. Crediting cash and non-cash funds to a card account

not charged

1.2.2. Maintenance of the current card account after the expiration date (1 year or more) of the last card provided 4

1.2.3. Non-cash transfers of funds to accounts opened at PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" and its additional branches and operational offices at the request of card account holders:

— to the accounts of individuals

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

1.2.4. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened with other credit institutions at the request of card account holders:

— to accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

1.2.5. Non-cash transfers of funds to accounts opened at PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" and its additional branches and operational offices, carried out using the SBB Online / SBB Mobile Remote Banking Service:

— to the client’s own accounts;

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of other individuals;

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds;

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of the funds.

1.2.6. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened with other credit institutions, made using the SBB Online / SBB Mobile Remote Banking Service

— to accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

4%, but not less than 300 rub.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement of the recipient of funds

1.2.7. Preparation of certificates based on customer requests, including information on the presence/absence of a current card account

300 rub., incl. VAT

1.2.8. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

4 Charged annually no later than the last working ten days of the year. If the balance of funds in the account is less than the established commission, the commission is set in the amount of the account balance.

1.3. Business account for transactions using corporate bank cards

5 Charged annually no later than the last working ten days of the year. If the balance of funds in the account is less than the established commission, the commission is set in the amount of the account balance.

1.4. For current card accounts of individuals using cards of the UnionCard payment system

1.4.1. Annual account maintenance 7

in the amount of the account balance, but not more than 500 rubles.

1.4.2. Crediting non-cash funds to the account, including pensions, benefits and equivalent funds

the service is not provided 8

1.4.3. Cash deposit

the service is not provided

1.4.4. Non-cash transfers of funds to accounts opened with PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" and its additional branches and operational offices at the request of owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

— to your own accounts and cards

not charged

— to accounts and cards of other individuals

20 rub. for the operation

— to the accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

0.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 100 rubles, not more than 2000 rubles.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the recipient of funds

1.4.5. Non-cash transfers to accounts opened with other credit institutions at the request of owners of current card accounts (only for accounts in Russian rubles):

— to accounts of individuals and accounts of legal entities in the absence of an agreement with the recipient of funds

1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 100 rubles, not more than 2000 rubles.

— to the accounts of legal entities if there is an agreement with the recipient of funds

in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the recipient of funds

1.4.6. Preparation of certificates based on customer requests, including information on the presence/absence of a current card account

300 rub., incl. VAT

1.4.7. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

6 Due to the completion of the issue of cards of the UnionCard payment system, bank cards are not issued, the tariff is applied instead of the previously existing tariffs

  • "Common for individuals, account currency - rubles",
  • "Pension card, UnionCard, account currency - rubles",
  • "Salary, UnionCard, account currency rubles",
  • "Salary for employees budgetary institutions and employees of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK", UnionCard, account currency - rubles"

7 Charged once a year no later than the last working ten days of the year, with the exception of accounts opened for crediting subsidies

8 With the exception of accounts opened under an agreement for crediting subsidies

2. Emission tariffs. Issuance and servicing of bank settlement (debit) cards of international payment systems Visa, Mastercard

2.1. "General for individuals" using payment (debit) cards, card account currency - US dollars, euros

Visa Gold
Mastercard Gold

Mastercard Gold

2.1.1. Issue 9 of the main or additional card

15 dollars USA

2.1.2. Annual maintenance in the first year of validity of the main or additional card

not charged

2.1.3. Annual maintenance of 10 main or additional cards in the second and subsequent years

15 dollars USA

2.1.4. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged

2.1.5. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

15 dollars USA

2.1.6. Cash withdrawal:

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 11

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 12

1% minimum 3 dollars. USA

1% minimum 3 euros

2.1.7. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.1.8. Conversion fee 13

not charged

2.1.9. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

the service is not provided

2.1.10. Accrual of miles when making transactions using a card in retail and service establishments for use within the service

the service is not provided

2.1.11. Cashback

the service is not provided


10 The cost of card servicing includes the SMS service package.




2.2. "General for individuals" using payment (debit) cards, card account currency - Russian rubles

Mastercard Gold

+ cashback

+ miles accrual

Visa Gold
Mastercard Gold
Visa Gold
Mastercard Gold

2.2.1. Issue 14 of the main or additional card

2.2.2. Issue 15 and maintenance during validity period 16 of the additional sticker card

2.2.3. Annual maintenance in the first year of validity of the main or additional card

not charged

2.2.4. Annual maintenance of 17 main or additional cards in the second and subsequent years

2.2.5. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged

2.2.6. Re-issue of a sticker card according to the deadline (extension)

2.2.7. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

2.2.8. Re-issue of a sticker card in cases of replacement due to damage, loss of a sticker card or PIN

2.2.9. Cash withdrawal:

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 18

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 19

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 250 rub.

not implemented

2.2.10. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.2.11. Conversion fee 20

not charged

2.2.12. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

the service is not provided

2.2.13. Accrual of miles when making transactions using a card or sticker card in retail and service establishments for use within the service

the service is not provided

1 mile = 30 rub.

