Consequences of refusing an approved loan. Is it possible to cancel the loan after signing the contract?

On this moment Almost every person may encounter a problem when they may need to issue a loan waiver after receiving a loan or at the stage of signing an agreement. There are simply a huge number of reasons when a refusal may be required. In general, a valid reason may be required for refusal. Accordingly, if there is no reason, then it will simply be impossible to refuse your loan in this case.

The most optimal reason for refusal may be that you took credit funds, and now we have learned that you have been fired from your job. Now you are planning to issue a waiver as quickly as possible before interest accrues. Be sure that after coming to the bank he will not be happy. Remember that they will always try to make sure that such a situation does not arise. This is due to the fact that it is simply not profitable for them to lose their customers.

In most cases, you need to act based on the situation you are faced with. Here are the most common situations:

  • The loan was approved, but the contract was never signed.
  • Your loan has been approved, but funds have not been received.
  • The contract has been signed and you already have the money.

In every situation you have every right refuse the loan, but you will need to take different actions. If the bank does not want to do something, then in this case it is necessary to consult with a lawyer.

How to communicate with a bank or microfinance organization if the loan was issued by mistake?

If you are faced with a problem where a loan was issued by mistake, then you need to remember that you need to try to fix this problem as soon as possible. Many people understand that they simply do not need a loan before it is approved, and if you have not yet signed the agreement, then remember that such a problem can be solved quite quickly.

This may mean that there are no obligations to your bank yet. That is why in this case you can refuse almost at any time. Remember that in this case you will not need to fill out any paperwork.

If the bank says that it has already started processing, then remember that this is not true. He is obliged to give you a refusal. If he does not want to do this, then you can contact lawyers who will help you draw up a statement to law enforcement agencies.

Now you know exactly how to refuse a loan.

What are your rights under the law?

Is it possible to cancel the loan after signing the contract? The law allows this to be done. If you took out credit funds, but as a result of this you realized that you no longer need the loan, then remember that there will always be a way out of this situation. To do this, you need to write an application to the bank and submit it within 14 days. This period will be counted from the moment of signing your contract.

If you do not have time to submit your application during this period, then remember that the situation will become significantly more complicated. How to refuse a loan if the agreement has been signed and the deadline has expired:

  • Write an application for refusal. In this case there is one most important point. Also be aware that the date of the application must necessarily coincide with the date of its submission.
  • If you took funds, then they must be returned along with the application. This fact is best documented.
  • During the period of using these funds, you must return the interest that was accrued.
  • If you refuse to withdraw funds, you will not have to pay a fine.

These are the main steps you will need to complete when completing your waiver.

How to avoid paying off a loan you didn't take out?

If you signed an agreement for your loan funds, but did not receive them, then remember that you can still refuse it. According to the law, the contract can come into force only after you receive your cash. Accordingly, if you have not yet received anything, then the contract can be considered invalid. In such a situation, you need to understand that you should not fall for the bank’s various tricks. Remember that it will always be profitable for him to issue a loan. If the bank refuses to meet, then it is necessary to go to court.

Now you know how to refuse a loan at the application stage and after it has been received. To ensure that such problems do not arise again, be sure to make an informed decision when taking it.

If you still want to get a loan, you can. Presented here detailed information about how to obtain credit funds. So that after taking out a loan you do not have to refuse it in the future, you will need to carefully study your agreement. Only thanks to this you can be completely sure that you received only Better conditions who are ready to please. If the conditions subsequently change and they do not suit you, then you will need to cancel the issued loan.


Loan refusal is one of the ambiguous and contradictory cases of relationships between banks and borrowers. There are some here general rules, but they are spelled out in different documents and may, according to experts, be poorly consistent with each other.

Possible reasons for refusing to receive a loan

The reasons for the recipient's refusal vary. It's difficult to list everything. Let's highlight a few typical ones that have a special resonance:

  • The client was misled by advertising or credit agents, but realized this already during the process or after registration.
  • The bank did not fulfill its obligations under the loan.
  • The client understands that the credit conditions are clearly unfavorable for him.
  • The client no longer needed a loan.

