EEC Decision 30. On non-tariff regulation measures

1. State control of precious stones is carried out by authorized bodies (organizations) of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the member states, the Union), determined in accordance with the legislation of the member states.

2. State control of precious stones is carried out at specialized (categorized) customs posts or in departments of the customs authorities of the Member States, created in accordance with the legislation of the Member States.

3. For the purposes of these Rules, the terms used mean the following:

“diamonds” - processed natural diamonds of various cut shapes, having polished edges and intended for subsequent use (code from 7102 39 000 0 CN VED of the EAEU);

“applicants” - subjects of precious stones mining, diamond production subjects, subjects of production and products from natural diamonds, legal entities And individuals, registered as individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) who have the right to carry out transactions with precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Member States;

“identification of precious stones” - determination by authorized bodies (organizations) of the Member States, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Member States, of compliance of the classification and cost characteristics of precious stones with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation published on the official website of the Union on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" ", taking into account world market prices. Amendments to the regulatory and technical documentation to determine the classification and cost characteristics of precious stones and the publication of regulatory and technical documentation are carried out in accordance with;

“subjects of the extraction of precious stones” - legal entities engaged in the extraction of precious stones in the territory of the Member State of which these legal entities are residents;

“diamond production entities” - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who cut natural diamonds for the purpose of manufacturing polished diamonds in accordance with the legislation of the Member States of which these legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are residents;

“subjects of production of products and products from natural diamonds” - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have the right to process or use natural diamonds for the purpose of manufacturing products for industrial and technical purposes, as well as household and jewelry products in accordance with the legislation of the Member States, residents which these legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are;

"unique gemstones" - gemstones classified as unique in accordance with the criteria in accordance with and intended for use for the purposes established by the legislation of the Member States. The procedure for classifying precious stones as unique may be established by the legislation of the Member States;

“unique amber formations” - amber formations weighing over 1000 g, of varied, fancy shapes, relatively monolithic in structure (at least 80 percent), not containing through shells, visual cracks that threaten the integrity of the sample, a variety of colors, possibly with well-preserved inclusions of flora and fauna larger than 10 mm. The procedure for classifying unique amber formations as precious stones may be established by the legislation of the Member States.

Other concepts used in these Rules are applied in the meanings defined by the Protocol on Non-Tariff Regulatory Measures in Relation to Third Countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian economic union dated May 29, 2014) and international treaties included in the law of the Union.

4. When implementing state control of precious stones and products made from precious stones, the following activities are carried out:

a) checking the origin of goods exported from customs territory Union of precious stones and the legality of their possession on the basis of documents submitted in accordance with these Rules;

b) checking the compliance of the quality of sorting and evaluation of precious stones exported from the customs territory of the Union with the regulatory and technical documentation published on the official website of the Union on the Internet and the documents submitted in accordance with these Rules;

c) identification of precious stones;

d) checking the compliance of products made of precious stones with regulatory and technical documentation and documents submitted in accordance with these Rules;

e) checking compliance with the established procedure for classifying precious stones as unique during the primary classification of precious stones (during their extraction) and the procedure for classifying unique amber formations as precious stones if such procedures are established by the legislation of the Member State;

f) checking compliance with the priority right established by the legislation of the Member State to purchase precious stones in government funds precious metals and precious stones of Member States;

g) registration, issuance and (or) accounting of certificates of the international certification scheme for rough natural diamonds (hereinafter referred to as the Kimberley Process certificate) of member states, as well as verification and accounting of Kimberley Process certificates issued by third countries for the purpose of implementing the international certification scheme for rough natural diamonds;

h) identification and verification of origin:

processed precious stones imported into the customs territory of the Union in order to determine the possibility of manufacturing them from unprocessed precious stones previously exported from the customs territory of the Union;

processed precious stones exported from the customs territory of the Union in order to determine the possibility of their production from unprocessed precious stones previously imported into the customs territory of the Union.

5. To carry out state control of precious stones, applicants or their representatives who have written confirmation of the relevant authority, submit the following documents and information:

a) a letter of application, which indicates information about the applicant (including the location of the applicant) and a list of attached documents necessary for the implementation of state control of precious stones;

b) a copy of the foreign trade agreement (contract), annex and (or) addition to it, and in the absence of a foreign trade agreement (contract) - a copy of another document confirming the intentions of the parties;

c) a copy of the mediation agreement (if the applicant is an intermediary);

d) a copy of the document on special registration or a copy of the license for the type of activity, issued in accordance with the legislation of the Member State;

e) a copy of the license or agreement (contract) for the right to use subsoil (for subjects of precious stones mining);

f) copies of the charter and registration documents applicant.

6. When exercising state control of rough natural diamonds imported into the customs territory of the Union, together with the documents specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, a Kimberley Process certificate of the exporting state, issued in accordance with the requirements of the international certification scheme for rough natural diamonds, is presented.

