What should line 1370 of the balance sheet be equal to? Balance lines

Accounting statements submitted to tax authorities must be completed in accordance with in the prescribed form, which contains lines with different names and codes. The question arises, what does line 1370 of the balance sheet consist of? You need to know what information it contains in order to write reports correctly and without errors.

The codes are indicated in the supplement to the orders regulating the preparation and entry of information into the reporting documentation. retained earnings in the balance sheet - this is line 1370. The column also contains the amount of uncovered loss that has accumulated over a certain time at the time the balance sheet is written.

According to the Chart of Accounts, account 84 is intended for recording retained profits and losses. Profits and losses received as of December 31 are recorded in it. In column 1370 enter the amounts for the reporting years - both the current and the previous one. The loan balance is shown here. If the organization has suffered a loss, the account balance is entered in the line by debit.

When a document is written for the reporting period, the remainder of 84 and 99 “Profit and Loss” is entered into 1370. It is the latter that displays the result of accumulated profits or losses from usual activities, other operations, and the money that is directly related to this account. These are penalties for violation of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If, as of the date of writing the report, losses were recorded at the enterprise, their amount is written without the minus sign, and in brackets: (2000).

Accounting for dividends

Line 1370 of the balance sheet contains a transcript. Cash compensation, paid during the period, are recorded in a special column in parentheses of section Ⅲ. Field 1371 is called “including interim dividends”. They are specified in the report in the following way - retained profits or losses are recorded, and compensation is recorded in another line.

The balance sheet plan provides a separate account for profit and loss. It reflects the values ​​that have accumulated over the course of a year. If the report needs to be drawn up for an intermediate date, then the group account is entered in the line, where profits and losses are noted.

They accumulate money from ordinary operations carried out by the organization, and various amounts directly related to this group.

In some situations, a company must adjust its indicators in January:

  1. 1370 includes revaluation of assets if:
  • the total result of the depreciation of assets is higher than the amount of the revaluation included in Extra capital after the revaluation last year;
  • accounting for previously undervalued assets;
  • revaluation of intangible assets discounted in the previous period.
  1. The indicator changes when the estimated value of assets changes:
  • when the period of operation of intangible assets is specified;
  • establishing a method for calculating depreciation.
  1. Profit includes the results of revaluation of fixed assets when:
  • The fixed assets were not undervalued, but before there had been a markdown, and its value was entered in line 1370 in the previous period;
  • the amount of depreciation of a fixed asset is higher than its revaluation, which was included in additional capital based on the results of the revaluation carried out in the previous period;
  • there is a depreciation of fixed assets that were not previously undervalued.

How to calculate retained earnings or uncovered loss

They are calculated using the required formula. The total amount of net profit or loss for a specific time is added up. This concept refers to the amount that remains after taxes have been deducted. Calculations will help you correctly fill out line 1370 and the explanation for it.

Example in the report: as of December 31, 2016, the amount for loan 84 is 489,000 rubles. During the year, dividends amounting to 20 thousand rubles were paid. The entry will look like this: Dt 84 Kt 75 – settlements with the founders. 1370 will include 489,000, and 1371 will include 29,000, which reflects interim dividends.

Summarizing the above, we found out that column 1370 in the balance sheet may consist of retained earnings or uncovered losses. It includes compensation, which is entered below in another line 1371. Reporting at the end of the year or at an intermediate date may vary. When a company does not have retained earnings or losses, the amount of net similar indicators is entered in the line. In this case, the line will have the same value as 2400.

  • Purpose of the article: reflection of information about the undistributed financial result of the current year and previous years.
  • Line in the balance sheet: 1370.
  • Account numbers included in the line: account balance (debit or credit).

After a year of general meeting shareholders of the company or founders of the organization, a decision is made on the distribution of the company’s net profit. The part of the financial result that was not distributed among the participants is recognized as retained earnings of the current year. If the financial result is negative, information appears about the company's uncovered loss.

