Which savings bank provides education loans? What benefits are provided for loan repayment? Why choose this institution

If you want to get an education loan with state support in 2018, then you have come to the right address. Let’s say right away that the Minister of Education predicted the return of the educational loan by the end of 2018. To be precise, by the beginning of autumn. But some banks are already offering profitable terms for such a loan. Below we will look at such a program from Sberbank. You don't have to wait for autumn.

An educational program from Sberbank is an opportunity to make the right investment in your own future. The bank took into account all the needs of clients in this area and developed truly favorable conditions.

Main characteristics of an educational loan

Sberbank is ahead of most banks. While the state is developing the program, Sberbank is already offering its own loan for education. Let's consider the most important conditions:

  • Amount – full coverage of tuition fees
  • Rate – 7.5% per annum
  • Duration – the entire period of study plus 10 years
  • Without taking into account the client's solvency
  • Funds are issued to students entering training

Important! If the loan is issued for education individual who is not yet 14 years old, then the presence of guardianship and legal representatives is required. In this case, the parents take responsibility.

After graduation, a 3-month deferment on repayment of the principal debt is provided. This gives you time to find a job and get back on your feet.

What documents are needed to obtain a loan:

  • Completed application
  • Passport
  • Agreement with an educational institution
  • Registration in the region where the bank operates

If the client is not yet 18 years old, then a birth certificate, parents’ passports and written consent from the borrower’s representatives will be required.

The process of receiving money for education

After checking all documents and receiving approval, the loan is issued in the region where the client has a permanent residence permit. The loan is issued for each semester separately.

The repayment process is as follows:

  1. During the training period plus 3 months after - only interest is paid. Payment is made every month.
  2. After graduation and three months on top, the principal debt is paid. Type of payments – annuity. This means that every month the same amount is paid, determined by the bank in the agreement.

Attention! For delays and failure to make payments, a fine of 20% per annum of the overdue payment amount is assessed. We strongly recommend that you avoid delays. The longer the client delays making payments, the greater the fine he will accrue.

You can make a payment as follows:

  • Cash via payment terminal
  • Through a bank cash desk
  • Standard bank transfer
  • Through money transfer systems

In other words, the repayment options are the same as in all other lending cases. This means you can deposit funds both in cash and non-cash. Each borrower decides for himself.


If you read carefully, you noticed the low interest rate - only 7.5%. This suggests that such a loan is truly designed for students and their education. Plus, you only pay interest while you study. The loan body itself will need to be repaid only after completion of training. Even after receiving your diploma, you will still have 3 months to find a job.

If you are interested, then you do not have to wait for the renewal of an educational loan with state support in 2018. After all, the resumption is planned already in the fall. You can contact Sberbank right now and receive the required amount for education. There is no need to waste time, you need to start building your future right now.

Higher education is an attribute of a successful life. It will help you get a good job and build a career. But there are not enough budget places for everyone, and the cost of paid education is growing every year. Abroad, it is customary to save for a child’s education from his infancy. In our country, the only way to provide a good education to your children is a loan. Sberbank has remained the undisputed leader in lending for many years.


Today they operate following conditions obtaining borrowed funds:

What documents are needed?

Sberbank has provided two packages of documents, depending on the age of the borrower. For minor citizens, the list has been expanded.

List of documents that must be provided to all clients:

  • an agreement with an educational institution for the provision of paid services;
  • passport;
  • registration. If the borrower does not live according to registration - a certificate of temporary registration;
  • A completed application form;
  • details of the educational institution's account, to which, if the decision is positive, the money will be credited.

Additional list of documents required if the borrower is under 18 years of age:

  • passports of legal representatives;
  • written permission of legal representatives or consent of guardianship authorities;
  • birth certificate (in the absence of a passport).

Receiving and repaying a loan

The processing time for an application for a loan for a child’s education at Sberbank is 4 business days. It is provided in non-cash form, by enumerating Money to the account of a citizen or educational institution. Issued only at the client’s place of registration or at the location of the educational organization.