7. When exercising state control of unprocessed precious stones intended for export from the customs territory of the Union, the following documents are submitted along with the documents specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules:

a) contracts for the purchase of unprocessed precious stones in the territories of the Member States, certificates of issue and specifications (lists of completeness), including in the case of export from the customs territory of the Union of part of a batch of unprocessed precious stones purchased under this agreement;

b) confirmation of the accounting of transactions with unprocessed precious stones exported from the customs territory of the Union (purchase of unprocessed precious stones at domestic market Member States) under submitted contracts for the purchase of precious stones in the manner established by the legislation of the Member State;

c) a certificate of the use of unprocessed precious stones under a foreign trade agreement (contract), drawn up in the form according to;

d) intermediary agreements concluded with entities mining precious stones, entities producing diamonds or entities producing products and products from natural diamonds (if the applicant for the export of rough natural diamonds is legal entities and individual entrepreneurs entitled in accordance with the legislation of the Member State carry out transactions with precious stones and those that are specially registered);

e) other documents provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

8. When exercising state control of processed precious stones intended for export from the customs territory of the Union, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, the following documents are submitted:

a) shipping specification reflecting the full range of processed precious stones in quantitative and cost terms;

b) generalized specification of processed precious stones by size and weight groups;

c) a certificate of the use of unprocessed precious stones for the manufacture of precious stones under a foreign trade agreement (contract), drawn up in the form according to;

d) a certificate of use of rough diamonds weighing 10.8 carats or more, drawn up in the form according to;

e) protocol (act) of the enterprise on the evaluation of diamonds weighing 6 carats or more;

f) documents confirming the origin (purchase) of precious stones and the legality of their possession (contract, intermediary agreement, act of issue, specification (list of completeness), act of transaction recorded in the prescribed manner);

g) other documents provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

9. When carrying out state control of natural diamond powders intended for export from the customs territory of the Union, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, the following documents are submitted:

a) documents confirming the origin (purchase) of powders from natural diamonds and the legality of their possession (contract, intermediary agreement, act of issue, specification (list of completeness), act of transaction recorded in the prescribed manner);

b) shipping specification reflecting the full range of natural diamond powders in quantitative and cost terms;

c) a certificate of the use of natural diamonds for the production of a batch of powder under a foreign trade agreement (contract), drawn up in the form according to;

d) other documents provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

10. To place natural diamonds under the customs procedures of processing in the customs territory, processing outside the customs territory and processing for domestic consumption, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who cut natural diamonds for the purpose of producing polished diamonds are issued a state control act.

11. Each sheet of submitted copies of documents is certified by the signature and seal of the applicant, or copies of these documents are bound, and their last sheets are certified by the signature and seal of the applicant.

12. Documents may be submitted in the form electronic document, if provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

13. The results of state control of precious stones are formalized by a state control act drawn up in the form provided for the Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of precious stones (to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated April 21, 2015 N 30), or refusal to issue it.

14. The state control act is drawn up in 3 copies and signed by a representative of the authorized body (organization) of the Member State and the applicant (representative of the applicant). The first and second copies are given to the applicant. The first copy is intended for submission to the customs authority of the Member State, the second copy remains with the applicant. The third copy is stored in the authorized body (organization) of the Member State that carried out state control.

The state control act may be issued in the form of an electronic document if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member States.

15. All batches of rough natural diamonds exported from the customs territory of the Union are issued a Kimberley Process certificate, issued in the manner established by the legislation of the Member State.

16. The act of state control confirms the fact of implementation of state control procedures, as well as actions aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the Kimberley Process.

17. The issuance of a state control act may be refused in the following cases:

a) the documents submitted by the applicant for state control contain incomplete or unreliable information;

b) the requirements provided for in paragraphs 4 - 8 of these Rules are not met;

c) the consignments of goods do not correspond to the documents submitted by the applicant for state control.

18. A reasoned decision to refuse to issue a state control act is issued to the applicant in writing or in the form of an electronic document, if provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

On non-tariff regulation measures

Appendix 1. List of goods for which import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is prohibited

1.1. Ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances prohibited for import and export

1.9. Live sables prohibited for export

Appendix 2. List of goods for which a permitting procedure has been established for import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

2.1. Ozone Depleting Substances

2.7. Species of wild fauna and flora covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 3 March 1973 (CITES)

Table 2. Species of wild flora (FLORA (PLANTS))

2.8. Rare and endangered species of wild living animals and wild plants included in the red books of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union

Table 2. Plants

2.9. Gems

table 2

2.10. Precious metals and commodities containing precious metals

Table 3

I. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

2.23. Information about the subsoil by region and deposits of fuel, energy and mineral raw materials

Appendix 3. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of human organs and tissues, blood and its components, samples of biological materials...

Appendix 4. Regulations on the export of mineral raw materials from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 5. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of wild live animals, certain wild plants and wild medicinal raw materials

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 6. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of rare and endangered species of wild living animals and wild plants included in the red books of the member states...

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 7. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of hazardous waste

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 8. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of cultural property, documents of national archival funds and original archival documents

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 9. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of encryption (cryptographic) means

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Regulations on notification of the characteristics of encryption (cryptographic) means and goods containing them

Appendix 2. to the Notification Regulations. Structure of the data file on registered notifications submitted by the approval body of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union to the Eurasian Economic Commission

Appendix 4. to the Import Regulations. List of categories of goods that are encryption (cryptographic) means or contain encryption (cryptographic) means, the technical and cryptographic characteristics of which...