In a company's accounting, retained earnings or uncovered loss is recorded at account 84. It separately displays the undistributed financial results of the current year and previous periods for different subaccounts.

Note from the author! Sch.84 is active-passive, so it can be debit balance(amount of loss outstanding) and credit balance(the amount of retained earnings), depending on the company's performance.

Balance line 1370 financial statements refers to the section Capital and reserves of the passive part of the balance sheet: reflected here equity firms in terms of retained earnings. Information for all years is summarized and displayed in one line. This line also records information about losses of the current year and previous periods that were not covered by relevant sources of financing.

retained earnings

Line 1370 - part of net profit not spent on the needs of the organization.

Note from the author! Net profit in accounting is understood as the final positive financial result of the company’s activities, which remains after the repayment of all obligations in terms of payment mandatory taxes, fees, insurance contributions to the budget.

According to the accounting rules, the financial result of the enterprise is displayed in Kt99. At the end of the year, a balance sheet reformation procedure is carried out (closing all main accounting accounts). One of the results of this procedure is the transfer of the balance from Kt99 to Dt84 in terms of undistributed income for this period.

Retained earnings can be spent on the following needs:

  • payment of dividends to shareholders or founders of the company;
  • increase in size authorized capital company (after official registration of changes in the constituent documentation);
  • creation of reserves: transfer of part of retained earnings to Reserve capital companies;
  • repayment of losses from previous years.

Note! During the year, there can be no movement on Dt84 without the decision of the company’s founders.

Uncovered loss

Losses as a result of the organization’s activities may arise in the following cases:

  • the company’s costs exceed the income received both from its main activities and from operations not related to its main financial and economic activities;
  • identified significant errors past reporting periods;
  • adjustments have been made to the company's accounting policies.

Line 1370 of the balance sheet is a reflection of losses that were not covered by possible sources of financing. Historical data and this year are summed up.

Sources of loss coverage:

  • funds of the authorized fund: bringing the size of the authorized fund to net assets companies. Decrease authorized capital must be carried out within the limits established by law (the minimum threshold for public joint-stock companies is 100 thousand rubles, for non-public joint-stock companies and LLCs - 10 thousand rubles).
  • facilities reserve fund companies;
  • targeted investment by the founders of the organization (contributions from the owners of the company that do not affect the distribution of shares and the amount of the authorized capital);
  • retained earnings from previous years.

Regulatory regulation

The use of account 84 to generate information about the presence of the company’s undistributed profit at the end of the year (the occurrence of an uncovered loss) is carried out in accordance with the Chart of Accounts and other regulatory documents.

Practical examples of accounting for retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Example 1

In 2017, revenue from the sale of goods of Solnyshko LLC amounted to 2 million rubles (excluding VAT). The cost of goods that were sold amounted to 1 million rubles (purchase from suppliers, transportation, etc.). Other costs of the company - 70 thousand rubles.

Business transactions

930 thousand rubles is the net profit of the LLC.

From the final financial result of the company, income tax was paid to the budget.

186 thousand rubles - settlements with the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

After carrying out the balance sheet reformation procedure, the following posting was made

744 thousand rubles - the retained profit of the company is displayed.

In the balance sheet of Solnyshko LLC at the end of 2017, line 1370 will contain the amount of 744 thousand rubles.

Example 2

As a result of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the YAR company, a loss was identified based on the results of activities in 2017. The loss as of January 1, 2018 amounted to 40 thousand rubles. The founders of the company decided to cover the loss through their own targeted financing.

Business transactions

15 thousand rubles - cash contribution by the founders.

25 thousand rubles - transfer by the founders Money to the company's bank account.

40 thousand rubles - the loss is covered by targeted contributions from the founders.

Common entries for retained earnings (uncovered loss)

  1. Balance reform procedure
  2. Write-off of loss

    Dt84 Kt84 - at the expense of income from previous periods.

    Dt82 Kt84 - by means of the authorized capital.