Funds can be provided as a lump sum (if only one semester is required) or in installments. In the latter case, payment is made for each semester of study.

The loan is repaid in accordance with the payment schedule, which is divided into two parts:

  1. Grace period. At this time, only interest on the use of the loan is payable, which must be repaid in monthly payments;
  2. The period after the end of the deferment. The loan is repaid in full in equal monthly amounts.

According to existing legislation, the loan can be repaid early in full or in part. To do this, just go to Sberbank, write an application and pay the required amount. The amount of early payment can be any, no commission is charged.

Important! If you fail to fulfill your obligations to the bank, penalties will be applied to the borrower. They amount to 20% of the overdue payment amount.

How to choose an educational institution?

Money can be issued for higher or secondary vocational education. In order for an educational institution to be approved by the bank, a tripartite agreement must be concluded. The parties are: Sberbank, educational institution and the Ministry of Education. A list of educational organizations that have already concluded such agreements has been published on the Sberbank website (http://www.sberbank.ru). Today it has 181 establishments. To get on this list, a university or college must undergo accreditation. To do this, submit the following documents to the bank:

  • tripartite agreement established form, signed by the Ministry and the educational institution;
  • documents giving the right to carry out educational activities (license);
  • documents confirming the right of signature of an authorized person on the part of the university.

Pros and cons of an educational loan

Before deciding whether you need an educational loan, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of this product. So, this loan has a number of advantages:

  • low interest rates;
  • the ability to change faculty or form of education;
  • OK large sums on loan. This makes it possible to pay for tuition even at the most prestigious universities in the country;
  • Availability of a grace period for payments. Thanks to this, the main part of the loan is repaid after receiving the diploma, when the citizen is already working;
  • possibility of early repayment;
  • borrowers may be minors;
  • possibility of payment with borrowed funds full cost training;
  • quick consideration of the application;
  • no commissions for registration and no need to purchase an insurance policy;
  • state support;

However, educational loans have a number of disadvantages:

Loan calculator

Let's assume that the cost of training is 385 thousand rubles. The loan term is 10 years. The monthly payment amount in this case will be 4570 rubles. Approximately half of this amount is the principal debt, and half (2300 rubles) is interest for using the loan. Since there is a deferment on repayment of the principal debt during training, monthly payment will be:

  • For the first year – 2300*60% = 1380 rubles. total amount overpayment on interest is equal to 16,560 rubles. (1380*12);
  • For the second year - 2300 * 40% = 920 rubles, and the amount of overpayment is 11,040 rubles. (920*12);
  • For the remaining years of study (assuming that the full term of study is 4 years) - 2300 rubles. The overpayment for using the loan will be 55,200 rubles. (2300*24);
  • Considering that in the first years the principal debt was not paid, the amount of the monthly payment in the next 6 years will be 6,657 rubles, and the overpayment of interest will be 94,282 rubles;
  • The total amount of interest paid for all years will be RUB 177,082. (16560 + 11040 + 55200 + 94282).

This is only an approximate calculation; the exact loan calculation can be found on the official website or at a Sberbank branch when submitting an application.

Government subsidies

State subsidies for targeted education loans began in 2010. This program has made learning more accessible. Started as just another government experiment, it gained popularity and became permanent in 2014. Government subsidies compensated not only interest costs, but also covered funds for unpaid loans, which reduced the banks' risks to a minimum.

However, in 2017 the product was optimized. Sberbank, which at this moment is the only credit institution, issuing preferential loans for education, temporarily suspended the issuance of such loans.

Important! Currently, educational loans for students with state participation are provided by Sberbank only under agreements concluded before 2017. Since January 2017, new applications will not be considered. However, in this case we are talking only about a temporary cessation of issuing loans. This is also supported by the fact that today Sberbank does not provide for educational loans under other programs. The timing of consideration of new applications directly depends on the Ministry of Education, which prepares amendments to legislative acts. It is expected that new educational loans from Sberbank will be issued before the start of the next academic year.

