Report 1 CSR. Instructions

It does not work Editorial from 26.08.2008

Document typeorder, instructions
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document Number205
Acceptance date26.08.2008
Revision date26.08.2008
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • At the time of entry into the database, the document was not published


Instructions for filling out form N 1-KSR (short)

Form 1-KSR (short) is provided legal entities, with the exception of small businesses, regardless of ownership and legal form, providing services of hotels and similar collective accommodation facilities (motels, furnished rooms, boarding houses, hostels for visitors and others) and specialized collective accommodation facilities (sanatorium and resort organizations , recreation organizations, camp sites). Seasonal CSRs fill out the report from the quarter in which they actually begin to function.

Legal entities provide the specified form of federal statistical observation at their location. When a legal entity does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where it actually carries out activities.

Legal entities with separate divisions fill out this form:

On the activities of a legal entity, including separate divisions located on the territory of the subject Russian Federation at the place of its location (carrying out activities);

On the activities of a legal entity and separately each separate division operating on the territory of a given subject of the Russian Federation;

About the activities of each separate unit located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and send them to territorial bodies Rosstat at their location (activity) at the established address.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials, authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity, including in separate divisions.

The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then the short name in brackets. The form containing information on a separate division indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

In the code part in mandatory the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is affixed on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Line 02 shows the number of organizations operating in the reporting period, whose activities are reflected in the report.

On line 03, hotels and similar CSRs show the number of places listed according to inventory data at the end of the reporting period. Specialized accommodation facilities show the number of beds per month of maximum deployment in the reporting period.

On line 04 the total number of overnight stays is entered for all persons placed in the CSR for reporting period. Moreover, if visitors were accommodated for less than a day, but for more than 12 hours, this stay must be counted as an overnight stay.

Line 05 reflects the number of accommodated persons (regardless of the length of stay) with the following lines highlighted: 06 - citizens of CIS member states, 07 - citizens of countries outside the CIS.

Line 08 shows the number of persons accommodated on vouchers, regardless of the number of vouchers they presented.

Line 09 shows the total cost of services (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar payments) provided by a collective accommodation facility (the amount of income from accommodation, food, health resort, health and other services provided to vacationers and other persons, included in the cost of rooms , vouchers or coursework, and additional paid services) in the amount of financial receipts directly from the population or from organizations that pay for the stay of their employees. Budget RACs fill out line 09 if they have income from the sale of vouchers, as well as income from the provision of additional services. Revenues from the budget (all levels), off-budget funds and parent organizations for the implementation of CSR activities are not included in line 09.

Line 10 identifies the amount of income received from the provision of accommodation services (in the amount of the cost of the room) without taking into account these services paid by the consumer as part of the tour package, i.e. as part of the cost of a tourist or health resort package. This line is provided mainly for hotels and similar RACs, but specialized RACs that provide accommodation services without a voucher, as well as organizations that rent residential premises and receive income from their use as accommodation facilities, also fill out this line.

Line 11 shows the amount of income from excess room rates for foreign citizens.

On line 12, specialized DACs show the amount of income from the sale of their vouchers (course packages), hotels and similar DACs - the amount of income from the provision of accommodation services, the cost of which was paid as part of the tour package, i.e. income from servicing persons accommodated on tourist packages.

Line 13 identifies the amount of income from additional paid services paid by the accommodated persons in excess of the cost of the room or the cost of the voucher, as well as services provided to persons not related to those accommodated in this RAC (other persons). This means services Catering, excursion services, medical and recreational services, retail, domestic services(household items rental points, bathhouses, parking lots, etc.).

Line 14 shows the number of calendar days of the reporting period during which the CSR carried out its activities.

Respondents to the federal statistical observation form N 1-KSR (short) are collective accommodation facilities (CRF) - legal entities, with the exception of small businesses, regardless of ownership and legal form: hotels and similar CRF (motels, furnished rooms , boarding houses, hostels for visitors and others), specialized RACs (health resort organizations, recreation organizations, tourist centers), main type economic activity which are identified by codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED)<1>: 55.1 ; 55.10 ; 55.21 - 55.23 ; 55.23.2 - 55.23.4 ; 85.11.2 .