2.2.14. Cashback

the service is not provided

the service is not provided

14 From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.



17 The cost of service includes the SMS service package. Charged annually for each year of card validity from the card account. In this case, the year of service is taken to be equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days in a year, the countdown of the first year of service begins from the date of card issue, and each subsequent year from the date following the end date previous year service. Payments for the commission are carried out on the first working day of the year of Card servicing, in the absence of funds on the specified date at the end trading day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the Client’s Card is blocked and is not serviced. When money is deposited into the card account for the first time, the annual service fee is charged in full, and the Card is blocked. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

18 If technically possible

19 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

20 Transaction amount in foreign currency recalculated into the currency of settlements with payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

2.3. "Card Plus" for individuals who have deposits or loans with PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK", card account currency - Russian rubles

2.3.1. Issue and annual maintenance of a main or additional card for the entire validity period

not charged

2.3.2. Issue 22 and service during validity period 23 of the additional sticker card (only in Russian rubles)

2.3.3. Re-issue of a card by term (extension) 24 main or additional cards

not charged

2.3.4. Re-issue of a sticker card according to the deadline (extension)

2.3.5. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

2.3.6. Re-issue of a sticker card in cases of replacement due to damage, loss of a sticker card or PIN

2.3.7. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 25

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 26

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 250 rub.

— using a sticker card

not implemented

2.3.8. Conversion fee 27

not charged

2.3.9. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

21 Cards are issued subject to the placement of a deposit/deposit in a bank or if there is a valid loan agreement, and the same when connecting RBS. The type of card and card product is determined by the Bank. From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

22 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies. If technically possible Card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and signature. client on the check. If you have a card account, a sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

23 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank.

24 The commission is charged if there are funds in the client’s account on the date of payment, or if there are no funds in the client’s account on the date of payment, it is charged upon first receipt without additional order from the client. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

25 If technically possible

26 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

27 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account.

2.4. "Premium" for individuals Visa Infinite, account currency Russian rubles/US dollars

Visa Infinite 28
"All inclusive"

Visa Infinite 29
"First grade"

Visa Infinite 30

2.4.1. Issue and annual maintenance 31

30,000 rub.
/$550 USA per year

5,000 rub.
/$100 USA per year

not charged

2.4.2. Issue 32 and service during validity period 33 of the additional sticker card (only in Russian rubles)

not charged

2.4.3. Re-issuance of a card/sticker card by expiration date (extension)

not charged

2.4.4. Re-issue of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card, PIN

15,000 rub.
/$225 USA

5,000 rub.
/$100 USA

5,000 rub.
/$100 USA

2.4.5. Re-issue of a sticker card in cases of replacement due to damage, loss of a sticker card or PIN

not charged

2.4.6. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK";

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 34

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 35

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

not charged (fees may apply third party bank)

— using a sticker card

not implemented

2.4.7. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.4.8. Conversion fee 36

not charged

2.4.9. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly on accounts in Russian rubles

the service is not provided

2.4.10. Issuance of an access card to VIP rooms Priority airports Pass

not charged

2.4.11. Reimbursement of the Bank's expenses when making payments for the company's services " Priority Pass Limited" for cardholders, is determined based on the fee amount established by the Priority Pass Limited company for one visit to the airport VIP lounge by one person

the first 5 visits per month - no charge,
US$27 37

US$27 38

2.4.12. Bonus programs (optional) 39:;

1 mile = 30 rub.

1 mile = 30 rub.

the service is not provided

— Accrual welcome miles when making your first purchase with a card for use within the service;

— Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

28 The bank invites VISA INFINITE cardholders to personal service at SBB GOLD offices. The cost of card servicing includes the SMS service package, issue of the PriorityPass card, as well as services provided by the payment system: comprehensive insurance policy VISA CEMEA INFINITE - PRIVILEGE PROGRAM, concierge service, emergency assistance, and others Special offers. Additionally, a card may be issued at the tariff " Virtual card"free of charge, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold/MasterСard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the Representative tariff, to a VISA INFINITE account or as an independent product in the name of the client or in the name of other persons of their choice client.

29 The cost of card servicing includes an SMS service package, the issue of a PriorityPass card, as well as services provided by the payment system: a comprehensive insurance policy VISA CEMEA INFINITE - PRIVILEGE PROGRAM, concierge service, emergency assistance, and other special offers. Additionally, a card can be issued at the “Virtual Card” tariff without charging a fee, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold/MasterCard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the “Executive” tariff, to a VISA INFINITE account or as an independent product in the name of the client or in the name of other persons at the client’s choice.

