Loan options at otp bank. How to use the OTP Credit Credit in Store application

Consumer loans from OTP are quite affordable in terms of terms and requirements for the client. Fast registration express loan and reasonable issuance period for standard loan products, absence of collateral and guarantee... And at the same time it is noticeable high stakes- Why?

OTP Bank provides a wide range of consumer loans with a variety of conditions. For regular customers and borrowers - one bonus, for entrepreneurs - another, for pensioners - a third.

OTP Bank JSC is part of an international financial group of the same name, providing a universal package of services throughout Europe not only to individuals, but also to corporate clients.

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It has an impressive capital of several tens of billions of rubles; in addition, it is one of the 50 largest banks in the country and market leaders according to Interfax.

Its policy is to build relationships with clients on mutual trust, which are tested by time and commitment.

What does the rate depend on?

comparison table

Bid Term Decision-making Issue Client category Place of issue
OTP Standard
25,9–44,9% 12–48 months 2 days 2 days Are common
Bank branch
OTP Express
37,9–66,9% 12–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms Bank branch
Our people
23,9–47,9% 12 months–5 years 2 days 2 days Regular customer,
Bank branch
Business people
29,9–37,9% 12–36 months 2 days 2 days Individual entrepreneurs and notaries Bank branch
11,9–14,9% 1–6 months 2 days 2 days General terms Bank branch
14,9–39,9% 12–60 months 2 days 2 days General terms online
Smart combination
24,3% 6–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop
Payment 2013
39% 4–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop
20,13% 6–24 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop

OTP Bank trusts its clients, and therefore does not include in its list of requirements the transfer of property as collateral or the invitation of guarantors when concluding an agreement (with the exception of one product).

Every Russian citizen with registration, over 21 years of age and under 65 years of age can count on receiving a loan.

However, this trust must still be supported by something - the bank cannot simply risk money and issue borrowed funds to anyone.

Therefore, each time an agreement is concluded, except for those drawn up in the bank’s partner stores, the client must provide not only a passport, but also information about his employer in the form of a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), as well as a document confirming income. All this helps the bank to reduce rates a little and be more confident in the return of funds.

For each applicant, the bank calculates a personal interest rate based on scoring ( special system checking the client's solvency, the result of which is assigned a certain number of points). It is affected by the amount of income, the term of provision of funds, the category of the client, and even the reputation of his employer.

Certainly, interest rate for a consumer loan at OTP Bank Promo is significantly lower (almost twice) than others, since it requires inviting a guarantor and the loan term is very short.

Credit term

The loan term significantly affects the amount of overpayment. The already considered Promo loan, issued for a period of up to six months, has the lowest rate among the bank’s products from 11,9%. Loans with a duration of 60 months (“Online”) have a long-term base rate of 31,9%.

The difference is noticeable, but this is only the base rate, which can be increased to 39,9% !

Number of documents

OTP Bank provides three packages of documents for obtaining a loan, and all of them are tied to its size.

Naturally, the more information a client provides to the bank about himself, the lower the interest rate becomes.

Required documents:

  • To receive an amount within 200 000 rubles, you only need a passport, a certificate of registration with the tax office, and the employer’s TIN. If the client receives a pension (based on length of service, labor, or as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), he must attach the appropriate pension certificate. The last paper on the list must confirm the income of the potential borrower: this could be an account statement, a copy of a passbook, or a certificate of pension.
  • If the loan amount exceeds 200 thousand, but less 400 000 thousand, then, in addition to the above, you will need a copy of the work book certified by the employer.
  • If the amount is more 400 000 rubles, you will additionally need to bring a 2-NDFL certificate for the last six months or a certificate of income in the form of a bank, which must also reflect income for six months and be certified by the employer.

Certainly, full list also includes an application form, but you can get it at a bank branch or download and fill it out yourself.

Issue time

For an express loan, the issuance time is 15 minutes - that is, money is issued immediately after approval.

It is difficult to check all the information about a client in a quarter of an hour, so the bank is reinsured with a huge interest rate - from 37.9% to 66.9% per annum.

Standard loans are issued within 1–2 days, so the rates for them are significantly lower. By the way, the bank reserves the right to extend the period for consideration of the client’s application without giving reasons.

Client category

Rates vary depending on the client category. Verified clients - borrowers who repaid their previous loan without any complaints or depositors who have had an account for at least 4 months, the base rate for them is – 27,9% for long-term obligations.