The first two points suggest guilt credit institution and may be the basis for claims by the client. The latter two put the client at a disadvantage and may require effort to protect his own interests.

Is it possible to refuse a loan?

First legislative act regulating relations in the field of lending is Civil Code. It contains Chapter 42, Borrowing and Credit. We will not consider its entire content here, but we will note in advance that the concepts of “loan” and “credit” from the point of view of the law do not completely coincide, because what is true for a loan may not apply to a loan. Thus, one should approach Article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with caution, which states that the loan agreement begins to operate at the moment of transfer material assets. This is written about a loan agreement, not a credit agreement.

Description loan agreement begins with Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 821 of the Code is devoted to refusal to receive or issue a loan. And the wording given in this article does not give unambiguous instructions, but refers to the norms of the concluded agreement.


  • The moment the loan is completed is the actual transfer of money (other property).
  • The beginning of the action is determined by the norms of this agreement.

Based on legislation and practice, we can distinguish three different provisions in which a loan agreement can be terminated:

  • The loan application has been reviewed and approval has been received, but the agreement between the bank and the borrower has not yet been signed by both parties.
  • The application has been approved, the agreement has been signed on both sides, but the funds have not yet been transferred (distributed) to the target recipient.
  • The agreement is fully signed, the funds have been received by the addressee.

When can I cancel my loan?

You can refuse a loan at any stage of application or repayment, but the refusal procedure and consequences at each stage will be different.

Refusal to receive a loan at the stage of its application does not threaten the borrower in any way. An approved application does not oblige you to anything, and if for some reason a person does not want to take the money, then he can simply stop contacting the bank employee or directly say that he no longer needs the services.

If the money has already been received and the agreement has been signed, then the borrower has the right to return the amount received.

The law provides for loan waiver within 14 days. During this period, a person can freely return the money to the bank by demanding termination of the loan agreement.

However, the financial institution may require payment of interest for the days used.

When is it impossible to refuse a loan?

After 2 weeks after signing the contract It is no longer possible to legally refuse a loan from a bank, but it can be returned in another way: by repaying it early. To do this, you need to return the entire amount with interest for using the loan.

In case of early repayment, the terms of the loan agreement are of particular importance. According to the law, the bank does not have the right to refuse the client early repayment of the debt, however, it can impose a ban on the return of money within 2-3 months from the date of signing the agreement. In any case, before going to the bank, it is advisable to carefully study the loan agreement.

Refusal of a loan before signing an agreement

Many people doubt: is it possible to refuse a loan after it has been approved? Yes. Without restrictions and mandatory explanation of reasons. Those. you submitted an application for a loan, it was reviewed and approved by the bank, but the client decided to refuse, not sign the agreement and not receive funds.

In this case, the bank does not have legal grounds demand any compensation from the client, apply some kind of coercive measures to him, etc. The bank’s attitude towards this particular client may be spoiled, this may affect the consideration of future credit requests from this person.

However, banks do not have the obligation or habit to explain the reasons for refusals of loan requests, so we will not be able to know for sure whether the borrower's next application is rejected because of his own past refusal or for some other reason.

To mitigate possible negative consequences, some experts recommend explaining to the bank good reasons for refusing a loan.

Is it possible to cancel the loan after signing the contract?

If the agreement is signed by the bank and the loan recipient, but the use of funds has not yet begun, or they have not yet been transferred, then the client has many chances to terminate the credit relationship without material damage to himself.

Here you need to carefully study the relevant clauses of the contract. If they stipulate any penalties or other sanctions for the client in this case, then it is better to agree with them, pay the amount due (if it is small) and terminate the contract as soon as possible.

A possible fine in this case may be explained by compensation for checking solvency, processing documents, etc.

Waiver and target loan also have significant differences. A consumer loan is concluded immediately after it is signed by the parties. Targeted loan more difficult to design and execute. Here everything will be determined by the terms of the specific contract.

How to refuse a loan?

What to do to a bank client, if he has taken out a loan and wants to cancel it:

  1. Study the agreement with the financial institution, in particular, the rights of the borrower and the clause on early repayment.
  2. Write a statement of refusal (if we're talking about about repayment of the loan after 14 years - then an application for early repayment).
  3. Provide the bank with an application and loan documents.
  4. Wait for a decision.
  5. If the answer is positive, transfer the amount of debt to the bank account.

