Why do people give loans? In debt like silk

The technique is based on a special construction of questions in such a way that they invite the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character.
Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person is inclined to project, that is, to transfer his life experience and ideas to the interpretation (explanation) of the actions of other people, as well as to fictitious situations, characters, etc. It is on this pattern that a number of psychodiagnostic methods are based methods of varying levels of complexity (you can recall the well-known “Fantastic Animal” test, “Rorschach Blot”, as well as, for example, TAT (thematic apperception test), which is all built on the fact that a person must describe the actions of characters in special pictures, explain the reasons and the consequences of their actions). Such test methods provide extremely interesting and highly valid data. The advantage of projective techniques over standardized questionnaires (for example, the Cattell test) is mainly that they can be “calculated” to a much lesser extent, and there is less likelihood of receiving a large number of socially desirable answers. Why not focus on these methods of assessing candidates during interviews? There are two main reasons:
Such methods are more focused on help person, psychocorrection in the future, rather than for the assessment of professionally significant competencies. In addition, in some cases they provide too personal information, which may not be very correct to receive in a business interview situation;
both the testing process itself and the interpretation of the results,
As a rule, they are quite long, up to several hours. Conditions for recruiting personnel in modern times commercial organization Usually they don’t give such significant time opportunities - something is required that gives results faster.

Thus, we come to the following conclusions:

  • the principle of projective techniques is very well suited to the interview situation due to the lower likelihood of socially desirable answers;
  • it is necessary to adapt projective techniques according to two parameters: speed of testing and processing of results and focus on diagnosing competencies characteristic
    for the job profile of an employee of a modern commercial organization.
  • It is on the basis of the approaches outlined above that projective questions for business interviews and the very principle of their modeling were developed and tested on more than 5,000 respondents. However, it is important not only how projective questions are designed, but also how we use them during interviews, which can have a very significant impact on the validity of the method. There are several rules, the observance of which allows us to obtain a highly valid assessment result:

  • The questions are asked at a fast pace and the respondent is asked to give the first answer that comes to mind, or several different answers. The first thing that comes to mind
    to the respondent is a significant factor for him.
  • The question should be aimed at assessing other people or their actions, which makes the person more relaxed and avoids socially desirable or deliberately false answers that the candidate gives based on a desire to be liked.
  • The form of the question should be open (i.e., the question begins with a question word and requires a detailed answer or explanation).
  • Questions should not be asked in a row, in thematic blocks (for example, several questions revealing motivation one after another), as this increases the likelihood of the candidate trying to understand the principle of the interview, “adjust” and give a socially desirable answer.
  • It is desirable to have a semantic connection between projective questions and the previous context, since in this case they sound more natural and do not attract special attention from the candidate (attracting special attention to a question always reduces the reliability of the information and increases the likelihood of receiving a socially desirable answer).
  • Let's give examples of several projective questions, look at how they work in practice, and talk about their independent modeling (Table 1).
    Once you have answers to these questions, you can:

  • correlate the candidate’s expectations with the real situation in the company;
  • analyze the map of motivators of the future employee (Table 2).
  • Let us consider in more detail, using examples and explanations, the interpretation and analysis of answers to projective questions by thematic groups.


    Motivation is one of the most important and very difficult to change factors that should be taken into account when hiring a person and subsequently building a situational leadership system. We will not discuss theories in detail here


    Projective question

    Factor being assessed

    What motivates people to work most effectively?


    What do people like about work?


    Why does a person choose this or that profession?


    What can motivate a person to quit?


    Which team is most productive? Which team is the most comfortable for people?

    Team preferences

    What character qualities are most significant for successful communication with people?

    Environment preferences, model of successful communication

    Why do people strive to make a career?

    Career growth motivation

    In what situations is lying justified?

    Allowing deception

    Why do you think people pay back their bank loans?

    Motives for an honest act that is contrary to material interests

    Why do people steal at the same level of income in some companies, but not in others?

    Motives for honest action/behavior

    Why should an employee be fired immediately?

    Values ​​in relation to the organization

    Describe the most typical conflict in a team. What are its reasons?

    “Painful” points from the point of view of conflict or experience of the candidate

    What causes conflicts with clients most often?

    Bottlenecks when working with clients

    Which client is the most problematic for the company?

    Bottlenecks when working with clients

    The employee has served a probationary period at the company, he is completely satisfied with the management, but at the same time submits a letter of resignation. Can you guess what this might be connected with?

    Motivation + unacceptable moments at work for a person

    The manager is on vacation or on a long business trip, and in his absence people work as usual. What do you think this might be connected with?

    Motivation + loyalty to work and company

    Which people are more willing to hire for good positions?

    Model of success

    Why do some people succeed and others fail in life?

    Model of success

    What should a good employee be like?

    Model of success (if the candidate identifies with an ordinary employee) or expectations from subordinates (if the candidate identifies with a manager)

    What should an ideal leader be like?

    Idea about the manager who is optimal for the candidate

    motivations: they are known to many, and they can be found in most serious books on management. But for a correct and unified understanding of what follows, let’s focus on a few points:

  • We are talking about the personal motives (needs and values) of a person, and not about the motivation system that exists in the organization.
  • We consider the entire range of motivators, and do not focus only on material incentives.
  • It is very important to realize that in real life the same factor can be used to satisfy different human needs depending on how it is presented.
  • Motives, needs and values ​​are individual; they cannot be absolutely identical for some social group or for all employees in the organization, so it is important for us to be able to identify and use the individual motives (needs) of a future or actual employee.
  • Many managers tend to attribute their own motivation to their employees (this is again due to the human tendency to projection), which leads to a large number of management mistakes. This situation can be avoided by first of all correctly assessing the future employee and his motivation during the interview.
  • Motives can change over the course of a person’s life and career, both under the influence of external, objective factors, and in connection with the development and change of personality. This means that motivation diagnostics must be carried out again periodically.
  • Motivators (hereinafter we use this term in the meaning that is defined in this moment, although a number of motivation researchers, for example Herzberg, share the concepts of motivation and hygiene factor) - these are those factors that increase a person’s work efficiency and/or his satisfaction due to the fact that they correspond to his internal needs/motives, which are currently partially or completely are not satisfied and require satisfaction.
  • Most people are characterized by motivation based on several motivators that relate to each other in a certain way. When analyzing the motivator map, we must take into account not one of the factors, but their sequence and priority in the aggregate.
  • Table 2 “Analysis of the motivator map” shows frequently occurring groups of answers to projective questions regarding motivation, and the interpretation of these answers separately.
    Analysis of a candidate’s motivator map allows us not only to decide whether this candidate is suitable for us, but also to correctly influence him already in the process of work.

