Belarusbank bonds are a real alternative to deposits. Securities Bonds of Belarusbank for individuals

Contributions to foreign currency Belarusbank is good opportunity store your money safely, while also having monthly capitalization. It is convenient to open them in foreign currency - deposit rates in 2019 depend on the selected offer from the bank.

Capitalization is calculated depending on the number of days in the month, taking into account the balance, but excluding income tax.

Features of deposits in foreign currency:

  1. Convenient terms.
  2. The choice of currency is at your discretion.
  3. Favorable design.
  4. Long periods.
  5. Various programs.

Detailed conditions of Belarusbank under which deposits are opened in Belarusian rubles are described.

Time deposits in foreign currency of Belarusbank

Foreign currency deposits for individuals are offered by Belarusbank according to different schemes - its conditions depend on the name of the program and a fixed percentage is calculated. IN separate category popularity includes urgent ones in foreign currency, which, in addition to their security, also have accessibility.

For registration term deposit You can visit any Belarusbank branch in Mogilev or Gomel. And it is possible to open remotely using a reliable service.

Time deposits in foreign currency can significantly increase your own savings. They are concluded for different time periods, differentiated by interest capitalization.

Internet bonds

ASB Belarusbank allows you to sell Internet bonds that are presented in the form of non-cash money on a card account.

The main feature of Internet bonds is that they are not issued in person and there is no need to personally visit a bank branch to purchase them.

Statement of the "depot" account is confirmation for the bond owner. Income from these deposits is not subject to income tax, but interest accrual carried out automatically.

Internet bond terms

Compared to paper, Internet bonds differ in advantages:

  1. Benefit (no extra commissions).
  2. Convenience (there is constant access to foreign currency bonds).
  3. Reliability (loss of bonds is impossible due to the fact that they are stored in a secure depository of Belarusbank).

Useful video:

Internet Deposit-Trend Revocable

Belarusbank deposits in foreign currency are divided into several interesting categories, which includes “Internet Deposit-Trend Revocable”. The deposit is fixed-term and it can be controlled remotely using a payment card.

This deposit is allocated at the expense of such advantages:

  • Can be replenished.
  • Design and management without the need to visit the branch jar.
  • Interest capitalization once a month.
  • Refund via transfer with interest included.

Please note the conditions in Russia. rubles
Conditions of deposit for return, months.3 6 12 18 23
Interest rate in $ currency0.8 1 1.5 1.6 1.7
% amount for deposit in euros0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
min initial payment100 $ or euro
min one-time payment10 $ or euro
Early termination of the contractCarried out with interest rate recalculation

Internet Deposit-Trend Irrevocable

The currency deposit “Internet Deposit-Trend Irrevocable” allows you to manage your savings through the online system. Using a card At Belarusbank you can open a fixed-term irrevocable deposit in foreign currency.


  1. Opening a deposit remotely.
  2. Possibility of increasing the deposit account.
  3. Convenient scheduled return with interest.

Amount per annum in dollars accrued proportionally to the months:

  • 3 months - 1 %.
  • 6 months – 1.4%.
  • 12 months – 1.8%.
  • 18 months – 1.9%.
  • 23 months – 2%.

The interest rate is changed by Belarusbank after unilateral preliminary approval. More accurate information on this and other deposits can be found by simply dialing 147.

What interest rates should you expect when opening a deposit? It depends on the period of use and the amount initially invested.

Video on the topic:

Classic Revocable up to a year

The “Classic Revocable up to one year” deposit is characterized as follows:

  1. Choice of storage period - 95 or 185 days.
  2. If necessary, early repayment with recalculation of interest.
  3. Possibility of replenishment.
  4. Carrying out expenditure transactions taking into account the balance of unclaimed %.

Features of the deposit in Russian rubles

Classic Reviewed for over a year

The “Classic Revocable over a year” deposit is intended for storing foreign currency within 18 months. His can be replenished and terminate the contract early with recalculation of percentages.

Has the following advantages:

  • Can be opened in the name of another person.
  • The scheme works monthly capitalization.
  • You can top up an individual’s account without restrictions.

