Depository services of banks. Depository services for individuals: tariffs, reviews

Depository services- This banking service, completely unrelated to deposits, despite the consonant name. Do not be confused: both deposits and depository operations got their name from the general term “deposit”, which in translation means “to store”. Only in the case of depository services, completely different assets are stored - securities. Actually, depository services are a range of services provided by banks for organizing the storage of securities and carrying out relevant operations with them in the interests of the client.

Depository services may be required by a wide range of legal entities, one way or another connected with financial market. In particular, companies seek these services to solve the following problems:

  • Storing assets in the form of securities (diversification of capital, investing funds in financial assets)
  • Carrying out and maintaining the issue of securities
  • The need to formalize collateral transactions on securities
  • Conducting brokerage activities
  • Conducting complex structured transactions involving residents and non-residents

Let us consider in more detail the main aspects associated with the use depository operations.

How are securities stored?

The entire mechanics of providing these services is based on the opening and maintenance of securities accounts. These are special accounts in which the accounting unit is not the dollar or ruble, like a simple current account, but the number of pieces of a certain security. To date Russian banks open securities accounts to record securities of both domestic and foreign origin. In this case, both emissive securities (shares, bonds) and non-equity securities (bills of lading, certificates of deposit) can be taken into account. The difference between these securities is that shares and bonds are issued en masse, in a systematic manner and undergo mandatory state registration. Non-issue securities are not issued systematically, but as needed, and do not require special registration.

Asset management on a modern securities account is not much different from liquid funds management on a regular one. current account. In most cases, there is a Client - Bank system, which provides the client with a convenient interface and allows automatic transactions with their securities. If there is no such system, operations are carried out either over the telephone or directly at a bank branch. However, the principle of accounting for ownership of securities is no different from accounting for simple monetary assets: there is a certain number of standardized securities (for example, shares of a certain company) and there is a typical toolkit that allows for the transfer of ownership.

If you issue securities

If a company is an issuer and issues securities (whether shares or bonds), it needs to ensure that the technical side of the issue is met. Servicing securities is always associated with a number of technical difficulties. For example, if you issue shares, dividends must be accrued, and if you issued bonds, a payment will be required coupon income. Doing this on your own is not only difficult, but also prohibited by law. The depository must service your securities.

Russian banks offer comprehensive service issuers, from the initial placement of shares or bonds on the securities market to last payment on these papers. In particular, income is received and distributed in accordance with obligations. This allows the issuing company to transfer funds intended to repay obligations on securities to the depository account, and all other manipulations will be carried out without its participation, in strict accordance with the conditions specified in the securities, as well as current legislation.

In addition to simple servicing of issued securities, depository servicing also involves the implementation of a number of corporate actions of issuers. This may be consolidation or fragmentation property rights assigned to securities, conversion, as well as participation in shareholder meetings.

If you own shares

A company that has financial assets will also benefit from depository services. In particular, they allow you to solve the following problems:

  • Reliable accounting of property rights. It is much easier to manage assets when they are displayed as digital indicator number of shares in the securities account.
  • High level security: when a company entrusts its assets to a reliable depository, a number of risks associated with theft, destruction and other emergency circumstances that may occur with securities are eliminated.
  • If the company conducts foreign economic activity and when settlements with counterparties abroad require the use of securities, depository services can simplify the transfer of property rights.
  • Depository services involve not only storing assets, but also acting in the interests of clients. For example, if you hold shares in a company, you can instruct the depository institution to attend the shareholder meeting on your behalf.
  • Through the depository, you can carry out operations related to the encumbrance of securities as safely as possible (i.e., using them as collateral for debt transactions).


When you have monetary assets- you open a current account. Likewise, you should open a securities account if you deal with securities assets. The services of depository institutions can significantly optimize and simplify all procedures related to the use of securities in economic activity companies.

Depository services are a type of commercial services that are associated with storage as well as operations to change their owner. An organization that has a license to carry out depository activities enters into an agreement with the shareholder, who transfers his assets to it for safekeeping. as well as attachments Money, have nothing to do with depository services, despite the fact that these concepts are consonant.

