Belarusbank bank card. Belarusbank debit cards

We continue to study the work of banks within the framework of the project "Consumer Experience". This time we decided to visit the office of Belarusbank. But before that, we called the contact center to decide on the card we want to issue ...

A few seconds of waiting passed, and a kind girl picked up the phone:

Good afternoon. My name is Tatyana. I'm hearing you.

— Good afternoon, Tatyana. I would like to get a regular debit card from your bank. Give me a good card.

The operator specified my name, and throughout the conversation addressed me exclusively by name.

— Are you considering an international card for registration?

- Do not know yet.

- If international, then they are issued with us on a paid basis. If you are considering a card that will be valid only on the territory of Belarus, then you can consider the card of the BELKART - Standard payment system. It's free and valid for 4 years. You can pay with it in trade organizations and services on the territory of Belarus, Internet payments can only be made on Belarusian sites that have entered into an agreement with our bank to accept payments using BELKART cards ...

— Yes, such a card would suit me.

Do you need a card for personal use? Not for salary, but just for personal?

— Yes, on the territory of Belarus.

- In this case, apply with a passport to any branch of Belarusbank that works with the issuance of payment cards. If the bank institution has blanks of non-personalized cards, that is, without the surname and name, then the card can be received immediately. And so, as a rule, 7 working days the card is made.

- Can I guide you to the departments?

- Yes, point it out.

The patient girl gave me one address after another, and searched hard again and again until she found the nearest bank. As a result, satisfied with the consultation and armed with a passport, I went to department No. 514/187 at the address - st. Ya. Kolas, 47/1.

Branch No. 514/187 of Belarusbank at the address - Minsk, st. Ya. Kolas, 47/1

If the office does not look very presentable from the outside, and the front door creaks with displeasure and does not give in, then the interior is very good.

As soon as I entered the branch, the first thing I saw were numbered cash desks and an electronic queue device, with which I received a ticket without any problems. Along the perimeter of the hall are soft, upholstered in leather, chairs. I settled on one of them.

In the right corner of the room sat a consultant girl. True, she sat for a very short time - she was simply snapped up by clients. The girl not only actively answered questions, but more than once helped pay for services through information kiosks.

The line moved quickly, so we didn't have to wait long. To issue the card, "electronic voice" invited me to an individual booth at number 8, which was located in the farthest corner of the room.

A pleasant young man greeted me, and we struck up a business conversation.

— Hello, I want to issue a card and get it as soon as possible. I know that you have free cards.

What is the purpose of the map? For personal use? For enrollments?

- For personal...

Do you want a regular card in Belarus? There are good international cards, we can also issue them immediately.Visa Electronwith the service package "To Start", with notification of incoming transactions, with cashback, that is, with the return of a certain percentage when paying on the Internet ...

— Is this card paid?

- It costs 10 rubles.

— Then I need a BELKART card.

- We will issue the card to your hands immediately, but it will become active within 5 hours. Roughly speaking, from tomorrow it will be possible to replenish it and make debit transactions.

As soon as we decided on the card, the design process began. Usually in banks they give 1 contract for signing, well, a maximum of 2, but in Belarusbank, to my surprise, there were quite a lot of documents for signing, somewhere around 5.

As soon as all the formalities were completed, the specialist told me about remote service systems, after which, thanking for the visit, he said goodbye.

Correspondent's personal opinion

I liked the contact center. The specialist let me know all the main details, and the opportunity to get a free card was a pleasant surprise :)

The registration of the card in the department went very quickly, despite the abundance of documents, the specialist worked quickly and professionally. The entourage was spoiled only by the unyielding and creaking front door, but these are already trifles.