Risky clients - all the rest, however, for entrepreneurs and notaries they made an exception with base rate 29,9% .

Loan issue location

The loan can be issued:

  • at a bank branch,
  • through the Internet,
  • in the bank's partner store.

The most reliable way for a bank is in its own branch.

Online is a little less reliable, and it is also quite difficult to verify the identity of the borrower.

But in the store it’s completely inconvenient, despite the fact that the contract is drawn up by qualified personnel who are simply not in the branch, but behind the counter. However, all of this has an impact on the interest rate.

Comparison with other banks

Despite all the advantages, services similar to the OTP Standard loan from other banks are often much more attractive.

OTP Bank positions its loans as accessible to everyone - no collateral, no guarantee. In fact, the interest rates that compensate for the refusal of collateral make consumer lending in it unprofitable.

Today it is very difficult to find a person who could do without a lending service. This is due to the fact that people’s desires do not always coincide with their capabilities, but such credit organizations OTP Bank is always ready to assist in meeting the needs of a potential client. A particularly popular service among the population is a cash loan, which can be obtained from the above-mentioned bank in a fairly short time.

Why should you take out a cash loan from OTP Bank?

This is based financial institution in 1994 and by this time had earned enormous popularity among citizens. The bank is part of the international financial group and is one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation.

Main services provided by the bank:

  1. car loans;
  2. cash loans;
  3. deposits;
  4. business lending;
  5. mortgage;
  6. currency operations;
  7. store credit;
  8. current account maintenance;
  9. placement of free Money;
  10. bank cards.

This is not the entire range of services provided by the bank, however, it is quite enough to get an idea of ​​the organization.

The most popular OTP service The bank is a cash loan - this is the so-called “magic wand”. However, before you go to the branch and take out a loan, you need to carefully study all the available information.

Positive aspects of the proposal

The advantage of this program is that money is issued without financial guarantee or security. No credit intended purpose, so the bank client can use it at his own discretion. This could be a purchase household appliances, paying for a child’s education or closing existing loans.

  1. Low interest rate is one of the main advantages of the bank.
  2. The loan is issued for 5 years.
  3. The loan amount cannot exceed 750,000 rubles.
  4. Opportunity early repayment loan.
  5. For consideration of the document, for the provision of a loan, it is given financial institution up to five working days, but not less than three.
  6. The bank does not charge its clients fees for providing funds and maintaining a current account.

There are certain requirements for the borrower, and in case of non-compliance with at least one of them, the bank has every right refuse to issue a loan.

Basic requirements for applicants:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation in any region;
  • the minimum age for obtaining a loan is 21 years, and the maximum is 65 years;
  • Have a permanent job and have at least three months of experience at your last place of work.

To apply for a loan, you can contact the nearest bank branch or fill out an online application.

Required documents to receive a cash loan:

  • TIN information from the employer;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • the third document is available to choose from: international passport, military ID, driver's license or a certificate of pension insurance.

Types of cash loans

"OTP Express". A loan is issued in national currency in the amount of 15 to 75 thousand rubles. Term of this loan 12-36 months. For the first 12 months the interest rate is 35.9%, and after given period – 47,9%.

"Standard". The loan amount is 76,000 – 500,000 rubles. The loan term is 12-48 months. In the first 12 months the interest rate on the loan is 23.9%, after 27.9%, and after 25 months - 31.9%.

"Our people". The borrower has the right to take out a loan in the amount of up to 750 thousand rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The interest rate on the loan ranges from 21.9% to 25.9%.

"Promo". This loan is issued for a period of up to 6 months in the amount of 50 to 150 thousand rubles. The interest rate in this case is 11.9% - 14.9%. The Promo lending program is secured by a guarantee from an individual.

Cash loan "Business people". The amount of the loan issued cannot exceed 200 thousand rubles. It is issued for a maximum of three years. The borrower in this case can be a person who has reached the age of 25 and is engaged in entrepreneurial activity. For entrepreneurs, the interest rate ranges from 27.9% to 31.9%. A guarantee from an individual is not required. The age of the borrower at the time of loan repayment cannot be more than 65 years. If the applicant is a private notary, then he must provide the bank, in addition to the standard list of documents, with an Order of the Ministry of Justice confirming his appointment to the position of notary.

When an individual urgently needs cash, they often have to turn to lenders. OTP Bank offers a rather convenient option - taking out a consumer loan in cash. Can choose suitable program lending from the list of current offers.

