In which countries what currency is used? World currencies

These currencies are leading, or rather the countries that issue them.

Surely most of the readers immediately remembered Belarusian ruble and its disproportionately low exchange rate. However, as it turned out, the ruble of the Republic of Belarus is far from being the most cheap currency in the world. In addition, since July 1, 2016, the currency of Belarus went through another redenomination, after which it reduced the three zeros and began to look less deplorable.

The list of the cheapest currencies changes daily and it is quite difficult to establish definitely who is now leading among the cheapest world currencies, since the economic situation in countries, and throughout the world, is changing dramatically.

However, a certain sequence and list of devalued national currencies can be identified, so let’s look at the 10 cheapest currencies in the world in relation to the ruble and dollar.

#1 – Iranian Rial (~114,000 IRR/USD)

Currency code - IRR.

Iranian rial exchange rate:
1 USD = ~114,000 IRR(Dollar to Iranian rial – black market).
1 USD = 42,090.05 IRR(Dollar to Iranian rial - official exchange rate).
1 RUB = 669.17 IRR(Ruble to Iranian rial).

The Iran-Iraq War, attacks on Israel, and the threat nuclear weapons literally to the whole world from the Iranian government led to the imposition of a number of restrictive economic and political sanctions on the country by the world superpowers. These measures, in particular, restricting access to the world market commodities led to a significant deterioration in the economic situation in the country.

Iran, being oil country, could no longer supply his goods to the world stage, as a result of which he received significant deficit in the budget.

For these reasons, cheapest currency in the world– Iranian rial.

Since 2016, the US and EU have been alternately lifting some sanctions against Iran, which should lead to an improvement in the economic situation and possibly stabilization of the national currency.

#2 – Venezuelan Bolívar (44,000 VES/USD)

Currency code - VES(old code – VEF).

Venezuelan bolivar exchange rate:
1 USD = 44,498.65 VES(Dollar to Venezuelan Bolivar).
1 RUB = 707.70 VES(Ruble to Venezuelan Bolivar).

Venezuelan Bolivar– currency with the highest inflation rate.

The denomination took place on August 20, 2018. The main reason for the redenomination was hyperinflation of about 830,000%.

Before the redenomination, $1 was worth ~248,487 VEF. Old banknotes were replaced with new ones at a ratio of 1 new VES to 100,000 old VEF.

The “Petro” cryptocurrency was created by the government to “fight the US dollar,” but this only accelerated the rate of hyperinflation because the government itself determines the value of the dollar at its whim.

#3 – Vietnamese Dong (Vietnamese Dong) (23,187 VND/USD)

Currency code - VND.

Vietnamese dong exchange rate:
1 USD= 23,187 VND(Dollar to Vietnamese dong).
1 RUB= 368.42 VND(Ruble to Vietnamese Dong).

The third most weak currency in the world - Vietnamese dong.

Vietnam is going through a difficult period of restructuring from centralized economy to the market, therefore on this moment The country's currency is practically worthless.

Experts say the Vietnamese government is on the right track and could soon catch up with its closest Asian neighbors.

#4 – Indonesian Rupiah (13,995.73 IDR/USD)

Currency code - IDR.

Indonesian Rupiah exchange rate:
1 USD = 13,995.73 IDR(Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah).
1 RUB = 222.51 IDR(Ruble to Indonesian Rupiah).

Indonesia is an economically stable and developed country in Southeast Asia, however, the country's currency has a very low value. The country's regulatory authorities are taking all measures to strengthen the national currency, but at the moment these attempts are leading to only minor changes.

#5 – Sierra Leonean Leone (9,711.13 SLL/USD)

Currency code - SLL.

Sierra Leonean exchange rate:
1 USD = 9,711.13 SLL(Dollar to Sierra Leonean Leone).
1 RUB = 154.38 SLL(Ruble to Sierra Leonean Leone).

Sierra Leone is very poor country in Africa, which had to endure many serious trials, which affected the value of the local currency. Recently, there was a war in the state, and the deadly Ebola fever dominated the country.

#6 – Uzbek Sum (Uzbek Sym) (9,536.16 UZS/USD)

Currency code - UZS.

Uzbek som exchange rate:
1 USD = 9,536.16 UZS(Dollar to Uzbek sum).
1 RUB = 151.59 UZS(Ruble to Uzbek sum).

By decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on July 1, 1994, the modern Uzbek soum was introduced into circulation with a ratio of 1 soum to 1000 soum coupons.

As a result of the liberalization of monetary policy, from September 5, 2017, the exchange rate of the soum against the US dollar was set at 1 US dollar = 8100 soums with an estimated range of 8000-8150 soums per 1 US dollar.

#7 – Guinean Franc (9,515.39 GNF/USD)

Currency code - GNF.

Republic of Guinea Franc exchange rate:
1 USD = 9,515.39 GNF(Dollar to Franc of the Republic of Guinea).
1 RUB = 150.88 GNF(Ruble to Franc of the Republic of Guinea).

Because of high inflation, progressive poverty and prosperity of banditry, the currency of the African country of Guinea has a very low exchange value.

Given the rich natural gifts of gold, diamonds and aluminum, the currency of a given country should have a much higher value.

#8 – Lao or Laotian Kip (8,849.12 LAK/USD)

Currency code - LAK.

Laotian kip rate:
1 USD = 8,849.12 LAK(Dollar to Lao Kip).
1 RUB = 140.75 LAK(Ruble to Lao Kip).

The Laotian Kip is the only currency on this list that has not been devalued, but was originally issued with a significantly low value. In addition, since its release in 1952, the currency has even strengthened against the dollar and continues to improve its performance to this day.

#9 – Paraguayan Guarani (6,428.58 PYG/USD)

Currency code - P.Y.G..

Paraguayan Guarani rate:
1 USD = 6,428.58 PYG(Dollar to Paraguayan Guarani).
1 RUB = 102.24 PYG(Ruble to Paraguayan Guarani).

The second poorest South American country, Paraguay, is in catastrophic economic situation– inflation, corruption, low education, a huge number of people living below the poverty line, lack of jobs, etc.

Paraguay exports cotton and soybeans, but this is hardly enough to feed the country.

#10 – Cambodian Riel (4,042.79 KHR/USD)

Currency code - KHR.

Cambodian riel exchange rate:
1 USD = 4,042.79 KHR(Dollar to Cambodian riel).
1 RUB = 64.29 KHR(Ruble to Cambodian Riel).

The Cambodian riel is the currency of the monarchical state of Cambodia in Southeast Asia.

Currency unit was introduced in 1955 to replace the Indochinese piastre. The riel was originally a low value currency and was not popular even among local residents who decided to give preference to foreign currencies.

Most Cambodians today prefer to use settlement currency U.S. $, which worsens the situation even more significantly national currency.

Currencies that have undergone denomination or left the TOP 10

Redenomination is a change in the face value of banknotes, usually after hyperinflation, to stabilize the currency and simplify payments.

During redenomination, old banknotes are exchanged for new ones, which, as a rule, have a lower denomination.

Due to this, some currencies left the above list.

Sao Tomean Dobra

Currency code - STD.

Course of Good Sao Tome:
1 USD = 22,691 STD(Dollar to Dobra Sao Tome before denomination).

On January 1, 2018, a denomination was carried out in the country: 1000 old good (STD) were equal to one new (STN).

Two small islands in western Africa - Sant Tome and Principe - are mainly engaged in the supply of cocoa, coffee and coconuts, which is clearly not enough to maintain the country's economy at the proper level.

Oil fields have recently been discovered on the island of Sao Tome, so perhaps Dobra will soon be able to strengthen significantly.

Belarusian Ruble

Currency code - BYR.

Belarusian ruble exchange rate:
1 USD = 20,846 BYR(Dollar to Belarusian ruble before denomination).

After the denomination on July 1 in Belarus, until the end of 2016, banknotes of the 2000 and 2009 samples were in parallel circulation and were mandatory for acceptance when making all types of payments without restrictions. Since the beginning of 2017, Belarus has completely switched to new banknotes.

In Belarus, the procedure for exchanging old-style banknotes has been determined. Old money could be exchanged for new ones at National Bank, banks and non-banking financial institutions of the Republic of Belarus from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 inclusive.

From July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 inclusive, banknotes will be exchanged only at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Ugandan shilling (3,673.02 UGX/USD)

Currency code - UGX.

Ugandan shilling exchange rate:
1 USD = 3,673.02 UGX(Dollar to Ugandan shilling).
1 RUB = 58.41 UGX(Ruble to Ugandan Shilling).