    Dt75 Kt84 - targeted financing founders.

    Dt80 Kt84 - bringing the authorized capital to the value of net assets.

“> Line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”

By line 1370 The amount of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the organization is reflected:

[Account balance 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”]

(in terms of interim dividends accrued in the reporting period)

[Account balance 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”]

The amount of retained profit (uncovered loss) of the reporting period is equal to the amount of net profit (net loss) of the reporting period, i.e. profit (loss) after tax. Therefore, if the organization does not have retained earnings (uncovered loss) from previous years and the distribution of interim dividends during the reporting period, then the value of line 1370 coincides with the value of line 2400 “Net profit (loss) of the reporting period” of Form No. 2.

In some cases, the organization is obliged to reporting period as of January 1 of the reporting year, make adjustments to balance sheet indicators:

1. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of revaluation of intangible assets if:

  • the amount of depreciation of intangible assets exceeds the amount of its revaluation credited to the organization’s additional capital as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting years;
  • intangible assets that were not previously undervalued are discounted;
  • intangible assets, which were previously discounted, are revalued and the amount of its writedown carried out in previous reporting years is charged to retained earnings (uncovered loss) in previous reporting years.

2. The amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) is adjusted when changes estimated values intangible assets (i.e. residual value NMA):

  • in case of clarification of the deadline beneficial use NMA;
  • in case of clarification of the method of calculating depreciation for intangible assets.

3. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of revaluation of fixed assets if:

  • an asset that was previously discounted is revalued and the amount of its depreciation carried out in previous reporting periods is charged to retained earnings (uncovered loss) in previous reporting years;
  • the amount of depreciation of an asset exceeds the amount of its revaluation credited to the organization’s additional capital as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting years;
  • OS, which was not previously undervalued, is discounted.

4. The amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) is adjusted for changes accounting policy:

  • caused by changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or regulations on accounting(except when otherwise provided by the relevant legislation or regulation);
  • in other cases, changes in accounting policies.

No adjustment is made to retained earnings if the monetary consequences of a change in accounting policy for periods prior to the reporting period cannot be estimated reliably.

5. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of recalculation of deferred tax assets and liabilities caused by changes in income tax rates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Balance sheet. Line 1370

In line 1370 of the balance sheet it is necessary to reflect the amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) formed as of December 31 of the reporting year. At the same time, the indicator of line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” includes profit (loss) of both the current year and previous years. The profit received is reflected in the credit of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”. The credit balance of this account is entered in line 1370. If a loss has formed in the company's accounting, it is reflected in the debit of account 84. In this situation, the debit balance of this account is entered in line 1370. At the same time, it is indicated in the balance sheet in parentheses.

Formation of profit (loss) and reflection in line 1370

Retained earnings (uncovered loss) of the reporting year are written off to account 84 when reforming the balance sheet.

In 2014, the company received the following indicators:

— sales revenue (subaccount 90-1) - 2,360,000 rubles;

— cost of sales (subaccount 90-2) - 1,300,000 rubles;

— VAT accrued on revenue (subaccount 90-3) - 360,000 rubles;

— profit from sales (subaccount 90-9) - 700,000 rubles;

total amount other income (subaccount 91-1) - 59,000 rubles;

— total amount of other expenses (subaccount 91-2) - 34,000 rubles;

- profit as a result of receiving other income (subaccount 91-9) - 25,000 rubles.