Click on photo to enlarge

It is provided by the bank taking into account such requirements:

  1. min amount – 100 $, euro.
  2. There is no automatic re-signing.
  3. 1.1% per annum if funds are invested in dollars.
  4. 0.4% per annum for foreign currency deposits in euros.

Classic Irrevocable up to a year

Belarusbank deposit “Classic Irrevocable up to one year” can be opened for 3, 6 or 9 months. Payment transactions are permitted, and the balance of unclaimed and capitalized interest will be taken into account. Return the invested funds ahead of schedule you can't just do that(this requires bank permission).


  • Opening in the name of another person is possible.
  • Interest capitalization monthly.
  • Replenishment is allowed without restrictions.

Automatic contract renewal not provided for this type deposit. Interest accrual depends on the number of months:

  • 0.5% - 3 months.
  • 0.8% - 6 months.
  • 0.9% - 9 months.

Classic Irrevocable for over a year

Time deposit “Classic Irrevocable for over a year” in foreign currency can be issued for a period of 30 or 36 months.

Early return of accumulated funds cannot be carried out without the permission of the financial institution.

Expense transactions are carried out taking into account capitalized balances, so the client does not lose.

Conditions for investing in Russia. national currency

Terms of Use:

  • High percentage.
  • Monthly interest capitalization.
  • You can open it in the name of another individual.
  • Deposit the minimum amount at least 100 $ or euro.
  • Extension for new term not implemented.
  • 1.6% for 30 months. and 1.8% at 36 months.

Interesting video:

Deposits in foreign currency of Belarusbank on demand

Belarusbank also has deposits in foreign currency of a special category, which are called that"Poste restante".

Their advantages are as follows:

  1. Can be opened in the name of another individual.
  2. Duration is uncertain, for which you can make various incoming and outgoing transactions.

The Demand Deposit can be used by all individuals, starting with the investment of a minimum foreign unit. It is issued for an indefinite period, but the rate for it is not fixed and depends on the duration in years.

The owner of the deposit will receive benefits both when using it for one year and when using it for more than five years. In its relation the deposit is universal, given its significant advantages.

Poste restante

A demand deposit account is a savings account which is different unlimited storage period of foreign currency. Receipt operations can be done unlimitedly with cash deposit, The same applies to expense transactions.

Current accounts

Each savings account at Belarusbank is available for viewing and management in remote Internet banking systems.

On client current accounts, you can store foreign currency in unlimited quantities, accumulating interest. At the same time, there are no restrictions on outgoing and incoming transactions.

You can open such an account with zero balance unlike other bank offers. Withdrawing money is allowed in cash or by bank transfer, it is also allowed replenish current account.

Deposit calculator

An online calculator has been created specifically for preliminary calculations, which can be used at any time of the day will be able to make a preliminary calculation.

To use the calculator, You only need to enter three parameters:


Interest rates for all in the treasures

Today Belarusbank offers several types of deposits that start from 100 basic units in foreign currency or from 1 dollar. Before you choose on a specific banking product, worth considering its advantages and its capabilities.

Carry out opening savings accounts At Belarusbank you can do so both in rubles and in foreign currency. In addition, the client can receive noticeable benefits with long-term registration. When opening some accounts, there is no requirement to visit a bank branch.

For a general comparison of deposits interest rates can be estimated:

  1. “Classic Irrevocable” - in € or $ the annual rate is 1.5%, and in rubles - 5.5%.
  2. “Revocable for a year” - when registering for 185 days, 0.4% per annum is offered.
  3. “Revocable over …” - 1.1% when issued for a period of 18 months. In foreign currency and 5% in rubles.
  4. “Internet deposit-Trend Irrevocable” - 1.8% if issued for 12 months. and 2% when registering for 23 months.
  5. “Revocable Internet deposit” - starting from three months, the rate starts at 0.8%, and when issued for a period of 18 months. it has already grown to 1.6%.

It's not hard to notice that the rate on deposits in Belarusbank increases in proportion to the period for which it is planned to draw up savings. The rule is observed provided, that urgency is not violated, since the size interest rates applies to time bank savings. In accordance with the signed agreement rate may change unilaterally.

The Belarusbank service will help you find out details on the issue you are interested in via short dial 147.

