Calculation of deposits profitable deposits. Calculation of interest on deposit: formula, how to calculate

Online calculator deposits will help you quickly calculate interest on any deposit, including with capitalization, with replenishments and taking into account taxes, and will also show a schedule for calculating interest. If you are planning to open a deposit, then the calculator will help you calculate the potential profitability in advance.

Interest capitalization

With a regular deposit, the bank pays the accrued interest to the depositor monthly (or at other intervals stipulated by the terms of the agreement). This is called "simple interest." A deposit with capitalization (or “compound interest”) is a condition under which accrued interest is not paid, but is added to the deposit amount, thereby increasing it. The total income from the deposit in this case will be higher.

Using a deposit calculator, you can compare the results of calculating two identical deposits (with and without capitalization) and see the difference.

Effective interest rate on deposit

This characteristic is relevant only for deposits with interest capitalization. Due to the fact that interest is not paid but is used to increase the deposit amount, it is obvious that if the deposit amount increases monthly, then the newly accrued interest on this amount will also be higher, as will the final income.

Calculation formula effective rate:

N is the number of interest payments during the deposit term,
T - term of deposit placement in months.

This formula is not universal. It is only suitable for deposits with capitalization once a month, the period of which contains an integer number of months. For other deposits (for example, a deposit for 100 days), this formula will not work.

However, there is a universal formula for calculating the effective rate. The disadvantage of this formula is that you can get the result only after calculating the interest on the deposit.

Effective rate = (P/S) * (365/d) * 100

P - interest accrued for the entire deposit period,
S - deposit amount,
d - deposit term in days.

This formula is suitable for all deposits, with any terms and any frequency of capitalization. It simply calculates the ratio of the income received to the initial deposit amount, reducing this value to annual interest. Only a small error may be present here if the deposit period or part of it falls on a leap year.

This is the method used to calculate the effective rate in the deposit calculator presented here.

Tax on income on deposits

tax code Russian Federation provides for taxation of deposits in the following cases:

  • If the interest rate on a ruble deposit exceeds the value key rate Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of conclusion or extension of the agreement, increased by 5 percentage points.
  • If the interest rate foreign currency deposit exceeds 9% .

The tax rate is 35% for residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents.

In this case, not all income received from the deposit is taxed, but only the part received as a result of excess interest rate by the contribution of the threshold rate. In order to calculate the tax base (the amount subject to tax), you must first calculate the interest accrued at the nominal rate of the deposit, and then make a similar calculation at the threshold rate. The difference between these amounts will be the tax base. To obtain the tax amount, all that remains is to multiply this amount by the tax rate.

Our deposit calculator will calculate your deposit taking into account taxes.

There are several ways to evaluate the profitability of a deposit with capitalization. The simplest and most accurate option is to use a calculator. The program saves a lot of time and provides detailed information on interest calculation.

How a calculator helps assess the profitability of a deposit with capitalization

Deposit calculator is a convenient service for determining. The program allows you to accurately calculate the potential profit on deposits in a few minutes. different banks and choose the most profitable option.

Advantages of using a calculator to assess the profitability of a deposit:

  1. High accuracy of calculations. Profitability calculators are based on financial mathematics formulas that bankers use when calculating interest on deposits.
  2. Determining the difference in income when changing the parameters of the deposit: maturity, rate, procedure for calculating interest and replenishing the deposit.
  3. Obtaining a clear idea of ​​the amount of income received at the end of the deposit period.
  4. Comparison of conditions for deposit programs of several financial organizations.
Important! The information obtained during calculations using the deposit calculator is still for reference only. It is recommended to contact the bank for reliable data on the amount of future savings. Some institutions are ready to individually make an addition to the interest for regular customers or for investors opening a deposit for a long term.

Calculation of profit on a deposit using a calculator online

To determine the profit on the deposit, you need to open the online deposit calculator program with the option to calculate capitalized interest.

General calculation algorithm:

1. Enter the basic parameters of the deposit in the form:

  • amount;
  • currency;
  • placement period;

2. Determine the procedure for calculating interest, i.e. frequency of capitalization, and the possibility of depositing funds into the deposit account.

Conclusion: if the depositor places 50,000 rubles into a deposit account in a bank. with capitalization at 13% per annum, then his income for six months will be 3360 rubles.

For clarity, most computing programs provide results in the form of a graph displaying monthly interest accrual.

