Special offer St. George's ribbon. The action "St. George Ribbon" started in Russia and other countries

From April 20, 2017 within the walls of the Ufa Trade and Economic College, the patriotic action "St. George Ribbon-2016" began. The action is carried out under the leadership of A.A. Kostina (group 1411) and A.R. Khisamov (group 1604). The main idea of ​​the action is that teachers, together with volunteers, distribute the St. George ribbon in exchange for answers to interesting questions about the Great Patriotic War. The questions were asked by the history teacher A.R. Khisamov on key events of the war, portraits of generals-commanders and war heroes. The most interesting questions were related to the definition of a famous song about the war, to guess a passage of a poem, to identify a war hero by a portrait, etc. Together with the ribbon, the student who answered correctly received a booklet with useful, brief information about the Great Patriotic War.

Teacher A.A. Kostin, after alltoday the ribbon has become symbolic and at the same time it requires no less respect. Therefore, hanging it on a bag or tying it on the wrist, to put it mildly, is not correct. Also, do not place the ribbon on the headdress, tie it in the hair, stick it on the trousers, and, of course, on the shoes. For those who want to hang a two-color symbol on their clothes - the ideal place is on the chest, near the heart. You can also fix the tape on the shirt collar, but only on condition that it does not flutter in the wind, but is carefully pinned up with a pin. The most popular forms of fastening are a bow, an envelope or such a loop with downward ends. Most importantly, remember, as soon as you see that the ribbon is dirty or torn, immediately replace it with a new one.

Remember that St. George's bicolor on city streets should always be distributed free of charge. If you're offered to buy a ribbon, tell the vendors about the code. It consists of 10 items. Below is its full content.

Code of the action "St. George Ribbon"

1. The action "St. George's Ribbon" is not a commercial or political one.

2. The purpose of the action is to create a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans , a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945 year.

4. "St. George's Ribbon" is notheraldic symbol ... This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolorSt. George ribbon .

5. It is not allowed to use the original award St. George or Guards ribbons in the action. "George Ribbon" - a symbol, not a reward.

6. "St. George's Ribbon" cannot be an object of purchase and sale.

7. "St. George's Ribbon" cannot be used to promote goods and services. It is not allowed to use the tape as an accompanying product or as an element of the product packaging.

8. "St. George's Ribbon" is distributed free of charge. It is not allowed to issue a ribbon to a visitor of a trading establishment in exchange for a purchase.

9. It is not allowed to use "St. George's Ribbon" for political purposes by any parties or movements.

10. "St. George Ribbon" has one or two inscriptions: the name of the city / state where the ribbon was produced. Other inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.

11. This is a symbol of the unbroken spirit of the people who fought and defeated fascism in the Great Patriotic War.

We remind students of the Ufa Trade and Economic College that from April 24, 2017, students within the walls of the college must wear the "St. George Ribbon" as a sign of memory and respect.

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

Tatiana Babaytseva

Motto stock -"I remember, I'm proud!"

Target stock: enrichment of children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War, instilling a sense of respect for the feat of the Soviet people, love for the Motherland.

Tasks: - development of children's cognitive interest in the history of the Country;

Formation morally - patriotic consciousness in a child;

Respect for the symbol of Victory - St. George ribbon;

Foster respect for veterans. a feeling of gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.

From April 24 to May 9, 2017, on the eve of Victory Day, stock" St. George Ribbon 2017". Having started in the capital, stock sold all over the world, of course, and my pupils and I took an active part in stock. Stock starts with children spreading small sections tapes.

And the children with educators went to distribute tapes to the board of the collective farm, the employees were delighted with our arrival as they did not expect small distributors St. George ribbons.

Each employee was assigned ribbon.

The guys really wanted to go to the Pyaterochka store, congratulate the visitor and the sellers on the holiday and hand them St. George ribbons.

The sellers were pleased with our visit.

We started getting ready for kindergarten after the completed work.

The children really enjoyed participating in stock... they shared their impressions with each other, and in the evening they shared positive emotions with their parents and loved ones.

Outcome: children spread 19 St. George ribbons. St. George ribbon - a symbol of memory, respect and gratitude.

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In the sky like a bird, A colored ribbon flies ... From the past, from eternity, It flies now ... St. George's ribbon, Uniting us! In our.

Victory Day is a great date, which is celebrated every year by our entire country with special solemnity. In honor of the celebration of the Great Victory, it started.

Hello dear colleagues again. Today I want to bring to your attention a photo report of one event that took place within the framework.

From the past - to eternity - And there is joy and sadness in it ... St. George's ribbon: “I remember! IM proud of!"

In our group on the eve of May 9, the action "St. George Ribbon" was held. The sign of the action is the so-called "St. George Ribbon", color.

Preschoolers undergo various tests. For the passed test, children receive a letter. Having passed all the tests, you need to compose from the letters received.

Stock George Ribbon started on Monday 24 April in Russia and other countries of the world on the eve of Victory Day.

