Time deposits in foreign currency. Deposits in foreign currency

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are accustomed to living “on credit.” However, in Lately financial literacy population is growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are becoming increasingly popular. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against capital depreciation, and through interest payments, they allow you to generate income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a foreign currency deposit in Moscow, then do not rush to take your money to the first bank that promises a big income due to the most high stakes on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of a deposit, you need to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (a minimum limit is set for each deposit) for a certain period (there are options for permanent deposits, which can be closed at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in a specified currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw money, the bank takes it out of its circulation and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered as a set of conditions such as amount, term and interest, which can be obtained precisely because the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on deposit within certain period. Therefore, the more comfortable the conditions of your multicurrency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for the bank, especially high interest rates on deposits in foreign currency you can receive.

Accordingly, high interest rates foreign currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it establishes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is open-ended, then the bank still sets a period during which it must be notified about the closure so that it can get it painlessly the required amount out of circulation;
  • During the term of the agreement, you cannot withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest rates, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the minimum possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial opportunities before opening a deposit.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all the necessary information on the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all Moscow banks work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option deposits of individuals in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly as possible and without extra effort, use special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. Based on your individual requirements, which you enter into the appropriate form, the system will select and display full list suitable deposit options 2019.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option you will receive the following information:

You can quickly make the right and informed choice, and then immediately submit an online application for a deposit in foreign currency and proceed to registration.

The economy is considered to be a fickle phenomenon by nature. Crises and a wide range of changes in the ruble currency make people think about investing in foreign currencies that offer a relatively stable exchange rate.

A person with savings wants to earn more by increasing his existing financial reserves. One such option is to open a deposit account with a banking organization in dollar or euro equivalent.

With the advent of the world economic crisis, financial experts recommend converting currencies into US dollars, Euros, Swiss francs and even Yuan, according to their relatively stable performance. The rules for opening a foreign currency account do not differ in the introduction of restrictions or additional rules.

The procedure is the same as when opening a regular ruble account. The minimum financial threshold at which you can open a foreign currency account is 100 conventional units. Every month, after opening a deposit account, a bank client receives interest according to the rate specified in the client service agreement. Average on deposits is no more than 5%.

Which banks provide the opportunity to open profitable foreign currency deposits?

Every year, experts in the field of financial and foreign exchange market, compile a rating banking offers upon opening deposits in foreign currency. The assessment is based on the proposals provided and how profitable they are for potential investors. When planning to open, the interest rate will be higher than an account in euros.

Today, among the “dollar” offers, the most advantageous offer is the terms from Promsvyazbank. The maximum interest rate on the deposit is 3.75%, provided that cash will not be withdrawn from the account within a year from the date of conclusion of the agreement. Rosenergobank offers 3.10%, and with the opportunity to terminate the contract concluded early, BinBank offers a rate of 3%.

The interest rates applicable to Euros are relatively lower than for dollar accounts. The most profitable offer is from Rosenergobank, where maximum rate reaches 2.2% The remaining offers from banks BaikalInvest, Timer and Bank of Kazan do not exceed 2%.

Which currency deposit is more profitable?

Based on the proposed interest rates, we can conclude that opening a deposit intended for storing one currency is not relevant. Therefore, most banking organizations have developed New Product entitled " multicurrency deposit " Such a deposit can be opened in .

It involves the possibility of storing dollars, euros and national currencies. With the onset of the economic crisis, this is the only option through which investors can continue to earn profits.

In the event of a sharp fall in the currency, the depositor has the right to make an automatic conversion and transfer the savings into a favorable denomination of US dollars, Euros or Rubles, depending on the situation. financial market. Operation in large organization is carried out free of charge, but the interest on deposits is significantly less than in dollar deposit or Euro. Large banks VTB, BinBank and Russian Standard have developed online banking so that each client can make transactions independently in personal account. The system is automated and has long been widespread among clients.

According to accepted banking system with all the provisions in force in the Russian Federation, foreign currency accounts, like ruble deposits, participate in the insurance program. The maximum insurance equivalent that a depositor can receive is no more than 400,000 rubles. If the bank with which the agreement was concluded declares itself bankrupt and is unable to pay the due funds, then the amount on deposit is automatically converted into national currency and is subject to subsequent payment. Don't forget about what can be done with the help of various companies.

If the amount on deposit exceeds the established amount for payment of 400,000 rubles, then the depositor gets in line and awaits payment from the established creditor.