Important! Income at a rate of more than 15.5% is subject to taxation at the rate of 35%. Some programs provide the option of calculating the amount that is taxed and the amount of profit withheld from the deposit.

When placing a deposit with a capitalization for 6 months in the amount of 50,000 rubles, but at a rate of 17%, the income will be 4290 rubles, 136 rubles. – the amount of taxes withheld.

Calculation of investment profitability in Excel

You can find out the total amount of profit on a deposit with capitalization using the MS Excel spreadsheet editor.

An example of calculating a deposit of 50,000 rubles. with a period of 6 months. at a rate of 13%. Need to:

  1. Open Excel and activate any cell.
  2. Go to the “Formulas”/“Financial” tabs.
  3. From the list, select the formula “BS” - future value.

4. In the form that opens, enter the deposit data:

  • Rate – displayed as a decimal fraction based on 1 month, that is – 0.13/12;
  • KPer – number of months (capitalization periods) – 6;
  • Ps – deposit amount: 50,000.

The editor automatically displays the total investment amount at the end of the period: deposit + accrued interest.

From the calculation it is clear that the investor will receive a profit from the deposit in the amount of 3339 rubles over six months. The error of the result compared to calculations using an online calculator is 21 rubles. – that is, less than 1%.

The disadvantage of using a table editor is that the program does not calculate tax on income from a deposit whose rate exceeds 15.5%.

Formula for calculating deposits with capitalization

A deposit with capitalization provides for the accrual of interest on the amount of the deposit itself and on the profit calculated earlier. The calculation formula depends on the type of capitalization:

  • monthly;
  • daily;
  • quarterly;
  • annual.

The most common first option is accrual compound interest monthly. In this case, the formula applies:

  • Deposit amount – the amount of savings placed in the deposit account;
  • Period – number of days in the billing period;
  • Rate – annual percentage;
  • n – number of capitalization periods over the entire deposit period.

It is quite difficult to independently calculate a deposit using a financial formula. It is easier to determine the profitability of an investment as the sum of accrued interest for individual periods. Monthly income calculated by the formula simple interest, and then added to the body of the deposit.

Calculation example. Deposit parameters:

Calculation algorithm:

  1. Income for the first month = 50000*30*13/(100*365)=534.24 rubles.
  2. Income for the second month = (50000+534.24)*29*13/(100*365)=521.95 rub.
  3. Income for the third month = (50534.24+521.95)*30*13/(100*365)=545.53 rub.
  4. Income for the fourth month = (51056.19+545.53)*28*13/(100*365)=551.36 rubles.
  5. Income for the fifth month = (51601.72+551.36)*30*13/(100*365)=557.25 rub.
  6. Income for the sixth month = (52153.08+557.25)*28*13/(100*365)=525.66 rub.
  7. Total amount of accrued interest = 534.24+521.95+545.53+551.36+557.25+525.66=3235.99 rub.

The calculation error in this case is higher due to the inaccurate number of days. The calculator usually takes into account the specific date of opening the deposit, which is the starting point for subsequent calculations.

Algorithm for comparing the profitability of deposits

A thorough analysis of deposit parameters will help you choose the optimal one banking product. The program for comparing the profitability of deposits is presented on many websites of financial organizations. As a rule, this service is located on the “Individuals” / “Deposits / Deposits” / “Deposit Calculator” page.

On the site you will be able to compare the amount of expected profit when placing the same amount of deposit for the same period, but on different terms deposit programs operating specifically in this bank.

Comparison of profitability of Baikal Bank deposits. Need to:

  1. Open Deposit Calculator.
  2. Set the parameters you are interested in. For example, 100 thousand rubles. for a period of up to 400 days inclusive. The main condition is monthly capitalization of interest.
  3. Click “Calculate income”.

4. Evaluate the result.

A list of deposit programs that meet the entered conditions will be displayed on the screen. All that remains is to choose the best one among the proposed options.

The amount of return on the deposit is influenced by the following criteria:

  • possibility of partial withdrawal / ;
  • the amount of commission for converting funds - for foreign currency deposits;
  • frequency of interest capitalization. The highest income comes from deposits with daily capitalization.

5 Accurate Deposit Calculators

The most accurate result will be shown by the calculator on the website of the bank where you are placing a deposit. There is a high probability that employees use the same tool when drawing up a contract. All you have to do is enter the parameters correctly, choose the interest calculation method and take into account the tax withholding.

