Parking spaces in the courtyards. I heard that from January Gazelles and taxis will be prohibited from parking in courtyards

Incorrect position of the car when parking, or parking in the wrong place, can aggravate the situation with the through traffic of others Vehicle.

For security purposes, legislation in Russia provided for special rules, and in densely populated cities (for example, in Moscow), it was even necessary to resort to special rules. To avoid penalties, you should study in detail all the intricacies of the regulations for temporary parking of vehicles.

How is it determined by law?

The legislation has only two main areas regulating parking provisions vehicles on Russian territory.

The first is the Road Traffic Rules, the second is the Code of Administrative Legal Norms (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Additional laws are regional Decrees, Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and federal laws.

Section 12.4 Traffic Regulations
Determining places where cars cannot be parked.

Part 4 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Describes parking rules in relation to road signs, and also indicates the penalty for ignoring them.

P.17.4 Traffic rules
Prohibition on parking in the yard in some cases.

Part 3.1 Article 12.19
Cases of violations and definition of punishments.

Act No. 273.70 for St. Petersburg
Fine for parking on the lawn.

SanPiN – 2.2.1/
Parking rules in yards

P.26.2 Traffic rules
About parking in residential areas

The specific amount of monetary punishment depends on the standards established for each region of the country separately. To prove guilt, you must have photographs or video materials as evidence. Fines are issued by the traffic police.

Where can

In addition to specialized places - parking lots, parking lots reserved for parking vehicles adjoining areas, there are still places where you can stop a car near the road infrastructure.

Parking spaces
Parking time

No closer than 5 m to the nearest intersection.
Up to 5 min.

No closer than 50 m to the railway crossing.

No closer than 15 m to a public transport stop.

Road signs permitting parking.
Due to notation

Yellow markings, for example, at the side of the road.
Not limited

On the side of the road there is one-way traffic - only parallel.

At special sites near shops, salons, shopping centers, supermarkets.
Can be adjusted depending on hourly rate.

During long journeys - in places marked with “Recreation Places” or “Camping” signs.
Not limited

If there are no road prohibition signs, then it is allowed to be placed parallel and at the edge of the roadside.

Where prohibited

The main rule of the ban is that you cannot stop and keep the car where it will create obvious obstacles for other road users.

We will consider special places prohibited for parking separately:

  • roadside places for minibuses - cars, minibuses;
  • routes where visibility is limited - for example, immediately before or after a turn;
  • near intersections or passages (including underground ones);
  • on those sections of the road where the distance is less than 3 m to the dividing line;
  • railway infrastructure crossings;
  • overpasses, bridges;
  • tram track;
  • special places for disabled people if there is no license or sign on the car;
  • under prohibitory signs, plates and in the area of ​​their coverage;
  • in some places on certain days of the week – even/odd;
  • places for children to play.

Parking rules

Let's look at the standard rules in different situations.

On the roadway

To stop your car on the roadway, you need to follow these rules:

  • The position should not be perpendicular to the road line, but parallel to it.
  • On the side of the road so that the car does not go beyond the marking strip.
  • Driving onto the sidewalk is only possible if there are no prohibiting signs nearby.
  • If the canvas is one-sided, then only on the right and at the very edge of the curb.
  • It is prohibited to leave vehicles overnight.
  • You can temporarily install them on bridges or overpasses if these sections have three lanes.

    In the yards

    Rules for placing a car or other road transport in the courtyard:

    • the permissible distance from the parking lot to the nearest residential building is 10 m;
    • cannot be placed on the lawn, sidewalk, playground, or at the entrance/exit of the yard;
    • where the car will interfere with the passage of other vehicles;
    • if there are 50 or more parking spaces, there is no need to fence off this area;
    • trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons should not be left unattended in specially designated areas;
    • parking the car with the engine running for more than 5 minutes;
    • It is allowed to stand in the yard with the engine running only in two cases: 1) unloading and loading operations are in progress; 2) passengers are boarding (or unloading).

    At the same time, it is allowed to install no more than 10 cars in the courtyards. Maintain a distance of 5 m from garbage containers.

    At the pedestrian crossing

    The choice of stopping place at pedestrian crossings should be determined by the following standards:

    • you cannot drive onto tram tracks (near them);
    • It is also prohibited to park a car on the zebra crossing itself or closer to it than 5 m;
    • You should not stop where there is poor visibility, where there are turns, or where there is heavy traffic;
    • it is allowed to stop at the side of the road, drop off a passenger and continue driving;
    • You can stand after a pedestrian crossing if there are no prohibited signs.

    In the local area of ​​an apartment building

    In many ways, the rules here are similar to those that talk about parking standards in the courtyards of houses. The following additional requirements may be noted:

  • It is prohibited to place cargo vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons under the windows.
  • Have your own parking space possible only with the permission of TSN, HOA, housing and communal services of the city.
  • The total parking area depends on the number of residents, so all spaces are standardized: 0.8 sq.m. for 1 person and 11.5 sq.m. for one car.
  • In this case, paid parking services are not provided.
  • Residents have the right to complain about a violator not only to the HOA, but also to various services: fire, sanitary and epidemiological, engineering inspection, environmental, etc.

    At the crossroads

    Parking at the intersection is prohibited in any case. The rules allow you to park your car 5 meters before the start of this fork in the road.

    There is an exception for roads with three directions of movement - you can park the car on the side opposite from the side passage. In this case, the road must be equipped with a continuous dividing strip. In addition, it is important to look at road signs as well.

    At a T-junction

    When we're talking about about a one-way intersection (“T-shaped”), then according to the rules the car is parked only in the direction of travel and opposite the most adjacent branch.

    This can be done if the “main” road is divided by a solid line, and the distance from the parked car to the marking line is at least 3 m. You cannot park your car here diagonally or perpendicular to the direction of travel.

    For invalids

    For drivers with varying degrees of disability, there are “P” signs. They are made like this: a white letter on a blue field (v. 15 federal law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995).

    Such signs are usually placed in places that are significant to these citizens:

    • supermarkets;
    • hospitals;
    • parks;
    • enterprises;
    • shops, etc.

    In common areas, 10% of all spaces are allocated for equipping the territory for parking special vehicles for people with disabilities. A special sign is indicated on the site, which depicts a person in a wheelchair in black on a yellow field.

    In Moscow

    The following persons have the right to stop in parking lots for disabled people in Moscow:

    • who has group I and II;
    • having an identification card;
    • who transports disabled people (disabled person);
    • driving a car that has a special sign on the glass.

    Parking for such persons is free. But for residents of the capital who are registered as disabled, there is one more rule - to also have a medical certificate (original).

