Vostochny Bank loan rate 9.9. Orient Express Bank – cash loan using passport

Eastern Express bank - large financial institution, offering simple loans. The bank's policy is loyalty to potential borrowers and simple conditions for obtaining loans. Orient Express offers a variety of loan programs available to a wide range of citizens.

Non-targeted programs

When applying for standard loan programs, the borrower spends the funds received at his own discretion. During the application process, a citizen may be asked about the purpose of applying for a loan, but in the end it is not necessary to comply with this purpose.


Standard loan program of Orient Express Bank, available to a wide range of citizens. This is a simple cash loan that you can get on the same day of application. The amount issued is 25 000–500 000 rubles The rate will be 14,9–52% per annum.

The interest rate on consumer loans at Orient Express Bank is set individually for each citizen who applies and depends on the status of the borrower, his personal data, credit history and documents provided.


Orient Express is one of the few banks that is loyal to elderly borrowers and has developed a special loan program for them.

  • The program is designed for elderly citizens; borrowers can be women from 50 years and men from 55 years.
  • Maximum age limit - 76 years by the time the loan is closed.
  • Funds are issued to both working and non-working pensioners.
  • The program is designed to receive the amount 25 000–50 000 rubles for up to 3 years or up to 200 000 rubles with a term of up to 5 years.
  • The rate will be 34% per annum.


Special offer for borrowers with good credit history who have already used the services of Orient Express Bank. These citizens have access to the amount 50 000 500 000 rubles at the rate 6–36,5% per annum for up to 5 years.


Offered to citizen participants salary project who get their wages not an account at Orient Express Bank. Such citizens can receive in total 100 000–500 000 rubles at the rate 24,5–47% per annum for a period 1–5 years.

Targeted loan for repairs

A consumer loan from Orient Express Bank for repairs is provided in the form of line of credit. After registration, the borrower is issued a Eurorepair card, to which the credit limit will be connected.

Borrower upon payment building materials, interior items and equipment from the bank's partners receives discounts.

The amount issued is limited to 200 000–500 000 rubles Annual rate will be within 23,47–26,99% , the payment period can be set up to 5 years.

comparison table

Requirements for the borrower

Orient Express Bank is distinguished by its loyalty towards borrowers, so there are no excessive requirements.

The requirements are very simple:

  • Borrower age according to standard credit programs- this is 21–65 years old. When applying for a loan for pensioners, the maximum age limit is set at 75 years. Speaking about the maximum age of the borrower, Orient Express Bank means that at the end of payments, without taking into account the possibility early repayment the client should not be fulfilled 65 or 75 years.
  • Only persons with Russian citizenship are eligible for credit.
  • Registration should only be permanent. Registration and residence of the borrower - in any city where there are branches of Orient Express Bank.
  • The citizen must be employed and receive a regular income. Work experience at current place of employment - no less 3 months. This requirement does not apply to citizens of retirement age applying for a Pension Credit.
  • The borrower's income must be sufficient to make monthly payments and subsequent financial stability.

Required documents

For small amounts issued, Orient Express does not require citizens to provide a large package of documentation. But if you're interested large sum loan, then you must collect a package of documents, including certificates from work.

The number of documents is directly related to the amount processed:

  • 25,000–200,000 rubles. In this case, Orient Express will not require anything else from the citizen other than a passport.
  • 200,001–300,000 rubles. Here you need to add a second document to your passport, which can be a foreign passport, driving license, title card for your car, pension certificate, military ID, real estate documents, deposit agreement and some others.
  • 300,001–500,000 rubles. You must attach a certificate of income, Form 2NDFL, to your passport. The bank provides for the impossibility of providing an official 2-NDFL, if the borrower cannot bring it, then he will be required to have a second document of his choice plus a certificate of income in the bank’s form.

If the borrower's age is less than 25 years, then, regardless of the amount issued, he must attach to the passport one of the documents of his choice: certificate 2-NDFL, a combination of the second document + a certificate in the bank form, a copy of the work book or employment contract, certified by the employer.