The loan application is completed either at a bank branch or online. All these points clearly favor contacting OTP Bank. A consumer loan is a convenient opportunity to quickly solve most financial problems.

However, a potential borrower should understand what requirements the lender has, what package of documents needs to be prepared and what are the parameters of the loan being issued.

A consumer loan from OTP Bank is a very interesting option if the borrower needs funds in the required amount as soon as possible. The money for the loan approved by the lender is disbursed to the recipient in cash.

The loan is provided to the client for any purpose; there is no need to confirm the fact of its intended use.

General issuance parameters consumer loan cash:

  1. Annual cost bank lending– minimum 11.50%.
  2. Maximum size the loan provided is 1 million rubles.
  3. The maximum repayment period for the loan received is 60 months.
  4. The application is considered by the bank within a period the duration of which does not exceed 5 days from the date of application. According to some credit products a decision to approve or reject an application can be made within 15 minutes.
  5. There are no charges for any fees from the borrower.
  6. Early repayment of the loan in full is allowed.

For any client who wishes to receive cash loan at OTP Bank, borrowing conditions will always be determined on an individual basis.

The lender takes into account a variety of circumstances and factors:

  • the amount required by the applicant;
  • preferred term for using borrowed funds;
  • borrower's credit reputation;
  • client's solvency;
  • results of risk scoring for a given borrower;
  • the applicant's region of residence.

Minimum and maximum interest rate

If we analyze the current conditions under which it is possible to obtain a consumer loan from OTP Bank, then the interest rate for such borrowing varies over a fairly wide range.

In 2018, the minimum annual cost of a consumer loan is 11.50%. Maximum size annual rate loan interest can reach 46.20%. The actual annual rate depends on the specific loan program chosen by the client, the repayment period of the loan received, as well as other conditions and features taken into account by the lender.

Consumer lending programs

Currently OTP Bank offers two available products consumer lending. Each such program is characterized by certain conditions of provision borrowed money, requirements for the loan recipient, package composition necessary documents and other features. The applicant can only study the types of loans issued, compare their parameters and choose the appropriate option.


  1. Available for any need.
  2. Does not require guarantee or collateral.
  3. The decision is made by the creditor directly on the day of application.
  4. The bank does not charge any commissions.
  5. There is no need for insurance.
  6. The application is reviewed by the bank within 15 minutes.
  7. Funds are issued to the recipient as a one-time transfer to the account.
  8. Partial or full repayment of the loan received ahead of schedule is permitted.
  9. Repayment – ​​through a bank cash desk or by cashless transfer from an account opened by another financial institution.
  10. Repayment procedure: annuity, that is, in equal monthly payments.
  11. Annual rate – minimum 14.90%, maximum 46.20%.
  12. The borrowing period is from 12 to 60 months.
  13. The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles.
  14. Maximum amount:
  • without proof of earnings – 200,000 rubles;
  • with confirmation of earnings – 750,000 rubles.


The parameters for providing this loan to the borrower are in many ways similar to the terms of the “Universal” loan, except for the following points:

  1. A prerequisite is confirmation by the borrower of his own income.
  2. The minimum amount is 350,000 rubles.
  3. The maximum amount is 1 million rubles.
  4. Annual rate – minimum 22.90%, maximum 38.90%.
  5. The actual cost of lending is set by the bank depending on the chosen borrowing period and other features.


  1. The loan is issued to the following categories of borrowers:
    • applicants with a positive credit reputation;
    • pensioners;
    • notaries, lawyers;
    • individual entrepreneurs;
    • hired workers.
  2. Age for men and women:
  3. on the date of applying for a loan - at least 21 years old;
  4. at the date of loan repayment – ​​maximum 68 years.
  5. Work experience at the current place is at least three months for a “Universal” loan, at least six months for an “Excellent” loan.
  6. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  7. Availability of permanent registration in the region where the bank office is located.
  8. Mandatory registration is not required in the region where the loan is issued.
  9. Confirmation by the borrower of basic income - whether this requirement is mandatory depends on the type of loan.

For customers applying online, the age limit is as follows: minimum 21 years, maximum 68 years.

Package of necessary documents

  1. An application form filled out by the client in a form regulated by the bank.
  2. A passport certifying that the borrower has Russian citizenship and permanent registration.
  3. Confirmation by the client of the main income is carried out by presenting the appropriate certificate (as an option, 2-NDFL, paper from the Pension Fund, request to the employer, bank form).
  4. A work record book confirming that the applicant has the required work experience (a copy is provided).
  5. Additional document for identification (at the borrower's choice).
  6. SNILS certificate.
  7. TIN certificate.