    table 2
    Motivator Map Analysis




    Money, material incentive, salary Not interpreted
    The same - 2 or more times Too much interest in material matters A person is motivated only by money, at the moment it is extremely desirable to form additional motivators, otherwise a person will easily change jobs based only on material interest
    Same thing - doesn't appear at all The material factor is practically irrelevant It must be borne in mind that with the loss of interest or subjective incentives, a person very easily stops working effectively
    Compliance of payment with work results, fairness of payment, payment in accordance with contribution It is not so much the amount of remuneration that is of great importance, but rather the employee’s perception of its fairness or injustice in relation to the results of work The person has increased attention to the fairness/unfairness of remuneration. Understanding cause-and-effect relationships is very important for him; it is necessary to remember this to effectively manage an employee
    Evaluation, praise, reward, etc. External reference, the most significant factors of external subjective assessment for a person For a person, external assessment is most significant; he must be praised and be very careful when criticizing or making a negative assessment
    Glory, honor, etc. The same combined with great ambitions Too focused on recognition, often a person with significant complexes, one must be very careful when evaluating activities, very often the desire to be visible becomes an end in itself, can enter into conflicts in order to stand out
    Career, career growth, prospects, etc. Orientation towards career growth, if it occurs more than 1 time - exaggerated significance Effective if he sees prospects for career growth. You shouldn't take on dead-end positions. Can enter into competition with the manager, show ambition if he does not see prospects
    Status Focus on status, and not so much on real moments The easiest way to motivate is by status factors without changing the area of ​​responsibility
    Professional growth, mastery, development, etc. Focus on Professional Development and growth is an independent value Motivates training, professional development, the expert influence of managers is extremely important
    Coincidence of goals, understanding of goals A person is most effective only in situations where he understands and shares goals more high level A person is effective only when, when setting a goal, he is explained the need to achieve it for the overall goals of the company. May be ineffective if does not share common goals
    Idea The same, but at a higher level Same
    Clear goal The need for clear formulations or negative experience in this area A person either does not know how or does not want to work in conditions of a vague area of ​​responsibility, with unclear formulation of goals, and, as a rule, does not strive or cannot achieve them
    Result Result orientation is intrinsically valuable for a person Excellent motivation, for a person of this type it is necessary to set a high bar of goals
    Excitement, competition, desire to be better, etc. To work effectively, a person needs to constantly be able to compare his results with the results of other people or his own Trading competitions, success charts, etc. are effective.
    Interest Focus on interesting work, you need to understand what this means It is constantly necessary to show something new and interesting in work. Motivates professional development and the opportunity to see new facets in work. Danger - if interest is lost, a person loses efficiency and is unsuitable for routine work
    Creative work About the same About the same
    Authority, responsibility, independence Employee interest in a high level of independence It is necessary to give sufficiently large freedom in decision making, to show real achievements and authority in the range of tasks for which the person is responsible. Given its overall success, it makes sense to expand this circle
    Good leader, leader personality The focus is largely on the personality of the manager; this is what will have a great impact on the motivation of the employee It is worth using charismatic influence; we must remember that in the absence of personal understanding with the manager, the employee’s effectiveness can be significantly reduced
    Relationships, team, good team, microclimate, etc. Focusing heavily on relationships with people is an important factor A person must successfully fit into the team and corporate culture. When working, a sense of community is important; a person is best motivated by the benefit for the entire team and reputation in the team
    Relationships as equals Significance of ambition, poor ability to work under pressure Possible poor controllability, acceptable only for managers at a fairly high level
    Wish A person is focused on the work and situation that makes him want to work or express himself When the structure of desires changes, there is a danger that a person will stop working altogether
    Self-realization Highest level of motivation Excellent - for work that allows creativity, unacceptable - for routine work
    Normal... Negative experience in this area or painful attitude towards these factors Analyze what the reason is and make a decision based on this
    Avoiding troubles, etc. Avoidant person Punishment is more effective for him than encouragement in many cases; there may be problems with self-esteem and self-confidence
    Hygiene factors External comfort factors are significant or there has been negative experience in this area Depending on the answer to the previous question, a decision is made about the desirability of a given person. Unacceptable for high positions

    Let's consider several options for candidates' answers to projective questions regarding motivators and interpret them (the wording given during the answers to the questions is fully reproduced).

    Values, Honesty, Loyalty

    The information we get from asking questions from this group is somewhat similar to information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about a person's values. This is especially important for companies with a consciously formed corporate culture, which management seeks to preserve and strengthen, as well as in situations where a person’s work involves a large number of temptations. In addition, we recognize those patterns of behavior that a person considers possible, the most common, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

    Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

    I. Why do people steal in some organizations (work to the deceit), while in others they don’t?
    Because in one case people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of the common cause, there is a team, but in the other there is none of this.
    Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team, is important for a person.
    You have to pay enough.
    Justifying dishonesty with the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the candidate’s honesty and try to “probe” him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the payment does not subjectively satisfy the employee, then he can steal or work wrongly.
    Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.
    Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.
    It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.
    A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and personnel selection is carried out, in particular, according to this criterion. There is no subjective justification for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on the type of person.

    2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, but people work just as hard as they did in his presence?

  • People are interested in the result.
  • We get Additional information about a person’s motivation, and also get a positive model of a responsible attitude to business - interest in the result.

  • The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done.
    Similar to the previous one, in managing this person it is worth taking into account the importance of clarity of goals.
  • So, even without a manager, there is someone to exercise control; there is a deputy, and then the manager will find out anyway.
    The answer requires further verification of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there was still control, i.e., the idea that people could still work was not allowed without
  • Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

    These questions show us expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can obtain several information different types, using both questions from point 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual personal relationships, and also shows which model of communication the candidate considers the most correct and successful. We just have to correlate the candidate’s ideas with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong; rather, they show how the candidate will be able to adapt to our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication relates to our corporate culture.
    When analyzing answers about the team, you should also pay attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or lack thereof:
    Friendly, cheerful, united- only personal relationships.
    Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional- only working relationship.
    Professional, like-minded people, mutual assistance -balance.
    The interpretation itself does not present any particular difficulties, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to obtain answers from existing employees, assess how much they coincide (homogeneity of expectations and their coincidence with the corporate culture of the company), and then compare the candidates’ answers with answers prevailing among those working in the company.

