Sberbank Kopilka is a service for clients. Piggy bank from Sberbank: the most complete instructions for using the service How to find a piggy bank in Sberbank

You used to start saving for something important, and for a couple of months you put aside part of your salary for the mattress. And then, under the influence of a momentary desire - rrraz! - and you’ll waste it all on some nonsense. Sound familiar? Sberbank marketers decided to automate the accumulation process so that it happens as unnoticed as possible and does not cause unnecessary desires to waste the nest egg. This is how the Piggy Bank service appeared, which allows you to save part of your income in a civilized manner. Let's see how it works, whether it is profitable, how to join it and how to withdraw the accumulated money.

“Kopilka” is a service for automatically accumulating funds in your Sberbank. It works if you have a bank card and another account in Sberbank. From a technical point of view, everything is simple: the amount you specify is periodically debited from your card account and credited to your savings account. You choose the debit time, conditions and amount of the transfer yourself.

Advantages of the Piggy Bank from Sberbank:

  • funds transfer is automated, no need to go to the bank;
  • the service is free (the bank especially emphasizes this point, although there is nothing surprising in it: you transfer from a current account to a savings account, which means that Sber will use them for a certain time, receiving benefits from it);
  • it is possible to choose the accumulation method, as well as exit the program at any time;
  • interest is accrued on savings (depending on the type open account: for example, on the “Save” deposit opened specifically for the Piggy Bank, Sber accrues from 3.8% to 4.45%; however, you can choose for yourself which funds to transfer for savings and at what percentage. ).

Disadvantages of a piggy bank from Sberbank:

  • interest on deposits in Sberbank is low, because of this, when long-term storage accumulated funds are eaten up by inflation;
  • the service is not a priority for Sberbank, because of this there are delays in debits, as well as in SMS notifications about the transfer of funds.

Who can connect their Piggy Bank

According to the rules of the service, you must have at least two accounts with Sberbank. One of them is a debit card, the second is a savings card. Any cards are accepted, except Maestro and Maestro Social, issued in the Volga and North-Western banks of Sberbank before October 1, 2013. The service cannot be connected to a credit card, since it uses not yours, but borrowed funds.

How much does it cost to connect a Sberbank piggy bank?

No money is charged for transactions with the Sberbank piggy bank. This applies to connection, disconnection, changing service parameters, crediting and withdrawing funds from the account.

Types of piggy banks from Sberbank

There are three options for transferring money to your savings account:

1 A fixed amount is transferred on the day of the month you specify. For example, your salary comes to your card every month on the 10th. It's June now. You set the date for transferring 1000 rubles to your savings account on the 12th of each month (to be sure). And now on June 12, July 12, August 12, and so on, 1000 rubles will be debited from the card and credited to your second account, used to save money. Over the course of a year, 12,000 rubles will be accumulated. Plus interest on the deposit for this amount.

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2 A percentage of the amount received on the card is transferred to the savings account on the date you specify. For example, on July 10 you received a salary on your card, on July 11 5% of the received amount is debited from the card and credited to your account. On July 25, an advance was received on the card, after 2 days 5% of it is transferred to a savings account. With a salary of 50,000 rubles, in this way you can save 2,500 rubles per month and 30,000 rubles per year. Plus, again, interest on the deposit.

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3 A percentage of card expenses is transferred to a savings account a certain time after the purchase is made. You can set up transfers of interest from daily card debits. For example, you spend 1000 rubles per day from your card. You set the transfer limit to 5% - and every time after your shopping trip, 50 rubles are transferred to your savings account. Thus, 1,500 rubles will be added to the savings account per month. This is 18,000 rubles per year, not counting interest on the deposit.

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How to connect a piggy bank from Sberbank

There are three ways to connect the Piggy Bank, let's go through each of them step by step.

Connection via Sberbank-online

This is the simplest and convenient way connection of the service. The first thing you need to do is log into Sberbank online.

Step 1. Choose one of four options:

1 On home page Sberbank-online select the card from which we will transfer money to the deposit. We move the cursor over the “Operations” button and get access to the “Connect piggy bank” button.

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2 On the “Deposits and Accounts” page, select a card, opposite it is the “Operations” button. We point the mouse at it and the “Connect piggy bank” button becomes available.

