How does deposit insurance work? What is a DIA and how does the bank deposit insurance system work in Russia?

Deposit insurance individuals in Russian banks - this is an obligation established for all banks by Russian law. This measure was developed by the government back in 2003, but became relevant only after the first major crisis 2008, when many Russian citizens lost their savings due to the collapse of financial and credit organizations. Now, thanks to insurance bank deposits, it became possible to return the accumulated money even in the event of bankruptcy or revocation of the bank’s license. True, with some limitations, which we will definitely write about in this article. Also today we will consider the main issues related to insurance payments under the terms of 2017.

The insurer on behalf of the state is an agency (association) for insurance of deposits of individuals. Mandatory deposit insurance is provided for by Federal Law No. 177 of December 23, 2003. Let's say right away that this law protects the rights of ordinary citizens and does not include insurance of deposits of legal entities in banks.

Up to what amount are deposits insured in 2017?

The amount of deposit insurance in 2017 was not changed; it remains 1.4 million rubles, taking into account capitalized interest.

The change in the amount was considered at the initiative of German Gref, president of the board of Sberbank - he proposed limiting the total amount of payments (across all banks) per person to 3 million, citing DIA statistics on the type of depositors, 23% of whom deliberately carried their savings right before the revocation of the license for increasing benefits. However, his proposal was rejected.

The amount for which bank deposits are insured is valid separately for each credit organization. That is, if you had several deposits in bankrupt banks, you will receive payments from each of them - up to 1.4 million rubles.

The program also applies to . Maximum amount deposit insurance in foreign currency in 2017 is calculated at the rate valid on the day of license revocation, converted into rubles.

If the guaranteed return amount of the deposit in 2017 does not cover the amount of investment, the client retains the right to claim the remaining amount along with the claims of creditors.

Who pays if an insured event occurs on bank deposits?

The state corporation DIA insures deposits of individuals, and it is also responsible for paying insurance compensation. To make it more convenient for clients to receive insurance compensation for their deposit, the DIA can make payments through agents.

In 2017, the Central Bank personally takes control of the activities of the DIA, and only reliable ones are appointed as agents state banks There are dozens of them, system-forming ones.

Interesting statistics: in 2015, payments to depositors were 2 times higher than the amount received from banks as insurance premium. Since it is not profitable for the state to operate at a loss, it was decided to raise insurance rates for banks and use these funds for profit.

Does bank deposit insurance cover plastic cards?

State insurance of deposits of individuals equals the account of any debit card to the deposit, therefore - if you are used to keeping savings on bank card, you can sleep peacefully: your money is protected by the deposit insurance system.

The official website of the DIA contains information that the protection of deposits by the state does not apply to prepaid cards, depersonalized metal compulsory health insurance accounts and nameless ones.
Should I agree to the bank’s offer to transfer the deposit to another credit institution?

We strongly advise against agreeing to similar proposals. Deposit amount. insured by the state in 2017, is paid only on deposits formalized by the agreement. When transferring the deposit, this agreement will be considered terminated, you will lose the right to compensation, because the transfer of the deposit may never take place - the bank no longer has this money, it is almost bankrupt. Afterwards, the transfer will be in the stage of “stuck” payments, and you are unlikely to get your deposit back, since stuck payments are the last in line for payment. It is much better to leave everything as it is, be first in line for a refund, and calmly return your money through the DIA within 14 days.

Also, don't agree to early dissolution followed by partial payment - thus the bank simply avoids paying interest. Most clients think that it is better to get at least something than nothing, but this is only an illusion of choice.

How long can I claim compensation under the deposit insurance program?

The law provides for time limits limited to the complete liquidation of the bank. It takes about 2 years from the moment the license is revoked to final liquidation.

If you had a deposit with a bank whose license was revoked in 2014, you can still apply for a refund. Just keep in mind that for deposits opened before December 29, 2014, other insurance conditions were in effect. Do you know what amount was insured by the state for deposits in 2014? It was exactly 2 times lower, and amounted to only 700,000 rubles.

How does the payment process work?

Information about the revocation of a bank’s license is published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the press, and on the website of the bankrupt bank itself. If the bank was not assigned (the DIA pulls out some banks with additional capitalization, changes management, etc. - that is, it tries to “recover”), then the case is considered an insurance case. The same sources publish the name of one or more agent banks that will make payments to depositors.

To receive insurance compensation, you will need to apply with your passport to the specified agent bank, write an application, and based on the register, you will be paid into your account within 3 days (but not earlier than 2 weeks after the insured event).