<1>The classifier is posted on the official website of Rosstat at the address: in the section “Metadata and reference information”.

The respondent submits this form based on the results of activities for the first quarter, first half of the year, 9 months and a year to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location. Seasonal RACs fill out and submit the form from the quarter in which they actually begin operating.

If the respondent has separate divisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this form is filled out both for each such separate division and for the respondent as a whole without these separate divisions (in the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation). The completed form is submitted by the respondent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the respondent (without separate divisions). In the event that the respondent (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where it actually carries out activities.

In the address part of the form, the full name of the respondent is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division indicates the name of the separate division and the respondent to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

The code part of the code must include the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

Line 02 shows the number of organizations operating in the reporting period, whose activities are reflected in the report.

On line 03, hotels and similar CSRs show the number of places listed according to inventory data at the end of the reporting period. Specialized accommodation facilities show the number of beds per month of maximum deployment in the reporting period.

Line 04 records the total number of overnight stays for all persons placed in the CSR for the reporting period. Moreover, if visitors were accommodated for less than a day, but for more than 12 hours, this stay must be counted as an overnight stay.

Line 05 reflects the number of persons accommodated (regardless of the length of stay).

Line 06 shows the total cost of services (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar payments) provided by a collective accommodation facility (the amount of income from accommodation, food, health resort, health and other services provided to vacationers and other persons, included in the cost of rooms , vouchers or coursework and additional paid services) in the amount of financial receipts directly from the population or from organizations that pay for the stay of their employees in them. Budget RACs fill out line 09 if they have income from the sale of vouchers, as well as income from the provision of additional services. Receipts from the budget (all levels), extra-budgetary funds and parent organizations for the implementation of the activities of the CSR are not included in line 06.

Line 07 identifies the amount of income received from the provision of accommodation services (in the amount of the cost of the room) without taking into account these services paid by the consumer as part of the tour package, i.e. as part of the cost of a tourist or health resort package. This line is provided mainly for hotels and similar RACs, but specialized RACs that provide accommodation services without a voucher, as well as organizations that rent residential premises and receive income from their use as accommodation facilities, also fill out this line.

Line 08 shows the amount of income from excess room rates for foreign citizens.

On line 09, specialized DACs show the amount of income from the sale of their vouchers (courses), hotels and similar DACs - the amount of income from the provision of accommodation services, the cost of which was paid as part of the tour package, i.e. income from servicing persons accommodated on tourist packages.

Line 10 identifies the amount of income from additional paid services paid by the accommodated persons in excess of the cost of the room or the cost of the voucher, as well as services provided to other persons not related to those accommodated in the CSR. This refers to catering services, excursion services, medical and health services, retail trade, personal services (household items rental points, bathhouses, parking lots, etc.).

Line 11 shows the number of calendar days of the reporting period during which the CSR carried out its activities.

on filling out the state statistical observation form
No. 1-KSR (annual) "Report on the activities of collective accommodation facilities"

General provisions

These Explanations contain information on the indicators of the state statistical observation form No. 1-KSR (annual) “Report on the activities of a collective accommodation facility” (hereinafter referred to as the report).

The report displays document data accounting, and constituent documents accommodation facilities.

Collective accommodation facilities (hereinafter - CAC) - accommodation facilities that provide a place to spend the night in a room or other premises, in which the number of places must exceed a certain minimum for groups of people, more than one family, and all places are subject to a single management and payment according to the established prices.

Information about the KSR that is temporarily not working at the end of the reporting period (was undergoing a major overhaul, undergoing modernization, or for another reason) is contained in the address part of the report, as well as indicators that characterize its activities at the start of the overhaul, modernization, etc.: for the KSR which worked during part of the reporting period - indicators that characterize the activities of the CSR during the period of its work; for the CSR, which did not work throughout the entire period - indicators of sections I, II, VI, VII.

Section I " General information about collective accommodation facilities"

The section contains information about the types of CSR, the category of hotels and similar accommodation facilities, location, period of operation and the number of days of operation of the CSR.