In 1966, the Ugandan shilling first appeared and replaced the East African shilling. The latter was the official means of payment in Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

The following banknotes are in circulation: 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000.

The Ugandan shilling is comparatively stable currency. Over the past few years, its value has decreased by no more than 5%.

Why are currencies falling in price?

In most cases, government currencies become cheaper due to difficult economic situation in the country. This leads to increased inflation and balance of payments deficits.

This may be a consequence of various unfavorable situations for the country’s economy, such as: military operations, a decrease in GDP, depreciation of raw materials that served as the basis for exports, a fall purchasing power population, tightening credit programs, political instability in the country, etc.

Devaluation (currency depreciation) is often associated with improperly organized monetary policy the country's leadership and relevant decisions of regulatory bodies (national banks).

Money appeared in human hands many years ago. Ever since an individual learned to produce something in volumes exceeding the norm of his consumption, he began to change with other people. But the inefficiency and often injustice of barter relations prompted humanity to think about creating money. Currency different countries world is a phenomenon that originated a long time ago. It did not transform into familiar banknotes of different denominations very soon. The transformation of money into new forms continues to this day. But still, for each country, its monetary unit is a distinctive feature, a special symbol that serves as an indicator of the independence and uniqueness of the state.

How many people - so many opinions

This phrase can be “replayed” as follows: “So many countries - so much money.” Although, to be precise, there are not many currencies in the world. Despite the fact that there are 251 officially recognized states on the planet, not everyone has their own currency. Why is this happening? The currencies of different countries around the world often depend on many factors. For example, whether a particular state is in economic or political unions, and whether it was previously a colonial territory. Thus, many use one generally accepted monetary unit for their association - the euro, and in countries that were previously subordinate to England, Spain, and France, the currency of the overlords is still in use.

At the same time, participation in a particular community of powers is not prerequisite to abandon the national currency. For example, Great Britain, one of the main members of the EU, did not give up its pound sterling, which, however, is not surprising, because this monetary unit is one of the reserve units in the world economy. Other participants in this union followed the same path - Poland, where the zloty is used in everyday life, Sweden with its own personal crown, as well as Slovenia, on whose territory the Slovenian dollar is officially recognized, and Romania, which issues the leu.

Currency designation - why is it?

In the international classifier, each currency is assigned a special code and number. This greatly simplifies the procedure banking operations, various transactions and agreements. The developed standards are recognized throughout the world and are used in every country.

It is quite problematic to write all the currency symbols in one article, because there are quite a lot of them, but the main ones can be presented in the form of a table. Currencies of different countries of the world - designations:


Currency name



EU countries

U.S. $

Great Britain


Every bank visitor, looking at the board with currency prices, noticed that the names of the monetary units were not written in full. They consist of several letters. This was done in order to avoid confusion, because there are quite a lot of monetary units with the same name. For example, the dollar is not only American, but also Canadian, Australian, Slovenian and even Liberian. The same applies to the dinar, called Kuwaiti, Libyan, Thai and Tunisian, as well as the peso, which actively rotates in the economies of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and the Philippine Islands.

All monetary units have their own unique history. The currency of different countries of the world is a special distinctive feature of each power, its “face”. Money design is done at state level. There are even unique beauty contests held for banknotes and coins. Thus, according to experts, the most attractive and aesthetically pleasing is More than 50 currencies participated in the competition, and the selection criteria were quite strict. Banknotes were torn and crushed, testing their strength. In addition, the quality of the pictures depicted on the banknotes and the overall style were assessed.

Making money is the prerogative of the state, but unscrupulous businessmen are very fond of making counterfeit banknotes. Moreover, this practice has existed for a very long time. For example, American dollars are perhaps one of the most counterfeited currencies; according to statisticians, in 1865, every third banknote in the United States was fake. Although there is nothing surprising in this, because the first money in the country was made in the attic of the “treasury” during the Civil War. The difficult situation at that time clearly did not facilitate compliance with all the rules and security measures that apply to modern banknotes.

A special requirement that the currencies of different countries of the world must meet is strength. Standard banknotes are designed to be folded up to 4 thousand times, and the average “life” of a banknote is approximately seven years.

Global currency

People who are not directly related to banking and financial activities, do not know what currency is valid in other countries. For example, they are unaware that Morocco uses the dirham, Panama uses the balboa, and Brazil uses the cruzeiro. Instead, almost all Russian citizens have heard about the dollar, euro or pound. Which currency in different countries of the world - actively used in other countries or not very popular - depends on how well developed the economy of a particular power is. The stronger it is, the stronger the national currency.