30 Issued only as part of individual special offers of the Bank or marketing promotions. The cost of card servicing includes an SMS service package, the issue of a PriorityPass card, as well as services provided by the payment system: a comprehensive insurance policy VISA CEMEA INFINITE - PRIVILEGE PROGRAM, concierge service, emergency assistance, and other special offers. Additionally, a card can be issued at the “Virtual Card” tariff without charging a fee, as well as up to 3 bank cards Visa Gold/MasterCard Gold (RUR, USD, EUR) with the “Executive” tariff, to a VISA INFINITE account or as an independent product in the name of the client or in the name of other persons at the client’s choice.

31 Charged annually for each year of card validity from the card account. In this case, the year of service is taken to be equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days in a year, the counting of the first year of service begins from the date of card issuance, and each subsequent year - from the date following the end date of the previous year of service. Payments for the commission are carried out on the first working day of the year of servicing the Card; if there are no funds on the specified date at the end of the business day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the Client’s Card is blocked and is not serviced. When money is deposited into the card account for the first time, the annual service fee is charged in full, and the Card is blocked. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

32 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies. If technically possible, card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and the client’s signature on the check. A sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

33 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank

34 If technically possible

35 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"



38 For accounts in Russian rubles - at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

39 The bonus program (one of the available ones: either accrual of miles or cashback) is set when the card is issued and cannot be changed until the end of the card’s validity period

2.5. "Executive" for individuals, account currency Russian rubles/US dollars/euro

2.5.1. Issue, re-issue of a card based on its validity period (extension) and annual maintenance of the main card 41

not charged

2.5.2. Issue 42, re-issue according to the validity period (extension) and maintenance during the validity period of the additional sticker card 43 (only in Russian rubles)

2.5.3. Re-issue of a card in cases of replacement of the main card due to damage, change of name, loss of the card or PIN

700 rub. / 15 dollars. USA / 15 euro

2.5.4. Re-issue of a sticker card in cases of replacement due to damage, loss of a sticker card or PIN

2.5.5. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 44

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 45

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 250 rub. / 3 dollars. USA/ 3 euro

— using a sticker card

not implemented

2.5.6. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.5.7. Conversion fee 46

not charged

2.5.8. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

2.5.9. Accrual of miles when making transactions using a card or sticker card in retail and service establishments for use within the service

the service is not provided

2.5.10. Cashback

the service is not provided

40 No more than one card is issued for one card account. From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

41 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies. If technically possible, card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and signature. client on the check. If you have a card account, a sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

42 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank.

43 If technically possible

44 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

45 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

2.6. "Virtual card"

VISA, Mastercard or MIR "Virtual"

2.6.1. Card issue without opening a card account

2.6.2. Servicing the card after expiration

If the client does not submit an application for the return of the balance of funds within three years, a commission will be charged in the amount of the unused balance

2.6.3. Crediting funds to the card

not charged

2.6.4. Cash withdrawal

not implemented

2.6.5. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

2.6.6. Conversion fee 48

not charged

46 Cards are issued without opening a current card account. The cost of issuing the card includes the SMS service package. The type of payment system and card validity period are determined by the Bank. From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

47 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

2.7. "Gift card"

Visa or Mastercard Unembossed/NONAME

Mastercard Gold sticker card

2.7.1. Issue and annual maintenance of a main or additional card

2.7.2. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

the service is not provided

2.7.3. Cash withdrawal

the service is not provided

2.7.4. Payment for goods and services using a bank card

not charged

2.7.5. Replenishment of the Card

provided that the balance at any time does not exceed 15,000 rubles, and total amount transferred electronic funds cannot exceed 40,000 rubles during a calendar month

48 Cards are issued if technically possible and without opening a current card account. Issued without the holder's name on the Card. The validity period and type of card are set by the Bank

2.8. "Corporate card"

Visa Gold or Mastercard Gold

2.8.1. Issue of a main or additional card for a period of 1 year

2.8.2. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

2.8.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

2.8.4. Cash withdrawal 50:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 51

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 52

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

4% minimum 250 rub.

2.8.5. Payment for goods and services using a bank card

not charged

2.8.6. Conversion fee 53

not charged

2.8.7. Depositing cash through ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" with the cashin function

not charged

49 Limits set on the card for cash withdrawal transactions: RUB 100,000. per day and 150,000 rubles. per month

50 If technically possible

51 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"


3. Emission tariffs. Issuance and servicing of bank settlement (debit) cards of the national payment system "Mir"

3.1. "General for individuals" using settlement (debit) cards of the national payment system "Mir", card account currency - Russian rubles

World Premium

3.1.1. Issue of a main or additional card

3.1.2. Annual maintenance in the first year of validity of the main or additional card

not charged

3.1.3. Annual maintenance of the main or additional card in the second and subsequent years

3.1.4. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged

3.1.5. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

3.1.6. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK";

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 56

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 57

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 100 rub.