Certificates regarding income received and the fact of employment are valid for no more than a month, so they must be ordered in advance.

Details about Orient Express Bank programs can be seen in the general conditions of consumer loans.

Fines and penalties

According to the agreement that the borrower signs before disbursing funds, he undertakes to pay on time monthly payments in accordance with the provided payment schedule.

If this requirement is not met, Orient Express imposes penalties, which depend on the amount received:

  • 25,000–50,000 rubles. Fine - 590 rubles for each delay.
  • 50001–100000 rubles. Fine - 600 rubles for the first delay and 1000 rubles for subsequent
  • 100,001–200,000 rubles. Fine - 800 rubles for the first delay, 1300 for the second and 18 000 for subsequent ones.
  • 200,001–500,000 rubles. The fines, accordingly, are 1000 , 1500 And 2000 rubles

Credit holidays

If the borrower has any difficulties paying the monthly payment, then Orient Express is ready to provide him with credit holidays, which allow him to take a break in payments for a period 1–3 month.

During the credit holidays appointed by the bank, the citizen pays only interest, and receives a deferment for the payment of the principal debt.

You can take vacations several times, the main thing is that there is at least a break between them 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

An obvious advantage for the borrower is the availability of loans from Orient Express Bank.

For amounts up to 200,000 rubles, you don’t even need to provide proof of employment.

Also, the programs of this bank are distinguished by their urgency and the ability to receive money on the same day of application. The application is considered in total 5 minutes.

But the downside is interest rates, which are not very profitable.

But this is directly related to the simple conditions of issuance, thus the bank compensates itself for the increased risks.

It is best to contact Orient Express Bank for citizens who need to receive money as quickly as possible and for those who are unable to bring a certificate of income.

In the ratings of banks issuing cash loans without proof of income and only with a passport, Orient Express rightfully occupies a leading position. It is in this bank that you can get a loan using one document already on the day of treatment. All you need to do is submit an application in person or online way and wait for her approval.

Cash loan terms at Vostochny Express Bank

In Vostochny Bank among different credit offers, there are two loans where you can get cash only with your passport. This is an “Equal Payment” cash loan and consumer loan“Seasonal”. Both have their own conditions, but for each of them it remains possible to receive a loan only with a passport and on the day of application.

Cash loan – “Equal payment”

  • Amount: from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate: from 22.7%;

Consumer loan in cash – “Seasonal”

  • Amount: from 25,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • Loan term: from 13 to 36 months;
  • Interest rate: 11.5%;
  • Application review time: from 15 minutes.

Requirements for borrowers

The requirements that the bank imposes on its future clients are generally no different from the requirements of other banks:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Age: from 21 to 76 years;
  • Work experience at last place of employment of at least 3 months;
  • Residence and registration in the city where Vostochny Bank has branches.

It should be noted that for both credit products We are running a “Recommendation” campaign, in which 1,000 bonus rubles are awarded for each client you bring to the bank. Such a small but pleasant bonus. Also for these loan products you can use the service “ Credit holidays" The holidays will allow you to pay only interest on the loan for 1-3 months. Making loan repayment payments without commission is possible only through the bank's cash desk or through its own ATM.

How to apply online for a loan?

Get a cash loan from Orient Express Bank, even if you applied online loan application You can only do it at the bank itself. Therefore, you need to choose the branch closest to you and receive the necessary funds there.


Cash loan with passport and without certificates from Orient Express Bank good decision if you need money very urgently. After all, for a minimum package of documents, quite acceptable interest rates and the speed of decision-making on loan approval are maintained.

A consumer loan from Eastern Express Bank in 2019 can be taken at favorable conditions with a low interest rate. Eastern Bank loan products in 2019 are available to many categories of individuals. The main activity of the bank is increasing loyalty to its customers, clear conditions for obtaining a loan, fast processing of applications and prompt cash issuance. Cash is issued at consumer needs and are spent by the borrower at his own discretion. A wide range of loan products gives clients the opportunity to choose suitable conditions.