If the depositor has not yet decided on a bank, then it is possible to use one of the programs:

1. Deposit calculator of the information portal about banks. The service has several advantages:

  • calculation accuracy;
  • tax accounting;
  • choice of capitalization frequency;
  • displaying an interest calculation schedule;
  • displaying suitable offers from different banks.

5. Investment calculator Business magazine displaying the growth dynamics of accrued interest.

The calculator will help you quickly “estimate” how much you can earn by placing a deposit in a bank.

Convenient calculator?


How to calculate income on a deposit (deposit)

Enter the following information into the form:

  • The amount of deposit that you are willing to make to the bank and the currency in which you place the funds;
  • Placement period and date of contribution;
  • Next, select the type of interest rate and the amount of interest that the bank charges on the deposit amount;
  • Specify how often interest is accrued on the deposit. Most often this happens monthly, but there are other offers from banks. The frequency of accrual is necessarily indicated in the terms of the deposit;
  • Check the “Capitalization of Interest” checkbox if the interest on the deposit that is accrued by the bank during the deposit placement period is added to the deposit amount. If interest is transferred to a separate account or card, then there is no “Capitalization” of the deposit and the amount remains unchanged;
  • In the “Tax” field, indicate whether you are a resident or non-resident of the Russian Federation or select “None”, which applies to 99% of calculations;
  • Provide information if you periodically intend to replenish or withdraw some money from the deposit, as well as the amount of the minimum balance in case of withdrawal of funds from the deposit;

Resident of the Russian Federation- this is the one who is for Last year lived in Russia for at least 183 days, the rest are non-residents. Russian citizenship has nothing to do with the concept of resident/non-resident.

What the calculator will show

As a result, the calculator will calculate and display the data:

  • The total amount of accrued funds on the deposit is the income from the placement;
  • Size "Effective" credit rate" When “Capitalization” of the deposit, the amount will be greater than the percentage you entered for placing the deposit, because funds that are credited to the deposit are taken into account;
  • The amount on deposit at the end of the term. Actually this is the amount of the deposit plus the amount of interest;
  • Schedule for calculating interest and increasing the deposit amount for the entire period of placement;
  • If the interest rate on the deposit is such that you need to pay tax on income, then the calculator will automatically calculate the amount that will be withheld by the bank for taxes and show the Income on the deposit minus tax payments(tax details below).

Tax on placement of bank deposits

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, taxes on earnings on bank deposits you need to pay in two cases:

  • You placed a foreign currency (any currency except the Russian ruble) deposit with an interest rate of more than 9% per annum;
  • The interest on a deposit in Russian rubles on the date of opening the deposit is higher than the Central Bank key rate by 5 percent or more;

Deposit tax rate and tax amount calculation

  • The rate for residents of the Russian Federation is 35%;
  • For non-residents - 30%;

The tax on deposits in rubles is not calculated on the entire amount of income on the deposit, but only on the difference between income with interest at the Central Bank rate + 5% and the actual rate offered by the bank.

The tax on deposits in foreign currency, similar to ruble deposits, is calculated not on the entire income on the deposit, but only on the difference between the “allowed” rate of 9% and the actual rate offered by the bank.

An example of calculating tax on a bank deposit

Just for general development, the calculator takes this into account!

As of July 1, 2018, the Central Bank Refinancing rate is 7.25%, therefore the tax will need to be paid on a ruble deposit at a rate of 7.25%+5%=12.25% and higher.

Initial data: We open a deposit of 1,000,000 rubles at 14% per annum for a period of 12 months;

  • We calculate interest for 12 months: 1,000,000 * 0.14 * 12/12 = 140,000 ₽ - this is total income by deposit;
  • We calculate the interest from the allowed rate (Central Bank + 5% = 12.25%): 1,000,000 * 0.1225 * 12/12 = 122,500 ₽ - this is tax-free income;
  • Next, we calculate the amount on which tax must be paid: 140,000 - 122,500 = 17,500 rubles. That's what it is the tax base, with which we pay;
  • As a result, we calculate the amount of tax (for residents of the Russian Federation 35%): 17,500 * 0.35 = 6,125 rubles. This amount must be given to the state.

I will note one thing: I have never, in any bank, seen rates so large that I had to even think about paying tax.

You can and should ask your questions in the comments.

The online deposit calculator in Moscow allows you to study the profitability of different offers. In 2019 for individuals banks have developed many new programs.

