How to get insurance in China. Cost of medical insurance for a trip to China How much to insure?

When traveling abroad on vacation or on a business trip, it is advisable to take care in advance of obtaining insurance in your country, as well as in the country of destination. For those who have decided to take out insurance in China, here are our simple steps for obtaining classic insurance from Chinese companies.

How to get insurance in China?

Step 1. Choose insurance

Modern insurance companies and agents offer a wide selection of types of insurance for all occasions: theft vehicle, accident or catastrophe, property insurance, child illness, treatment for the elderly, travel packages, corporate insurance, insurance for those involved in extreme sports, and even insurance for flight delays. Unfortunately, foreign citizens Not all of the listed types of insurance are available, but a classic set of services will be quite sufficient.

Lifehack 1

Some companies support up to three parallel insurances. That is, by purchasing two annual insurance policies for the same person, you can count on double the amount of payments. This is true, for example, if the amount you spent on treatment turned out to be more than what the insurance covers.

Step 2. Apply for insurance

Today you can apply for insurance online by filling out a simple form. Experience shows that a visit to the nearest branch of an insurance company does not take longer than half an hour. There you can ask all the questions you are interested in, as well as personally check whether information about your document (passport) is displayed correctly in the system, check your access password and receive a reference book with detailed information.

To take out classic insurance you will need:

  1. Copy of passport (the original is not required)
  2. Registration at place of residence (sometimes)

Lifehack 2

Do not agree to purchase insurance from dubious persons on the street, but do not be afraid to talk to active sales agents at the entrance to the company's office. If necessary, ask company officials to confirm that this is their agent.

Lifehack 3

The insurance will take effect 4-6 days after entering your data into the database. Therefore, if you need it on exact dates, then take care of it in advance.

Lifehack 4

You can buy insurance instead of a friend or an entire company by presenting only a copy of your identity document.

Step 3. Insurance in action

We sincerely hope that you will not need insurance, but it is better to prepare in advance on how to act in the event of an insurance situation.

1. If trouble occurs, urgently call the number indicated on your insurance card and provide your insurance number.

Lifehack 5

If you do not know the operator’s number or your number, then check the operator’s number on the Internet, with ambulance workers, etc., and provide at least some of your data so that you can later supplement them (full name, passport number, date of birth ).

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If you have already been taken to the hospital without calling the operator, then find out whether it is covered by your insurance company.

2. Keep all receipts and payment receipts.

Lifehack 7

If it so happens that the receipts are issued in someone else’s name, go to the accounting department or cash desk of the hospital or other institution where you received help, they will tell you what to do. This can be fixed.

3. Provide all available documents to the nearest branch of the insurance company. You will need not only receipts, but also:

· copy of the passport,
registration at the place of residence,
· copy bank card,
Recipient details insurance payment,
· and a statement signed by you or your caregiver.

Safety & Rest offers insurance policies for travel to China. This republic is popular among tourists from all over the world. There are many cultural, architectural, historical and other attractions here. The Republic occupies a leading position among other countries in the world in terms of production and foreign trade. Businessmen, politicians, and investors from many countries come here.

To travel to China you need an insurance policy with a coverage amount of $35,000. This document is required to obtain medical care in case of illness, injury or other unforeseen situation.

Using the Safety & Rest service, you can quickly and favorable conditions obtain insurance for a trip to China from the Zetta company. For a tourist trip to China visa is required, while medical insurance is not mandatory, but can be useful if you get sick during the trip.

Besides, policy cost not big at all - just from 40 rubles per day.

Customers can choose from policies with coverage of $35,000, $50,000 or $100,000.

What are the differences between insurance programs?

  • Program Base. You can choose coverage from $35,000 to $100,000. The program with an insured amount of $35,000 includes the minimum set of risks required for travel: medical care and dentistry, transportation, repatriation, return to Russia (if you were unable to leave in time due to hospitalization), payment for calls to a service company in the event of an insured event, evacuation of minor children. When the coverage increases to $50,000-$100,000, risks are added. Additionally, the insurance will include: flight delay, loss of documents, legal assistance, accommodation and travel of a relative (for example, a mother, if a child who is traveling is hospitalized or in quarantine).
  • Program Optimal. Coverage from $50,000 to $100,000. To everything that is in the Base program, .
  • Program Platinum. Coverage options are $50,000 or $100,000. Additionally, civil liability and loss of luggage are included.