When closing all sub-accounts opened to accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses”, as well as reforming the balance sheet, the accountant will make the following entries:

DEBIT 90-1 CREDIT 90-9

– 2,360,000 rub. - subaccount 90-1 is closed;

DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-2

– 1,300,000 rub. - subaccount 90-2 is closed;

DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-3

– 360,000 rub. - subaccount 90-3 is closed;


– 700,000 rub. - profit from sales is reflected (postings were made monthly during financial year the amount of profit received from the main activity);

DEBIT 91-1 CREDIT 91-9

– 59,000 rub. - subaccount 91-1 is closed;

DEBIT 91-9 CREDIT 91-2

– 34,000 rub. - subaccount 91-2 is closed;


– 25,000 rub. - profit from other income and expenses is reflected (postings were made monthly during the financial year for the amount of profit received from other activities);

DEBIT 99 CREDIT 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax”

– 145,000 rub. ((700,000 + 25,000) × 20%) - income tax accrued (posting is done during the year as advance tax payments are accrued);

where: NPk - NP at the end of the reporting year;

NPn - NP at the beginning of the reporting period;

PE - net profit remaining after the calculation of income tax;

Div - dividends paid in the reporting year based on the NP of previous years.

If you do not have the NP value, then to calculate the NP you can use the following scheme:

  • first calculate profit before tax;
  • to determine it, calculate operating income, which is defined as the difference between gross profit and expenses (sales and operating);
  • then from operating income subtract depreciation, interest costs;
  • Subtract tax from the resulting profit.

Indicators for investors

When analyzing the financial condition of a company, investors pay attention to the use retained earnings. If the NP accumulates and is not put into circulation, this state of affairs should seem to suit investors, since they can count on a large part of the dividends.

However, without investment in its activities, the company stops growing, and its income not only does not increase, but may also decrease (due to a drop in competitiveness, high wear and tear of equipment, and for other reasons related to the lack of investment). So a company that accumulates profits but does not invest in its activities cannot be attractive.

At the same time, a company that does not make a profit and does not pay dividends cannot interest investors at all.

The ideal option for investors is a company that invests the funds remaining after paying dividends in its development. Although the owners may decide not to pay dividends and direct the entire volume of NP into circulation.

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Comparability of indicators of lines 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” of the Balance Sheet and 2400 “Net profit (loss)” of the Statement of Financial Results


We create a balance sheet and Form 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” for the 1st half of 2016. Accountants tell us that the line “retained earnings” in the balance sheet should converge with the similar line 2400 in Form 2, but it diverges by 8 thousand. If you look balance sheet, then the balance of account 99.01.1 is clearly included in the balance, but in form 2, line 2400 is calculated using formulas and collected from different accounts. And here the question arises: should these lines converge? And for any period, maybe they will coincide at the end of the year, when there will be reporting for the whole year and there will be a reformation of the balance sheet?

Our opinion:

Relationship between indicators Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement is complied with under the following conditions:

Please note that the indicators are interrelated (equal) if during the reporting period there was no turnover on account 84 (with the exception of balance sheet reformation). For example, no dividends were accrued and no contributions were made to reserve capital. If the balance of retained earnings was used in the reporting period, then the amount of profit used should be a discrepancy between lines 1370 of the Balance Sheet and 2400 of the Statement of Accounts. financial results.

The procedure for filling out the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement when preparing interim reporting has the following features:

The procedure for filling out the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement when preparing annual reports:


Comparability of indicators in lines 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” of the Balance Sheet and 2400 “Net profit (loss)” of the Financial Results Report must be observed in any reporting period, if during this reporting period there was no turnover on account 84 (except for reformation balance). If the balance of retained earnings was used in the reporting period, then the amount of profit used should be a discrepancy between lines 1370 of the Balance Sheet and 2400 of the Income Statement.

Zaitsevskaya Elena Alexandrovna

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Line 1370 of the balance sheet “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”

Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (line 1370)

This line must reflect the amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) generated as of December 31, 2015. At the same time, the indicator of line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” includes profit (loss) of both the current year, 2015, and previous years. The profit received is reflected in the credit of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”. The credit balance of this account is entered in line 1370. If a loss has formed in the company's accounting, it is reflected in the debit of account 84. In this situation, the debit balance of this account is entered in line 1370. At the same time, it is indicated in the balance sheet in parentheses.