Bond - This is a security that gives its buyer the right to receive from the seller, upon the expiration of a specified period, the amount paid in full and the agreed remuneration beyond that. At its core, the concept of a bond is close to the concept of (deposit). In both cases, a sum of money is deposited into a bank or other institution with the condition that it be returned in full and some additional amount, in an amount depending on the initial investment.

Although the final financial results may turn out to be almost the same, there are some subjective and objective differences between placing a deposit (deposit) and buying a bond.

Subjectively: the owner of the deposit continues to consider the money deposited in the bank as his property, but the one who bought the bond feels like the owner of the security.


  • the safety of deposits is guaranteed by the state;
  • bank deposits, as well as documents confirming the right to them (for example, agreements with a bank) are not the object of secondary purchase and sale;
  • The bank enters into a deposit agreement with a specific person, i.e. the contribution (deposit) cannot be anonymous.

Now let's look at some distinctive features of bonds:

  • bonds can be the object of free secondary sale, both through and by personal agreements;
  • bonds can be registered or bearer (anonymous);
  • bonds can be issued by: the state and some of its bodies, banks, any other organizations in accordance with current legislation;
  • the sale (placement) of bonds can be open - to everyone and closed - among a certain circle of people;
  • a distinction is made between convertible and non-convertible bonds, the former can be replaced with similar securities of subsequent issues after the maturity date;
  • Bonds can be interest-bearing or discount-bearing:
  1. Interest bonds begin to be sold at their nominal value, on which interest is accrued - their current price increases proportionally (if this is stipulated in the terms of the issue);
  2. discount ones are offered cheaper than face value, selling price they also grow and reach their face value on the maturity date.

The comparative disadvantages of bonds include:

  • absence state guarantees safety of invested funds;
  • almost complete impossibility of proving your ownership of bearer bonds in the event of their loss in paper form;
  • absence - i.e. interest accrual only on initial cost interest-bearing bonds and the same fixed income on discount bonds;
  • impossibility of partial return or replenishment of the amount of invested funds.

It should be noted that according to the legislation in force in the Republic of Belarus, income from bonds is exempt from taxation.

Belarusbank bonds in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency

OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" offers bonds in Belarusian rubles and US dollars to individuals and legal entities. Belarusbank has already placed but not yet redeemed bonds in euros.

All Belarusbank bonds are interest-bearing and non-convertible. They are sold at current value, which is the sum of the nominal price plus accrued interest, or at nominal value.

Early repurchase of bonds by the bank is allowed under specified conditions. Opportunity early repayment stipulated in the terms of the issue.

Currently Belarusbank offers:

  • Internet bonds. Registered, non-documentary, existing in the form of entries in the Bank's registers. You can buy them remotely. Operations on them, incl. payments are automated and do not require a personal visit of the client to the bank.
  • Documentary bonds. Printed on paper, without indicating the owner, sold without checking documents. They can be freely transferred to others.

In all important matters concerning it, it is best to obtain direct advice from Bank employees. Because information that was relevant a week ago may become outdated after the decision National Bank RB or Belarusbank itself. Bonds put up for sale quickly become sold.

Are Belarusbank bonds beneficial to individuals?

Here, a lot depends on the amount available and the purpose of purchasing bonds.

  • Book-entry registered bonds are not suitable for transfer to other persons and do not provide anonymity; their benefit over foreign currency deposits can only be in interest rates.
  • Documentary bonds are suitable for free circulation just like cash. But they cannot be used to pay in trade; not all individuals will agree to accept them on the same basis as money.

Bond funds, unlike deposits, are not insured. But you can only expect a fall if there is a complete collapse financial system Republic.

It is possible to purchase bonds at.

For calculation future benefit from a transaction, it is better to use the “Bank Bond Calculator” on the website of “ASB Belarusbank” or get information from consultants.

The bank also provides another service for a very reasonable fee, namely storage of purchased bonds. Thus, the risk of losing the document is eliminated, although those primarily concerned with anonymity may be confused by the fact that the storage agreement, of course, is not anonymous.

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What is a bond? This is a debt security in which the issuer (the one who issued it - a bank, company or government) agrees to pay the buyer the face value of the bonds and interest on them in the future. There are two types of bonds: discount and interest (coupon). In the first option, the income consists of the difference between the purchase price of the bond and its face value, that is, the redemption price. You buy a paper with a face value of 1000 dollars for 900. After some time, the issuer gives you 1000. And 100 dollars (discount) now becomes your income.

