GOST 7448 salted fish technical specifications. Terms and Definitions

In 2016, the rules for registering gas equipment with the traffic police were tightened. Formally, this is tied to joining the Customs Union, however, in partner countries there are no such stringent requirements that force drivers to waste time and money. Until the summer of 2016, you might not have registered your gas equipment with the traffic police at all, but now inspectors may inquire about the presence of a mark on the vehicle’s retrofitting in the registration certificate.

HBO is not registered, what should I do?

At the moment, we would recommend that owners of GAZelles and other similar vehicles go through the registration procedure commercial vehicles, their cylinders are located outside - there is no way to hide it. Owners of ordinary passenger cars It is worth remembering that the inspector’s request to “open the trunk” without drawing up an inspection report in the presence of attesting witnesses is only a request and nothing more - politely refuse him. Few people will have the desire to start this whole paper procedure in order to look for a gas cylinder in your trunk (and not the fact that you even have one) and still write out 500 rubles.

Do we install HBO - with or without registration?

Is it possible to go through the procedure for installing HBO as before, one day in a matter of hours, or do you have to go to the traffic police and go through the entire algorithm described below? As we have already said, we still recommend that GAZelle owners register; for others it is now difficult to answer this question: as often happens in our country, first they introduce some standards and rules, then they look at what happened. We can already say that the registration rules are changing: initially they wanted to ban torroidal cylinders, moreover(!) the ban was in effect for some months, but now they are already allowed. Most likely, the rules for registering gas equipment will soon be changed in the direction of simplification and reduction in cost. You can install now and register in a year. Well, or if you have free time, you can do the registration in parallel with the installation of gas equipment, it’s not so difficult, we will help you figure it all out and do all the necessary paperwork, but you’ll have to go to the traffic police a couple of times:

What's new in HBO registration 2019

Since 2018, the registration rules have remained virtually unchanged, however, in practice, the procedure has been streamlined both on the part of installer services and on the part of Technical Supervision (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate). In Moscow, all this began to work really quickly. In our video we reviewed some points and answered the questions:


Let's say right away that all the papers, samples, applications - we will do it for you, everything is simple here. But you’ll have to stop by the traffic police a couple of times and spend 30 + 30 minutes there.

Only the owner can write applications and register gas equipment with the traffic police - those who are registered with the insurance company will not be able to do this.

STEP 1 According to the rules for registering gas equipment in 2019, even before installation it is necessary obtain a preliminary technical examination report vehicle(TS) for the possibility of installing LPG on your car.

List necessary documents at this stage: Vehicle owner's passport, Vehicle Passport (PVC), Certificate of Registration (CTC)

IMPORTANT: To speed up the process and not wait while the papers are prepared (and they are all standard, for standard equipment) - it is better to send a PTS, STS on both sides and the owner’s passport with registration to the car service post office. After this, you can go pick up the completed papers and immediately go with them to the traffic police (step 2)

Although, if you personally decide to bring the papers to the service, you will be able to discuss all the nuances of installing LPG and registration issues with the technicians during this time. For some it will even be convenient.

The conclusion is given by the relevant experts from the laboratory, but we do this step for you, saving your time. This is what you have left in your hands conclusion of preliminary technical examination:

STEP 2 Now you must obtain permission to install gas equipment from the traffic police.

Write an Application for installation of HBO. To do this, contact the territorial traffic police department (regardless of the place where the car is registered), where there is a department for technical supervision(see addresses at the bottom of this page). The traffic police officer puts a mark in the Application-Declaration with attached photographs of the car, which has not yet installed HBO.

IMPORTANT: you shouldn’t go to the first traffic police department you come across, for example your regional one - the registration time for LPG there may be longer than at the traffic police department that the car service recommends for you, and he has his finger on the pulse, has feedback with drivers and knows what is happening right now. Also, each traffic police department has its own character, somewhere they pay more attention to this, somewhere less.

IMPORTANT: Only the owner can register an LPG with the traffic police! (this is why the car service cannot take on 100% of all this fuss)

You will have to leave the traffic police with this very statement and a mark on it:

STEP 4 You receive a new diagnostic card.

We didn’t come up with these rules, but in 2019, in order to register an LPG, you will need to undergo a Technical Inspection (MOT) of your car again, indicating on the card that HBO is installed. If there are any problems with this, we will tell you where to go closer, faster and easier.

Note, that in the diagnostic card the weight (full curb) should change (increase) by the amount of the weight of the installed equipment with a fully filled cylinder and to indicate the addition of a new type of fuel in the engine power system.

You need to bring the diagnostic card to our service (or send a copy of it to e-mail), we will prepare for you technical examination protocol

5 STEP The last stage is obtaining a Certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with changes made to its design with safety requirements

To continue the registration of HBO, you need to come to the same traffic police department that you visited for the first time, provide identification, and all received documents and a car with installed gas equipment. As a result of inspecting the vehicle, the traffic police registers your car and issues a “Certificate of Compliance with the Design of the Vehicle” with changes made to its design, as well as makes an appropriate entry in the PTS and STS of the car. You will be able to receive the documents as soon as the traffic police issues them, this may take up to 2 weeks.