If the client returns the funds received early, the bank does not have the right to charge additional fees for this operation, however, the borrower will have to pay interest on the use of the funds. The sooner the borrower repays the funds, the less interest he will pay.

Sample application for loan waiver

What must be indicated in the application for refusal to receive a loan:

  • Address and full name of the bank.
  • Full name of the applicant and his contacts.
  • Date of conclusion of the loan agreement and its number.
  • Amount received, rate and term.
  • The essence of the application: refusal of the loan.
  • Statement of additional requirements, if necessary: ​​transfer of funds to the seller’s account, if this is a trade loan, or a request for a certificate of absence of debt obligations.
  • Date, full name, signature.
It is not necessary to indicate the reason for refusal. In the text of the application it is enough to refer to Article 11 of the Federal Law “On consumer loan”, which gives the right to refuse the loan within 14 days without giving reasons.

Application for refusal to receive a loan

Mortgage waiver

If a consumer loan can be legally canceled within 14 days, then the refusal targeted loan(including mortgages) is given 30 days.

The refusal procedure becomes more complicated when the bank has already transferred the money to the seller. If the seller is a developer, then it will be easier to solve this problem. If this is a private person, then the matter may go to trial.

You can refuse a housing loan in an alternative way - to sell mortgaged apartment and with the money received pay off the debt ahead of schedule. But there are also some nuances here: the apartment can take a very long time to sell, and all this time the borrower will need to make payments.

How to refuse a car loan

If the agreement has not yet been drawn up and the car has not been purchased, then the situation is simple: you need to notify the bank of your refusal to provide funds. In this case, the application will simply be cancelled. In other situations, terminating the agreement will be problematic:

  • If the bank transferred the loan funds to the borrower’s account or issued them in cash, then the only option is refusal within 30 days or early repayment. The borrower will have to pay interest on actual term use of money.
  • When you buy a car at a car dealership, the bank transfers the amount to the account of the seller. In this case, all that remains is to sell the car and pay the bank ahead of schedule with the proceeds.

Please note that anything purchased at a salon vehicle will already be considered used, so the owner will not be able to get the same amount for which he purchased it when selling it.

Possible consequences

Refusal of a loan or its quick return is unprofitable for the bank, since in the end it does not receive the profit it expected. What does the return of funds mean for the borrower’s reputation?

All contacts a person has with banks are reflected in his credit history. Information about refusal of funds received or about early repayment may appear in the Bureau credit histories, information from which banks use when making decisions on issuing a loan.

However, it is not a fact that loan refusal or early repayment (which are permitted by law) can negatively affect future relations with banks. If the return procedure was not complicated by disputes, then most likely the refusal will not harm the borrower’s reputation. If there were delays and legal proceedings, then take it from this bank new loan it will be hard.

If you refuse an approved loan at the application stage (when the money is not issued and the agreement is not signed), this will not affect the borrower’s financial profile in any way. If the story with refusals in different banks repeated many times, financial institutions will be wary of such fickle clients. In this case, there is a possibility that the banks themselves will begin to refuse such a client.

It is hardly possible to come up with a win-win algorithm for refusing an already received loan. This would be contrary to the interests of creditor banks and would rather promote consumer extremism than help respectable borrowers.

Those. If you refuse a loan that has already been agreed upon, and even more so received, you need to be prepared for some material losses and nervous stress.

  • The first thing you should do when you are just thinking about a loan is to find out all the nuances of its termination. Under all possible circumstances.
  • Do not sign documents without reading them. This is difficult, the processing may be rushed, the loan agent is trustworthy, but you still cannot sign without reading the agreement. Just like signing in advance. (Remember - we have long been accustomed to first signing for receipt and then receiving).
  • If it becomes necessary to stop credit relations– you need to contact the bank with a written application, even if bank employees claim that this is pointless. Let them document this.
  • Official, documented communication is especially important when a client’s rights are violated. In a possible trial, documents will have the force of evidence, but not memories.
  • Always try to fully repay all bank claims. Do not leave even very small debts, because... they will give the bank the right to continue lending relationships, charge interest, penalties, etc. Some loan payments depend not on the amount of the outstanding balance, but on the very fact of debt.
  • Always demand and receive from the bank and its closure. All credit institutions have forms of such documents.

