The best interest rates from reliable banks. Bank deposits

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not The best decision. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock market or precious metals, you don't need specialized knowledge or constant analysis economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or in electronic format and read all points carefully, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to stable income, this is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the program compulsory insurance. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, however, with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Moreover, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is intended for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket on the Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years.

A deposit - or the so-called “deposit” - is money that the client places in the bank to protect and increase his capital.

The higher the interest rate on a bank deposit, the greater the potential income. Best interest on deposits are often offered during periods of seasonal offers or other special promotions of banks.

Bank deposits For individuals differ in terms, currency and rate, also found additional conditions(possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal without loss of interest, monthly payment percent on the card and others).

Both small and larger reliable banks in Moscow in 2019 offer several additional opportunities for time deposits and deposits:

  • partial withdrawal and replenishment of funds on a deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use money without breaking the agreement with the bank;
  • capitalization is the monthly accrual of interest on the deposit account. That is, future interest is accrued not only on the amount of the initial deposit, but also on the interest already added;
  • automatic extension - automatic extension of the contract if the depositor does not withdraw the deposit at the end of its validity period.

To arrange the most best contribution in rubles or foreign currency, consider these three points.

Depending on the currency used, urgent deposits divided into ruble, foreign currency (deposits in euros, dollars, British pounds and other currencies), multi-currency (deposit funds are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). In 2019, the most favorable interest rate deposits in Moscow banks today are offered in Russian rubles.

Investing money in foreign currency is one of the popular methods of preserving and increasing your capital in the city of Moscow, even in times of crisis. Although rates on foreign currency deposits have decreased significantly due to exchange rate instability, you can get income if exchange rate to the ruble. This is how you can get better income from deposit in 2019.

Most Russian banks offer foreign currency deposits in dollars and euros; deposits in other currencies are rare. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the "Currency Rates" section. However, deposit offers under good percentage there is little in these currencies, since the demand for them is low.

And yet, what kind of deposit should a pensioner, student or middle-aged person choose? Find an offer from best bet and conditions, our “Deposit Selection” form will help you. With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the most profitable offers.

In 2019, to date, among deposits in banks in Moscow, the most profitable high interest rate in rubles is on the deposit At the Top (share in NSZH 30-99.9%) in Gazprombank (JSC) - 9.50% per annum. Minimum amount deposit of 100,000 rubles with interest payment at the end of the deposit term. This best deposit in rubles according to our data.

In the largest city of Russia - Moscow - the maximum number of banks is represented: according to various sources, from 450 to 470, including representative offices and branches of regional financial and credit institutions. The investment options he offers are simply huge. If you look in Moscow banks for deposits under high interest rates today, the top 20 banks are not necessarily the largest institutions.

They just give a return slightly below average, because they have sufficient capital for investment. But smaller organizations actively engage customers by offering interesting offers and various investment options.

Which bank should you prefer?

You shouldn’t just look for profitable deposits in Moscow banks today - you need to pay attention to their features, which will help you create the right investment strategy:

  • deposit term;
  • is early withdrawal possible and under what conditions;
  • interest payment procedure;
  • presence or absence of capitalization;
  • possibility of replenishment;
  • does the interest increase as the amount of savings increases, etc.

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow banks today: first 20

Among the many banks in the capital, the 100 largest were selected, and the 20 most profitable were selected from the deposits they offered. Other selection criteria:

  • currency - ruble;
  • minimum amount – 100,000;
  • period – at least 1 year.

These parameters helped to choose the most high stakes by deposits in Moscow banks today, which are listed in the table (if one bank offers two or more deposits, the most profitable one was included in the rating).

Bank's nameName of contributionBidMinimum amountInterest calculation procedureReplenishmentRemoval
TaurideFestive12.3 50000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
NovikombankFavorite12.25 10000 At the end of the termNoNo
International Bank of St. PetersburgCapital12.2 50000 At the end of the termNoNo
PromsvyazbankPremium12 3 At the end of the termYesYes
VanguardPassbook12 100000 At the end of the termNoNo
BFG-CreditLoyal11.75 100000 At the end of the termYesNo
BFA BankContribution #111.25 30000 Monthly, capitalization / withdrawal to accountNoNo
PeresvetRational11.2 30000 At the end of the termYesYes
TranscapitalbankTime to grow. Spring11.16 20000 QuarterlyNoNo
GlobexAccurate calculation online11.15 100000 At the end of the termNoNo
TrustOur people11.1 30000 At the end of the termNoNo
InvesttorgbankFabulous percentage11.07 50000 QuarterlyNoNo
Credit Bank of MoscowAll inclusive Online11 1000 At the end of the termNoNo
Credit Europe BankUrgent11 3000 At the end of the termNoNo
MetallinvetBankMaximum income11 10000 At the end of the termNoNo
Uniastrum BankBig percentage11 20 000 At the end of the termNoYes, within the minimum
FinprombankMy conditions11 30000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
Military Industrial BankSpring story11 (growing)50000 At the end of the termYesNo
Center-InvestGrow big11 50000 Annual capitalizationYesNo
EducationBase11 100000 At the end of the termNoNo

TOP-50 foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate

Due to the depreciation of the ruble, many clients have become interested in foreign currency deposits. At the same time, Russians invest not only in the purchase of dollars and euros, but they also buy exotic currencies - pounds, francs, yen, Australian dollars, V Lately The yuan and the “Canadian” are gaining popularity.

