Sber card balance. Checking the balance of a bank card: ways to request the balance

Hello, dear readers of Ruslan Miftakhov’s blog! Often you urgently need to find out the amount remaining on your plastic card, and a mobile application or ATM is not always available.

How to check your balance bank card in a similar situation? You will find the answer in today's article. Let's look at all the ways to check the amount on an account.

Modern financial institutions offer several ways to assess the current balance of funds on plastic for cardholders. There are generally five options available:

  1. Through an ATM.
  2. Via smartphone app or Personal Area Online.
  3. By calling customer support.
  4. Using the bank's SMS service.
  5. When visiting the branch in person.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

Checking via ATM

The oldest and almost always accessible way is to use an ATM. To find out your balance, you need to insert the card, enter the PIN code and go to the appropriate section.

After which the ATM will offer you to display your account balance on the screen or print it on a paper check. Choose what you are comfortable with.

It is worth mentioning that it is better to use the machines of your bank for this purpose, since others may charge a commission for this operation. The disadvantage of this method, as mentioned above, is that there is not always an ATM within walking distance.

The Internet is our everything

Checking your balance via the Internet is the most accessible and fastest method today.

This is especially true for smartphone owners: today any self-respecting bank has a mobile application, which allows you to check the amount of money, as well as perform other actions (from transfers to blocking) anywhere where there is Internet.

You just need to log into the application by entering your personal password, and you will see the amount of your money, automatically updated when you connect to the network. Would you like to have such a balance on the card as in the picture below? You could say, who wouldn’t want to :)

Computer owners can find out their account balance in their personal account on their bank’s portal. However, in some banks it is necessary to activate the online banking function in advance.

The verification procedure is simple: open the site and log in to your account using your username and password. Current balance, both card account and other accounts of this client, will be displayed prominently.

SMS notification

Another simple verification method is the SMS service offered by any bank. However, this method is only available if you have the mobile banking function, which is activated during registration.

If it is connected, you will need to send a short message to the information center number. The message may vary from bank to bank:

  • For example, for Sberbank you need to send an SMS of the form “BALANCE XXXXX” to number 900, where XXXXX is the last five digits of the number on the front side. The word “Balance” can be replaced with Balans, Balance, Remaining or Ostatok.
  • If you use Megafon, then you need to send an SMS with the text “BALANCE” to the number 5555. The system will provide information on the card assigned to the phone number from which the request was sent.

How well a person controls his expenses determines how competently he will manage his money. Therefore, one of the simplest but most important knowledge is how to check money on a card. And there are a number of ways to do this.

Internet banking

The most logical and natural of all the options for checking the balance of a bank card via the Internet is to use Internet banking. Currently, the overwhelming number of plastic cards are linked to the corresponding Internet banks. And the mechanism of interaction with them is different for each individual credit institution. In some banks, the Internet service is activated immediately upon registration of the corresponding card product at the branch. Somewhere you need to connect it separately using a personal visit or using an ATM. Somewhere you just need to go to the bank’s website and register in the appropriate section. After this, this online service will be available.

  • Enter the username and password that you received during registration. Very often, for convenience, the login coincides with the number mobile phone, attached to the card.
  • Enter the message that will be sent to your mobile phone. This will happen if your bank supports two-factor authentication via SMS. If this is not the case, then there may be other options for confirming login. For example, a number of banks issue special cards with one-time passwords. Other establishments may print lists of passwords on receipt paper directly at the ATM.

Please note that it is not always possible to clearly understand visually which card is attached to which account, but usually a hint is given in the form of the last digits of its number.


This method is how to check a bank card account via the Internet, which is approximately similar to the previous one, only it involves not a mobile site, but a mobile application. But it connects to the Internet bank in the same way, just the authorization procedure may be different. Very often, the banking application itself can read the confirmation password from an SMS message, and instead of a password, often only a PIN code is required.


If no way to check money on a card via the Internet is convenient for you, then you need to resort to alternative options. The easiest way is to use your bank's ATM. There is nothing simpler - you insert the card, then enter the PIN code, then in the “Balance” section or similar you can find out how much is left in the account.

If you don't want people standing next to you to spy on how much money you have in your account, then most banks have the option of printing the balance on the check instead of displaying it on the screen.

SMS message

Most banks allow you to use SMS to check your balance. This will be a very convenient method when you need to find out up-to-date information somewhere where either the Internet does not reach well enough, or there is no smartphone or computer at hand. To do this, you need to send a message in the correct format to a special number, which is best found out in advance on your bank’s website or after a personal visit to the bank office.