In addition, additional capital can be formed when the founders make contributions to the property of the LLC or take into account the amount of VAT recovered by the participant when transferring the property as a contribution to the authorized capital and transferred to the established organization. To fill out line 1350, take the credit balance of account 83 “Additional capital” and from it subtract the amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets. Line 1360 “Reserve capital” Line 1360 is filled out by organizations that create a reserve fund. IN mandatory it should be formed only by joint stock companies (Article 35 Federal Law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies”). According to this article, joint stock companies must annually contribute at least 5 percent of net profit to the reserve fund. These deductions stop when the reserve fund reaches the size provided for by the charter.

Line 1370 of the balance sheet: explanation

This means that the value is negative - it will need to be subtracted from the total liabilities of the balance sheet. Line 1340 “Revaluation non-current assets» Line 1340 is filled in by those companies that revaluate fixed assets and intangible assets.
In line 1340 it is necessary to show the amount of increase in the value of non-current assets established during revaluation. That is, it is necessary to transfer to this line of the balance sheet the credit balance of account 83 “Additional capital” in terms of subaccounts that reflect the additional valuation of property.

Line 1350 “Additional capital (without revaluation)” Note that additional capital can be formed both through the additional valuation of non-current assets and through share premium. Such income arises, for example, from joint-stock companies if the organization’s own shares are placed at a price higher than their par value.

Section iii "capital and reserves" of the balance sheet

Other income" Difference of indicators: · Turnover on the credit of the sub-account "Other income" to account 91 "Other income and expenses" · Turnover on the debit of the sub-account "VAT" to account 91 "Other income and expenses" 2350 "Other expenses" Difference of indicators: · Turnover on the debit of the subaccount “Other expenses” to account 91 “Other income and expenses” · Indicator on line 2330 “Interest payable” The indicator is indicated in parentheses, the minus sign is not placed. 2410 “Income taxes (income)” · If an organization pays income tax, then the value of line 180 of sheet 02 of the income tax declaration is recorded · If the organization is on the simplified tax system (income), then the difference between the indicators on lines 133 and 143 of section 2.1 is indicated. 1 declaration under the simplified tax system · If the organization is on the simplified tax system (income minus expenses), then indicate the indicator on line 273 of section 2.2 of the declaration under the simplified tax system.

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Credit balance on account 66 “Calculations for short-term loans and loans" 1520 " Accounts payable» Amount of credit balance on accounts: · 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” · 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” · 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” · 68 “Settlements for taxes and fees” · 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security" · 70 "Calculations for wages" · 71 "Settlements with accountable persons" · 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" · 75-2 "Calculations for payment of income" 1550 "Other short-term liabilities" Amount of account balance: · 98 “Deferred income” · 96 “Reserves for future expenses” · 77 “Deferred tax obligations» 1700 Balance sheet Sum of indicators by line: 1310+1410+1450+1510+1520+1550 After filling out all balance sheet terms, you need to check whether the amount equals assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Procedure for filling out reports

VAT accrued on revenue (subaccount 90-3) - 360,000 rubles; profit from sales (subaccount 90-9) - 700,000 rubles; total amount of other income (subaccount 91-1) - 59,000 rubles; total amount of other expenses (subaccount 91-2) - 34,000 rubles; profit as a result of receiving other income (subaccount 91-9) - 25,000 rubles. When closing all sub-accounts opened to accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses”, as well as reforming the balance sheet, the accountant will make the following entries: DEBIT 90-1 CREDIT 90-9 – 2,360,000 rubles.

Sub-account 90-1 is closed; DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-2 – RUB 1,300,000. - subaccount 90-2 is closed; DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-3 – 360,000 rub. - subaccount 90-3 is closed; DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 99 – 700,000 rub. - profit from sales is reflected (postings were made monthly during the financial year for the amount of profit received from core activities); DEBIT 91-1 CREDIT 91-9 – 59,000 rub.

An example of filling out a simplified balance sheet for a simplified tax system


That is, the fact of payment of the authorized capital does not play any role in determining the indicator of line 1310, which accountants sometimes forget about. The debt of the founders is reflected as accounts receivable on line 1230 of the balance sheet asset.