Outcome of the visit toBranch No. 514/187 of Belarusbank, at the address - Minsk, st. Ya. Kolas, 47/1 - 47 points out of 81 possible

Evaluation criteria in the competition Belarusbank
By phone Call Center response time on the line 0 points - more than 3.5 minutes Max 10 5
1 point - 3.5 minutes
2 point - 3 minutes
3 point - 2 minutes
4 points - 1 minute
5 points - less than 30 seconds
Completeness of information received from the Contact Center . whether they offered options for cards - 1 point 1
. whether the cost of registration was specified - 1 point 1
. told where to apply (place and time of work) - 1 point 1
. pre-registration offer at the department - 2 points 0
Bank visit Quality MAX 34 3
Waiting time in queues at the bank, summing up the waiting time to a specialist and to the cashier 0 points - more than 20 minutes
1 point - 20 minutes
2 points - 15 minutes
3 points - 10 minutes
4 points - 5 minutes
5 points - less than 1 minute
Processing speed (summing up the time spent at the specialist’s, at the cash desk and the time spent getting the card) 0 points - more than 35 minutes 5
1 point - 35 minutes
2 points - 30 minutes
3 points - 25 minutes
4 points - 20 minutes
5 points - 15 minutes
Card issuance rate 0 points - more than 5 days 10
2 points - from 3 to 5 days
5 points - next day
10 points - same day
Completeness of information . payment system (explanation) - 1 point 1
. local or international - 1 point 1
. explanation about contactless - 1 point 0
. explanation about 3D Secure - 4 points 0
. production time - 1 point 1
. manufacturing/maintenance cost - 1 point 1
. commission for withdrawals at banks and ATMs - 1 point 0
. availability and cost of Internet banking (IB) and mobile banking (MB) - 2 points 2
. the process of connecting IS and MB - 1 point 1
Facilities MAX 37 5
Ease of receipt if the bank notifies that the card is ready, we add 5 points, if not - 0 points
Serviceability . cleanliness - 1 point 1
. electronic queue - 1 point 1
. presence of a consultant - 1 point 1
. availability of seating for waiting - 1 point 1
. availability of free Wi-Fi - 3 points 0
. water cooler with cups for customers - 1 point 0
. availability of free treats for the client (tea, coffee, apples, sweets) - 3 points 0
The convenience of the information provided . contract font - Times New Roman size not less than 12 points - 1 point 1
. the agreement does not contain references to other agreements that are posted on the bank's website - 1 point 0
. is it possible to read the contract on the spot and ask questions to the bank employee - 1 point 1
. is it possible for the client to amend the agreement with the bank - 10 points 0
Staff attitude . bank employee said hello - 1 point 1
. the bank employee was friendly - 3 points 1
. is it possible to receive a copy of the document by e-mail, via messenger, SMS, etc. - 3 points 0
. bank employee said goodbye - 1 point 1
Maximum points Max 81 47

JSC "Savings Bank" Belarusbank "provides a wide range of services to private clients, including the production of cards for various purposes. Each of them takes into account the interests of a certain category of the population and allows you to spend money as economically as possible.

Magnit card - shopping without borders

The Magnit card of Belarusbank is recognized as the most popular product. And this is not surprising - when making purchases in partner stores, the return amount reaches 12% of the total payment amount.

Clients can pay by card both in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad. The Bank provides an opportunity to use an overdraft - a short-term loan of funds. Owners use this service on favorable terms:

  • Installment is provided for up to 1 year;
  • The interest rate is 0.0001%.

If it is necessary to use the card in an organization that is not a partner of the bank, then its holder is provided with a grace period - additional time for paying a loan at a reduced interest rate for 30 calendar days.

No more living paycheck to paycheck. With the Magnit installment card from Belarusbank, you can buy the thing you like or need at any convenient time without significant financial losses and wasting time.

Clients receive the following services completely free of charge:

  • Changing the PIN;
  • Access to the Internet banking system;
  • SMS informing about the monthly payment in case of debt.

You can replenish the balance in several ways, choosing the most convenient of them:

  • Transfer from card to card of Belarusbank - using the application for smartphones "M-Belarusbank" or the "Internet banking" system;
  • Through a payment terminal or ATM;
  • By contacting a branch of Belarusbank.

The Magnit card of Belarusbank is accepted by many partner stores, the list of which is expanding every day. Currently, it consists of about 10,000 outlets with a different focus.

The partner stores of the Magnit card of Belarusbank are able to satisfy any need. In addition to the large food outlets that every person visits, here you can find goods and services of a narrow specialization:

  • Construction Materials;
  • Household appliances and electronics;
  • Furniture;
  • doors;
  • Sports equipment and fitness clubs;
  • Clothes and underwear;
  • Cosmetics.