III. Issuance of a license

Appendix 11. Regulations on the import of plant protection products (pesticides) into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 12. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of collection materials on mineralogy, paleontology, bones of fossil animals

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 13. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of precious stones

II. Placement under customs procedures

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Rules for state control of precious stones

Appendix 6. to the Rules. Form. Certificate on the use of natural diamonds for the production of a batch of powder under a foreign trade agreement (contract)

Appendix 14. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of precious metals and commodities containing precious metals

III. Issuance of a license

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Rules for state control of precious metals and commodities containing precious metals

Appendix 3. to the Import Regulations. The procedure for classifying nuggets of precious metals as nuggets not subject to refining

Appendix 15. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices for civilian use, including those built-in or included in other goods

On non-tariff regulation measures

Appendix 1. List of goods for which import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is prohibited

1.1. Ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances prohibited for import and export

1.9. Live sables prohibited for export

Appendix 2. List of goods for which a permitting procedure has been established for import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

2.1. Ozone Depleting Substances

2.7. Species of wild fauna and flora covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 3 March 1973 (CITES)

Table 2. Species of wild flora (FLORA (PLANTS))

2.8. Rare and endangered species of wild living animals and wild plants included in the red books of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union

Table 2. Plants

2.9. Gems

table 2

2.10. Precious metals and commodities containing precious metals

Table 3

I. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

2.30. Crop protection products and other persistent organic pollutants to be used in laboratory scale studies and as a reference standard

Appendix 3. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of human organs and tissues, blood and its components, samples of biological materials...

Appendix 4. Regulations on the export of mineral raw materials from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 5. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of wild live animals, certain wild plants and wild medicinal raw materials

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 6. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of rare and endangered species of wild living animals and wild plants included in the red books of the member states...

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 7. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of hazardous waste

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 8. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of cultural property, documents of national archival funds and original archival documents

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 9. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of encryption (cryptographic) means

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Regulations on notification of the characteristics of encryption (cryptographic) means and goods containing them

Appendix 2. to the Notification Regulations. Structure of the data file on registered notifications submitted by the approval body of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union to the Eurasian Economic Commission

Appendix 5. List of encryption (cryptographic) means, when imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union or exported from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by individuals...

III. Issuance of a license

Appendix 11. Regulations on the import of plant protection products (pesticides) into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 12. Regulations on the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of collection materials on mineralogy, paleontology, bones of fossil animals

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

Appendix 13. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of precious stones

II. Placement under customs procedures

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Rules for state control of precious stones

Appendix 6. to the Rules. Form. Certificate on the use of natural diamonds for the production of a batch of powder under a foreign trade agreement (contract)

Appendix 14. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of precious metals and raw materials containing precious metals

III. Issuance of a license

Appendix 2. to the Import Regulations. Rules for state control of precious metals and commodities containing precious metals

Appendix 3. to the Import Regulations. The procedure for classifying nuggets of precious metals as nuggets not subject to refining

Appendix 15. Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices for civilian use, including those built-in or included in other goods

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

"On amendments to the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated April 21, 2015 N 30 and invalidation of some decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission"

Revision dated 08/30/2016 — Valid from 09/30/2016


dated August 30, 2016 N 99


1. Amend the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated April 21, 2015 No. 30 “On non-tariff regulation measures” in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

2. Recognize as invalid the decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the list in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

3. This Decision comes into force after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of the Board



Regulations on the import of medicines into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union in accordance with Appendix No. 21."