    Career motivation (question 7)

    This question is very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do this simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, bad people do not strive for anything), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question helps us determine whether the candidate really strives for career growth as such (i.e., strives to manage people) or whether other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional improvement, and a stable position in the labor market. If we see that career growth is not being replaced by other factors, then we can assume what factors prompt a given person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complement the picture of the candidate’s motivators, as well as understand how to positively influence an employee if career growth is impossible. We also receive additional tools for assessing whether it is worth inviting a candidate to work in cases where growth is not possible in the near future.

    Conflicts (questions 12-15)

    The answers show the main problem areas and possible reasons conflicts in different areas(organization, people, client). It is important for us to assess the degree of conflict, that is, how serious or, conversely, insignificant are the possible causes of conflict. For example, the candidate names the main reason for the conflict with the client is that the client does not clearly describe his needs. Of course, this should not be a cause of conflict. Thus, we can assume an increased tendency to conflicts with clients, an inability to form and identify their needs. In another situation about dismissal upon completion of the probationary period, the candidate says that, probably, he did not find mutual understanding with everyone in the team. This is also a definite signal. Let us remind you once again that for now we are only making assumptions and further verification is necessary, for example using CASES. If the candidate names serious reasons for the conflicts (for example, management broke promises on the amount of compensation), then we use such answers in order to assess not the conflict level as such, but to find out the negative experience of the candidate or the most important points for him.

    Clients (questions 13, 14)

    We can assess the “bottlenecks” when working with clients that are typical for a given candidate, as well as learn about his previous negative experience and determine how critical it is for us. For example, the candidate answers: “The most problematic client is the client who does not know what he wants.” If the responsibilities of a future employee primarily include developing the client’s needs, if the product and order generation process are very complex, then it is worth considering whether such a candidate is suitable for the company. If the responsibilities boil down to providing information to customers who contacted the company themselves, and placing an order is not difficult, then this answer is absolutely neutral.

    Manager (question 20)

    The results of the answers to this question give us an idea of ​​which manager is best suited for a given candidate. Special attention avoidance must be addressed. All that remains is to compare the candidate’s answer with real situation business If we interview a high-level manager, then the answer to this question also gives us information about which model of management and behavior of the manager he considers the most correct and successful. Again we need to match this model with what we want to see in our organization.

    Employee (question 19)

    If the answer is given by a person who does not have experience or a pronounced inclination for leadership work, then we get an idea of ​​​​the model of success in the organization, i.e., what, according to the candidate, one must be in order to be assessed as a good employee. If the answer is given by a manager or a pronounced leader, then we receive information about preferences based on the characteristics of subordinates. As in the previous situation, it makes sense for us to compare preferences with the real situation.

    Projective interview

    The proposed methodology is based on the fact that people, when talking about the past, in most cases adhere to the facts (except for situations where a person deliberately intends to distort reality), but give them those explanations and interpretations that are relevant to them now, and not at that time. the moment when the events took place. Of course, this is true only when the events are sufficiently distant (at least several years) in time from the present moment.
    The method of analyzing A. Adler’s early childhood memories made me think about creating a similar interview method. Of course, this technique works for completely different tasks, where the interpretation is much deeper and the application situations are significantly different from the situation of a business interview. These methods are united by the following facts:

    1. the subject describes events that are significantly distant in time;
    2. the interpretation of events is based largely on ideas characteristic of the subject’s current state;
    3. It is not so much the facts that are important, but the emotional coloring and explanations.

    So, our task is to obtain a description and explanation of any events that are quite significant for the candidate, remote in time by several years, but at the same time somehow related to the business situation, since otherwise we can shock the candidate with intervention into his private life. Based on all these factors, we managed to come to the idea that served as the basis for the PROJECTIVE INTERVIEW - the idea of ​​​​choosing a profession. Accordingly, this type of interview is relevant only for those candidates who graduated from school no later than 5-6 years ago. It should be noted that the name of the technique is somewhat conventional, since it includes both an element of a projective interview and projective questions, as well as other methods, some of which we have already considered.
    First of all, we will consider the structure of the interview itself (see figure), then we will give interpretations to the main, most common answers and analyze several examples of the results of such interviews.

    Interpretation of results

    What does this question reveal?

    1. What did you want to become when you left school? Fact
    2. Why? The motivation for a fairly serious choice, the structure of a person’s decision-making, the ability to make decisions independently, the degree of influence of other people and circumstances on the decision (if there is such influence, we can identify a tendency towards one or another reference group). An interesting situation is critical self-assessment, in which a person shows an unsuccessful motivation (for example, the institute was close to home) and critically evaluates it himself. When analyzing this answer, you can also assess the ability to clearly set goals and the ability to make forecasts for the future. In addition, the answer to this question in many cases shows a person’s professional inclinations and area of ​​interest.
    3. Steel? Bundle
    4. Why didn’t they? The degree of responsibility for failures, as well as their explanation. The ability to analyze a situation of failure and draw from it the right conclusions for the future
    5. How did you achieve this? Model of success: how a person is used to achieving success, what he generally considers as a way to achieve a goal. We can also assess the degree of detail - globality and how much a person tracks cause-and-effect relationships
    6. What did you choose instead of the original? Same as question 1 (fact)
    7. Why? We check and supplement the picture obtained by analyzing the answer to question 2
    8. Did you manage to become? Due to what? Same as question 5 (success model)
    9. Why did you choose your current job (type of activity)? The motivation for choice is checked, we can assess whether there are dynamics of changes in the thoughtfulness of decision-making and motivation for choice. If the answer to the first question was due to chance, hygiene factors (for example, the proximity of the institute to home) or the ease of achieving the goal, it is important to evaluate whether the approach has changed in the following stages
    10. Are you a good... (current job/activity)? Self-esteem
    11. Why do you think so? Determining the type of reference
    12. Have you had success? Describe your greatest success Self-esteem, as well as the definition: “loner” - “team player” - “manager”
    13. How did you achieve success? Same as questions 5, 8 (success model)
    14. Why do you think this is a success? Determining the type of reference
    15. Have you ever had any failures? Self-esteem, the ability to admit one’s own mistakes and take responsibility for them
    16. What were they connected with? Model of failure, ability to take responsibility
    17. How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself? The “path to the goal” model. We evaluate several main points: determination, i.e. whether or not a person refuses to move towards a goal if he encounters some significant obstacles; flexibility, the ability to consider several versions or options for action in a difficult situation; the desire to request someone’s help, to involve other people in solving one’s problem; in some cases a reference group may appear
    18. What if it still doesn’t work out? Same as the previous question, but in a tougher and more complex situation
    19. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Why? It is known that many people prepare in advance to answer the question about advantages and disadvantages, but we may be interested in setting priorities. In particular, this will give us an idea of ​​how a person understands the suitability of the vacancy for which he is applying (for example, if a candidate wants to take a position that requires great independence in decision making, and cites diligence as his greatest asset, then we can immediately tell , that his idea of ​​the relationship between the vacancy and his qualities is inadequate).
    But we can glean the most important information from the answer to the second question. In this case, we can evaluate whether the candidate associates merits and achievement of goals with success. If yes, then this is very good indicator adequacy of constructing cause-and-effect relationships, as well as focus on achieving
    20. What are you
    Do you consider your shortcomings? Why?
    Interpretation is similar to question 19. Additionally, we again test the ability to recognize one’s weaknesses

    Let's consider an example of a projective interview of a candidate for the position of chief accountant and a brief interpretation of the candidate's answers.