    On even and odd days

    The ban on stopping on even or odd days is issued in the form of road signs. They look like this:

    • even days are indicated by two thick parallel vertical lines, crossed out with a red line, on a blue field in a circle marked with red borders;
    • odd days are the same, only one line is indicated. If there is no strikethrough on the sign, and the day corresponds to the sign, then the car can be parked within its coverage area.

    On weekends in Moscow

    The rules for the capital of Russia on weekdays and weekends are described in Resolution No. 289-P dated May 17, 2013. This applies to paid and free parking spaces that are not paid for on non-working days.

    The main provisions include:

    In the central area
    The parking area is equipped with a special sign “You are entering a paid parking zone.”

    In a residential area
    The rules apply the same as in the central region

    On weekends, a car can park in Moscow for free for 15 minutes, after which you will have to pay for parking. Payment conditions are such that you need to make it 30 minutes before check-in. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed.

    Paid parking rules

    Starting from 2010-2011, amendments began to be made to the legislation, which entailed an innovation - many free parking spaces or parking lots became paid.

    The rules here are as follows:

  • You are allowed to stand for free for the first 5-15 minutes.
  • There is a reservation for which you should contact special services.
  • Some places allow you to park your car overnight for free.
  • If you ignore payment for the space, the car may be towed.
  • The dimensions of the car must correspond to the parking space.
  • The time for parking without payment is designated by the authorities in each city in Russia differently. Everything is approved legal documents local purpose.

    In Moscow

    In 2018, the cost of one parking space ranges from 500 to 700 rubles for 6-8 hours of using the territory for parking a car. For 1 hour, the average price ranges from 60 rubles to 75, if this is the territory of the Third Transport Ring.

    When a car is placed around the clock, then for the first 30 minutes you can pay 50 rubles, and the subsequent hours will cost 150 rubles.

    This applies to the areas of the Garden Ring up to the outer side of the Boulevard Ring. There is also a monthly fee - 15,000 rubles per month for parking inside the UK, 20,000 rubles - outside the UK.

    As a result, it should be noted that all motorists are required to obey general rules parking, as well as special ones, which are put forward by the federal authorities and institutions into whose territory the car enters.

    If the parking lot is used incorrectly, the car owner is threatened with a fine or forced evacuation of the car to the impound lot (it is paid daily). In Moscow, the rules are slightly different from the parking regulations in other cities.

    Video: Traffic rules: Stopping and parking

    Housing law > Real estate registration > What are the standards for parking spaces for residential apartment buildings?

    The problem of parking your car is familiar to many car owners. Not everyone has a garage or the ability to park their car in paid, guarded parking lots.

    Therefore, most strive to take a good place near their home. However, there are not enough places for everyone, so disputes arise between neighbors.

    A large number of cars near the valley causes dissatisfaction among those who do not have a car.

    In order to solve these problems in a civilized manner, you should know the standards for parking spaces for residential buildings.

    Requirements for parking spaces

    How many parking spaces should there be for cars? Photo No. 1

    As a rule, there is not enough space for cars in courtyards. Therefore, car owners leave their vehicles wherever necessary, even under the windows of houses, on lawns, and sidewalks. This complicates the passage of special services vehicles (ambulance, fire, emergency), and also interferes with the residents of the house themselves.

    Unfortunately, the issue of placing vehicles in yards is currently poorly regulated by law. But even the existing norms for the location of parking in the courtyards of apartment buildings are few known, and are not always observed.

    At the same time, it is important to know that the territory adjacent to the house belongs to the common property of its residents. Therefore, all issues of its use, including for the placement of parking lots, must be resolved by them together.

    When deciding on the placement of parking in a local area, the established rules and requirements for parking spaces must be observed.

    These requirements are established by sanitary standards, traffic regulations, as well as acts of local authorities.

    Motorists should also observe the following rules:

  • The car should not be left in the yard with the engine running for more than five minutes. Exceptions are cases when passengers are boarding or things are being loaded at this time.
  • Parking in the yards of freight vehicles is prohibited. Exceptions are cases when special places are provided for this.
  • Unauthorized arrangement of a parking space and the creation of various fences for this purpose are prohibited.
  • It is not allowed to place cars near garbage containers, as this makes it difficult to remove garbage. The permissible distance is at least five meters.
  • When organizing parking, you must also take into account the requirements for the distance of parking from the house and other objects in the courtyards.
  • It should be borne in mind that violators will be held liable for failure to comply with these requirements. The main type of punishment for such violations is a fine.

    Calculation standards for vehicle parking

    What are the standards for calculations when designing parking lots? Photo No. 2

    Previously, when cars were more of a luxury than a means of transportation, the need to accommodate them was not taken into account when building houses. Today, when constructing new houses, developers must comply with the stipulated requirements for organizing parking.

    It is necessary to establish the permissible number of spaces for placing cars of residents of the house, comply with all norms of distances from parking lots to houses and other objects, and the dimensions of the parking spaces themselves.

    The number of specific parking spaces near the house will depend on the number of residents, the area of ​​the apartments, and the availability of parking for a specified number of residents in compliance with the requirements for their size.

    In general, the calculation mechanism looks like this:

  • When building a house, the number of its inhabitants is determined.
  • Then, based on the level of motorization, the number of cars for a given number of residents is calculated. According to SP 42.133330.2011, the provision of transport is 350 cars per 1000 people. Although in practice this figure is higher. The regulations of some regions take this into account.
  • In fact, the provided spaces for cars will be 25 percent of the number of cars established for a given number of residents.
  • At the same time, local regulations may establish the number of parking spaces per apartment based on its area. For example, for an apartment with an area of ​​up to 30 sq.m. one place is allowed, over 100 - two, and from 30 to 100 - 1.5.
  • At least 10 percent of the provided number of seats must be allocated to motorists with disabilities
  • Estimated distances from car storage areas to development sites

    How far away from residential buildings should parking lots be located? Photo No. 3

    If you have decided on the number of parking spaces, the next step is to organize the parking lot itself. It must be located at a certain distance from the house, other buildings, and garbage cans.

    In addition, exit (entry) from the parking lot must be ensured, and requirements for the size of the parking spaces themselves must be met. When constructing new buildings, all these parameters are calculated and taken into account by developers.

    If parking is located by the decision of the residents of the house, then these points must be taken into account by them themselves. To do this you need to familiarize yourself with them.

    The space itself for one car should not be less than 5 meters in length and 2.3 meters in width.

