Is it possible to pick up things found on the street: folk signs. Do I need to pick up change from the road? By the way, this may interest you

The question of whether it is possible to pick up small change from the ground on the street, or whether you should not do this, because it is someone else’s, worries many lucky people who come across coins or bills on the way.

There are many folk superstitions and wisdom about lost money. Such finds are treated differently.

For example, it’s not change, but money with which you can actually buy something that ends up on your way, it doesn’t end up there by accident.

Perhaps this is the Universe's way of trying to solve your problems. financial difficulties. You forgot your wallet at home and are late for the minibus, and then suddenly the wind throws the required bill right at your feet.

Or a person who is in such a financial situation that there is no money even for bread) suddenly notices on the ground a bill folded several times or rolled into a tube.

You should not refuse such help. Thank the Universe for it and accept it with joy.

But there is also not quite good options, when people want to give their illnesses and problems to others - as the old fairy tale says, “take my goodness and grief-misfortune into the bargain.”

Having made the appropriate conspiracy, the money - mostly small change - is scattered along the street in places where someone can easily pick it up. And he will take upon himself the karma of the previous owner of the coins - all his illnesses and problems, while he himself will get rid of them and with a clear conscience and a calm soul will continue to sin.

The fact that his evil will eventually return to him like a boomerang does not make it any easier for the one who raised such a trifle, since it will have time to cause harm.

And most importantly, you should not pick up change at a crossroads, as many diseases are reduced to small coins. You will get by without small change, but if you pick it up, you will lose your health and strength.

It is also believed that paper money and jewelry lying in such a place are nothing more than payment that people who practice black magic give to evil forces.

By appropriating their property, a person runs a great risk - according to folk beliefs, those for whom it was intended will come for his soul.

Shop owners often do this by throwing a coin on the floor specifically for a customer to pick it up. But if you did not buy anything in this store, please leave the coin in its place for greater effectiveness of the ritual.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to pick up small change on the street, that what has fallen is for the needy, thus God gives them bread.

Also, you should not pick up money from the ground in the morning on an empty stomach, so as not to starve in the future.

But walking past money lying on the ground will be considered disrespectful to it. They may be offended and leave you, if not forever, then for a long time.

Bow to the coin, showing the money your respect, so that... And move on.

Many rely on the universal Lomonosov-Lavoisier law: energy does not disappear anywhere, on the one hand it increases, on the other it decreases. Or nothing comes from nothing. If something decreases in one place, it will certainly increase in another.

That is, by accepting a find, you receive a certain amount of monetary energy and wait - you received it just like that, and something will leave your life just as easily.

This law really works. But with some reservations. It only makes sense to be afraid that you might lose something by raising big money on the street if you have already upset the balance.

If you accept energy, including money, and allow it to flow further (you do not suffer from feelings of greed, do not strive for pathological hoarding and make purchases with pleasure), then there will be no losses.

Internal attitudes influence how you perceive a particular event in your life. They also determine the amount of money you receive each month for the whole year. From an energy point of view, it is beneficial to perceive money found on the road as a gift of fate. That's what they will turn out to be.

Experienced esotericists also advise picking up what you found on the street, but not appropriating it for yourself, but taking it to church or giving alms. Large amounts of money can be donated to an orphanage or nursing home. It is believed that by helping others, you ensure your own well-being in the future.

Some people, who do not suffer from prejudices and believe in goodness, make money talismans from selected coins.

They put randomly found small change into a special bag or bag made of red fabric, preferably velvet.

Before putting another coin into the bag, mentally say:

“I accept the gift, I thank the Universe. I improve my well-being. Let it be so".

A bag of such wealth will attract new ones into your life. financial opportunities. Those who practice Feng Shui can place selected coins near the figurine

Coins found on the waxing Moon can be made into a money talisman by burying them in a pot with a money tree - Crassula. And in order to enhance the effect of the ritual, it is recommended to put it in a new pot on the same day, simultaneously burying your find in the ground. Each time you water the plant, mentally say:

“As this money tree grows, so do my finances. Let it be so"

You can not only bury coins in the roots of the fat plant, but also hang them from the branches with red strings, which will also attract money into your home.

