Statistics obtain statistics codes online. Statistics codes by TIN - digital indicators of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

You can find out the statistical codes of an organization by TIN on your own and without contacting official request to Rosstat. In this material you will find several ways to search and step by step instructions to them.
You can find out the statistics codes by TIN on the official website of Rosstat - the service for generating notifications launched on the state portal not so long ago.
In addition, there are programs that help you find information about organizations and entrepreneurs on the Internet - services for checking counterparties. With their help, you can find out not only the details of your partner, but also check his reliability in order to eliminate risks during cooperation.
Statistical notation will be needed for:

  • submission of reports;
  • filling out payment documents;
  • opening a current account;
  • opening a separate division;
  • and in other cases.

You can find out statistics codes by TIN using the following services:

Official document, containing the required values ​​- Statistical Register of Business Entities Federal service state statistics. There are 7 such codes in total:

  • OKPO - All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations;
  • OKATO - All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division;
  • OKTMO - All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories;
  • OKOGU - All-Russian Classifier of Organs state power and management;
  • OKFS - All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership;
  • OKOPF - All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms;
  • OKVED - All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities.

However, OKVED, despite its statistical function, refers to data on state registration. Therefore, it is contained in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and is searched in another way - you will not be able to find out OKVED by TIN on the statistics website; it is better to use the official website of the Federal Tax Service (instructions for searching OKVED are given). And OKATO is becoming obsolete - instead of it in all payment documents and declarations now indicate OKTMO, which can be found using OKATO. Therefore, there are 5 main statistical codes.

Searching for statistics codes by TIN - detailed instructions

Let's figure out step by step how to get statistics codes for TIN using online resources.

1. Enter in the search bar an identification number taxpayer - it is mandatory to register on the website and buy a paid certificate too. Statistics codes for TIN online you will see it for free, but a paid service will help you analyze risks, compare information from official registers and view financial analytics.

After clicking on the search button, you will see a legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered under this number. If a legal entity has separate divisions, then the entire list of branches will be visible. In this case, it is better to clarify the search parameter. Click on the link with the desired name and you will be taken to the organization’s card.

2. In the list on the left, select “Basic information”, then “Details”, and on the right the “Rosstat data” tab.

You will see information about the organization, including the required values. So it won’t be difficult to find out the OKOGU by TIN online. The only value that the service does not show is OKTMO. But, knowing OKATO, you can quickly find it on the Federal Tax Service website.

1. Login Personal Area on the SKRIN Counterparty website. Users who have paid access to the verification system can search for information in this way. In the "Legal Entities" tab, enter tax number in the search bar and click "Find". When searching for information about an individual entrepreneur, use the following tab.

For example, we are looking for the details of Sberbank. The program will provide links to information about the legal entity and all its separate divisions. Click on the first link if you need PJSC details, or select the desired division, since their territorial details differ.

2. In the card of the found organization, select “Registration data” in the menu on the left. Information you need can be found out in two ways. First:

  • click on the tab "Unified State Register of Legal Entities"

In this case, basic information will open, among which all the necessary values ​​are visible. For those who are looking for how to find out your OKOGU by TIN online , this service will help.

Second way:

  • click the tab "Rosstat GMC data"

This tab also shows Rosstat information - statistics codes by TIN

1. Full details of the organization are contained in a business certificate, which can be purchased on the Unirate24 website for 600 rubles. In addition to basic information, the certificate includes the financial analysis company activities.

Top up your balance using bank card or invoice, select the type of certificate and click "Next".

How to find out statistics codes on the Rosstat website using TIN

1. The official website of Rosstat finds statistics codes by TIN when generating a notification. There are many sites that help you find statistics codes by TIN online in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other regions. However, such territorial search comes down to the same page - the Rosstat service for generating notifications.

2. When searching for details large company the results will show the parent company and all separate divisions registered under this individual taxpayer number. Geographically, the divisions are located in different places, so their data differs. Select the desired division or main legal entity, which will be first in the list, and click the "OK TEI Codes" button

3. You can download or open in a new tab the notification for legal entities, which lists and deciphers all statistical data.

Thus, any necessary values, including OKOPF, by TIN can be found online for free on the Rosstat website.

The list of reporting forms sent to Rosstat is, as a rule, individual for each enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Some people must submit one or several statistical reports in 2018, while others do not need to submit anything. We will tell you further about how to find out which reports must be submitted to statistics in 2018, what these forms are and what the responsibility is for failure to submit them.