    When organizing parking, the requirements for the distance from car storage areas to houses must be taken into account. The minimum distance cannot be less than 10 meters. Further, this gap is determined based on the number of spaces for cars and the presence of windows in buildings:

    • parking with spaces from 10 to 50 should be located at a distance of 10 meters from buildings without windows and 15 meters from buildings with windows;
    • parking for 50-100 cars at a distance of 15 meters from buildings without windows and 25 meters from buildings with windows;
    • parking for 100-300 cars at a distance of 25 meters from buildings without windows and 35 meters from buildings with windows;
    • parking lots with space for up to 10 cars should be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from children's and educational institutions, playgrounds, sports and recreation;
    • parking lots with a large number of cars - at a distance of at least 50 meters.

    The indicated distances are intended to ensure comfort for persons living in the house, as well as basic requirements fire safety.

    Open parking for more than 50 cars is not allowed in the area near houses. For a larger number of cars, you need to organize covered parking or garage spaces.

    When arranging any parking lots, other elements of landscaping near the house should not be affected.


    Who makes the decision to organize car parking? Photo No. 4

    When constructing new buildings, developers are responsible for the calculations and arrangement of parking spaces. In other cases, this issue can be addressed by the owners of apartments in apartment buildings. After all, the land adjacent to the house belongs to their common property. Therefore, the decision to organize parking near the house must be made at a meeting.

    When placing parking in the yard for less than 100 cars, no approvals from local authorities are required. Although in practice such coordination will not hurt. If the height of the house is more than 28 meters, then two entrances to the parking lot are required.

    It is possible to park your cars in the courtyard of your own home. However, this must be done in compliance with the interests of other residents, taking into account the established rules. Parking near the house should not be spontaneous.

    They must be organized taking into account the requirements for the size of packing spaces, distances from parking lots to houses and other objects. When parking cars in the courtyards of apartment buildings, you must comply with traffic regulations, sanitary standards.

    You can find out how to organize parking in the yard by watching the video:

    Parking rules in the local area

    Due to the growing number of cars on city streets, the issue of parking is acute, especially in megacities. A parking space or parking space is a specially designated area for stopping cars, both for a short time and for a longer period.

    Cars are parked in cities in paid parking lots, specialized parking lots, above-ground and underground garages and in courtyards. You need to understand in what cases you violate parking rules on local area apartment building, and when you have the right to a legal place for a car.

    Sanitary standards and rules for parking in the yard

    Stopping and parking on the streets and in courtyards is regulated by traffic rules; fines for violation are specified in Articles 12.19, 12.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and provide for punishment from warning to evacuation of vehicles. Spontaneously occurring parking lots in the local area of ​​a multi-storey building or complex of houses often become obstacles in the path of pedestrians, as well as special equipment.

    At the same time, the legislator does not give a clear answer on how parking should be organized near an apartment building.

    In order to understand the situation in detail, it is necessary to refer to SanPiN 2.2.1/, developed and put into effect in 2003.

    In the area near the house, up to 50 cars are allowed to be placed in open parking. The closed surface parking lot, provided that the walls are solid, can accommodate up to 100 cars.

    The basic rule for organizing a parking lot with solid walls is the absence of windows, as well as exit towards residential buildings.

    The following standard should be followed if there are windows of a residential building nearby:

    • 10 cars can be placed at a distance of up to 10 meters;
    • From 11 to 50 cars – 15 meters;
    • Up to 100 cars – 25 meters;
    • From 100 to 300 - 35 meters.

    If there are no windows either on the facade or on the end of a residential building:

    • 10 cars can be placed at a distance of up to 10 meters;
    • From 11 to 50 cars – 10 meters;
    • Up to 100 cars – 15 meters;
    • From 100 to 300 - 25 meters.

    Underground courtyard garages in the area adjacent to the house have less strict restrictions: the distance from the entrance and exit to the underground parking lot to a residential building must be at least 7 meters, from the shaft at least 15 meters.

    It is allowed to install a children's, sports or playground on the roof if landscaping has been done and the object is located at least 15 meters from the entrance - exit and ventilation of the garage.

    If an underground garage is equipped under a living space, the ventilation shaft must be 1.5 meters higher than the highest point of the building.

    In residential areas, as well as in adjacent areas, through traffic and parking of a car with the engine running for more than 5 minutes is prohibited. The law regulates this provision in paragraph 17.2 of the traffic rules.

    Cars with a carrying capacity of 3.5 tons and above can only park in specially designated areas. For violation of the rules, Article 12.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for penalties: 1,500 rubles for the regions, 3,000 for violators in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Parking on the sidewalk is unacceptable, the fine for violation provides for a penalty of 1,000 rubles in the regions, in case of an offense committed within the borders of Moscow and St. Petersburg, 3,000 rubles, as well as the evacuation of the car.

    Unfortunately, federal legislation does not provide for punishment for stopping on green areas of the local area, such as lawns, flower beds and playgrounds.

    Parking is prohibited by city improvement rules; it is possible to prosecute a violator for this only if there is a direct order from the city administration.

    How to properly organize parking near your house

    To organize parking spaces in courtyards and organize parking in the local area, you can apply special markings, install barriers or place parking barriers.

    Parking rules:

    • Make sure that the land survey is done and the land under the house is in common property. This is necessary in order not to go beyond the boundaries of the site;
    • Collect Required documents, check the list of documents with the administration;
    • Prepare a design indicating what is planned to be installed, size and type and mark it on a map;
    • Determine the rules for using parking spaces;
    • Hold a general meeting of apartment owners, as the issue of disposal is being decided common property. In order to install a barrier or automatic gate, permission is required from the legal representatives of each apartment. Approve design projects and regulations, decide on cost estimates and select a representative to act in the interests of the owners;
    • Submit the entire package of documents to the administration and wait for a decision. If the answer is positive, proceed with the installation of fences according to the estimate and design.

    The choice of a contractor for organizing parking is not limited by law, so you can choose, within the budget, those specialists you trust.

    How to deal with illegally equipped parking lots

    It is prohibited to dispose of common property and install fences for the purpose of seizing a parking space.

    Illegal parking infringes on the right to use the common property of other residents of the house and creates difficulties in using the territory in the yard for residents with disabilities and other citizens with limited mobility.

    As a rule, parking restrictions are installed, numbers are applied to the asphalt surface, and signs are installed. If you have doubts about the legality of an organized parking space in the local area of ​​an apartment building, follow the following recommendations:

    • Make sure that the territory has not been squatted. The land plot of the local area is in the possession of the residents on the right of common shared ownership or belongs to the municipality. In the first option, there should be a protocol of the residents’ decision to organize parking spaces. A copy of the document is in the HOA or management company, is available 10 days after the decision is made by the general meeting. In the second option, a land lease agreement for the local area. If one of the specified documents exists, then there was no arbitrariness. You can go to court to protect your rights if you do not agree with the documents presented.
    • If supporting documents have not been provided, you have every right insist on the removal of the unauthorized parking space. To do this, send an application with copies of available papers and photographs to the HOA or management company of the house, to the municipality or city administration.
    • To protect his interests, the owner has the right to apply to judiciary with the claim and evidence.