Other bank programs

While the main product is not working, money for training at Sberbank can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Take out an educational loan without government support. Issued under the same conditions, only you need to pay the full rate - about 15%;
  2. Design consumer loan. It is not targeted, so the rates on it will be significantly higher. Issued for a period of up to 5 years, maximum amount 3 million rubles. The final interest rate is affected by the amount and term of the loan, and the availability of guarantors. You can calculate the exact loan rate using online calculator, on the Sberbank website. But even in the best scenarios, the minimum interest rate is 12.9%. Another disadvantage of this option is the requirements for borrowers, which are difficult for students to meet. This is having a job and length of service at least 6 months. Only adults can apply for such a loan. It is possible to obtain a loan with a short work experience, only 3 months. But in this case, the guarantee of the parents is mandatory.

Despite the existing shortcomings, educational lending from Sberbank is one of the most popular products banking sector. The government subsidy program has made education more accessible to all segments of the population. We can only hope that after the government makes changes to legislative acts, Sberbank will resume issuing educational loans on the same terms.

Whether an educational loan for study at Sberbank is valid in 2019 will be clear by reading this material on our website, after which it is possible to fill out an application for a loan and receive government support for a loan for study at Sberbank. Today, many students have taken advantage of the state support program for student loans; do not miss your opportunity to become an educated person with the participation of the state.

Does Sberbank issue education loans in 2019?

Yes, a similar program exists in the institution. The official website is open to accepting applications from clients. Therefore, any applicant can take advantage of this offer.

Will Sberbank resume educational loans?

This program has already been resumed. Issuance of student loans was suspended for a short time, this fact caused panic among potential clients. But the provision of loans has been restored, and there should be no problems in the near future.

Alternatives to an educational loan with state support from other organizations

Let’s be honest – you won’t find worthy alternatives from other organizations. You can get regular targeted loan, but the interest on it will be at least 1.5-2 times higher. Therefore, you will have to contact Sberbank for a loan.

Today, only this bank has the right to issue educational loans with government support. He regularly receives subsidies from the budget. The government will compensate part interest rate to make loan repayment easier for students.

Why choose Sberbank?

Why should you apply for an education loan for students at Sberbank in 2019? Main reasons:

You can get a loan from Sberbank with government subsidies.
It is possible to reduce overpayments.
Offered special conditions for borrowers.
You will be able to gradually return the money.
Use the allocated funds to pay for training.
Get a decent education.
It won’t take long to collect the required amount to pay for training.
The loan is available for various clients.
Reduced rate offered.
Registration does not take much time.
Financial institution guarantees the provision of fair terms of cooperation.
The likelihood of approval is quite high.
There is no issuance fee.

Terms of Sberbank education loan for students

Main parameters of an education loan:

1. Loan amount – up to 100% of the cost of training.
2. Interest – from 7.5%.
3. Duration of payment – ​​study period + 10 years.
4. No need to provide collateral.
5. No need for insurance.
6. There are no additional commissions.
7. There are no restrictions on the form of training.

The conditions for a student loan from Sberbank are quite simple. During your studies, you can only pay interest. The student is given a deferment to repay the principal debt.

Also, in the first year you can pay only 40% of the accrued interest. In the second year this parameter will be 60%. Starting from the third year, the borrower repays the interest in full.

Requirements for the borrower:

Minimum age: 14 years.
Availability of Russian citizenship.

Minors can receive a loan only with the permission of their legal representatives. If their answer is positive, you can go through the registration procedure at the bank.

What documents will be required:

1. Questionnaire.
2. Passport.
3. Certificate confirming temporary registration.
4. Agreement for the provision of services in an educational institution.
5. Payment document from the organization to transfer funds.

How to get an education loan from Sberbank?

You need to select the nearest office financial institution.
Visit him and get an appointment with a specialist.
Provide a package of requested documents.
The employee will review all the papers.
Will accept the application for consideration.
It may take up to four days to process your request.
Once a decision has been made, staff will contact you.
If the answer is positive, you need to come to the office and sign the agreement.
The bank will transfer the funds to the account of the educational institution.
The establishment must confirm receipt of the money.

