How to increase the limit on a Sberbank credit card. All about the credit limit: how to increase it and who can reduce it

Plastic owners can increase the limit credit card Home Credit in 2 ways: by waiting for the bank’s proposal to increase the limit and accepting it, or by writing an application to increase the limit amount. In the latter case, the client can come to the office or call the hotline credit organization and submit the application orally after identification. The review lasts no more than a day, and the limit is increased immediately after the final positive decision is made. The client will only need a passport as documents, and during a telephone conversation he will need to give a code word.

What is a credit limit on a card?

The credit limit is a fixed amount borrowed money, which the bank pre-approved for the borrower. The client can spend this money at any time using his credit card. This means that every time a borrower needs a sum of money to borrow, he will not have to go to the bank and apply for a loan. It is enough to pay for goods and services with your credit card and the funds will be debited from your credit limit. Subsequently, he will have to repay the resulting debt in monthly payments, or in a lump sum, etc.

Each client who applies is assigned his own credit limit. It depends on 3 factors:

  1. Client’s solvency (ratio of income and expenses, identification of the current monthly balance, etc.) The higher the salary and the lower the borrower’s expenses, the higher his credit limit will be.
  2. Credit rating. When approving a credit limit, the bank carefully checks the borrower’s credit history for the fact of outstanding loans, late payments, etc. If the security service finds flaws, the client will not receive a large limit.
  3. Credit history at Home Credit Bank. If the borrower is a regular or current client of Home Credit Bank, his credit limit will be increased. This is due to the increased confidence of the lender and the positive history of obligations of this particular borrower.

What card limit does the bank usually set?

If we talk about specific figures, Home Credit Bank states that it is ready to approve up to 1.5-3 monthly payments to clients with a very good credit history and no overdue payments. wages. You can calculate the approximate limit using a special credit limit calculator

What card limit will you be approved for?

Average income, month

Expenses, months

Min. payment

up to 950,000 rubles

In practice, things are completely different. Typically, the bank does not give a new client more than 60-70% of the salary. As a result, the amount of the credit limit turns out to be quite small, about 10-15 thousand rubles. But subsequently, Home Credit increases the credit limit if the client fulfills his obligations in a timely manner and often uses borrowed funds.

The increase occurs gradually. Usually 3-5 thousand rubles are added to the current limit. You can expect the first increase in your credit limit after 3-6 months of using your credit card. If the client repays the debt on time, his limit will increase more often. Maximum amount The credit limit that the bank is ready to provide to the borrower is 300 thousand rubles, but it is unlikely to exceed his salary by more than 3 times. These are standard numbers for credit cards with a limit.

Features of increasing/decreasing limits on a Home Credit Bank credit card

  • The client can increase the limit of the Home Credit credit card once during each billing period, no more.
  • The bank can independently offer the client an increase in the credit limit via SMS message. If the client agrees to the new conditions, he must call the specified number and report that he accepts the bank’s offer. After this, the application will be reviewed and the credit limit will be increased or left the same.
  • If you use a credit limit on a card of less than 50% within 6 months, then it is likely that after this period the limit will be reduced by 50% or more percent of the current amount.

How to increase the limit on a Home Credit Bank credit card - all ways

At Home Credit Bank there are 2 ways to increase the credit limit on a card. The first of them is when the bank independently makes a proposal to increase the limit. The bank makes this decision based on data about the client’s payment history directly when using a credit card, if there are no other issued products.

If the bank makes such a decision, an SMS message is sent to the client with a proposal to increase the credit limit. The SMS indicates the maximum allowable limit as proposed by the bank. If the borrower agrees and wants to increase the limit, he must call the bank or come to the branch and inform the credit institution employee about the proposal received and declare his desire to increase the limit by the specified amount.

If the offer is activated by telephone, the client must fully introduce himself and provide control information for identification. If the borrower increases the limit at the bank’s suggestion in the office, then you must have a passport with you.

Almost immediately after filling out an application to increase the limit, the bank considers it positively and the client is given a new limit on the card.

The second option to increase the limit of a Home Credit Bank credit card is to submit an application without waiting for the bank’s offer. Previously, the client can check the availability of current offers on the credit institution’s website in the “Find out about the bank’s special offer” section, or in personal account Internet banking.

To independently increase the limit, the borrower needs to contact any bank branch or by phone hotline, draw up a corresponding application to increase the limit and wait for the bank’s decision. The client independently indicates the desired limit, but not more than once a month. If the lender's decision is positive, the credit limit will be changed immediately after its adoption.

In terms of time, consideration of an application to increase the limit takes no more than 2-6 hours. Sometimes the procedure takes up to 24 hours. The limit change occurs almost instantly after the bank makes a positive decision.

How does credit history affect the card limit?