For example, at Sberbank you can send a message with the word “balance” to number 900 - and after a few moments you will receive a response in which this bank card balance will be written. Accordingly, other banks will have different commands and numbers to which the transfer is made.


If none of the options described above suits you for one reason or another, you can use another one by simply calling hotline your bank. Yes, this is not always as convenient as checking the balance on a bank card via the Internet, but it is feasible in almost any conditions. The operator or answering machine will indicate what further instructions you must follow.

Is it possible to find out the balance of a bank card via the Internet? As we have seen, it’s easy. Without the Internet, however, too. So choose the option that is most convenient for you, they are equally good.

Information on how to find out the balance of a Sberbank card will help you control your expenses and income. There are several ways to clarify information about the balance on your card account. Cardholders independently choose which method is more convenient.

Sberbank clients are offered various applications and devices to choose from that provide information of varying degrees of completeness.

You don't have to be near an ATM or self-service device to get information about transactions on your card. For those who are located far from terminals and branches, there are convenient options for finding out the balance on a Sberbank card.

Having a telephone will help you request your balance by calling a call center operator who provides a 24-hour information service. To check your balance remotely, you do not need to visit a savings bank. The call is made from any corner of the country at any time without breaks or weekends.

The Sberbank of Russia hotline is available via a short number for cell phones 900 or by toll-free federal number 8-800-555-55-50.

Any number is absolutely free for bank clients.

Since there is an automatic menu when calling a financial institution, after the user gets through, the menu will ask you to determine the purpose of the call and the problem. To reduce waiting time, it is recommended to obtain an individual client code in advance, by which the system will automatically identify the caller and forward the request to a specific manager.

The 4-digit code is obtained at a bank branch or through an ATM. Having received an individual number, the bank card holder will be able to constantly use it for prompt communication with the bank manager.

Not every owner of plastic has his own individual number. In such cases, you must follow the automatic menu instructions. To clarify questions, you must additionally dial the following combinations on your phone:

  • on questions bank cards- "1";
  • if you need to clarify the balance of money on your Sberbank card - “1”.

To receive information automatically, then enter the last 4 characters of the card number. Dove necessary information the answering machine will inform you about the requested plastic exact amount balance available for spending, and if there is a debt, it will inform you about the need to make a specific payment amount.

Use this method It’s very simple, even if you don’t have the opportunity to use a smartphone or don’t have any special knowledge of working with technology. For more advanced users of modern mobile devices, there are even more convenient way obtaining comprehensive information.

If the client has a smartphone, it is possible to connect to a modern mobile application service. You can view your balance through the mobile application by first downloading it and connecting to it. Work with mobile application repeats the principles of actions in Internet banking.

The scheme for obtaining information about the balance of funds is as follows:

  1. Primary user identification.
  2. When logging in via your smartphone's mobile app, you will be required to enter a password.
  3. Balance data will appear on the first tab of the application menu that opens.

If the client has several cards, you can check the information for each of them through the main menu page. A card checked from a phone needs to be pre-linked.

The number of users of modern mobile devices is steadily growing, and the free, convenient service is appreciated by the majority of smartphone owners, because in addition to information about the verified plastic, it is now possible to pay bills remotely, control and manage savings, without visiting a branch, an ATM, or having access to a computer.

Like working with a mobile application, requesting a balance in Sberbank using the Internet requires an Internet connection. To gain access to Sberbank Online, you must first register and gain access to the system.

You can activate the service after visiting the branch by contacting any available operator and presenting your personal identification document and the card itself.

If you have connected access to your personal account and have a working mobile bank, information is received within 1-2 minutes.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Authorization in the system through a permanent identifier and password.
  2. After a message arrives on the linked mobile phone, enter a one-time password in the field that opens.
  3. Next, you have full access to the bank’s online payment resource, including information about the card balance. If credit and debit cards several, you can find out data for each of them from the main menu, as well as on the special “Maps” tab.

Working with the online application is completely free, simple and requires only authorization in the system and stable access to the Internet. If you have any difficulties with operations in the application, you can use the visual instructions with screenshots for each step.

Sending SMS to Sberbank short number

To be aware of your Visa, MasterCard or Mir card account balances, you do not need to have a smartphone. Sending a command to check the balance is available for any mobile device, provided that a mobile bank is connected.