Interest rate

Maximum interest rate

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Interest rate on consumer loans in Eastern Bank depends on individual characteristics individual who submitted the application. Many products have interest rates ranging from a minimum to a maximum. Bank managers, considering the client’s personal data, set the final rate at which the borrower can take out a loan.

Minimum loan amount

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Depending on the amount and term of the loan, different rates are provided. For products with a small loan amount and short term, high rates are set. As the loan amount increases, the rate decreases.

Maximum loan amount

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IN separate category Pensioners are singled out as borrowers; a special product is provided for them, allowing them to receive up to 100 thousand rubles. without collateral and without collateral. In this case, the percentage will be quite high from 22.7% to 39%, high rate due to the high risk of non-return.

Minimum loan term

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The terms of a consumer loan at Vostochny Bank are simple to fulfill and do not require additional documents. General terms and conditions are Russian citizenship, reaching 21 years of age when submitting an application at the branch, or reaching 26 years of age when applying online. The maximum age should not exceed 76 years.

Maximum loan term

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The application requires permanent registration in the region where the branch is located. This does not have to be the region in which you are applying for a loan. The main thing is that there is a branch in the region of registration.

To take out a loan, you must have a total work experience of at least 12 months, of which at least 3 months were at your last place of work. If the borrower's age is less than 26 years, the work experience in the last place must be 12 months.

Minimum borrower age

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The application review time is kept to a minimum and is 15 minutes, but the conditions stipulate that the review time can be up to 1 business day. Funds are issued to an account or to an issued bank card.

Maximum borrower age

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Credit conditions provide for the availability grace period during which the payment amount can be 100 rubles, maximum term grace period 5 months. The presence of a grace period allows you to postpone the first full payment for up to 5 months. This makes it possible to resolve your financial difficulties and be fully prepared to begin repaying your debt.

Application review period

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A special feature of the Vostochny conditions is the presence of a one-time commission for the transfer Money to the client’s account from 4.9% to 6.5% of the loan amount, as well as a commission for withdrawing cash from ATMs or when transferring to another bank in the amount of 399 rubles.

How to take

Take consumer loan in the Eastern Bank you can by sending an application; for this you need to contact any branch of the Eastern Bank or submit an application online. When applying online, the minimum age of the borrower must be 26 years.

After filling out the application, bank specialists will call you back to clarify the parameters. Everyone will be asked on the phone the necessary conditions, then Eastern Bank will begin to consider the application on its merits.

Validity period of the decision

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Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Eastern Bank will determine the conditions under which the loan will be provided. If you agree to these conditions, you must come to the department with documents. At the office, employees will check the submitted documents, prepare a loan agreement and answer any questions you may have.

The paperwork ends with signing loan agreement, after which funds will be transferred to your account. You can get cash at any ATM or bank teller. Please note that there is a fee for receiving cash.

Work experience

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Repayment and early repayment

Loan repayment is possible by depositing money into an account or card through ATMs or in branches. If you do not have a card, you need to contact the assistants in the operating room, get an electronic queue coupon and make a payment to the cashier.

Payment via the Internet is possible on the official website of Vostochny. A special widget is located on all main pages of the site; funds are credited within 2 business days.

Regular payments are guaranteed by:

  • No sanctions, penalties or fines.
  • Excellent credit history.
  • Preferential rates on new loans.
  • Freedom to travel abroad.

If you have any questions or difficulties with payment, you can always contact hotline by phone.


A loan product called “Seasonal” is advantageous offer, in case you need small amount for a short period of time. No collateral or proof of income is required.

Minimum interest rate

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Everyone may face unforeseen circumstances that involve financial difficulties. In such cases, a bank loan can come to the rescue.