Pros and cons of deposits in foreign currency

A foreign currency deposit implies funds that are transferred to a banking organization for storage and use in financial transactions, for which the client receives a percentage of the amount on deposit.

The main advantages of deposits in foreign currency are:

1. A potential investor minimizes the risk of loss own funds conversion method. If a sharp fall in the ruble and a high rise in the dollar or euro are expected, then he can convert the funds into a profitable equivalent.

2. The client can independently decide which currency is profitable to purchase. It could be CNY or Swiss frank. It all depends on how favorable the exchange rate is.

3. The contribution makes sense not only in the savings part. If the potential investor makes most of his expenses using foreign currency.

4. Any citizen of the Russian Federation can open a foreign currency account, if the amount of the down payment is from or euros.

If you open an account in foreign currency, through the cash desk bank branch, you can top it up in rubles. The system will automatically convert the deposited amount, which will be displayed in the current equivalent. All operations available for use with ruble accounts are also active for deposits in foreign currency.

Despite all the apparent advantages, deposits in foreign currency have one significant drawback. Comparing interest rates , the size of foreign currency deposits is much smaller than that of ruble deposits.

Developing new methods of earning money, banking organizations they offer to issue a card for free, which will be linked to deposit account. Every client should know that annual maintenance such a product is expensive, and withdrawals will occur directly from the attached account. The smaller the deposit becomes, the less profit the client receives. If a person expects long-term cooperation with a bank, then opening foreign currency deposit is quite a profitable event.

Is it worth keeping a deposit in foreign currency, expert opinion (video):

At the moment, the rush for foreign currency is still ongoing, since the exchange rate in the country remains unstable. Thus, over the past three years, the currency of the United States of America has almost doubled in value, and at times tripled. Under such circumstances, every citizen will have a completely logical and common-sense question, namely: “how to secure a future for yourself and your family?”

What is a deposit?

It is worth noting that this is one of the most pressing issues in the financial sector today. This article will discuss the method of accumulating funds in the form of a bank deposit.

This concept means contributed by an individual cash deposit to the bank, which will be placed in the latter in accordance with compliance with the requirements and rules contained in the agreement. The main condition will be the mandatory accrual of annual interest for the bank’s right to use these funds.

In other words, after a citizen deposits a certain amount in the bank, it will begin to generate income for him. There are several important points to note here:

  • Income will depend on the amount deposited, namely, it will be measured as a percentage of it. It follows from this that to get a good profit you need to deposit a large amount into the bank;
  • There are different time frames for which you can deposit money. Better conditions will wait for the client only for long periods of time. Whereas on ultra-small ones there will not be the most profitable offer Moreover, you won’t be able to get a good profit;
  • Before investing, you must carefully study the offers of all banks, as well as their current status. As a rule, the best offers come from large banks and banks that are on the verge of bankruptcy. The latter make tempting deposit interest to attract capital into your structure, for the client this poses an immediate danger to his finances;
  • You shouldn't choose either smallest percentage, because in a year it will be difficult to cover the inflation rates of money. It is worth noting that all currencies of the world are subject to inflation and, as a rule, this indicator for developed countries is 0.5 – 1%. If the deposit interest rate coincides with these values, this will mean that the client will only save his amount of money over the year without making a profit. And in case of a lower interest rate, the client will lose his money.

What types of deposits are there?

First of all, they differ in investment terms into two categories: fixed-term and perpetual. At the same time, deposit investments of the first category have their own clearly indicated time frames, which were specified in the agreement when opening a personal account and subsequent crediting of funds to it.

After the specified period expires, the contract will be considered closed, and all funds, along with accrued interest, will be transferred to the client depositor.

It is worth noting here that there are also fixed-term contracts with the so-called “prolongation”. This point must be discussed with the investor separately. Its meaning is that after the expiration of the contract and the depositor’s request for withdrawal of funds is not received, the contract will be re-concluded for the same period.

They belong more likely to the indefinite category savings accounts. It is worth noting that such agreements are accompanied by a fairly low interest rate. And in the terms of the agreement it is noted that the client can withdraw his funds with accrued interest at any time. This explains the low interest rate, since the bank has much less interest here, because the money can be withdrawn not in fixed time, and at any time.

Interest accrual

Currently, it is also an important point that is worth dedicating your time to studying.