The borrower's credit history has a direct impact on the credit card limit. The worse credit history owner of the plastic, the lower his limit will be. For example, a client with a very bad credit history will generally be denied a credit card, but a borrower with past arrears but fully repaid loans will be approved for a card. The limit on it will be very scanty. Usually this is no more than 3-5 thousand rubles, which can be spent on everyday needs when there are a couple of days left until salary and the money has run out.

This is a kind of test of a client who is given a small limit to see how he will fulfill his credit obligations. And the bank does not want to take risks by approving a large limit for a borrower with not the best credit history.

Over time, the bank may increase the credit limit for a client with a low credit rating, if he makes his monthly payments on time without significant delays. The wait for the limit increase will be much longer than for ordinary customers, and the amounts will be small.

If there were delinquencies on the card, is it possible to increase the limit?

If the borrower has overdue payments on his current Home Credit Bank card, he can also try to increase his credit limit. In the eyes of the bank, the client did not commit anything criminal if he allowed delays of up to 5-10 days and eventually repaid the resulting debt. Significant violations of the terms of repayment are delays of more than 30-90 days, refusal to repay the debt, ignoring bank employees on the phone.

However, immediately after the delay occurs and its subsequent repayment, the bank is unlikely to increase the credit limit on the card. The borrower needs to make 3-4 more payments on time after the incident. Only after this will it be possible to submit an application to increase the credit limit and hope for its positive consideration.

Real reviews from borrowers whose credit limit was increased

There are enough reviews from borrowers about increasing the credit limit on Home Credit Bank cards and they are all ambiguous. Many plastic card owners claim that it is unrealistic to increase the limit of a Home Credit Bank credit card on their own. Borrowers say that until an offer is received from the bank, the client’s application will not be approved. Others claim that their credit limit was increased upon written application to the office.

Still others complain that Home Credit Bank employees often make mistakes when providing such services, confusing the limit amounts, and sometimes reducing it instead of increasing it.

Judging by customer reviews, the bank is more enthusiastic about reducing the credit limit amount than increasing it. Detailed reviews different borrowers can be seen in the screenshots below.

Many clients know that it is possible to increase the credit limit at Sberbank, but not everyone knows exactly how to increase it. The limit is set to ensure that the client does not take out too many loans that will be beyond his means. This is how the bank helps both itself and the client. The bank does not have to put up with large arrears, and the client does not end up in debt trap. This also forces the client to repay debts on time.

Initially financial organizations As a rule, they offer a small amount, from 15 to 40 thousand rubles. Sberbank offers cards with a fairly large limit - up to 200-600 thousand rubles, and charges quite a bit. low percentage. However, high-value card products are expensive to maintain.

If the client adheres to all the rules and needs to borrow more funds, then he has the right to increase the limit. At the same time, it is important that there is a positive credit history, a favorable experience of cooperation with this lender, a guaranteed decent monthly income, more than 6 months have passed since the loan was issued. In addition, you need to actively use the card, pay for goods and services, and not just wait six months for an increase in the amount.

If your CI has been damaged for some reason, then first you need to try to fix it. Read about how to do this in this article.

There are two possible options here.

First option– writing an application to Sberbank. But please note that those who have been actively using the card for a long time and regularly pay off debts without delays should hope for the bank’s approval.

Previously, the bank provided clients with the opportunity to easily expand the limit when writing an application and attaching all the necessary documents. But later he reconsidered his attitude to this issue - now he is independently unilaterally changes the amount of money allowed for use, usually upward.

Second option– decision on the part of Sberbank. They look at the client’s history, if he is reliable, then they increase his maximum limit, inform him via SMS or other means.

You can refuse the lender’s offer within five days - by phone, in Sberbank Online, or by mail. The credit card limit is valid for a year; in the absence of violations, its size remains the same and the term is extended.

Also contact the employee who issued you the card, or another convenient branch of the company. Before increasing your credit limit at Sberbank, think about whether it really needs to be increased and whether it is advisable.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you definitely need to read this

Many of our readers are wondering how to increase the limit on a credit card? In this article you will find some recommendations that will help you access a larger monetary amount than now.

A credit card is analogous to a regular one consumer loan , however, with a certain list of advantages, in particular:

  • Easier registration and receipt;
  • It is possible to receive the product directly to your home;
  • The client gets access to a renewable limit, which can be used an unlimited number of times within the validity period of the “plastic”;
  • There is such a thing as a grace period - this is the period of time during which a borrower can make purchases using a card, and the bank will not charge him interest for this. It is also renewable i.e. it can be used repeatedly;
  • Convenience of repayment. The client can choose the payment method that is more convenient for him - the entire amount at once or “stretch” the debt in parts. At the same time, there is a minimum monthly contribution that must be paid every month; more is possible, but not less.

