Interest rates on deposits in Belarusian banks. Current deposits in foreign currency

A well-known truth: “Keep your money in savings banks.” Money “in the mattress” does not at all guarantee financial security; it depreciates and does not work. With proper selection of deposits in Belarus, you can receive stable income from savings.

Banks in Belarus offer to make deposits in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency. Interest rates on deposits in Belarusian banks in Belarusian rubles are much higher due to possible devaluation. Keeping money in foreign currency is not so profitable, but the capital will be protected.

Interest on deposits in Belarusian banks for individuals:

  • In Belarusian rubles – from 7 to 20%;
  • In foreign currency – up to 4%.

The higher the interest rate, the less “convenient” conditions for clients: long-term deposit, no possibility to withdraw funds from the account before the end of the contract, lack of capitalization, etc. Remember that the bank may unilaterally change the interest rate on the deposit if the rate is not fixed. The client receives a notification in advance: SMS or notification to email. Do not miss letters from the bank so as not to miss important information.

If you have a large amount of money, it is better to make several deposits in different currencies.

For convenience, bank websites often have an online calculation of possible income from a deposit. If such a calculator is not available, ask bank employees to individually calculate monthly or annual benefits so that there is no discrepancy between bank calculations and yours.

Deposit and deposit: is there a difference?

In colloquial language, the concepts “contribution” and “deposit” are synonymous. In fact, in these terms there is a slight difference in the subject matter of the transaction. The concept of “deposit” includes the transfer of money to the bank, and the “deposit” includes, in addition to money, securities, precious metals, shares and more.

Questions for bank employees

In addition to the basic information about the deposit (currency and term of the deposit, interest rate), there is secondary, but no less important. Under what conditions? bank deposits need to pay attention:

  1. Can I withdraw money early (revocable or irrevocable deposit)?
  2. Does the interest rate change during the term of the deposit (fixed or floating rate)?
  3. What is the minimum down payment required?
  4. What is the minimum additional payment can it be done?
  5. Whether there is a monthly capitalization interest (capitalization: every month interest is accrued on the principal amount of the deposit, and the next month the calculation is based on the increased amount)?

Bonuses from banks

There is a lot of competition among banks, so everyone is trying to lure the client advantageous offers and non-standard bonuses. Here are the best banking baits:

  •  The ability to independently open a deposit and manage it without going to a bank branch - via the Internet. For example, a deposit in Belarusbank “Internet Deposit T-Trend”.
  •  Weekly capitalization.
  •  Free annual maintenance cards.
  •  Discounts from bank partners - shops, cafes, pharmacies, etc.

Tax on deposits in Belarusian banks

From April 1, 2016, depositors who made a deposit for a period of less than a year (for Belarusian rubles) or less than two years (for foreign currency) will have to pay income tax from the interest received (13%). The same applies to investors who opened long-term deposits, but withdrew money before the end of one or two years. Details can be found by studying Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 7 “On attracting Money into deposits.

Every more or less financially literate person knows that free funds should not lie idle. Money must be invested, it must always be in circulation, otherwise there is a chance of losing it due to inflation. People who are self-confident and not afraid of risk prefer to make money on stock trading. Cautious citizens are looking for less risky opportunities to increase their capital. One of the options is careful, but stable income are contributions.

Most residents of the Republic of Belarus prefer Belarusbank deposits. This is due to the fact that:

  • The bank offers a wide range of deposits on different conditions;
  • People trust a financial institution because it oldest bank Republic with a positive reputation;
  • Investments allow you to receive passive income, without risks.

Let's look at the bank's main offers.

Current deposits in Belarusian rubles

Investments in national currency are characterized by high interest rates. This is done to protect depositors' funds from inflation. Below you can see the bank's current offers.

"Spring (version 2.0)"

The contract is concluded for a period of 3.5 months. Minimum amount deposit starts from 500.00 BYN. rub. at a rate of 9.35% per annum. The depositor has the opportunity to replenish the deposit account only in the first month after the conclusion of the agreement. After this time, account replenishment is not provided. Automatic contract extension and expense transactions are not provided. The client can close a deposit account early only with the approval of the bank.

Main advantages of the offer:

  • Increased rate;
  • Possibility to open an account for a third party;
  • Interest capitalization;
  • Possibility to top up your account in the first month of signing the contract.