    The result should be the elimination of illegal parking. Additionally, the violator may be fined for illegal seizure and use of land.

    Resident parking space

    In large cities, such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, etc., problematic issues with parking in the center are resolved by the administration by introducing paid parking spaces. For example, in Moscow there are more than 200 streets where you can park your car only on a paid basis. Many residential buildings were also included in the paid parking zone.

    In order to avoid paying for overnight parking, it is proposed to obtain a resident permit.

    Thus, owners, entities registered in real estate, and tenants of real estate under a rental agreement receive the right to free parking during the time period from 8 pm to 8 am for only one car registered in the name of the applicant.

    To be included in the register of residents you must:

    • Fill out a request to be included in the list;
    • Provide the applicant's passport or other document that helps establish your identity. A representative requires a duly executed power of attorney;
    • Consent of all property owners or tenants under the social tenancy agreement for the living space for which the permit is issued. If the applicant lives in service apartment, you must provide a copy of the rental agreement;
    • Vehicle certificate;
    • Extract from the house register;

    Certificate confirming the right to benefits.

    Be sure to check in advance whether there are any overdue fines for violating traffic rules, including illegal parking, so that this argument does not become the main one when refusing to issue a permit. Documents are transmitted through the MFC or via the Internet. You can track the status of documents on the page of the Department of Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure Development.

    The service is provided without payment, and a permit or refusal is issued within 6 working days.

    By following parking rules, you will protect yourself from conflict situations, fines, and possible evacuation of the car. Remember: the rights of one civilized person end where the rights of another begin.

    Rules for parking in local areas Link to main publication

    Parking in the local area of ​​an apartment building - the law, in the yard, rules, for the disabled, how to organize it, is it allowed?

    Parking near an apartment building can be organized by agreement between residents. It should be distinguished from parking, i.e. spontaneous, chaotic arrangement of cars according to the principle “whoever got there got up.” When creating parking spaces, additional structures and elements can be used - markings, barriers, security rooms.

    At the same time, one should take into account the presence judicial practice, which often does not provide for the placement of barriers that restrict the entry of outside vehicles into the yard, primarily a company car.

    If parking is organized spontaneously, then it is illegal and can be eliminated with the help of the traffic police and the prosecutor's office.

    Residents' rights

    To organize parking in the local area near an apartment building, you will need the desire of the citizens themselves who own apartments in the corresponding multi-storey building. The costs will be borne by citizens who are directly interested in the comfortable placement of their cars.

    The problem is that the adjacent territory is the common property of the citizens of the apartment owners. Many of them may not have a personal car at the time of organizing parking.

    Thus, they may not be interested in organizing parking at first. But later, citizens will have a car, and parking was not organized with their participation.

    Then conflicts for parking space may arise.

    Owners of residential premises in apartment buildings can use the common local area together. The share in the total land plot is proportional to the area of ​​the residential premises.

    Residents have the right to use the land plot to organize a parking lot, a playground, a public garden, and even divide the land into several fragments, organizing:

    • small parking for 15-20 cars - for a small multi-storey building;
    • a square with benches, flower beds and even a small fountain;
    • children's playground.

    With the mutual consent of the residents, it is possible to build garages for cars, including on a reinforced concrete basis. Residents also have the right to seek improvement of the local area using the funds they pay for the maintenance of common household property.

    Citizens can defend their rights in the housing inspection, the prosecutor's office and other control and supervisory agencies.

    Legislative regulation

    The procedure for using the local area is determined by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Parking is organized in accordance with Russian traffic regulations and sanitary and epidemiological regulations. The decision to organize places for cars is made by citizens and approved by law enforcement acts of local authorities.

    A parking space, which is an independent piece of real estate, should be distinguished from a parking space.

    It is subject to the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On state registration real estate."

    Parking in the local area of ​​an apartment building

    In any situation, parking is usually spontaneous. To organize parking, it is necessary that the land plot meets environmental safety requirements and is suitable for parking cars. Parking should not be organized to the detriment of other infrastructure.

    It is prohibited to arrange parking spaces for trucks near multi-apartment residential buildings. Unauthorized installation of barriers and barriers to prevent the entry of vehicles is also not permitted.

    Is it allowed?

    Parking in the local area is permitted, but only when it does not violate the rights of citizens and is properly organized. It is necessary to take into account the parking distances to the apartment building.

    If parking is organized for 20-50 cars, then the distance to the house should be at least 15 m. When parking is organized for 10-15 cars, then the distance should be at least 10 m.

    For invalids

    When organizing parking near apartment buildings and social institutions, at least 10% of the parking spaces must be allocated for vehicles belonging to disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

    They have the right to use the parking lot only if the car has the appropriate “disabled person” identification sign.

    How to organize?

    House parking: rules of organization and design features

    Today, many owners of apartments in apartment buildings, trying to save on paying for paid parking services or purchasing a separate garage, create organized parking directly on the territory near their home. We will tell you in the article how management companies interact with parking space owners and what their responsibilities are.

    Home parking and parking: what are the differences?

    What is the difference between parking and parking in the local area of ​​an apartment building from a legal point of view? It turns out that these concepts are regulated by different legal acts.

    The Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that a parking lot is a place for storing cars. In practice, it is a fenced area where, for a fee, the owner places his vehicle for a period specified in the contract.

    In this case, parking lot workers are the persons responsible for the safety of the car.

    The law considers home parking as a temporary stopping place for a car, the responsibility for which rests only with its owner. Therefore, if we are talking about the area near the building, the use of the term “parking” is the most correct.

    Is parking on the property legal?

    In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 131-FZ, citizens have the right to resolve issues regarding their common property on the principles of non-state self-government.

    The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1.4 of Article 36) states that a parking space for cars in the local area in the courtyards of apartment buildings, which is the private property of apartment owners, can be landscaped in accordance with the decisions general meeting residents.

    What is the situation with those citizens who live in MKD on the basis of an agreement? social hiring and are not the owners of the premises? To organize local parking, they will have to privatize the living space and demarcate the land around it. In other words, according to the law, only apartment owners have the right to claim general management of the area near the building.

    The issue of arranging a local area for parking cars is much easier to solve if the residents of the house have united in a HOA. As a rule, in existing partnerships all problems regarding ownership of the local area have already been resolved. If not, then the members of the association should first of all find out whether all the necessary title documents have been drawn up for this land.

    The plot located under the house must be registered in the cadastral register and its boundaries must be documented. However, today this rule is not observed in relation to a significant part of apartment buildings, which deprives their residents of the right to use the local area for parking cars at their discretion.

