Eastern Bank cash loan conditions. How to get a cash loan from Eastern Express Bank

How to get a loan at a low interest rate?

Lowest interest rate provided credit program, according to which the loan is issued against the borrower’s real estate. In this case, the overpayment is less than 10%, and repayment terms vary from 13 months to 20 years.

If this option does not suit you, then you can take out a loan from Orient Express Bank under one of the following loan programs:

  1. "Big money" or " Seasonal loan" You are guaranteed a minimum interest rate, but to apply for a loan you must provide proof of your income level.
  2. "Equal payment." A good option for those who don’t know where to get a consumer loan without an income certificate.
  3. "Pensioner". Suitable for seniors aged 50 to 76 years. There are restrictions on the loan amount, but proof of income as such is not required. Moreover, within the framework of this program, Orient Express Bank offers quite small interest rates on the loan.

How to get a loan?

Going to the bank, filling out documents and standing in lines is completely optional. To apply for a loan from the Orient Express Bank company, a loan application is completed online through the website. Enter all your information and wait for a response from a bank representative. The review takes from 5 minutes to several days depending on which program was chosen.

Every person should have a dream.

“Believe in your dream! It has a pleasant feature - it comes true,” said Omar Khayyam.

Vostochny Bank provides cash loans to make your dreams and the dreams of your loved ones come true. Various options are offered based on the requirements and capabilities of each client.

What documents are needed for lending? To formalize the contract, you must provide an application and a minimum set of documents: passport for the express program; documents confirming your solvency when applying for a large loan.

Features of lending to clients of Vostochny Bank

Before applying for a consumer loan, we recommend calculating the parameters using the loan calculator on the website www.vostbank.ru. As soon as you enter the required amount, you will instantly receive an estimated monthly payment amount.

After this, the cursor will show the most attractive program. Anyone can find out the preliminary decision in personal account. Depending on your creditworthiness, we can select the appropriate product and change/customize parameters such as term, amount and method of receipt.

Loan products are very simple and convenient

After receiving borrowed money, you need to think about how best to repay your obligations under the contract. You can pay your obligations in any suitable way:

  • pay online on the website;
  • through the branch cash desk;
  • payment through a call center employee 8-800-100-7-100
  • deposit cash through ATMs and terminals;
  • pay in your personal account;
  • pay through partners.

Currently valid special offer: After receiving the money, it is possible to pay interest only for up to 5 months.

Applying for a loan at Vostochny Bank

It's very easy to apply! Use the online form (you only need to fill out 6 fields), get a preliminary decision in 15 minutes, select a date for a meeting with the manager. When visiting the office together with a specialist, fill out additional information in the form to receive cash.

You can obtain borrowed funds from the Bank based on minimum requirements. It is possible to draw up an agreement without certificates and guarantors; there are special easy loans for pensioners.

The borrower's age can be from 21 to 76 years (taking into account the contract period). The interest rate is from 11.5%.

You can apply for an express loan using your passport. However, it is worth remembering that in any case you will need to register with locality presence of a branch of the organization. It is even possible to consider applications from persons with poor credit history! When issuing a loan, services are provided that will help you make monthly payments on time, without delays.

Features of consumer lending secured

If you want to take a large sum under more low interest, secured lending terms are suitable for you. The interest on such loans ranges from 9.9%. Very in a convenient way receiving borrowed money is a card “Secured by real estate”. This card is suitable if you do not need the entire loan at once, but want to spend it gradually or have a large “financial” cushion.

It is possible to borrow an amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles using a car as collateral. The rate is quite low - from 19%. The main conditions are as follows:

  • Limit: 100 thousand - 1 million;
  • Duration: 12 – 60 months;
  • Borrower insurance is optional;
  • Security is a car deposit vehicle;
  • The application is reviewed within 1 business day;
  • The work experience at the last place of work is from 3 months (more than 12 months for persons under 26 years of age).

To apply for a loan, a minimum package of documents is required:

  1. passport,
  2. vehicle passport,
  3. vehicle registration certificate.

The collateral can be both foreign-made and domestic machines. The main condition is that the vehicle has no encumbrance. More detailed information We recommend that you find out by calling the hotline or from employees.

Cash loan secured by real estate

It is possible to take out a larger loan at a lower rate under the property-secured loan program. The manager will help you choose a comfortable one monthly payment, since the repayment period under this program is long, it can be up to 240 months.

Additional security - surety individual. A mortgage is issued on the subject of collateral. It is possible to choose a comfortable option for servicing this contract, and if necessary, use the service “ Credit holidays».

Special offers for pensioners

This is especially important for those who have not worked for a significant period of time before reaching retirement age or have worked without a formal contract. Monthly payments are made evenly, early payment is possible. Service occurs without queues, by agreement with the manager.

Promotions and bonuses

For those who love savings and bonuses, there is a special “Bring a Friend” promotion. With this promotion, borrowers can win 1000 bonuses, and their friends can win 500 bonuses. Moreover, 1 bonus is equal to 1 ruble. Every borrower becomes a participant in the promotion. To participate, you need to find a special link on the site and send it to a friend. After your friend uses the organization’s services, you and he will be awarded bonuses.

