Tyumen regional traffic police. How is the check of traffic police fines online

On our site you can find fines by driver's license number and pay them immediately on the site.

It is important to know that the search is exclusively on driving license, will find only the fines that the traffic police inspector issued to the driver personally, when he stopped, and the fines imposed on the results of the video recording of traffic violations will not be found.

Traffic police fines according to the state number of the car

When searching for your fines according to reg. car number, state registration number, you will find only decisions made by means of automatic video recording. To check the fines issued to drivers, it is necessary to indicate the number of the driver's license.

When checking fines, it is more reliable to fill in absolutely all fields of the form, this will give you the opportunity to find all the decisions issued to you on traffic violations.

Photos and videos of fines

Fines issued by means of automatic recording of the traffic situation are almost always with photographs. Unfortunately, there are still not rare cases of lack of photo fixation in the database of fines. In this case, you will have to contact the traffic police department that issued this fine. The name of the traffic police unit can be found in the detailed information, on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

There is no video of the violation in principle, instead of a video there will be a series of photographs.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After paying the fine through the service, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission, if 14 days have passed after the payment, and the fine has not yet been paid.

The warranty only applies to the payment of fines on our website.

If you paid the fine elsewhere, then the claims must be sent to the place of payment.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment occurs in real time:

  • payment is made in less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount
  • you will be notified of new fines

Payment Methods

  • Bank cards: MasterCard, VISA, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi, Moneta.ru
  • Banking systems: Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank, Faktura.ru, Russian Standard

After payment you will receive a payment receipt

All payments are made by the Non-Banking Credit Organization "Moneta.ru" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) is registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System".

NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 02, 2012.

Payment of a traffic police fine with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. From January 1, 2016, you have the right to pay a fine for traffic violations in the amount of 50% of the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 added to Article 32.2:

1.3. Upon payment administrative fine by a person brought to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense provided for by Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of Article 12.15, Part 3.1 Articles 12.16, Articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread over time by a judge, body, official who issued the decision, the administrative fine shall be paid in full.

Penalties not covered by the 50% discount

  • Violation of parking rules and non-payment for parking in Moscow fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (in case of repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving on a prohibition signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles
  • The car is not registered (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles

The check takes place online in real time according to the selected parameters and may take some time. Data on fines comes from an official source: the State information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP). The search is free and does not require entering the user's email address.

How to pay a traffic police fine online

To pay fines online, you must enter information about the vehicle and the Payer, as well as enter an email address to which a receipt with a bank note will be sent. Further, payments are made on the side of a certified system for making secure payments on the Internet - a transfer operator Money NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC), payment service "A 3".

Proof of payment

After payment, you will automatically be sent a receipt with a bank mark to the specified email. If the email on our site was entered incorrectly by the user, we will send a receipt and a link to .

How long does it take to pay off a traffic police fine paid online

By law, information about payments is transferred credit institution, through which the payment was made, to the database of the Federal Treasury (GIS GMP system) immediately. Nevertheless, the average term for repayment of a fine in the GIS GMP can range from several hours to several days or more.

Why do you need to keep receipts for paying a fine?

The printed receipt confirms that you actually made the payment and can be presented at any government agency. Keep receipts (paper or in electronic format) is recommended for at least 2 years. Although details of payments made online are received promptly by state system GIS GMP, but the data in the system itself is not updated immediately - it is advisable to print a receipt and carry it in the glove compartment of the car. You can also provide payment information on the traffic police website. To do this, go to the official page of applications http://www.gibdd.ru/letter, select the region to which you are addressing the application and fill in the data by attaching the electronic receipt file.

Payment of a traffic police fine with a 50% discount

In accordance with federal law dated December 22, 2014 No. 437-FZ, which entered into force on January 1, 2016, drivers have the right to pay 50% of the amount of the fine if they do so no later than 20 days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine. It should be borne in mind that the period of 20 days is counted not from the moment the notification was actually received, but from the date the Resolution was issued.

Traffic police fines that are not covered by the 50% discount: The car is not registered (in case of a repeated offense) - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver - a fine of 30,000 rubles;
12.9.6 Exceeding the established speed of movement (repeated commission of an offense provided for by paragraph 3 of this article) - a fine of 2000-2500 rubles;
12.9.7 Exceeding the established speed of movement (repeated commission of the offense provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article) - a fine of 5,000 rubles, deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year;
12.12.3 Driving on a prohibiting signal (repeated offense) - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
12.15.5 Repeated exit to the oncoming lane - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
12.24 Causing light or moderate harm to health - a fine of 2500-25000 rubles;
12.26 Refusal to pass a medical examination for alcohol - a fine of 30,000 rubles;
12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident in which the driver is involved - a fine of 30,000 rubles.

What parameters are checked

Checking is carried out according to any of the following parameters:
By vehicle (TC);
By the number of the Decree;
By document index (UIN).

If you disagree with the fines imposed on you, you have the right, within 10 days from the date of the decision on an administrative offense, to appeal this decision to statutory okay. .

Information about fines can also be obtained from the traffic police departments.

Publication date: 11/13/2017. Last update: 01/29/2020
© All rights to the materials of the site belong to "Sozidatel" LLC. Full or partial copying of the article without written permission is prohibited.

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