    First of all, apartment owners should take care of demarcating the area near their building and contact the administration municipality to register ownership of it. But actions to isolate a territory by separating it and installing a barrier can be qualified as land squatting.

    The decision on how to use the area near the building is made by the general meeting owners of apartment buildings. To organize adjacent parking, the law requires the consent of 2/3 of the residents, therefore, if there are more pedestrians in the building than motorists, achieving a quorum can be extremely difficult.

    It is quite natural that apartment owners who do not have transport would like to see not a parking lot in front of their house, but a green square. When distributing the territory, members of the initiative group should develop a solution that will suit both motorists and pedestrians living in the building.

    A carefully thought-out system for entering and exiting the adjacent parking lot will not only ensure the safety of staying in the yard, but will also help free the area, playgrounds and sidewalks from residents’ cars.

    The general meeting can also be held in absentia, but for this, members of the initiative group will have to go around all the apartments to collect signatures. When deciding such an important issue as organizing local parking, every vote can be decisive, so not a single resident should be left unattended during the survey.

    In order for the planned parking to comply with sanitary and building regulations, the next step for apartment owners should be to study the rules of local parking.

    • Size of the local area of ​​an apartment building

    Parking standards in the local area

    Parking rules in the local area of ​​an apartment building are prescribed in state standards.

  • Fire safety standard, according to which such a parking lot must be equipped with partitions against fire of the first type - made of concrete and brick.
  • A complete list of fire safety requirements is set out in No. 123-FZ, here are just a few of them. Facilities for storing machines should be single or double; special rooms can be equipped for maintenance personnel. If the parking lot is adjacent to another building, emergency exits through its windows must be provided without fail.

  • SanPin 2.2.1/ regulates the sanitary and technical rules for the construction of local parking. Open parking for more than 50 cars is prohibited by law. Parking for 100 or more cars must be provided with road access to the citywide transport network.
  • The permissible distance between the parking lot and residential building , is determined by its size. How?

    • 10 meters from residential buildings and 25 meters from social infrastructure facilities (schools, kindergartens, clinics) there may be on-site parking for 10 or fewer cars.
    • Parking for 300 or more cars should be located 50 meters from residential buildings and the same distance from social infrastructure facilities.
    • It is prohibited to place parking for more than 500 cars next to a residential area.

    An underground garage has a significant advantage - it can be located at any distance from a residential building.

  • According to SP 59.13330.2016, 10% of parking spaces must be reserved for parking for disabled people in the local area. Do disabled drivers need a separate area? – information about this is in regulatory document No. However, in the adjacent parking lot for persons with disabilities, there must be ascents and descents to the sidewalk for wheelchair users, as well as special markings.
  • The following standards apply to the size of adjacent parking lots:

    • minimum width – 2.3 m;
    • minimum length – 5 m;
    • for people using a wheelchair, the minimum width should be 3.5 m.

    It is very important to choose the right place for arranging your home parking. It should not interfere with people who live on the first floors of the apartment building or impede the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The location of the parking lot is agreed with municipal departments on urban planning and architecture, as well as by the traffic police.

    So, the rules for placing local parking are as follows:

    • from parking lots near apartment buildings whose height exceeds 28 m, it is necessary to provide at least two exits;
    • exist special requirements to cover parking lots with a capacity of 101–300 cars. In addition, design documentation must be developed for such parking lots.

    The project for the adjacent parking lot reflects the following data:

    • schematic representation and plan of the parking lot with the designation of traffic restrictions;
    • location of the fire brigade call button;
    • vehicle traffic pattern;
    • location of road signs and markings;
    • type of coverage.

    Adjacent parking and the rights of residents in accordance with the requirements of regulations

    So, according to regulatory legal acts, the main rights and obligations of premises owners in relation to local parking are as follows.

    • The entire area around the house is the property of its residents, who must strictly observe traffic rules and sanitary standards.
    • Car owners can arrange parking on the territory near the house if 2/3 of the residents of the apartment building agree to this.

    To begin the procedure for organizing home parking, the following documents are required:

    • a certificate about the size and composition of the territory near the house, obtained from the Department of Inventory and Valuation of Real Estate or another government department that is authorized to provide such information;
    • minutes of the general meeting of owners regarding the organization of parking, drawn up and signed in accordance with the requirements of the law. This document must be endorsed by all residents who supported the idea of ​​arranging a parking lot nearby.

    If the general meeting of residents is held in absentia, its minutes shall reflect the following information:

    • agenda items;
    • way of holding the event;
    • a decision has been made to contact the municipality with an application for the formation of a site;
    • passport data and information about the person responsible for collecting documents;


    Is it possible to park a car at the entrance of a residential building - Legalists

    This situation is fraught with conflicts between residents of high-rise buildings. At the same time, finding a peaceful solution is easy if you learn to negotiate with your neighbors. Read also: What is an apartment with an encumbrance? Additionally, deputies proposed a law according to which new rules would apply to paid parking areas for residents of nearby buildings.

    In particular, at night they become free and can be used by everyone, including residents of nearby houses.

    Presumably, regional authorities will regulate the implementation of the law, and for control they will have to create a special register that takes into account all parking spaces in the city, including those located in the local area.

    Arguments over parking spaces are getting louder and louder. People go to various lengths to secure this or that place in the yard, park their car as close to their entrance as possible, drive onto a lawn or even a playground in order to provide themselves with a minimum distance to move their body in space.

    I really don’t like all this either, so I decided to prepare material on how to force motorists to park their cars as they should, and not like Neanderthals. For my region, the problem became relevant around 2010.


    Since those distant times, there have been more and more cars, and the development of automobile infrastructure in fact lags significantly behind the rate of motorization of the population. Most courtyards in today's Russia will not physically be able to accommodate the cars of all the residents of the surrounding houses.

    Real parking wars are breaking out.

    Parking a car near the house: the effect of the law in 2018

    After verbally offering to move the car, company employees can calmly call a tow truck and send the car to the impound lot without breaking the law. Randomly parked vehicles make it difficult for emergency services to respond to calls as quickly as possible.

    It happens that an ambulance that goes to a seriously ill patient, whose life depends on the efficiency medical workers, unable to overcome the obstacles of cars piled up in the wrong places.

    Car parking in front of the entrance

    In such a situation, record the violations on video/photos and call the traffic police department on duty. What to do if your car is blocked/locked in the yard? A driver who blocks the passage of other vehicles violates the rules of stopping or parking vehicles (Art.

    12.19 part 4 of the Administrative Code), and this is a fine of up to 2,000 rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles). To hold you accountable for such things, take a photo of the violation and call the traffic police duty department.

    There is no need to attack from the shoulder, show tolerance. Parking on the sidewalk in the yard. How to hold people accountable? A sidewalk is a part of the street intended for pedestrians.

