Fish in troubled water. Fish in troubled waters Igor Ivanovich Zubarev

Deputies of the Petrograd Soviet and senators from Karelia reported on property and income for 2017. Official data is published on the website of the city council and the website of the Federation Council of Russia. Five people made it to the top of the richest people's representatives. But there are representatives of the Petrograd Soviet in the Karelian capital who earn almost as much as janitors, reports the Runa publication.

Richer than the President

Igor Zubarev and Alexander Rakitin

The representative of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Igor Zubarev, cites stunning figures in his income statement. According to the document, last year his income amounted to over 219 million rubles. And this is without selling any property. For comparison: Russian President Vladimir Putin earned almost 19 million rubles in 2017, according to official data. And this despite the fact that the head of state sold a plot of land for 1500 square meters.

Zubarev also has plenty of property. Three residential buildings, the largest of which has an area of ​​438.3 square meters. Three apartments, one of which is 128 square meters. Garage, four large land plots, five more are in use. The Karelian senator also has some completely unexpected things. For example, a wind power plant.

The second senator, apparently, lives more modestly. Alexander Rakitin, a member of the Federation Council from the Legislative Assembly of Karelia, managed to earn 4 million 759 thousand rubles in a year. He has only two apartments, two plots of land, a garage and two parking spaces. But Rakitin boasts three cars: a Mitsubishi Pajero SUV, a Renault Duster crossover and a Peugeot 308 passenger car.

Wealthy archive director

Alexander Anishin

The richest deputy in the past year was Alexander Anishin, director of the Petrozavodsk archive. Taking into account the sale of property, he received 9 million rubles. The people's choice's property includes three plots of land and a luxury all-wheel drive Land Rover Range Rover SUV. The deputy's wife also has a car, an apartment and half of another apartment. And the Anishin family uses a house of 178 square meters and municipal housing.

Millionaire from Straw

Dmitry Kuznetsov

The people's representative from Solomennoye and part of Oktyabrsky Prospekt again rose to the top of the richest representatives of the Petrosovet. Entrepreneur, director of the Stela company Dmitry Kuznetsov earned 5 million 823 thousand rubles in a year. In 2017, he topped the list of the richest deputies. This time - only second place. Although the businessman's income has increased slightly.

He owns 10 non-residential premises, two apartments, a parking space and partially two plots of land. The people's representative from the party is skating " United Russia» on business class sedans Toyota Camry and luxury car Land Rover Range Rover. By the way, Kuznetsov’s wife also owns two apartments.

Earned money from property

Alexander Chekhovich

In third place is IP Director Alexander Chekhovich. He received 3 million 159 thousand rubles. However, this amount was largely formed due to the sale of property. By the way, the entrepreneur owns an apartment together with his wife, but he does not have a car at all.

Simple BMW specialist

Valery Matveev

Next comes public relations specialist at PTO LLC Valery Matveev. This deputy managed to earn 2.5 million rubles in 2017, partly thanks to the sale of property. Moreover, he owns three plots of land, non-residential premises, an apartment and half of another apartment. And the people’s choice’s cars are not any different: BMW 730d xDrive and BMW X6 XDrive 30d.

Retired Millionaire

Alexander Khantsevich

Deputy Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet Alexander Hantsevich closes the top five. His income in 2017 amounted to 2 million 267 thousand rubles, taking into account the FSB pension and old-age pension. A rich Karelian pensioner drives a BMW520d and owns only ¼ of the apartment. True, there is a plot of land.

The rest of the deputies do not cross the 2 million mark. Several people in 2017 were able to earn an income of almost 1.5 million rubles. Among them are the general director of the Ophthalmological Center of Karelia Oleg Leksunov and Pavel Sandberg. His place of work is no longer indicated on the Petrosovet website. He earned 1 million 439 thousand rubles.

Salary like a janitor and a chairman without housing or money

Dmitry Daniliev and Gennady Bodnarchuk

Among the poor deputies of the Petrograd Soviet was unexpectedly the chairman of the city council, Gennady Bodnarchuk, with annual income 300 thousand rubles. That is, the monthly salary of the people's representative is 25 thousand rubles. In addition, Bodnarchuk does not own an apartment and lives in municipal housing, raising two minor children. The chairman didn’t have a car either. At least that is what is stated in the declaration. The document lists only the BRP snowmobile, the Silver Fox boat and the MZSA trailer. Only two city council members earn less than Bodnarchuk.