There are countries in which, in a free (though not very fair and legal) manner, operations and transactions are carried out not only in the country’s currency, but also in the so-called world money. These primarily include the euro and the dollar. These days, against the backdrop of an aggravated geopolitical situation, there is a lot of talk about creating new currency, which would not fuel the economies of individual countries. The most ardent ideological creators of such a message are China and Russia, because their economies are developing quite rapidly, and the need to use them for international payments does not contribute to an equal state of affairs.

Money - will humanity get rid of its influence?

Is it possible to imagine a person’s life without money as such? I think no. But 50 years ago, no one would have thought that people would almost completely abandon the use of real banknotes and coins. But this happened! Electronic payment systems, bank cards, online banking is systematically and confidently displacing cash from people’s pockets and wallets. This process is most pronounced in developed countries, Where financial system developed at a very high level.

Besides, in Lately The so-called virtual money and the currencies of different countries of the world are in constant confrontation. Photos and articles in reputable financial publications describe this struggle in detail: who will be the winner? The answer to this exciting question still remains a mystery to everyone. What virtual money is is unclear to many, but its creators persistently convince that it is the future. Well, let's see.

IN this list currencies from almost all countries are collected, and the outdated currencies of the European Union countries, which currently use the euro currency, are also indicated.

Or monetary units, as they are otherwise called, for convenience, are collected in a list, divided into parts of the world and arranged alphabetically. Everything is on one page.

And by the way, some European countries did not agree to a common European currency immediately, but after some time. For example, the Slovak koruna switched to the euro only in 2008, and the country of Lithuania abandoned its litas literally in January 2015. And some countries do not change their currency to this day.


Austria – euro (until 2002 – schilling).
Albania – lek.
Andorra – euro (until 2002 – peseta).
Belarus (Belarus) – Belarusian ruble.
Belgium – euro (until 2002 – franc).
Bulgaria - Leo.
Bosnia and Herzegovina – convertible mark.
Great Britain – pound sterling.
Hungary – forint.
Germany – euro (until 2002 – mark).
Holland – cm. Netherlands.
Greece – euro (until 2002 drachma).
Denmark - krone.
Ireland - euro (until 2002 - pound).
Iceland - krona.
Spain – euro (until 2002 – peseta).
Italy - euro (until 2002 - lira).
Cyprus – euro (until 2008 – pound).
Kosovo - euro (until 2002 - dinar, mark).
Latvia – euro (until 2013 – lat).
Lithuania – euro (until 2015 – litas).
Liechtenstein - franc.
Luxembourg - euro (until 2002 - franc).
Macedonia – dinar.
Malta – euro (until 2008 – lira).
Moldova (Moldova) – lei.
Monaco - euro (until 2002 - franc).
Netherlands - euro (until 2002 - guilder).
Norway - krona.
Poland – zloty.
Portugal – euro (until 2002 – escudo).
Russia – ruble.
Romania – lei.
San Marino – euro (until 2002 – lira).
Serbia - dinar.
Slovakia – euro (until 2008 – koruna).
Slovenia – euro (until 2007 – tolar).
Ukraine – hryvnia.
Finland – euro (until 2002 brand).
France – euro (until 2002 franc).
Croatia - kuna.
Montenegro – euro (until 2002 – dinar).
Czech Republic - crown.
Switzerland - franc.
Sweden - krona.
Estonia – euro (until 2010 crown).


Abkhazia – Russian ruble.
Azerbaijan – manat.
Armenia – dram.
Afghanistan - Afghani.
Bangladesh - yes.
Bahrain – dinar.
Burma – cm. Myanmar.
Brunei - dollar.
Butane – ngultrum.
East Timor – US dollar.
Vietnam – dong.
Georgia – lari.
Israel - new shekel.
India – rupee.
Indonesia – rupiah.
Jordan – dinar.
Iraq – dinar.
Iran – rial.
Yemen – rial.
Kazakhstan – tenge.
Cambodia – riel, dollar.
Qatar – rial.
Kyrgyzstan – som.
China - yuan.
Korea - won.
Kuwait – dinar.
Laos – kip.
Lebanon – pound.
Malaysia – ringgit.
Maldives - rufiyaa.
Mongolia - tugrik.
Myanmar - kyat.
Nepal – rupee.
United United Arab Emirates(UAE) – dirham.
Oman – rial.
Pakistan – rupee.
Saudi Arabia – rial.
Singapore - dollar.
Syria – pound.
Tajikistan – somoni.
Thailand – baht.
Turkmenistan – manat.
Türkiye - lira.
Uzbekistan – sum.
Philippines - pesos.
Sri Lanka – rupee.
South Ossetia – Russian ruble.
Japan - yen.

