Tested for myself. Opening an online deposit in Belagroprombank

To conduct transactions with foreign currency, the branch of OJSC Belagroprombank in Smolevichi opens accounts presented in the Appendix!!!.

The procedure for opening accounts is regulated by the Rules for banks opening accounts for clients in the Republic of Belarus, approved by a resolution of the Board National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated September 28, 2000 No. 24.12.

To open an account in foreign currency, a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) submits to the bank:

* application for opening an account (for a charitable account, the purpose of use must be indicated Money from the account);

* a copy of the charter with a stamp indicating the holding state registration;

* a copy of the state registration certificate - for an individual entrepreneur;

* card with samples of signatures and seal impressions (Appendix 80).

To open accounts in foreign currency, an individual must present an identification document. To open a charitable account, documents confirming the need to open such an account are also submitted.

When the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus changes the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to foreign currencies, all assets and liabilities of the balance sheet accounted for in foreign currency are revalued. Liabilities formed through currency funds received in previous years. Balance sheet items are revalued daily at the beginning of the working day. The procedure for accounting for exchange rate differences is presented in Appendix 66.

When calculating interest on current (settlement) accounts in a foreign currency, the actual number of calendar days is accepted and all changes in the amount of interest made by the Bank during the term of the Agreement are taken into account.

Interest is calculated monthly on the last working day of the month. The amount of accrued interest on current (settlement) accounts is added by the bank independently (without instructions/instructions from the account owner and without the written consent of the account owner) to the balance of funds in the account, and further interest accrual is made on the new balance of funds in the account.

When closing an account, interest is accrued and paid in full in accordance with the terms of the current (current) account agreement.

Current (settlement) account, special accounts legal entities And individual entrepreneurs are opened on balance sheet accounts 3012 “Current (settlement) accounts of commercial organizations” and 3013 “Current (settlement) accounts of individual entrepreneurs”.

Accounting for receipts in foreign currency to customer accounts is presented in Appendix 67.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 17, 2006 No. 452 “On compulsory sale foreign currency» an obligation has been established for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to carry out the mandatory sale of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 30% of the amount of revenue in foreign currency received in their accounts.

According to the Instruction on the procedure for the mandatory sale of foreign currency on the domestic foreign exchange market, September 13, 2006 No. 129, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur submits to the bank no later than 7 working days from the date of receipt:

§ register of foreign currency distribution (Appendix 68);

§ payment order for the amount of foreign currency subject to sale on the stock exchange as a compulsory sale (Appendix 69);

§ payment order for an amount of foreign currency less than the lot established at the exchange auction, for sale to the bank on account of a mandatory sale (if the amount of foreign currency subject to mandatory sale is less than 1000 units);

§ payment order for the transfer of foreign currency from a transit account to the account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur for whom a transit account is opened, for the amount remaining after the mandatory sale (Appendix 70).

Based on the documents provided, the compulsory sale foreign currency in the manner established by the Instruction on the procedure for the mandatory sale of foreign currency on the domestic foreign exchange market of September 13, 2006 No. 129.

The President of the Republic of Belarus has established cases when the mandatory sale of foreign currency arriving at the account of a legal entity - a bank client - is not carried out (Appendix 71).

Legal entities have the right to buy foreign currency on the domestic foreign exchange market of the Republic of Belarus or on the over-the-counter market.

When purchasing foreign currency on the exchange (over-the-counter) foreign exchange market: the legal entity submits to the executing bank an application for the purchase of foreign currency in two copies (Appendix 72), as well as copies of documents confirming the basis for the purchase of foreign currency.

On the over-the-counter foreign exchange market, a legal entity has the right to purchase foreign currency from a bank that is an executing bank or from a selling bank. When purchasing foreign currency from the selling bank, the application is submitted in triplicate.

Purchased foreign currency must be used for its intended purpose within 7 working days starting from the day following the day of its purchase. The period for storing foreign currency in a special account can be increased to 30 working days (inclusive) with the permission of the National Bank.

In case of non-use of the purchased foreign currency before the expiration established deadlines its storage in a special account, the client is obliged to carry out a reverse sale of this foreign currency to the executing bank on the exchange or over-the-counter foreign exchange market.