I went for a “free” consultation with a doctor, paid and still owed money. Medical centers have begun to adopt the experience of beauty salons and shamelessly impose loans on clients. How to protect yourself and your money?

A visit to the doctor can result not only in large expenses, but also in debt. Private medical centers have armed themselves with the so-called salon scheme. It all starts with an invitation to a free diagnosis, where some diseases are identified, after which a course of expensive procedures is issued on credit.

Often, clients realize that they have signed a loan agreement with the bank only at home when they carefully study the documents. Is it possible to refuse imposed services and the need to pay money to the bank?

Muscovite Svetlana Vasilyevna received a call on her mobile phone and was offered to undergo a spinal examination, they said it was free social program. They asked me to take my passport with me. At the GlobalMed medical center on Arbat, where she came, the woman took a blood test, measured her height and weight, and was advised to undergo a course of procedures. And they gave me to sign preliminary agreement. That's what they called him in the center.

At home, she discovered that she had signed not a preliminary, but a full-fledged agreement with this medical center in the amount of almost 100 thousand rubles (98,500 rubles). Plus a loan agreement with Vostochny Bank for this amount at 27% per annum for two years. Business FM has both documents at its disposal.

Svetlana Vasilievna is a pensioner, she would not take out a loan, these documents were drawn up with violations, they were slipped to her, the woman’s son-in-law, university teacher (NUST MISIS) Boris Zamansky is sure:

Boris Zamansky University professor“A loan agreement for this amount with an instruction to immediately transfer money to the party providing medical services. As it turned out, the money was gone that same day. None of the bank employees spoke. On the agreement, the signature of the bank representative is photocopied, on each page there is the signature of an unknown person - I certify the client’s signature. However, there is no client signature.”

When relatives came to terminate the contract with the medical center, they stated that the cost of services that had already been provided would be withheld. And they calculated that on the first day, the examination and biochemical blood test cost the pensioner 39 thousand rubles, that is, 40% of the contract amount.

Attempts to terminate the contract with the bank led to nothing. A couple of weeks later, calls began from collectors, supposedly from the bank, demanding repayment of the debt. After multiple statements to the police, the calls stopped, but the debt did not disappear.

This scheme was previously used by beauty salons, and now by medical centers. Here's how it works: under the pretext of a free diagnosis or procedure, people are invited to a medical center or beauty salon, and there, using psychological tricks, they are convinced to purchase expensive services or products on credit. Depending on what is being sold and to whom, the method of pressure changes. For example, in a medical facility, a client may be diagnosed with a disease that carries high risks if treatment is not started now. Beauty salons, on the contrary, inspire you with promises of beauty and eternal youth.

The problem is that when signing documents, the word “loan” is often not even mentioned. We can talk about, for example, the amount of monthly payment. The details of this conversation were told to Business FM by the victim Nina. Last year she saw on the Internet that courses foreign languages Speak Up is holding a special promotion - a month of training for free. The offer seemed interesting, the woman came to sign up for these courses, but at the office it turned out that the promotion had already ended. Since she had already arrived, she asked what days she could go and how the training would be conducted, Nina recalls:

Nina the victim “They started asking me how much I could pay per month? They started with 10-15, I think, thousand. I can’t pay that kind of money, I said no more than three thousand a month. They said - yes, everything is great, and I signed a bunch of papers that included this amount per month - something like three thousand. But then, when I came home, I discovered that it all looked like a loan in " Eastern Bank"and that I will pay this loan until 2020. That is, I signed everything there, maybe I was confused and didn’t read everything.”

It followed from the contract that Nina would have to pay 70 thousand over three years. When she realized that she was in an unpleasant situation, she contacted lawyers she knew, and they helped terminate the contract.

This scheme is mainly designed for women: pensioners, single mothers and those who are easier to put psychological pressure on. At home, such a client understands that she signed obligations that she had no intention of taking.