By purchasing a policy on our website, you receive extended zone insurance, operating in China, the Schengen countries, as well as a number of other states. At the same time, there is no increase in tariff, since all states are grouped into zones. Territory name "Schengen + almost the whole world"- all countries of the world except the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the insurance begins to apply from the moment you cross the border with Russian Federation. And, if you plan to combine a trip to China with a trip, for example to Hong Kong, you will not need to buy additional insurance.

It is best to take out an insurance policy BEFORE your trip. in the Russian travel agency where you buy the tour, or in the insurance company. Great option, which is already widely used by advanced travelers - make insurance to China online (saving time and your own money):

You can choose a standard set of services, including:

  • medical assistance;
  • transportation;
  • repatriation (return to homeland).

Insurance companies of Russia

Or a more expensive option - an extended program, under which you have the right to:

  • use emergency dental care;
  • visit of a third party;
  • assistance of a lawyer;
  • translator (for contacts of translators working in China, see);
  • other services.

When choosing a group tour The travel agency handles the insurance. When purchasing a tour, you need to find out the name of your insurance company, as well as evaluate its reliability, because the travel agency does not bear any insurance obligations to its clients.

Important! The insurance company will not pay for expenses incurred by you in connection with the treatment of injuries and illnesses if they were caused by the use of alcohol and/or drugs, as well as expenses that are associated with the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, childbirth and abortion (unless they were caused by accident).

What determines the cost of insurance?

The amount you will have to pay for health insurance in China depends on several factors:

  • purpose of the trip (if the vacation is associated with active sports, then insurance will be provided at a higher rate);
  • duration of the trip;
  • your age;
  • Availability chronic diseases.

In addition, the cost of the policy is calculated taking into account the amount of insurance coverage (the amount for which you want to be insured).

Insurance case

When advancing insured event you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Pay in cash for the medical care provided, and upon returning home provide Required documents, after which you will be reimbursed for your expenses.
  2. Receive the service for free after coordinating your actions with the service dispatch center (to do this, you need to call the phone number indicated in your policy).

take care of yourself

The insurance policy is issued in person.

Immediately (!) study its contents in detail, especially the points relating to your actions after the occurrence of an insured event. Pay attention to the dates indicated in the policy: You must be insured for the entire duration of your trip to China (including the day of your departure and the day of arrival).

I filled out the honey. insurance (fortunately, I didn’t have to use it). How was it for you? What difficulties did you encounter on the Russian or Chinese side? Tell us in the comments.

I was with you - Sergei Panshin.

Travel insurance for trips to China: how much it costs, how to get it and where to buy it. Types and features of insurance in China.

  • Tours for the New Year To China
  • Last minute tours To China

Medical insurance is not included in the list mandatory documents to obtain a Chinese tourist visa. However, the consulate warns that it may be requested additionally. In addition, you may be asked to show insurance when crossing the border. Minimum amount coverage - 30,000 USD, but since medicine in this country is expensive, it is recommended to increase this amount to 50,000 USD.

What should be included in the insurance?

No vaccinations are officially required to travel to China, but the environment in this country is not very good, so flu (including swine flu), SARS and other viral diseases spread here at the speed of light. So it is recommended to get a flu shot. Accident insurance won't hurt either, since China is home to malaria-carrying mosquitoes and ticks. If you are bitten, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In large cities - Beijing, Shanghai, etc. - theft flourishes, although in general the crime situation in this country is calm. So, just in case, it’s worth insuring your documents so that in case of loss Insurance Company I quickly made duplicates and restored the originals at my own expense.

Medicine in China

In large cities in China, the level of medicine is very high. The clinics have modern equipment, and the doctors are not only qualified, but also speak English. In some cities (especially small populated areas) there is a chance of ending up in a people's hospital where traditional Chinese medicine is used - treatment with plants, animal organs, etc. If the case is serious, it is better to go to a more familiar clinic.

All medical care in the country is provided on an insurance basis. In its absence, an initial consultation with a doctor will cost 25-35 USD depending on the hospital, tooth filling - 25-65 USD, a day in the hospital - from 20 to 200 USD depending on the conditions. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Free first aid is provided to all those in need only at the Red Cross Society.

Where can I apply and how much does it cost?

Insurance to China can be obtained directly from the insurance company or on the website of any aggregator. Most convenient. Here it is enough to indicate the duration of the trip, the country or zone, the age of the tourist - and within a minute you can get insurance for yourself.

Basic insurance for a week with a coverage amount of 50,000 USD will cost approximately 350 RUB, including accident insurance will increase this amount to 650 RUB, and insurance against loss of documents will cost an additional 150 RUB.