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3 On the deposit details page, select the “Connect piggy bank” item (icon in the form of a coin).

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Step 2. On any of the pages selected above, click “Connect a piggy bank”.

Step 3. Now you can change the name of the piggy bank (relevant if you have several types of services connected and you need to remember what exactly you were going to save for in each of them - “For study”, “For a new car”, “For your daughter’s graduation” and so on . If you did not use the option, the name will be set automatically based on the type of piggy bank). We also issue a debit card and a credit account.

Step 4. Select the type of piggy bank (fixed amount, percentage of income, percentage of expenses).

Step 5. Select the date for the next replenishment of your savings account. If you plan to save from your salary, it is better to set the debit from the card 3-4 days after the money is received in case of unforeseen situations (for example, the organization’s accountant filled out the payment slip incorrectly, and the salary arrived a day or two later).

Step 6. We indicate a fixed amount or percentage of deductions. In the second case, we immediately write maximum amount, which you can transfer so that you don’t have to figure out where the money went after major purchase.

Step 7 Click “Connect”.

We go to the deposit page, check: the “Piggy Bank” item should appear, which indicates the parameters for transferring from the card to the deposit, and also provides the ability to change these parameters.

Step 8 We confirm the connection.

If everything is filled out correctly, click the “Confirm via SMS” button. We keep our phone handy, to which we receive SMS messages from number 900. We wait for the message with the code, enter this code and click “Confirm”.

If at this stage you decide to change your mind about creating a piggy bank, click “Cancel”.

Connection via mobile application

The connection procedure is similar to that in Sberbank Online, only the interface and connection method differ (in this case, using mobile phone with Internet access).

Step 1.

Step 2. In the “Specify where” column, select the account to which the money will be transferred. Here we set the type of piggy bank.

Step 3. Select the piggy bank parameters (transfer amount or percentage and maximum transfer amount).

Step 4. Checking set parameters and open the piggy bank.

Connection at a Sberbank branch

This method is suitable for those who are familiar with a phone and a computer. The whole process will consist of three steps:

  • We take a passport and a card from which we are going to transfer savings to our account.
  • If there is no second (savings) account, we ask the operator to open one.
  • We ask the operator to connect the “Piggy Bank” service and inform us of the desired type of deduction from the card account to the savings account. You may be sent to a specialist who advises Sberbank online users at the bank - in this case, tell him the desired parameters. They will help you log into Sberbank online and connect to the Piggy Bank right at the bank on your guest computer.

How to find out your Piggy Bank balance

There are two options for controlling Piggy bank transfers.

  1. Through Sberbank Online.

We open the detail page for the deposit (the savings account to which we transfer money from the card). Here is a list of piggy banks connected to the account. Opposite each is the amount accumulated to current date. Information on debiting from cards can be viewed on the information detail pages for each card.

  1. Through the Sberbank Online mobile application.

In this case, the procedure is the same as when using a stationary Sberbank Online:

  • Go to the application
  • Click on savings account
  • Select the item “Piggy Bank”

You can also track the replenishment of your Piggy Bank using Mobile Banking: information about each transaction debited from the card comes to your phone in the form of an SMS from the number 900.

How to withdraw money from Sberbank Piggy Bank

You can withdraw your accumulated funds from any of your accounts at any time (if the deposit to which money was debited from the card is not urgent, without the possibility of withdrawing funds before a certain date).

To do this you can:

  • Come to a Sberbank branch with your passport and ask the operator to withdraw the required amount from your account.
  • In Sberbank Online, transfer the accumulated money back to the card or to any other account. To do this, go to the “Payments and Transfers” menu, select a savings account and make a transfer to a card or other account. Similar actions can be performed in the Sberbank-Online mobile application.
  • At an ATM or payment terminal Sberbank insert the card, enter the PIN code, select a savings account and transfer money from it to the card. Then withdraw cash from the card.

If you have accumulated the required amount of money and you no longer need the service, you can pause the Piggy Bank or turn it off completely. The easiest way to do this is through Sberbank Online. The order is:

  • Login to Sberbank Online
  • Go to the “Deposits and Accounts” tab
  • For the account to which the Piggy Bank is connected, select it and click “Suspend” or “Disable”
  • Confirm the action

After this, the transfer of money from the card to the account is suspended. In the same way, you can disable the piggy bank through the Sberbank-Online mobile application.