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The number of banks is quite large, and each of them offers its own conditions for issuing such a cash loan. Possible in short time receive money in cash and resolve unexpected problems.

A Question of Choice suitable bank Quite serious, because the solution to your troubles and financial stability depend on it.

Before you take out a loan, you need to study the conditions of all the largest and most reliable banks. One such solution financial problem is a cash loan from Orient Express Bank using your passport, which you can apply for under very favorable conditions for you.

Requirements for the borrower

You can get a loan for any personal purpose by contacting a branch of Orient Express Bank.

The man who wants to take similar loan, must meet the following requirements:

  • be between the ages of 21 and 76 (the same for women and men);
  • have registration;
  • The length of service at the last job must be at least three months;
  • documents confirming income in accordance with personal income tax form Not needed;
  • no collateral or guarantor required.

The client, if he wishes, can receive life and health insurance services. It corresponds to the basic conditions for the provision of a loan and is determined by the terms of the loan.

The interest rate on a cash loan at Orient Express Bank is determined by the loan amount, as well as the availability of certain benefits

Design options

For those who want to take out a loan cash currency The bank offers several registration methods:

One document at a time This option offers an amount of 25 thousand - 200 thousand rubles. The repayment period can be up to 36 months. The interest rate in this case will be 20-53% per annum, depending on the terms of the loan. The application is submitted on the official website. It will only take a few minutes to review it.
According to two documents Characterized by the issuance of a credit card for an amount of 50 thousand rubles and above. The interest rate will be from 29.9% per annum. But to apply for a loan, you must provide a passport, as well as any other document confirming your identity. It is chosen by the borrower himself.
Equal payment
  • You can get up to 200 thousand rubles for credit card. The limit can be increased. To do this, you do not need to contact the bank branch again. To apply for such a loan, you only need to provide a passport.
  • When cash is withdrawn from the account, the commission will cost 4.9% of the amount, as well as 399 rubles. Annual size interest rate equals 29%.
Secured by real estate You can get a loan of up to 15 million rubles. The rate will be from 16% per year. The contract can be drawn up for quite long term, up to 20 years.

Cash loan on a plastic card at Orient Express Bank

For those who often need money before payday, but do not want to apply for long-term loan, you can order a personal credit card. To do this, simply submit an application online on the bank’s website.

Having such a card, you can withdraw the necessary funds at any time sum of money, which does not exceed the established limit. Later it must be returned by replenishing the account in any way. You can pay directly at the bank's cash desk, use a terminal or postal order.

The credit card has a number of advantages:

  • no interest charged for use credit money if they are returned within deadline(56 days);
  • if your use of the card shows positive dynamics, it will be possible to increase the amount of credit funds;
  • Paying for purchases in certain stores gives discounts and bonuses that are not subject to bank interest.

By submitting an application, you can receive one of the following credit cards:

How to quickly apply for a loan

Using the calculator you can also calculate how much you will have to pay per month, taking into account interest charges. Thanks to this, you can analyze your capabilities even before applying for a loan, and choose the most suitable option for you.

If you have any questions, you can contact bank representatives at the numbers provided or use online consultation.

You can find out the addresses of bank branches using the official website, or use the Internet by entering the correct query. Having regional settings set in your search engine will automatically return addresses in your region.

For pensioners

Applying for a loan from the Eastern Bank is available to people of retirement age, regardless of whether they have a job. To do this, you will only need to provide a passport; no additional certificates are needed.

The loan can be obtained by persons under 76 years of age. It should be noted that this age mark refers to the end of loan payments. That is, if you want to take out a loan, for example, for two years, then you must be a maximum of 74 years old. There is also a minimum age requirement for applying for a loan. For women it is 50 years old, for men - 55.

The borrower must live in the territory where there are bank branches. For a working pensioner, the period of work in the last place must be at least three months. If the pensioner does not work, then the pension must be of such a size that it is possible to make loan payments.