Name of product EAEU HS Code
Substance Name
Group I
CF3C1 (CFC-13) trifluorochloromethane from 2903 77 900 0
C2FC15 (CFC-111) fluoropentachloroethane from 2903 77 900 0
C2F2C14 (CFC-112) difluorotetrachloroethanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3FC17 (CFC-211) fluoroheptachloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F2C16 (CFC-212) difluorohexachloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F3C15 (CFC-213) trifluoropentachloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F4C14 (CFC-214) tetrafluorotetrachloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F5C13 (CFC-215) pentafluorotrichloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F6C12 (CFC-216) hexafluorodichloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
C3F7C1 (CFC-217) heptafluorochloropropanes from 2903 77 900 0
Group II
SS14 carbon tetrachloride (CTC) or carbon tetrachloride 2903 14 000 0
Group III
C2H3C13<**> methyl chloroform (MCF), i.e. 1,1,1-trichloroethane 2903 19 100 0
Name of product EAEU HS Code
Substance Name
Group II
CHFBr2 (GBFU-21V2) fluorodibromomethane from 2903 79 210 0
CHF2Br (GBFU-22V1) difluorobromomethane from 2903 79 210 0
CH2FBr (GBFU-31V1) fluorobromomethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2HFBr4 (GBFU-21V4) fluorotetrabromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2HF2Br3 (GBFU-23VZ) difluorotribromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2HF3Br2 (GBFU-23V2) trifluorodibromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2HF4Br (GBFU-24V1) tetrafluorobromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H2FBr3 (GBFU-ZShZ) fluorotribromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H2F2Br2 (GBFU-32V2) difluorodibromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H2F3Br (GBFU-33V1) trifluorobromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H3FBr2 (GBFU-41V2) fluorodibromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H3F2Br (GBFU-42V1) difluorobromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C2H4FBr (GBFU-51V1) fluorobromoethane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HFBr6 (GBFU-21V6) fluorohexabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HF2Br5 (GBFU-22V5) difluoropentabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HF3Br4 (GBFU-23V4) trifluorotetrabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HF4Br3 (GBFU-24VZ) tetrafluorotribromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HF5Br2 (GBFU-25V2) pentafluorodibromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3HF6Br (GBFU-26V1) hexafluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H2FBr5 (GBFU-31V5) fluoropentabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H2F2Br4 (GBFU-32V4) difluorotetrabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H2F3Br3 (GBFU-33V3) trifluorotribromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H2F4Br2 (GBFU-34V2) tetrafluorodibromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H2F5Br (GBFU-35V1) pentafluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H3FBr4 (GBFU-41V4) fluorotetrabromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H3F2Br3 (GBFU-42VZ) difluorotribromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H3F3Br2 (GBFU-43V2) trifluorodibromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H3F4Br (GBFU-44V1) tetrafluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H4FBr3 (GBFU-51VZ) fluorotribromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H4F2Br2 (GBFU-52V2) difluorodibromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H4F3Br (GBFU-53V1) trifluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H5FBr2 (GBFU-61V2) fluorodibromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H5F2Br (GBFU-62V1) difluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
C3H6FBr (GBFU-71V1) fluorobromopropane from 2903 79 210 0
Group III
CH2BrCl bromochloromethane from 2903 79 900 0
Name of product EAEU HS Code
1. Cooling mixtures out of 3824 71 000 0
out of 3824 72 000 0
out of 3824 74 000 0
out of 3824 75 000 0
out of 3824 76 000 0
out of 3824 77 000 0
out of 3824 78 000 0
out of 3824 79 000 0
2. Air conditioners and heat pumps 8415 10
8415 81 00
8415 82 000 0
8418 61 00
out of 8418 69,000
3. Refrigerators from 8418 10 200
from 8418 10 800
out of 8418 50
out of 8418 69,000
4. Ice makers, milk coolers out of 8418
out of 8419
5. Freezers from 8418 10 200
from 8418 10 800
8418 30 200
8418 30 800
8418 40 200
8418 40 800
out of 8418 50
out of 8418 69,000
6. Air dryers out of 8418 69,000
from 8479 89 970 1
from 8479 89 970 8
7. Insulating boards, slabs, panels and pipe coatings are porous, using blowing agents containing ozone-depleting substances as blowing agents. out of 3921 11 000 0
out of 3921 12 000 0
out of 3921 13 100 0
out of 3921 13 900 0
out of 3921 14 000 0
out of 3921 19 000 0
8. Components, compositions based on polyesters (polyols) for the production of polyurethane foam (component A) from 3907 20 200 1
from 3907 20 200 9
9. Portable fire extinguishers out of 8424 10 000 0

<*>3a with the exception of the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and (or) export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances specified in this section, in cases established by the Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances (Appendix No. 20 to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated April 21, 2015 No. 30).”

<**>This formula does not apply to 1,1,2-trichloroethane.

<***>With the exception of products containing ozone depleting substances controlled by the system export controls a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is the state of departure (state of destination) of the specified goods.

Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU, as well as the name (physical and chemical characteristics) of the product."

"2.1. Ozone depleting substances

Name of product EAEU HS Code
Substance Name
Group I
CHFC12 (HCFC-21) fluorodichloromethane from 2903 79 110 0
CHF2C1 (HCFC-22) difluorochloromethane out of 2903 71 000 0
CH2FC1 (HCFC-31) fluorochloromethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2HFC14 (HCFC-121) fluorotetrachloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2HF2C13 (HCFC-122) difluorotrichloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2HF3C12 (HCFC-123a) trifluorodichloroethane out of 2903 72 000 0
CHC12CF3 (HCFC-123) trifluorodichloroethane out of 2903 72 000 0
C2HF4C1 (HCFC-124a) tetrafluorochloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
CHFC1CF3 (HCFC-124) tetrafluorochloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2H2FC13 (HCFC-131) fluorotrichloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2H2F2C12 (HCFC-132) difluorodichloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2H2F3C1 (HCFC-133) trifluorochloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C2H3FC12 (HCFC-141) 1-fluoro-2,2-dichloroethane out of 2903 73 000 0
CH3CFC12 (HCFC-141b) 1,1,1-fluorodichloroethane out of 2903 73 000 0
C2H3F2C1 (HCFC-142) 1-chloro, 2,2-difluoroethane out of 2903 74 000 0
CH3CF2C1 (HCFC-142b) 1,1,1-difluorochloroethane out of 2903 74 000 0
C2H4FC1 (HCFC-151) fluorochloroethane from 2903 79 110 0
C3HFC16 (HCFC-221) fluorohexachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3HF2C15 (HCFC-222) difluoropentachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3HF3C14 (HCFC-223) trifluorotetrachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3HF4C13 (HCFC-224) tetrafluorotrichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3HF5C12 (HCFC-225) pentafluorodichloropropane out of 2903 75 000 0
CF3CF2CHC12 (HCFC-225ca) 1-trifluoro, 2-difluoro, 3-dichloropropane out of 2903 75 000 0
CF2C1CF2CHC1F (HCFC-225cb) 1,1-difluorochloro,
2-difluoro, 3-dichloropropane
out of 2903 75 000 0
C3HF6C1 (HCFC-226) hexafluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H2FC15 (HCFC-231) fluoropentachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H2F2C14 (HCFC-232) difluorotetrachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H2F3C13 (HCFC-233) trifluorotrichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H2F4C12 (HCFC-234) tetrafluorodichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H2F5C1 (HCFC-235) pentafluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H3FC14 (HCFC-241) fluorotetrachloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H3F2C13 (HCFC-242) difluorotrichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H3F3C12 (HCFC-243) trifluorodichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H3F4C1 (HCFC-244) tetrafluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H4FC13 (HCFC-251) fluorotrichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H4F2C12 (HCFC-252) difluorodichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H4F3C1 (HCFC-253) trifluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H5FC12 (HCFC-261) fluorodichloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H5F2C1 (HCFC-262) difluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0
C3H6FC1 (HCFC-271) fluorochloropropane from 2903 79 110 0