If you frequently connect/disconnect and change Piggy Bank parameters, do you charge money for this?

The Piggy Bank service is completely free. For Sberbank, its meaning is that money is at the bank’s disposal for a longer time than when it is in a current account or on a card. In some Sber branches, when a client connects to Sberbank Online, operators also connect Piggy Bank, sometimes without even informing the cardholder about it. This is where the myths arise that a commission is charged for connecting and transferring money from one account to another (information about debiting funds from the card is sent to the client as part of an SMS notification, and information about replenishing another account is not included in this service. Because of this, people there is a feeling that the money is being written off “to nowhere”).

“When I was applying for the card, a smart girl consultant from Sber also connected my Piggy Bank. I didn’t know what it was then and somehow ignored it (and she didn’t really try to explain). A day later I noticed that different amounts were written off from the card - from a few kopecks to 500 rubles, but no more. I thought it was some kind of hidden Sber commission for the card. I called the hotline, they said that I had received the “Piggy Bank” service with a deduction from expenses. And the money, they say, is transferred to another account. It turns out that I had an old, old deposit that I had long forgotten about. All deductions were found on him. There were no commissions - as much as was debited from the card, so much was credited to the account.”

Is it possible to connect two or three piggy banks to one card?

The service does not limit the number of piggy banks that can be connected to one account. Moreover, these can be piggy banks with different parameters: with a fixed amount and with a percentage of credits or expenses. Another thing is that several types are more difficult to control, since SMS notifications about debiting funds are carried out without a strict deadline: the SMS can arrive immediately, or maybe after 2 days.

I often use a card abroad that is linked to foreign currency account. Is it possible to connect a Piggy Bank to such an account?

The piggy bank can be connected to any Sberbank card account, but it is necessary that the savings account be in the same currency. If you make purchases in dollars, then deductions will be in American currency.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, tried to raise money to afford to buy this or that thing, go on a trip, or give an unforgettable gift to the closest person. For some, this task is quite simple, but for most of us, it is usually overwhelming. Saving requires discipline from us, often saving.

About the service

To accumulate the required amount, you need to allocate a portion of your monthly budget every month and save it. And then store it under the mattress, in a sugar bowl on a shelf or, more modernly, in a separate bank account. And very often it turns out that circumstances prevent us from achieving our goals. That extra money last month it didn’t turn out, then there was no time to get to the bank, then unplanned expenses appeared, which were closed by reducing the already accumulated amount. The Piggy Bank from Sberbank can help here. We will consider reviews of this service in the article.

Most recently, Sberbank launched a new convenient service for savings called "Piggy Bank". This is a great way to move towards your goal in small but sure steps. Namely, to fulfill your little dreams by saving the necessary amount to buy a new gadget or plane tickets to the paradise islands.

What is a "piggy bank"?

The “piggy bank” is essentially a client’s electronic account in which savings will be stored. Such a system is, first of all, not only convenient, but also safe. Now your savings will be protected from waste, to which they could be exposed when stored under the mattress. But besides this, the service has a number of other various advantages. There is no need to go to the bank to deposit the accumulated amount into a savings account. There's no need to stand in line and you don't even have to worry about forgetting to make a transfer to a separate savings account, because the service provides automatic transfer of money according to the specified rules.

This is what makes “Piggy Bank” from Sberbank remarkable. Reviews about her are only positive.

The purpose of the service is to help bank clients accumulate a certain amount Money to purchase any item or service. It is savings, and not receiving additional funds by adding interest. A huge range of different deposits is available for this.

So, let's take a closer look at all the features and advantages of the new service, as well as how to connect it, rules of use and nuances.

The principle of operation of the "Piggy Bank" service

From Sberbank "Kiggy Bank" (reviews confirm this) works as follows.

Let’s say that on the 10th of every month, 20 thousand rubles are received on the card. And on the 11th there will be an automatic transfer of the amount of 10%, that is, 2,000 rubles. And such transfer will be made every month on a certain date. By simple calculations we see that within a year there will already be 24 thousand rubles in your “Piggy Bank”. Agree, a very good amount! Absolutely all service parameters are easily customizable at the request of the client, taking into account his capabilities, needs and goals.