  • However, the most popular is still the US dollar.
  • currency - dollar;
  • amount – from 1,000;
  • period – at least 1 year;

It should be noted that some foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks are subject to maximum percentage in the TOP 50 are part of a multicurrency deposit, which will be indicated accordingly if this is not clear from the name of the deposit. With such deposits it will not be possible to invest only in dollars; you will need to purchase rubles and euros (or other currencies stipulated by the agreement) in a minimum amount.

Bank's nameName of contributionBidMinimum amountInterest calculation procedureReplenishmentRemoval
TaurideUrgent3.8 1000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
GlobexAccurate calculation online3.35 200 At the end of the termNoNo
BinbankStandard3.2 100 MonthlyNoNo
Ugra25 years of reliability3.1 500 MonthlyYesYes
PromsvyazbankPremium3 3 At the end of the termYesYes
GlobexRentier online (multi)3 300 MonthlyYesYes
NovikombankFavorite3 300 At the end of the termNoNo
BFA BankContribution #13 500 Monthly, capitalizationNoNo
BinbankMaximum percentage2.9 300 At the end of the termNoNo
TrustOur people2.9 500 At the end of the termNoNo
TrustGenerous interest2.9 500 At the end of the termNoNo
TaurideMulticurrency2.8 710 At the end of the termYesNo
FinprombankMy conditions2.8 1000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
UgraMulti-currency basket2.8 1000 At the end of the termYesNo
Credit Europe BankUrgent2.75 100 At the end of the termNoNo
Loko-bankSpring in the black (multi, dollar+euro)2.75 300 At the end of the termNoNo
GlobexBonus online2.7 (growing)200 At the end of the termYesYes
MDM BankMaximum percentage2.7 (growing)300 At the end of the termNoNo
BinbankMonthly income2.65 (growing)300 Monthly, payment to accountYesNo
TrustMulticurrency 20162.65 500 At the end of the termYesNo
UgraGrowing income2.63 1000 At the end of the termYesNo
SMP BankMaxima2.6 (growing)50 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
InvesttorgbankOptimal2.6 100 At the end of the termYesNo
PromsvyazbankMy benefit2.6 (growing)300 At the end of the termNoNo
Military Industrial BankSpring story2.6 (growing)1000 At the end of the termYesNo
FinprombankPractical2.6 1000 At the end of the termYesYes
PeresvetKnight2.6 1000 MonthlyYesYes
All-Russian Regional Development BankSmart money2.5 1 At the end of the termYesNo
RaiffeisenbankTriple benefit (multiple)2.5 1 At the end of the term, annual capitalizationNoNo
Home Credit BankProfitable year2.5 100 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
OTP BankCumulative2.5 300 At the end of the termYesNo
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentCumulative2.5 300 DailyYesNo
BFA BankSaving strategy2.5 500 MonthlyYesNo
MetallinvestbankMaximum income2.5 1000 At the end of the termNoNo
TrustPension income2.45 100 At the end of the termYesYes
Saint PetersburgOnline deposit2.4 100 At the end of the termNoNo
EducationBase2.4 200 At the end of the termNoNo
BinbankMulticurrency2.4 410 At the end of the termYesNo
Bank FinserviceComfortable2.35 1 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo
Credit Europe BankCumulative2.35 100 At the end of the termYesYes
RosselkhozbankClassic online2.35 100 At the end of the termNoNo
MDM BankMDM – The Magnificent Seven2.35 1000 At the end of the term, capitalization dailyYesYes
Military Industrial BankComfortable2.3 (growing)100 At the end of the termYesYes
BFG-CreditClassical2.3 300 At the end of the termYesNo
Absolut BankAbsolute maximum +2.3 1000 At the end of the termNoNo
Orient Express BankOriental2.25 500 Monthly, capitalizationNoNo
Renaissance CreditRenaissance Profitable2.25 500 At the end of the termNoNo
Tinkoff BankSmartVklad2.25 1000 Monthly capitalizationYesYes
Moscow Industrial BankClassical2.25 1000 At the end of the termNoNo
EducationMaximalist2.2 100 Monthly, capitalizationYesNo

All banks are interested in attracting as much depositors' funds as possible to their accounts. For this purpose, a wide range of deposits appears. High interest rates are not always accompanied by ease of account management. Before choosing a banking program, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider further possibilities for using the deposit.

In this article:

Choosing the right investment

Despite all the differences, deposits can be divided into three groups, depending on the capabilities of account management: profitable (without the ability to replenish and withdraw money), replenished and with the ability to use funds.

It’s easy to choose the highest percentage, but what to do if you urgently need money? This is where they come to the rescue savings programs with the right to partial/full withdrawal of money. Having cashed out some of the funds, the client does not close the deposit, and in some cases does not even lose interest.