What do depository services mean?

Custody of securities

According to the depositary who wishes to transfer his securities for safekeeping to the depository organization, an individual account is assigned in the same way as is done with ordinary settlement and savings accounts. Only in this case, it is securities, not cash, that are credited to the account. And the unit of measurement here is precisely certain assets, and not a specific amount of currency. Banking services for legal entities are now very diverse.

The shareholder has the right to manage his account, as well as the assets stored on it, as he sees fit. This can be done using a special interface, as well as software, which is represented by the depository organization. These transactions are also very similar to those carried out in relation to regular accounts. What are the service rates?

Payment to the organization providing depository services is made in proportion to the number of days during which the depositary account was opened. This is about 0.12% per annum, at least 10 rubles per day. There is no charge for storing assets that have expired. For example, opening a new holder will cost approximately 10,000 rubles. For each operation on behalf of the depositor (the person who made the deposit), a fee from 150 to 800 rubles is charged, depending on its type.

Depository services

Depository services for individuals and legal entities include:

  • account opening and maintenance;
  • accounting of ownership rights to various types of securities and their storage;
  • depository transfers of these assets at the request of the client, as well as transfers of bills;
  • registration of securities pledges under guarantees, as well as loans;
  • accounting of securities for trading operations carried out through a broker;
  • encumbrance of bills or removal of such encumbrance, which is carried out for the purpose of securing property transactions;
  • payment of profit on securities;
  • redemption of securities coupons;
  • other services that may be related to account management.

Advantages of depository services

These benefits include:

  • the possibility of unimpeded implementation of depository transfers to any region of the country;
  • wide range of securities;
  • storage reliability;
  • reduction in maintenance costs.

Depository services individuals assumes that clients have the right to issue securities as collateral to obtain bank guarantees or loans.

About securities

To ensure the fulfillment of any obligations related to loans and bank guarantees, the following securities are accepted - bills, savings, as well as certificates, shares, assets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, corporate issuers and credit institutions, as well as ordinary shares of OJSC NK Lukoil, OJSC NK Rosneft, OJSC Rostelecom, OJSC Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, OJSC Surgutneftegaz, OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and others.

Banking services provided to legal entities

Banking services for legal entities differ significantly from those that can be provided to individuals. Their difference lies in the nature itself economic relations and participants in financial transactions. On the one hand, the range of services for organizations and companies is much wider than for citizens, and on the other hand, the responsibility here is much higher. These services include:

  1. Lending. Loans are the most convenient way out for those entrepreneurs who experience significant financial difficulties when purchasing any movable property, equipment or real estate to carry out their business tasks. The parameters and forms of providing loans to them can also vary significantly, depending on the level of relationship between the bank and this organization, on the form of ownership and on the field of activity of a particular entrepreneur.
  2. Deposit services. In this service there are also differences between deposits for individuals and imply the accrual of interest profit on the free funds of a legal entity, and additional conditions Such charges are usually discussed in advance with each specific bank client. Depository service is very convenient.
  3. Servicing current accounts. This service may not be isolated, but even complex. When servicing the accounts of organizations, it is assumed that there is a high speed of settlement and monetary transactions, as well as their high quality. This area includes a service for optimizing cash management operations.
  4. Maintenance and issue of plastic cards. Typically this service involves servicing so-called salary accounts.
  5. Investment. In this case, the bank client can be both an investor and an investment object.
  6. Factoring services. They provide for the transfer financial resources to an enterprise that is a client of the bank, in exchange for the right to demand from the debtor (third party) the transfer of goods, services, and debt compensation. However, the debtor has the right to receive a deferred payment. This service is very convenient for those businesses for which this is standard practice.
  7. Various operations related to documents. It can be international operations carried out in order to minimize the risks arising when carrying out foreign economic activity.
  8. Collection. This service consists of timely transportation, as well as the safety of cash or other valuables.

One who carries out depository activities is called a depository. A person who uses the services of a depository for storing securities and/or recording rights to securities is called a depositor. The agreement governing their relationship is called a depository agreement (or a custody account agreement).