3.1.7. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.1.8. Conversion fee 58

not charged

3.1.9. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

the service is not provided

3.1.10. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

55 From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge. Charged annually for each year of card validity from the card account. In this case, the year of service is taken to be equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days in a year, the counting of the first year of service begins from the date of card issuance, and each subsequent year - from the date following the end date of the previous year of service. Payments for the commission are carried out on the first working day of the year of servicing the Card; if there are no funds on the specified date at the end of the business day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the Client’s Card is blocked and is not serviced. When money is deposited into the card account for the first time, the annual service fee is charged in full, and the Card is blocked. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

56 If technically possible

57 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

58 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

3.2. "Representative" for individuals, account currency is Russian rubles

MIR Premium

3.2.1. Issue, re-issue of a card by validity period (extension) and annual maintenance of the main card 64

not charged

3.2.2. Re-issue of a card in cases of replacement of the main card due to damage, change of name, loss of the card or PIN

3.2.3. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 65

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 66

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 100 rub.

3.2.4. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.2.5. Conversion fee 67

not charged

3.2.6. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

3.2.7. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

64 No more than one card is issued per card account

65 If technically possible

66 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

67 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

3.3. "Pension card" for individuals, account currency - Russian rubles

WORLD Classic Impersonal 69

3.3.1. Issue and annual maintenance of a main or additional card

not charged

3.3.2. Re-issue of a card for a period of 70 (extension)

not charged

3.3.3. Re-issue of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, loss of the card or PIN

not charged

3.3.4. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 71

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 100 rub.

3.3.5. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.3.6. Conversion fee 73

not charged

3.3.7. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly

68 Card accounts and cards are opened for pensioners upon presentation of a pension certificate, or for persons who have reached retirement age in accordance with current legislation. For citizens with permanent residence outside the Russian Federation, an international payment system card is additionally issued at the "Executive" tariff with the opening of a separate account.

69 Issued without the holder's name on the Card. The card is not intended for use on the Internet.


71 If technically possible

72 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

73 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

3.4. "Social protection card" for individuals, account currency - Russian rubles

WORLD Classic Impersonal 75

3.4.1. Issue and annual maintenance of the main/additional card

not charged

3.4.2. Re-issue of a card for a period of 76 (extension)

not charged

3.4.3. Re-issue of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, loss of the card or PIN

3.4.4. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1%, minimum 100 rub.

3.4.5. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

3.4.6. Conversion fee 79

not charged

3.4.7. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

74 The card is intended for crediting benefits and other social payments

75 Issued if technically possible without putting the holder's name on the Card. The card is not intended for working on the Internet and receiving cash from third-party banks.

76 The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank. Upon renewal, a personalized MIR Classic card is issued

78 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

79 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

4. Emission tariffs for salary projects

4.1. "Salary card", account currency - Russian rubles

WORLD Classical

VISA Classic
Mastercard Standard

MIR Premium


4.1.1. Issue and maintenance during the validity period of 81 main/additional cards

not charged / 200 rub. 82

not charged / 500 rub. 83

4.1.2. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged 86

4.1.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

4.1.4. Issue 90, re-issue by validity period (extension), re-issue in cases of replacement/loss and maintenance during the validity period of the additional sticker card 91

4.1.5. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 92

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 93

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

minimum 100 rub. 94

minimum 250 rub. 95

minimum 100 rub. 96

minimum 250 rub. 97

— using a sticker card

not implemented

4.1.6. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.1.7. Conversion fee 98

not charged

4.1.8. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

4.1.9. Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

the service is not provided

80 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of Enterprises (organizations) with the exception of budgetary institutions and organizations, card accounts and cards are opened if there is a transfer agreement wages and other social payments to employee accounts using bank cards with the Enterprise (organization). The tariff also applies to employees of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK".

81 The issue of cards can be paid for by the Enterprise (organization) in accordance with the concluded agreement on the transfer of wages and other social payments to employee accounts using bank cards. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank.

82 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

83 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

84 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

85 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

86 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

87 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

88 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

89 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

90 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies. If technically possible, card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and signature. client on the check. If you have a card account, a sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

91 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank.

92 If technically possible

93 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

94 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

95 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

96 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

97 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

98 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

4.2. "Salary card for budget payments", account currency - Russian rubles

WORLD Classical

MIR Premium

MIR Premium, special design 100

4.2.1. Issue and maintenance during the validity period of the main/additional card

not charged /
200 rub. 101

not charged /
250 rub.

