Where to get the most profitable car loan this year. The best car loans Which bank offers a profitable car loan in

The practice of lending is becoming increasingly popular in the world. This trend has successfully spread throughout the territory Russian Federation. Many banking organizations offer their services at very attractive rates, including car loans.

Due to the significant market situation in this sector, a significant difference is the rates for car loans in different banks countries. This is due to the struggle for customers, which entails improved service, more profitable terms and transparent cooperation.

Changes in interest rates

For the period 2016-2017, central bank Russia raised the key rate mark to 17%, which caused a significant increase in interest rates on all types of loans. Hence, rates increased from 20 to 70% (including express loans). A few months later, a gradual decrease began and amounted to about 11%. On this moment the situation has stabilized, causing interest growth to decline. The main types of lending offer the following figures:

  • consumer - from 10 to 19%;
  • mortgage - from 9 to 17%;
  • car loan - from 6 to 19%.

For the last two, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has provided government programs, thanks to which interest rates on car loans in banks have become more loyal and tempting for customers. This created a constant demand for this type of lending, increasing purchasing power. You can use the calculator on the Central Bank website.

Interesting! Due to the difficult economic situation, the Central Bank of Russia introduced a number of amendments to improve relations between banks and borrowers. For example, more demanding conditions for the latter in the form of mandatory income certificates, a clean credit history, etc.

Car loan programs

Starting in the spring of 2015, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ordered the introduction state support for clients, including mortgage and car loans. The list consists of more than 50 brands of vehicles assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the list includes not only domestic cars, but also, to a greater extent, foreign-made ones.

Important! The state program for car loans is not provided by all banking organizations.

This will allow you to count on preferential interest rate for car loans, provided that the maximum amount of the selected car does not exceed 1,160,000 rubles. The list of banks providing obligations under the state program is represented by more than 100 financial institutions. There is also practice as interest-free lending.

Car loan "Sobinbank"

The bank's conditions are as follows:

  1. Interest rate - from 11.5 to 13% (depending on the initial deposit);
  2. Mandatory proof of income;
  3. Maximum term on a loan - up to 4 years;
  4. Car amount up to 4 million rubles (currency equivalent possible)

Applies to domestic and foreign-made cars (including used brands).

Sberbank car loan

The structure conditions are as follows:

  1. Interest rate - from 13.5% (rubles);
  2. Optional proof of income and employment;
  3. The maximum term for a car loan is up to 5 years;
  4. The cost of vehicles is up to 5 million rubles.

Guarantees the receipt of cars of domestic and foreign production. It is also possible to issue used stamps.

Note! Sberbank's policy provides for a 1% discount for the following categories of persons: individuals who have a deposit or receive wages to a bank card, as well as pensioners with social card.

Car loan "VTB 24"

The borrower's age is at least 21 years.

  1. Interest rate - from 14%;
  2. A certificate of income is not required;
  3. The maximum loan term is up to 5 years;
  4. The minimum initial deposit is from 15%;
  5. The cost threshold for a car is up to 5 million rubles.

It is possible to obtain cars of foreign as well as domestic production. Credit is provided even for used models.

Car loan from Gazprombank

The censor age is 21 years or older.

  1. Interest rate - from 13.50%;
  2. A certificate of income is required;
  3. The maximum loan term is up to 7 years;
  4. Minimum an initial fee— from 15%;
  5. The maximum threshold for the cost of transport is up to 4.5 million rubles.

Gazprombank also offers the opportunity to register credit obligations not only for new, but also used vehicles.

Alfa-Bank car loan

  1. Interest rate - 15.99%
  2. Mandatory income certificate (confirmed);
  3. The maximum loan term is up to 5 years;
  4. Minimum contribution - from 15%;
  5. The price of the purchased car is up to 3 million rubles;

As can be seen from several examples, most conditions have similarities. Each financial representative has its own advantages over others. Bank auto loan rates can be affected by several key points:

  • order of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • economic situation in the country;
  • demand for the purchase of vehicles.

In most cases, financial structures of the Russian Federation offer quite attractive conditions for car loans.

What documents are required

Almost everything financial organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation, they accept a certain package of documentation. In some cases, special categories of citizens may have a different set of papers for obtaining a car loan. The optimal list is as follows:

  • proof of identity (passport, driver's license);
  • a copy of the work book (certified by a notary);
  • birth certificate;
  • documentary evidence of income (NDFL-2);
  • pensioner's ID;
  • marriage certificate (nuptial agreement);
  • application form;
  • payment documents (purchase and sale);
  • foreign passport or insurance certificate.