    Current rules for parking vehicles in the courtyards of residential buildings

    To do this, perform the following steps:

    • photograph and videotape violations;
    • contact a traffic police officer to visit your yard;
    • inform him about this problem and provide all photos and video materials.

    After drawing up the protocol, the inspector will issue appropriate fines. Sometimes motorists violate sanitary standards; in such cases, it is also necessary to photograph and videotape the recorded violations, and then contact certain authorities.

    Sometimes even a fire inspector has the right to issue a fine. This happens, for example, when a vehicle stops blocking access to a burning house. Employees of management companies can also bring information about illegal parking to the attention of inspectors. For example, in case of violation of the law on parking near garbage cans.

    Basic rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings in 2017

    The law allows residents of the house to install barriers at the entrance to the yard. This will protect them from the cars of residents and guests from neighboring buildings who could not find a place in their parking pocket.

    However, the purchase and maintenance of the barrier is not included in the fee public utilities. Its installation can be done after a meeting of all owners and collection of signatures. Consent to the barrier must be given by 2/3 of all owners. Money for the installation and maintenance of this equipment is collected from all apartments in the building in equal shares.

    What deputies want to introduce The new law was developed by Sergei Mironov’s party – “A Just Russia”. For now, the project cannot yet be called finalized, since the mechanisms of its action for houses that were built earlier and did not have a large area around are unclear.

    That is why new law is currently being finalized.

    Parking in the courtyards of residential buildings in 2017/2018: rules and restrictions

    Another important point: parking for residents of a high-rise building can only be free of charge and belong to all car owners - owners of the house. Car enthusiasts should understand that if your personal car does not bother anyone, there will be no complaints.

    If you are sure that your car does not create any obstacles to traffic, but your neighbors are still unhappy, talk to them, you can find out the main complaints and try to eliminate them. Perhaps running your engine in the morning is preventing residents from getting a good night's sleep.

    In this case, the solution will be a new muffler with modern, absolutely silent characteristics. And the neighbors, in turn, will be happy to meet you halfway.

    The deputies' proposal is as follows:

    1. The distribution of parking spaces should be related to the area of ​​the apartment. If you have a standard one-room apartment - 33 square meters, then one place will be allocated in the local area.

      If the area of ​​the apartment exceeds 50 meters, then families will have two parking spaces.

    2. When designing, it is necessary to provide 40 places for guests if a thousand people will live in a high-rise building. If the number of residents is expected to be two thousand, then there should be 80 guest places.

    This law is not perfect, since in Russia large families who have several cars can live in small-sized housing.

    According to the new rules, they will be forced to leave “extra” cars in other territories. While some of the places assigned to residents of spacious apartments may be empty.

    Is it possible to park a car at the entrance of a residential building?

    Therefore, contractors try to get as much land as possible when designing residential buildings in order to take into account all the details. Almost all modern houses are equipped with parking in accordance with legal regulations.

    But most of the old houses do not have parking spaces, since they were built in accordance with a standard design, so problems often arise with parking cars near these houses.

    By contacting the above authorities, you will be able to influence unscrupulous vehicle owners who park incorrectly. However, the rules on parking rules are contained not only in this law.

    There is another significant regulatory act that is well known to every vehicle owner.

    Such matters are within their competence.

    • Contacting the Illegal Parking Commission
    • Unfortunately, special commissions today exist only in large cities (such as Moscow and St. Petersburg). Where to park in the yard? Some drivers are quite careless about parking their car, choosing a place that is most visible from the window or located next to the entrance and do not even think about the fact that they have violated any rules. Meanwhile, possible parking places are prescribed in the regulatory document. The law on traffic rules specifically includes a clause on parking rules in the residential sector.

    Is it possible to park at the entrance of a residential building?

    I have repeatedly seen how people are ready to fight like gladiators, just to avoid walking the extra 50 meters. Why should parking in courtyards be organized according to the rules? Firstly, crookedly positioned cars impede the passage of large vehicles.

    Garbage trucks that take out garbage in the morning (by the way, an article about rights and responsibilities in the housing and communal services sector), trucks, owners of large vehicles - they all suffer inconvenience. But the worst thing is that closely parked cars often do not allow ambulances and firefighters to pass.

    The problem of finding a parking space in the courtyard of a house is familiar to every car owner. Not all houses are equipped to accommodate specialized parking, so car owners have to leave their cars on lawns, sidewalks and along the roadway, which can lead to administrative liability.

    The way out of this difficult situation is to equip your own parking space. How to carry out this procedure correctly and what is necessary for this, you will learn from the article.

    Registration of an individual parking space is inextricably linked with the process of land privatization. Having a parking space, according to the law, requires leaving your car in a specially designated area. A citizen becomes the owner of a parking space after its privatization.

    According to the requirements of housing legislation (Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the decision to register parking spaces as private property is made at a general meeting of residents of the building. A decision is also made jointly on the need to improve parking spaces.

    Such actions can only be performed by owners of housing located in apartment building. Citizens occupying living space under social rent conditions do not have the right to apply for a parking space.

    In order to separate their parking spaces, residents who have privatized apartments, it is necessary to carry out land surveying of the local area and prepare a design plan for the placement of parking.

    In accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in order to make a decision on the placement of private parking spaces, it is necessary to collect more than 2/3 of the votes of home owners. At the meeting, a representative from the residents is elected who will coordinate the project for placing parking spaces with government agencies, as well as conducting construction work for the improvement of the parking lot.

    As part of the general meeting, resolve issues related to the maintenance of parking spaces, the possibility of renting them out, as well as the amount of fees for parking security. Record the decisions made at the general meeting in the appropriate minutes and collect the signatures of the residents who voted for the placement of the parking lot.

    How to legalize a parking space near your house

    According to the current legislation, homeowners also own part of the territory located next to the apartment building.

    When organizing a general meeting of homeowners, it is also necessary to invite the owners non-residential premises intended to house pharmacies, shops, cafes, beauty salons, etc. The decision to organize private parking must be made with the participation of all owners of premises located in an apartment building.

    If the issue regarding the placement of a parking lot, documented in a protocol decision, is positive, provide this document to the local government authority. Accompany the decision of the general meeting with an official statement on the need to carry out the procedure for legitimizing parking spaces. Compose your appeal in any form, indicating the facts justifying the need to create a private parking lot.

    The next step in legalizing the parking lot will be to contact the Rosreestr service. Inquire at territorial body registration service certificate about the local area.

    To obtain this document, write an application to the Rosreestr authority and attach a certificate confirming your ownership of an apartment located in an apartment building.

    After payment state duty, present the corresponding receipt to the registration authority employee. Within a short time (no more than a week) you will be provided with the appropriate certificate.