To carry out international payments, international correspondent relations are established. When establishing international correspondent relations, a decentralized payment method is used (using payment orders in foreign currency). Accounting for international payments is presented in Appendix 73.

The branch of OJSC Belagroprombank in Smolevichi provides loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in foreign currency.

The procedure for granting a loan in foreign currency is established in clause 10 of the Instruction on the procedure for the provision (placement) of funds by banks in the form of a loan and their return, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on December 30, 2003 No. 226 and Chapter. 11 Instructions on the procedure for providing business entities with funds in the form of a loan and their return in the system of OJSC Belagroprombank, approved by the decision of the Board of OJSC Belagroprombank dated 08/05/2010, protocol No. 44.

The procedure for reflecting in accounting operations the provision, receipt and repayment of loans in foreign currency is provided for by the Instructions for accounting operations of granting and receiving loans by banks and their repayment, approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2007 No. 107 (Appendix 74), Instructions for accounting of transactions in foreign currency of banks of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated December 26, 2007 N 398 (Appendix 75), regulatory legal acts The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, which regulate the procedure for conducting transactions in foreign currency and their reflection in accounting.

The basis for issuing a loan is the loan agreement.

To obtain a loan in foreign currency, a legal entity provides the following documents to the bank:

1. Application or application for a loan;

2. Balance sheet with all attachments to it;

3. Balance sheet as of the last quarterly date;

4. Copies of the agreement or other documents confirming the transactions being financed;

5. Additionally, data is provided on the expected receipt and use of foreign currency;

6. Information on ensuring the fulfillment of obligations.

Legal entities whose current accounts are opened in other banks, in addition to the above documents, provide the bank with documents for opening a current account.

The decision to issue a loan is considered within 7 days.

To record loans issued to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, accounts 212 and 213, 232 and 233 groups are used.

Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under loan agreement affects off-balance sheet accounts: 99551 “Pledge in which the collateral remains with the pledgor”; 99553 “Pledge of goods in circulation”; 99034 “Bank requirements for guarantees and sureties.”

Interest on the loan is accrued for the period from the date the loan is issued to the day preceding repayment. Interest rate, billing period and the frequency of interest payments are established by agreement.

Interest is calculated in accordance with the Rules for the calculation of interest in banks of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2000 N 31.3g (Appendix 76). The procedure for recording transactions for issuance, interest and repayment foreign currency loan(For example long term loan commercial organization) is given in Appendix 77.

The branch of OJSC Belagroprombank in Smolevichi carries out foreign exchange transactions with the participation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with non-cash foreign currency, as well as individuals with cash foreign currency.

Foreign exchange transactions include:

§ purchase of foreign currency - exchange of Belarusian rubles by banks of the subject foreign exchange transactions, bank, non-resident bank for foreign currency according to established exchange rates;

§ sale of foreign currency - exchange of foreign currency by banks of a subject of foreign exchange transactions, bank, non-resident bank into Belarusian rubles at established exchange rates;

§ foreign currency conversion - exchange by banks of one type of foreign currency of a subject of foreign exchange transactions, bank, non-resident bank for another type of foreign currency at established exchange rates.

When purchasing foreign currency, the client represents:

Application for the purchase of foreign currency (on paper - 2 copies, in the form electronic document- 1 copy);

Copies of documents serving as the basis for purchasing currency.

When selling - an application for sale (on paper - 2 copies, in the form of an electronic document - 1 copy)

The procedure for carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is established by the resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated July 28, 2005. No. 112 "On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", the Procedure for the treasury of OJSC Belagroprombank to carry out currency exchange transactions with non-cash foreign currency on the over-the-counter market, approved by the decision of the Board of OJSC Belagroprombank dated 23.12 .2009 N 79 (Appendix 78) and other local regulations.

The purchase of currency by a bank on its own behalf and at its own expense is reflected in accounting in accordance with Chapter. 7, 8 The procedure for the treasury of JSC Belagroprombank to carry out foreign exchange transactions with non-cash foreign currency on the over-the-counter market, approved by the decision of the Board of JSC Belagroprombank dated December 23, 2009 N 79 (Appendix 78).