Deposit insurance by the state in the current 2019 will be carried out according to the same principle as before. In connection with recent events in economic life our country, namely, with the deprivation of licenses of several dozen banks, many depositors are interested in the exact amount of guaranteed return Money.

We remind you that according to the law “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” when a banking organization is deprived of a license to carry out credit operations, investors will be returned their investments in 100% amount, but not more than the insured amount, i.e. 1,400,000 rubles.

If the total amount of funds in your accounts and deposits with this banking company exceeded this amount, then you get in line. After the property owned by the bank is sold and debts to first-priority creditors are repaid, additional payments may be made.

If the depositor had several accounts in one bankrupt bank, then compensation will be paid in proportion to their sizes. Regardless of the currency, payments are made in rubles, and they usually begin no later than 3-4 weeks from the date of the insured event.

There are several changes that have occurred since 2016:

  • In the event that your deposit was opened in foreign currency, That compensation payments will be made in rubles at the Central Bank rate, which is in effect on the day the client applies;
  • Payments are now made not only to individuals, but also to legal entities;
  • The insurance amount includes not only an initial fee, but also accrued interest;
  • If you made a deposit whose amount exceeded 1.4 million rubles, then you can first receive the state-guaranteed amount, and then, in order of priority, claim the balance after the sale of the bank’s property.

It is important to understand that interest accrues under the agreement. If it was monthly, then you will receive an initial payment +% for the duration of the deposit. If the accrual was expected at the end of the period, which has not yet arrived, then the rate will be used “On demand”.

If the bank where you made the deposit has lost its license, no need to panic. Within 14 days, temporary management is appointed there, as well as an agent bank who will handle the return of funds.

A message about who received the obligations of the organization in which you were previously served will appear on its official website, as well as on the DIA website. After this, you will need to contact the nearest branch of the specified company with an identification document and banking agreement for the opening.

If you applied for a loan at the same banking institution, then your obligations will be reduced by the amount of your deposit and will also be transferred to the agent bank. In this case, you may be offered to repay the debt early by preferential terms, for example, at a reduced rate.

For borrowers: it is important that until you receive new details, you should refrain from making payments, because the money may go “nowhere”. If you still want to make another payment on your loan, be sure to keep the receipt confirming this transaction.

Are all deposits subject to insurance?

Unfortunately no. You will be able to receive compensation for ordinary deposits opened in your name, for salary, pension and other accounts intended to receive all kinds of payments.

What will not be insured by the state:

  • bearer deposit accounts (savings certificates);
  • impersonal metal accounts (OMS);
  • electronic money;
  • deposits transferred to the bank for trust management;
  • investment deposits;
  • accounts located in foreign branches.

It should also be remembered that not all banking organizations cooperate with the DIA, because this payable service, and investors of not all companies can receive payments either. Therefore, if you are planning to open a deposit in 2019, be sure to ask a specialist whether your deposit will be insured; a list of such banks can be found on the official website Central Bank Russia.

A deposit insurance agency is a state corporation whose main task is to make payments when an insured event occurs. If it is necessary to be more precise, then it is his responsibility to quickly return money to citizens of the Russian Federation, owners of bank deposits in banks (for example, in) that have ceased operations.

Insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation 2018 changes

IN Lately There were many (and various) rumors that hinted that changes were coming in the work of the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency). The news indicated that the amount that would be returned (guaranteed) to owners of bank deposits would increase, but these expectations did not come true, since Russian Federation Now things are not that good, for example, the same Agency owes the Central Bank of the Russian Federation a large amount. Therefore, there will be changes, but they will not affect individuals.

The official website of the DIA indicated that each bank participating in the DIA (deposit insurance system), if it remains interested in insurance, will pay higher percentage for the opportunity to attract money from individuals. Such a decision will ensure the return of the Russian Federation big loan, which was taken by the Deposit Insurance Agency when the license was taken away from many banking institutions and the DIA had a cash deficit. The official website of the DIA does not report any other innovations.

Law on deposit insurance in Russia

Federal Law No. 121-FZ establishes the right of individuals to receive guarantees from the Russian Federation if they have deposits in banking institutions. It has been in force since 2004 and according to it the Agency has fulfilled its function almost 400 times. All cases were similar: a bank became insolvent. The law specifies that individual depositors must have guarantees for the return of the amount of funds established by the state. Moreover, the system is designed in such a way that individuals do not have any need to contact their bankrupt bank. All relations with the creditor who is awaiting liquidation are taken over by the Agency, which makes the work of citizens easier - this is what the official website of the DIA indicates.