    Question answer

    Interpretation of the response

    What did you want to become when you left school? I wanted to become an international economist. Fact
    Why? I was always interested in exact sciences and analytics; it seemed that economics was closest to mathematics, and this profession at that time provided very good career opportunities. Area of ​​interest - exact sciences, the person clearly sees cause-and-effect relationships, can find a logical compromise (economics is closest to mathematics), career orientation and desire to predict the future are visible
    Become? Yes . Fact
    How did you achieve this?
    I have always studied well and knew very clearly that I wanted to go to college right away. And then I was able to pass a competition to work in my specialty, because I had a good professional reputation, which I acquired while working part-time while still studying.
    Clearly traces cause-and-effect relationships. Success model - good knowledge/ study / work + awareness of one’s own goals and a clearly expressed desire. Establishing a positive professional reputation
    Why did you change your specialty? (We see from the resume that the candidate works as a chief accountant.)
    This profession turned out to be much more in demand and stable on the labor market, in addition, at that moment it was one of the most highly paid professions. Therefore, I decided to slightly change the direction of my activities.
    Career orientation, demand and stability in the labor market, as well as material motivation reappear. Independence in decision-making and responsibility for decisions made are demonstrated. At the same time, the desire for a single line and similarity is once again manifested (“it has somewhat changed the direction of activity”)
    How did you achieve success in your new profession?
    The combination of experience as an economist and an accountant helped me a lot. In addition, I am not afraid to make decisions and I know how to not only work myself, but also ask others.
    The “expert” model of success (reference to experience) and the importance of the decision-making factor for a person are once again confirmed, and avoidance is manifested here, i.e. one can assume a pronounced negative attitude of a person towards situations in which people do not want/are afraid to make decisions. The candidate attaches great importance to “the ability to work”; he is highly demanding of himself and others
    Why did you choose your current job?
    I've heard a lot good reviews about this company from ours general auditors, and they offered me much better conditions. >
    Confirmed high degree focus on professional reputation, as well as material motivation>
    You are good Chief Accountant?
    Good . >
    Normal self-esteem, provided that we know about the good professional reputation of the candidate>
    Why do you think so?
    I have always successfully passed the audit, tax audits, and I have a stable accounting system that I can rely on and am very happy with.
    Mixed reference focuses on objective indicators of success (checks), as well as on your opinion about people. Sees himself as a leader, people are important, the ability to rely on them and value them highly
    Have you had any success? Describe your greatest success.
    I believe that my biggest project is the implementation of a Western accounting system in a large holding company. I was able to coordinate the work of several divisions and achieve smooth operation just six months after the start of the system implementation.
    Sees himself as a leader, with a penchant for innovative large projects. System view (smooth operation), combination of capabilities and procedures
    What made you achieve success? A clear goal, common goals with management, the ability to achieve decisions on time. The significance of goals for motivation, understanding of business and the organization as a whole, the importance of decision-making and the tendency to act quickly - factors that are significant for the candidate, a model of success
    Why do you think this is a success?
    Because business performance has improved .
    An important factor in self-esteem and assessment of one’s professional success are objective indicators of business development and success
    Have you ever had any failures?
    Adequate self-esteem, ability to admit mistakes
    What were they connected with?
    I couldn’t insist on my own when I needed to.
    The ability to take responsibility is once again confirmed component models of success - the ability to defend your opinion
    How do you act in a situation when you cannot achieve the goal that you have set for yourself?
    I think what else. I haven't tried the path.
    The strategy of action in the face of failure is very attractive: the candidate does not deviate from the goal, at the same time does not go ahead, but tries other options
    What if it still doesn’t work out?
    I'm looking for other ways. Unless, of course, I still believe that the goal is relevant.
    Here we see the importance of the fact that the candidate himself must be confident in the relevance of the goal, only in this case he continues to look for solutions. The future manager should keep this in mind and seek with the employee a common understanding of the relevance of the goals set at different stages of the movement towards them
    What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Why?
    The ability to achieve goals and not be afraid of decisions, even if not everyone likes them. This is what helped me in my professional career.
    Model of success: virtues are what help you achieve a professional career. Career and professionalism are very valuable. Tendency to defend a decision, certain negative experience in unpopular decisions, which is worth paying attention to, since a future employee may be inclined to be somewhat categorical in defending his opinion and decisions
    What do you consider your shortcomings? Why?
    I get into arguments easily. It sometimes takes too long.
    Knows how to admit shortcomings, a real shortcoming is named, not an extreme form of advantage, as many articles advise. There is a tendency to work quickly and not want to spend a lot of time
    Thus, we have before us a candidate of a high level of professional and social maturity, able to make decisions, defend them and bear responsibility for them, fairly stable, striving to predict the future, sometimes he can be too tough and categorical, a leader, a purposeful person with adequate self-esteem and a clear inclination to management.

    As you can see, when actually conducting a projective interview, you can slightly change the wording and sequence of questions based on the answers the candidate gives.

    Why do people take loans? It would seem that this is a very basic question that does not require any detailed answers.

    But in fact this is not the case: here, as in the lion’s share of other situations, the clause “how many people, so many positions” applies. IN modern world The phrase “never say never” has become widespread; in a practical sense, it indicates that you should never say “never.”

    In fact, sometimes life can turn out in such a way that you change your position regarding many things, and loans are not something exceptional here.

    What motivates people to live on credit?

    Why take out a loan? There are several causal factors according to which humanity is actively living according to the banking program.

    These are the main considerations, based on which this amount may be required.