There is also the opportunity to refinance at lower interest rates with a comfortable repayment period of up to 5 years.

Obtaining loans for individuals is possible with only two documents: a passport and an income certificate 2-NDFL or according to the Bank’s form. Approval takes place almost without refusals.

What is important for a client of Vostochny Bank to know?

To avoid arrears, a client of Vostochny Bank can find out the debt as follows:

You can make payment in several ways, both via the Internet, without leaving your home, or in the Vostochny office. You can also make a transfer online from a card of another organization. Many borrowers have salary card Sberbank.

In this case, the most comfortable and fastest way to make payments is using the Sberbank Online application. And if you download the application on mobile phone, payments can be made at any place convenient for you, for example, on a bus or in a store.

VIP service

For particularly demanding and wealthy clients, there is a VIP privileges club, which opens up wide opportunities for its members. These are, first of all, loans of up to 150 million rubles for the purchase of exclusive cars, premium service in specialized departments, investment programs, special conditions borrower insurance. At each stage of work, the VIP client is under special supervision; if necessary, the application is considered in a shorter time.

Seasonal offers

Where can the funds received be used?

The money received can be spent for any purpose, both for refinancing at Vostochny and for repaying another loan at another institution. The most best ways repayments according to borrowers' reviews are

  1. payment by card,
  2. payment through Sberbank online,
  3. transfer from one card to another.

In addition, it is very profitable to order debit card“Super protection” with a set of unique services.

High probability of approval when submitting an application through our service

Amount - up to 3,000,000 rubles

Fill out the loan application online

Methods receiving:


Famous financial institution with an extensive branch network, took care of the interests of borrowers of various categories and developed a wide range of banking products. Attractive conditions for providing borrowed funds for individuals and legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, allow each applicant to choose on the official website and apply online loan from PJSC CB "Vostochny" according to current circumstances and personal preferences. Reasonable and justified requirements for applicants ensure easy and simple obtaining of a loan with a moderate overpayment and unburdensome regular payments.

Take a loan from CB "Orient Express Bank"

To implement your consumer plans, you should contact the Orient Express Bank CB and take out a cash loan for urgent needs. It is necessary to decide on exact amount borrowed funds and the desired duration of lending, familiarize yourself with the products presented and choose an attractive loan option:

  • express loan using a passport;
  • impressive loan with minimum interest upon confirmation of solvency;
  • special offer for pensioners;
  • borrow money secured by a car;
  • a large long-term loan for any purpose, secured by collateral of a real estate property.

In addition to non-targeted cash loans, regular and new borrowers are available credit cards, car loans and mortgage programs.

Applying online for a loan at Vostochny Bank

Completing an online application for any type of loan at Vostochny guarantees a prompt preliminary response from the lender without an in-person visit to the office. Preparing a remote request includes selecting the optimal parameters for a future loan and filling out a questionnaire via the Internet to provide information about the characteristics of the applicant and contact information. Helps you instantly calculate upcoming payments without leaving home credit calculator on the institution's website.

It is necessary to objectively assess your own ability to repay the debt and ensure a comfortable payment schedule. An increase in the period for fulfilling obligations leads to a decrease in the amount of monthly contributions. At the same time, the total overpayment increases. However early repayment is allowed at any time during the contract and allows you to save on interest.

Consumer loan at Orient Express Bank

Requirements for candidates are limited to simple conditions. To successfully apply to Orient Express Bank for a consumer loan, it is enough to have:

  1. Russian citizenship;
  2. age from 21 years (at the time of conclusion of the transaction) to 76 years (at the date of expiration of the contract);
  3. registration in the territory of presence of the organization’s subdivision;
    source of regular income;
  4. work experience in the current workplace for at least 3 months;
  5. positive financial biography.

Approval of a request in the presence of existing loans is allowed if the client’s earnings are sufficient to fulfill obligations to all creditors.

Obtaining a loan online at PJSC CB "Vostochny"

In the ratings of banks issuing cash loans without proof of income and only with a passport, Orient Express rightfully occupies a leading position. It is in this bank that you can get a loan using one document on the same day of application. All you need to do is submit an application in person or online way and wait for her approval.

Cash loan terms at Vostochny Express Bank

In Vostochny Bank among different credit offers, there are two loans where you can get cash only with a passport. These are a cash loan “Equal payment” and a consumer loan “Seasonal”. Both have their own conditions, but for each of them it remains possible to receive a loan only with a passport and on the day of application.

Cash loan – “Equal payment”

  • Amount: from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate: from 22.7%;

Consumer cash loan – “Seasonal”

  • Amount: from 25,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • Loan term: from 13 to 36 months;
  • Interest rate: 11.5%;
  • Application review time: from 15 minutes.