The amount of insurance of individual deposits in Russian banks in 2018

As of today, the amount that the Agency will pay is 1.4 million rubles. It will not change, since the DIA and the entire insurance system, saving the deposits of individuals in 2015, created problems for themselves in the form of a lack of funds. Next, we had to take out a loan from the Central Bank, which is now impossible to repay, so in 2018 there is no question that the insurance system will change the terms and conditions of payments.

List of banks included in the deposit insurance system

If a person wants to open a deposit, then he should not wonder which financial institutions are included in the system that reimburses funds, or look for a list of them. Since the relevant federal law specifies that every bank that wants to attract money from individuals must pay contributions to specialized fund. That is Russian system, main task which is the protection of the money of individuals, without any legal subtleties it guarantees for the population that the banks that take money from citizens pay contributions to the insurance fund.

This means that the Agency will pay the due amount, as required by law, the official website reports. Therefore, the depositor does not have to worry about whether his bank is a participant in the system and it does not matter where the person wants to open a deposit in St. Petersburg or whether his place of residence is Moscow, Tomsk, Ryazan, or another city. But, if you want to make sure, you can look at the official Internet resource that the Agency has, there is information about all the banks that the system has accepted as members.

Deposit Insurance Agency official website

The Russian profile Agency places all important information to your official website. There you will find the following:

— when and where to go to get your lost savings back;

- what amount is due to be paid;

— a list of creditors whom the system that guarantees payments has accepted as members.

There is also legal information and everything else necessary, for example, vacancies, address of the organization, how to write an application, in what currency funds are paid. The official portal of the corporation reports that the last time it was necessary to carry out its duties was when insured events occurred with Rinvestbank and Arksbank, which are part of the system.

Deposits in VTB 24 for individuals in 2018 in rubles

The banking crisis makes investors worried about the safety of their money. Many people have a question about how the law on deposit insurance works, whether there is a high probability that the money will be returned if the bank experiences force majeure circumstances. Insurance of deposits of individuals is provided by the state, however, the bank where an individual has a deposit must be a participant in the system for guaranteeing the return of finances to individuals in legal relations. To quickly return your money, you need to know the nuances of the deposit insurance system.

What is deposit insurance

To avoid panic among the population associated with disruptions in the work of financial and credit organizations, the cessation of their activities, the state introduced insurance of deposits in banks, that is guaranteed amounts compensation paid to the investor. World practice shows that state insurance deposits of individuals is a reliable and effective mechanism that reduces the socio-economic consequences of the crisis banking sector.

The mechanism is needed to build the confidence of individuals in banks, encouraging them to invest in “long-term” deposits designed for more than one year. However, since Central bank Russia (CBR) prefers not to close banking structures, but to carry out health complex measures to correct the crisis situation, in which individuals always have access to their finances, the insurance system is less relevant than 3-5 years ago.

How does the deposit insurance system for individuals work?

The agreement on attracting savings must state that the bank participates in a program to protect the savings of the population implemented by the state. This gives individuals confidence that in the event of force majeure circumstances, when the financial structure cannot fulfill its obligations to depositors, the latter are guaranteed to receive their money from the Agency that provides deposit insurance. The Agency’s operating mechanism is based on Russian legislation, which details the rights of depositors to receive compensation.

Regulatory framework

Compensation for insurance amounts is carried out in accordance with Federal law No. 177 of December 23, 2003 “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation”, which defines the norms, rules, and amount of obligations for which insurance of deposits of individuals is carried out. According to this legal act, any physical object legal relations with the bank can send to authorized body a request for reimbursement of funds that the bank is unable to pay for its obligations.

The state guarantees citizens a refund if following conditions:

  • The financial and credit organization is included in the register of banks participating in the program for compensation of funds on deposits. According to the law, when concluding an agreement to attract finance, any banking structure must inform the individual about his presence in the register.
  • The contract for attracting financial resources is valid on conditions that fall within the definition of an insured event.

Deposit Insurance Agency

The State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency is the regulator of the relationship between a financial organization and individuals. The agency operates based on 177-FZ, and the amount of funds that can be used to compensate individuals is more than 85 billion rubles. The Agency receives this property from bank transfers (any financial structure to obtain a license from the Central Bank must transfer a certain percentage to the compulsory deposit insurance fund), or from investments.