There are also folk ways of what to do with money collected on earth. If you find a coin on the street, pick it up, put it in your wallet, thank God:

“Jesus Christ, my Lord, thank you for blessing me, the servant of God (name), with this money.”

If you don’t want to pick up a small coin, say: “Grow up, then I’ll pick it up, if I meet you, I’ll take it with me.”

But you shouldn’t pick up wallets lying on the ground because the owner could be a fraudster, who will immediately run up to you and say that there was much more money in the wallet, and it was you who stole the difference.

Money lying right on the road is not such a rare occurrence as it might seem at first glance. True, most often this is a trifle - from one to ten kopecks, but sometimes fifty. Large bills come across much less frequently, but everyone can remember a time when he had to pick them up from the ground. But is it worth doing?

"Ambulance" of the Universe

Money that appears - in the literal sense of the word - on our way, most likely does not end up there by accident. Perhaps this is how the Universe is trying to solve your financial problems. This is the so-called “first aid”, when funds are needed urgently, so there is simply no time to get you a good job with a decent salary. You can give a lot of examples of how people in desperate financial situations (some did not even have money for bread) suddenly noticed on the ground a bill folded several times or rolled into a tube, and sometimes the wind threw it right at their feet.

By the way, the money, which in this case can be found on the road, special case with the help of higher powers - you can just as easily find a forgotten bill in the pocket of a raincoat or coat, or while sorting through old papers, or receive a debt so old that you have already forgotten about it.

"Take my good and sorrow-misfortune to boot"

There is another view on the origin of the money lying on the ground: it is generally accepted that in this way people give away their illnesses and problems to others - as the old fairy tale says, “take my goodness and grief-misfortune into the bargain.” Having made the appropriate slander (unfortunately, there is no shortage of this kind of garbage on the Internet), the money - mostly small change - is scattered on the street: it is believed that the one who picks it up will take on the karma of the previous owner of the coins - all his illnesses and problems, including while he himself will get rid of them and with a clear conscience and calm soul will go on sinning further.

The fact that his evil (what else can you call the desire to shift all your troubles onto another person?) will eventually return to him like a boomerang, who picked up such a charmed trifle is no easier, since it will have time to harm, so it is dangerous to take them. This is especially true at crossroads - it is believed that money and jewelry lying in such a place are nothing more than payment that people who practice black magic give to evil forces. By appropriating their property, a person takes a great risk - according to popular beliefs, those for whom it was intended will come for his soul.

Money can be offended

But it’s impossible not to react to the fact that money is lying on the ground. In this way you will demonstrate a complete lack of respect: when they see that you passed by and did not pick them up, they may be offended and leave you, if not forever, then for a long time. By bending down (they perceive this as a bow) and thus showing respect, you, on the contrary, will attract them into your life.

Many people have wondered what would happen if they picked up something from the ground and brought it home. After all, it could belong to anyone. Folk signs will help you deal with this issue.

When we were little, our parents always told us not to pick up anything from the ground. This has a special meaning, but not only because there is dirt on the ground. The problem is that we don't know what this thing was like energetically for anyone. We will not delve into esotericism, but will give all our attention to simple folk signs that have been tested by time and many generations. For example, no one knows why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror. Whatever guesses there are, it’s not so important, because the sign really works. The same applies to things that cannot be raised - this is a fact, but the reasons for all this are not completely clear.

Sharp objects

Knives, pins, needles. Spicy things always have strictly negative energy. People say that by picking up such things, you bring home evil and troubles. If such a thing bothers you, then you need to take it with a rag or crumpled paper and throw it in the trash, but do this not in the house, but outside it. People often noted that bringing home a found blade or sword in ancient times would wreak havoc and cause great misfortune for the entire family. Sharp objects can cause a black streak to appear.

Pectoral cross

When a person buys a cross or is given one as a gift, he becomes associated with it forever. It happens that a cross gets lost, but in Rus' they always said that someone else’s cross can give you a person’s problems. If you see such a thing lying on the ground, ignore it. It's better not to even touch the cross. If you are sure that you can help return it to its owner, then it is better to do it as quickly as possible, and, in general, it is better not to interfere in such problems.