Interest-bearing bonds have a completely different operating principle - more similar to a bank deposit. You buy paper at par on the first day of placement or at the current (negotiable) value on subsequent days, and the issuer pays you a specific interest income at nominal value at certain intervals. When the time comes to repay the bond, you will be finally paid the interest and the face value of the paper will be returned.

In our country, individuals are usually offered interest-bearing bonds. Banks, companies and organizations, as well as the state can issue such securities.

In addition to high interest rates, bonds also come with additional expenses.

According to Deputy Director of the Treasury of Alfa-Bank (Belarus) Sergei Smolyakov, fundamental differences there is no difference between deposits and bonds. These are all means of saving money and generating income. But they are sold differently and are regulated by different laws. In addition, the return of the deposit is guaranteed by the state, and bonds are issued “on the word of honor” of the issuer.

However, there is an important advantage of bonds compared to deposits - you do not have to pay taxes on the income received. Securities issued from April 1, 2008 to January 1, 2015, as well as from July 1 to December 31, 2015, are exempt from this. In the future, the attractiveness of the savings instrument will depend on whether Presidential Decree No. 279 will be extended, as well as on what changes will be made to the Tax Code.

When a client comes to the bank, he has the opportunity to buy a documentary or uncertificated bond. The first is a form with degrees of protection and “coupons”. " Sometimes they really get cut off- says Sergei Smolyakov. — More often they are simply marked with redemption notes. It's simple: you come to the cashier, deposit money, they give you paper».

This is a very convenient option for saving: such bonds are usually “bearer”, that is, no one will ask for your personal data. But this only works when buying securities at small amounts- up to 1000 (from January 1, 2016 this will be 210 million rubles). And of course, such papers, like money, can be lost.

More reliable are book-entry bonds. It is impossible to lose them. But you will have to pay for guarantees. Essentially, this security is just an entry in your custodial account. To get it, you need to open a “depository” account and pay a few more commissions.

Using the example of the state Ministry of Finance (with an annual rate of 7%), we looked at what expenses are associated with the purchase of securities.

« In addition to the deposit account, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a broker, since the placement of the issue is carried out on the stock exchange,- says manager for brokerage activities of UE "ASB Broker" Marina Maksimovich. — The cost of the service for opening a “depo” account in different depositories differs. In Belarusbank, for example, it costs 80 thousand Belarusian rubles. Broker fees can also vary significantly. Our commission is 0.02% of the transaction amount, but not less than 250 thousand».

Roughly speaking, when buying 13 bonds (each with a face value of 5 thousand dollars) or less, you need to pay 250 thousand. If 14 or more, then - 0.02% at the National Bank rate. " For example, when purchasing bonds worth $100 thousand, the income that the bond owner will receive will be about $1,700 per full interest period(3 months), and our commission will be only $20. Agree that this is not significant“, Marina Maksimovich clarified. Income tax at such interest on the deposit it would be equal to $221, that is, 11 times more.

But the costs don't stop there. You also need to open a foreign currency account so that interest can be credited to it. In this case it's free. Same as cash withdrawals. But banks can set fees for these services. And some depositories sometimes charge additional money for recording bonds, that is, for keeping a record of them.

You can make a profitable short-term “investment” from a security

As he says Chief specialist of the department of operations in financial markets of the treasury of Alfa-Bank (Belarus) Evgeniy Shevchuk, « you should understand that the time has come when you need to learn to take care of your finances" And to choose what will really be beneficial for you, you need to work. Separately, it is worth understanding the timing of investments.

The deposit has a specific period. When the contract ends, either there is a renewal, or nothing happens, or the money is automatically transferred to the client’s account. A bond is a long-term borrowing instrument. Issuers try to place securities for a long period and return the money someday later.

But bonds are issued with an offer, or an unconditional obligation of the issuer to buy back all or part of the securities from the holder on a certain date. True, they do this only at the request of the investor (and sometimes you need to write it a month in advance). Still, this gives a person the opportunity to return his money ahead of schedule. And if you guess with the dates, you can actually get short-term deposit with a good rate and the ability to withdraw funds, which bank deposits will no longer offer.