America (North and South)

Anguilla – US dollar.
Antigua and Barbuda – East Caribbean dollar.
Argentina - pesos.
Aruba - florin.
Bahamas – dollar.
Barbados – dollar.
Belize - dollar.
Bermuda – dollar.
Bolivia - Boliviano.
Brazil - real.
Venezuela - bolivar.
Virgin Islands – US dollar.
Haiti is a gourde.
Guyana - dollar.
Guadeloupe – euro.
Guatemala - quetzal.
Guiana (French) – franc.
Honduras - Lempira.
Grenada – East Caribbean dollar.
Dominica – East Caribbean dollar.
Dominican Republic – peso.
Cayman Islands – dollar.
Canada - dollar.
Colombia – peso.
Costa Rica - Colon.
Cuba - pesos.
Mexico - pesos.
Montserrat – dollar.
Nicaragua - Cordoba.
Panama – Balboa, US dollar.
Paraguay - Guarani.
Peru is the new salt.
Puerto Rico – US dollar.
Saba – US dollar.
El Salvador - US dollar (until 2001 - colon).
Saint Pierre and Miquelon - euro (until 2002 - franc).
St. Vincent and the Grenadines – East Caribbean dollar.
St. Kitts and Nevis - East Caribbean dollar.
Saint Lucia – East Caribbean dollar.
Sint Maarten - guilder.
Sint Eustatius – US dollar.
United States of America (USA) – dollar.
Suriname - Suriname.
Turks and Caicos – US dollar.
Trinidad and Tobago – dollar.
Uruguay - pesos.
Falkland Islands – pound.
Chile - pesos.
Ecuador – sucre, US dollar.
Jamaica - dollar.


Algeria - dinar.
Angola - Kwanzaa.
Benin – CFA franc.
Botswana - Pula.
Burkina Faso – CFA franc.
Burundi – franc.
Gabon – CFA franc.
Gambia - Dalasi.
Ghana – cedi.
Guinea – franc.
Guinea-Bissau – CFA franc.
Democratic Republic of the Congo – franc.
Djibouti – franc.
Egypt – pound.
Zambia - Kwacha.
Zimbabwe – US dollar.
Cape Verde - escudo.
Cameroon – CFA franc.
Kenya – shilling.
Congo – CFA franc.
Côte d'Ivoire – CFA franc.
Lesotho – Loti.
Liberia - dollar.
Libya - dinar.
Mauritius – rupee.
Mauritania - ouguiya.
Madagascar - Ariary.
Malawi - Kwacha.
Mali – CFA franc.
Morocco – dirham.
Mozambique is metical.
Namibia - dollar.
Niger – CFA franc.
Nigeria – naira.
Reunion – euro.
Rwanda - franc.
Sao Tome and Principe are good.
Swaziland - Lilangeni.
Seychelles – rupee.
Senegal – CFA franc.
Somalia - shilling.
Sudan – pound.
Sierra Leone - Leone.
Tanzania – shilling.
Togo – CFA franc.
Tunisia - dinar.
Uganda – shilling.
Central African Republic – CFA franc.
Chad – CFA franc.
Equatorial Guinea – CFA franc.
Eritrea - Nakfa.
Ethiopia - Birr.
South Africa – rand.
South Sudan – pound.

Australia and Oceania

Australia - dollar.
Vanuatu - Vatu.
Kiribati – Australian dollar.
Marshall Islands – US dollar.
Micronesia – US dollar.
Nauru – Australian dollar.
New Zealand- dollar.
Palau – US dollar.
Papua New Guinea - kina.
Samoa - tala.
Solomon Islands – dollar.
Tonga - pa'anga.
Tuvalu - Australian dollar.
Fiji - dollar.

The designation of world currencies is used to simplify the appearance economic information. Each currency has its own three-digit code, where the first two letters indicate the country, and the last third letter is the name of the currency itself (dollar - D, franc - F, pound - P).