And the lowest income in the Petrograd Soviet turned out to be a deputy who works in the MKU “Customer Service”. And, it seems, he earns a little more than 12 thousand rubles a month. For comparison: average salary a janitor in Petrozavodsk is 11 thousand. During the year, people's choice Dmitry Daniliev received 153 thousand 480 rubles.

The General Meeting of VARPE approved priority areas activities in 2019. These include close work with legislators on draft regulations in the field of fisheries, transparency of the procedure for re-issuing agreements on areas, analysis of FAS initiatives and the use of the “regulatory guillotine” mechanism in the industry.

The Congress spoke on the First Kuril and control points

Issues in the field of border control were reflected in the decision of the IV Congress of Fisheries Workers of the Russian Federation. These are proposals for control points (points), overloads, passage through the First Kuril Strait and the organization of control activities in this area in general.

The Ministry of Agriculture told senators about work in the legislative field

The preparation of regulatory legal acts for fisheries was discussed at a meeting of the relevant working group in the Federation Council. Among the documents of concern to the industry are bills on recreational fishing, an electronic fishing log, and areas for salmon hatcheries.

New acts on quotas are coming

The application campaign for quotas will take place in a sufficient regulatory legal framework, emphasized the head of the relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Evgeny Katz, at a meeting of the working group in the Federation Council. A representative of the ministry said that an appeal to eliminate the grounds for discrepancies has already been sent to the government.

Roman Kulik, known to blog readers as Rybachok, is the director of Murmansk LLC “Northern Merchant” and has been involved in fish processing, storage and sale of fish products since 2003. Buys chilled water from the coastal people. He successfully fought both with the mayor's office - regarding new tariffs for renting land, and with the tax office - he sued more than 3 million illegally collected from his company.

Using the example of his own Karelian suppliers, he explains how “fish” money floats past the budget. He claims that the situation is typical: due to corruption schemes in the application of the unified agricultural tax, not only in the fishing industry, but also in the agricultural sector as a whole per year Russian budget lacks up to 50 billion rubles.

“Northern Merchant” operates on refrigerated and frozen fish. That is, it buys raw materials from coastal residents. It is curious that companies that choose a coastal quota in the Barents Sea and ship their catch to the Murmansk market are registered in Karelia. Where, you ask, is Murmansk fish? Abroad.

By law, those who fish within the 200-mile zone are required to unload in Russia. And they unload. But they are not obliged to sell fish in Russia.

— It is more profitable for fishermen to clear their products at the shore and export them abroad than to sell them on the domestic market.

While prices in foreign currency for cod, haddock and halibut are high on fish exchanges around the world, selling the catch inside Russia means giving up a significant part of the profit. Because the goods are unlikely to be sold here at the world market price, explains Roman.

In this situation, there should be no Barents Sea fish in Russia at all. Meanwhile, the entire Karelian coastal fleet sells its catch within the Russian Federation. What makes the domestic market attractive for these firms?

LLC Soglasie, Yantar, RK VIRMA, Grumant are fishing enterprises officially owned by the same citizen - Petrozavodsk resident Igor Zubarev.

Igor Dmitrievich is a deputy of the Karelian Legislative Assembly, United Russia member, chairman of the Union of Fishermen of Karelia and also “the owner of factories, newspapers, and ships.”

All of the above in itself is not a sin, but it turned out to be impossible to buy fish directly from Zubarevsky fishermen.

These companies essentially take the entire Karelian coastal quota, and are all controlled by the same person,- says Roman.

— At the very first contacts, we were told by the director of Soglasiya, Grumant and VIRMA, Igor Chevychalo, that the sale would be carried out exclusively through certain traders. There are no other options to buy fish caught by Karelians

There were many traders in the provided list: Onezhskaya Pristan LLC, “ Trade company", "Guard", "Petrofish", "Fish Company", "Rybtorg", "Arctic Line", "Regional Fish Alliance", "Golden Fleece", "SkyNord" and others. All volumes of fish caught are sold exclusively through these companies

And this is where the sleight of hand begins. According to the data tax audit(available to the editors), money under fictitious loan agreements from Rybtorg and other traders was withdrawn to the accounts of other companies, the founder of which was the same Zubarev, for example, North-Western Financial House LLC, management company"Panorama", construction company"Neva Real Estate".

For example, SkyNord’s money went to Nevskaya Real Estate or, through shell companies specializing in microloans, to the accounts of Petrozavodsk car dealerships Kia and Volkswagen.

There is a similar scheme with other traders, for example, “Investline” (the founders there also include former prosecutors, in particular Igor Lukashov)

Another Karelian deputy appears in the story - Nikolai Makarov, vice-chairman and co-founder of the republican ONF.