Quite often, coins are lucky talismans for people. If you lift someone else's talisman, then for you it will work in the opposite direction. Signs say that coins are very dangerous for superstitious people. Of course, for those who do not believe in this, they can cause failure, but it is better not to test fate. In ancient times, it was believed that a raised coin would ruin a person’s life. Often witches made such a trick for people - they tossed a coin near the house so that the children, while playing, would find it, bring it home and activate the curse. Most of these beliefs are not particularly true, but in any case it is a bad omen.

Homemade dolls

As soon as we see a homemade doll, the only thing that comes to our mind is a voodoo doll. This is correct, because it is not for nothing that people have always been afraid of such toys. This is the easiest way to gain control over a person. Many witches, as they say, did their dirty deeds this way. Such a lining can also be found in modern world. Of course, you cannot understand whether it is a purchased doll or a homemade one, but it is better to prohibit children from lifting such objects, and not to tempt fate themselves. The consequences, according to popular observations, can be the most terrible. This is perhaps the most dangerous thing that can ever be lifted from the ground.

Broken mirror

In principle, signs suggest that it is better not to lift entire mirrors. It is unlikely that you will do this, but situations in life are different. If you see an unfamiliar mirror, it is better not to touch it. If it bothers you or it somehow got onto your land in some strange way, then carefully collect the fragments and throw them away.


Usually, in ancient times, witches used balls of thread as lining. That is why there is such a sign that a raised thread means trouble, unfortunately. Even seeing a ball of thread lying on the ground, according to signs, means separation. Girls in Rus' did the following: if they saw a bundle or a ball of thread, they took it home and burned it, and then read the spell: “Go away, don’t touch me, don’t lead me the wrong way.” Many people in rural areas They still do this to ward off possible disaster.


Bringing a comb home means trouble. In general, any personal hygiene items are something intimate. It's part of being human, so you're putting your health at great risk when you bring home a comb, hair tie, or anything similar. For example, a scarf.


The reason for the sign that you cannot lift the keys. Nobody knows, but this is true. If you saw keys lying on the road. It is better to pick them up and put them in a visible place so that a person can find them. If you see an old key lying alone on the road, it is better to avoid it. The old keys have outlived a huge number of their owners. Therefore, they are considered to be filled with death.


Watches, like keys, are things. Which are closely related to human life. Signs say that a found watch can turn your life upside down, causing many people to turn away from you. Watches picked up from the ground can cause serious illness. To avoid this, you just need to not touch them or, like keys. Put them away, in a visible place, because someone could lose them. The older the watch, the more dangerous it is.


Round objects are best at absorbing negativity. They can also easily give it away, so it is strictly forbidden to bring rings home or pick them up from the ground. Popular signs say that a raised ring is the beginning of life in a circle. This is the beginning of losses and troubles in life. Until you throw the ring away in the same place, troubles will haunt you.

Other strange objects

If you see something really unusual, for example, some kind of amulet or something mystical, then it is better to avoid it. These could be photo clippings, coins with incomprehensible inscriptions, beads, stones, bags of salt or something else. All this poses a danger to you and your loved ones.

Our mothers taught us all in childhood that it is impossible to understand from the earth what does not belong to us. This is not just a warning, because modern children and some adults have ceased to take the advice of their ancestors seriously. To learn to control your life, you need to be wiser and learn to control yourself. Don't pick up anything if you don't want to get it unnecessary problems on the head. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

From time to time, we all happen to find coins—changes that someone accidentally dropped or forgotten. But we all have different attitudes towards such random finds. Let's try to figure out whether to raise the coins or not.

Without bothering to bend down to pick up the coin. “After all, this is very small money, you can’t buy anything for it,” such a person thinks.

And he quietly rejoices at the successful find and high spirits.

There are also people who, even if it’s a small change, even if it’s a fairly significant amount of paper banknotes. They are afraid that such “accidentally” dropped and “accidentally” lost money will be damaged.

Who is right?

What is the right thing to do: should you pick up coins, dropped or forgotten change, and in general, just found money?

To answer this question, you need to understand the connection between money and a person on a metaphysical, that is, not on a physical, but on a subtle material, if you like, on a spiritual level, so to speak.

So, let's take one look at all three described above options for people's relationships with found money, with small coins in particular.

So, you found some small money. Yes, this is a trifle for which you can’t buy almost anything or you can buy, but just a little. Yes, these small coins by themselves will not change anything in your finances. But!