Section Note. For the purposes of this section, it is necessary to be guided by both the EAEU HS code and the name (physical and chemical characteristics) of the product. ";

5. Add appendices No. 20 and No. 21 with the following content:

to the Board's Decision
Eurasian Economic Commission
dated April 21, 2015 N 30


1. These Regulations determine the procedure for import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as import, Union) and export from the customs territory of the Union (hereinafter referred to as export):

a) ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances included in section 1.1 of the single list of goods to which non-tariff regulation measures are applied in trade with third countries, provided for by the Protocol on non-tariff regulation measures in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the single list), in the following cases:

import and (or) export of ozone-depleting substances used exclusively as raw materials for the production of chemical substances that are not ozone-depleting are carried out;

ozone-depleting substances are imported and (or) exported for the purpose of their use in accordance with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer of September 16, 1987 (hereinafter referred to as the Montreal Protocol);

import and (or) export of ozone-depleting substances that are recycled, recovered and (or) disposed of are carried out;

import and (or) export of portable fire extinguishers containing substances specified in group II of list A of section 1.1 of the unified list are carried out;

transit of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances is carried out;

b) ozone-depleting substances specified in section 2.1 of the unified list.

2. For the purposes of these Regulations, the concepts used mean the following:

“products containing ozone-depleting substances” - products specified in list D of section 1.1 of the unified list and containing ozone-depleting substances specified in lists A, B, C and E of section 1.1 and in section 2.1 of the unified list;

"transit" - transportation of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances, from the customs authority at the place of arrival in the customs territory of the Union to the customs authority at the place of departure from the customs territory of the Union.

The Protocol on non-tariff regulation measures in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), international treaties included in the law of the Union, and the Montreal Protocol.

a) ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances by individuals as goods for personal use;

b) ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances specified in section 1.1 of the unified list, except for the cases provided for in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 1 of these Regulations;

c) ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances specified in section 1.1 of the single list, and ozone-depleting substances specified in section 2.1 of the single list, from states that are not parties to the Montreal Protocol, and (or) to such states, with the exception of states satisfying the requirements established by paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Montreal Protocol.

4. Import and (or) export of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances are carried out in the presence of a license issued in accordance with the Instructions for processing an application for a license for export and (or) import individual species goods and on the execution of such a license, approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 6, 2014 N 199 (hereinafter referred to as the license), or a conclusion (permit document), drawn up in the form approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 16, 2012. N 45 (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion (permit document)), except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 5 and 9 of these Regulations.

A license or conclusion (permit document) is presented to the customs authority of a member state of the Union (hereinafter referred to as the member state) upon arrival of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances into the customs territory of the Union.

5. Submission by legal entities and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as applicants) to the customs authority of a Member State of a license or conclusion (permit document) is not required in the following cases:

a) import and (or) export of ozone-depleting substances transported along with air, sea (river), road, railway vehicles for the purpose and in the quantities necessary to ensure normal operation of the equipment and technical devices this vehicle, including for refueling, refueling refrigeration equipment, air conditioning systems, fire extinguishing equipment and other equipment, and technical devices for the operation of which in accordance with technical characteristics ozone depleting substances are required;

b) import and (or) export of products containing ozone-depleting substances and used as supplies, in the quantity necessary to ensure normal operation of equipment and technical devices of air, sea (river), and railway vehicles;

c) import and (or) export of products containing ozone-depleting substances transported by a motor vehicle in quantities necessary to ensure normal operation of the equipment and technical devices of this vehicle.

6. Placement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under customs procedures for export or release for domestic consumption is carried out upon presentation of a license to the customs authority of the Member State.

7. Placement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under customs procedures for processing in the customs territory, processing outside the customs territory, processing for domestic consumption, destruction, as well as re-import and re-export in order to complete the customs procedures for processing outside the customs territory and processing in customs territory, accordingly, is carried out upon submission of a conclusion (permit document) to the customs authority of the Member State.

8. Placement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under the customs procedures of a customs warehouse, customs transit for their transportation from the customs authority at the place of arrival in the customs territory of the Union to the internal customs authority, as well as for transportation from the internal customs authority to the customs authority in place of departure from the customs territory of the Union is carried out in the presence of a license or conclusion (permit document) submitted to the customs authority of a Member State for placing ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under other customs procedures.

9. Placement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under the customs procedure of customs transit for their transportation from the customs authority at the place of arrival in the customs territory of the Union to the customs authority at the place of departure from the customs territory of the Union is carried out without submitting a license to the customs authority of the Member State or conclusion (permit document).

10. Placement of ozone-depleting substances and products containing ozone-depleting substances under customs procedures of temporary import (admission), temporary export, duty-free trade, refusal in favor of the state, free customs zone, free warehouse, as well as under customs procedures of re-import and re-export, with the exception of the cases provided for in paragraph 7 of these Regulations are not allowed.