The agency is actively working on procedures related to the bankruptcy of banking institutions, carrying out rehabilitation measures for their rehabilitation, and providing support to voluntary investors. The Board of Directors of this state corporation includes representatives of the Central Bank and senior government officials, which provides the maximum guarantee of return of money according to the requirements of depositors.

Banks included in the state deposit insurance system

On the DIA website you can see that the following financial structures are in the register of participants:

  • Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • VTB 24;
  • Alpha Group;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Bank Rosgosstrah;
  • Renaissance Credit;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Russian standard.

According to the DIA, the register includes more than 850 financial organizations. If a private depositor, when concluding a bank deposit agreement, is not presented with official data that the financial institution insures deposits of individuals, then he is faced with fraudsters. Any bank must necessarily participate in the program for compensating deposits to individuals.

Insurance of bank deposits - features of the procedure

According to 177-FZ, any funds placed by an individual subject of legal relations in a bank, with the opening bank account, to acquire benefits in the form of interest payments, as well as interest accruing during use financial institution with this money are considered insured. Such deposits include both ruble and foreign currency savings of individuals. The maximum amount of deposit insurance, according to the amendment dated December 19, 2014, is set at 1.4 million rubles. Insured are considered the following types financial resources that are subject to return:

  • sent to various deposits, time and on demand, in rubles and foreign currency;
  • placed on accounts providing for the payment of salaries, benefits, pensions to physical subjects of legal relations;
  • intended for the needs of private entrepreneurs;
  • placed on the accounts of guardians and trustees for the transfer of funds to their wards;
  • available in escrow-type accounts, which are intended for transactions of individuals for the purchase and sale of real estate;
  • located on debit physical plastic media issued by this financial institution.

What funds of individuals are not subject to compulsory insurance?

You should be aware that the legislation provides for exceptions under which certain types of amounts of money stored by objects of legal relationships in banks are not subject to compensation, and insurance of deposits of individuals does not apply to them. These include:

  • Amounts in the accounts of citizens carrying out legal assistance to private individuals (lawyers, notaries), if this money is spent on work needs.
  • Bank deposits, issued to the bearer.
  • Finances that an individual transfers to a bank for investment trust management.
  • Money held in foreign branches of Russian banks.
  • Funds for the transfer of which a debit account cannot be opened (electronic payments).
  • Additional sums of money on nominal metal impersonal accounts.

Insurance cases

According to the law, insurance of individual savings is carried out in the following cases:

  • If the Central Bank revokes the license issued by it from the bank. The register participant is subject to the introduction of external management and no longer has the right to work with individuals and legal entities, manage finances, and fulfill its obligations to clients.
  • When the Central Bank introduces a moratorium on creditor claims. This situation arises during bankruptcy proceedings. credit institution for the purpose of debt restructuring. Monitors the implementation of the DIA moratorium; this state can last 12 months, after which a decision is made either to terminate it or to extend it for six months.

Revocation of CBR license

Main Bank withdraws the license issued to him to carry out banking from a financial institution under the following circumstances:

  • if the bank exceeds its authority and carries out risky operations to issue large non-performing loans;
  • decrease authorized capital lower than stated in constituent documents amounts;
  • if the financial structure purposefully and constantly does not comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • if it is impossible to satisfy the claims of creditors and claims of clients regarding the bank’s obligations;
  • when identifying fraudulent money laundering schemes or providing incorrect reporting data;
  • failure to comply with court decisions;
  • critical reduction in cash balances below 2%.

The day after the license is revoked, the Central Bank introduces external management to put things in order financial structure and its subsequent liquidation. Individuals may qualify for reimbursement of funds deposited in this banking organization, 2 weeks after recording the occurrence of this insured event, provided that their funds were insured.

Introduction of a moratorium by the Central Bank on satisfying the claims of bank creditors

This measure is temporary in relation to a financial institution and is established to streamline its functioning. The moratorium gives individuals the right to receive not only the invested amount, but also interest on it upon the occurrence of an insured event. Interest compensation occurs separately, they are calculated based on 2/3 key rate TSB RF.

You need to contact the agency involved in payments 2 weeks after the moratorium begins, but no later than 2 weeks before it ends. If the investor does not apply to the DIA for good reasons for specified deadlines, then the money can be given to him in individually, upon presentation necessary documents. When the moratorium ends, there are two options:

  • the bank's license is revoked and it ceases to exist;
  • the sanitary measures taken have a beneficial effect on financial condition organization, and it continues to operate as before.