Hotels and similar accommodation facilities - collective accommodation facilities that consist of more than six rooms; have a unified leadership; provide hotel services, in particular room service, daily making of beds and cleaning of rooms and bathrooms; grouped into classes and categories according to the list of services provided and available equipment and are not included in the category of specialized institutions.

Hotels are collective accommodation facilities that have rooms, a reception service, and other services that provide hotel services not limited to daily making of beds, cleaning of rooms, bathrooms, etc.

Similar accommodation facilities are collective accommodation facilities, which consist of rooms and provide limited hotel services, in particular daily making of beds, cleaning of rooms and bathrooms, etc.

Motel is an accommodation facility located outside the city along a highway, usually in a one or two-story building or part of a building with a separate entrance, which has conditions for parking and vehicle maintenance.

Hostel (youth hotel) - a hotel in which the rooms are located, as usual, behind a corridor or block system and has conditions for self-cooking food and sanitary facilities on the floor or block; can organize meals in a restaurant establishment.

Camping is a means of accommodation in a fenced area, where accommodation is provided in cottages and (or) bungalows and (or) places are provided for placing tents, caravans and caravan-houses. The territory is equipped with public sanitary facilities.

Agrohotel is a hotel located in rural areas, which has conditions for agricultural activities during recreation.

Other collective accommodation facilities include accommodation facilities that may be non-profit, have a single management, provide a minimum of services (except for daily bed making), and do not necessarily consist of rooms, but may have separate residential units, camping areas or collective sleeping quarters.

Other collective accommodation facilities - accommodation facilities that provide a minimum of services (except for daily bed making), do not necessarily consist of rooms, but may have separate residential units or collective sleeping quarters.

Specialized accommodation facilities (hereinafter referred to as specialized SACs) are accommodation facilities that may be non-profit, have a single management, provide a minimum of hotel services (except for daily making of beds), do not necessarily have rooms, but may have residential units or collective sleeping quarters and, in addition to accommodation, they perform some other function (for example, treatment, rehabilitation, social assistance, transportation, etc.).

Information about a balneological hospital, mud bath or balneological and mud bath, which are part of the CSR, is contained in the report of the specialized CSR of which they are a part.

Lines 18-22 contain information about the category of hotels and similar accommodation facilities. If the DAC does not have a category, the mark is contained in line 23 - without category (stars).

Lines 24-26 contain information about the location of specialized CSRs - in the territory of a resort, national park or other territory.

Lines 27 and 28 contain information about the period of actual operation of the CSR - year-round or seasonal. If the CSR could work for a year, but actually worked for 180 days or less (except for those accommodation facilities that were closed for major renovation), this TFR is seasonal.

Year-round CSRs that were closed for major repairs or did not operate throughout the reporting period for other reasons are considered year-round.

Line 29 in the seasonal CSR report contains the date and month of the opening of the season, line 30 - the closing of the season.

Line 30-1 contains data on the actual number of days of work during the reporting period of year-round and seasonal CSRs, as well as those CSRs that worked part of the reporting period. For CSRs that did not work throughout the reporting period, this line is equal to 0.

ChapterII "Rooms"

Line 31 contains data on the number of beds in a hotel or similar accommodation facility, i.e. number of beds in all rooms as of the end of the reporting year.

This indicator does not cover data regarding:

  • temporary (additional) places;
  • places in those rooms that are constantly occupied for purposes other than their intended purpose, for example, for institutions, etc.

Line 32 contains information about the number of all rooms according to inventory data as of the end of the year.

Lines 33-36 contain data on the number of rooms of the highest category (presidential suite, apartment, suite, duplex, junior suite (studio)), first category (standard), second and third categories. The sum of the data in lines 33-36 must be less than or equal to the data in line 32.

Lines 37-38 contain data on beds (places) in specialized accommodation facilities, expanded within the budget. The indicated indicators do not cover data on beds (places) deployed over budget on verandas, in doctors’ offices, due to the compaction of beds in wards, as well as rented in private homes.

Line 37 contains information about the number of beds (places) per month of maximum deployment, both year-round and seasonal.

Line 38 contains information on the number of beds (places) in year-round specialized accommodation facilities for both long-term and one-to-two-day stays, which is constant throughout the year.