4.2.2. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged 103

not charged

4.2.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

4.2.4. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 106

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 107

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

minimum 100 rub. 108

4.2.5. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.2.6. Conversion fee 109

not charged

4.2.7. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

4.2.8. Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

0.5%, but not more than RUB 3,000. per month

99 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of budgetary state and municipal bodies, institutions, government off-budget funds; civil servants and recipients of government scholarships. Card accounts and cards are opened if there is an agreement on the transfer of wages and other social payments to employee accounts using bank cards with the Enterprise (Organization).

100 The tariff is intended incl. for individuals - employees of Organizations, recipients of payments from the budget of the city of Sarov under a separate agreement

101 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

102 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

103 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

104 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

105 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

106 If technically possible

107 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

108 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

109 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

4.3. "Salary card for employees of Rosatom enterprises in Sarov", account currency - Russian rubles

WORLD Classical

VISA Classic or
Mastercard Standard

MIR Premium

VISA Gold or
Mastercard Gold

4.3.1. Issue and maintenance during the validity period of 111 main/additional cards

the service is not provided 112

not charged /
500 rub. 113

not charged /
700 rub. 114

4.3.2. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

the service is not provided

not charged 115

4.3.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

the service is not provided

4.3.4. Issue 116, re-issue by validity period (extension), re-issue in cases of replacement/loss and maintenance during the validity period 117 of an additional sticker card

4.3.5. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 118

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 119

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

minimum 100 rub. 120

minimum 250 rub. 121

minimum 100 rub. 122

minimum 250 rub. 123

— using a sticker card

not implemented

4.3.6. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

4.3.7. Conversion fee 124

not charged

4.3.8. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not accrued unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (organization)

4.3.9. Bonus programs (optional) 125:

— Accrual of miles when making transactions using a card or sticker card in retail and service establishments for use within the service;

the service is not provided

the service is not provided

1 mile = 30 rub.

— Cashback

the service is not provided

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

110 The tariff is intended for individuals - employees of Rosatom enterprises (organizations), including employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "RFNC-VNIIEF"

111 The issue of cards can be paid for by the Enterprise (organization) in accordance with the concluded agreement on the transfer of wages and other social payments to employee accounts using bank cards. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank.

112 The issue of cards has been discontinued since 04/02/2018.

113 Up to 5 additional cards for one card account are issued without charging a fee. Charged upon issuance of the 6th and subsequent additional cards

114 Up to 5 additional cards for one card account are issued without charging a fee. Charged upon issuance of the 6th and subsequent additional cards

115 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

116 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies If technically possible Card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and signature. client on the check. If you have a card account, a sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

117 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank.

118 If technically possible

119 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

120 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

121 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

122 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

123 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

124 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

125 The bonus program (one of the available ones: either accrual of miles or cashback) is set when the card is issued and cannot be changed until the end of the card’s validity period. By default, cards are issued with bonus program cashback.

5. Emission tariffs. Servicing bank cards that have been discontinued

5.1. “General for individuals”, “Card plus Deposit” for cards issued before 04/01/2018.

WORLD Classical

VISA Electron or Maestro

VISA Classic 126 or
Mastercard Standard 127

5.1.1. Issue of a main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.1.2. Annual maintenance in the first year of validity of the main or additional card

not charged

5.1.3. Annual maintenance of 128 main or additional cards in the second and subsequent years:

— for the “General for individuals” tariff;

150 RUR / 5 USD / 5 EUR

500 RUR / 20 USD / 20 EUR

— for the "Card plus deposit" tariff

not charged

5.1.4. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

the service is not provided

5.1.5. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

the service is not provided

5.1.6. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 129

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 130

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 100 rub.

1% minimum RUB 250/USD 3/EUR 3

5.1.7. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

5.1.8. Conversion fee 131

not credited

5.1.9. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

5.1.10. Cashback

the service is not provided

126 From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

127 From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

128 Charged annually for each year of card validity from the card account. In this case, the year of service is taken to be equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days in a year, the counting of the first year of service begins from the date of card issuance, and each subsequent year - from the date following the end date of the previous year of service. Payments for the commission are carried out on the first working day of the year of servicing the Card; if there are no funds on the specified date at the end of the business day in the amount necessary to pay the commission, the Client’s Card is blocked and is not serviced. When money is deposited into the card account for the first time, the annual service fee is charged in full, and the Card is blocked. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

129 If technically possible

130 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

131 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

5.2. "Pension" for cards issued before 07/01/2017.

VISA Electron or Maestro or Mastercard Standard

5.2.1. Issue and annual maintenance of a main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.2.2. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

the service is not provided

5.2.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

the service is not provided

5.2.4. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 132

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 133

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 250 rub.