Connection types

Sberbank provides several types of “Piggy Banks”; you can choose the most convenient option:

  1. With a fixed transfer amount. When choosing this service with debit card the client will receive a monthly transfer of a fixed amount.
  2. With the transfer of a percentage of the proceeds. This means that a percentage of each receipt will not be automatically transferred to a debit card. For example, on March 5 you received a salary of 30 thousand rubles, and on March 6 20% of this amount will be transferred from the card. That is 6,000 rubles. Or, let’s say, on April 18 you topped up your card with 2 thousand rubles, then on April 29 there will be a transfer of 20% - 200 rubles.
  3. With the transfer of percentages of the amount of expenses. In this case, you set the percentage of daily expenses. For example, 5%. Today you spend 500 rubles in a cafe with friends, and tomorrow your piggy bank will be replenished by 25 rubles. Or new sneakers for 1,500 rubles will replenish your piggy bank by 75 rubles.

So the “Piggy Bank” from Sberbank is very convenient. Reviews confirm the convenience of saving with this service.

For the convenience of the client when using the service and finance, the bank provides free SMS notifications about all transactions.

In addition, the user can set a maximum transfer amount, if exceeded, the transaction will need to be confirmed.

Among other things, all operations in the "Kiggy Bank" for crediting and debiting, as well as total amount savings are reflected in personal account"Sberbank Online".

Connection methods

Reviews of "Piggy Bank" claim that it is simple service, so connecting it is quite easy. There is no need to go to the bank and write an application.

Today there is only one way to connect to the service - this is Sberbank Online. It turns out that only those who have already registered their personal account can connect the Piggy Bank to their debit card. And if you don’t use it yet, we’ll tell you how to register for it.

Setting up Sberbank Online

So, first we connect the Sberbank Online service. The registration process boils down to obtaining a permanent login (identifier) ​​and password that will allow you to be identified. How does the Piggy Bank from Sberbank connect? User reviews characterize the conditions as very simple.

It is also worth knowing that you can connect Sberbank Online only if you have at least one bank card.

Obtaining an ID at a bank branch

To obtain an ID and password to connect to the service, you must go to the bank with a passport and a card issued in the same region. Any available operator at a bank branch will help you sign up for a universal service agreement and will then issue you a login and password.

Obtaining an ID at an ATM

Probably the simplest and in a fast way obtaining an identifier. To do this, you just need to insert the card into any ATM or terminal and enter the PIN code. After completing the registration and service activation operation, the ATM will print a confirmation on the receipt, which will contain the necessary identifier and password for access.

Obtaining an ID through support

Ambiguous way to obtain an identifier. On the one hand, you don’t have to go anywhere or stand in lines. You just need to call the number hotline. But, on the other hand, you will have to tell the operator all the registration information, and there is a lot of it: owner data, card number, secret word, as well as the place of registration of the card and, possibly, information about last operation. Only after this the support service operator will tell you the ID, which you need to write down or remember. Then you need to get a permanent password. To do this, you just need to send a message with the text password to number 900.

After you have received your login and permanent password, you just need to go to the service website or install the mobile application on your phone, enter your data and start using the service.

What is a “Piggy Bank” in Sberbank Online? Reviews confirm that this is a very popular service.

Step-by-step instruction

Now that you have access, let's move on to step by step instructions connection of the Piggy Bank service we are interested in. So, for this you need:

  1. Connect to your Sberbank Online personal account by entering your personal ID and password.
  2. Select the card to which you want to connect the Piggy Bank and go to operations on this card by clicking the corresponding button opposite it. In the drop-down menu, select “Connect Piggy Bank”.
  3. It is necessary to configure the parameters of the “Piggy Bank” being created. To begin with, you can give it a name, for example, “for airline tickets” or “for summer tires.”

Now you need to select the type of service. What is a “Piggy Bank” in Sberbank Online (we will present user reviews below) and how to connect it is clear.

If the “Piggy Bank” will have a fixed deposit amount, then it is worth indicating the amount of the amount, the frequency of deposits and the nearest date of the first replenishment.