As is known, bank cards with the possibility of using borrowed funds have a certain limit. A limit is a restriction on the amount that you can freely use if the need arises. Usually, available amount for a credit card is determined by the bank individually for each client.

What does the bank pay attention to when deciding whether to what amount will you be given access to:

  • Solvency is the main criterion. Most often it is confirmed by a corresponding document, i.e. certificate of income from the place of work in form 2-NDFL. Some companies, for example, Home Credit Bank, offer alternative options for confirming income, for example, providing information about the real estate you own, bank deposit, employment contract, valuable papers, car, etc.;
  • Client category. If the person who submitted the application has not previously used the services of this banking company, then he will be assigned a small limit, because... this person is still new and untested. However, if you have previously taken out a loan from this organization, issued a deposit, account or card, then you can count on its loyalty;
  • Documentary support. To ensure the reliability of the client, the bank needs official documents, references. This includes: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a mark of permanent registration, a work book.

But what to do if you already have a valid card, but you need more money to pay for various goods and services? In this case, there are only 2 possibilities for increasing them, namely:

  • At the initiative of the bank. Many companies, in particular Sberbank of Russia, have this practice: if a client often uses a credit card and pays off his debts on time, then after some time the limit on his account automatically increases. Typically this occurs at regular intervals, such as every 6 or 12 months. Conclusion: you need to pay for purchases non-cash as often as possible and repay the borrowed money on time;
  • At the initiative of the client. If you cannot wait six months or a year, and want to increase the size of the available limit in the next couple of months, then to do this you need to contact the bank branch where you executed the agreement. Take it with you, your passport,, if possible, a card and, of course, documents that will indicate your increased financial possibilities. This could be a certificate of a higher salary than before, the presence of a large deposit, etc. At the office you write an application on the form that they will give you bank workers, and in case of a positive decision after consideration, you will receive a corresponding notification.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about increasing your credit card available limit, all information for this is given in our review.

In their programs, banks indicate the maximum allowable value of the credit limit. When considering an application received from a client, the credit institution places a certain amount of borrowed funds on the card balance, which constitute the card limit.

In 99% of cases, a potential borrower receives a card with a limit of 50-60% of the maximum allowable value. If this type of credit card has a limit of 300,000 rubles, then a first-time client can count on receiving a card with a preliminary limit of 50,000-150,000 rubles at best.

At the same time, credit institutions indicate in their agreements that it is permissible to increase the size of the credit limit upward under certain conditions.

How is a credit limit assigned?

Here a lot depends on the bank's program. There is a type that provides for simplified registration (the so-called “ fast cards") with a minimum package of documents. The limit on such cards is not large, and the bank receives security guarantees due to the high annual rate and severe penalties. For such cards, the mechanism for increasing the limit is not used, since almost all clients are approved for the same amount of borrowed funds.

For other cards, for which you need to provide a package of documents, the limit may differ significantly for two clients with the same credit card. With a maximum limit of 300,000 rubles (approximate amount), the bank approved a card with a limit of 150,000 rubles for one holder, and 70,000 rubles for another. This means that the bank, when considering customer applications, was based on the following indicators:

  • Total work experience – including length of service at the last place of work.
  • Income level – a client earning a higher income will be approved for a higher credit limit.
  • Package of documents – banks operate on the principle of “more documents – higher credit limit”.
  • Credit history – lack of credit history is equivalent to a damaged credit history, therefore, such a client will have a lower final limit.

If the bank has approved a card with a limit that is not the required maximum, it means that the bank allows an increase in the amount of borrowed funds while using the card. This circumstance may be specified in the user agreement at the discretion of the credit institution. And in each case, the increase in the limit depends on how the holder uses the credit card.

There is a category of privileged clients to whom the bank makes an initial offer. Such clients usually have open deposit in the bank or they are participants salary project large corporate client.

For these citizens, the bank immediately sets a maximum credit limit with many additional options for the card. Such clients automatically earn the trust of the bank, and therefore can count on the maximum possible amount of borrowed funds.

How and by how much the limit increases

There is no specific algorithm for increasing the credit limit. Each organization has its own rules on this matter. There are several most general conditions compliance with which will most likely result in a change in the amount of borrowed funds.

After receiving the card, the borrower must use it to the maximum so that the bank sees the movement of funds in the account and the client’s interest in increasing the limit. At the first stages of using the card, compliance with the rules for the intended use of borrowed funds, timely payment of the minimum obligatory payment and repayment of the total debt.

For example, on a client’s card the credit limit is 70,000 rubles with a grace period of 50 days. If, in the first stages of using the card, purchases are made for significant amounts and the main part of the limit is spent, the bank will see that the client has the needs and ability to repay the debt in a timely manner.