Not so long ago, large travel companies such as Top-Tour, GlobalTravel, New East Line, Turlux and many others became partners of the bank. Now each client has the opportunity to buy the desired tour in installments up to 5 months.

You can leave an application for a card on the official website of the bank or at its branch, at the information kiosk or by calling the contact center.

Satisfied customers often leave positive feedback about the Magnit card of Belarusbank. They can be found on the official website and on third-party resources, which only confirms the high level of service and ease of use.

Club "Velvet" - with care for pensioners

The Velvet card of Belarusbank for pensioners is intended for people who lead an active life and take care of their health.

When making purchases in pharmacies in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the owner receives a cashback of 2.5%, and in large chain stores this amount is 3%. In addition, customers receive additional bonuses.

The official website of the bank contains a list of organizations of the category "Medicine", when using the services or goods of which the owners receive additional remuneration (up to 12% of the amount).

Among other advantages of the Velvet card of Belarusbank, the following can be distinguished:

  • Validity - 3 years. The card is international, the account is opened in Belarusian rubles;
  • Equipped with a chip, rather than a conventional magnetic stripe, provides a high degree of protection against fraudsters;
  • Possibility to connect the overdraft service;
  • The shortest production time;
  • The ability to pay for online purchases and make transactions in various ways using a mobile phone, SMS messages, Internet banking system or ZALA interactive digital television;
  • Participation in the special program “Wow! Discounts!
  • Additional cashback (3%) when buying tickets for BelZhD trains.

All pensioners of the Republic of Belarus, as well as people whose retirement age comes in 3 months, can leave an application for a card. This will require the following documents:

  • Identification;
  • A document confirming that the applicant is entitled to receive a pension.

If the application was left on the Internet, then the specified data must be provided upon receipt of the card at the bank branch.

Carte blanche - for active people

For those who cannot imagine their life without traveling, the "Carte Blanche" club from Belarusbank has been created. To join the community of active people, you need to get a Mastercard World card.

Each client has the following benefits:

In addition, customers receive additional remuneration, calculated as a percentage of the payment amount, under the "Your Bonus" program. In case of problems, you can always contact the support service, regardless of the location of the owner.

Belarusbank cares about its customers, therefore it offers the most favorable terms of cooperation. Thousands of people have already convinced themselves of the advantages of the plastic cards listed above. Now any purchases have become a real pleasure for them, not a problem.

Bank plastic card- a means of non-cash payments, which allows you to pay for goods and services, receive cash from ATMs both in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad. Bank plastic cards are divided into different types in accordance with the opportunities they provide, terms of service and additional services. According to these features, cards are divided into more expensive and prestigious "gold" cards - Visa Gold, universal "classic" cards Visa Classic and MasterCard, inexpensive "electronic" cards Visa Electron, Maestro and virtual Visa Internet.

Bank cards are also divided into "credit plastic cards" and "debit plastic cards" depending on the funds (borrowed or own) used by the client to make transactions. Debit card transactions are made at the expense of your own funds, which must first be deposited into the account. In some cases, it is possible to spend funds in excess of the amount deposited by the client by providing a bank loan (overdraft) to the client. Credit card transactions are carried out at the expense of the bank's funds taken by you on credit. The process of issuing debit cards is simpler, as it does not include a thorough check of the client. Interest is accrued on the balance of funds on the card.

Below is information that allows you to avoid unnecessary expenses when using a bank card (debit) at ATMs of various banks.

cards Bank card type Card transactions in other banks without charging a commission phones
JSC "Belagroprombank" Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold, BelKart at ATMs of JSC "ASB Belarusbank", JSC "Belinvestbank", "Priorbank" JSC (Visa).
JSC "BPS-SBERBANK" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold at ATMs of JSC "ASB "Belarusbank", "Priorbank" JSC 148
JSC "ASB Belarusbank" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, BelKart Remuneration is not charged when withdrawing cash:
- at ATMs of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, JSC "Belinvestbank", JSC "BPS-SBERBANK" using Maestro, VISA Electron, VISA (Classic, Gold), MasterCard (Standard, Gold), BelKart cards with a magnetic stripe;
- at ATMs of Belagroprombank OJSC using VISA Electron, VISA (Classic, Gold), BelKart cards with a magnetic stripe
JSC "Belinvestbank" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, BelKart