If you decide that your “Piggy Bank” will be of the “percentage of enrollment” or “percentage of write-off” type, then you need to directly indicate the percentage by which the “Piggy Bank” will be replenished. You must also specify the maximum top-up amount. If the calculated amount exceeds the maximum, you will receive a request to confirm the replenishment in the form of an SMS message. If you agree with the replenishment amount, you will need to send a response message. Otherwise, the “Piggy Bank” will be replenished by the maximum set amount.

It may be that you want to change the Piggy Bank settings, replenishment dates or type of service, and maybe the replenishment amount. In this case, you need to use the “Deposit Information” menu to which the service is connected.

How to use Sberbank's Piggy Bank? Reviews confirm that everything is extremely simple.

How to find out your balance?

You can find out the balance of your Piggy Bank at absolutely any bank branch, through your personal account in the Sberbank Online service, as well as through SMS alerts that you will receive for each operation when the deposit is replenished. The “piggy bank” from Sberbank (and reviews from satisfied users confirm this) is gaining popularity.

How to withdraw money?

When your Piggy Bank balance has reached required level, you can get the required amount in cash in the following ways:

  • At any bank branch, presenting your passport.
  • Through Sberbank Online. In this case, you need to log into your personal account, go to the “Payments and Transfers” section, select the account to which the “Piggy Bank” replenishments are received, and make a transfer to the card you need.
  • Through an ATM. You will need a map. You need to insert the card into the ATM, enter the PIN code, go to the "Transfers" section and make a transfer to the selected card, confirming the operation. Then all that remains is to get cash from the card.

How to disable the Piggy Bank service from Sberbank? Reviews confirm that this is not difficult to do. More on this later.

Disabling "Piggy Bank"

If for one reason or another you want to disable the service, then do it as quickly as connecting it:

  1. We connect to our personal account in the Sberbank Online service.
  2. In the menu, go to the “Deposits and Accounts” tab.
  3. Let's go to the account to which you connected the Piggy Bank.
  4. Click the "Operations" button and look for your required "Piggy Bank" by name.
  5. We turn it off by clicking the corresponding button.

After confirmation, your “Piggy Bank” will be inactive.

We looked at how to connect the Piggy Bank in Sberbank Online. User reviews claim that with the help of this service they quickly raised money for the necessary thing.

The necessary conditions

In conclusion, let's remember what conditions must be met in order to be able to use the service:

  1. The Piggy Bank service can be connected to absolutely any Sberbank card.
  2. Also prerequisite is availability or can be opened at any bank branch or through an online service. This is required by the Piggy Bank service from Sberbank. Reviews confirm this.
  3. Only a debit card can be used as a write-off card. Debiting funds from credit card impossible.
  4. When using the "Piggy Bank" type with interest on deposits or expenses, transfers between your accounts will not be considered credits from expenses; transfers made to your card by other Sberbank clients; money return operations.
  5. Disabling, pausing, resuming, and changing parameters are available to the owner at any time.

This is how the Piggy Bank works at Sberbank. Reviews from bank clients recommend this service.

Thus, we see that by providing the service, the bank allows its clients to accumulate the required amount unnoticed by automatic translations funds to a savings electronic account.

"Piggy bank" from Sberbank: reviews

In general, clients are very satisfied with the service. It’s very convenient that when a salary is credited to the card, part of the funds automatically goes into savings. A person may not even think about it. The money set aside in a separate account can be spent at your discretion. It's absolutely safe. The disadvantage is that if circumstances arise, the accumulated funds can be withdrawn immediately. And this is a temptation that is difficult to resist. As a result, the Piggy Bank will not help undisciplined people raise money for any purpose.

If, when activating a card through the website, the confirmation code did not arrive at your phone number within 24 hours, contact the support service at 8 (800) 234–05–53.

If you have already filled out the form, but accidentally closed the page before completing the activation, go back to the “Activate card” section and click the “I have already filled out the form and received a confirmation code” button, complete the activation.

1. The buyer pays for the purchase in cash

The buyer purchased chewing gum worth 29 rubles 55 kopecks. After paying for the purchase in cash in the amount of 29 rubles 55 kopecks, the buyer receives two checks. Receipt A indicates the price of the product at a discount - 28 rubles 07 kopecks and a discount - 1 ruble 48 kopecks, which is transferred to the Piggy Bank. Receipt B contains confirmation of the crediting of a discount in the amount of 1 ruble 48 kopecks to the Kopilka card.