Attempts to terminate the contract, as a rule, lead to either a refusal to terminate or to the withholding of part of the amount. One way or another, the debt to the bank remains, says Viktor Klimov, head of the ONF project “For Borrowers’ Rights”:

Victor Klimov Head of the ONF project “For the Rights of Borrowers”“The agreement with the bank remains in force, because the bank transferred the money to this very salon, and the bank knows nothing about what you spent this money on, and you owe it to the bank, firstly, to service this agreement, and secondly, you must return this money gradually. As a rule, this ends when there are too many people willing to sue this salon; the legal entity on whose behalf these agreements were drawn up merges with the legal entity in some distant region, so that it would not only be difficult, but also impossible to litigate and somehow conduct business.”

Until recently, no one recognized such a scheme as fraudulent. Attempts to contact law enforcement agencies were unsuccessful - the victims were made to understand that it was her own fault. There is a signature on the document, which means voluntary consent. That is, the actions of such organizations do not constitute a crime.

Judicial practice is also against consumers. Several such borrowers contacted the bank " Eastern Express", indicated that they were not notified that they were entering into an agreement, were misled, and asked, accordingly, to terminate the agreement and return the funds. Almost all decisions were made in favor of the bank, says Irina Gritsenko, lawyer of the Yakovlev and Partners legal group:

Irina Gritsenko lawyer of the Yakovlev and Partners legal group“The fact is that the consideration of cases within the framework of arbitration or district courts occurs precisely according to written evidence. If a signed agreement is brought to court, the judge says: well, you saw what you signed. Therefore, the arguments that it was prerequisite provision of medical services or the person has not read these documents, unfortunately, they do not work as a defense in this case.”

Other banks, even famous ones, have also been seen participating in such schemes. And they do not hesitate to make a profit from imposed loans. AND respected banks It would be worth refusing to cooperate with dubious organizations. Both the business and the bank receive instant profit - the bank transfers money to the medical center, which the inattentive client will then return with interest.

Lawyers have found an approach to how such an agreement can be terminated. First of all, you need to prove that the services are of inadequate quality. Public organizations can help with filing applications and claims.

For example, Svetlana Vasilyevna has an agreement for the provision of paid medical services with Wellness Beauty LLC. This company provides services to the population that do not meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts, according to the results of last year’s inspection by Rospotrebnadzor. Violations and orders can be found on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office. For mysterious reasons, no other inspections or checks were carried out to ensure compliance with Rospotrebnadzor's instructions.

A mobile phone is indicated as the organization's contact. Business FM got through to him, the girl said that this was the GlobalMed medical center, introduced herself as administrator Anastasia and talked about the results of the checks:

Anastasia: We do not have such an act from Rospotrebnadzor that we have violations.

Tell me, did Rospotrebnadzor conduct any kind of inspection of you?

Anastasia: Not in the near future.

When was the last time you did it?

Anastasia: How does this relate to the patient?

Anastasia: No. As you can see, we are working.

An employee of the medical center confirmed that they can get services on credit, but assured that the contract is not drawn up without the knowledge of the patient. Allegedly, the patient himself chooses the method of payment for certain medical interventions.

Business FM spoke with another victim who believes that the Expertmed medical center imposed a loan on her, and she also now owes Vostochny Express Bank. This bank was created to support small and medium-sized businesses. Perhaps imposed loans support someone’s business, but this does not have the best effect on their reputation. Yes and financial condition bank in Lately deteriorating: the loan portfolio is being destroyed quite actively - the share of overdue debt in the current loan portfolio as of October 1, it reached almost 30% (28.7%). Recently, the Fitch agency lowered the rating of Orient Express to the default level (CCC from B-), says Maxim Osadchiy, head of the analytical department of BKF (Corporate Finance Bank):

Head of Analytical Department of the Corporate Finance Bank“This bank is controlled by the Baring Vostok fund, 51.6% belongs to various structures of this fund, and 32% belongs to the well-known entrepreneur Vitisyan Artem, who entered Vostochny after acquiring Uniastrum Bank, and, accordingly, Uniastrum Bank " was annexed to "Vostochny". This merger was the failure of the project to create a federal bank on the basis of Vostochny and Uniastrum Bank to support small and medium-sized businesses.”