    1. The money has run out, and the payday is only a week or more away.
    2. Debts have accumulated that you cannot pay off with your own efforts and savings.
    3. The desire to buy a good gift for your loved one.
    4. The desire to purchase a product that you could never afford to buy in cash.
    5. Engaging in solving acute and urgent difficulties, for example, in terms of one’s own health, using paid medical services.
    6. The need to incur a large amount of expenses for festive events - weddings, anniversaries, birth of children.
    7. Purchasing your own home or car in case of lack of funds or their complete absence.
    8. Expansion of business activities.
    9. Payment for studies at the institute or any other university.
    10. Completing an effective educational event in the form of a training.
    11. Sending a child to study or work abroad.
    12. Buy high-quality and expensive items that you could not afford without a loan.
    13. Provide yourself with home repairs or improve your own home in another way.
    14. The occurrence of force majeure circumstances.

    As a rule, citizens faced with an urgent need to obtain credit funds, are faced with several opinions of “experienced” people.

    • Anyone who is afraid of loans shouts “don’t take them.”
    • People who once took out a loan out of stupidity and financial illiteracy, without calculating their own capabilities, repeat “it’s not worth it.”
    • Advertising experts convincingly say that you need to take it here and now, without thinking and without delay, but modern people do not always believe in marketing.
    • A mind tired of searching optimal option, claims that it’s still worth taking, because there is no way out of the situation, and the need for money is already pressing.

    And here a logical and fair question arises - who should you trust, and whether you should take out a loan. If you take into account the set of points listed below, you can ensure that you make an intelligent and rational decision.

    1. Through a loan you can quickly act as an owner the required amount, as well as purchase the product item that you need. Traditionally, the procedure for studying an application document takes a couple of hours, if we're talking about on urgent consumer lending.
    2. It is quite easy to become the owner of the desired product item or funds. To obtain the desired effect, you must wait for approval, come to the office and pick up the product item or finances.
    3. Long-term savings can cost you time and prevent you from using modern goods and services. For people who are technically advanced and strive to live here and now, a loan will become great opportunity fulfillment of dreams.
    4. The loan acts as a controlled financial lever. After all, through its execution, the borrower will be able to determine two key parameters– set the size and term of the loan.
    5. Chance for early compensation. The lion's share of credit authorities has a chance to pay off the loan in advance, that is, even earlier than fixed time. Subsequently, the overpayment is recalculated in favor of the client side.
    6. Forming a positive history of loans with care and your own future. This is the main advantage that allows you to create a good reputation, and later it will work for you. After this, you can count on acquiring funds, but in a larger amount.

    So we looked at why people take out loans, and by what actions and motives they are justified.

    Now let’s consider the appropriateness of certain types of behavior and evaluate it from an objective point of view.

    Why do people need loans?

    This is peculiar financial instrument, contributing to the achievement of the cherished goal. Even before the emergence of the nineties, people did not take on the burden of debt obligations and could cope on their own.

    But after the collapse of the USSR in Russia, the sphere began active development and formation. A huge number of banks have appeared, exceeding the number of European institutions, and small creditors have not yet been taken into account.

    Offers to borrow money today can be found literally at every step, and money is issued promptly and in large quantities.

    It is clear that such availability of funds, which is not available to citizens from their own savings, makes one’s head spin and makes one think that what they really need are new things and a beautiful life.

    Unfortunately, most borrowers, having taken out loans, encounter a fiasco and subsequently swear not to take them at all. cash on credit. Others, in turn, are just getting used to the new bondage, borrowing everything they need and don’t need.

    Why do some people take out a lot of loans?

    If you can’t afford to live like a picture and fulfill your desires, a loan creates opportunities to draw all this beauty without much stress and difficulty.

    This is how the human psyche works, instigated by the ego: you have to be no worse than a neighbor, colleague, distant relative, or that person in the minibus. In the end, it turns out that a loan is not a need at all, but one of the ways to increase one’s self-esteem.

    The classic situation today is further aggravated by the fact that people have the opportunity to take out a loan not at a bank with a long wait, but right at the point of sale, in 5 minutes.

    The statistical trend is that the total number of loans per capita is constantly increasing. For one physical or even entity There may be about 4-7 loans - from harmless plastic to an impressive mortgage.

    In addition to truly necessary goods, people also buy luxury goods that are not so necessary, but allow them to stroke their ego.

    It turns out that the only criterion and factor that forces people to take out many loans is their availability.

    Why take out a loan?

    Let's consider several practical situations and determine the feasibility of obtaining loans.

    The desire to live beautifully

    This is a fact - the majority of contemporaries express a penchant for materialism, for expensive “toys”. The person is not looking for complicated ways to make money. Instead of going to a part-time job and earning money to buy something, or simply saving money, he chooses a simpler method - drawing up a loan agreement.

    It is this opportunity that attracts a large number of people. And today there is no need to endlessly improve the level of your own qualifications or constantly study in order to become a highly paid professional.

    Even as a janitor, you can drive a new car, wear nice things, and live in your own home.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that the lion's share of people want to be not just no worse, but also better than others. The thirst for royal life is the key motive for turning to financial authorities. And it, in turn, is accompanied by an unbridled desire to have everything at once.

    An apartment in the desired area, a high-quality foreign car, prestigious furniture, luxurious jewelry, telephones and other equipment. All this makes you feel more important and significant.

    As a result, an illusory picture of the world is created and values ​​are replaced. As practice shows, “toys” purchased at this price quickly go out of fashion and within a year or two become unnecessary.

    Conclusion: Of course, there is no urgent need for such a loan. It’s one thing when it comes to an apartment, because you don’t want to rent living space for the rest of your life, but you need to live somewhere.

    It’s another matter when a loan is taken out for toys that will only amuse your ego and will not make your life better. That's why this reason taking out a loan is not rational.

    Urgent need for finances!

    This is another consideration that people use to explain borrowing money. There are situations when it is a matter of life and death: for example, force majeure circumstances have arisen and there is nothing to live on.

    Or you urgently need to undergo an expensive operation, but there are no savings. Of course, in life such a situation makes itself felt not so often, especially if we are talking about a responsible and prudent person who is able to take care of himself in advance. But, as they say, you shouldn’t promise.

    If a problem arises in your life, you can contact financial institution personally or with the help and take out funds at interest. It is possible for everyone to do this today, but you need to carefully select a lender who will provide you not only with finance, but also profitable programs their repayment.

    Or consider borrowing money from friends and relatives. Most people, considering modern medicine extremely expensive, do not seek to take out a loan at extortionate rates.

    On the one hand, the overpayment will be colossal. From another perspective, what could be more valuable than your own life?

    In general, if the issue is urgent, money is needed urgently, because without it you can disappear, then a loan should be considered as a completely serious option for solving problems.