If a buyer purchased chewing gum without a Piggy Bank, he would pay 29 rubles 55 kopecks and would not receive a discount credited to the Piggy Bank card. If the buyer pays part of the purchase in favorable rubles (for example, to get rid of change), and part in cash and the amount of cash is greater than the discount provided, then the discount is also credited to the Piggy Bank card.

2. Payment for goods in favorable rubles and cash The buyer purchased Yubileinoye Utrenneye cookies worth 106 rubles 95 kopecks. To pay for the goods, the buyer gave the cashier 20 rubles in cash, and asked the rest of the amount to be written off from the Piggy Bank. For purchase the buyer received a discount of 53 rubles 48 kopecks (50% discount under the Megadiscount promotion). Since the discount amount is greater than the amount of cash transferred to the cashier, the cash register program automatically provided the buyer with a direct discount in the amount of 53 rubles 48 kopecks. In total, the buyer paid 53 rubles 47 kopecks, of which 20 rubles were in cash, and 33 rubles 47 kopecks were debited from the Kopilka card. If a buyer purchased Yubileinoye Utrenneye cookies without a Piggy Bank card (and pre-selecting a product in the program’s personal account), he would pay 106 rubles 95 kopecks and would not receive a discount.

Unlike paying with bank cards, when paying for a purchase in favorable rubles, the discount amount does not decrease by 1%.

3. Payment in favorable rubles The buyer purchased Yubileinoye Utrenneye cookies worth 106 rubles 95 kopecks and asked the cashier to pay in full for the goods in favorable rubles. For purchasing this product, the buyer received a discount of 53 rubles 48 kopecks (50% discount under the Megadiscount promotion). When paying in full for the purchase in favorable rubles, the cash register program automatically provided the buyer with a direct discount in the amount of 53 rubles 48 kopecks. In total, the buyer paid 53 rubles 47 kopecks, which were debited from the Piggy Bank.

If a buyer purchased Yubileinoye Utrenneye cookies without a Piggy Bank card (and pre-selecting a product in the program’s personal account), he would pay 106 rubles 95 kopecks and would not receive a discount.

Unlike paying with bank cards, when paying for a purchase in favorable rubles, the discount amount does not decrease by 1%. 4. Payment by bank card, Upon full or partial payment by bank card profitable rubles will not be charged, the buyer in this case will be given a direct discount

, reduced by 1%


After the documents are collected by a company employee and delivered to the office of the Piggy Bank program (Krasnoyarsk - up to 7 days, other cities - up to 14 days), the application is checked for correctness. After verification, funds from the old card are transferred to the new card specified in the application. The card becomes active.

Download the statement if the card is lost

When activating the card through the website, you should receive a password for your Personal Account.

When filling out a paper form, the PIN code is received after the card is activated by the support service operator. If you have forgotten your password, on the website kopilka.rf in the upper right corner, click on the “Login to your account” button, then on the “Forgot your password?” button. Enter the phone number associated with the card. The password will be sent to your phone shortly. There are two ways to change the phone number associated with the card: call the support service by phone in your region or fill out an application and drop it in the Piggy Bank box at any Komandor supermarket, Alley hypermarket or Elcity favorite shopping store. Download the application to change your phone number

Only one Piggy Bank card can be linked to one mobile phone number in the system. In this case, you can use either a virtual card from the mobile application or a plastic card.

Phone number is an identifier for the system that tracks the accumulation of bonuses and your participation in promotions.; fermented milk products: yoghurts and desserts, fermented milk drinks, sour cream, whey and whey products, cottage cheese and curd products; milk and cream (pasteurized, sterilized); butter; boiled sausages, frankfurters, small sausages; baby food: cereals, mixtures, cookies, purees, juices, nectars, water; juices, juice drinks, nectars, fruit drinks, compotes; fresh vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and berries; soups, broths, salads, hot dishes; grilled products; animal and poultry meat, semi-finished products from animal and poultry meat, poultry by-products and meat (chilled, frozen) of Komandor’s own production; confectionery own production"Commander"; semi-finished products of own production “Commander”; chilled fish; freshly squeezed juices of Komandor’s own production; tobacco products (cigarettes); "Commander" packaging bags; products participating in other promotions.