Orient Express Bank did not respond to Business FM’s request. We can say a million times that before signing, you need to carefully study the contract. But in such organizations, everything is specially arranged to obtain this signature: crowds of people, stuffy rooms, signs prohibiting conversations on a mobile phone, and constant accompaniment when the client cannot think about her actions alone.

But it’s better, of course, not to get into such a situation and remember that you can sign a document only when its contents and consequences are completely clear to you. For the sake of money, unscrupulous specialists ingratiate themselves and take advantage of inopportune moments to sign important documents. IN big city you must always be on your guard.


In accordance with Article 44 of Federal Law No. 2124 “On the Mass Media”

In the text of Nadezhda Grosheva’s article “Salon Scheme” of money theft. Is it possible to refuse an imposed loan? dated December 7, 2017, the organization under the trademark “English First” was mistakenly named.

This information has been removed as it does not correspond to reality.

Cancellation of a loan agreement is possible only under certain conditions.

Situations can be different: today a person needs a loan, but tomorrow or even in a couple of hours he no longer needs it. The motivation of the borrower does not play a special role; what is important is the stage at which the decision was made to cancel the loan, and the need to comply with certain formalities in order to get out of the situation with minimal losses or without them at all. So is it possible to refuse to receive a loan from a bank that has already been taken out?

Three possible scenarios

In practice, three situations are possible, depending on which a bank client can take certain actions aimed at refusing a loan. If we proceed from the principle “from simple to complex”, then such situations will look like this:

  1. The application has been approved, but the contract has not been signed. The application and its approval are actions that the parties do not oblige to anything. In such a situation, communication and interaction with the bank can simply be stopped without any consequences, or, showing politeness, you can notify the bank of the loan refusal (if you don’t know how to write a loan refusal from a bank, you can download the sample below).
  2. The agreement was drawn up, signed and the money was at the disposal of the borrower, but the latter immediately, on the same day or a little later, decided to withdraw the loan without spending a penny of the loan amount. In this case, the situation is not very complicated, but you will have to resort to the procedure for early repayment of the loan in full and, in addition to returning the principal amount, pay off at least the interest during the “use” of the loan. Even a few minutes or hours will be counted as 1 day, for which you have to pay off the bank. Please note that under mortgage agreements, some banks establish a moratorium on early repayment (even partial) of the loan, which is usually valid for the first months.
  3. The agreement has been signed, but the loan has not yet been made available to the borrower. This development of events, although outwardly it seems simple, is no coincidence considered to be the most complex, since it can develop according to the scenario indicated in the first case, and in such a way that it will be necessary to resort to the procedure of complete early return loan. It’s one thing if the amount is small, but losing serious money by paying interest on something you never had time to use is pitiful and unfair.

According to Article 821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the loan agreement, the borrower may completely or partially refuse to receive a loan by notifying the bank. The notice period is allotted until the loan is granted, and the loan period is established, again, by the loan agreement.

Thus, the law says that the terms of how to cancel the loan must be determined by the parties in the contract. It is clear that usually these conditions are dictated by the bank, and by signing the agreement, the client simply agrees to them.

Unfortunately, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not define or disclose the concepts of “receiving a loan” and “providing a loan,” so many borrowers tend to believe that both receiving and providing a loan are one and the same thing, and means the moment when the money arrived in their order: to account, in cash, trade organization, from which the goods were purchased on credit, etc. This approach, as well as the often confusion of the concepts of “credit” and “loan,” makes one think that refusing a loan without financial consequences You can do so at any time until the money is available. This is wrong:

  • provisions of laws applicable to loans, in particular Article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the conclusion of an agreement is the moment of transfer of money, do not apply to loans;
  • you need to start from what is written in the loan agreement, and the procedure for granting and receiving a loan from different banks and in different credit products are different.

Things are different with consumer loans. Here the Law clearly states that the agreement is regarded as concluded when an agreement is reached between the bank and the borrower on all individual credit conditions, which in fact means the parties sign the agreement.