This procedure for three-digit designation of currencies is regulated by a special standard ISO 4217. International organization Standardization Committee in 1978 recommended that all countries use three-letter and three-digit currency codes.

Symbol of any currency:

The main purpose of this use of currency designations was aimed at international documentation in international agreements, in which it was more effective to use abbreviated names of currency codes to identify their names, since the names of some currencies are quite similar (US dollar, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, etc.).

Of course, each country has adapted the ISO 4217 standard to suit its needs. For example, Russia has its own All-Russian Classifier of Currencies. Only the European Union uses the ISO 4217 standard directly.

The designation of currencies, according to the ISO 4217 standard, has been improved several times: digital codes, data on fractional monetary units has been entered.

In order to facilitate the use of the ISO 4217 standard, the designation of currencies was displayed in special tables - lists that indicate the name of the currency, the place of circulation of the currency, a three-letter alphabetic code, a three-digit alphabetic code, and decimal places for monetary units.

It is clear that some currencies go out of circulation, so they are marked in additions to the ISO 4217 standard with an explanation of the reasons for such changes, and the dates of entry and exit of information.

All changes in currency designations are officially published on its website. special agency— SIX Interbank Clearing in English and French.

The most interesting thing is that during the use of the designation of world currencies since 1978, practically all available currency signs were used, therefore, for new currencies, they came up with the idea of ​​​​entering the letter N, from the English word - new.

Currency codes were needed to automate and unify the designation of currencies, so each country develops them independently, taking into account the ISO 4217 standard.

Letter designation of world currencies

Currency name Currency code
Australian dollar AUD 036
Austrian schilling ATS 040
Belgian franc BEF 056
British pound GBP 826
Canadian dollar CAD 124
Czech crown CZK 203
Danish krone DKK 208
Dutch guilder NLG 528
Estonian kroon EEK 233
Single European currency EUR 978
Finnish brand FIM 246
French franc FRF 250
German mark DEM 276
Greek drachma GRD 300
Hong Kong dollar HKD 344
Hungarian forint HUF 348
Irish pound IEP 372
Italian lira ITL 380
Japanese yen JPY 392
Latvian lats LVL 428
Lithuanian litas LTL 440
Mexican Peso MXN 484
New Zealand dollar NZD 554
Norwegian krone NOK 578
Polish zloty PLN 985
Portuguese escudo RTE 620
Russian ruble RUB 643
Singapore dollar SGD 702
Slovak koruna SKK 703
South African rand ZAR 710
Spanish peseta ESP 724
Swedish krona SEK 752
Swiss frank CHF 756
Ukrainian hryvnia UAH 980
U.S USD 840

You probably noticed when you filled out payment order in your bank that you have columns of currency codes: for the dollar - 840, euro - 978, Russian ruble - 643, Ukrainian hryvnia – 980.

Symbols of world currencies

In addition to currency signs and currency codes, there are also currency symbols $, £, ¥, €, which you very often see in everyday life.

The history of the dollar symbol $ has a number of versions.

The first version says that in 1492, King Ferdinand II of Aragon from Spain adopted a symbol that looked like the Pillars of Hercules entwined with a ribbon as his currency.

The second version tells the origin of the dollar symbol in the period between 1573 – 1825. in Potosi, which at that time was the largest industrial center in the world, and was located in the territory of modern Bolivia. The fact is that the coins that were circulated in Potosi at that time are very similar to the modern dollar symbol.

The third version talks about the similarity of the modern dollar symbol with the sestertius currency from Ancient Rome. The sesterce was designated IIS.

And according to the fourth version, it is assumed that the $ symbol was obtained as a result of the abbreviation of the Spanish peso. That is, in a single expression, peso was abbreviated as ps. Later, ps was simplified to a single letter S, which was simply crossed out with the missing letter p, which is how the $ symbol came out.

With other currencies everything is simpler. The designation for the pound £ comes from the Latin word libra, which means scales. At that time, the value of the pound was equal to the pound of silver.

The designation of the euro currency - € arose as a result of a sociological survey of the population. That is, the people themselves chose what their national symbol should look like. The euro itself is a very young European currency, which was born in 1999. The symbol €, according to the European Commission, denotes two elements: the importance of Europe in the Greek letter Epsilon, and the stability of the currency in two parallel lines.