If it is not possible to visit a bank office, you can complete the procedure by calling the hotline.

For those who have connected a mobile bank, in order to check their card account, it is enough to send a short text message from the linked number to the short phone number 900. There are several options for entering text, but the latest values ​​in mandatory The last 4 characters from the Sberbank card must be indicated:

  • “BALANCE 1234”, where 1234 is the last digit of the plastic number;
  • "RESIDUE 1234";
  • or in Latin letters: OSTATOK 1234, BALANS 1234 or BALANCE 1234.

After sending a short command, a message will be received in response with information about the amount that is stored in the account.

It should be taken into account that this option paid. Receiving data on the amount by account number in Sberbank costs 3 rubles for each transaction.

Information about the card balance received through an ATM or terminal reflects current, reliable data without the need to connect to the Internet or use additional devices and applications.

Since the network of self-service devices and ATMs Savings Bank is quite wide, you can easily find the desired terminal in any area of ​​the city, including small ones settlements. ATMs are located in all major retail chains, centers, office and commercial buildings, etc. You can find information about the location of the ATM on the official website financial institution.

Proven action plan:

  1. Insert the plastic into the card reader.
  2. Authenticate using a password.
  3. The menu that opens will prompt you to go to the desired section using the balance request link. You can find this button in the terminal or ATM window at the top left.
  4. Depending on the wishes of the plastic holder, they choose the option of receiving it - by displaying the amount on the screen, or receiving information on a printed receipt.

This method is convenient for those who often use ATMs or are in close proximity to them. The procedure is performed free of charge only through Sberbank devices. If you perform the same procedure through another financial institution's device, you will be charged according to the established rates.

The method of requesting card information through an ATM is often carried out before withdrawing or immediately after depositing funds. It should be taken into account that according to credit card Balance information may be displayed with a slight delay if a top-up was made immediately before the operation.

There are no differences in the way you check your card balance with credit limit from Sberbank has not been established, but there are some warning nuances.

The following control options are available to the credit card holder:

  1. Sending SMS to Sberbank short number.
  2. Via a short command if you have a connected mobile bank.
  3. By calling the bank's hotline.
  4. Using a computer, through the “Online” application.
  5. In the mobile application.
  6. Terminals and ATMs.

Using a convenient application, you can not only find out the balance, but also check the presence of overdue debts or information on the fulfillment of current obligations. The borrower first registers a connection to mobile banking and online banking at a branch of a financial institution.

The sequence of actions when obtaining a balance on a Sberbank card account with a credit limit requires the following actions:

  1. Go to the official website dedicated to Internet banking services.
  2. Log in to the system by entering your permanent password and login.
  3. Enter the one-time security code received on your linked mobile phone.
  4. Credit card information will be displayed in the main menu. For more detailed information about the date and amount of payment, you can go to the “Cards” tab.

It is necessary to take into account some peculiarities of processing transaction information. After making a monthly payment, the amount does not immediately appear in your credit card account balance. As a rule, processing of information and enrollment occurs within a few hours. If you need to find out the balance after making a regular payment, it is recommended to do this after some time.

For those who have activated the SMS notification service for all incoming and outgoing transactions, the need to receive balance information is minimal. The phone user will be able to check the balance, receipt or expenditure of funds at any time by checking the balance from the last SMS message.

Clients have the opportunity to check their Sberbank card balance in five ways. Some of them are very convenient, but require connection additional services, while others are completely free, but are not particularly convenient.

Checking a card account via mobile banking

Mobile bank is a set of certain services provided by a financial institution via mobile communication devices. Using short commands, you can request almost any information on the card for free or for a small fee (depending on the bank’s conditions). Responses to commands come in the form of SMS messages, and the service itself is available to Megafon, Beeline and Tele2 subscribers.

Any client who has a mobile phone connected to the Mobile Bank service and a number linked to the card whose account information follows can find out the balance of a Sberbank card.

To do this, you need to send an SMS request with the text BALANCE 1234 to a special number 900. In this case, 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.

In addition to the word “BALANCE”, the client can send the commands BALANS, BALANCE, REST, OSTATOK or 01.

Clients can not only view the balance of a Sberbank card, but also receive a statement with the amount of available funds on it by sending one of the commands STATEMENT, VYPISKA, ISTORIA, HISTORY, 02 or HISTORY with the last four digits of the card number to number 900.

Benefits of using mobile banking

  • the ability to receive information about actions with a card account;
  • the ability to check data on recent transactions and the limit of available funds;
  • the ability to make payments and transfers in real time;
  • ability to repay from the account credit obligations or block the card.