Note! The list of documents described above is not mandatory. Financial structures(banks) require some of them, depending on the prescribed regulations. It is better to check with the employee in advance about the need to provide certain papers, certificates, etc.

Online car loan

This method getting the car you want is becoming the most popular among the Russian population. The advantages of this lending method are obvious and extremely convenient not only for clients, but also for the bank itself. Namely:

  1. No queues. This is definitely a plus. Banking organization does not require multiple staff to serve a large number of loan applications. Visitors don’t need to waste their time sitting in a boring line.
  2. 24/7 functionality. You can fill out the form on the official page banking structure at any convenient time.
  3. Save time. Almost all applications submitted by customers will be considered within 5-20 minutes. And after that, the bank will immediately provide its response to the request.
  4. Comparative selection. An online car loan will allow you to send several applications to various organizations at once. This is convenient, first of all, for the client: you can successfully compare loan conditions and interest rates.

In general, you don’t have to be afraid to take out a car loan: bank rates today have a fairly low threshold, which will not allow you to overpay for the car you want. The conditions are quite transparent, and Government program facilitates the purchase of vehicles assembled in the Russian Federation. The choice is huge and includes at least 50 brands, which will satisfy the needs of every car enthusiast.

Today, banks offer clients an innumerable number of lending programs: from the purchase of primary housing to short-term consumer loans. The future borrower can only choose the most profitable option, comparing several that fit his criteria. Information from the Internet, advice from friends and, of course, advice from specialists on the terms of service will help him with this.

A special place in the list of banking services is occupied by car loans, within which borrowed funds issued for the purchase of cars, motorcycles, trucks, refrigerators, and so on. Finding such offers on the Internet is no more difficult than, but it is better to explore already “ready-made” options. Below we will talk about seven current programs, the advantages and disadvantages of car loans, and whether it is worth purchasing vehicles on credit from car dealerships.

Pros and cons of a car loan

Car loans are a modern, fairly convenient and variable way for a buyer to purchase a car, and for the current owner -. Currently banks provide Russian clients borrowed funds in rubles; this slightly narrows the choice and makes it impossible to play on the exchange rate of the dollar or euro relative to the local currency. On the other hand, it is the transition to rubles that allows a client of a financial institution to feel safe even with serious fluctuations on the stock exchange.

Important: Both an individual and a legal entity can take out a car loan - in other words, both an ordinary citizen and an enterprise or company. The first case will be discussed below as the most common and not associated with additional bureaucratic difficulties.

Advantages of targeted loans for car purchases:

  1. The opportunity to get a car right now - after signing purchase and sale and loan agreements, rather than waiting several months or years, trying to save up the required amount.
  2. The conditions for the provision of borrowed funds largely depend on the borrower himself. If his credit history is ideal or at least satisfactory and he managed to convince the financial institution of his solvency, the bank will provide funds against minimum percentage and for a period convenient for the client. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take it now, but saving money on overpayments is quite possible.
  3. The car buyer is protected Russian legislation. He himself is free to decide where and when it is better to take out borrowed funds, as well as whether he needs insurance and other additional Banking services. Thus, at least theoretically, the client overpays to the financial institution is not so much compared to the “full range”.

Disadvantages of car loans:

  1. Regardless of whether the consumer is buying for a completely new vehicle, he will have to pay back an amount that significantly exceeds the amount used. Interest rates are rising every year, decreasing slightly from time to time, and due to the general failure domestic economy It is becoming increasingly difficult for a bank client to count on successful debt repayment. Consequently, the risks for the lender also increase, which in turn stimulates an increase in rates and down payments.
  2. An unprepared person who does not have sufficient experience in dealing with banks will find it difficult to decide which car loan is better, and in the end it will take a considerable amount of time and effort.
  3. The need for a down payment. If the future car owner cannot provide the appropriate document when applying for a car loan, he will most likely be denied. In extreme cases, the client will have the opportunity to attract guarantors or co-borrowers, and this is no less inconvenient. In addition, the down payment should not be too small: its size directly affects the interest rate.
  4. Subjectivity in assessing the applicant's reliability. Unlike microfinance organizations, banks use a “live” method of information processing: decisions are made by employees of the financial institution, and not by specialized software systems. Consequently, a refusal can be obtained on any basis - from a past delay to a minor discrepancy in the data in the documents.