For example, in January there were 50 beds, from February to April - 60, in May - 75, from June to October - 100, in November - 75, in December - 50. In this case, the number of beds per month of maximum deployment (line 37) is 100, and the number of year-round beds (line 38) is 50.

ChapterIII « Information about posted persons»

Column 3 contains information on the number of persons who were placed in the CSR during the reporting year (for year-round CSR) and during the season (for seasonal CSR), taking into account certain categories - children and foreigners (lines 40-41). Reports from sanatoriums, sanatoriums, and boarding houses with treatment cover data on persons who were in institutions both for the purpose of treatment and for the purpose of recreation. The reports of all specialized CSRs contain data on the number of recovered persons, regardless of the number of vouchers they presented. Reports from sanatoriums also include all those who recovered on an outpatient basis with or without food.

If the KSR was under repair for several months during the reporting period, then the report contains information on the number of persons served by the KSR during the period of its operation.

Column 3 does not contain information on the number of persons served by balneological hospitals, mud baths, mud baths, which are on their own balance sheet and enter into agreements with sanatoriums, boarding houses with treatment, etc. for services to persons who are recovering in these institutions.

Column 4 contains information on the total number of overnight stays (for hotels and similar accommodation facilities) or bed days (for specialized accommodation facilities) regarding all persons who were placed in the RAC during the reporting year (for year-round RAC) and for the season (for seasonal DAC) taking into account certain categories - children and foreigners (lines 40-41). This indicator reflects the number of permanent and temporary places used and is determined on the basis of the ledger of accommodated persons. If the length of stay in the KSR is measured in days, then the number of overnight stays is the number of days minus one. If the duration of stay in the KSR is less than 24 hours, but more than 12 hours, then such stay is counted as an overnight stay.

Appendix to section III contains data on foreigners placed by the countries from which they came, according to the Classification of Countries of the World.

Column 1 of the appendix to section III indicates the name of the country.

Column 2 of the appendix to section III contains the digital code of the countries of the world according to the Classification of countries of the world, and is filled out by state statistics bodies.

Column 3 of the appendix to Section III contains information on the number of foreigners located in the DAC, distributed by the countries of the world from which they arrived. The sum of the data for all lines of column 3 of the appendix to section III must be equal to the data of line 41 of column 3 of section III.

ChapterIV « Individual categories accommodated persons»

The section contains information on the number of persons who were placed in specialized RACs during the reporting year (for year-round RACs) and during the season (for seasonal RACs).

Column 3 contains information on the number of all accommodated persons, column 4 - on the number of accommodated children aged 0-17 years.

The data in section IV is equal to the corresponding data in section III, namely:

the data in line 42 of column 3 is equal to the data in line 39 of column 3 of section III;

the data in line 42 of column 4 is equal to the data in line 40 of column 3 of section III.

Chapter V"Structural divisions of the service sector"

(this section can only be filled out by legal entities)

Line 47 contains data on the number of structural divisions of the service sector that are on the balance sheet of the TAC, i.e. are included in its composition.

Line 48 contains information about the number of hairdressers.

Line 49 contains information about the number of rental points (sports equipment, cars, etc.).

Line 50 covers data on the number of laundries that provide emergency cleaning, washing and ironing services, etc.

Lines 51-54 cover data on the number of saunas, baths, swimming pools, tennis courts and gyms.

Line 55 contains data on the number of other sports facilities - premises for physical education and recreation, football fields, shooting ranges, etc.

Line 56 contains data on the number of parking lots that are guarded (indoor or outdoor), with a car service, gas station and other services.

Line 57 contains data on the number of restaurants, cafes, bars and other catering establishments.

Line 58 contains data on the number of trade establishments (shops, kiosks, etc.).

Line 59 covers data on the number of other service departments that are not included in the above list ( beauty salon, massage room, long-distance telephone, post office, telegraph, teletype, medical center, currency exchange office, clothing and shoe repair service and others).

The sum of the data in lines 48-59 must be equal to the data in line 47.

Chapter VI « Number of employees»

(this section can only be filled out by legal entities)

The section indicators contain information on the number of workers in a collective accommodation facility.