This money (still – Money!) came across, you met it. This might just be the beginning of the bite! Perhaps this is just a small fry (for now). But an experienced fisherman is happy with his small catch. And he doesn’t let him go, at least not as soon as he catches him. He believes that this is just the beginning, that small things will lead to big things!

Therefore, passing by and not picking up the coins means turning away at the very beginning and not letting good luck into your doorstep in the form of more big money!

Those who rejoice at the money they find, even if it’s small, meaningless (physically meaningless) coins, whoever picks them up acts more correctly.

But still, it’s not quite correct.

Smile quietly and barely noticeably and rejoice in your soul at a small monetary find, and then mix it with the rest money supply in your pocket or purse and simply spend it at the first opportunity - not much better than not raising change at all. We need to do things differently.

Get yourself one a special box for found money(coins).
It would be better if there were different compartments for coins of different denominations. Every time you find coins, put them in this magic money box.
And when you pick up the money you find, and when you put it in a box, you should experience a feeling of genuine and real spiritual joy.

What happens at the metaphysical level in all this?

You let money know that you accept it, that you are happy about it! And you not only just think so (quietly rejoice to yourself at a small find), but also confirm this with your actions (do not spend this money, but put it in a separate box, set aside especially for them). By doing this, you let money into your life, give it the green light!

It will be even better if, along with a box for money, you also get special notebook, where you will write down when, where and under what circumstances you found the money, as well as what feelings you experienced. And also - what they thought or reflected on directly or shortly before the successful find.

Such a notebook will allow you not only to analyze and understand why this money comes to you, but will also charge you with energy that will attract money in the future. Moreover, not only a trifle, but also quite large sums. After all, every time you open yours and, or even if you even just remember them, you will feel joy and good mood due to the fact that you are a Magnet for money!

By the way, when you find and raise money, or even just like that, you can repeat to yourself these or similar affirmations (short statements) for money: “I attract money!”, “I am a magnet for money!” and so on.

By the way, this may interest you:

And in conclusion - about maybe on found money be aimed damage?

Let everyone decide for themselves here. As the saying goes, whoever believes in something exists for him.

But still, let's think about it...

Usually they cast damage on money if they want to cast it on someone specifically, and not just like that, on someone, if only on someone. If you have suspicions that this small change was planted on you, if you even suspect who could have done it, then there are reasons not to take this money.

And if you find money on the street, most likely, someone just dropped it or someone just dropped it. You can take that kind of money.

And for preventive purposes, before putting the money you find in a money box, you can wash it with soap and water or detergent. Water will not only wash away dirt and germs from money, but will also remove negative energy from it (you never know whose hands this money passed through).

But there is one rule: you absolutely cannot pick up coins found on the street! On the contrary, it is better to avoid them!

There is one way in which a person tries to relieve himself of the burden of problems and misfortunes that have fallen on him! He collects more change and goes out at night to a crossroads (or streets). Standing at a crossroads, perhaps even muttering or shouting some spells, scatters small change around you. The calculation here is that during the day people will walk around, pick up the small change scattered by him, and thereby take away his problems along with his coins!

Do you need other people's problems?!

So, you can’t raise money at intersections. Even if there is only one single coin. Maybe it was left over from a handful of scattered change!

And on a straight road, if there are several coins lying nearby, it is better not to take them. Maybe they just fell out together, or maybe they were thrown out on purpose, and not just one, but more.

By the way, perhaps someone has already had an idea to get away from their problems in this way?

I do not advise you to do this!

Getting rid of your problems by making others have them? As a punishment for this, even bigger problems may come to you! So solve your problems in other ways!

Is it possible to raise money? Opinions differ, and everyone thinks he is right. Some look at the world with fears and prejudices, believe in corruption, conspiracies and curses based on money. Others thank Life for every given opportunity to become richer by at least 10 kopecks!

Let's try to figure it out - why is it impossible to raise money from the ground, or is it still necessary to raise money?

If you raise the ruble, you will lose ten

This is how very superstitious people talk. They have the right to their point of view, based on fears:
Illnesses, failures in personal life, business, etc. are used for money.