    Having collected the necessary documents (permission from the local administration, documents on housing ownership, a certificate of characteristics of the local area), submit an application to the design company to develop a plan for the placement of parking spaces. Coordinate the developed project with the local government authority.

    Submit the following package of documents to the district administration:

    • application from the owners of an apartment building with a request to approve the presented project;
    • a project developed in accordance with the requirements of residents;
    • decision of the general meeting of owners of premises of an apartment building;
    • a certificate from Rosreestr about the characteristics of the local area.

    If the project is approved by the local administration, contact the Rospotrebnadzor service to issue a positive conclusion for the installation of parking spaces.

    In some cases, placing a parking lot will require concluding a lease agreement for a plot of land intended for parking. Citizens initiating the placement of private parking lots must be prepared for the fact that all the costs of maintaining and arranging the local area will fall on their shoulders.

    What documents are needed to privatize a parking space?

    The issuance of permits for the registration of parking spaces in the property is the responsibility of the local administration. Individual citizens, organized groups of homeowners, as well as the developer of an apartment building have the right to initiate such an appeal.

    To register privatization for a parking space, prepare the following documents:

    • permitting documents for the construction of a building (if it is necessary to legalize the territory located next to the newly built house);
    • parking project approved by the local administration;
    • cadastral registration documents land plot local area;
    • documents confirming ownership of housing in an apartment building;
    • permission from the local government to privatize a parking space.

    Submit the above documents, along with the official application, to the Rosreestr service. If all submitted documents comply with legal requirements, the registration authority will register parking spaces and enter the relevant information into a unified register.

    The adjacent territory can be registered as a property only after the completed house has been put into operation and the adjacent territory has been demarcated.

    To legitimize the rights of owners to the local area, authorities take into account the information contained in cadastral registration on the presence of adjacent territories, as well as information obtained from urban planning standards.

    For a positive solution to the issue of legalizing the placement of parking, it is necessary that the urban planning documentation contain information about the appropriate intended use of the local area.

    If the intended purpose specified in the land management documents contradicts the creation of a parking lot on the territory adjacent to the house, work will have to be done to change the type of use of the adjacent area.

    The list of documents required to allocate a parking space may differ depending on the area of ​​the region or settlement. Since certain requirements for the procedure for using the local area are enshrined in regulations local significance.

    In this regard, when initiating the registration process land plots located next to an apartment building, check all requirements with the local administration.

    If the issue is considered positively, the local government body or the council of deputies will send you an appropriate response. The period for consideration of applications for the allocation of plots of adjacent territory is 30 days. In case of refusal to provide a parking space, authorized body is obliged to give a reasoned explanation on the basis of which this decision was made.

    Grounds for refusal to provide ownership of parking spaces:

    • the presence of erroneous information in the project documentation (the rules for unhindered entry into the local area are violated, the boundaries of the site affect the territory of a neighboring apartment building, etc.);
    • non-compliance of design documentation with urban planning standards.

    In some situations, the parking design must be agreed upon with the Rospotrebnadzor department and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The need for these actions will be advised to you by the municipal administration or the council of deputies.

    After receiving official permission to place parking spaces, work on organizing the construction of a parking lot. Discuss the choice of a contractor at a general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building.

    Norms and rules for creating parking spaces near an apartment building

    The placement of a parking lot in the local area must meet certain requirements:

    • comply with fire safety standards (presence of fences made of fire-resistant materials, emergency escape routes, etc.);
    • availability of road access to the road junction (only for parking lots with more than 100 spaces);
    • comply with sanitary standards (the distance from the parking lot to the residential building is at least 10 meters and 25 meters from socially significant objects).

    Parking for more than 50 cars must be located at least 50 meters from a residential building and social infrastructure. Moreover, according to sanitary requirements, such a parking lot must be closed. A parking lot that accommodates more than 500 vehicles is prohibited from being located in a residential area.

    Supreme Court The Russian Federation made an interesting decision after reading the case materials of a resident of an apartment cooperative building, whose neighbors forbade her to park her personal car in the yard.

    It is known that the courtyards of apartment buildings in almost all large cities have been closed to the vehicles of unauthorized citizens for several years now. Unlike the cars of residents, who can drive in and leave their cars under the windows of their apartments.

    When courtyards began to be en masse closed off from outside cars, many had hope that now citizens registered in their homes would not have any disputes or conflicts in their courtyards with vehicles.

    However, hopes were quickly dashed. Instead of some problems, others arose. Now residents have begun to conflict with each other over parking.

    In our case, this is what happened - the lady, according to the neighboring car owners, parked incorrectly in the yard. Therefore, they decided to prohibit the lady from entering the yard at all. This is exactly the decision made by the general meeting of car owners of an apartment building. In response, the car lady went to court and demanded that she be provided with unhindered passage.

    In court it turned out that the barrier at the entrance to the courtyard of the house was installed legally. There is a parking lot in the yard. To get a space there, the car owner must submit an application to the housing cooperative, attach a copy of the documents for the car, pay fees for the equipment of parking spaces, receive an entry pass and a key fob for the barrier. Who was allowed to drive into the yard and park, and who was not, was decided by a general meeting of car owners at home.

    Our plaintiff has legally apartment in this building, is registered and lives there with her family. She, like everyone else, was given the coveted keychain and shown a place for the car. And two years later, at a meeting, the neighbors decided to deprive the lady of a parking space inside the yard. The reason was recorded in the protocol as follows: “for violation of parking rules and entry rules.” They also decided to take away the key fob from the neighbor and return her parking fee. The lady, deprived of her keychain, went to court.

    She lost the first trial. His decision states that “there was no evidence of the defendant’s obstacles to access to the plaintiff’s home. And the restriction on the use of parking was established by a decision of the general meeting of car owners.” The appeal agreed with this verdict. But the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is not. In his opinion, the conclusion of his colleagues “does not comply with the requirements of the law.”

    Here are the arguments of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. First, the Supreme Court cited the Civil Code (Article 262) - a person has the right to walk freely in public and municipal land, if there are no restrictions prescribed by law. And, although the land under this apartment building was not registered as the property of the housing cooperative, in any case, according to the law, citizens have the right to demand “elimination of violations of their rights.”

    Then the high court switched to the Housing Code and cited several of its articles at once. In particular, Article 37 states that it is prohibited to allocate in kind shares in the ownership of common property in an apartment building. And the general conclusion is that the owner of an apartment in a house has an “unconditional and inalienable” right to use the common property in the house. And an addition to what has been said - “any means of restricting or depriving the owner of the premises of such a right current legislation not provided".

    The court had many facts that the plaintiff was prevented from entering the yard. Starting from an extract from the protocol - to exclude the parking violator from entering the yard - to returning her money for the improvement of the parking lot. This amount was transferred to the plaintiff’s personal account.