Insurance compensation for deposits

According to the law on deposit insurance for an individual participant in legal relations, when applying to the DIA, 100% of the insurance is paid on the deposit. If a private individual had several deposits in a given organization, then the amount of contributions is recalculated in proportion to each deposit. However, you should know that the insurance law provides maximum size compensation is 1.4 million rubles, and if the total amount for all deposits exceeds this figure, then compensation for the difference in contributions is determined in court according to the list of 1st priority creditors.

Compensation for escrow accounts is made in 100% volume, if it does not exceed the amount of 10 million rubles. Payments for this insured event are made by the Agency in a separate manner, after reviewing all documents for opening this account. Money can be received directly at the DIA branch, through agent banks appointed by the fund, or by mail.

Payment amount

The legislation establishing the rules for insurance of individuals separately stipulates the situation in which the owner of the deposit simultaneously had a deposit in a banking organization and took out a loan there, which, by the time the insured event occurred, was not fully repaid. The compensation amount will be calculated as the difference between the debit and credit account, taking into account all amounts of obligations of the debtor and creditor. Insurance premiums are paid on an individual basis.

Reimbursement currency

Compensation for deposits is made in rubles, therefore, for all deposits in foreign currency, recalculation is carried out according to the Central Bank exchange rate for a given currency at the time of the insured event. If the deposit is placed in foreign currency, then interest on foreign currency deposits are calculated based on Central Bank data on average interest rates for this type of bank deposit product.

If a moratorium has been introduced and you do not want to receive compensation in rubles for foreign currency deposit, then you can be patient and wait for the end of the remediation measures. The financial institution will begin operating as before and will satisfy claims on deposits in proportion to deposit agreements. However, in such a situation, there is a possibility that the depositor will not receive the amount paid at all if the bank ceases to exist after the end of the moratorium.

How to receive insurance payments on deposits

In order not to suffer as a result of the bankruptcy of a banking institution and to return funds, the following steps should be taken:

  • Check the list of insured funds established by law and find out whether your savings are included in them.
  • On the DIA website, make sure that this bank is a member of the CER;
  • From the media, bank notifications, messages to depositors, find out which agent bank was appointed by the DIA to make payments.
  • Choose the most convenient way receiving payment of compensation - in cash, by cashless transfer, by postal order.
  • Write an application for insurance payment to the agent bank and come there in person with the required documents.
  • Within 3 working days, receive the required amount using the specified method.
  • If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum rate of insurance payment, then to compensate for the difference that insurance does not cover, go to court along with other creditors of the bank.

Documents for submission to the DIA

Compensation is paid by the DIA upon presentation of the following documents:

  • Depositor's statements on in the prescribed form. If you choose to receive money by mail, the application will have to be certified by a notary.
  • Passport or other identification document, about which there is data in the general register of clients of the banking organization.
  • When applying not to the depositor himself, but to his representative, a power of attorney certified by a notary is required for the right to demand payments.
  • If the individual who entered into the agreement on its opening, and the investor’s heir, applies for payment of compensation, then it is required to submit documents evidencing his right to inheritance.


As experience shows, most economically developed countries, deposit insurance in banks acts as an effective tool for solving a complex of macroeconomic and social problems. First of all, the savings guarantee system helps prevent panic among citizens. This, in turn, ensures stable operations banking system. At the same time, CER helps reduce public costs of eliminating the consequences of the crisis. Insurance of deposits of individuals, among other things, increases public confidence in financial and credit organizations. This creates the preconditions for a long-term increase in private deposits. Today, government deposit insurance exists in 104 countries around the world.

Deposit insurance in Russia

It is carried out in accordance with the relevant “On Deposit Insurance”, which was adopted in 2003, on December 23. Its provisions determine the operation of the CER and the procedure for ensuring guarantees. In particular, in accordance with the Federal Law, all savings of citizens placed in accounts provided by banks registered in Russia are subject to protection. Deposit insurance for individuals also applies to funds on cards (except credit cards), since they also act as regular accounts. Savings are protected in accordance with the specified Federal Law. This means that there is no need to additionally conclude a warranty agreement. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) operates in Russia. This corporation was formed in 2004, in January. The Deposit Insurance Agency provides control and management of the system. In Russia, participation in the savings account is an integral part of the activities of organizations involved in attracting and storing citizens' savings. Currently, more than 800 banks are included in the insurance system.

Amount of compensation

Reimbursement for deposits in an organization in respect of which an insured event occurred is carried out in the amount of 100% of the amount of funds stored, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles. Savings held in accounts in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate at the time the event occurred. Maximum value compensation - 1.4 million rubles - is accrued for deposits kept in the same bank in different accounts (or one). Savings located in different financial institutions, are provided independently of each other.