Requirements for borrowers

The requirements that the bank imposes on its future clients are generally no different from the requirements of other banks:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Age: from 21 to 76 years;
  • Work experience at last place of work for at least 3 months;
  • Residence and registration in the city where Vostochny Bank has branches.

It should be noted that for both credit products We are running a “Recommendation” campaign, in which 1,000 bonus rubles are awarded for each client you bring to the bank. Such a small but pleasant bonus. You can also use the “Credit Holidays” service for these loan products. The holidays will allow you to pay only interest on the loan for 1-3 months. Making loan repayment payments without commission is possible only through the bank's cash desk or through its own ATM.

How to apply online for a loan?

You can get a cash loan from Orient Express Bank, even if you applied for a loan online, only at the bank itself. Therefore, you need to choose the branch closest to you and receive the necessary funds there.


Cash loan with passport and without certificates from Orient Express Bank good decision if you need money very urgently. After all, for a minimum package of documents, quite acceptable interest rates and the speed of decision-making on loan approval are maintained.

A consumer loan from Eastern Express Bank in 2019 can be taken at favorable conditions with a low interest rate. Eastern Bank loan products in 2019 are available to many categories of individuals. The main direction of the bank's activities is increasing loyalty to its customers, clear conditions for obtaining a loan, fast processing of applications and prompt cash issuance. Cash is issued at consumer needs and are spent by the borrower at his own discretion. A wide range of loan products gives clients the opportunity to choose suitable conditions.

Interest rate

Maximum interest rate

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Interest rate on consumer loans V Eastern Bank depends on the individual characteristics of the individual submitting the application. Many products have interest rates ranging from a minimum to a maximum. Bank managers, considering the client’s personal data, set the final rate at which the borrower can take out a loan.

Minimum loan amount

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Depending on the amount and term of the loan, different rates are provided. For products with a small loan amount and short term high rates are set. As the loan amount increases, the rate decreases.

Maximum loan amount

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IN separate category Pensioners are singled out as borrowers; a special product is provided for them, allowing them to receive up to 100 thousand rubles. without collateral and without collateral. In this case, the percentage will be quite high from 22.7% to 39%, high rate due to the high risk of non-return.

Minimum loan term

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The terms of a consumer loan at Vostochny Bank are simple to fulfill and do not require additional documents. General terms and conditions are Russian citizenship, reaching 21 years of age when submitting an application at the branch, or reaching 26 years of age when applying online. The maximum age should not exceed 76 years.

Maximum loan term

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The application requires permanent registration in the region where the branch is located. This does not have to be the region in which you are applying for a loan. The main thing is that there is a branch in the region of registration.

To take out a loan, you must have a total work experience of at least 12 months, of which at least 3 months were at your last place of work. If the borrower's age is less than 26 years, the work experience in the last place must be 12 months.

Minimum borrower age

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The application review time is kept to a minimum and is 15 minutes, but the conditions stipulate that the review time can be up to 1 business day. Funds are issued to an account or to an issued bank card.

Maximum borrower age

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Credit conditions provide for the availability grace period during which the payment amount can be 100 rubles, maximum term grace period 5 months. The presence of a grace period allows you to postpone the first full payment for up to 5 months. This makes it possible to resolve your financial difficulties and be fully prepared to begin repaying your debt.

Application review period

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A special feature of the Vostochny conditions is the presence of a one-time commission for the transfer Money to the client’s account from 4.9% to 6.5% of the loan amount, as well as a commission for withdrawing cash from ATMs or when transferring to another bank in the amount of 399 rubles.

How to take

You can take out a consumer loan from Vostochny Bank by sending an application; to do this, you need to contact any branch of Vostochny Bank or submit an application online. When applying online, the minimum age of the borrower must be 26 years.

After filling out the application, bank specialists will call you back to clarify the parameters. Everyone will be asked on the phone the necessary conditions, then Eastern Bank will begin to consider the application on its merits.

Validity period of the decision

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Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Eastern Bank will determine the conditions under which the loan will be provided. If you agree to these conditions, you must come to the department with documents. At the office, employees will check the submitted documents, prepare a loan agreement and answer any questions you may have.

The paperwork ends with signing loan agreement, after which funds will be transferred to your account. You can get cash at any ATM or bank teller. Please note that there is a fee for receiving cash.

Work experience

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Repayment and early repayment

Loan repayment is possible by depositing money into an account or card through ATMs or in branches. If you do not have a card, you need to contact the assistants in the operating room, get an electronic queue coupon and make a payment to the cashier.

Payment via the Internet is possible on the official website of Vostochny. A special widget is located on all main pages of the site; funds are credited within 2 business days.

Regular payments are guaranteed by:

  • No sanctions, penalties or fines.
  • Excellent credit history.
  • Preferential rates on new loans.
  • Freedom to travel abroad.

If you have any questions or difficulties with payment, you can always contact hotline by phone.


A loan product called “Seasonal” is advantageous offer, in case you need small amount for a short period of time. No collateral or proof of income is required.

Minimum interest rate

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