Let's compare. Let's say you have 10 thousand dollars that you want to save and grow. Now revoked foreign currency deposit with a rate of more than 4% per annum. Bonds offer up to 10% per annum. In the case of a deposit, you will receive 400 dollars in a year plus another 10-20 taking into account capitalization. If you buy a bond, you can earn up to $1,000. The difference is 600 "green", and even if we assume that all commissions when buying bonds will cost 50 dollars, the benefit is obvious. And if you withdraw your deposit early, you will most likely receive income at a reduced rate. You can sell a bond to the issuer ahead of schedule, for example, every 6 months without any sanctions.

In addition, in exceptional cases, you can try to negotiate with the issuer to repurchase bonds at an unspecified time. As a rule, if possible, they accommodate the client halfway.

What guarantees do non-government bonds have?

Many are scared off by the fact that there is no law according to which invested funds must be returned in any case. And if the Ministry of Finance bonds are not repaid only in the event of a state default, then in order to “get money” when purchasing corporate securities (which are issued by banks or companies), the bankruptcy of a legal entity will be sufficient.

« Yes, the state does not guarantee payments on bonds, but even in this case there may be fairly reliable security", assures Manager of the company "Sigmapolyus" Yulia Askerko. This development organization also has its own securities this year. There are three types of security: insurance, surety of legal entities and collateral (usually real estate).

« In our opinion, the most reliable type of security is a real estate pledge. Insurance leads to additional costs for the issuer, therefore the interest rate will be lower. A guarantee is also not the best type of security in this case, because the guarantors may experience difficulties with the business, which will lead to a decrease in solvency. After all, such organizations, by and large, have no significant restrictions - they took and sold all their property, for example“, says Yulia Askerko.

Of course, you can monitor the “health” of an enterprise quarterly using the reports of the Ministry of Finance and see in time that something is wrong with the issuer. But if it comes to bankruptcy, it is better to have collateral. Then it will be sold to pay off the debt. This collateral is “tied” by the bond issue. You can’t just sell it or do anything else with it. Other creditors are not entitled to it.

« We have pledged, for example, about 8% of our real estate", the company manager clarifies.

For an organization, by the way, issuing bonds is a type of raising financing. We can consider this a replacement bank loan. Therefore, if you trust the company, then why not invest?

The only drawback is that individuals cannot require more information than what should be in the prospectus. And not all indicators are included there. So there is always a risk. But the rate is usually higher in bonds.

And one more pitfall: according to Yulia Askerko, potential investors should take into account that sometimes the company takes on part of the commissions that are associated with the issue, sale and placement of bonds. " In case of early repayment, the security holder may be forced to pay some of them" It's better to discuss everything in advance.

“Bonds will not replace deposits, but now the securities will be of interest to some investors”

Evgeniy Shevchuk believes that bonds will not be able to replace deposits, but there is a certain number of depositors who will be interested in this savings instrument.

« In general development financial market It is beneficial for banks, because after changing the conditions for deposits, they will be afraid of a decrease in liquidity due to the outflow of deposits. We will need other ways to attract money to the bank.", says the expert.

But bankers consider the decision to differentiate deposits into revocable and irrevocable to be correct. " This should have been done a long time ago. Before this, all our deposits were essentially on demand: you could always return them within five days. How can you grow your active base in such conditions and issue loans? The reason the stock market is developed all over the world is because there are no such attractive short-term deposits».

Comparison of deposits and bonds






Reliability (return guarantee)

guaranteed by the state

guaranteed by the state

guarantee of legal entities or insurance

Early withdrawal\repayment

If possible early return low rate

You cannot repay early, but it is possible to provide bonds for mandatory repurchase to the issuer several times a year (offer)

Tax on interest income

Opening/purchase commissions


fast and affordable

labor-intensive, requires high financial literacy

Savings currencies

US dollars, euros, Russian and Belarusian rubles

Minimum amount investments

usually 100 dollars or euros, as well as 1 million Belarusian rubles

Limited by the denomination of the security (for example, 1 or 5 thousand dollars)

Interest capitalization


personal information is always required

Upon release documentary papers“to bearer” there is the possibility of anonymous savings

Possibility of sale or donation

Through a stock exchange (but due to the underdeveloped financial market this is unlikely) or in person (bearer paper)

In our search for alternative deposit options for placing foreign currency, we are increasingly looking at foreign currency bonds. For one simple reason, rates on them are usually higher than on bank deposits. Who is ready to offer this type of savings today, and under what conditions?