Design methods

You can apply for a consumer loan at OTP Bank in one of two available ways:

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Go to official website of the bank.
  2. Select the “Private Clients” tab.
  3. Select the “Cash Loans” section.
  4. Open “Apply for a loan”.
  5. Fill out the online application form, accurately indicating all the required parameters.
  6. Confirm your intention by pressing the corresponding virtual key. The application will be sent for consideration.
  7. Wait for a response from bank employees.


The main positive points are:

  1. Selection of credit programs.
  2. Favorable attitude towards borrowers.
  3. Loyal requirements and a minimum set of papers.
  4. No collateral required.
  5. There are no commissions when issuing funds.
  6. Efficiency of decision-making by the lender.
  7. Apply online.
  8. There is a loan without proof of earnings.
  9. Early repayment.

Alternative options

Citizens in need of money can use other borrowing opportunities.

Loans from other banks

On the market banking services There are also other lenders willing to provide cash loans to borrowers on acceptable terms. The presence of such a choice is a favorable circumstance for the applicant, who gets the opportunity to compare and evaluate options.

Naturally, it is important to pay attention to both the basic parameters of lending (term, amount, interest) and other points that can affect the profitability and comfort of a particular loan product.

Credit cards

Borrowing through a plastic credit card is a convenient option for individuals who are in dire need of funds. This lending option is popular among borrowers for a number of reasons:

  • convenience and mobility in operation;
  • ATM availability;
  • payment for purchases made in stores and online;
  • availability of an interest-free period;
  • sufficient credit limit;
  • acceptable interest rates.

Microfinance organizations

Real and affordable option receiving a cash loan - microfinance organizations, characterized by the following positive features that are important for the citizen borrower:

  • loyal attitude towards applicants;
  • low probability of failure;
  • without collateral;
  • a minimum number of papers (usually only a Russian passport is required);
  • no proof of earnings required;
  • the loan approval and issuance procedure is quick;
  • receiving funds in cash in relatively small amounts for short periods of time.

The disadvantage is the high cost of lending. Interest on the funds issued is calculated by the lender daily.

Consumer lending programs at OTP Bank: 2 available offers

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At OTP Bank, credit cards are issued to both primary and existing clients. Terms of service and interest depend on the category (classic or gold) and type of plastic. Any of them can be issued online and received by mail (reviews confirm the reality of remote registration). Let's find out more about the credit cards of this bank.

The conditions of credit cards are directly related to the type of plastic and its category (gold, classic, for existing clients or primary ones). On this moment The line of credit cards includes:

  • Home;
  • Lightning;
  • Clear category Gold;
  • Gold for clients.

General conditions for OTP Bank credit cards

The terms and conditions of credit cards differ for each card. The following rules will be common to classic and gold credit cards of OTP Bank:

  • credit limit size: determined individually, maximum available amount– 1, million rubles;
  • Availability grace period in 55 days: the interest-free period allows you to use replacement funds for free. To do this, after the end of the purchase period (lasts 30 days) and receipt of the statement, you must fully repay the debt and restore credit limit in full within 25 days. Then no interest is charged on the loan (reviews confirm this);
  • transactions at your own ATMs/terminals – no commission;
  • release is free.

The remaining conditions for different cards will differ, which, judging by customer reviews, allows you to choose a card with the most acceptable service rules. Before you apply for an OTP Bank credit card (online or directly at a branch, received by mail or in person), let’s take a closer look at the key options of different cards.

Interest rates for using cards of different categories

Regardless of the registration method (remotely with receipt by mail or in person at a hospital department), a potential borrower will be able to choose a plastic card with the key options that are most interesting to him. Each card has its own characteristics, namely:

  • Home: Credit card with 3% cash back on all grocery purchases. When you pay for groceries with a card, cashback is automatically returned to your card account, which, judging by the reviews, is quite convenient. In fact, customers receive a three percent discount. The first year the card is serviced free of charge, from the second year the cost will be 1,600 rubles annually. Interest is determined individually, the rate is from 24.9%;
  • Lightning: also a credit card with a 1.5% cashback, which is returned when paying with the card for any purchases. For Molniya (OTP Bank credit card) interest is from 19.9%. To obtain minimum bid It is enough to restore the credit limit on time within six months. Plastic is serviced free of charge, the card account can contain own funds, on which up to 7% per annum is charged;
  • Clear GOLD category: no service fee, interest – from 27.9%.
  • Gold credit card for clients with existing loan for which there are several payments left or for those who closed the loan in the last 3 months. The first year is serviced free of charge, from the second the cost will be 700 rubles. Interest – from 19.9%.