The depository performs quite a lot of operations, but among them the following key ones can be distinguished:

  • Services for storing securities certificates- Securities can be stored in the depository’s vault; it is also possible to keep records of securities in intangible form in the form of entries in electronic registers.
  • Services for accounting of rights to securities. The transfer of securities for storage to the depositary does not mean the transfer of ownership rights to these securities to the depository.
  • Settlements for transactions with securities- carrying out transactions on the exchange and over-the-counter markets.
  • Dividend payment services- Accrual and payment of dividends, payment of income tax.
  • Other services- depositories also offer other services, including securities lending, repo transactions, information services, etc.

The depositary is obliged to ensure the safety of securities or rights to securities and act exclusively in the interests of the depositor. The depositary has no right to dispose of the securities, manage them or carry out any transactions with them. Due to the fact that the securities deposited with the depository are not its property, they cannot be recovered for its obligations. Depository activities can be combined with other types of activities:

  • activities to determine mutual obligations (clearing)

Regulation in Russia

In Russia, only legal entities that have received a depository license from the Federal Financial Markets Service can engage in depository activities. A license for a professional participant in the securities market to carry out depository activities is issued for three years. One of the main conditions for issuing a depositary license is a sufficient amount own funds- at least 20 million rubles. Except financial requirements, you must have the appropriate technical support and accounting system, as well as qualified personnel who have passed special exams.

The basis for licensing the activities of the securities market is established by the Federal Law of April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ “On the Securities Market”.


  • Law Russian Federation dated December 28, 2002 No. 39-FZ " About the securities market»
  • « Standards for issuing securities and registering securities prospectuses"(approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia No. 05-4/pz-n dated March 16, 2005)

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This term has other meanings, see Barrel. “BARREL” Type Limited liability company Year founded 1994 Location ... Wikipedia

Good afternoon, dear readers. In today's article we will touch upon such a topic as depository services for individuals, the need for which arises for almost all people operating in the stock market, regardless of whether they are traders, investors or anyone else.

After analyzing the depository services market, our team identified an offer that seemed the most acceptable and convenient. And now I will tell you more about it.

Let us begin, however, by defining the term and listing the specific functions of the depository organization. So, depository service is commercial services

related to the storage of securities by the depository company, as well as the implementation of operations related to a change in their owner.

Simply put, an organization that has a license to conduct depository activities (depository) enters into an agreement with a shareholder (depositor) who transfers his assets into its custody on the basis of a depository agreement. Some companies offer both traditional and specialized custodial services. One of the leaders in this area is the Region group of companies. Priority direction

Its activity is to provide specialized depository services for maintaining registers of mortgage coverage. No connection with bank deposits

and depository services do not provide cash investments, contrary to similar names.

Securities custody mechanism

Only it will be not currency that will be credited to the deposit account, but securities. And its main measure is not sum of money, but a specific number of units of a particular asset (stocks, bonds, etc.).

The client can manage his depository account and the assets stored on it at his own discretion, using the interface and software provided by the depository company. Again, managing such an account is not much different from operations with an ordinary cash account. The only difference is in the units of measurement.

Depository services Zerich

And here is the very proposal that seemed to our team the most preferable out of several dozen options. It comes from brokerage company Zerich, specializing in transactions with stock market and having a professional license to carry out depository activities.

We chose this company for a number of reasons. Firstly, the combination of brokerage and depository services available to Zerich clients allows them to significantly save time on all operations related to securities. They can be produced, as they say, without leaving the cash register. We purchased a block of shares - immediately, without leaving personal account, handed them over for storage.

Secondly, significant savings on commission costs, as well as costs associated with registering a new owner of securities.

Thirdly, a broker that has all the capabilities and functionality to carry out full circle operations with securities, guarantees you timely payment of dividends and compliance with all deadlines allocated for operations on re-registration of assets. Which is logical, given the purchase that is made through its platform.