Currency symbol Japanese yen— ¥ arose as a result of drawing two parallel lines on the Latin letter Y. The Japanese describe their currency with the hieroglyph 円.

Most countries in the world do not bother with any special invention when designating currencies, but simply use abbreviations of the first letters in the name of the country. Thus, in Poland zlotys are denoted as zł, and the former German Deutsche Mark is simply abbreviated as DM.

Some countries designate their currencies with a symbol that is related to the dollar. For example, Nicaraguan Cordoba looks like C$.

The designation of the shekel currency in Israel in Hebrew is deciphered as the first letters of the name of the currency - ₪.

The history of the designation of the Russian ruble indicates that the name ruble itself was first encountered in the 13th century and meant a pound of silver, which weighed one hryvnia and was cut into pieces. Over time, the symbol of the ruble has changed. In the XVII – 19th centuries the ruble was depicted by connecting two letters P and U. The modern symbol of the Russian ruble was approved only at the end of 2013 and denotes the letter P with a horizontal line intersecting the letter P - ₽ (but this symbol is not displayed correctly for everyone yet, since such a symbol appeared in Unicode tables quite recently).

Thus, we have dealt with the designations of the currencies of the world, examined the signs, codes and symbols of the main world currencies.

Country currency constitutes a legally enshrined means of payment, mandatory for conducting settlement transactions on the territory of the state. Its physical carrier is paper banknotes or banknotes and metal coins issued to secure cash circulation. The monetary unit is also in circulation in non-cash form for settlements between business entities and individuals.

Payment means in each of the independent states have their own names, approved, as a rule, by a special legislative act.

List of monetary units largest countries world:

  • Australia – Australian dollar;
  • Argentina - Argentinean;
  • Brazil – Brazilian real;
  • Great Britain - pound sterling;
  • - euro;
  • India – ;
  • Canada – Canadian dollar;
  • People's Republic of China - yuan;
  • Russian Federation - ;
  • United States of America - dollar;
  • Japan - yen.

The names of national monetary units may have historical origins from the names of coins that were in circulation in a given territory. In another case, these are specially invented synthetic words. So, when the issue of a European currency was being decided, a neutral name was proposed - the euro. This name did not infringe on the national pride of the inhabitants of any of the countries that joined the union.

Monetary units of all countries of the world have three-letter designations in the form of codes established international standard ISO 4217:2008. They are used in official banking and legal documents for the convenience of users and allow them to uniquely identify currency. This is especially true for means of payment that have the same name. For example, the American dollar is coded USD, the Canadian dollar is CAD, and the Australian dollar is AUD.

In the vast majority of countries, for the convenience of payments, there are exchangeable monetary units. Usually they are one hundredth of the country's main currency. Thus, the Russian ruble consists of 100 kopecks, and the American dollar – of 100 cents. The names of many small change coins have Latin roots, the basis for them is the word centum - one hundred.

In some states there are more complex systems subordination of the main and exchange monetary units:

  • IN Saudi Arabia one consists of 20 qirsh, which in turn is equal to 5 halalas.
  • In Madagascar and Mauritania, monetary circulation is based on the five-fold number system. One ariary is equal to 5 iraimbilanya, and one ougiya consists of 5 khums.
  • The Sovereign Military Order of Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta has a currency called the Maltese and consists of 12 tari or 240 grains.
  • In Libya, Tunisia, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq and Kuwait, the means of payment consists of thousands of small change coins.
  • In Vietnam, Hong Kong, Jordan, China and Macau, the ratio between the main currency and the exchange currency is 1 to 10.

In countries with high level inflation, small coins are practically not used in cash and non-cash cash payments. So in our country the penny practically went out of circulation; a similar situation arose in Japan at one time. The return of the change coin usually occurs when monetary reform in the form of a denomination. A recent example is economic transformation in Russian Federation in 1998.

The concept of monetary units of account

In some states, special means of payment are being developed and used for making payments by transferring funds between accounts. Monetary units of account can only be used in the sphere non-cash circulation. In most cases, they are entries in registers on electronic or paper media and have a time-limited effect.

In some countries, in conditions economic instability surrogate means of payment may be introduced or used foreign currencies. They can be used in cash money circulation why banknotes are issued and coins are minted. Thus, on Liberty Island, in parallel with the Cuban peso, its convertible form is used, and in Myanmar, a special exchange certificate is used.