    The Supreme Court emphasized that it did not take into account district court, who refused the citizen. The first instance referred to the resolution of the city government and the general meeting of residents, which stated the rules for entry and parking in the yard. In response to this, the Supreme Court noted that this resolution of the city government does not say anything about the procedure for creating and using parking spaces in the local area or about “imposing any restrictions on the right” of the plaintiff, as the owner of the premises in this house, and for the use of the local area .

    The owner of the apartment has the “unconditional and inalienable” right to use the common property in the house. Including parking space

    Another interesting point is that the plaintiff’s right to unhindered entry into her yard is enshrined in the minutes of the general meeting of residents. A meeting of car owners at home deprived the citizen of her right to park. For some reason, the local court did not pay attention to this and agreed with the restriction of the owner’s rights. The Supreme Court therefore recalled its plenum (No. 25 of June 23, 2015). It explained what is meant by a decision of a meeting of citizens - this is a decision of the civil law community, that is, “a certain group of persons empowered to make decisions at meetings.” From all the listed norms, the Supreme Court draws the following conclusion. One of mandatory conditions recognizing the decision of the meeting as the basis for the emergence or termination civil rights and responsibilities is to have in the law an indication of the civil consequences for everyone affected by the meeting. There is a list of governing bodies of the cooperative. It is given in Housing Code and is considered comprehensive. There is no general meeting of car owners on this list. Therefore, the decision of such a meeting cannot have any civil consequences for the tenant, and it is not provided for by law.

    The Supreme Court ordered local courts to reconsider the dispute taking into account its clarifications. 

    Arguments over parking spaces are getting louder and louder. People go to various lengths to secure this or that place in the yard, park their car as close to their entrance as possible, drive onto a lawn or even a playground in order to provide themselves with a minimum distance to move their body in space. I really don’t like all this either, so I decided to prepare material on how to force motorists to park their cars as they should, and not like Neanderthals.

    For my region, the problem became relevant around 2010. Since those distant times, there have been more and more cars, and the development of automobile infrastructure in fact lags significantly behind the rate of motorization of the population. Most courtyards in today's Russia will not physically be able to accommodate the cars of all the residents of the surrounding houses. Real parking wars are breaking out. I have repeatedly seen how people are ready to fight like gladiators, just to avoid walking the extra 50 meters.

    Why should parking in courtyards be organized according to the rules?

    Firstly, crookedly positioned cars impede the passage of large vehicles. Garbage trucks that take out garbage in the morning (by the way), trucks, owners of large vehicles - they all suffer inconvenience. But the worst thing is that closely parked cars often do not allow ambulances and firefighters to pass.

    Secondly, parking on lawns and playgrounds causes residents a lot of inconvenience. Children, while playing, bump into a car and can damage it, and those who like to park on lawns spoil the aesthetic appearance of the yard and spread dirt throughout the area.

    What are the regulations for off-street parking?

    Traffic rules and sanitary standards. The requirements for motorists in this case are different, but their implementation will ensure not only a comfortable existence, but will also resolve most parking conflicts. There are also various regional regulations, which regulate parking issues

    Sanitary standards and rules for parking in courtyards

    There is a Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2007 N 74 (as amended on April 25, 2014) “On the entry into force new edition sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 25, 2008 N 109), in which in table 7.1.1 . the rules for parking cars in the courtyards of residential buildings are described. According to them, car parking is located at a certain distance from the windows of a residential building. Specific data depend on the number of parking spaces. If there are less than 10 of them, then the distance to the windows should be at least 10 meters. If the parking lot accommodates from 11 to 50 cars, then at least 15 meters. 51-100 parking spaces - at least 25 meters, 101-300 cars - at least 35 meters. Parking lots that can accommodate more than 300 cars are located no closer than 50 meters from the windows of residential buildings.

    Traffic rules and parking in yards. Fines for illegal parking in yards

    Let's start with the most common one - parking on lawns. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for fines for parking on lawns, but regional legislation does. For example, in St. Petersburg, a motorist will pay from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for parking on a lawn. To find out the “tariffs” for lawn parking in your city, contact the city administration. You can also send a photo of the “parking king” there at the time the violation was committed, or better yet, call. Then he will be held accountable. Just don’t forget to record on video (or photograph) the violation itself, because administration employees cannot always immediately move to the scene of the incident, and the violator may go completely unpunished.

    A whole bunch of violations - Article 12.28 of the Administrative Code. These are violations of traffic rules established in a residential area. Where are they registered? We look at Chapter 17 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On the Rules of the Road” (the same traffic rules): through traffic, practice driving, parking with the engine running, as well as parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3 are prohibited. 5 tons. But these are residential areas!!! But in paragraph 17.4 of the same resolution it is written that all these measures are also relevant for courtyard areas. In such a situation, record the violations on video/photos and call the traffic police department on duty.

    What to do if your car is blocked/locked in the yard?

    A driver who blocks the passage of other vehicles violates the rules for stopping or parking vehicles (Article 12.19, Part 4 of the Administrative Code), and this is a fine of up to 2,000 rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles). To hold you accountable for such things, take a photo of the violation and call the traffic police duty department. But first I would recommend contacting the owner yourself. Often people block other cars, but leave their phone number. There is no need to attack from the shoulder, show tolerance.

    Parking on the sidewalk in the yard. How to hold people accountable?

    A sidewalk is a part of the street intended for pedestrians. Car drivers have the right to park on the sidewalk only in cases where this is permitted by the requirements of the relevant signs. In all other cases, the driver falls under clause 3 of Art. 12.19 of the Administrative Code, and this is a fine of 1,000 rubles (3,000 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg). To bring them to justice, take a photo and call the traffic police.

    Where can I complain about off-street parking violations?

    If the matter concerns violation of sanitary standards, then:

    • fire inspection;
    • district engineering service;
    • sanitary inspection;
    • environmental service.

    If traffic rules were violated, then to the traffic police. In addition, on this moment It is possible to send a photo of a recorded violation through special portals. There is also information that a special phone application will soon be created, with which you can directly send motorist violations recorded on video or photos to the traffic police.

    The problem of off-street parking is becoming more and more pressing

    Our authorities are trying to minimize the use of transport by residents of the country. Import duties, taxes, excise taxes on gasoline are raised, and paid parking is introduced. People are openly suppressing attempts to reach into their pockets, especially in relation to paid parking, and are clogging nearby yards with their cars, so the problem of parking in yards will become more and more pressing. In addition, not long ago there was an initiative to create a bill regulating the number of parking spaces in courtyards depending on the size of the building and the square footage of apartments. It's still being finalized, but we'll keep you posted.