As part of the action, volunteers will distribute St. George's ribbons to everyone until May 9, which became one of the symbols of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The campaign is being held for the 12th time. In recent years, various countries of the world have joined the action, including the USA, Germany, France and others.

/ Monday 24 April 2017 /

Today, St. George's ribbons are handed out on the streets of the city. The traditional public action dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War will last until May 9, reports “ m24 ".

Symbolic black and orange ribbons serve as a reminder to the citizens of Russia, including the young generation of our country, of the feat that was accomplished by our people during the years of the most brutal, destructive and bloody war in history. This year volunteers will distribute them in 10 city centers.

By the way, this action is held not only in our country, but also abroad: in the USA and many European countries.

By the way, about 20 million ribbons were distributed in the country last year. Last year, it could be obtained at Manezhnaya Square, Old Arbat, in Gorky Park, at VDNKh, Sokolniki Park, on Vorobyovy Hills, Mayakovsky Square, Kuznetsky Most Street, in addition, they were distributed at metro stations "Tretyakovskaya" and "Chistye Prudy".

Public action George Ribbon has been running since 2005.

We will remind, as previously reported, this week the city will begin to decorate for Victory Day. On April 27, festive posters with portraits of marshals will begin to appear in the city, as well as footage of military chronicles and children's drawings dedicated to May 9.

Stock George Ribbon will start in Moscow on April 24. Volunteers will distribute ribbons at 10 city points until May 9. The network edition m24.ru was told about this in the press service of the public movement Volunteers of Russia.

"Now we have 5 thousand ribbons for Moscow volunteers who will create distribution points, there will be ten places in Moscow. Most likely, the number of ribbons will be even greater by the start date.", - said the press service.

It is noted that in 2016 about 20 million ribbons were distributed in Russia.

George Ribbon” - All-Russian action dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. It has been held every year since 2005. The ribbon handed out by the volunteers, in appearance and color combination, corresponds to the ribbon that is wrapped around the medal shoe "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

According to the organizers of the action, its main goal is to remind new generations that "who and at what cost won the victory in the worst war of the last century"... The action is held under the slogans: "Grandfather's Victory is my Victory", "Tie. If you remember!", "I remember! I'm proud!" "We are the heirs of the Great Victory!", "Thank the granfather for the victory!".

Today the campaign "St. George's Ribbon" has started throughout the country. Traditionally, every year it is held on the eve of Victory Day. The action has already been picked up in dozens of other states. On the streets of many cities, volunteers are handing out black and orange ribbons in memory of those who defended the world from fascism.

For the first time on the streets of cities, they appeared on the eve of May 9 12 years ago. And again spring, and again the ribbons of St. George as a symbol of Victory and a sign of gratitude to those who fought for it.

“A symbol of the Great Victory that that time has not passed in vain. I am a child of the war years, and I know what it is, ”said Lyubov Kondrashova.

In Moscow, St. George's ribbons are handed out in the busiest places. On Pushkinskaya Square, the strategic reserve is melting before our eyes.

Since the 17th century, such a ribbon has been part of the highest army award - the Order of St. George. During the Great Patriotic War, she decorated the Order of Glory.

Not only a symbol of military valor, but also, perhaps, the easiest way to say "thank you" to veterans. To get St. George's ribbon, many drivers today slowed down, emerging from the dense flow of Moscow traffic.

On the Arbat and on the Sparrow Hills, people themselves come up for the St. George ribbons. They take several at once - for themselves, for relatives.

“Great memory. True, I did not fight, but I experienced the consequences of the war, ”says a passer-by.

“I was a child. I ran endlessly to the front and they brought me home three or four times with the police, ”the man recalls.

Not only all Russian regions take part in the action, but also residents of 70 countries. Memory code that many people understand without words. Here, for example, are footage from London.

“The victory over fascism gave us the opportunity to live in peace and comfort. I consider it my duty to remind people of recent history, to speak with those who have forgotten, ”said volunteer Zoe Copeland.

“Many do not know about the huge sacrifices made by the Soviet Union and other countries. And this is important to remember, ”says a resident of London.

The organizers of the action are sure: putting on the St. George ribbon on the eve of May 9, as a sign of respect for the front-line soldiers, for their feat for young generations has already become a very important tradition.

“A special feature of this year's campaign will be that before giving the St. George ribbon, volunteers will ask a number of questions related to the history of the St. George ribbon. If a person cannot answer these questions, then we will give a leaflet, where, on the one hand, a brief history of the appearance of St. George's ribbon is described, and on the other hand, a memo on how to wear it correctly, "said Olga Amelchenkova, head of the Victory Volunteers movement. ...

Many admit that they feel something special at this moment, something very personal.

“Memory, joy, pride, because not my grandfather, not my great-grandfather, my father fought. He married late, after the war, and from 41 to 47 he served in Kronstadt as a rescue sailor. He has a medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", ”says the woman.

Volunteers are in a hurry - there are two weeks left until May 9, but the feeling of a holiday is already appearing.