The credit balance of account 80 “Authorized capital” is transferred to line 1310. Line 1320 " Own shares..." Line 1320 can be filled out by both joint stock companies and limited liability companies (if the company buys out shares from retiring founders).

Joint stock companies Line 1320 shows own shares purchased from shareholders, and limited liability companies reflect the value of shares in the authorized capital purchased from participants (founders) of the company. The debit balance of account 81 “Own shares (shares)” is transferred to this line.
Be careful: the indicator in line 1320 is shown in parentheses.
DEBIT 91-9 CREDIT 91-2 – 34,000 rub. - subaccount 91-2 is closed; DEBIT 91-9 CREDIT 99 – 25,000 rub. - profit from other income and expenses is reflected (postings were made monthly during the financial year for the amount of profit received from other activities); DEBIT 99 CREDIT 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” – 145,000 rubles. ((700,000 + 25,000) × 20%) - income tax accrued (posting is done during the year as advance tax payments are accrued); DEBIT 99 CREDIT 84 – 580,000 rub. (700,000 + 25,000 – 145,000) - the balance sheet was reformed and the company’s net profit for 2015 was reflected. Let’s assume that the amount of retained earnings from previous years amounted to 1,560,000 rubles. In this situation, on line 1370 of the balance sheet for 2015, the accountant will reflect the amount of profit in the amount of: 1,560,000 + 580,000 = 2,140,000 rubles.

Balance sheet line 1370 capital and reserves in a simplified balance sheet

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In this case, the size of the fund cannot be less than 5 percent of the authorized capital. Limited liability companies can also create a reserve fund. At the same time, they determine its size and order of formation independently. The credit balance of account 82 “Reserve capital” is transferred to line 1360 of the balance sheet. Line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” Line 1370 is filled in by all organizations. After all, it is in this line that the retained profit or uncovered loss of the company is shown.

Agree, it is unlikely that the company will break even. There will still be at least a minimum profit or a minimum loss.

Filling out line 1370 is easy.

  • Purpose of the article: reflection of information about the undistributed financial result of the current year and previous years.
  • Line in the balance sheet: 1370.
  • Account numbers included in the line: account balance 84 (debit or credit).

At the end of the year, at the general meeting of the company’s shareholders or founders of the organization, a decision is made on the distribution of the company’s net profit. The part of the financial result that was not distributed among the participants is recognized as retained earnings of the current year. If the financial result is negative, information appears about the company's uncovered loss.

In the company's accounting, retained earnings or uncovered losses are recorded in account 84. It separately displays the undistributed financial results of the current year and previous periods for different subaccounts.

Note from the author! Account 84 is active-passive, so there can be a debit balance (the amount of the outstanding loss) and a credit balance (the amount of retained earnings), depending on the company's performance.

Line 1370 of the balance sheet belongs to the section Capital and reserves of the passive part of the balance sheet: the company’s own capital in terms of retained earnings is reflected here. Information for all years is summarized and displayed in one line. This line also records information about losses of the current year and previous periods that were not covered by relevant sources of financing.

retained earnings

Line 1370 - part of net profit not spent on the needs of the organization.

Note from the author! Net profit in accounting is understood as the final positive financial result of a company’s activities, which remains after the repayment of all obligations in terms of payment of mandatory taxes, fees, and insurance contributions to the budget.

According to the accounting rules, the financial result of the enterprise is displayed in Kt99.

At the end of the year, a balance sheet reformation procedure is carried out (closing all main accounting accounts). One of the results of this procedure is the transfer of the balance from Kt99 to Dt84 in terms of undistributed income for this period.

Retained earnings can be spent on the following needs:

  • payment of dividends to shareholders or founders of the company;
  • increasing the size of the company's authorized capital (after official registration of changes in the constituent documentation);
  • creation of reserves: transfer of part of retained earnings to the company's reserve capital;
  • repayment of losses from previous years.