Important: car loans are provided by banks only in non-cash form- transfer to a current account. On the one hand, this contributes to greater financial security borrower, but in reality it is necessary to prevent misappropriation of funds. Be that as it may, the bank client must understand that he will not receive “papers” in his hands, and be prepared to work according to modern banking standards.

Which bank offers a good car loan?

Below are seven car loan programs. All of them are good in their own way, have obvious advantages and some disadvantages, and therefore the client himself must decide which option is best for him and where to get the necessary amount.

Lokobank - “For a new car”

  1. Interest rate - from 10.4% to 11.9%
  2. The borrower's age is from 21 to 68 years (at the time of final payment).
  3. Required documents:

Rusfinance Bank - “Lifan Promo”

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 1% to 5%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 1 year.
  3. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  4. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  5. It is mandatory to take out OSAGO and CASCO policies.
  6. The borrower's age is from 23 to 65 years (at the time of final payment).
  7. Required continuous experience work from 4 months and general - from 12 months.
  8. You must have Russian citizenship.
  9. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • a second document allowing identification of the applicant;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • for men under 27 years of age - military ID;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  10. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

Bank St. Petersburg - “Easy purchase”

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 10.3% to 17.5%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 1 year.
  3. The maximum debt repayment period is 7 years.
  4. Down payment - from 10% of the selling price of the car.
  5. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  6. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  7. It is mandatory to take out OSAGO and CASCO policies.
  8. The borrower's age is from 21 to 70 years (at the time of final payment).
  9. Continuous work experience of 3 months and total work experience of 6 months is required.
  10. You must have Russian citizenship.
  11. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • certificates on forms 2-NDFL and (if necessary) 3-NDFL;
    • confirmation of payment of the down payment;
    • car purchase and sale agreement;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  12. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

VTB - “Freedom of choice”

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 9.9% to 13.5%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 1 year.
  3. The maximum debt repayment period is 5 years.
  4. Down payment - from 20% of the selling price of the car.
  5. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  6. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  7. It is mandatory to take out OSAGO and CASCO policies.
  8. Continuous work experience of 4 months and total work experience of 12 months is required.
  9. You must have Russian citizenship.
  10. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • certificates on forms 2-NDFL and (if necessary) 3-NDFL;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  11. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

Sovcombank - "AutoStyle-Special (Lada Finance)"

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 8.99% to 11.59%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 6 months.
  3. The maximum debt repayment period is 5 years.
  4. Down payment - from 20% of the selling price of the car.
  5. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  6. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  7. The borrower's age is from 20 to 80 years (at the time of final payment).
  8. Continuous work experience of 4 months and total work experience of 12 months is required.
  9. You must have Russian citizenship.
  10. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • for men under 27 years old - military ID;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  11. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

Bank Zenit - “For a new car”

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 10.4% to 14.2%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 2 years.
  3. The maximum debt repayment period is 7 years.
  4. Down payment - from 0% of the selling price of the car.
  5. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  6. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  7. It is mandatory to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  8. The borrower's age is from 22 to 65 years (at the time of final payment).
  9. A minimum of 6 months of continuous work experience is required.
  10. You must have Russian citizenship.
  11. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • certificates on forms 2-NDFL and (if necessary) 3-NDFL;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  12. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

Bank Uralsib - "Autopartner"

Conditions for providing borrowed funds:

  1. Interest rate - from 9.9% to 11.9%, depending on the package of documents provided and the size of the down payment.
  2. The minimum debt repayment period is 1 year.
  3. The maximum debt repayment period is 5 years.
  4. Down payment - from 20% of the selling price of the car.
  5. A car loan can be closed early, without penalties or obstacles.
  6. Type of monthly payments - annuity (in equal installments).
  7. It is mandatory to take out OSAGO and CASCO policies.
  8. The borrower's age is from 21 to 65 years (at the time of final payment).
  9. Continuous work experience of 4 months and total work experience of 12 months is required.
  10. You must have Russian citizenship.
  11. Required documents:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • application form, the form of which can be downloaded on the bank’s website;
    • others - at the request of the client or the request of the financial institution.
  12. An application for receiving funds is submitted in the same region where the citizen is registered.

Important: Since domestic banks like to change lending conditions, the future borrower is recommended to clarify the data regarding the offers that interest him before completing an application on the official websites of the relevant financial institutions or on collection portals - Sravni.ru or similar.