If you have available funds, income can be increased by increasing the amount of the deposit, thanks to the right to replenish it. Standard "profitable" banking product, as a rule, does not include such an option. Its functions are to capitalize interest from month to month until the end of the contract term without the ability to manage and use early in cash. Standard deposits have the highest yield, depending on the amount of the deposit and the investment period.

The conditions for making deposits in different banks are relatively equal:

  • You need to choose a specific offer.
  • Deposit an amount not lower than the specified minimum.
  • Present an identification document.

Below are the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks, depending on their capabilities.

Income deposits

  • Bank of Moscow “Correct answer”

Interest rates up to 11% in rubles.

Deposit - from 100 thousand rubles.

  • BinBank

Annual interest is up to 10.75% in rubles, 3% in US dollars, up to 2.45% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "My Benefit"

Interest rates up to 10.5% in rubles, 2.2% in US dollars, up to 1.15% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Alfa Bank

Interest rates up to 10.29% in rubles, 2.59% in US dollars, up to 1.12% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • UniCredit Bank

Interest rates up to 9.5% in rubles, 3.5% in US dollars, up to 1.5% in euros. Opening - from 100 thousand rubles, 1500 $ and 1500 €.

  • VTB 24 "Profitable"

Interest rates up to 9.2% in rubles, 1.95% in US dollars, up to 0.8% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

Deposit calculator

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Deposit term (months)

Monthly interest

Reinvested withdrawn

  • Gazprombank "Perspective"

Interest rates up to 9% in rubles, 1.5% in US dollars, up to 1% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

Replenishable deposits

  • Bank Trust "Accumulative"

The annual rate is up to 10.65% in rubles, 2.45 in US dollars, up to 1.7% in euros. Opening - from 30 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "Maximum Opportunities"

Interest rates up to 10% in rubles. Deposit - from 300 thousand rubles.

  • Gazprombank "Accumulative"

The annual rate is up to 8.8% in rubles, 1.4 in US dollars, up to 0.9% in euros. Opening - from 15,000 rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • VTB 24 “Accumulative”

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 1.85% in US dollars, up to 0.7% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • RaiffeisenBank "Personal Choice"

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 0.5% in US dollars, up to 0.01% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Sberbank "Replenish"

Interest rates up to 7.1% in rubles, 1.85 in US dollars, up to 0.91% in euros. Opening - from 1000 rubles, 100 $ and 100 €.

Deposits with early withdrawal

  • Bank Trust "All inclusive" with the ability to top up your account

Interest rates are up to 10.4% in rubles, 2.35 in US dollars, up to 1.4% in euros. Opening - from 30,000 rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

Interest rates up to 8.7% in rubles, 0.95% in US dollars, up to 0.55% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • Rosbank "Optimal"

Interest rates up to 7.6% in rubles, 1.1% in US dollars, up to 0.2% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 2000 $ and 2000 €.

  • UniCredit Bank. Deposit "Universal" allows you to top up your account.

Interest rates up to 7.5% in rubles, 0.25% in US dollars, up to 0.25% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2019, there is an opportunity to invest money in order to make money. One way is to arrange a profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia today has the highest interest rate on deposits? The website agency specialists analyzed the offers of the country's largest banks, compiling a review of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

Deposits from individuals - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest money to earn passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can make money on Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to earn income by trading binary options and much more.

All these ways of making money bring quite high profits, but are also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits of individuals today remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia.

We choose the most profitable investment: what to pay attention to

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors usually pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • - the size of the interest rate, which allows you to choose a deposit with the maximum income;
  • - reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of your savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts from the agency website tried to do this by studying the conditions of deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

What are the most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks today?

Each bank has its own line of profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions.

In order to somehow bring the parameters of contributions to “a common denominator” different banks, we tried to find out which are the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2019.

For the purity of the experiment, we compared rates in the largest banks in Russia for deposits for a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. As a result, the following list was obtained (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).

The most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks from the top 10


Deposit "Record percentage"

Replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Interest accrued monthly.


Deposit “Profitable (online)”

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Prolongation / Interest accrual at the end of the term.


Deposit “My income”

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrued monthly.

Post Bank

Interest rate

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Interest accrual at the end of the term.


Deposit "Savings (online)"

Interest rate

Main types of deposits of individuals

Today Moscow banks offer a large number various types profitable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several groups:

Time deposits at the highest interest rates. By opening such a deposit, you give the bank your money for certain period(3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and during this time you cannot take them back without losing interest or replenishing your account.

Replenishable deposits of individuals. By opening such a deposit, the investor can save money by replenishing the account, and at the same time the interest increases. However, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the account without losing profitability.

Deposits from partial withdrawal funds without loss of interest. Such deposits usually have the lowest interest rates. But they give you the opportunity to withdraw part of the funds up to a pre-agreed minimum balance, on the amount of which interest will be accrued.

Of course, in any unforeseen situation if you need money ahead of schedule When the deposit ends, you can always get them, but you will be sorry for the lost profits. So, when planning to make a deposit in a bank, it is better to decide in advance when you will withdraw the money so as not to lose income.