Line 60 contains data on the average headcount full-time employees, including women, calculated in accordance with the current Instructions on statistics of the number of employees.

ChapterVII « Key indicators of financial and economic activity»

(individual entrepreneurs fill out only lines 65, 69)

The sources of information contained in this section are data from accounting documents and financial statements.

The section contains information on indicators of financial and economic activity for the actual period of operation of the CSR: for year-round CSR - for the year, for seasonal CSR - for the season.

Lines 65-75 do not contain data on the income and expenses of non-profit specialized CSR, i.e. those specialized RACs in which the cost of vouchers or the cost of stay of accommodated persons is covered by funds from the state or local budgets, funds of enterprises on whose balance sheets they are located.

Line 65 displays data on the total cost of services (excluding taxes and fees) provided by the CSR (the amount of income from accommodation services, meals, sanatorium, health and other services provided to accommodated persons, which are included in the cost of rooms, vouchers, course packages and additional paid services) in the amount of financial receipts directly from the population or from organizations that pay for their employees to stay there.

Line 66 covers data on income received from the provision of accommodation services (in the amount of the cost of the room), excluding those services paid by the consumer as part of the tour package, i.e. as part of the cost of a tourist or health resort package. This line contains information about the temporary residence centers that provide temporary accommodation services for persons without a voucher.

Line 67 contains information about the income of specialized RACs from the sale of their own vouchers, or the income of hotels and similar accommodation facilities from the provision of accommodation services, the cost of which was paid as part of the tour package, i.e. income from servicing persons accommodated on tourist packages.

Line 68 displays data on income from additional paid services paid by the accommodated persons in excess of the cost of the room or the cost of the voucher, as well as services provided to persons who do not belong to the persons accommodated in this RAC (other persons) - excursion services, catering services, medical treatment -recreational, retail, personal services (rental points, bathhouses, parking lots, etc.).

The data in line 65 is equal to the sum of the data in lines 66-68 (column 3).

Line 69 contains information about the amount of all operating costs, which are displayed in lines 70-74.

Line 75 contains information about costs that were not reflected in line 69, in particular, losses from participation in capital, others financial expenses, as well as the cost of sales financial investments, irreversible assets, property complexes; losses from a decrease in the price of financial investments and irreversible assets, etc. This line also contains data on work in progress of enterprises that have on their balance sheet structural units for food production.

Line 76 displays data on the actual average cost of one bed-day (person-day) of stay in the institution for all CSRs without exception. For non-profit specialized RACs, the line contains information on the average cost of one bed-day (person-day), calculated according to the actual expenses of the specified RACs.

The average cost of one bed-day (person-day) of stay in an institution is calculated as the ratio total cost stay of all those accommodated for the entire period of operation of the CSR to the total number of bed-days (person-days) of stay in the institution. For example, from January 1 to May 15, the cost of one bed-day (person-day) of stay was 250 Russian rubles, the number of bed-days of stay was 220; from May 16 to September 30 - 350 Russian rubles. and 320 bed days of stay;
from October 1 to December 31 - 200 Russian rubles. and 150 bed days. In this case, the average cost of one bed-day (person-day) stay is 286 Russian rubles:

((250x220)+(350x320)+(200x150))/(220+320+150) = 197000/690=286.

ChapterVIII “Area of ​​collective accommodation facility”

Line 77 contains information about the area of ​​all rooms, the area of ​​utility rooms: kitchens, bathrooms and shower rooms, toilets, storage rooms, cupboards, barns and household rooms, corridors, lobbies, halls, wardrobes, living rooms, administrative rooms, built-in wardrobes, as well as data on the area of ​​premises attached to the house (terraces, verandas, attics, etc.), which are suitable for living throughout the year. This indicator does not contain data on the areas of staircases, vestibules, balconies, loggias, etc.

Line 78 contains data on the area of ​​​​all rooms intended for visitors. This indicator does not contain data on the area of ​​utility rooms, as well as the area of ​​rooms that are constantly occupied for other purposes, for example, for institutions, cafeterias, hairdressers, etc.

Line 79 contains information regarding whether the area of ​​the accommodation facility is owned or leased from another RAC.