Collection of documents

Before visiting the office, you will need to collect a number of documents:

1. First of all, come to an educational institution.
2. Conclude an agreement with him, request a copy of the agreement and a payment slip for depositing funds.
3. If you live at the place of temporary registration, then issue the appropriate certificate.
4. Attach your passport and you can go to the office with these documents.

Loan repayment

The repayment scheme for an educational loan at Sberbank is simple:

During training, the student pays only interest. In years 1 and 2 they decrease by 60 and 40%.
After graduation, the client is given an additional deferment of three months.
After its completion, payment is made in full.

Sberbank provides a deferment for the client to look for a job. You have enough time to find further employment and begin repaying the loan. It is also allowed early repayment no additional commission.

IN modern world We cannot do without a good education. After all, you can get a good job only if you have higher education. The state supports the population and allocates budget places in universities, but sometimes there are very few of them and you have to go to a paid department. But this is where the problem arises. The current cost of training is at least 50,000 - 100,000 rubles per year. Not every adult, much less a student, can find such funds. This is where Sberbank comes to the rescue.

Sberbank provides all students with a special credit productEducational loan with government support.

What are the loan terms?

  • The loan rate is fixed and amounts to 7.06% per annum;
  • Credit term: duration of study + 10 years;
  • Maximum amount loan is equal tuition fees for all years.

Who can get educational?

The loan is provided to Russian citizens who have reached the age of 14 and are studying at universities and colleges. For persons under 18 years of age, loans are issued only with the permission of parents or guardianship authorities.

How to get a loan?

To apply for an educational loan you need:

  • Fill out the application form;
  • Collect the necessary;
  • Contact us collected documents;
  • Wait for a positive decision from the bank;
  • Complete and sign loan agreement;
  • Get a loan.

What documents need to be prepared to obtain an educational loan?

1) Agreement on the provision of paid educational services;

2) Your passport;

3) Application form;

4) Payment document, receipt from the educational institution;

5) A certificate of temporary registration, if residing outside the place of registration, must be presented if available.

If you are under 18 years of age, you must additionally provide the following documents:

6) Passports of parents;

7) Permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;

8) Written consent of parents;

9) Your birth certificate.

What benefits are provided for loan repayment?

Sberbank provides Grace period to repay a loan for training time + 3 months(given for employment) to:

Repayment of the principal amount on the loan;

Interest payments for the 1st and 2nd years of using the loan: 60% of the payment amount in the first year of using the loan, 40% of the payment amount in the second year of using the loan.

From the third year of using the loan, interest is paid in full.

Repayment procedure

The loan is repaid monthly according to the payment schedule received from the bank and consists of two periods.

In the first period(preferential) you pay only interest for using the loan.

In the second period you pay the principal and interest for using the loan in equal shares.

If you wish, you can at any time repay the loan early. There is no early repayment fee.

If you fail to pay the loan on time, the bank will charge you penalty in the amount of 20% per annum from the amount of the overdue payment.

More detailed information and you can ask the bank employees any questions you are interested in by contacting the office Sberbank, or by calling toll-free number 900.

From December 1, 2018, you can receive a subsidy from the state for an educational loan. In this case, the benefit will be 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate. That is, a student receives a student loan at a reduced rate. And he will have to pay for it only after training. Find out how to get such a loan, who can give it to you and how it works in this article.

What is an education loan and how is it different from other loans?

In essence, an education loan is an ordinary consumer loan. But it has several specific conditions.