There are two types of interest charges, namely with capitalization (compound interest) and without it.
The first concept implies that interest on the amount deposited in the bank will be added to the main account every month. That is, for the next month, interest will be calculated from the amount of the deposit + the accrued interest rate for the previous month.

The second method offers clients a bypass of this method and accrues interest on the initial deposit every month. As a rule, such deposits have several higher percentage dividends.

It is worth noting that when choosing a bank in which it is better to place your deposit, you should rely not on the interest rate, but on compound interest. After all, it will bring more profit compared to the option without capitalization, even if the latter has a higher interest rate.

Is it worth opening a foreign currency deposit?

Let's look at all the positive and negative sides this issue.

The positive ones include:

  • The most basic and main advantage of this deposit is the provision of security against fluctuations in the ruble. In other words, if the ruble falls sharply, your savings will not depreciate, but will remain at the same level. This point most often attracts people to itself;
  • It is not uncommon for investors to use not only US funds, but also funds from a number of other countries when opening a foreign currency deposit. For example, you can invest in British pound sterling or French franc. This way you can definitely protect yourself from inflation;
  • Time deposits in foreign currency become even more meaningful when there is a need to spend or buy some things or services in the same currency. Or if you need to save in dollars or euros;
  • Foreign currency deposits are, as a rule, very accessible to the population in any part of the country. This is due to the fact that almost all banks offer to open such a deposit. The amount for opening an account is minimal and does not exceed fifty dollars or euros. It is also possible for clients to open a foreign currency deposit using rubles, and the amount will be converted;
  • At the moment, foreign currency deposit accounts have a very developed functional system, which provides its clients with the opportunity to use all the same options and functions as with a ruble deposit;
  • In addition, it is worth noting that they are subject to the norm on state insurance deposits. Therefore, you can be confident in the integrity of your money.

Foreign currency deposits also have their disadvantages. Basically, only one thing stands out, namely that the rate on such a deposit will be almost half or three times less than its ruble counterpart. It follows from this that in order to make a profit, it is still necessary to use the national currency in a stable economy, and in order to preserve one’s investments in the current situation, it is better to resort to a foreign, more stable currency.

However, the decision primarily depends on the client himself.

Review of the best offers in banks

The most good propositions According to the deposit placement of currencies, they are currently located in Sberbank of Russia. In this case, the minimum amount required to open an account is one hundred dollars or euros.

There are a choice of either fixed-term options for a maximum of three calendar years, or indefinite ones. In this case, the interest rate can be either simple or compound interest and reach values ​​of 4.24% for dollars and 4.84% for euros. In Sberbank it is worth noting that on this moment there is the best offer for placing a deposit in euros.

The second most popular and popular bank for foreign currency deposits is VTB 24. Minimum amount to open a foreign currency deposit and account will be five hundred dollars or euros. He offers some of the best offers at today's interest rate. They are 4% for dollar deposits and 4.45 for euros.

Alfa-Bank closes the troika. In order to open a foreign currency deposit account in it, the client will need to have an amount of five hundred dollars or euros. In this case, the opening period can range from three calendar months to three years. The interest rate will vary depending on the term of the deposit. In addition, clients have access to a package with compound interest accrual of dividends. The interest rate will be 4.70% for dollars and 4.35 for euros. Alfa-Bank offers one of the best offers for opening a foreign currency deposit account in dollars, which is available today.

In contact with

Foreign exchange allows you to preserve your capital while additionally making a profit. They can be made in both dollars and euros. Some for individuals They offer to open an account in other exotic currencies. In 2019, the interest rate on deposits changed several times, but in any case, the flow of people who decided to store funds in foreign currency did not decrease.

Interest on foreign currency deposits in Moscow

Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are suitable for various programs. Their popularity is due to:

  • currency stability;
  • low risks associated with money depreciation;
  • high profitability.

Banks offer standard and large deposits. The first option is more accessible to individuals. It is characterized by minimal down payment, average interest rates and the presence of additional functions. Large deposits have strict rules and restrictions, but allow you to get the highest possible profit.

Which bank is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

Deposits in foreign currency in Moscow with more can be obtained when opening an account on long term. We invite you to get acquainted with offers from different financial organizations. They will allow you to make the right decision and choose the right conditions.

Deposits in foreign currency will always be offered at more low rates than when making a transaction in rubles. The calculator available on our website will help you correctly calculate your profit and compare offers.