Many people know that you can invest money in securities, but, meanwhile, debt securities have still not become a common investment object for Belarusians

From time to time information appears that this or that company offers to purchase foreign currency bonds with "unprecedented" interest rate of 10% per annum.

For example, at 10.5% Euroopt recently attracted money. Those who managed to purchase securities of the Romax Factory (Island of Purity) could receive the same reward. Other borrowers also entered the market:

  • Unifood (Almi)
  • NP-Service
  • LODE
  • Conte Spa…

At the same time, small issues of corporate bonds are usually sold out within a few days, it is almost impossible to keep up, but :)

To assess the feasibility of placing funds in bonds, it is worth paying attention to the terms of circulation of this banking product. About what bonds are, what their features and advantages are, as well as about the acquisition procedure, we already told in detail.

It remains to be seen what bonds Belarusians can purchase today, and what kind of income they can receive from them?

We present to you the TOP offers of bonds in foreign currency for individuals, that is, you and me.

Bank bonds

The table shows the conditions for purchasing bonds of Belarusian banks in foreign currency as of March 24, 2017. Securities rated by profitability.

Issuer Release Denomination, c.u. Rate, % per annum Posting period Deadline Interest payment
in US dollars
Belarusbank Internet bonds issue 211 100 5 from 03/31/2016 to 09/30/2017 from 03/31/2016 to 04/01/2018 once in three months
(01.07.2016, 01.10.2016, 01.01.2017, 01.04.2017, 01.07.2017, 01.10.2017, 01.01.2018, 01.04.2018)
Belarusbank 202 1 000 5 from 02/26/2016 to 08/31/2017 from 02/26/2016 to 02/28/2018 once in three months
(31.05.2016, 31.08.2016, 30.11.2016, 28.02.2017, 31.05.2017, 31.08.2017, 30.11.2017, 28.02.2018)
203 3 000
204 5 000
205 1 000 from 02/26/2016 to 05/31/2018 once in three months
(31.05.2016, 31.08.2016, 30.11.2016, 28.02.2017, 31.05.2017, 31.08.2017, 30.11.2017, 28.02.2018, 31.05.2018)
206 5 000
207 1 000 from 02/26/2016 to 08/31/2018 once in three months
(31.05.2016, 31.08.2016, 30.11.2016, 28.02.2017, 31.05.2017, 31.08.2017, 30.11.2017, 28.02.2018, 31.05.2018, 31.08.2018)
208 5 000
Belagroprombank 209 1 000 5 550 days (06/20/2016 - 12/21/2017) 750 days (06/20/2016 -07/10/2018) Once every 6 months
210 5 000
Belinvestbank 67 100 5 from 01/15/2016 - to 12/22/2017 from 01/15/2016 - to 01/15/2019 (1096 days) once a year: 01/16/2017, 01/16/2018, 01/15/2019
Belagroprombank 216 1 000 4 540 days (12/26/2016 - 06/18/2018) 750 days (12/26/2016 - 01/15/2019) 15.07.2017
217 5 000
Paritetbank 14 5 000 4 from 08/23/2016 to 08/22/2017 1094 days (from 08/23/2016 to 08/22/2019) quarterly
In Euro
Belarusbank 209 1 000 5 from 02/26/2016 to 08/31/2017 from 02/26/2016 to 10/31/2018 once in three months
(31.05.2016, 31.08.2016, 30.11.2016, 28.02.2017, 31.05.2017, 31.08.2017, 30.11.2017, 28.02.2018, 31.05.2018, 31.08.2018, 31.10.2018)
210 3 000
Belagroprombank 211 1 000 5 from 06/20/2016 to 12/21/2017 750 days from 06/20/2016 to 07/10/2018 Once every 6 months

Foreign currency bonds are sold in 4 state banks countries: Belarusbank, Belagroprombank, Belinvestbank, Paritetbank. Euro bonds are issued only by Belarusbank and Belagroprombank.