Who should report to Rosstat

Statistical reporting is provided for any business entity, regardless of the type of their activity. Large organizations are required to report regularly; they often submit several reporting forms at once. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as micro-enterprises, submit statistical reports when they participate in continuous statistical observations once every 5 years, and in the period between this they can be included in the Rosstat sample based on various criteria - type of activity, revenue volume, number, etc. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 79).

Reports within the framework of sample studies can be submitted quarterly or monthly, and for micro-enterprises only annual statistical reporting is acceptable (Clause 5, Article 5 of Law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007).

How to find out which forms of statistical reporting you need to report on

Having formed the sample, the territorial bodies of Rosstat are obliged to notify the individual entrepreneurs and organizations included in it of the need to submit the relevant reports, as well as provide forms for completion. If there was no such notification, individual entrepreneurs and companies can independently find out what forms they will use to report in 2018.

How can I find out from the statistics agency which reports (by TIN, OGRN or OKPO) need to be submitted in 2018? The simplest and quick way– go to the Rosstat website, on the page ]]> ]]> indicate your status (legal entity, individual entrepreneur, branch, etc.) and enter one of the listed details in the special fields. As a result, the system will generate a list of statistical reporting forms that a person must submit, indicating their name, frequency and submission deadline. If the list of statistical reporting forms for 2018 is empty, you do not need to report to Rosstat in this period. Information on the site is updated monthly.

Also, a company or individual entrepreneur can contact territorial body Rosstat with an official written request for a reporting list, but this will take much longer (clause 2 of Rosstat’s letter dated January 22, 2018 No. 04-4-04-4/6-smi).

Statistical reporting forms and deadlines for their submission

Statistical forms can be grouped depending on the type of business entity: for example, statistical reporting of individual entrepreneurs, microenterprises, medium and small firms, large organizations, there are also forms on which all listed entities can report.

Some 2018 statistical reporting may be intended only for certain sectors of activity: Agriculture, retail, construction, etc. You can also highlight statistical reports presented by the number and composition of personnel, volume of revenue, products produced, etc.

For each statistical form they have established their own deadlines for submission, violation of which threatens with significant fines (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): 10 – 20 thousand rubles. For officials, and 20-70 thousand rubles. For the company. Responsibility for repeated violation of deadlines for submitting statistical reports will increase to 30-50 thousand rubles. for responsible officials, and up to 100-150 thousand rubles. for the organization. The same penalties apply when submitting false statistical data.

If there are no indicators for filling out reporting, Rosstat must be notified about this in a letter, and it should be written every time the next reporting date occurs (clause 1 of Rosstat’s letter dated January 22, 2018 No. 04-4-04-4/6-smi).

Along with statistical reports, legal entities are required to submit a copy of their annual accounting reports to Rosstat. Accounting “statistical” reports (including those in simplified forms) are submitted no later than 3 months after the end of the reporting year (for 2017, the deadline is 04/02/2018). For violating the deadline, officials can be fined 300-500 rubles, and the company 3-5 thousand rubles. (Article 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Submission of statistical reporting in 2018

Please note that many reporting statistical forms have been developed for almost any economic sector and type of activity. Here we provide tables for statistical reporting current in 2018, some of them with deadlines for submission.

Kind of activity

Frequency and deadline for submission to Rosstat

Statistical reporting in 2018, submitted regardless of the type of activity:


small businesses

Quarterly, 29th day after the reporting quarter

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

All types except retail(excluding trade in motor vehicles)

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

P-2 (invest)

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, 28th day after the reporting month

Quarterly, 30th day after the quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, with MSS above 15 people. – 15th of the next month

Quarterly, with SSCh 15 people. and less – the 15th day after the reporting quarter

a legal entity with a social capital of more than 15 people, except for self-employed enterprises

Quarterly, 8th day after the reporting quarter

a legal entity with a social capital of more than 15 people, except for self-employed enterprises

Quarterly, 30th day after the reporting quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 20th day after the reporting quarter

All types, except insurance, banks, government agencies, financial and credit organizations

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 30th day after the reporting period (1st quarter, half year, 9 months)

legal entity, except SMEs and non-profit organizations

All types, except insurance, non-state pension funds, banks, government agencies

legal entity other than SMP

legal entity other than SMP

Submission of statistical reporting in the field of trade:


SMEs, except microenterprises

Monthly, 4th day after the reporting month



1-conjuncture (wholesale)


Quarterly, 10th day of the last month of the reporting quarter


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Wholesale and retail trade

legal entity other than SMP

Sale of goods to the public, repair of household products

Trade in certain goods

Individual entrepreneur and legal entity


SMEs, except microenterprises

Quarterly, 15th day after the reporting period

Statistical reporting of organizations providing services:

Paid services to the population

Paid services to the population

legal entity, legal entities (except for law offices)

1-YES (services)

legal entity, except for microenterprises and non-profit organizations

Quarterly, 15th day of the second month of the reporting quarter

Manufacturing and services

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, except micro-enterprises

What reports should be submitted to statistics for those involved in agriculture:

Agricultural activities

legal entity, except SMP and peasant farms

Monthly, 3rd day after the reporting month

Sowing crops

SMP, peasant farm, individual entrepreneur

Sowing crops and perennial plantings

SMP, peasant farm, individual entrepreneur

Availability of farm animals

SMP (monthly), individual entrepreneurs and microenterprises (once a year)

1-purchase prices

Agricultural production

legal entity other than peasant farms

2-purchase prices (grain)

Purchase of domestic grain for main production

Menstruation, 15th of next month

Agricultural activities

Monthly, 20th of the reporting month

1-СХ (balance) – urgent

Purchase, storage, processing of grain and its processed products

Quarterly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

10-MEH (short)

Agricultural activities

legal entity, except peasant farms and microenterprises

Agricultural activities in the presence of sown areas, hayfields, or only perennial plantings

legal entity, except SMP and peasant farms

Statistical reporting 2018 - deadlines for the mining industry:

Extraction and processing; production and distribution of gas, steam, electricity; fishing, logging

Individual entrepreneur with 101 or more employees.

Menstruation, 4th working day of the next month

Individual entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises with up to 15 people.

Individual entrepreneurs with employees from 16 to 100 people, small enterprises

Monthly, 4th working day after the reporting month


legal entity other than SMP

Mining, manufacturing, air conditioning, gas, steam, electricity

small businesses

Quarterly, 10th of the last month of the quarter

legal entity other than SMP

Monthly, 10th of the reporting month

Mining, manufacturing, air conditioning, gas, steam, electricity, water supply, sanitation, waste collection and disposal, pollution removal

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

List of statistical reporting for the oil and gas industry:

1-TEK (oil)

Production of oil, associated gas and gas condensate

legal entity other than SMP

1-TEK (drill)

Drilling of the wells

legal entity other than SMP

2-TEK (gas)

Availability of gas wells on the balance sheet

legal entity other than SMP

Oil production and refining

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 30th

1-motor gasoline

Production of motor gasoline and diesel fuel

legal entity other than SMP

Weekly, 1 day after the reporting week, until 12 noon.

Construction statistics - reports in 2018:


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Quarterly, 10th day of the second month of the reporting quarter


legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Monthly, 25th of the reporting month



legal entity other than SMP

Statistical reporting of transport enterprises:

Operation and maintenance of urban electric transport


Transportation of passengers by buses and passenger taxis

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

1-TR (motor transport)

Transportation of goods by road; non-public roads on the balance sheet

legal entity, except micro-enterprises

Air transportation

legal entities and their separate divisions

Quarterly, 15th day after the reporting quarter

Monthly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

Monthly, 15th day after the reporting quarter

32-GA and 33-GA

Quarterly, 7th day after the reporting quarter

1-TARIFF (auto),

1-TARIFF (ha),


1-TARIFF (yellow),

1-TARIFF (pipe),

1-TARIFF (internal water)

Transportation of goods by road, air, sea, railway, pipeline, water transport

Monthly, 23rd of the reporting month

Deadlines for statistical reporting for the tourism and hotel business:

Tourist activities

Individual entrepreneur and legal entity

Services of hotels and similar accommodation facilities

legal entity other than SMP

Quarterly, 20 days after the reporting quarter

Select category 1. Business law (239) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening an individual entrepreneur (29) 1.3. Changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (4) 1.4. Closing an individual entrepreneur (5) 1.5. LLC (39) 1.5.1. Opening an LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity(13) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll calculation (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments(7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability benefit (11) 1.8.4. General accounting issues (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (19) 10. Online cash registers (15) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (450) 2.1. General tax issues (29) 2.10. Tax on professional income (26) 2.2. USN (50) 2.3. UTII (47) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (37) 2.4.1. VAT (18) 2.4.2. Personal income tax (8) 2.5. Patent system (26) 2.6. Trading Fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums (69) 2.7.1. Off-budget funds(9) 2.8. Reporting (87) 2.9. Tax benefits(71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Services pension reporting(4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Governmental support small business (6) 5. PERSONNEL (105) 5.1. Vacation (7) 5.10 Salary (6) 5.2. Maternity benefits (2) 5.3. Sick leave(7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (23) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents(8) 5.7. Occupational safety (9) 5.8. Hiring (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relations (34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations (12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (82) 8.1. Source documents(35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application forms (12) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. LLC charters (3) 9. Miscellaneous (26) 9.1. NEWS (5) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal disputes (5)

Organizational statistics codes are an important component of the financial activities of an enterprise. Without them, running a business becomes impossible.

Having the TIN in hand, an entrepreneur can find out his statistics codes in several ways at once, choosing the most convenient one - from a personal meeting with State Statistics Service employees to retrieving them through online forms. Delaying this is risky, so you should take care of receiving notification in the first days of the company’s activities.

What are statistics codes?

By registering new documents, tax office transmits information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to Gosstat (sometimes referred to as Rosstat) - the Federal State Statistics Service. There, the data is processed and assigned special digital values ​​to the LLC/IP. They are designed to identify an organization/individual entrepreneur in the Statregister and classify their activities according to several criteria:

  1. OKPO, All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. Divides LLC/IP by type of activity. The main code used to create lists of entrepreneurs. If you need to send data about a legal entity/individual entrepreneur to another department, the State Statistics Service uses this code.
  2. OKTMO, All-Russian Classifier of Territories municipalities. OKTMO codes reflect the territorial affiliation of the registration address.
  3. OKVED, All-Russian classifier of species economic activity. Required for change tax regime LLC/IP and establishment of benefits. Required in any financial statements. The entrepreneur chooses this code independently when registering an LLC/IP.
  4. OKFS, All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership. Requested when generating statistics and creating tax policies.
  5. OKOPF, All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms. Like the previous one, it is necessary to create statistics on business entities and regulate the economy.
  6. OKOGU, All-Russian classifier of public authorities and management. Characterizes who founded the organization - most often for structures engaged in business, this implies a division into an institution an individual, a legal entity or jointly by them.

If an entrepreneur does not have statistics codes, he and his employees will not be able to:

  • open a current account (LLCs can pay taxes with it by bank transfer, and individual entrepreneurs - to enter into contracts for an amount exceeding 100 thousand rubles);
  • send a tax report;
  • submit financial statements;
  • create a payment order;
  • use the remote control system banking services, such as " " and others;
  • engage in export or import;
  • open a branch in case of enterprise expansion;
  • change the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur or the legal address of the enterprise (its location);
  • change the name, surname and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur or the name of an LLC.

Among the less common cases for which statistical codes should also be prepared is the State Statistics Service sample. Big business obliged to regularly report on their economic indicators, and Rosstat selectively notifies owners of small and medium-sized businesses about the need for such a document. Since Rosstat’s reporting affects financial activities, it is impossible to do without statcodes.

How to get statistics codes?

Depending on the amount of free time, an entrepreneur can choose several different ways receiving stat codes. Almost all of them require minimal resources. The most popular request for documents is the organization’s statistical codes by TIN - 4 ways to obtain which will make the life of an entrepreneur easier.

By TIN online

Until 2017, using an online form, it was only possible to submit an application for registration with the relevant territorial authority. Today, there are no previous problems with how to find out TIN statistics codes on the Internet:

  • Go to the Gosstat service A special form will open.

  • In the “Notification Type” field, legal entities leave the existing item, and individual entrepreneurs should select “Notification for individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant (farm) households.”
  • Enter your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and control code and click “Search”. The results will display the name of the organization, below which there will be two buttons. Clicking on “OK TEI Codes” will immediately begin downloading the document.

  • All codes are contained on the first page of the document, and their decoding is on the second.

This functionality also helps to implement. The next method of obtaining codes will require significantly more time and effort.

In Rosstat

A map on the official website will help you find a territorial body in a specific subject of the Russian Federation. When you click on the name of the desired region, data on the territorial body of Rosstat will appear at the bottom of the page.