III. Issuance of a license

a) a copy of the agreement (contract) for the provision of intermediary services (if the applicant is an intermediary);

b) copies of documents certifying the compliance of products containing ozone-depleting substances imported into the customs territory of the Union with the mandatory requirements provided for by the Regulations on the procedure for importation into the customs territory Customs Union products (goods) for which mandatory requirements are established within the Customs Union, approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 25, 2012 N 294, or a written notification from the manufacturer (producer) that the ozone-depleting substances and (or) produced by it products containing ozone-depleting substances meet the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they were produced (a copy of the quality certificate, or safety (quality) data sheet, or quality certificate certified by the manufacturer (manufacturer) is submitted as a written notification);

12. Copies of documents submitted by the applicant must be certified in the manner prescribed by paragraph 11 of the Rules.

13. If, in accordance with the legislation of a Member State, the decision to issue a license is made authorized body in agreement with another body state power of this Member State (hereinafter referred to as the approving body), then such approval is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of this Member State.

The applicant, if provided for by the legislation of the Member State, submits to the approving authority the documents specified in paragraph 11 of these Regulations. In this case, the documents specified in subparagraphs “a” - “g” of paragraph 11 of these Regulations are not submitted to the authorized body.

Coordination can be carried out by issuing a conclusion (permit document).

if a Member State reaches the calculated level of consumption of ozone-depleting substances established by the Montreal Protocol for each Member State;

in case of refusal of the approving body to approve the application for a license.

15. The applicant who has received a license keeps records of ozone-depleting substances, including those contained in products specified in list D of section 1.1 of the unified list, and annually, before February 1 of the year following the reporting year, submits them to the approving authority of the state in whose territory it registered, report in the form according to the appendix.

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

16. The issuance of an opinion (permit document) is carried out by the public authority of the member state authorized in accordance with the legislation of the Member State to issue opinions (permit documents) in the manner determined by the legislation of that state.

17. An opinion (permit document) is issued when the applicant submits the following documents and information to the public authority of the member state authorized in accordance with the legislation of the Member State for issuing opinions (permit documents):


b) a copy of the agreement (contract), and in the absence of an agreement (contract) - a copy of another document confirming the intentions of the parties;

c) a copy of the current cargo insurance policy or other document provided for by the legislation of the Member State confirming that the applicant importing ozone-depleting substances and (or) products containing ozone-depleting substances provides guarantees in the event of damage to human health and (or) environment;

d) in case of import of disposed and (or) recycled ozone-depleting substances for the purpose of recovery:

a copy of the agreement (contract) with the organization on the recovery of ozone-depleting substances (to be submitted if the recovery will not be carried out by the applicant);

copies of documents confirming that the organization that plans to restore ozone-depleting substances has recovery equipment in accordance with the requirements established by the decisions of the states parties to the Montreal Protocol;

e) in case of import of utilized and (or) recycled ozone-depleting substances for the purpose of destruction:

a copy of the agreement (contract) with the organization on the destruction of ozone-depleting substances (to be submitted if the destruction will not be carried out by the applicant);

copies of documents confirming that the organization that plans to destroy ozone-depleting substances has destruction equipment in accordance with the technologies for the destruction of ozone-depleting substances approved by the decisions of the states parties to the Montreal Protocol;

f) in case of import of ozone-depleting substances for use as raw materials - a letter from the applicant confirming the use of ozone-depleting substances exclusively as raw materials for the production of chemicals that are not ozone-depleting, or a copy of the agreement (contract) with an organization that will use ozone-depleting substances exclusively as raw materials for the production of non-ozone depleting chemicals;

g) information confirming that the movement of ozone-depleting substances is carried out in reusable containers (if the legislation of the Member State establishes a ban on the import and (or) export of ozone-depleting substances in single-use containers).

18. The issuance of a conclusion (permit) is refused if there are the following grounds:

a) failure by the applicant to submit the documents provided for in paragraph 17 of these Regulations;

c) other grounds provided for by the legislation of the member state, including for the purpose of implementing its international obligations.

Advertisement in the territory in which it is registered, a report in the form according to the appendix.

to the Regulations on import to customs
territory of the Eurasian economic
union and export from the customs territory
Eurasian Economic Union
ozone-depleting substances and products,
containing ozone depleting substances



Name of legal entity or individual entrepreneur Name of the ozone-depleting substance (hereinafter - OPB), mixture of ODS (percentage composition of the mixture), purpose of import/export of ODS Volume of ODS residues at the beginning of the reporting year (tons) Quantity of ODS produced (tons) Import of ODS Removal of ODS Quantity of ODS used (including sold) (tons) Volume of ODS residues at the end of the reporting year (tons)
quantity (tons) names of ODS manufacturer and supplier addresses of ODS manufacturer and supplier quantity (tons) recipient's name recipient address, country
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

to the Board's Decision
Eurasian Economic Commission
dated April 21, 2015 N 30


I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as import, Union) of medicines included in section 2.14 of the single list of goods to which non-tariff regulation measures are applied in trade with third countries, provided for by the Protocol on non-tariff regulation measures in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as medicines, a single list).

This Regulation does not apply to the import of medicines that are narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

The import of medicines that are narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, included in section 2.12 of the single list, is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the import into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and the export from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (Appendix No. 10 to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated April 21, 2015 No. 30).