  • First of all, it is targeted. Issued to a future student to receive education at a paid university;
  • The student does not receive any money in hand. They are transferred directly to the university account subject to a number of conditions;
  • One of the most important conditions to receive is successful study. Information about grades for the session is received by the bank at the end of each semester and, if the conditions for academic performance are met, the next payment is made. If not, the student is expelled or pays independently;
  • There is no need to pay the main interest and the “body” of the loan while studying. All calculations are made only after the graduate passes the final exams and starts working. Plus 3 months for adaptation. Payments already begin with the salary. During the course of study, banks in accordance with state regulatory documents may impose an obligation to pay only part of the accrued interest. This way, interest accumulates more slowly and payments are less significant.
  • Interest is calculated on the money actually paid to the university. But, since they are not paid, they are “refinanced” and added to the “body”. Thus, you then need to pay interest on interest as well.
  • Maximum amount - 7 living wages for a subject of the Russian Federation (Moscow - 15,397 rubles for 2018 multiplied by 7) and multiplied by the number of months of benefits, taking into account interest (that is, the maximum debt together with interest cannot exceed 7 minimums multiplied by the sum of the number of months of training and 3 months for adaptation at work ).

Who can get an education loan and what is needed for this?

The requirements are imposed not only on the borrower, but also on the university where he will study. If everything is more or less clear with the borrower, he is studied in much the same way as for obtaining any other loan (availability of information about him in the bureau credit histories, his biography is studied from the point of view of the police, the consistency of registration at the place of registration, etc.), then the university is assessed from the point of view of availability state registration and the likelihood that the graduate will get a good, well-paid job that will allow him to make payments. Sberbank and the Ministry of Education and Science (Ministry of Education and Science) even maintain entire registers of higher educational institutions, to which concessionary loans apply and for which they can be issued in principle.

In this regard, it is easier for the student and it's better to choose right away A more prestigious university (large Moscow ones, etc.), because you still have to pay a little right away, and the level of payment for a specialist who has graduated good university will allow you not only to quickly pay off your loan, but also to earn good money in the future, without wasting time on an average-quality education and related work.

Do I need collateral and a guarantor?

To obtain a loan from Sberbank, collateral (property, real estate, securities) and the presence of a guarantor. Similar preferences are expressed in other banks. However, in the absence of collateral and guarantors, the road to lending is not at all closed. In each individual case, the bank independently assesses its risks and if the recipient is satisfied with the candidacy, there are no requirements for the presence of collateral and a guarantor. Although, when considering a possible interest rate, their presence may play in favor of reducing it, because in this way the bank’s risks are reduced.

Do I need to pay extra myself, make a down payment?

As for the down payment, it all depends on the specific bank and the specific program. Maximum mandatory an initial fee from practice - 20%. The minimum is zero. But in this case, the bank risks more and is forced to more carefully evaluate the prospective borrower.

Even with state support and related benefits, you still have to pay extra on your own. Minimum rates for such loans they amount to 12%, in fact they can reach up to 17% - 19%, and the state can only guarantee 3/4 of the Central Bank refinancing rate. From March 26, 2018, this rate is set at 7.25%, thus the discount on educational loan will be 5.437%.

Amount of state subsidy for educational loan

As has already been calculated, on average (if there is no decision to change the Central Bank refinancing rate), the state subsidizes 5.437% of the rate. Example - if a student receives a loan at a rate of 12% per annum, then in fact upon completion of studies the payments will be the same as for a loan at a rate of 6.563%. If at the time of registration the Bank of Russia decides to increase base rate, then in this case (while maintaining 12%), the loan to the borrower will cost less - the state’s share in paying for university education will increase.

The total duration of the program is 10 years. It is assumed that it will be enough for training and to fully pay off debts. The bank’s agreement stipulates how many years the future graduate will have to pay off the debt; based on this, future payments will be established.

By the way, there is no point in hoping that the bank will go bankrupt within this period and there will be no need to pay. About it - . In addition, in the Government Resolution, the state guarantees banks a return of 20% of the amount of non-repaid education loans, thereby reducing risks and making the issue of participation in this program more attractive for banks.

Which banks participate in the preferential program and which universities can you enroll in?

At the time of writing, the only participant in the program was Sberbank. However, the upcoming Government Resolution should expand the list of participating banks. As well as the number of universities that will have the right to conclude trilateral funding agreements.