    If we are talking about your well-being or the lives of your loved ones, you don’t need to think “I won’t be able to afford the loan”, “it’s cheaper to die than to be treated.” You need to weigh all the pros and cons and find ways to repay the loan on time.

    Believe me, smart and responsible people always find a way out of such situations. Besides, no one said it would be easy.

    Loan to buy an apartment!

    Improving your own life by acquiring living space - great option. After all, today a huge number of people live in irrational conditions, and due to the lack of their own housing, newlyweds want to put off having children.

    And if heirs are born, then four or five people have to huddle in a cramped apartment without the possibility of a full life and complete freedom. Of course, you can find a way out of the situation and rent housing - which is not an option.

    Unfortunately, most people do not envision a scenario in which they can pay rent today and become rich the next and instantly buy a home. Therefore, instead of rental payments The easiest way is to make mortgage payments, but in your old age you will have your own apartment.

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    In terms of necessity and profitability, this type of loan is considered controversial today. After all, it is one thing to become a debtor for 1-2 years, and quite another when it comes to decades.

    Therefore, before registration mortgage loan potential consumer banking products It’s worth thinking carefully about your own plans and goals. If you're planning on building a career and getting paid well within a year, it might be worth taking out a mortgage and paying it off early.

    On the other hand, why tie yourself hand and foot now if in a year you will be able to afford the home you dream of?

    As for ordinary employees of enterprises, it is unlikely that in a couple of years they will have the opportunity to buy a dream home. Unless the inheritance falls out of the blue, or you win the lottery. There are no options here - a mortgage is the best way to get your own home.

    But remember that without down payment It’s impossible to get by here, so you won’t be able to buy a home entirely with borrowed money. If you do not have the skill of saving, this option may be utopian for you.

    Conclusion: This type of loan is worth taking out. On the one hand, this is bondage for several years, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will have to significantly limit yourself for the next 10-20 years.

    But if you don’t have your own home, a mortgage is a better option than renting a home, because in the first case you get ownership of the living space, and in the second you are only a temporary guest in an apartment or house.

    Starting a business!

    Active and purposeful individuals often need start-up capital to open their own business, because today you cannot do without money even in the simplest form of entrepreneurship.

    Of course, you are incredibly lucky if you have wealthy friends or relatives who can lend money. But not every citizen is surrounded by people who are ready to provide temporary financial support.

    In this situation, the only thing left is the bank, which will help out with capital for a new business, so that you can finally take off your shackles and stop working for your uncle.

    What could be better than your own business, in which only you are the owner? Indeed, it is so. But it is worth taking into account various circumstances under which not every type of activity can take off. It’s not very pleasant to go broke in business and remain in debt to the bank.

    On the other hand, how can you know whether a business will fail or grow if you don’t try to open it? Here, even not the most positive work experience can bring you many useful skills and invaluable experience.

    And it's worth it. Moreover, practice shows that if a person is seriously focused on results, he cannot fail, and the funds aimed at creating his own business will certainly not be thrown away. At least this step is better than purchasing new phones, cars, or fur coats.

    A business loan is promising, unlike simple consumption, which brings nothing but bragging rights. But if you are building your own business for the first time, you should not aim at large loans, start small and acquire only a few details.

    After receiving the first profits, you will be able to make a forecast for the coming months and years, and only then, if necessary, apply for a new loan.

    Getting an education!

    Famous entrepreneurs and coaches say that the best way to invest is to invest in yourself. What could be more important for a person than his own health and education?

    Definitely, this method investing is the best and optimal. Especially if you have your own head on your shoulders. You will lay a strong and strong foundation of knowledge within yourself.

    Therefore, a loan taken for education, in most cases, justifies itself and gives a fruitful result. So from any point of view, an education loan is the right decision.

    There is also the “other side of the coin”. The question is where exactly do you plan to get that education. If we are talking about a prestigious university in Europe or Asia, then you can take out a loan, it will definitely pay off.

    If it is a mediocre institution with a dubious program and teaching staff, the investment is unlikely to pay off. Trainings deserve special attention. Today you can find a huge number of “personal growth” trainings, business trainers and other “specialists”.

    Before you go to study with such “professionals,” you should read hundreds of reviews and make the right choice. After all, not every teacher can teach necessary and useful things.

    Another option is to consider free training. Today it is available, but it's only a matter of quality. Not talking about higher education, and about trainings, you can watch videos on the Internet, read educational articles, because each such step is another brick in your knowledge, and it is this that will allow you to achieve tremendous success in life and in your career.

    Conclusion: education lending is the best opportunity to make your life better and, first of all, significantly change yourself. But it is worth paying attention to the quality of the educational program that you plan to use to achieve success.

    So we looked at the question of why people take out loans, and what desires and aspirations they use to explain these steps. If you approach the issue head-on, the result will not be long in coming, and there will be ways to return the money to the lender.

    But if you understand and realize that a loan can turn into bondage, you should think 1000 times before making such a decision.

    Reasons not to take out a loan!

    We have examined the reasons and arguments that speak about the reasons for which humanity voluntarily gets into a debt hole.

    Now we will study the main causal factors why you should not enter into such dubious transactions.

    A refinance loan is not a good idea!

    Represents the process by which a new deal on more favorable terms. Clients encounter this procedure in a situation where there are difficulties with payment current loan, or the bank itself offers a reduction in the existing interest rate.

    Eg, the borrower began processing the loan during the period when rates were increased and issued an obligation at 27%. Some time has passed, indicators have fallen, and another organization offers the opportunity to formalize an agreement for 15%. But here you should prepare for a larger payment or a longer period.

    Conclusion: the game is not worth the candle. To ease your plight and feel even more self-confident, you should choose a restructuring service. It involves changing the key structure of the principal amount of the debt and improving the overall financial condition borrower.

    Taking out another loan – do you need it?!

    From a practical point of view, there are often cases when a person has already taken out various loans and suddenly decides to purchase another thing. Here the issue should definitely be postponed in order to avoid a significant increase monthly payments on loan.

    But if a new loan is an urgent need, without which it is problematic or impossible, you should immediately begin to pay off one of the existing obligations.

    It is important to follow the general everyday and banking rule: monthly loan payments should not spend more than a third of your income. If this balance is upset, the question of your solvency will be moot.

    What if there is an acute shortage of money?

    Such is the mentality of our people, accustomed to living from paycheck to paycheck. All expenses need to be spread over the course of the month. But sometimes circumstances arise in which finances are up to wages not enough, and the thought arises of getting a loan for just a few days.