The bank offers a fixed deposit rate equal to 9.4% per annum. The deposit amount to open a deposit must be at least 500 BYN. rub. You can top up your account in the first month of opening a deposit, after which no additional funds are provided.

Advantages of the deposit:

  • High interest rate;
  • Possibility of remote control;
  • It is possible to replenish the account in the first month after opening;
  • Capitalization of deposit remuneration;
  • Refunds of money and earned interest are made to the client’s card.

Any operations (opening, closing, control) on savings deposit in Belarusian rubles in Belarusbank the client can do it independently via the Internet. You can certify printed documents, issue a power of attorney and perform other actions in the departments of the financial institution.

"Classic Irrevocable Spring"

Funds under the terms of the agreement are deposited for 6.5 months without the possibility of withdrawal or partial withdrawal. The minimum deposit amount is 500.00 BYN. rub. You can top up your deposit within 3 months from the date of its opening. There is no provision for renewal of the contract by default.


  • High interest rates - 9.7% per annum;
  • Capitalization of income;
  • Possibility of replenishment, but only in the first 3 months.

Please note that the terms of the agreement, namely the rate, can be changed at the initiative of the financial institution, but after prior notification to the client.

The deposit period is at least 6.5 months. The amount of contribution to the account cannot be less than 500.00 BYN. rub. The yield is 9.8% per annum, but may be changed by the bank after notifying the depositor. Spending invested funds before the end of the contract is prohibited.


  • Remote account management;
  • Account replenishment is possible 3 months after signing the contract;
  • Automatic addition of interest to the deposit amount - capitalization;
  • After the expiration of the agreement, the deposit amount and interest on it are transferred to the client’s card.

"Classic Irrevocable Children"

This is one of the most profitable deposits in Belarusian rubles in Belarusbank. There are several storage periods to choose from - 3, 4 and 5 years at 10.3%, 10.4% and 10.5% per annum, respectively. The minimum amount required to open an account is 200.00 BYN. rub. You can deposit additional funds into your account throughout the entire period, with the exception of the last 3 months.


  • High profitability;
  • The deposit is opened in the name of a minor by a third party, regardless of family ties;
  • The account is replenished;
  • At the end of each month, interest is capitalized.

Rates may change at the bank's initiative, up or down, but after prior notification to the client. Early dissolution possible by agreement of the parties.

"Classic Irrevocable for 1 year"

The minimum amount to open an account is 100.00 BYN. rub. at a rate of 7.5%. During the term of the contract, the rate does not change. The storage period for funds is 1 year. Replenishment, spending of funds and automatic renewal of the contract are not provided.


  • Fixed rate;
  • Possibility to open an account for a third party.

“Internet – Deposit – Trend Revocable”

The deposit can be opened for 1, 3, 6 or 9 months at rates of 2, 3, 5 and 6% per annum. The rate changes at the initiative of the financial institution. The minimum amount for opening a deposit is 50.00 BYN. rub. The account can be replenished in an amount of at least 10.00 BYN. rub.


  • Remote account management;
  • Replenishment;
  • Return of deposited funds and earned interest is carried out to the client’s card;
  • Capitalization;
  • Early termination (in this case, the bank recalculates accrued interest at a reduced rate).

You can deposit money for a period of 1 month at 3.5%, for 3 months at 5%, for 6 months at 6%, for 9 months at 7.5% or at 8% at special conditions for participants of the Carte Blanche and #nastart clubs. The minimum amount to open an account must be 50.00 BYN. rub. Termination of the contract before the prescribed period is not provided. Expense transactions are possible within the range of capitalized interest.

  • Remote control;
  • Possibility of depositing additional funds;
  • Deposit with capitalization of accrued interest;
  • Refunds of money and interest are carried out to the client’s card.

After notifying the client, the interest rate on a deposit with Belarusbank can be changed unilaterally.

"Free choice"

The minimum amount required to open a deposit is 500.00 BYN. rub. You can place funds for 11 months at 9% per annum or for 2 years at 10.5% per annum. In the first case, you can top up your account throughout the entire period, in the second case - only for the first year. In the first case, the investor receives interest at the end of each month, in the second case - at the end of the contract. The rate may change at the initiative of the financial institution.