Zerich offers its clients the following services:

  1. Accounting and recording of ownership rights to securities.
  2. Execution of client orders related to the pledge of securities and all forms of settlement thereon.
  3. Opening a full-fledged depository account for certificates of ownership of securities.
  4. Providing assistance in all operations related to the exercise by shareholders of their rights to securities, including: transferring dividends and interest on shares to the client’s account, information support and support at all stages.
  5. Representing the client's interests at shareholder meetings (if necessary).
  6. Control primary documentation associated with a change in the owner of securities, “tracking” purchase/sale transactions.
  7. Consulting services related to filling out documents and much more.

There is also a detailed depository service agreement, with the rights and obligations of the parties specified in it, as well as client regulations with all provisions related to the client in one way or another.

The agreement is freely available and no additional operations are required to download it.

As for the tariffs for depositary services, they are also listed on the official website and client regulations, and their size is small and quite reasonable.

To summarize, I will say that if you work with securities, no matter what type they belong to, it is quite difficult to do without depository services, because it allows you to significantly simplify all related procedures, and calmly make a profit without being distracted by “paper” issues.

Best regards, Nikita Mikhailov

Sberbank offers a wide range of depository services, including:

  • opening of all types of securities accounts necessary for accounting and transfer of rights to Russian and foreign securities;
  • storage and accounting of ownership rights to securities, including storage and accounting of certificated/non-issued securities;
  • carrying out depository operations on transactions with securities, including using correspondent securities accounts of Sberbank of Russia in the international settlement and clearing centers Clearstream Banking and Euroclear Bank;
  • encumbering securities with obligations: registration and accounting of collateral transactions;
  • carrying out corporate actions of issuers: consolidation, conversion, splitting, participation in shareholders' meetings by proxy;
  • payment of income on securities, redemption of securities and securities coupons.

Depository PJSC Sberbank acts as the custodian bank for the international Depository Banks The Bank of New York Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Citigroup for the storage and accounting of the underlying asset for the issue and redemption of depositary receipts (ADR/GDR).

As of 01/01/2019, the Depository of Sberbank PJSC maintains 50 programs for shares of 29 Russian companies issuing the underlying asset, including: Sberbank PJSC, Magnit PJSC, MTS PJSC, NK Rosneft PJSC ", PJSC MegaFon, PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashina, Surgutneftegaz PJSC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Rostelecom PJSC, MMK PJSC, NCSP PJSC, AFK Sistema PJSC, LUKOIL PJSC, etc.


The depository of Sberbank PJSC is one of the largest bank depositories in Russia and offers its clients (residents or non-residents of the Russian Federation) a full range of depository services with securities of Russian and foreign issuers in all regions of the Russian Federation. Depository activities have been carried out by Sberbank PJSC since 1997.

Sberbank PJSC has a wide branch network in Russia and services more than 1.7 million securities accounts.

Clients of the Depository of Sberbank PJSC can submit depositary orders and receive reports on the execution of operations at more than 40 depository service points throughout Russia. To exchange information with clients, the Bank uses different kinds remote maintenance, including Sberbank Online and SWIFT systems.

Depository accounting is carried out in a centralized automated information system“Depositary” (developed by PJSC Sberbank), which meets the requirements for maintaining depository records imposed regulatory documents RF, and also has a high degree of security and fault tolerance.

The information security measures applied to the system correspond to the highest category and ensure the safety and confidentiality of stored information. Its high efficiency has been repeatedly proven, in particular, during the “people’s” IPOs of Rosneft Oil Company OJSC and Sberbank PJSC.

Evaluation of the Depository of Sberbank of Russia by clients

Throughout the series recent years The depositary of Sberbank PJSC participates in the annual study of the level and quality of services conducted by the international specialized magazine “Global Custodian”. Thanks to the high ratings received from our clients regarding the level of service, reliability and technology of services, the Depository of Sberbank PJSC consistently confirms its leading position relative to competitors in the Russian market, and is also recognized as one of the best depositories in emerging markets in the world. The depositary of Sberbank PJSC consistently demonstrates high ratings in all categories of services for which the study is conducted and has been awarded the highest awards of the study:.

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