5.2.5. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

5.2.6. Conversion fee 134

not charged

5.2.7. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

4.5% per annum, monthly

132 If technically possible

133 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

134 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

5.3. "Card Plus" for cards issued before 10/01/2019.

MIR Premium, card account currency - Russian rubles

Visa, MasterCard card account currency - US dollars or euros

5.3.1. Issue 135 and annual maintenance of the main or additional card for the entire validity period

the service is not provided

5.3.2. Re-issue of a card according to the term (extension) of the main or additional card

the service is not provided

5.3.3. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

the service is not provided

5.3.4. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 136

not charged

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 137

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

1% minimum 100 rub.

1% minimum 3 dollars. US/3 euro

5.3.5. Conversion fee 138

not charged

5.3.6. Accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the card account

not credited

5.3.7. Cashback

1%, but not more than 3000 rub. per month

the service is not provided

135 From 10/01/2019 SMS service and Viber notifications are provided on a paid basis. When connecting to SBB Mobile, Push notifications are provided free of charge.

136 If technically possible

137 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

138 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account.

6. Emission tariffs. Bank cards with a grace period for lending.

6.1. "Credit card. CASH"

6.1. "Credit card. Cash" 135

Mastercard Gold / VISA Gold / MIR Premium

6.1.1. Issue of a main or additional card

not charged

6.1.2. Annual maintenance in the first year of validity of the main or additional card

not charged

6.1.3. Annual maintenance of 139 main or additional cards in the second and subsequent years

6.1.4. Re-issuance of a card according to the term (extension)

not charged

6.1.5. Re-issuance of a card in cases of replacement of the main/additional bank card in case of damage to the card, change of full name, loss of the card or PIN

6.1.6. Issue 140, re-issue by validity period (extension), re-issue in cases of replacement/loss and maintenance during the validity period of the additional sticker card 141

6.1.7. Conditions, terms of provision and size credit limit

by separate agreement

6.1.8. Cash withdrawal:

— through ATMs and cash points of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

4%, minimum 300 rub.

— through ATMs of VTB Group and ATMs of PJSC Post Bank 139

4%, minimum 300 rub.

— through ATMs and cash points of partner banks 140

4%, minimum 300 rub.

— through ATMs and cash points of other banks

4%, minimum 300 rub.

— using a sticker card

not implemented

6.1.9. Payment for goods and services by bank card

not charged

6.1.10. Conversion fee 142

not charged

6.1.11. Transfer by card number to other cards

the service is not provided

6.1.12. Cashback

the service is not provided

139 Issued subject to technical availability

140 Charged annually for each year of card validity from the card account. In this case, the year of service is taken to be equal to 365 or 366 days, in accordance with the actual number of calendar days in a year, the counting of the first year of service begins from the date of card issuance, and each subsequent year - from the date following the end date of the previous year of service. Fee payments are made on the first working day of the Card servicing year. When you first receive money into your card account, the annual service fee is charged in full. The validity period of the card is determined by the Bank upon issue and is indicated on the front side of the card.

141 Technological features of the sticker card support payment for goods and services using contactless technologies. If technically possible, card transactions using contactless technology for amounts within 1000 rubles. are carried out without entering a PIN and signature. client on the check. If you have a card account, a sticker card can only be issued as an additional card. Restrictions on permitted transactions using a sticker card (activity limits) are similar to the restrictions on the main card.

142 The type of payment system, name of the card product and validity period of the sticker card are determined by the Bank.

143 If technically possible

144 The list of partner banks is posted on the official website of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

145 The transaction amount in foreign currency is recalculated into the currency of settlements with the payment system in accordance with the rules of the system, and from the currency of settlements into the currency of the card account at the rate of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" on the day the transaction is reflected on the card account

7. Additional services for bank cards

7.1.1. Connecting to SMS services via ATM

not charged

7.1.2. SMS service, incl. SMS messages - notifications about each transaction using a card to a mobile phone number

59 RUB / 0.9 USD / 0.9 EUR per month 146

7.1.4. Push notifications when connected to SBB Mobile

not charged

is not provided

7.2. Providing, at the request of the cardholder, information about the available spending limit on a bank card using ATMs of other banks

30 RUB / 0.6 USD / 0.6 EUR per request

7.3. Request for documents confirming the completion of a transaction outside the acquiring network of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" in the presence of a statement of disagreement with the transaction

ruble equivalent of 5 US dollars for each requested document


30 rub. / 1 ​​dollar. US/1 euro

By posting relevant information in the SBB Online / SBB Mobile remote banking system;

By sending a notification (information) to the address Email;

Receiving a mini-statement of transactions performed using a bank card at ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

not charged

146 The monthly fee is collected on the date of service activation after the service has been provided for a full month. The first collection of the tariff established from 10/01/2019 is carried out starting from 11/01/2019. for services provided in October 2019.