  • Along with opening an account, the client receives several products ( international map, connection to Internet banking services, overdraft);
  • Return of deposit to the card;
  • Possibility of replenishment.

“Classic revocable for 35 days”

The minimum deposit amount is 150.00 BYN. rub. at a rate of 1% per annum. Account replenishment is not provided for under the terms of the agreement, but automatic extension of the agreement is possible. The storage period for funds is 35 days.


  • Fixed rate;
  • Renewal of the contract by default, but not more than 6 times;
  • Possibility to open a deposit for a third party.

"Classic Reviewed up to a year"

You can deposit money for a period of 95 and 185 days at a rate of 1.5% and 2.5% (rates are not fixed and can be changed by the bank). The deposit amount cannot be less than 150.00 BYN. rub. The deposit account can be replenished without restrictions.


  • You can open an account for a third party;
  • Replenishment;
  • Capitalization;
  • Automatic contract renewal with a storage period of 95 days.

"Classic Irrevocable up to a year"

The minimum amount required to open a deposit is 150.00 BYN. rub. Money can be placed for 3 months at 3.2%, for 6 months at 5.2%, for 9 months at 6.9% or at 7.9% within the Velvet club. If money is placed for a quarter, the bank offers a fixed rate, but in other cases it may change after prior notification to the client.


  • Possibility of opening an account in the name of a third party;
  • Unlimited replenishment;
  • Capitalization.

Each client can calculate the profitability of a deposit in Belarusian rubles in Belarusbank using the calculator posted on the website. To do this, you must enter data into the program about the deposit amount, currency, deposit period and name of the deposit.

"Classic Irrevocable for over a year"

To formalize a deposit agreement, you must deposit a minimum of 150.00 BYN into the account. rub. There are two accommodation options available:

Features and Benefits:

  • High stakes;
  • Possibility of replenishment on the terms specified in the contract;
  • Capitalization of income at the end of each month.

Rates may be changed at the initiative of the bank.

"Classic Postal Review"

The deposit amount cannot be less than 100.00 BYN. rub. Funds are placed for a period of 12 months at 5.5% per annum. Interest is not capitalized and is paid at the end of the term.


  • This deposit can only be issued at branches of RUE Belpochta, which have the authority to accept cash and enter into deposit agreements on behalf of JSB Belarusbank;
  • Expense transactions on the account are not provided;
  • Early termination is possible at the demand rate.


People who have reached retirement age, people who have not reached retirement age but are eligible to receive a pension, and WWII veterans can place money under these conditions. After opening a deposit account, a pension will be transferred to it in a non-cash manner, which will be accrued at 0.5% per annum.


  • The deposit is unlimited;
  • The account can be replenished in any amount during any period of the contract;
  • It is allowed to make debit transactions on the account without losing interest.


A deposit in Belarusian rubles of Belarusbank created specifically for orphans and children left without parental care. The minimum amount for placement is 0.01 BYN. rub. at 0.5% per annum.


Only official guardians or persons with legal grounds perform related duties.

"Poste restante"

Has no shelf life. The minimum placement amount is 1 BYN. rub. at 0.5%. According to the terms of the agreement, incoming and outgoing transactions are allowed.


  • Suitable for saving savings;
  • Can be opened to 3rd person.

It is possible to open an account without depositing cash. Money in the account is placed at 0.5% per annum. No deposit certain deadlines. Clients can deposit and withdraw funds an unlimited number of times.

Current deposits in foreign currency

People who think for the future prefer to store their available funds in foreign currency. This allows you to get double profits:

  • Earn interest on placing a deposit;
  • Make money on changes in the exchange rate (if the fluctuation is in favor of the investor).

At Belarusbank, foreign currency deposits are represented by a wide variety. Let's consider everything current offers financial institution.

“Internet – Deposit – Trend Revocable” ($, €)

The account can be opened in euros or US dollars for a period of 3, 6, 12, 18, 23 months. Charges on an account opened in dollars are 0.8%, 1%, 1.5%, 1.6%, 1.7%. Rates for deposits in EU currency are 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5. The minimum amount required to conclude an agreement is 100 dollars or 100 euros.


  • Remote control;
  • There is no prohibition on performing income and expense transactions;
  • The return of invested funds is carried out to the card.

According to the terms of the contract, deposit rates can be adjusted at the initiative of the bank, but after notifying the client about this.

