Computer accounting program for scrap metal collection point. Scrap metal accounting

User-friendly interface designed for untrained users
When typing a purchase act, the price is automatically entered depending on the one set by the user. The ability to take into account the % of blockage. Immediately prints the completed acceptance certificate along with the application and cash receipt. Extract of the shipment specification form and certificate of explosion and radiation safety of the cargo. When received by a client, the amount of scrap metal handed over to him is immediately visible. Reports: purchases for a period, shipments for a period, purchases of specific raw materials, purchases from a specific supplier, display gross income and % of profit, balances for any day, etc. A number of other functions. A perpetual license is provided upon purchase. The software code is open, improvements and corrections are possible. No updates provided, free technical support for a period of 30 calendar days. Paid technical support RUB 500 per month.

Reasons to buy

Ease of use

Modification of the program to suit your needs, the software code is open

Technical support of the program


Accounting is carried out in quantitative and total terms for each scrap metal collection point, the number of which is unlimited. You need to fill out four directories:

  • Nomenclature
  • Clients
  • Reception points
  • Buyers

Ferrous metal is accepted in gross with a contamination coefficient, non-ferrous metal - in net. The operator fills out four documents showing the movements of the crowbar:

  • Reception of scrap ferrous metals
  • Reception of non-ferrous metal scrap
  • Moving crowbar between points
  • Shipment of scrap to the buyer

All necessary printed forms are available:

  • Application for scrap delivery
  • Acceptance certificate
  • Expendable cash order
  • Certificate of explosion and radiation safety of cargo,
  • Consignment note

All documents are stored in a journal, with the possibility of selection.

  • By nomenclature (shows the movements of scrap by points in quantitative and total terms, with the ability to select and detail)
  • By clients (shows who handed over scrap metal when and how much in quantitative and total terms, with the ability to select and detail)
  • By customers (shows to whom, when and how much scrap metal was shipped in quantitative and total terms, with the ability to select and detail)

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you request this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account.

The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase.

You can create an unlimited number of users in the users section, providing each with an individual login and password. Next, you can set rights for each user individually. For each menu item, for each section and for each action, you can give or deny permission. For example, a user can see colored scrap, but cannot see black scrap, or can see acts, but cannot edit them, etc.

Home page. Main menu. Main sections.

All main features are listed as menu sections

Input form: Reception of ferrous scrap.

Here you see that you can choose from which organization or legal entity you accept. All required fields are entered approved PSA. You also have the opportunity for each acceptance to indicate who accepted the scrap, who paid for the scrap, which driver brought the scrap, thanks to which manager this acceptance took place. Using this data, you can subsequently filter the acceptance log, for example, by finding out how much a specific manager brought for a selected period or how much scrap a specific weigher accepted, how much money the cashier spent, etc.

The program, knowing the gross weight, tare and clogging, automatically calculates the net weight, cost, VAT, which greatly reduces time. You can also additionally add garbage that was discarded after weighing, weighing separately, for example wheels, pieces of non-metal...

Ferrous scrap receipt log

In this report you can see all receipts for the selected period, as well as summary data on weight, net, average blockage, average price, amount, amount including VAT.

There are filters: Contractor, Manager, Weigher, Master. Those. you can see how much a specific counterparty surrendered for the selected period. Or if you reported 100,000 rubles to the cashier, in this report you can see how much money he spent.


For convenience, many technologies have been implemented here that allow you to enter data as quickly and correctly as possible.

  • Start entering the name of the legal entity or its inn and it will be found and filled in automatically. The data is regularly updated from the Federal Tax Service database. The database contains ALL legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered in Russia.
  • When entering the first name, last name or patronymic of an individual, they are automatically added. All data is in the database.
  • After entering your full name or full name legal entity - a short name is automatically created.
  • After entering the department code, who issued the passport, the passport is entered automatically from the already entered directory of all department codes in Russia.
  • The correctness of entering TIN, OGRN, KPP, RS, cor. is checked. accounts to avoid mistakes.

Form for entering sales of ferrous or non-ferrous scrap

Similar to scrap acceptance, you can enter implementation.

Input form for processing ferrous or non-ferrous scrap

If you are processing scrap or selecting non-ferrous scrap from black and want to take this into account and see reports - everything is implemented in the program in the Recycling section. You choose from what type of scrap what type of scrap is obtained.