Banks carry out currency exchange operations with the participation of individuals at exchange offices and cash desks.

The procedure for carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of individuals, organizing the work of exchange offices and cash desks are established by the Instruction on the procedure for carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of individuals and organizing the work of exchange offices, cash desks during such operations, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.02.2011 No. 35 (Appendix 79), local regulations of the Bank.

Before the start of the working day, an order for the bank is established and brought to exchange office(cash desks) rates of purchase, sale, conversion of foreign currency (Appendix 80). The established rates are recorded by the cashier in the journal of established rates.

The purchase, sale, conversion of cash foreign currency is carried out with the cashier filling out the register of purchased foreign currency (Appendix 81), the register of sold foreign currency (Appendix 82), and the register of foreign currency conversion (Appendix 83).

At the end of the working day, the cashier draws up a reporting certificate, attaches registers of transactions performed for the day and submits it to the bank to reflect the transactions in accounting.

The procedure for recording the purchase, sale (conversion) of cash foreign currency is given in Appendix 84.

Charity card “Touch” from Belagroprombank. We liked the test results, so we decided to continue our experiments with remote use of the products of this financial institution...

Tester's word. Receiving a card

To become a client of the bank and get a new card, I didn’t even need to get up from the table. A couple of clicks in Internet banking were enough

So, first, let's get a remotely issued card. It turns out that you can pick it up at any nearest Belagroprombank office. I chose the Department banking services private clients of the branch of OJSC Belagroprombank - Minsk City Directorate. It is located in the center of the capital, at st. Romanovskaya Sloboda, 8.

The office turned out to be modern and high-status. The high ceilings and the huge spacious hall immediately catch your eye. The picture is added by friendly consultants at the entrance.

Soft black leather sofas, no queues, a glass spiral staircase, an electronic information stand where you can learn about the latest news from the bank and personal accounts We made the visit memorable for every client.

I didn’t have to wait in long lines, the specialists at the branch served me quickly - all I had to do was sign the contract and pay at the cashier for the card.

So, I received the card. Now let's find out what other remote services Belagroprombank has prepared for its clients?

How to easily and quickly connect to mobile banking?

Let me remind you that I have already registered in the Belagroprombank Internet bank, and I did it with the help of MSI. However, the pace modern life It doesn’t always allow me to get to a computer, so I personally prefer to use mobile applications.

With their help, you can check your balance on the way to the store, view your account statement immediately after making a purchase, or pay utility bills on the way from work - all this is just a couple of clicks on your phone.

Register in mobile banking possible remotely. You just need to download the application Google Play , App Store or Windows Store.

To register in the application you will need personal number, which can be found in your passport and the code word for the card - let me remind you, you came up with it yourself when you issued the card.

You can either log in using your online banking username and password, or register online through the application.

Since I had previously registered in the Internet banking system, the application told me that I could log in with the same username and password, so everything could have been very simple for me. But I forgot my password, so I had to use the function for those who forget and complete the registration process by creating a new username and password.

An important element of registration is the installation of a mobile key. You will need to enter your mobile key every time you pay through the app, so don't confuse it with your login password.

To confirm your registration, you will receive an SMS with a special code to your phone number, which you will need to enter at the very end of the mini-questionnaire.

After completing registration, you need to remember that the new login and password are used not only for mobile application, but also in Internet banking, and the old ones can now be forgotten.

To enter the application, you don’t need to enter your username and password every time; you just need to come up with a five-digit digital combination, after which the start page will immediately open in front of you mobile banking with all issued products.

I found my new “Touch” card on the main page.

Another one new service— opening a deposit online

In addition to remote issuance of cards, Belagroprombank today offers clients another online service - opening a deposit. And, as usual, we will test it for ourselves :)

Personally, I believe that online deposits are banking service, which can significantly make the client’s life easier, and most importantly, save his precious time. See for yourself:

  • Now, to make a deposit, you don’t need to go to bank office
  • You can open a deposit directly in the mobile application, on the way to or from work. By the way, you don’t need a computer either :)

Yes, and making a deposit turned out to be quite easy.