There are also restrictions on the discount percentage for some product groups.

  • The Piggy Bank application on Google Play or the App Store completely replaces your Personal Account. With it you can:
  • Track your Piggy Bank balance Pay for housing and communal services, cellular communications
  • and not only
  • Participate in promotions and view your personal offers

Use a virtual card Virtual card

“Piggy Bank” is an opportunity not to take a plastic card with you to the store, but to receive discounts using a barcode in the application.

  • To activate discounts on a virtual card, you need to: Go to “Personal Account” mobile application
  • "Money box".
  • Go to the “Virtual Card” section (the code is valid for no more than 5 minutes, after “the end of its life”, the “Update Code” button appears) and scan the code at the checkout using a barcode scanner. The cashier should help - bring it to the client’s smartphone screen handheld scanner or point your phone at the built-in cash register scanner.
  • Please note that the barcode will NOT be read using a coin box designed for Piggy Bank cards.

    The ability to accumulate the required amount through automated transfers from each card will be helped by the Piggy Bank service in Sberbank. Let's look at its distinctive features and activation methods.
    What is a piggy bank?

    This is a Sberbank service that helps you save for your goals. After turning on the service, based on the selected option, a certain amount is periodically transferred to a special account. The service is available exclusively to bank clients.

    Terms of service

    1. Requirements: Possession of a debit, Maestro or Master Card;
    2. Connected on the card Mobile bank.
    3. Open an account or a replenished deposit so that the Sberbank piggy bank is on it.

    What piggy banks are there at Sberbank?

    The specificity of the service is the automated transfer of funds to the wallet and the ability to choose any option to increase the balance. Customers are offered to choose different conditions for different cards:

    How to connect a piggy bank to Sberbank Online

    A reminder on how to create and connect a service:

    • , indicating personal .
    • Next to the card to which you want to connect the piggy bank, there is an “Operations” tab. In the drop-down list, select “Connect piggy bank”.
    • Next we make the settings. Indicate the original name of your own piggy bank.
    • If you have only one Sberbank card, it will connect automatically; if there are several, you will have to choose one of them, at your discretion.
    • We indicate the type of piggy bank. If your choice fell on the “fixed amount”, then select the frequency of enrollment, determine the date of replenishment and write the required replenishment amount.
    • If your choice fell on “percentage of enrollments” or “percentage of expenses,” we independently prescribe the percentage, for example, 6% or 11%. We also indicate the maximum replenishment amount. If the calculated replenishment amount is greater than the maximum required replenishment amount, you will receive a request from Sberbank asking you to prove this operation. To confirm, you must send a response SMS. If you ignore, the maximum possible (specified in the settings) amount of money will be credited.
    • Click the “Connect” button. Then we check the options and click “Confirm”.

    In the future, you can always change any options in the piggy bank settings on the “Deposit Information” page.

    How to disable the Piggy Bank service

    Sberbank clients have a question about how to disable the Piggy Bank in Sberbank Online. Described below detailed procedure shutdowns:

    1. On the main page of Sberbank Online, you must select the Deposits section, or directly from the Deposits and Accounts drop-down menu.
    2. Next, select the deposit to which the service is connected. Going to the deposit page, you will see the Piggy Bank tab, click on it.
    3. If several piggy banks are connected, select the one you plan to disconnect and click on it.
    4. Next, in the pop-up window, select Operations, then click on Disable.

    That's all, if you have any questions, write them in the comments under the article, we will answer them.

    How to withdraw money from a Sberbank piggy bank

    To withdraw cash or clear savings in your account, transfer money from your card account to your personal bank account.

    This procedure is possible in several ways:

    Through the Sberbank Online service

    • On the official website, log into your personal account;
    • Select the “Payments and Transfers” section;
    • Select an account that has Piggy Bank savings;
    • Specify the personal account or card account where the money will be transferred.
    • After receiving a one-time password (via SMS), enter it in the required field.

    Via ATM or terminal

    • Log in by entering your PIN code;
    • Next, select the translations section;
    • Specify the personal account or card account where the money will be transferred;
    • Enter the amount of the funds transfer;
    • Confirm your decision.