Remains by type of scrap

You can see a report by types of scrap and by groups of scrap types.

Total admission data for the selected period

You can clearly see the breakdown by day or month of acceptance in the form of a table and graph with the calculation of the average, maximum and minimum.


A directory of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap has already been introduced in accordance with GOST. You can also add or remove any views yourself.

Groups of scrap types

For convenience, you can group types of scrap to view summary reports for these groups.


You can specify the purchase and sale price. These prices are automatically entered upon receipt or shipment after selecting an item.

There is also a module that allows you to display prices on your website directly from the CRM.


You can keep a journal of financially responsible persons.


The program allows you to keep records wages employees.

Financial report

A consolidated financial report for the main activities is also generated.

"1C:Enterprise 8" and application solution "Vtorchermet (warehouse site), operational accounting" and "Vtorchermet (wholesale trade), operational accounting"

by the company 1C were created applied solutions“Vtorchermet (wholesale trade)” and “Vtorchermet (warehouse site)”. These systems have been successfully tested at enterprises operating in one of the largest markets in the world - the ferrous metal scrap market. Enterprises associated with the procurement, processing and transportation of scrap metal can be divided into two groups.

One group of enterprises is engaged in the purchase of scrap, cleaning and sorting of scrap, dismantling metal structures, cutting scrap and pressing it. For this group of enterprises, the main task is to account for the operation of equipment, production accounting, warehouse accounting, settlements with suppliers and personnel, accounting Money. Such a group of enterprises is called a “retail” group.

The second group - “wholesale” - are trading companies specializing in purchasing scrap at sites and selling it to metallurgical enterprises or exporting scrap. The main task of accounting for such companies is to record settlements with buyers and suppliers of scrap, settlements with transport companies, scrap supply planning, cash accounting, etc.

Automation of the wholesale division
The main task of a trading company is to record settlements with counterparties. Lending to suppliers often occurs for future deliveries, i.e. At the time of lending, the price, weight and nomenclature of scrap are still unknown. Only after the scrap has been received at the plant do these indicators become known. Accounting for mutual settlements between a trading company and suppliers or buyers can be divided into three groups:

  • preliminary settlement based on scrap shipment data;
  • mutual settlements based on scrap acceptance data;
  • final payments at the time of transfer of ownership.

The 1C application solution “Vtorchermet (wholesale trade)” takes into account all the subtleties of accounting for trading companies - more details. Currently this system successfully implemented at several enterprises. Dozens of employees work with an application program that, in addition to recording the activities of the enterprise, also exchanges information with " :Accounting 8". Experience shows that the implementation of the Vtorchermet (wholesale trade) application solution at trading enterprises takes several months.

Automation of production site accounting
In automating accounting of the activities of production sites using software 1C accounting also has some features - more details Here, in addition to the usual accounting tasks, there are also the following methods for calculating the cost of shipped scrap or finished products:

  • calculation of cost based on actual consumption of raw materials;
  • calculation of cost according to standards determined for a specific grade of scrap, taking into account various factors (for example, blockage, etc.).

The application solution “Vtorchermet (warehouse site), operational accounting” is fully adapted to the needs of a “retail” group of enterprises. In addition, this software allows you to exchange information with several types of electronic vehicle scales.

Despite the rather complex economic situation in metallurgy, several enterprises in the industry use these software products for maintaining operational accounting. Reliable financial accounting and operational management of the state of mutual settlements with suppliers and customers are essential factors in the efficiency of an enterprise. Every year the workload of metallurgical enterprises and their need for scrap metal increases. The most important task of any enterprise is accurate accounting, from the procurement of raw materials to their receipt at the plant.

It should be noted that the application solutions “Vtorchermet (wholesale trade)” and “Vtorchermet (warehouse site)” were awarded a certificate from the company “ 1C" - "Compatible! Program system 1C:Company"

Published in the collection of programs: July 17, 2010

Operating system: Windows ALL
Program (distribution) size: 8MB
License type: Demo

Configuration for 1C:Enterprise designed specifically for accounting for scrap metal and other recyclable materials. Automatic checkout everyone accompanying documents upon shipment (contract for the carriage of goods, dosimetrist report, etc.). The ability to enter specific prices for each supplier (both purchasing and selling, retail, etc.), which are automatically entered when issuing a purchasing act. The standard work of issuing basic documents has been simplified. Accounting for raw material processing has been implemented.

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