    Traditionally, people turn to microfinance organizations and are forced to overpay enormously. Of course, due to the small amounts, overpayments are practically not felt. In these cases, it is most advisable to use a loan that includes a grace period.

    It will help you “intercept” the money before your payday and return it without interest overpayments. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such offers, because they are profitable for the time being.

    Is it worth contacting an MFO?!

    The advantage of these companies is that they are ready to provide money in just 5 minutes of studying the application solely based on the passport. This chance is attractive to citizens who need a certain amount of money, especially if the bank refuses a loan.

    The overpayment in this case turns out to be huge (from 100% per year). This creates difficulties in the budget of average citizens, but most often they take funds in this way.

    Another feature of MFOs is that they are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of the package of documents provided and the general history of loans.

    Possibility of fraud when drawing up a contract!

    Before directly signing the contractual relationship for a loan, you should carefully study all aspects. We are especially talking about points where the bank’s rights to change the interest rate unilaterally are provided, as well as the requirement of a debt obligation.

    In order for the borrower to avoid loan traps, it is necessary to deal with all the reservations in advance. Better yet, record them in paper form.

    Personal details of an ordinary borrower

    Periodically financial structures engage in research and study of their borrowers in order to determine who exactly needs services and which categories are considered the most risky.

    Based on such data, it is possible to determine the average and ideal client:

    1. Age characteristics. According to statistics - 25-44, ideally - 39-45 years old.
    2. The level of education. The average segment is dominated by clients with secondary education, ideally it should be higher.
    3. Family status. Usually these are persons living in a civil marriage. Ideally, banks see families in which the children have already grown up.
    4. Income level indicator. On average it is 20,000 rubles, ideally it should be equal to 35 thousand rubles.
    5. Property property. Ideally, the client should have his own property and car.

    As you can see from the comparison, most often the realistic data differs markedly from the ideal. This applies to the age, level of education, income, and property of the borrowers.

    So we looked at why people take out loans. From a practical point of view, this is explained by a large number of causal factors.

    Financial consultant Nadezhda Kotelnikova, author of the book “Life Hacks for Managing Personal Finances,” shared her thoughts on consumer lending.

    What to do if there is no money, but there are many desires? Have you been dreaming of a foreign vacation for a long time? Do you want to be examined in a private clinic and improve your health? Do you want to update your furniture or buy new household appliances? Does your soul ask to buy expensive clothes from a fashion collection? All this can be solved. It is enough to apply for a consumer loan. Just? Of course, it’s simple, but there is one small problem - the debt will have to be repaid with interest and according to the schedule established by the bank.

    Well, it’s not scary, many people pay their salaries every month a small amount. And some even most of it, but this is also not a problem, but the wedding was gorgeous, the house was decorated with an expensive purchase and the vacation was a success.

    Dismissal from a job or layoff can ruin all the raspberries. But this is not fatal either. The bank, of course, will punish you for late payment with a fine, then get a job and repay the debt. What if it doesn't work out? Will it go to court? Then you will have to sell off the property. You can also declare bankruptcy. Well, at least we managed to live beautifully.

    People who are satisfied with this prospect will probably pay consumer loans or are planning to take them. It is easy to enter this river, but you can get into a whirlpool and then the current will pull you to the bottom. The life of many debt-ridden citizens is a run in a vicious circle: they wanted something - they bought it on credit - they were a little happy - they got involved in tedious work to pay off the loan - they wanted something again, etc.

    Today you can easily find literature in which famous financiers, entrepreneurs and investors tell how to achieve success in the financial field, become a millionaire, etc. Do these books say that wealth came from consumer credit? Of course not.

    This does not mean a taboo on lending in general. If an entrepreneur has thought through everything and taken out a loan to develop his business, this is a normal move that allows him to move towards achieving his goal. But consumer credit is in most cases a swamp.

    All people want to improve their financial situation. However, citizens who are inclined to consumer lending do not become rich and successful. Main reasons:

    • Instead of paying interest on a loan, you can save money. Consumer lending makes it impossible to save and invest, which means you won’t be able to provide for yourself over time passive income. All rich people live precisely by receiving passive income.
    • When a person is always busy with work, because he is forced to pay off debts, he has no time to think about new options for earning money.

    To leap forward, you need a pause, you need time to think. Otherwise, it is difficult to change jobs, decide to change the type of activity, move to another city, or change your social circle.

    Why you can't take out a loan

    There are other relevant reasons for refusing consumer lending. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Sorry for the money Consumer credit is far from a free service. Consider the purchase option household appliances

    for the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Let the conditions be loyal - the loan is taken out for 1 year and at only 15% per annum. Even in this case, the overpayment will be 4162 rubles.

    It seems like a small amount of money, but it can be spent usefully, for example, paying for visits to a fitness club. Or put it on deposit. Giving it to the bank is the simplest, but by no means ideal, solution. Greed is a completely natural feeling, and in this case it plays into the hands of financial well-being. In principle, there are rare, atypical options in which you should not spare money on consumer lending. For example, a person is saving for a car, the main amount of money is on urgent bank deposit . There are only a few weeks left before the deposit closes, and a tempting option appears at a car dealership: they offer to buy your dream car for a very. You can, of course, close your deposit early and lose interest, but it may be wiser to take a short-term consumer loan. This will be beneficial if the overpayment on the loan is less than the accrued interest on the deposit.

    It's scary to be left without property

    Another reason not to take out a consumer loan is the fear of being left without a roof over your head. Some people, justifying their debt load, say that they cannot buy a new kitchen, make quality repairs or go on vacation without borrowed money. It turns out to be a paradox: on the one hand, borrowers understand that they cannot bear large expenses without outside help, but on the other hand, they aggravate their financial position credit. They also try not to think about risks, although problems with money can strike at the most inopportune moment.

    What happens if the borrower stops paying? The bank reacts to late payment with penalties, and the debt grows. The next step is legal proceedings, as a result of which the debt is collected. A new kitchen very quickly ceases to be new; you can’t sell it for your money. You will have to sell something else, for example, an apartment. And move to a studio located somewhere on the outskirts of the city. For children, a forced move will be stressful, and for adult family members too.

    There is no desire to depend on creditors

    Many people who value their freedom avoid consumer lending, and rightly so. In Russia, the debt burden of the population is now high. Citizens often pay off several consumer loans at once. Some spend 10-15 thousand rubles a month for these purposes; in a year it comes out to 120-180 thousand. For this money, banks teach people discipline.