147 The monthly fee is collected on the date of service activation after the service has been provided for a full month. The first collection of the tariff established from 10/01/2019 is carried out starting from 11/01/2019. for services provided in October 2019, unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization).

148 Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

149 The monthly fee is collected on the date of service activation after the service has been provided for a full month.

150 The monthly fee is collected on the date of service activation after the service has been provided for a full month. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the Enterprise (Organization)

8. Tariffs for acquiring transactions



Types of bank cards

8.1. Performing calculations with trading enterprises for transactions carried out through the Bank’s terminals within the framework of Agreements “On the sale of goods (services) using bank cards ( merchant acquiring) 151


8.2. Issuance of cash rubles at ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" for cardholders of other credit institutions

not charged


8.3. Issuance of cash rubles at cash withdrawal points (CAP) of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" for cardholders of other credit institutions

not charged


8.4. Issuance of cash in US dollars or euros at Cash Issue Points (CAP) and ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK" for cardholders of other issuers

is not provided


8.5. Maximum amount cash withdrawal for one transaction using cards of other banks at ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

6,000 rub.
200 euros


8.6. The maximum amount of cash withdrawal for one transaction using cards of other banks at cash withdrawal points (CAP).

6000 in rub. or equivalent in US dollars or euros


Table 1

Terminal turnover calculated for the past calendar month in accordance with clause 4.9 of the Agreement
(hereinafter referred to as “monthly turnover”)

Part of the remuneration, determined as a percentage of the amount transferred by the Bank in accordance with clause 4.3. Treaty
(hereinafter referred to as the “Variable part of the remuneration”)

Part of the remuneration, determined fixedly for each terminal installed under the Agreement, depending on the monthly turnover of this terminal,
(hereinafter referred to as the “Fixed part of the remuneration”)

up to 100,000 rub./month. inclusive

from 100,000.01 to 200,000.00 rub./month. inclusive

RUB 200,000.01/month and more

not charged

151 Charged from the merchant

9. Tariffs for online transfers from card to card at ATMs of PJSC "SAROVBUSINESSBANK"

152 If it is technically possible to perform the operation

  • General provisions

    Terms of banking services for individuals of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Bank Card Holder Memo, Album of tariffs for services provided by Sberbank of Russia OJSC to individuals, Application for banking services, Application for obtaining a bank card in the aggregate are concluded between the Client and the Bank as an Agreement for the issuance and servicing of a bank card (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

    The Bank issues a Card to the Client based on the Application for a bank card established by the Bank form (hereinafter referred to as the “Application for receiving a card”), duly completed and signed by the Client. The Card is issued and the Card Account is opened if the Bank makes a positive decision on the possibility of issuing to the Client a card of the type requested by the Client.

    The Client undertakes to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

    Features of the issuance and maintenance of individual card products are determined in section 7 of these Terms of Use of cards. In case of conflicts between the main provisions of the Terms of Use of Cards and the features of issuing and servicing the card product defined in Section 7, the latter shall prevail.

    Spending limit - the amount of funds available for carrying out transactions on the Card, including the balance own funds Client on the Card Account and the amount of the overdraft limit on the Card Account, minus the amounts of transactions blocked on the Card Account, taking into account the corresponding commission. The transaction amount is blocked on the Card Account (reduction of the spending limit) at the time the Client confirms the transaction through remote service channels, or when performing a transaction using a card with authorization, or when the Bank transfers funds from the Card Account in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Other terms used in the “Terms of Use of Bank Cards of OJSC Sberbank of Russia” (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use of Cards”) have the same meaning as in the “Terms of Banking Services for Individuals of OJSC Sberbank of Russia”.

    Bank card

    The card is the property of the Bank and is issued for temporary use.

    The Bank has the right to refuse, without giving reasons, the issuance or re-issuance of a Card if the person specified in the Application for a Card does not have registration (registration) in the territory of the Bank's service, if they provide incorrect information in the Application for a Card, or if they are unstable financial situation or the presence of other data indicating the impossibility of issuing (re-issuing) the Card to this person, as well as in cases provided for by law.

    The Card can be used by the Holder to pay for goods and services, receive/deposit cash at credit institutions and through ATMs, to carry out other banking transactions on the Client’s accounts/deposits, provided for by the Treaty. The possibility of using the Card is determined by the presence of the payment system logo, taking into account the restrictions established by the Bank for certain types of card products.

    Using the Card, the Client has the opportunity to make transactions and receive information on his accounts, deposits, and unallocated metal accounts with the Bank through remote service channels.

    The Bank reserves the right at any time, at its sole discretion, to change the set of operations, services and functions performed using the Card. Carrying out transactions using the Card through the Bank's self-service devices, provided for in the Agreement, may be limited at ATMs of other banks.