With several successful purchases on total amount 30,000-35,000 rubles and subsequent repayment of the debt, the bank will increase the credit limit, since the client has proven a sufficient level of reliability.

But correct and frequent use of the card, avoiding violations and delays, does not guarantee the holder an increase in the credit limit on the card. This preference is implemented only at the discretion of the bank, which includes a number of criteria in the client assessment mechanism. Therefore, the limit will be increased if the holder meets the following 5 conditions:

  1. Uses the card every day or makes purchases for significant amounts.
  2. Places on balance own funds, amounting to 20-25% of the credit limit.
  3. Does not allow even the shortest delays.
  4. Does not cash out the credit limit unless this option is expressly provided for in the user agreement.
  5. Fulfills its obligations to the credit institution on time.

The bank decides independently how much the limit is increased for the first time. As a rule, these are not large amounts, rarely reaching 10-15% of the borrowed funds already placed on the card balance. With the same intensive use of the card, conducting transactions for significant amounts and timely repayment of the resulting debt, the credit limit will periodically increase until it reaches the maximum maximum.

An additional way to increase the limit

There is another option for increasing the limit - at the initiative of the cardholder, who must come to the office of his bank with documents and draw up an application indicating a request to increase the limit. This option is relevant when the holder’s income has increased, and he can document this fact.

The client provides the bank with certificates in form 2-NDFL or in another form, depending on the type of activity. The bank evaluates the documents received, looks at the movement of funds on the card, analyzes the number and size of recent transactions.

If no violations are detected, the card limit is increased by a certain percentage. This form of interaction is used by such banks as:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • Opening;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Rosbank;
  • National Bank "Trust";
  • Russian Standard Bank;
  • Uralsib;
  • Credit Europe Bank;
  • Bank Rosgosstrah;
  • MTS Bank;
  • Orient Express Bank.

How to find out if the limit has been increased

Today, credit cards have become a common thing for Russians. Many people don’t even imagine how they can live without them. People no longer save money in advance for a vacation or the long-awaited purchase of an expensive product. All they care about is that the lending scheme is quite convenient. But repaying the debt to the bank is a task of secondary importance; you can think about it later.

Credit cards, of course, come with a lot of benefits. This is both ease of use and the ability to borrow money for current or unplanned expenses at any time. With a credit card, you can cross the border and convert your funds into the required currency, buying goods or paying for services. A credit card takes up minimal space in your wallet. Even its loss (provided that the PIN code is known only to the owner) will not cause any particular trouble - the money will not disappear anywhere, you just need to try to take measures to block the card as soon as possible.

"Sharp corners" of a credit card

Despite all the advantages of a credit card, its owner is at risk of falling into debt. This can happen if he begins to live “beyond his means,” that is, he begins to spend more than his income allows. So that possession of the card does not cause big problems, you need to be able to balance your immediate desires with your real budget. Analysts determine the maximum share of loan payments as a third of total income borrower.

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Meanwhile, a person who is accustomed to certain conveniences of using a card often feels the desire to have a larger amount on it. And then he turns to the credit institution with a request to increase his credit limit. To do this, simply write an application, and if the borrower has previously repaid the monthly minimum payment, then the bank usually agrees to this request. What kind of credit history the borrower has with other credit institutions also plays a role. And if a bank client presents a document stating that his monthly income has increased (as a rule, this is a certificate in form 2NDFL from his place of work), then he has almost every chance of a positive decision from management.

However, the borrower should not count on a significant increase in the credit limit (several times, for example), since it usually does not exceed 25-30%. It is worth noting that banks themselves often increase credit limits for verified clients. In this case, the client receives an SMS notifying him of an increase in the amount.

In what cases do banks increase the credit limit?

Before deciding to increase the amount that a client can manage, the bank considers many factors that determine the financial status of the borrower. Will he be able to handle repayments of larger amounts? The bank must determine its financial risks towards to this client. In particular, if the latter does not withdraw from the card large sums, then it is not profitable for a credit institution to increase the limit, since it may suffer financial model, which implies an increase in the bank's income from this client, and the risk of non-repayment of a large amount increases.

So is it worth it?

If the borrower wishes increase credit limit, then he needs think seriously. Will he be able to handle his increased expenses wisely and not fall into a debt trap? Is he responsible enough to himself and his financial obligations? After all, debts usually grow much faster than the borrower has time to notice it. Yes, and interest on the loan. It often happens that people hope that tomorrow their income will be higher than today, and this will allow them to cope with the repayment large sum. But this hope suddenly collapses, and the person finds himself in serious trouble.

The main thing is to focus on your real income. Moreover, you need to be able to predict their possible reduction in time in case of unforeseen situations (illness, job loss, etc.). It is also necessary to make payments on time and take care of your positive credit history.