“Internet – deposit – Trend Revocable in Russian rubles”

A deposit account is opened in Russian rubles for a period of 3 to 23 months at 2.6%, 3.1%, 3.9%, 3.95%, 4%. The longer the deposit term, the higher the offered rate. The amount of contribution required to conclude an agreement is at least 3,000 Russian rubles.


  • Account management via the Internet;
  • Account replenishment (minimum amount for replenishment is 500 rubles);
  • Refunds are made to the card;
  • Expenditure transactions are provided.

The rates under the agreement are not fixed and can be changed by the bank.

“Internet – deposit – Trend Irrevocable” ($,€)

Opening a deposit account is possible in $ and € for a period of 3,6,12,18,23 months. Wherein minimum bid for a dollar deposit is 1%, and the maximum is 2%. For an account in euros, the minimum rate is 0.8%, the maximum is 2%. The longer the deposit term, the higher the offered rate.


  • Remote control;
  • Possibility of carrying out incoming transactions;
  • The use of funds is permissible within the range of capitalized interest;
  • Refunds are possible to the card.

Another Belarusbank deposit in Russian rubles. It is proposed to place Russian rubles for 3, 6, 12, 18, 23 months. According to the terms, the minimum rate is 4.6%, the maximum is 8% per annum. Initial amount for placement cannot be less than 3000 Russian rubles.


  • Remote account management via the Internet;
  • Unlimited replenishment;
  • Automatic addition of interest to the principal amount at the end of each month;
  • Return of placed and earned funds to the card.

“Deposit Classic Revocable up to a year” ($,€)

You can place money in the account for a period of 95 or 185 days at 0.2 and 0.4% per annum. The down payment cannot be less than 100 $ or €.


  • Possibility of replenishment;
  • Capitalization of earned interest;
  • Possibility of automatic extension if the contract is concluded for 95 days;
  • The rate may be changed at the initiative of the bank.

The storage period can be 95 days at 2.5% with automatic extension or 185 days at 3% without extension. Amount for down payment must be at least 5000 Russian rubles.


  • Allowed to carry out incoming transactions;
  • Interest capitalization.

“Classic Reviewed over a year” ($,€)

The fixed shelf life is 18 months. The amount of the down payment cannot be less than 100 $ or €. The rate for the US dollar is 1.1%, the rate for the euro is 0.4%. Extension is not provided by default.


  • It is permissible to top up your account throughout the entire contract period;
  • Interest is added to the principal amount of the deposit at the end of each month.

“Classic Revocable for over a year in Russian rubles”

Deposit in Russian currency with a storage period of 1.5 years at a rate of 4% per annum. The rate can be adjusted at the initiative of the bank. The amount required to open an account is 5,000 rubles.


  • Unlimited account replenishment;
  • Adding interest to the deposit amount is capitalization.

Find out profitability by foreign currency deposits, you can use the deposit calculator in Belarusbank.

“Classic Irrevocable up to a year” ($,€)

The investor is offered a choice of different storage periods for funds - 3, 6, 9 months. Rates increase with shelf life. When placing money in an account for 3 months, the investor receives a rate of 0.5% per annum, when placing money for 6 months - 0.8%, for 9 months - 0.9%. In this offer, the placement currency does not affect the rates; they remain the same for both € and $ accounts. It should be noted that only one rate is fixed - 0.5%, while 0.8% and 0.9% can be adjusted at the initiative of the financial institution, but after prior notification of future changes to depositors.


  • There are no restrictions on account replenishment;

You can deposit money into your account for a period of 3, 6, 9 months at 4.5%, 5%, 5.2% per annum. The amount required to open a deposit is 5,000 rubles.


  • There are no restrictions on replenishment;
  • You can terminate the contract early and withdraw the invested money only with the agreement of the bank;
  • Expense transactions are allowed within the limits of accrued interest;
  • Unspent interest is added to the principal amount of the deposit.

“Classic Irrevocable for over a year” ($,€)

You can place money in the account for a period of 30 or 36 months. The rates offered for both dollars and euros are the same. When placing funds for 30 months - 1.6%, for 36 months - 1.8% per annum.


  • High profitability;
  • Possibility of replenishment during the first 27 months for a deposit opened for a period of 30 months and 33 months, you can replenish a deposit opened for 3 years;
  • Adding interest to the principal amount of the deposit every month.