Knowing information on how to request the balance of a Sberbank card via SMS, users of the bank’s services can significantly simplify their lives. By sending just one command to a special number, the client receives all the necessary information without leaving home and without interrupting important matters.

To use this opportunity, you must activate the Mobile Bank service, the cost of which is determined based on the banking version, as well as the tariffs of mobile operators for sending SMS messages.

Checking your card account by calling the support service

You can check the Sberbank card balance by card number and after providing control information to the operator by calling the bank's customer support service.

A call to the Sberbank hotline is absolutely free from any phone and anywhere in the Russian Federation.

The existence of a support service is very convenient for customers, as they can solve their problems or find out answers to questions regarding banking services at any time of the day or night.

Sometimes finding out the card balance in Sberbank by card number is problematic due to frequent line overloads. Therefore, when calling the helpline, you can use the answering machine. Since the process of searching for the necessary information in an answering machine is inconvenient for many, to make the task easier, you can use the structure of the Sberbank answering machine sections.

The numbers indicate combinations of telephone buttons that should be pressed after the answering machine answers and the telephone switches to tone mode. This way, you don’t have to listen to lengthy texts, but just type the required combination of numbers right away.

Checking your Sberbank card balance may be necessary at the most inopportune moment. If the client does not have the opportunity to visit a branch, ATMs are far away, and there is no Internet access, the only and convenient option to solve the problem is to call the bank’s hotline. At the same time, the call is not charged by operators and is absolutely free for any citizen.

Checking an account at a bank branch

Checking your Sberbank card balance at a branch is the most inconvenient and time-consuming option to find out the necessary information. It is necessary to contact a bank employee with your passport and personally to the account owner, otherwise the information will not be provided.

The client can receive an official bank document, which will indicate the account number, card number and expiration date, as well as a statement for the required period of time.

Checking your card account at an ATM

A Sberbank card balance request can be submitted through an ATM. To do this, you need to insert the card into the ATM, enter your PIN code and select the “Request balance” option. After completing the above steps, the ATM will prompt the user to display the account balance on the screen or print a receipt. Both ways to view money on a Sberbank card are absolutely free, so the client only needs to choose the more suitable option.

It should be remembered that some banks charge a fee for using the card through other people's ATMs and self-service terminals. If your account has a small balance Money, then it’s better to check your card balance and withdraw money at a Sberbank ATM.

Before viewing the balance of a Sberbank card at an ATM, it is better for each client to become familiar with the more convenient and in simple ways receiving financial information and account management. By connecting convenient services from Sberbank, you can save a significant amount of time and not stand in line at the ATM or branch employee.

Checking your account in Sberbank Online

Using the Sberbank-Online service, you can find out the balance on your card from absolutely anywhere in the world and at any convenient time.

To be able to use the Sberbank service online, the client must:

  • come up with plastic card, linked to the account, to any terminal or ATM of Sberbank;
  • insert the card into an ATM or self-service terminal and enter an individual PIN code;
  • in the main menu, select the “Internet service” section and click on the “Issue a permanent password for access to Sberbank Online” button;
  • take two checks, one of which contains the account login and password, and the other contains 20 one-time passwords.

You can also connect to the service at a bank branch, if you have your passport and bank card with you.

Knowing personal password and login, the client can check the balance on the card in Sberbank Online at any convenient time.

Using the service, the client can not only check the card balance in Sberbank Online, but also view the history of transactions performed, make payments or transfers.

To view your account status through Sberbank online, you need to perform the following steps:

  • go to the Sberbank website online and enter your personal login and password from the check;
  • An SMS with a one-time password will be sent to the mobile phone number associated with the card, which must be entered in the window that appears.
  • instead of an SMS password to your phone, you can use one-time passwords from receipts from an ATM;
  • after logging into your personal account, the client will see all his accounts with available balances.

If any difficulties arise when using the online service, the client can go to the “Help” tab, which contains answers to all frequently asked questions.

Internet banking from Sberbank has about 25 million active users (data from the official website), but some bank clients still visit branches, look for ATMs and terminals to find out the balance of their card.

Having learned how you can check the balance of a Sberbank card different ways, every citizen can choose the most convenient option for himself.

Sometimes, in order to obtain information about the amount of funds on the card account, the client needs to pay a small commission, which can be an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, before checking your balance, you should clarify the pricing of the service.