Now we’ll tell you what to do if you ALREADY have an HBO and you need to register it

STEP 1 Come to our service center, we will dismantle the visible parts of the LPG (cylinder and engine compartment). Further, if your cylinder was manufactured before 01/01/2015 and has an “old” passport, but now you need a passport of the Customs Union type, then you will have to buy a new cylinder (By the way, on our service we have the widest selection of cylinders for LPG, we will help here). Alas, there are no options - these are the rules the government came up with for us. If the cylinder was manufactured after 2015, and you have retained all the documents for gas equipment, then after dismantling your equipment will be completely reused. Why remove HBO? What nonsense, who came up with this? The traffic police inspector will take a photo of your car; it is necessary that there are no traces of LPG left there. These are the rules, we didn’t come up with them.

STEP 2 We go through the entire algorithm described above, as if you were installing HBO for the first time, with the only difference being that they will install your own kit.

What if the HBO is installed, but it is impossible to register on it (there will no longer be any certificates, for example)?
Usually at this moment problems arise with the sale of the car, or an inspector stopped you and found an unregistered gas equipment in your possession. In both cases, the following point will help in practice: either do it yourself, or go to the nearest gas service and ask them to remove the visible parts of the gas equipment. Depending on the load on the service, they will demand several thousand rubles for this operation, then they will supply it all to you after presenting the car to the traffic police. Before selling a car, it is better to find such a car service in advance and make an agreement. And you don't even have to make any significant discount on the car.

remember, that not all traffic police departments are involved in the registration of gas equipment, not all can serve legal or individuals. Before going to the branch, call and check the availability of a technical department and opening hours, it is also individual everywhere.

Initially, we wanted to make a complete list of all traffic police departments that are involved in the registration of gas equipment, but in the process of our work, this interesting detail became clear: service speed will be different everywhere! Some traffic police have already allocated special employees who only deal with registration and nothing else: there, if you’re lucky, you can submit all the documents in 30 minutes... And somewhere people say that applications lie with the boss for a month and a half without action. Therefore, if you decide to install or register gas equipment with us, we will definitely tell you which traffic police department is best to submit documents to in order to complete the procedure as quickly as possible.

So if you decide install HBO or do you need assistance in registering an already installed gas equipment according to the 2019 rules- call!

The issue of registering vehicles converted to run on gas with the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate worried (and still worries) many. The registration procedure seemed vague, confusing and varied greatly in different regions of the country.

It was previously required to register gas equipment on a car. No changes were made to the vehicle registration certificate. Until now, the whole procedure boiled down to the fact that the car owner had to present two certificates to the traffic police: form 2A and form 2B. These certificates, in theory, should have been issued by the LPG installer company. It was also necessary to fill out several applications and run from window to window. It wasn’t all simple - a kind of quest according to rules that no one knew or understood thoroughly. However, with a certain assertiveness and determination of the car owner, he could legalize gas equipment on the car. Now appeared new law, and everything became simple and clear. Simple - because there is a law, and it is clear that no one knows how to implement its norms.

Since January 2015, Technical Regulations of the Customs Union No. 18 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” came into force. And now it is this document that has become the starting point in the question of passing a technical inspection for a car with installed gas equipment.

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, if anyone doesn’t know, joined the Customs Union - that is, they created single space, in which goods and services move without restrictions. At the same time, countries have committed themselves to unify the regulatory and technical framework for these goods and services - to lead everything to unified standard. These standards became Technical regulations. They are developed one by one and are gradually introduced into action, falling out of the blue ordinary citizens this very Customs Union. Technical Regulation No. 18 came into force, as already mentioned, on January 1, 2015.

Technical Regulation No. 18 is a broad document. It stipulates many points that are certainly related to the safety of wheeled vehicles. And anyone who wants to get to know it in detail can easily find it on the Internet - the document is freely available. We will concentrate on analyzing the situation related to the use of gas equipment in a car.

This Technical Regulation contains Appendix No. 9: “Requirements for individual changes made to the design of the vehicle.” And in this application, paragraph No. 8 specifically states that the installation of gas equipment refers to changes in the design of the vehicle:

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have been obliged by international agreements and until now to comply with the UNECE Rules. With regard to gas equipment, these are Rules No. 67 for liquefied gas and Rule No. 110 for natural gas. Almost all gas equipment sold in Russia complies with them, as evidenced by the corresponding markings applied to the gas equipment elements. And one could assume that not immediately, of course, over time, LPG installers would solve the problem - by presenting certified copies of certificates to the relevant authorities... But the Technical Regulations also require compliance with 115 UNECE rules - - for the type of gas cylinder system as a whole for the corresponding family of vehicles funds.

Let's turn to Chapter V (Conformity Assessment) point 4:

Will changes be made to the vehicle registration certificate after installing the LPG? Has the procedure for making changes already been developed? Every car enthusiast who wishes to install an LPG must submit his car for a preliminary technical examination? And then again for examination after installing the HBO? Who should conduct this examination? What is its order? What will happen to cars that were converted to run on gas before Technical Regulation No. 18 came into force?

We can only wait until the situation becomes clearer, because now everything looks as if the state has decided to bury the idea of ​​using alternative fuels once and for all.