“Classic Irrevocable for over a year in Russian rubles”

An account is opened to store funds in Russian currency for a period of 30 or 36 months at rates of 4.7 and 5% per annum. The minimum amount required to open an account cannot be less than RUB 5,000.


  • High profitability;
  • Possibility of replenishment according to the terms of the contract;
  • Deposit without extension;
  • Adding interest to the deposit amount every month.

In addition, Belarusbank offers its clients to open a demand deposit or current accounts in foreign currency. Cash balances on such accounts are accrued at 0.1% per annum, and there are no restrictions on income and expense transactions.

Everyone should understand that money should not lie idle. If you have any savings, they need to be made to generate income. The simplest and at the same time very effective instrument are bank deposits or, as they are also called, deposits.

What do you need to know about deposits in the Republic of Belarus before you start choosing a product? Deposits in Belarusian rubles differ high stakes– they are set this way in order to protect your savings from inflation. Deposits in foreign currency will not bring much income, but they will provide stability. Thus, interest rates on deposits in rubles can bring good income, if you approach the matter wisely. And deposits in foreign currency will protect against any devaluation.

Especially for you, we have developed a unique deposit calculator, with which you can easily compare deposits in banks and choose the most profitable deposits Belarusian rubles or best deposits in currencies that are ideal for you. Our database contains all deposits in Belarusian rubles offered by Belarusian banks.

Using a special filter, you can only consider deposits in banks in Minsk or any other city.

Our calculator is a kind of bank calculator, because we have not ignored any product and are presented in the database best deposits in rubles of all Belarusian banks.

The program will select the best deposits for you in Belarus based on the conditions you specify. You should indicate the expected amount of the deposit, the currency in which you intend to save and the period for which you are willing to part with your hard-earned money - and voila! the best deposits in Belarusian banks are right in front of your eyes as if on a silver platter.

In addition, in articles on our website we often raise the topic of bank deposits. If you follow the materials, you will always be up to date latest trends and expert forecasts. This will help you in deciding on a bank deposit.

We keep our database up to date and diligently update betting information weekly. However, you need to understand that it is impossible to keep track of changes in rates in real time, so we advise you to check the information about the product you like at the bank’s call center before going to the bank.

A bank deposit, or deposit, is money that individual places it in a financial institution to increase personal savings and protect them from theft. The profitability of deposits in Minsk banks is determined by the interest rate accrued for a certain period of time. In turn, the interest rate depends on the amount and currency of the deposit, as well as its conditions and parameters.

Thus, the deposit may provide for additional replenishments and auto-renewal, that is, automatic renewal under the same conditions that were agreed upon when concluding the agreement. This option will come in handy for young parents who have decided to save money ahead of time for their child’s education abroad. Older people are often interested in the possibility of preferential termination or partial withdrawal of funds without losing interest. This is usually because the money may be needed for immediate medical care.

Because in history financial system There have been crises in Belarus; long-term deposits are most often made in US dollars or euros, and short-term deposits are made in Belarusian rubles. In the first case, clients receive confidence that their savings will not depreciate in the event of a collapse national currency, and in the second, they receive more income due to high interest rates.

This page contains offers from current conditions and the most profitable interest rates on deposits that can be opened in Minsk and Belarus. Among the offers are deposits of Absolutbank, Alfa-Bank, MTBank, Priorbank and others financial institutions. Click on the deposit to clarify the details and apply for it online.

Types of deposits

If you decide to use such a service, then you first need to familiarize yourself with its main varieties. Deposits offered by many banks can be:

  1. Rubles. Deposits that fall into this category may have certain types. However, their main feature is that clients must deposit their funds only in rubles. Accordingly, all subsequent interest will also be accrued in this currency. Remember that a treasure in this currency today brings maximum interest. This is due to the fact that it is not stable.
  2. Currency. By opening such a deposit, clients will have a wonderful opportunity to store their funds in a certain currency. You must make your choice yourself. The main feature of such a deposit, which influences its fairly high popularity, is that the risk of losing your funds in the future is minimized. Interest rates here are low and may vary depending on the bank you choose.
  3. Urgent. To date, such contributions have the most low interest. It is suitable for citizens who want to quickly increase their profits. Each bank is ready to offer different terms, so you should choose them depending on your personal preferences. The amount of the bet that will be added to your amount in the future depends on the timing. Percentages can range from 4 to 10%. When using this type of service, you will not have the opportunity to withdraw your money earlier than the specified period.
  4. Amount on demand. A distinctive feature of such a service is that each client will independently decide when it is time to withdraw their money. As a rule, many banks allocate only 0.1-1% for such deposits. This type of deposit is not intended for earning interest. It can be used if you refuse to store large amounts in your home and that's really right.