Is it worth taking out a car loan from a car dealership?

Despite all assurances, car dealerships do not provide loans for the purchase of goods sold from them. vehicle. In fact, they are either intermediaries between financial institution and the borrower, which will certainly be mentioned in the contract, or redirect the application to banks founded within the same brand - in particular, Toyota and Volkswagen do this.

Therefore, it makes no difference with whom exactly the motorist signs the contract: in any case, he will be dealing with a licensed legal entity. The most important thing is to study the conditions thoroughly, without rushing to enter into a lending agreement with the first bank that comes along.

Let's sum it up

Car loans are offered by consumers against the security of the purchased car. The future owner of the vehicle can enter into an agreement either independently or by involving co-borrowers and guarantors. The main advantages of car loans are the opportunity for a car owner to get a car in the shortest possible time short time, limiting yourself to only the down payment, and independently influence the degree of confidence of the bank; disadvantages - bias of employees assessing its solvency, use only non-cash payment and a relatively high annual interest rate.

In most cases, car loans are issued for a period of one to seven years, depending on the capabilities of the borrower. Maximum amount provided funds is determined in individually. To apply for a loan, you need, in addition to a questionnaire and a passport, to provide a number of additional documents at the request of the bank: from certificates 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL to a military ID and a purchase and sale agreement. In order not to find yourself in an unpleasant position, you should clarify the details credit program in advance - on the bank’s website or by personally contacting its nearest branch.

Have personal car many people dream, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a vehicle outright or save up the required amount in a short period. It is in such a situation that one of the options for solving this problem is to contact credit institution to apply for a loan. Today it is possible to get both a consumer loan and a car loan to buy a car. But it is important to remember that the lender is interested in making a profit through interest rates and other payments that the client makes for using the borrowed money. This article will help the reader understand which loan is more profitable and better in 2017, as well as get advice from experienced specialists.

Is it better to take a car loan or a consumer loan?

Depending on the purpose for which the borrower wants to take money, loans are distinguished:

  • targeted;
  • non-targeted.

One of the options targeted loan is a car loan. As in the case of applying for another similar loan, when taking out a car loan, the client will not even be able to see the borrowed money. The fact is that the amount specified in the contract is transferred to the bank account of the car dealership where the car is planned to be purchased.

Car loan or consumer loan: comparison of conditions

It is impossible to say with certainty that any of the loans is better and definitely more profitable. Everything depends on certain conditions in which the borrower who wants to purchase a car finds himself.

Considering the requirements for, the main disadvantages should be noted:

  • mandatory down payment;
  • transfer of PTS to the bank;
  • CASCO registration is mandatory.

To buy a new car you have to save up for several years. Buying a used car also cannot be called a cheap deal, and for some Russians even this option is still in their dreams. Due to the fact that car loans in Moscow allow you to purchase any car without exception, the ranks of capital car enthusiasts are replenished every year.

What car loans are offered in Moscow?

Let's start with the fact that you can buy a car on credit in Moscow directly at a car dealership. As a rule, car dealerships cooperate with 2-4 banks, whose representatives accept and review applications on their territory. An application submitted in this way is considered under general conditions.

  • new car loan;
  • funds for a used car;
  • program for purchasing a specific car brand;
  • new car on credit in Moscow for preferential terms with government subsidy;
  • loans for the purchase of Russian-assembled cars.

Car loan in Moscow - conditions and main parameters

In Russia, established requirements for individuals who applied for a loan. They vary slightly and may differ in different organizations, but in general Russian banks adhere to this list:

  • age: 18+;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • registration: permanent;
  • experience: from 4 months;
  • solvency;

In 2019, not all banks establish a requirement for registration in the area of ​​their location; registration in any region is allowed. The same applies to proof of income. Certificates in the form of a bank or employer, and pension account statements are accepted for consideration.

You can take out a car on credit in Moscow under these conditions:

  • down payment 10-50% of the cost of the car or without a down payment;
  • interest rate from 14.00%;
  • for 5 years;
  • without income certificate;
  • secured by the purchased vehicle and/or other property;
  • with bad credit history subject to collateral.

How to find a loan on the site?

All you need to choose a loan here is to know the amount and loan period. In addition, the car loan calculator in Moscow makes it possible (at the user’s request) to search for a loan, taking into account additional conditions.