The deposit calculator with capitalization in Moscow makes it possible to find out how much savings you will get if you invest a particular amount with the possibility of partial cash withdrawal.

Calculate your contribution using a calculator online in Moscow

The deposit interest calculator in Moscow is easy to use. The service allows you to enter information on terms, percentages, conditions and amounts an unlimited number of times. You can calculate your deposit online in Moscow online from banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Post Bank and others.

A deposit calculator in Moscow is available on the official websites of banks. But unlike them, on our website you can use a deposit return calculator in Moscow for all available offers at once.

You can find a deposit by specifying:

  • deadlines;
  • amounts;
  • rubles or currency.

You can calculate your deposit online in Moscow with capitalization, the possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal. After entering the data, a table will open with Moscow banks that meet the requirements. The deposit return calculator in Moscow allows you to obtain information about the income received from the results of data processing.

Calculating the deposit with a calculator in Moscow reduces the time of searching for the desired option, allows you to find maximum percentage taking into account the required timing of opening a deposit. Our website offers a deposit calculator with replenishment and capitalization in Moscow.

Almost every person, before placing savings in one of the banks, seeks to calculate the interest on the deposit. However, not everyone takes into account: in order to correctly calculate the deposit, you should focus not only on the interest rate. In particular, profitability is affected by deposit replenishment and interest capitalization. Capitalization on a deposit is the addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount, due to which subsequent income is accrued taking into account the received indicators. The resulting deposit amount is determined taking into account possible deposits and withdrawals. When you deposit additional funds, the profitability will increase, and when you withdraw money, it will fall.

Calculate correctly online amount income in banks, taking into account all conditions, can be done using an online deposit calculator. Many people don’t know how to determine the effectiveness of a bet and get incorrect values. A calculator is needed to make calculations accurate and at the same time easy for the bank client.

After filling out the required positions (amount, placement period, interest rate, capitalization conditions) in the windows of the online program, you will be able to see how much income you will receive for billing period. The calculation system takes into account additional conditions. But the deposit calculator will accurately generate a preliminary calculation and show the final amount of income.

You can make calculations on Vyberu.Ru or on the bank’s website. The deposit calculator with capitalization on our website shows the amount at the end of the billing period, which is formed taking into account the rate for each program for 2019.

Calculation of deposit profitability

Perhaps, main question What worries every depositor is what income he will receive from placing a deposit in the bank. The deposit calculator with capitalization makes it possible to determine the amount that will be returned by the bank.

To calculate online profitability, you first need to determine how interest will be calculated - with or without capitalization. To calculate interest without capitalization in the online calculator Vyberu.Ru, you need to enter the necessary deposit parameters in its fields. Under the filter windows, you need to select “To a separate account” in the interest payment column and click “Calculate profitability.” To perform the same operation, but to determine the final amount with capitalization, you need to set the terms of the deposit and check the “Capitalization” box.

Compare your results. If you set the same initial data in terms of the amount and storage period of the deposit, the final payment from the bank will be higher if you use a deposit with capitalization. This is due to the fact that the accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, and while maintaining the same rate, the initial amount of funds becomes larger each time, therefore the profitability from such a deposit is higher. The less the client withdraws funds, the greater will be the final profit on the deposit.

Each financial institution has its own terms of deposits and options for calculating interest. To determine for yourself the most profitable program from the bank, you should determine what rate will be effective for you. To do this, determine how much income you would like to receive from placing funds in a bank for a certain period.

The accrual of interest is determined by the following formula: the amount of interest for the entire term of the deposit is divided by the initial amount of money and multiplied by the number of days in a year, divided by the number of days of the deposit. The resulting result must be further multiplied by one hundred.

When opening a deposit, it is important to consider whether the interest that is accrued monthly is added to total amount deposits or they are saved separately. Under this condition, a low rate can be effective if, in monetary terms, income increases for each subsequent month of keeping money in the bank. It is important to discuss this issue with bank managers before signing the agreement.

How to choose the best investment?

To find the optimal savings program from a bank, you should first pay attention to the reliability of the bank. Vyberu.Ru has collected ratings of banks, which are formed taking into account this indicator. It is also necessary to determine the interest rate and methods of charging money. If the rate is noticeably higher than the average, this may be a signal that the bank is experiencing serious difficulties. It is better to open a deposit under small percentage in a reliable financial institution and receive a small income (find it out using an online calculator) than count on large charges in an organization that can go bankrupt at any time.