These are the most popular types of deposits that every client can use. However, you should remember that if you decide to put your funds in a certain organization, you must carefully select it.

Interest rates

Experts say that the interest rate today depends on the type of deposit that you decide to choose. Some organizations charge monthly, daily or yearly. Some banks have begun to actively use the capitalization system. It is more profitable.

Some organizations have begun to provide the opportunity to deposit a certain amount of funds and receive their interest tomorrow. This is convenient if you want to spend all the interest at once. This is quite convenient, but you will not be able to withdraw money until the end of the contract. As you can see, to increase your profitability you should use the right service.

Deposit insurance

Almost all deposits that exist must be insured. Insuring your deposit is easy required service, which will help to avoid negative consequences in the future. Market banking services is not stable. Therefore, quite often you can encounter a situation where some banks simply fall apart. Accordingly, if the money is not insured, then after the collapse of the bank no one will return it. If your deposit was insured then you will be able to receive the full amount or part as a result of the bankruptcy of the institution. Therefore, do not hesitate and always insure your funds.

Deposit calculator

In order for the deposit to be truly profitable, you need to study the percentages. It is simply impossible to do this without experience, since their formation is influenced by a lot of different factors. Some banks also hide interest rates. To study interest thoroughly, you just need to use a deposit calculator. It is he who will help determine the amount that can be received in the future. You can find a special calculator after going online.

Selecting a bank for deposit

Now there are a lot of different institutions where you can leave your contribution. However, not all banks provide high-quality services and therefore it is impossible to be completely sure that over time the money can be withdrawn. To select a quality organization, many professionals recommend studying the bank rating. Remember that if an institution occupies a leading position, then you can really trust it with your funds. If you have already made a choice of a specific bank, then you can begin to draw up an agreement.

How to open a deposit?

Opening a deposit today is not difficult. Anyone can do this. First you need to decide on an institution that you trust. After this, you can begin to study its types of contribution. For example, if you liked foreign currency deposit, since it has the greatest stability, then you can put your money at interest. To do this, contact the bank employees, draw up an agreement and transfer your money. At the same time, carefully study the agreement, as some banks deceive their clients with the interest rate. To avoid problems, review your contract only with lawyers.

Everyone should understand that money should not lie idle. If you have any savings, they need to be made to generate income. The simplest and at the same time very effective instrument are bank deposits or, as they are also called, deposits.

What do you need to know about deposits in the Republic of Belarus before you start choosing a product? Deposits in Belarusian rubles have high rates - they are set this way in order to protect your savings from inflation. Deposits in foreign currency will not bring much income, but they will provide stability. Thus, interest rates on deposits in rubles can bring good income if you approach the matter wisely. And deposits in foreign currency will protect against any devaluation.

Especially for you, we have developed a unique deposit calculator, with which you can easily compare deposits in banks and choose the most profitable Belarusian deposits in rubles or the best deposits in foreign currency that are ideal for you. Our database contains all deposits in Belarusian rubles offered by Belarusian banks.

Using a special filter, you can only consider deposits in banks in Minsk or any other city.

Our calculator is a kind of bank calculator, because we have not ignored any product and the database contains the best deposits in rubles of all Belarusian banks.

The program will select the best deposits for you in Belarus based on the conditions you specify. You should indicate the expected amount of the deposit, the currency in which you intend to save and the period for which you are willing to part with your hard-earned money - and voila! the best deposits in Belarusian banks are right in front of your eyes as if on a silver platter.

In addition, in articles on our website we often raise the topic of bank deposits. If you follow the materials, you will always be aware of the latest trends and expert forecasts. This will help you in deciding on a bank deposit.

We keep our database up to date and diligently update betting information weekly. However, you need to understand that it is impossible to keep track of changes in rates in real time, so we advise you to check the information about the product you like at the bank’s call center before going to the bank.