Mikhail Adamov

Reading time: 9 minutes


Sberbank is not only the largest credit and financial institution in Russia, but also the most reliable. Many borrowers here seek to take out a loan to realize their dreams. A sufficient reserve of assets allows the bank to make interesting offers to its clients, providing favorable conditions and acceptable interest rates on loans. A car loan is no exception.

Features of car loans at Sberbank

Now available to clients only consumer loan at 13.9-14.9% per annum.

The change in the car loan rate is due to the fact that Sberbank transferred this group credit products to its subsidiary, Cetelem Bank, which has branches in 80 cities across the country.

Conditions for granting a loan to purchase a car

To obtain a car loan, the borrower must meet certain conditions, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Loan period: from 1 year to 5 years.
  2. Age of the car. Used or new domestically produced cars no older than 5 years are subject to registration, imported cars no older than 10 years.
  3. Amount of credit. It cannot exceed 5 million rubles and is issued in rubles.
  4. Minimum down payment – ​​from 20%.
  5. Necessarily .

Availability salary card Setem Bank or Sberbank allows you to get the minimum rate.

Sberbank car loan calculator: how to calculate the cost of a car purchased on credit

An online calculator located on the bank’s website will help the borrower calculate monthly loan expenses. After all, the debt will have to be repaid over a long period of time. own funds or from family budget. You may need to consider buying a used car rather than a new one, or choosing a different brand of car.

Calculations will also help to assess the likelihood of a positive decision on a loan depending on the borrower’s income. They are executed immediately after all necessary information in a special form. By specifying the amount to be processed and the interest rate, you can see the amount of monthly payments on the monitor.

For example:

  1. Interest rate for the purchase of a new car - 21.5% per annum.
  2. Loan amount – 750,000 rubles.
  3. Contract time - 5 years.
  4. Monthly payment will be 20,676 rubles.
  5. Overpayment (including commission) – 490,608 rubles.

It is clear that these are very approximate calculations, because there are many additional parameters:

  1. Car make.
  2. The year of its manufacture and mileage of the car.
  3. Cost of the car.
  4. Down payment, etc.

More accurate figures can be obtained from the bank manager, who will take into account all the above-mentioned nuances.

Choosing a car loan from Sberbank

After carrying out all the required calculations and making a decision about his solvency, the borrower can proceed to get acquainted with car loan programs.

The bank offers 4 types of loans and more than 10 affiliate programs.


According to the conditions, the client can purchase a car to his taste and color, the main thing is that the funds received are enough for him:

  • interest rate – up to 19-22.6% per annum.

Subsidized classic

This type of loan is issued for cars manufactured or assembled in the Russian Federation:

  • rate – 11.7-13.8%;
  • minimum contribution – 25%.

Part of the funds is paid by the state.


To apply for a loan, you only need 2 documents - a passport and, for example, driver's license. You can submit any other document identifying the borrower. The loan application is reviewed within 1 day:

  • loan amount – no more than 1.5 million rubles;
  • for domestic cars - up to 650 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate – 19.5-22.8%;
  • minimum contribution – 30%.

Subsidized Express

The loan is issued for cars manufactured or assembled in our country. Part of the funds is paid by the state:

  • The validity period of the car loan agreement is 2-3 years;
  • minimum contribution – 30%;
  • interest rate – 11.7-13.8%;
  • no more than 650 thousand rubles are allocated for the purchase of a domestic car.

affiliate program

The program is valid when purchasing a car from a car dealership included in bank list. Moreover, similar partnerships imply some benefit for the client. The salon provides a discount on the car, and the bank enters into a loan agreement with the borrower:

  • contract duration is 2-5 years;
  • minimum down payment – ​​20-25%;
  • interest rate – up to 16-22.8% per annum.

What will happen next year, will it change? annual interest on a loan from Sberbank for different types cars, you can find out from the table.

Sberbank interest rates on car loans in 2018 in the table

The name of the program Bid amount, %
For cars without mileage

For used cars

Foreign cars Domestic Foreign cars Domestic
Classic 19-22,7 19-22,7
Subsidized Classic 10,9 11,9 13,6 13,8
Express 21-21,5 17,5 21-23
Subsidized Express 13,8 11,7 16-26,8
affiliate program 7,8-19,5

The size of the rate is affected by the amount requested, the down payment, the age of the car, new or used, and the loan term.

Early repayment of a car loan from Sberbank

If the borrower has the opportunity to repay the loan balance early, he has the right to do so without any penalties.