Lines 81-83 contain information about the campsites: the number of cottages or bungalows located on the campsite, the number of places and the area intended to accommodate tents, caravans and caravan-houses.

Directions on filling out the federal statistical observation form No. 1-KSR (annual)

1. Respondents to the federal statistical observation form No. 1-KSR are legal entities, citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity (individual entrepreneurs), with the exception of microenterprises, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal form, providing services to hotels and similar collective accommodation facilities (hotels, motels, boarding houses, hostels for visitors, etc.) and specialized collective accommodation facilities (sanatorium and resort organizations, recreation organizations, tourist centers and etc.) - independent and on the balance sheet of enterprises and organizations engaged in activities according to the following codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED): 55.1-55.12; 55.21-55.23; 55.23.2-55.23.4; 85.11.2. All respondents fill out the form in full.

Collective accommodation facilities (CAF) with year-round operation are provided on April 1, seasonal operation - at the end of work (season).

Bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy administration has been introduced are not exempt from providing information as specified. Only after a ruling has been made arbitration court on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and the entry into the unified state register of legal entities of a record of its liquidation (clause 3 of article 149 Federal Law dated October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”), the debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information onthe specified form.

7. Boarding houses are classified as general purpose housing complexes (marked ). Balneotherapy hospital, mud baths, which are part of the CSR, do not make an independent report. Data on them is included in the special-purpose CSR report. Hunter's (fisherman's) houses belong to other recreation organizations.

8. KSR general purpose mark one of - , indicating the category of DAC. If the DAC does not have a category, then it should be circled - without a category (stars).

Please note that educational institutions having on their balance sheet student dormitories, are not respondents to forms 1-KSR and 1-KSR (short).

23. Year-round CSRs are distinguished from the number of workers involved in work during the seasonal period. Individual entrepreneurs They show the number of family members involved in work.

32. According to specialized DACs, they show the amount of income from the sale of their vouchers (courses), hotels and similar DACs - the amount of income from the provision of accommodation services, the cost of which is paid as part of the tour package, i.e. income from servicing persons accommodated on tourist packages.

33. The amount of income from additional paid services paid by the accommodated persons in excess of the cost of the room or the cost of the voucher, as well as services provided to persons not related to those accommodated in the given

c and special-purpose CSR, which are separate divisions, show funds received from the parent organization to support their activities. Budget TACs are not filled out.

35. The income of the organization is shown: from the operation of subsidiary enterprises listed on the balance sheet of the reporting organization, from the rental of land plots, non-residential premises used for bars, shops, hairdressers, etc., from the sale of disposed property, from the sale of mineral water and medicinal dirt, etc. When filling out individual positions allocated from the total costs of production and sale of products (works, services, goods), you should be guided by the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form No. 5-z "Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works, services )", approved by Rosstat order No. 86 dated 11.02.2010, with additions and changes approved by Rosstat order No. 38 dated 02.11.2011 (posted on the website in the section "Metadata and reference information").

38. The number of CSRs whose activities are reflected in the report is shown (for more details, see the Instructions).

1.2.16. Payment for intermediary services when making transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate is accepted in the amount of commission from transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate. Determined on the basis of data from Form No. 1-RPZh “Information on registration of rights to residential premises”, using an expert assessment of the share of purchase and sale transactions of residential premises carried out with the participation of intermediaries (realtors), as well as data on the amount of commission on purchase transactions sales of residential premises per 1 sq. m them total area, received for the Russian Federation as a whole on a survey of intermediary services (form N 1-services (real estate) “Information on the provision of intermediary services in real estate transactions”, developed once every 5 years, the latest report for 2010). Until the next survey of intermediation services, data for 2010 are adjusted by the index consumer prices the corresponding period.

Due to the different methodological content, one should approach comparisons of tourism services with caution: in the case of a budget survey, they include full price foreign tour (voucher), but in the volume of paid services to the population, a foreign tour is taken into account only in terms of services provided to tourists by residents Russian economy. If you receive a comparison result for this type of service that is incorrect, in the opinion of the specialist carrying out the calculation, it is necessary to conduct an analysis using data from federal statistical monitoring of the activities of travel companies (form