Important point

After the insurance compensation is paid, the depositor's right of claim for amounts exceeding the amount of the guarantees is satisfied in the process of first-priority creditors. The rights to claim the amount of compensation paid are transferred to the DIA. If the depositor was issued a loan from a bank in respect of which an insured event occurred, the amount of compensation is reduced by the amount of counterclaims of the financial credit organization on the date of termination of its activities.

Reimbursement cases

The Law establishes the following circumstances under which compensation is paid to depositors:

  1. Cancellation (revocation) of a license.
  2. Introduction of a moratorium by the Bank of Russia on financial transactions.

Payments of compensation begin within three working days from the date of submission of documents to the DIA, but not earlier than two weeks from the occurrence of any of the above circumstances. Reimbursement of deposits is carried out either at the Agency’s office (if total amount and the number of depositors is small), or in one or more authorized branches, or by mail. For each individual situation, a specific procedure for providing compensation is established.


The following are not subject to insurance:

Financial Basics

Insurance of deposits of individuals is carried out with the support of an independent Fund. Its size as of May 7, 2014 amounted to 195.7 billion rubles. (minus the created reserve for the payment of compensation for incidents that occurred - 157.6 billion rubles). As main financial sources The formation of the Fund is made up of a state property contribution - 7.9 billion rubles, as well as contributions and income from investments from its funds. Contributions are the same for all financial and credit organizations and must be paid quarterly. The tariff is determined by the DIA board of directors. Currently the rate is 0.1% of average size insured savings of individuals for the corresponding quarter.

Historical facts

Since the introduction of deposit insurance for individuals, the amount of compensation has increased 14 times. At the initial stage it was 100 thousand rubles. Since August 2006, payments increased to 190,000 rubles, from March 2007 - to 400,000, from October 2008 - to 700,000 rubles. In 2014, the State Duma adopted an amendment, according to which the maximum amount of compensation became 1.4 million rubles. During the entire existence of the CER, more than 180 insured events occurred.

More about the amendment

The doubling of the compensation amount was due to the panic of depositors. According to bankers, this step by the State Duma is very positive, but it is unlikely to contribute to the influx of deposits. The Financial Markets Committee decided to support this project. The meeting took place in an unconventional manner and was hidden from journalists. As the head of the Committee, Burykina, noted, the amendments at that time were unfinished, and in order to avoid discrepancies, the subsequent discussion should be held without representatives of the media.

Meeting agenda

The committee had two bills to consider. The first concerned doubling the insurance payment, and the second concerned the formation of an inter-factional group of deputies that would work to stabilize the situation in the Russian financial market. However, the discussion also touched on a number of other pressing issues.

Reasons for increasing compensation

The need for urgent adoption of such a measure was due to a significant outflow of citizens’ funds from ruble accounts. Thus, since the beginning of 2014 it amounted to about 216 billion rubles. Due to the start of December financial crisis the risk of churn has increased significantly. Bankers point to the massive desire of Russians to transfer their funds to foreign currency accounts, as well as invest in property. According to Aksakov, president of the Rossiya association, increasing the amount of insurance will contribute to the flow of money into domestic financial companies. He cites the situation in 2008 as evidence of his position. During that period, there was an outflow of deposits amounting to 7%. After increasing the insurance amount to 700 thousand rubles. The volume of citizens' deposits increased by 10% in October.

DIA work in new conditions

With the adoption of the amendment to increase insurance compensation, as Aksakov notes, the system of contributions to the fund is unlikely to undergo any changes. If the DIA reserve decreases significantly, it may apply for a loan from the Central Bank. This opportunity provided for by the Federal Law on CERs. As Isaev (chief of the agency) noted, the decision made will affect the work of the corporation, but the need to contact the Central Bank has not yet arisen.

Additional opportunities for citizens

As mentioned above, bankers consider increasing the amount of insurance payments a very positive decision. Currently, the population's deposits amount to 500 thousand rubles. This relatively small figure is due to the fact that many split their funds and opened accounts in different financial institutions to reduce risks. When the insurance payment increases, investors have the opportunity to accumulate large amounts in one bank. At the same time, the increase in compensation acts as an additional guarantee of the Government. This, in turn, among other things, also helps to increase confidence in the domestic financial sector. At the same time, according to bankers, the adoption of the amendment will reduce the rate of cancellation and selection of licenses in order to avoid increasing the burden on the insurance fund.