How to buy bank bonds?

Internet bonds of Belarusbank are undocumented and sold in the Internet banking system. A “custody” account in the bank’s depository for storing purchased bonds is opened free of charge.

Internet - bonds. How to buy, how to sell, what is the income?

But you can return the invested funds ahead of schedule by selling bonds before maturity just on secondary market . The bank does not carry out early repayment.

Bonds Belarusbank 202-210 issues and bonds Belagroprombank are documentary payable to bearer. This means that anyone without a passport can buy and redeem these securities (if the amount does not exceed 1 thousand basic units, or 23 thousand BYN).

Placement of bonds Belarusbank carried out through their open sale on the over-the-counter market in branches, centers banking services and them structural divisions.

Bonds may be presented for early redemption no earlier than in 18 months from the date of sale by the bank.

IN Belagroprombank Early repayment option will be available 365 days after the date of purchase. They are also placed through open sale in branches, cash settlement centers, as well as structural divisions of the central office of the bank.

Bonds Belinvestbank are registered uncertificated, and are placed for open sale on the exchange and over-the-counter markets (in directorates, banking service centers and the Main Operations Department).

Buyers can purchase bonds on the exchange market only using the services of a professional participant in the securities market. The list of professional participants is posted on the official website of the exchange.

Broker - professional participant stock market executing transactions on behalf of a client on the basis of an agreement with the client

Belinvestbank will carry out early purchase of bonds from any owner on January 16, 2018. An application for the sale of bonds to a bank must be submitted to the bank no later than 5 business days before the bank purchases the bonds. The bank also has the right to purchase bonds of the 67th issue before the start date of their redemption and at other times by agreement of the parties.

Bonds Paritetbank 14 issues are also registered undocumented. The placement of bonds is carried out through open sale on the stock exchange. Early redemption will be made on 08/22/2017, 11/22/2017, 02/22/2018, 05/22/2018, 08/22/2018, 11/22/2018, 02/22/2019, 05/22/2019.

How to borrow from the state?

Bonds of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus are issued in book-entry form, and you can buy them on the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange through a professional participant in the securities market by concluding a commission agreement with him (also known as a contract for brokerage service).

Issuer Release Denomination, c.u. Rate, % per annum Posting period Deadline Interest payment
in US dollars
Ministry of Finance 233 1 000 5,5 18.01.2017-28.06.2017 1114 days, maturity date February 6, 2020 Once every 6 months
In Euro
Ministry of Finance 235 1 000 5 18.01.2017-28.06.2017 1843 days, maturity date February 4, 2022 Once every 6 months

To purchase government bonds you must:

  • enter into an agreement for brokerage services, for example, with one of the banks
  • open a current account in any bank in the country
  • open a “depo” account in any depository in Belarus
  • provide an instruction to the selected broker to purchase securities

The list of professional participants in the securities market - brokers and depositories - can be found

on the Ministry of Finance website .

But don’t forget that banks charge commissions for brokerage services and operations on a “depo” account!

If necessary and if there is demand, individuals can sell government bonds during their circulation period, both on the exchange and over-the-counter markets.

Frank conversation: how do pawnshops work in Belarus?

All of the above applies to the acquisition of bonds and other legal entities. And if they are offered for sale, they can be purchased.

Information on bond issues in circulation is posted monthly on the exchange website.

There you can also find the results of the activities of all bond issuers, by studying which you can understand how reliable a borrower you trust with your money.

Returning to the question of whether bonds can be considered as an alternative bank deposit- It's up to you to decide, of course. On securities placed for the first time, the rates are now 4-5.5% per annum; if it is possible to purchase bonds of earlier issues of banks or legal entities on the stock exchange, the rates on them can be significantly higher.

Despite the fact that deposits are above 4%, they have not risen for a long time, and one can hardly expect their growth.

Even despite all the commissions of brokers and depositories, by investing a certain amount in bonds, you can get a much more significant profit in the future than on deposits.

But if you can only afford 1-2 securities, maybe it’s not worth it "mess around"? After all, if you enter into an agreement with a broker or bank, commissions for their services can easily eat up all your income on bonds...