    Credit organizations do not give money to just anyone; they prefer to work with people who have income. This means that, if they wish, these citizens can decide financial questions on one's own. But many are lazy every month; it is easier for them to be under the control of the bank. Moreover, gambling borrowers take out several loans at once, and they are controlled not by one bank, but by several. As a result, one can only dream of freedom; one has to work hard, take part-time jobs, sacrificing leisure time.

    Loans prevent you from improving

    Consumer loans hinder development and dull the desire to improve. Because of them, a person receives compensation in advance. If you wanted a new thing, you took out a loan and you were done. However, the joy of the purchase quickly fades, and gray everyday life begins - work from morning to evening. How to please yourself? Apply for a new loan.

    The joy of the purchase lasts for hours, but it takes months to work off the loan. It is psychologically difficult to work knowing that a significant part of your salary will have to be paid immediately. It's hard to force yourself to try. And without effort, it is difficult to make a career and achieve professional growth. And simply being happy is much more problematic for a debtor than for a person without financial burdens.


    Greed, fear, love of freedom and the desire to develop are good reasons not to take out consumer loans. Don't buy things you can't afford. Don't plan a foreign vacation if you don't know how to save. The correct approach is to get what you want only for money you’ve already earned. Set a goal and strive for it. Make plans, develop ways to achieve your goal, and soon you will see real progress in your income, which means it will be possible to achieve what you want.

    Why do you think people pay back their bank loans?
    Added (1)....Test question, need help with the correct answer)


    Because it's cool to give back credit :-)

    Try not to give it away.

    Because not giving is not cool XDD

    Because the one who does not pay off his debts is a shaggy man.

    To be able to take it again

    Because an agreement is an agreement.

    Because if something happens, you are under their control, and they will take you for one place (well, if only you, and only for one).
    You can hide and run, but that’s for the time being. And at the same time, various restrictions may arise on freedom of action.

    best answer -Are you really giving out loans on fair terms? Just like that, on my word of honor?
    -What if I don’t return it?
    -well then you will be ashamed
    -When you introduce yourself...
    -well, when will it be...
    -Well. Should I give you the loan on the 5th? Well, on the 6th, introduce yourself

    Would you like it if your neighbor doesn’t give you the money he borrowed?

    To Addendum #1: Which interesting test. Was there already something about the crow and the plane?

    Give it to whom? A jar? If yes, then in order to have a positive credit history, if for people, then good souls, what can I say...

    Because if the loan is not repaid, the bank has the right to take your property for the amount that the client took.
    Such a client will be added to the blacklist of all banks in the country in the future.

    You have prepared thoroughly and have written a clear account of your experience, education and personality. But suddenly you are asked a question: “Why do you think some people lie?” Such a turn of events will be unexpected, to say the least. Tom Hunt recruitment agency specialists - senior partner Vladimir Yakuba and Elena Starostina - will tell you how to successfully pass a projective interview.

    So the question has been asked. Really, why do some people lie? You cannot be responsible for everyone, but you know for what reason you personally could lie. Or, for example, like this. The HR manager asks you a question: “What do you think is the reason why some people become more successful, while others, with the same efforts, do not achieve any results and work as sellers in a kiosk near the metro for 15 years? And you begin to reason... Listening to your reasoning, HR realizes how you would act in a given situation, since you, by and large, are having a conversation with yourself, answering the questions: “Why can I be unsuccessful? Why might I leave the company? Why do some people quit?” This displays your motivation system and much more.

    So, a projective interview is based on constructing questions in such a way that they invite the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. We tend to transfer our life experiences and ideas to the interpretation of the actions of other people, as well as to fictitious situations, characters, etc.

    What exactly is the interviewer trying to find out by asking such tricky questions?

    ● Motivation: material and intangible;

    ● relationships: “manager - employee”;

    ● values: honesty, loyalty;

    ● interaction with the team: features of communication with people;

    ● behavior in conflicts;

    ● interaction with clients.

    The trick to a projective interview is that the questions are asked at a fast enough pace so that the applicant says the first thing that comes to mind. And the wording of questions regarding the actions of other people has a relaxing effect: the candidate no longer strives to please the HR manager and gives truthful answers that reveal him completely. The researcher can “deceive” the respondent’s consciousness and thus reveal his hidden motives, attitudes, attitudes, preferences, and values.

    How to “survive” a projective interview

    Be careful: no matter what questions HR asks, they all have one goal - to find out as much as possible about you.

    First, you should learn about the concept of “locus of control.” This is the degree of independence of a person, his activity and independence. Locus of control reflects the level of responsibility of a person in achieving any of his specific goals, the level of perception of his responsibility for occurring events and their consequences. There is a difference between the external locus and the internal locus. External is when a person in most current situations does not blame himself, not his actions and actions. And if a person always considers himself to blame for everything, then the locus of control is internal. Thus, the internal locus accompanies mature individuals, but the external one, on the contrary, interferes with the process of personal maturation.

    Therefore, answering the following projective questions...

    ● Have you ever been late?

    ● Have you ever failed to keep your promises?

    ● Have you ever talked about others behind their backs?

    ● Have you ever cheated?

    ● Have you ever made mistakes in your work?

    ● Does it ever happen that you fail to complete a task?

    ...you must remember that mature individuals take responsibility for their actions and do not blame others for their failures.

    Here is an example of a projective question:

    “Why do people steal in some organizations and not in others?”

    Correct options:

    Because in one case people work for themselves, they are interested in the success of a common cause, there is a team, but in the other there is none of this.

    It depends on the selection of people: there are dishonest people, and there are honest people, and they should be hired.

    Incorrect options:

    You have to pay enough.

    Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

    Also, during a projective interview, they may show you a picture where, for example, a person is drawn leaving the office in the evening with a thick briefcase, they explain that this is an employee of the company and ask for comments. If you say that this is perhaps an accountant who took work home in order to prepare the quarterly report on time - great, they will see you as a responsible and hardworking person. If you say that this is probably a cook who carries stolen food home, it is doubtful, you may be suspected of personal dishonesty.

    What people usually ask is what this could mean:

    No. Projective question Evaluated factor

    1. What motivates people to work most effectively? motivation

    2. What do people like about work? motivation

    3. Why does a person choose this or that profession? motivation

    4. Which team is most productive? team preferences

    5. What character qualities are most significant? environmental preferences

    6. Why do people strive to make a career? career motivation

    7.. In what situations is lying justified? admission of deception

    8. Why do you think people pay back their bank loans? motives for honesty

    9. Why is it justified to fire an employee immediately? values ​​in relation to the organization

    10. What causes conflicts with clients most often? "bottlenecks" in working with the client.