In general, the borrower’s procedure for refusing a loan will be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to promptly prepare and submit a loan waiver application to the bank. The sooner this is done, the better.
  2. After the bank gives an answer, agree with it or challenge it in court.
  3. If you agree to early repayment, you must write a corresponding statement to the creditor bank. It is not required when consumer lending, if the borrower repays the entire amount and interest within 14 days from the date of receipt conventional loan and within 30 days from the date of receipt of the targeted loan.

In some cases, the bank may agree to make concessions and not charge interest if the client has just received a loan and immediately refused it. But such issues are resolved on an individual basis, and this is the right, but not the obligation of the creditor, except in cases where this is expressly stated in the agreement.

It makes sense to sue the bank only when terminating the loan is really very expensive, that is, the required amount of interest is high. But do not forget that during the time of resolving the dispute, they can come running everywhere. high interest than it was originally.

If you still have questions about terminating a loan agreement with a bank at the borrower’s initiative, our on-duty lawyer is ready to answer them promptly.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that bank advertising left and right offers customers “ happy life today”… in . Today you can purchase almost any product on credit, from simple mobile phone before new apartment. Banks argue that you can’t save money all your life, that with its help you can afford to buy anything you want. That you need to take advantage of opportunities while you have strength, youth, and beauty. Sooner or later, a person begins to understand that lending is banking service he doesn't need it. That this is just a way for the bank to earn its own money. And decides to refuse the loan.

How to opt out of loan insurance

When you fill out an application, you need to do it extremely carefully. Be especially careful about those points that are written in fine print on the application form. For example, pay attention to the fact that you do not have to pay for insurance, that the fact of non-payment cannot affect the bank’s decision to issue you a loan. Banks benefit from customers purchasing insurance. Many Insurance companies They pay banks a commission for referring clients. Naturally, bank managers will do everything to ensure that you take insurance services that you do not always need for granted. There will be a clause on the loan application form stating that you confirm your refusal of insurance - just don’t skip it.

When can you cancel a loan?

If you have already entered into a loan agreement with the bank, but subsequently decided not to take out a loan, you can refuse it - you have the legal right to do so. Today in our country the rules of Art. 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which spell out all the features of contracts. It also talks about the loan agreement. You should remember that the agreement is considered concluded not when you put your signature on it, but when you receive money from the bank. In other words, if the agreement has already been signed, but the money under it has not yet been transferred (or you have not collected it at the bank’s cash desk, for example), then you can safely contact the bank and talk about the need to terminate the agreement. In this case they have no right to refuse you. If the money has already been credited to your account, the loan agreement will have retroactive effect within ten days.

How to cancel a loan

Sooner or later, a person begins to understand that he does not need lending as a banking service. That this is just a way for the bank to earn its own money. And decides to refuse the loan.

Even if the bank loan has already been issued, you have gone through all the necessary procedures for preparing for lending (for example, when the property being purchased is assessed, etc.), you are not required to sign a loan agreement if you change your mind about taking a loan. It doesn't matter how much time was spent on it. An unsigned agreement guarantees that you and the bank do not have rights and obligations under the transaction. Legal consequences your reluctance to take out an already issued loan will not work. To avoid such situations, ask the bank manager to provide you with a sample loan agreement in advance so that you can carefully study it in a calm home environment.

How to refuse a mortgage loan

So, imagine that you decided to buy an apartment on credit, managed to apply for a mortgage and sign the appropriate loan agreement with the bank. In this case, as a rule, the bank does not transfer money to the client’s account, but uses it to purchase housing. And now everything is ready, but in the evening you and your wife weighed all the pros and cons and decided not to get into a mortgage, but to try to raise money on your own over several years and buy real estate yourself. If all the deadlines for formal termination of the loan agreement have passed, you will need to write to the bank an application for early repayment of the loan, taking into account that the bank will return all its money on its own. In this case, you will most likely have to pay interest for several days of using the loan, but you will be able to refuse the deal with the bank.

Advice from Before signing a loan agreement with a bank or borrowing money from a bank, carefully read the documents they give you to sign. Often bank managers hand over documents with checkboxes where you need to sign. Do not do this until you have re-read the entire document and clarified the data on each point that seems unclear to you.