    The Client has the right to contact the Bank at the place where the Account is maintained with a written application to receive an additional Card, with the exception of card products for which the issuance of an additional card is not provided in accordance with Section 7 of these “Terms of Use of Cards”.

    Upon receipt of the Card, the Holder is required to sign the Card in a specially designated place on the card. The absence or discrepancy of the signature on the Card with the signature affixed by the Holder on the document on transactions using the Card may be grounds for refusal to carry out a transaction using the Card and withdrawal of such Card from circulation.

    The Card is valid until the last day of the month indicated on the front side of the Card, inclusive. It is prohibited to use a Card (its details) that has expired. The Bank is not responsible for the untimely receipt by the Cardholder of a Card issued on new term actions.

    The Bank has the right to reissue the Card (including an additional one) upon expiration of its validity period if the Client has not notified the Bank in writing 60 calendar days before the expiration of the Card about the refusal to use the Card.

    The Card is not reissued if there are no transactions using the Card during the year preceding the Card reissue.

    To re-issue the Card before its expiration, the Client must submit a written application to the Bank at the place where the Card Account is maintained.

    Card Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard c individual design.

    A card with an individual design is issued with an image chosen by the Client applied to the front side of the Card.

    Submission of an application for the issue of a Card with an individual design is carried out through the Internet - the Bank's website. The Client personally signs the Application for the Card upon receipt of the issued Card at the Bank's branch.

    The Client creates a design for the front side of the Card with an individual design: - by selecting a card design from the design gallery available at the Bank; - by uploading an image, including a photograph, available to the Client.

    When issuing a Card with an individual design with an image provided by the Client applied to the front side of the Card, the Client guarantees that he has the right to use and dispose of this image, including the right to provide it to the Bank for placement on the Card with an individual design, and that such use of the image does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including private property rights, privacy, exclusive (property) rights, as well as personal non-property and other rights.

    The Client is obliged to notify the people depicted in the image that this image will be used for placement on the Card with a custom design, and to obtain their consent to such use. The Bank has the right to request evidence of confirmation of the consent of the persons indicated in the image or confirmation of the Client’s right to use the image.

    It is prohibited to use images containing:

    telephone numbers, numbers, texts, letters, addresses (including electronic ones), websites in any languages, any number systems;

    medals, coins, banknotes, stamps, banknotes, incl. old and unused;

    political, religious, religious slogans and symbols, flags, coats of arms and other symbols of power, with restrictions - uniforms of any branches of the military (including images of people in uniform);

    materials having any relation to anti-social/prohibited groups, minorities, events and activities;

    materials and symbols of an anti-cultural, anti-religious, anti-social, racial and discriminatory nature;

    any materials or images of a sexual nature;

    photographs or images of public people, for example, famous musicians, writers, athletes, presenters, etc., fictional characters (characters of animated films, etc.);

    stills from films, cartoons, illustrations for books;

    advertising materials, trademarks and service marks, abbreviations, symbols and company names, as well as products of registered trademarks and service marks (including vehicles and other equipment bearing trademarks and service marks);

    an image of a person (including an image of the cardholder) that is intended to be used for identification purposes;

    images of people in equipment/workwear with recognizable/readable brands/trademarks/service marks, images of cars and other equipment with recognizable brands/trademarks/service marks;

    any images of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (including bottles, glasses and other paraphernalia of drinking establishments), as well as tonic drinks, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, cards, roulette, slot machines, sweepstakes, and other gambling paraphernalia;

    images related or associated with the manufacture and use of drugs;

    images of weapons and military equipment: pistols, machine guns, tanks, military aircraft, ships, missiles, etc.;

    images that may cause problems when servicing the Card at trade/service enterprises;

    other images recognized by the Bank and/or the international payment system as unacceptable for placement on the Card.

    In case of violation of the above requirements, the Bank has the right to refuse to issue the card to the Client and ask to replace the image.

    The image on the Card with an individual design may have slight differences from the image on the monitor screen, due to the peculiarities of color rendering settings (calibration) when the Client submits an application via the Internet.

    When issuing a Card with an individual design with an image provided by the Client, the Client is liable to the Bank and third parties for any claims and suits that may be brought against the Bank or international payment VISA systems International and MasterCard International in connection with the violation of copyright and other rights caused by the placement of this image on the Card with a custom design. The Client undertakes to compensate the Bank for damages arising in connection with the violation of copyright and other rights in the cases specified in this paragraph.

    The issue of additional Cards to the Card account with an individual design is carried out with a design corresponding to the design of the main Card with an individual design.

    A custom designed card is reissued with the image selected by the Client when the said card is issued.

    Changing the design when re-issuing a Card with an individual design for any reason is permitted with the consent of the Bank and if the Bank has the appropriate technical capability.