Note! During the year, there can be no movement on Dt84 without the decision of the company’s founders.

Uncovered loss

Losses as a result of the organization’s activities may arise in the following cases:

  • the company’s costs exceed the income received both from its main activities and from operations not related to its main financial and economic activities;
  • significant errors from previous reporting periods were identified;
  • adjustments have been made to the company's accounting policies.

Line 1370 of the balance sheet is a reflection of losses that were not covered by possible sources of financing. Data for previous periods and the current year are summarized.

Sources of loss coverage:

  • funds of the authorized capital: bringing the size of the authorized capital to the net assets of the company. The reduction of the authorized capital must be carried out within the limits established by law (the minimum threshold for public joint-stock companies is 100 thousand rubles, for non-public joint-stock companies and LLCs - 10 thousand rubles).
  • funds from the company's reserve fund;
  • targeted investment by the founders of the organization (contributions from the owners of the company that do not affect the distribution of shares and the amount of the authorized capital);
  • retained earnings from previous years.

Regulatory regulation

The use of account 84 to generate information about the presence of the company’s undistributed profit at the end of the year (the occurrence of an uncovered loss) is carried out in accordance with the Chart of Accounts and other regulatory documents.

Practical examples of accounting for retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Example 1

In 2017, revenue from the sale of goods of Solnyshko LLC amounted to 2 million rubles (excluding VAT). The cost of goods that were sold amounted to 1 million rubles (purchase from suppliers, transportation, etc.). Other costs of the company - 70 thousand rubles.

Business transactions

930 thousand rubles is the net profit of the LLC.

From the final financial result of the company, income tax was paid to the budget.

186 thousand rubles - settlements with the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

After carrying out the balance sheet reformation procedure, the following posting was made

744 thousand rubles - the retained profit of the company is displayed.

In the balance sheet of Solnyshko LLC at the end of 2017, line 1370 will contain the amount of 744 thousand rubles.

Example 2

As a result of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the YAR company, a loss was identified based on the results of activities in 2017. The loss as of January 1, 2018 amounted to 40 thousand rubles. The founders of the company decided to cover the loss through their own targeted financing.

Business transactions

15 thousand rubles - cash contribution by the founders.

25 thousand rubles - transfer of funds by the founders to the company's current account.

40 thousand rubles - the loss is covered by targeted contributions from the founders.

Common entries for retained earnings (uncovered loss)

  1. Balance reform procedure

    Dt99 Kt84 - retained earnings.

    Dt84 Kt99 - identification of uncovered losses.

  2. Write-off of loss

    Dt84 Kt84 - at the expense of income from previous periods.

    Dt82 Kt84 - by means of the authorized capital.

    Dt75 Kt84 - targeted financing of the founders.

    Dt80 Kt84 - bringing the authorized capital to the value of net assets.

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Line 1370 of financial statements refers to balance sheet.

Line 1370 reflects the amount of retained earnings or uncovered losses of the organization.

Line 1370 is equal to

for interim reporting

for annual reporting

Balance of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”

Retained earnings (uncovered loss) of the reporting period are calculated as the amount of net profit (net loss) of the reporting period, in other words, profit (loss) after tax.

If the organization does not have retained earnings (uncovered loss) of previous years And distribution of interim dividends during the reporting period, then the value of line 1370 is equal to the value of line 2400 “Net profit (loss) of the reporting period” Financial results report(Form No. 2).

useful links

Economic literature◄ Methodology financial analysis◄ A manual on financial statements◄ The largest joint stock companies in Russia◄

Line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”

By line 1370 The amount of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the organization is reflected:

Interim reporting:

[Account balance 99 “Profits and losses”]



[Account balance 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”]
(in terms of interim dividends accrued in the reporting period)

Annual reporting:

[Account balance 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”]

The amount of retained profit (uncovered loss) of the reporting period is equal to the amount of net profit (net loss) of the reporting period, i.e. profit (loss) after tax. Therefore, if the organization does not have retained earnings (uncovered loss) from previous years and the distribution of interim dividends during the reporting period, then the value of line 1370 coincides with the value of line 2400 “Net profit (loss) of the reporting period” of Form No. 2.