Reducing damage to money is the most quick way. After all, children and poor people can pick up money. In theory, it is to them that all troubles should most quickly pass, because... their energy space is weak. Therefore, parents teach their children that they should never pick up money.

So, from childhood, people develop the idea that money can bring troubles, evil and failure.

A few more reasons why they don’t want to raise money from the ground:

  • They are lying around in the mud, and it is not safe!
  • What will others think?

The first is a big prejudice. On the entrance handles of stores, on handrails in transport, and in general, there are no less germs and harmful viruses in the air than on the ground, in a puddle.

The second is a funny misconception. Believe that others do not care about you, because... everyone is busy with themselves, with their own thoughts. And he also plays in his head: “what do they think about me” or “what do I look like?” You have to be a little bit like Coco Chanel, who didn’t care what they said about her, because she didn’t even think about them...

“Damaged” money, as a rule, is of very small denomination, and is scattered at crossroads. And who will collect money at the crossroads?

Is it possible to pick up money that has fallen from your hands?

Some people believe that you should not even pick up your money if you accidentally dropped it. Like, what fell is lost!
In this case, this is the worst mistake in relation to money. Clear disrespect for them and disregard for one’s own wealth.

Any money that falls out of your pocket, hands, or wallet must be picked up! At the same time, you can say: “My people are going home with me.”
And in order not to waste money, put your pockets and wallet in order.

For those who believe in: coins must be removed carefully, one at a time. They cannot be poured into a handful on the palm or counter, they must be placed side by side - one to one. They do this so that there is no unnecessary ringing, and you won’t have to collect it later.

Don't jingle your money again. If this suddenly happens, take them, stroke them and say: “Don’t waste your beautiful voice. Lie quietly, don’t wake up.”

It is possible and even necessary to raise money from the ground!

Let's move on to a different point of view and try to convince the skeptics - collecting money from the land is safe and even very useful!

If you often come across coins on your way, why not think about the fact that your path is strewn with money? They come into your hands themselves, without much effort you can have additional income!

Someone may laugh at such an income, but not those who remember sacredly “Money loves counting!” Coin to coin, ruble to ruble...

  1. Money is the property of the country and the people. Making even the smallest coin took some time, someone’s labor, attention... and also money.
  2. Money is a powerful energy that is transferred from hand to hand. How more money, the more energy. The more energy, the more opportunities a person has to implement his plans.
  3. By bending over for a coin, you are doing something useful for your body - free fitness. Or rather, paid. For tilting - money.
  4. Economic approach. What is your salary? And how much money do you make per day, hour, minute or second? It takes 1-2 seconds to pick up money from the ground. Think, do you earn 1 ruble per second? And not everyone earns even 10 kopecks per second. Don't believe me? Try to do the math yourself.

Even if we cross out all the previous arguments, there is one very weighty one that explains the reason - why do you need to pick up money from the ground?

The money egregor favors everyone who picks up money from the ground

There is such a thing as “egregor”. One of the oldest egregors on earth is money.

At all times, there has been one or another exchange currency - in the form of services, goods, food, stones, etc., with the help of which people paid for their desires.

Man would never have evolved if he had not been driven by desire. A powerful flow of dreams and aspirations creates a kind of information and energy field with many aspects that affect the quality of our life.

It is quite possible to connect to the money egregor if you follow the simplest, but at the same time the most important rulelearn to respect money. There is no need to love them to the point of fanaticism, to turn into a Koshchei wasting away over gold. Money is meant to serve man, not the other way around. But for the opportunities that money provides us, we are obliged to respect them, to follow some rules and signs.

Picking up a coin from the ground is the simplest sign of respect for money.. Don't let your money get trampled into the dirt. Each piece of money is a piece of the energy field of the money egregor.

For some reason they forget about this when they think about the bad. When you think that money picked up from the ground will harm you, it will. Therefore, change your way of thinking - rejoice in the luck sent to you - raise money and believe that this is the beginning of this. This does not mean that now you need to walk with your head down in search of coins lost by someone. A happy occasion always comes unexpectedly!

If superstition still haunts you, pick up a coin and say: “I’ll take the money, but leave the lining,” (damaging lining).

The choice is yours - to believe in good or bad, to raise money from the ground or not.
Be happy and rich! Right from this second...