To do this, I went to the section "Accounts" and clicked the icon «+» . Then I studied the offers from the list of online deposits that opened. They can be easily sorted by various criteria, for example, by the currency of the deposit or its type: revocable / irrevocable.

Today Belagroprombank offers to open both revocable deposits, which can be withdrawn early, and irrevocable ones, for which the rates will be higher. Deposits are available for different periods and in different currencies: Belarusian rubles, dollars, euros and Russian rubles.

I like it time deposit V Belarusian rubles"@gro" for 35 days at a rate of 5%. I'll open it.

The best part is that you can make a deposit in literally a minute; you don’t even have to fill out long forms or enter your passport details again, as is usually done at the branch. You just need to check the information about you that is already in the bank and confirm it.

Then all that remains is to enter an initial fee for deposit. In my case it is 50 BYN. I confirmed the operation with the mobile key that I came up with during registration - done!

My new deposit immediately appeared in the section "Accounts" By the way, you can top up your deposit from any bank card and view your account statement in the same section; just a couple of clicks are enough.

A little later I noticed that the contribution appeared not only in the section "Accounts", but also on the main page, where you can also track its balance, view the statement, and, of course, make additional contributions. Personally, I really liked this arrangement :)

What happens at the end of the deposit? Another convenient feature is that after the deposit expires, the money will go back to the account from which the deposit was originally made. Both the principal amount and the amount of accrued interest will be returned to the card.

Tester's personal opinion

Modern realities are such that smart mobile applications have become firmly established in our lives. Like any modern person, I prefer to manage my finances using mobile gadgets that are always at hand.

I really liked that now, without leaving home, you can not only apply for a Belagroprombank card, but also use other remote service options.

So I found out that registering in a mobile bank takes a couple of minutes. At the same time, you can not only check your balance, track the movement of funds on your card or pay bills from anywhere in the world, but also earn money remotely.

Indeed, in the Belagroprombank mobile application you can find a large list of deposits, including deposits in various currencies and for different periods. To get them, you no longer have to go to the bank. All you need to do is choose the deposit that suits you best and make the minimum payment.

The deposit will open instantly, and you can immediately top it up or view a statement of the new account.

But the best part is that when the deposit period expires, the money, along with interest, will return to your card. And again, you don't have to go to the bank.

Over the past few years, Belagroprombank has acquired the main features of a diversified credit institution. His clients include not only individuals, but also large enterprises from different industry sectors. At the moment, interactions with other financial organizations are clearly established.

Many people consider Belagroprombank deposits as an additional source of income. The institution has developed for them a large number of special programs.


One of the interesting offers for individuals is the fixed-term irrevocable deposit “Maximum”. It does not provide for any special conditions and benefits for individual categories citizens. The main term depends on the monetary units in which the account is opened. Interest is added to the principal amount of the deposit or transferred to the account.

Options Currency
Belorussian rubles Russian rubles American dollars Euro
Rate in percent 11,5 7,5 2,6 1,6
Minimum amount 1000 30000 500 500
Duration in days 370 735 735 735
Possibility of replenishing your account No Eat
Expense transactions Not provided

Attention: In addition, you can familiarize yourself with . The institution is the largest in Belarus.

"Maximum Plus"

Of all the deposits of Belagroprombank, this one should be highlighted. An account is opened by means of a non-cash transfer of funds. There are three major currencies available to consumers. The accrued interest is added to the amount that was deposited when opening the account.

Options Currency
Russian rubles U.S. dollars Euro
Interest rate 8 3 2
Minimum amount 100000 1000 1000
Duration in days 735
Possibility of replenishing your account Absent
Withdrawals under the program Impossible

Important: to find, you need to compare several programs with each other at once, and then select the offer that implies the highest rate.


To open a deposit, it is proposed to use a remote method. There is no need to visit a bank branch, just go to the website and make a deposit in 5 steps. The timing of this program varies. Consumers can choose the most suitable time period. As the period increases, the rate increases.