In a number of cases, an organization is obliged to make adjustments to balance sheet indicators during the inter-reporting period as of January 1 of the reporting year:

1. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of revaluation of intangible assets if:

  • the amount of depreciation of intangible assets exceeds the amount of its revaluation credited to the organization’s additional capital as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting years;
  • intangible assets that were not previously undervalued are discounted;
  • intangible assets, which were previously discounted, are revalued and the amount of its writedown carried out in previous reporting years is charged to retained earnings (uncovered loss) in previous reporting years.

The amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) is adjusted when the estimated values ​​of intangible assets change (i.e., the residual value of intangible assets):

  • in case of clarification of the useful life of intangible assets;
  • in case of clarification of the method of calculating depreciation for intangible assets.

3. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of revaluation of fixed assets if:

  • an asset that was previously discounted is revalued and the amount of its depreciation carried out in previous reporting periods is charged to retained earnings (uncovered loss) in previous reporting years;
  • the amount of depreciation of an asset exceeds the amount of its revaluation credited to the organization’s additional capital as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting years;
  • OS, which was not previously undervalued, is discounted.

4. The amount of retained earnings (uncovered loss) is adjusted when accounting policies change:

  • caused by changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or regulatory acts on accounting (except for cases when otherwise provided by the relevant legislative or regulatory act);
  • in other cases, changes in accounting policies.

No adjustment is made to retained earnings if the monetary consequences of a change in accounting policy for periods prior to the reporting period cannot be estimated reliably.

5. Retained earnings (uncovered loss) include the results of recalculation of deferred tax assets and liabilities caused by changes in income tax rates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What accounting data is used. When filling line 1370

When filling line 1370

When filling out this line of the Balance Sheet compiled during the preparation of interim financial statements for the reporting period, data from accounts 99 and 84 are used. If, as a result of calculations using the formula below, a negative value is obtained (i.e., an uncovered loss), then it is shown in the Accounting Sheet balance sheet in parentheses.

In general, the indicators of line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” as of December 31 previous year and as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous year are transferred from the Balance Sheet for the previous year.

The Russian Ministry of Finance recommends that interim dividends paid during the reporting year be reflected separately in the Balance Sheet in section. III (in parentheses) (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2006 N 07-05-06/302). If an organization decides to follow this recommendation, it will need to provide in Sec. III separate line, for example line 1371 “including interim dividends”.

Example of filling line 1370

"Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

When preparing interim reports


Indicators for accounts 99 and 84 as of the reporting date (the organization does not keep records of special funds on account 84):


│ Indicator │As of the reporting date (09/30/2015)│

Account credit balance 84 │ 5,297,260 │


Account credit balance 99 │ 9,722,897 │


│3. Turnover on the debit of account 84 in part │ 4,000,000 │

│interim accrued in the reporting year │ │

│dividends │ │


Fragment of the Balance Sheet for 2014

│Belt- │ Name of indicator │ Code│ At 31 │ At 31 │ At 31 │

│opinions │ │ │ December│ December │ December │

│ │ │ │ 2014│ 2013 │ 2012 │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │


│ │Retained earnings │1370│ 19,660 │ 16,821 │ 16,416 │

│ │(uncovered loss) │ │ │ │ │


│ │ including intermediate │1371│ (6,000)│ (5,000) │ (4,500) │

│ │ dividends │ │ │ │ │



The amount of retained earnings is:

A fragment of the Balance Sheet in Example 3.6 will look like this.


│Belt- │ Name of indicator │ Code│ At 30 │ At 31 │ At 31 │

│opinions │ │ │September│December │December │

│ │ │ │ 2015│ 2014

│ 2013 │