In order to contact this authority on the spot, it is necessary to prepare a list of copies of documents. They do not need to be notarized. Individual entrepreneurs provide scans of their passport, TIN, certificates from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Certificate of Registration. Organizations - scans of TIN, Certificate of state registration of a legal entity, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Charter and passport of the director of the company. If necessary, a power of attorney is added.

Important: upon first application, the notification is issued free of charge, for all subsequent ones you will need to pay, so after receiving it it is better to make several copies of the document.

At the tax office

If the inspection work takes place through electronic interaction between departments, the Federal Tax Service representative will see the statistics codes when registering documents. He is not obliged to inform you about this fact, nor to print out the codes themselves, so you cannot demand them from the tax office. However, no one forbids politely asking if the employee will be able to print or tell you the codes right away.

Contacting a law firm

Firms that specialize in providing legal services, often help out managers who do not want to deal with possible problems on one's own. Transferring authority to collect documentation and obtain codes costs money ( on average about 2000 rubles), but helps save time and get results a day later.

Important: Each company has its own prices and subtleties of work, the choice is up to the entrepreneur. It would not be a shame to check the certificate of the lawyer dealing with the problem if suddenly doubts arise about his qualifications.

Let's sum it up

LLC/IP cannot exist without statistical codes. This information is basic when submitting reports and conducting financial transactions. There are six types of statistics codes that classify an organization according to various criteria, determining its place among others.

The most convenient way to find out statistics codes is online; for this you only need a TIN. When registering an enterprise, you can ask them from the tax office, but they have the right to refuse. You can independently contact the local Rosstat authority, but in order not to waste time, it is recommended to resort to the services of law firms.

As you know, statistics know everything, and, of course, the number and classification of business entities in the Russian Federation is also a subject of its interest. Every registered and newly created LLC should take care to know its statistics codes.

You can get answers to any questions about registering LLCs and individual entrepreneurs by using the service free consultation on business registration:

What are statistics codes?

Statistics codes are information from the State Statistics Service's Statregister (the full name of the document is the Statistical Register of Business Entities of the Federal State Statistics Service), approved by Order No. 22 of the State Statistics Service of the Federal Service of 08/05/05. In some documents, Gosstat is referred to as Rosstat.

Statregister is a database in which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are identified in accordance with a number of all-Russian classifiers:

  • - All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations;
  • OKATO - All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division;
  • OKTMO - All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories;
  • OKOGU - All-Russian Classifier of State Power and Management Bodies;
  • OKFS - All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership;
  • OKOPF - All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms;
  • - All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

What are statistics codes for?

Specifying statistics codes is required when:

  • opening a bank account;
  • submission of tax and accounting reports;
  • filling payment orders and receipts for payment;
  • surrender statistical reporting(if you fall under the State Statistics Service sample, you will be informed about this additionally);
  • carrying out export-import operations;
  • changing the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur or the location of an organization (legal address);
  • when opening a branch of the organization;
  • changing the full name of an individual entrepreneur or the name of an organization;
  • in other cases.

How to find out your statistics codes?

There are several ways to obtain or find out statistics codes:

  1. If the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC takes place in the registering tax authority, operating on the “one window” principle, you can ask about this immediately when submitting documents for registration. The tax inspectorate has no obligation to inform you of statistics codes; such a notification is issued by the territorial body of the State Statistics Service, but information about your codes still comes to the Federal Tax Service. Just politely ask if the tax registration office can issue you this document.
  2. Contact the territorial branch of the State Statistics Service yourself.

Individual entrepreneurs must submit the following documents (regular uncertified copies):

  • copy of the Certificate of Registration
  • copy of TIN
  • a copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
  • copy of passport.

Organizations submit the following documents (regular uncertified copies):

  • copy of the Charter
  • copy of TIN
  • a copy of the Certificate of State Registration of a Legal Entity
  • copy of Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • passport details of the company director
  • power of attorney (if necessary).

The State Statistics Service issues an initial notification free of charge, and a second one (if lost) costs money, so make a copy of the received notification, just in case.

  1. If you don’t have time to obtain codes yourself, you can turn to specialists to obtain statistics codes; the cost of such a service averages from 500 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Finally, you can find out the statistics codes (both your own and those of your counterparties) yourself on the official website of Rosstat.

If our article helped you figure out how to get statistics codes, please share it with your friends - let it help them too. We will be very pleased!