    Please note: this option is only possible if you have previously specified the card account in the piggy bank settings.

    Through a bank branch or office

    • Find with you. To withdraw money you will need a passport, card or savings book(if needed);
    • After taking your ticket, wait your turn;
    • Approaching the bank operator, tell them that you want to withdraw or transfer money from the piggy bank. The specialist will do everything for you.

    Supporting information: all funds that were transferred through the service have every chance to be spent at a time convenient for you, regardless of the volume of savings. If the limit you define is exceeded, the service will inform you about this.

    How to find out the balance in the Sberbank Piggy Bank

    Everything is very simple! To find out the balance on the piggy bank, you need to either find. Also when connected Mobile Bank you will receive SMS notifications about all transactions with the piggy bank.

    The “Kopilka” service from Sberbank allows bank clients to make personal cash savings. The main advantages of the service are convenience, ease of management and complete automation of all operations for transferring funds.

    In the Sberbank Online personal account, the user selects the type of piggy bank, sets a time frame, and views the deposit balance. To use the service, the card holder must open savings account

    , you can do this through Internet banking in just three clicks.

    The service is quite simple and convenient; to use it you need to connect Mobile Banking; it is also convenient to make settings and control the savings process through your Internet banking profile.

    1. Fixed rate. The user sets a certain amount of money that will be debited from the debit card to the piggy bank every month.
    2. Percentage of the amount received. After replenishing the card account, a certain percentage is transferred to the piggy bank - the user sets it independently.
    3. Percentage of the amount spent. The size of the deduction will depend on the amount of expenses and will be withdrawn from the card to the deposit address.

    You can connect any number of different or identical piggy banks to one plastic card, install different interest rates or fixed amounts.

    Thus, you can make personal savings for different purposes at the same time or set aside part wages to implement mandatory payments, for example, to pay quarterly or annual taxes.

    Service features:

    • Each operation is accompanied by an information alert via SMS.
    • If the transfer amount exceeds the limit, the system will ask you to confirm the operation with an SMS code.
    • The service “works” in any currency, but the payment is made in the card currency.
    • The Piggy Bank does not connect to some types of Maestro cards.

    How to find out your balance

    In fact, “Kiggy Bank” is a deposit; the service simply automates the procedure for transferring money from a debit card to savings account. The bank notifies the client about the status of the deposit via SMS notifications. Information messages are sent to the mobile phone number connected to the card.

    There are three ways to find out your account balance:

    • Through the mobile banking system.
    • Through your personal profile on Sberbank Online.
    • At a bank branch.

    How to cash out "Piggy Bank"

    You can withdraw money from your savings account only after a certain time has passed. Today, Sberbank clients have access to four types of piggy bank deposits, they differ in time frames, minimum amount down payment and interest rate.

    When the deposit term comes to an end, you can extend it or cash out the accumulated amount. To withdraw money, the client should personally visit a Sberbank branch, make a transfer in the terminal or personal profile of Sberbank Online.

    detailed instructions

    Possibilities Sberbank Online resource. The most convenient way is to transfer money from a savings account to debit card via Sberbank Online:

    1. Log in to the website
    2. In the “Payments and Transfers” tab, select a savings account and recipient card number.
    3. An SMS message will be sent to your mobile phone number with one-time password to confirm the operation.

    The money will be transferred to a debit card, from which you can withdraw a certain amount through an ATM or make a non-cash payment.

    Using an ATM or terminal. If the card number is specified in the piggy bank settings, then you can transfer money through an ATM or terminal, and immediately receive your savings in cash:

    • Insert plastic card and enter your PIN code.
    • In the “Transfers” tab, indicate the card/personal account number where you want to transfer the money.
    • Enter the transfer amount.
    • Confirm the operation.
    • If the money was transferred to your plastic card, you can withdraw it through an ATM.

    Through the cash desk of a Sberbank branch. You can cash out accumulated funds at any bank branch; for this, the deposit owner needs to personally visit the branch. To confirm your identity, the operator will ask for a passport, and you may also need plastic card. To receive cash or transfer money, the bank client will not have to perform any manipulations; employees will do everything themselves, and will also help transfer money through the terminal.