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, registered medicinal products mean medicinal products included in single register registered medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union, provided for in Article 14 of the Agreement on common principles and rules for the circulation of medicines within the Eurasian Economic Union dated December 23, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the unified register), or included in the corresponding state register of medicines of a member state of the Union (hereinafter referred to as - Member State) in accordance with the legislation of that State.

Other concepts used in these Regulations are used in the meanings defined by the Protocol on non-tariff regulatory measures in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and international treaties included in the law of the Union.

3. Import of registered medicines is carried out if there is information about the inclusion of medicines in the unified register or in the relevant state register of medicines of the Member State (hereinafter referred to as information about inclusion in the register), except for the cases provided for in paragraph two of this paragraph and clauses 4 and 8 of these Regulations.

Import of registered medicines in the case provided for in subparagraph "e" of clause 11 of these Regulations, and medicines in the case provided for in subclause "h" of clause 11 of these Regulations, as well as unregistered medicines is carried out in the presence of a conclusion (permit document), except in cases provided for in paragraphs 4 and 8 of these Regulations.

The conclusion (permit document) is issued in the form approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 16, 2012 No. 45.

4. Submission to the customs authority of a Member State of information on inclusion in the register or conclusion (permit document) is not required in the following cases:

a) import by individuals of registered and unregistered medicines as goods for personal use;

b) import of registered and unregistered medicines for the treatment of passengers and crew members Vehicle, train crews and drivers of vehicles arriving in the customs territory of the Union, in the first aid kits of these vehicles in a limited quantity determined by the legislation of the state of their registration, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Member State;

c) import of registered and unregistered medicines for the treatment of participants in official international cultural and sporting events and participants in international expeditions, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Member State.

II. Placement under customs procedures

5. The placement of registered medicines under the customs procedures of release for domestic consumption, processing for domestic consumption, re-import and refusal in favor of the state is carried out upon submission of information on inclusion in the register to the customs authority of the Member State, with the exception of the placement of medicines under customs procedures in accordance with clauses 6 and 7 of these Regulations.

6. The placement of registered medicines in the case provided for in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 11 of these Regulations, and unregistered medicines under the customs procedures of release for domestic consumption, processing for domestic consumption, re-import, refusal in favor of the state and temporary import (admission) is carried out when submission of a conclusion (permit document) to the customs authority of a Member State.

7. In the case provided for in subparagraph "h" of paragraph 11 of these Regulations, the placement of medicines under the customs procedures of release for domestic consumption, processing for domestic consumption, re-import, refusal in favor of the state and temporary import (admission) is carried out upon presentation to the customs authority of the state - member of the conclusion (permit document).

8. When placing medicines under customs procedures for processing in the customs territory, customs warehouse, free customs zone, free warehouse, destruction, customs transit, as well as registered medicines

funds for the customs procedure of temporary import (admission), submission to the customs authority of the Member State of information on inclusion in the register or conclusion (permit document) is not required.

9. Placement of medicines under the customs procedure of duty-free trade is not allowed.

III. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

10. The issuance of an opinion (permit document) is carried out by a public authority of a member state authorized in accordance with the legislation of a Member State to issue opinions (permit documents) in the manner determined by the legislation of that Member State.

11. The conclusion (permit document) is issued to legal entities, individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs, as well as in cases provided for by the legislation of the Member State, foreign organizations- manufacturers of medicines represented by authorized representative offices (branches) or their authorized representatives (hereinafter referred to as applicants) in the following cases:

a) import of unregistered medicines intended for examination of medicines;

b) import of unregistered medicines intended for registration of medicines;

c) import of unregistered medicines intended to provide medical care according to life

indications of a particular patient or provision of medical care to a limited number of patients with a rare and (or) particularly severe pathology;

d) import of unregistered medicines intended to prevent and (or) eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

e) import of unregistered medicines intended to provide humanitarian aid (assistance) and (or) assistance in emergency situations, if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member State;

f) import of registered medicines intended to provide humanitarian assistance (assistance) and (or) assistance in emergency situations, if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member State;

g) importation of unregistered medicines intended for exhibitions without the right to further sell them;

h) importation of a specific batch of medicines intended for clinical trials and (or) tests, if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member State;

i) import of unregistered medicines intended for the introduction of innovative medical technologies, scientific and other research and development in medicine, if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

12. An opinion (permit document) is issued when the applicant submits the following documents and information to the public authority of the member state authorized in accordance with the legislation of the Member State for issuing opinions (permit documents):

a) a draft conclusion (permit document), drawn up in accordance with the guidelines for filling out a unified conclusion form (permit document) for the import, export and transit of certain goods included in the Unified List of Goods to which bans or restrictions on import or export by states apply - members of the Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community in trade with third countries, approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of May 16, 2012 N 45;

b) copies of the agreement (contract), annex and (or) addition to it, and in the absence of an agreement (contract) - a copy of another document confirming the intentions of the parties;

c) other documents and information provided for by the legislation of the member state.

13. The issuance of a conclusion (permit) is refused if the following grounds exist:

a) failure by the applicant to submit the documents specified in paragraph 12 of these Regulations;

b) the presence of incomplete or unreliable information in the documents submitted by the applicant to obtain an opinion (permit);

c) other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Member State."

6. In the numbered heading of Appendix No. 20 to the said Decision

3. Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated March 5, 2013 N 30 “On amendments to section 1.1 of the Unified List of Goods to which bans or restrictions on import or export are applied by member states of the Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community in trade with third parties countries."

5. Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 18, 2014 N 235 “On amendments to the Regulations on the application of restrictions.”

Appendix No. 11
to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission
dated April 21, 2015 N 30


List of changing documents
(introduced by decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 6, 2015 N 131)

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for importing into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as import, Union) plant protection products (pesticides) included in section 2.2 of the unified list of goods to which non-tariff regulation measures are applied in trade with third countries provided for by the Protocol on measures of non-tariff regulation in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014).

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, plant protection products (pesticides) mean chemical and (or) biological preparations (insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-emergence agents and plant growth regulators, defoliants, desiccants) used to combat pests and plant diseases , weeds, pests of stored agricultural products, as well as for seed treatment, pre-harvest drying, leaf removal and plant growth regulation.

Other concepts used in these Regulations are used in the meanings defined by the Protocol on non-tariff regulatory measures in relation to third countries (Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and international treaties included in the law of the Union.

3. Import of plant protection products (pesticides) is carried out in the presence of a license issued in accordance with the Instructions on the execution of an application for a license for the export and (or) import of certain types of goods and on the execution of such a license, approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 6 2014 N 199 (hereinafter referred to as the license), or a conclusion (permit document) drawn up in the form approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 16, 2012 N 45 (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion (permit document)), except for cases of import plant protection products (pesticides) in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Regulations.

A license or conclusion (permit document) is presented to the customs authority of a member state of the Union (hereinafter referred to as the member state) upon arrival of plant protection products (pesticides) into the customs territory of the Union, except for the case provided for in paragraph 7 of these Regulations.

4. Import by individuals of plant protection products (pesticides) as goods for personal use is prohibited.

II. Placement under customs procedures

5. Plant protection products (pesticides) registered in accordance with the legislation of the Member State are placed under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption upon presentation of a license to the customs authority of the Member State.

Placement of unregistered plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption is carried out upon submission of a conclusion (permit document) to the customs authority of the Member State.

6. Placement of plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of customs transit for the transportation of plant protection products (pesticides) from the customs authority at the place of arrival in the customs territory of the Union to the internal customs authority is carried out in the presence of a license or conclusion (permit document) submitted to the customs authority Member State for placing plant protection products (pesticides) under other customs procedures.

7. Placement of plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of customs transit for the transportation of plant protection products (pesticides) from the customs authority at the place of arrival in the customs territory of the Union to the customs authority at the place of departure from the customs territory of the Union is carried out without presentation to the customs authority of the Member State license or conclusion (permit document).

8. Placement of plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse is carried out in the presence of a license or conclusion (permit document) submitted to the customs authority of the Member State for the placement of such plant protection products (pesticides) under other customs procedures, or in the presence of a conclusion ( permit document) submitted to the customs authority of a Member State for placing plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse.

9. Placement of plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedure of re-import is carried out upon submission of a conclusion (permit document) to the customs authority of the Member State.

10. Placement of plant protection products (pesticides) under the customs procedures of duty-free trade, destruction, refusal in favor of the state, processing in the customs territory, processing for domestic consumption, free customs zone, free warehouse and temporary import (admission) is not allowed.

III. Issuance of a license

11. To obtain a license, legal entities and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as applicants) submit to the authorized body of the Member State in whose territory the applicant is registered the documents and information specified in subparagraphs 1 - 5 of paragraph 10 of the Issuance Rules licenses and permits for the export and (or) import of goods (appendix to Appendix No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

12. Copies of documents submitted by the applicant must be certified in the manner prescribed by paragraph 11 of the Rules.

13. If, in accordance with the legislation of a Member State, a decision to issue a license is made by an authorized body in agreement with another government body of this Member State (hereinafter referred to as the coordinating body), then such approval is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of this Member State .

The applicant, if provided for by the legislation of the Member State, submits to the approving authority the documents provided for in paragraph 11 of these Regulations, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

Coordination can be carried out by issuing a conclusion (permit document).

14. The issuance of a license is refused if there are grounds provided for in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 14 of the Rules, as well as in accordance with subparagraph 6 of paragraph 14 of the Rules - in the event of a refusal by the approving body to approve the application for a license.

IV. Issuance of a conclusion (permit document)

15. The issuance of an opinion (permit document) is carried out by the body of a member state authorized to issue opinions (permit documents) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of that state, in the following cases:

a) importation of samples of unregistered plant protection products (pesticides) for registration (small-plot and production tests) and (or) scientific research;

b) import of unregistered plant protection products (pesticides) to eliminate outbreaks of newly identified quarantine pests, if this is provided for by the legislation of the Member State;

c) provided for in paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Regulations.

16. An opinion (permit) is issued in the cases provided for in paragraph 15 of these Regulations, when the applicant submits the following documents to the body authorized to issue opinions (permits) of the Member State:

a) draft conclusion (permit document), drawn up in accordance with methodological instructions on filling out a unified conclusion form (permit document) for the import, export and transit of certain goods included in the Unified List of Goods to which prohibitions or restrictions on import or export are applied by member states of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community in trade with third countries, approved by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 16, 2012 N 45;

b) other documents provided for by the legislation of the Member State.

17. The issuance of a conclusion (permit) is refused if there are the following grounds:

a) failure by the applicant to submit the documents provided for in paragraph 16 of these Regulations;

b) the presence of incomplete or unreliable information in the documents submitted by the applicant to obtain an opinion (permit);

c) other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Member State.