Options Currency
Belorussian rubles American dollars Russian rubles Euro
Set bet size 5-8 0,7-1,6 3-4,1 0,2-0,5
Minimum amount 50 25 2000 25
Duration in days 35-370
Refill Allowed for deposits with a period of 95-370 days
Partial claim of money Not provided

"@gro irrevocable"

Another option with the possibility of remote opening. It differs from the previous Belagroprombank deposit higher rates. As for the other conditions, they are very similar. However, it should be noted that in this case there is no possibility of replenishing the set.

Options Currency
Belorussian rubles U.S. dollars Russian rubles Euro
Bet range 5,5-11,5 0,7-2,6 3-6,5 0,3-1,8
Minimum amount 50 25 2000 25
Duration in days 35-370
Deposit replenishment Impossible
Expense transactions Not allowed

For your information: not so easy to find. There is a huge amount on the market banking offers, which have completely different conditions and rates.


Within the existing deposit interest rate may be variable or fixed. You can choose one of four available monetary units. When opening a deposit for more than a long period It is possible to replenish your account.

Options Currency
Belorussian rubles Euro American dollars Russian rubles
Fixed rate 6-7 0,4-1 0,6-2,1 4,5-5
Variable rate 9,1-11,5 0,6-1,8 0,9-2,7 4,5-6,5
Minimum contribution 50 50 50 3000
Term at a fixed rate (in days) 95-735
Term at variable rate (in days) 95-1110
Deposit replenishment Provided only for periods of 735 days
Withdrawing money under the program Not allowed

On a note: Although the American dollar is not , it is in demand in many countries. This currency unit occupies a leading position in liquidity.

"Growth Line 3.0. Up to a year"

Considering the deposits of Belagroprombank, one cannot help but highlight the improved savings program, which opens up new opportunities for clients. Interest on the deposit is paid in cash or by transfer to the specified account.

Options Currency
Belorussian rubles U.S. dollars Russian rubles Euro
Deposit rate 4-7,9 0,6-1,2 2-4 0,1-0,3
Minimum contribution 10 10 500 10
Duration in days 35, 95, 185 and 280
Possibility of replenishing your account Available for deposits for a period of 95 days or more
Carrying out expense transactions No provided

"Growth Line 3.0. Over a year"

The deposit is similar in many respects to the previous option, but the terms in this case are significantly increased. As for interest charges, they are added monthly to the principal amount or transferred to the account reflected directly in the application.

Options Currency
Rubles RB U.S. dollars Russian rubles Euro
Interest rate 8 1,5-2 4 0,4-0,5
Minimum contribution 10 10 500 10
Duration in days 370, 735 or 1110
Depositing money after opening an account Maybe
Partial withdrawal Not allowed

Interesting: the listed deposits can be compared with . The institution offers special programs with additional opportunities for individuals.


For older people who are issued state benefits and pensions, Belagroprombank offers a special product. The deposit is available to clients at the place of registration of the “Zabota” pension account. Only Belarusian rubles are used as the base currency.

Basic conditions:

  • fixed rate - 7,9% ;
  • minimally available amount is 10 rubles of the Republic of Belarus;
  • the standard storage period for money is 270 days;
  • account replenishment is possible within 235 days after opening a deposit;
  • partial recovery of funds is permissible.

Additionally: for comparison you can take . Within the framework of the developed programs, there are quite attractive offers for the majority of consumers.

"Deposit card"

When registering a deposit account, a plastic card is issued MasterCard Standard. Money can be stored on the card both in Belarusian rubles and American dollars or European currency.

Conditions for opening a deposit:

  • bid - 4% when stored in rubles of the Republic of Belarus, 0,7% - in US dollars, 0,1% - In Euro;
  • the minimum amount is 100 units for all currencies;
  • the card is valid for 315 days;
  • period - 360 days;
  • account replenishment is allowed using a card;
  • there is a possibility partial withdrawal money.

Let's sum it up

It can be noted that there are quite a lot of options for opening Belagroprombank deposits, so most consumers will be able to find the optimal solution for themselves. Special attention deserve offers with higher rates, since in this case it will be possible to get the highest income.

For many clients, the option with deposit card. With its help, it is possible to carry out incoming and outgoing transactions, which is very convenient for citizens.