You can remotely apply for any OTP Bank credit card (delivery is made by mail, the application is online - on the website, reviews confirm the convenience of this service).

Requirements for borrowers at OTP Bank for registration

To issue any credit card (gold or classic, remotely delivered by mail or in the office), a passport is usually enough.

If necessary, provide additional documents Bank employees will indicate this at the stage of reviewing the online application. To be approved, a potential borrower must:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • actually reside in the region of treatment (at the location of the inpatient departments) and have permanent registration there;
  • work continuously (at least 3 months by the time of application) or have a source of income in the form of a pension.

A borrower aged from 21 to 69 years inclusive can apply for a credit card (reviews of credit cards The bank's OTP confirms this fact). As you can see, the requirements are quite flexible, the final conditions (amount and interest) are determined individually, based on the information provided.

Victoria Mitina

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Non-targeted loan in the amount of up to 4,000,000 million rubles it became possible to receive from OTP Bank. No third party guarantee is required for registration.

A loan for any purpose is issued without additional fees. The frequency of payments is monthly.

Consumer loan

At OTP Bank, loan rates depend on the type of consumer loan.

The loan is issued for any purpose other than the use of funds in the gambling business.

Store credit

To save time for its clients, the financial institution provides them with the opportunity to purchase any product through OTP Bank specialists working in stores. OTP partners are: DNS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, Media Markt, Tekhnosila, Much Furniture, MegaFon, Expert, Beeline, Yulmart, 585 Gold, Adamas, RBT, Snow Queen, Citylink and others. This list replenished annually.

To apply for a loan, you only need a passport. In addition to purchasing goods in a store, a loan can be issued for certain types of services (in beauty salons, fitness centers).


OTP is not currently refinancing loans from third-party banks, so if you need to reissue existing loans, you should consider loan offers from other credit organizations.

Lending terms

The day of the monthly loan payment is equal to the date of receipt of funds. The payment schedule is annuity. Behind
non-performance or improper execution obligations to repay the loan are subject to a penalty of 20% per annum.

The application review period is one business day.

Requirements for the borrower

To obtain a loan, you must meet the bank’s requirements for individuals:

  1. Official employment.
  2. Russian citizenship.
  3. Accommodation in the territory where the bank operates.
  4. Age 21-68 years.
  5. Work experience of three months.
  6. Receiving a pension (old age, military pension).
  7. Availability of a mobile phone.

Grounds for refusal may include knowingly false information, high debt load, negative credit history.

Required documents

To apply for a loan, the client must provide a package of documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate 2-NDFL or according to the bank form.

A driver's license, international passport or TIN of the client can be provided as an additional document.

At the request of the bank, documents such as a certified copy of the work record book, a certificate of the amount of the assigned pension, an extract from personal account. For lawyers - an extract from the register of the Federal Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, for notaries - an order of appointment to a position.

Design methods

A borrower can apply for a loan in several ways:

Leaving online application You must understand that you will need to visit the OTP Bank office to fill out a complete application form.

Methods of obtaining

Funds are issued:

  1. On account. You can receive funds from it through the bank's cash desk.
  2. To the bank card when applying for a credit card.

To receive cash, the client must have a passport with him.

Repayment methods

It is necessary to repay the loan debt on time, taking into account the speed at which money is credited to the account.

Payment method Enrollment deadlines The transfer fee
From a card of any bank Instantly 2%
"Golden Crown" (MTS, Euroset, Beeline, Kari) Up to 2 working days 1% (minimum 50 rubles)
QIWI Instantly 1.6% (minimum 100 rubles)
Internet payment systems Deposit times depend on the payment system The size of the commission depends on the payment system
Interbank transfer Up to 5 working days According to bank tariffs
Post office Up to 2 working days Absent
OTP terminals and ATMs Instantly Absent
At the OTP bank office Instantly Absent
Svyaznoy 1-2 days 1% (minimum 50 rubles)
Rostelecom 1-2 days 1% (minimum 50 rubles)
Megaphone 1-2 days 1% (minimum 50 rubles)

It is possible to avoid commissions by depositing funds directly through terminals and ATMs, as well as directly to the cash desk of the bank itself. Such transfers allow you to save money and reduce the time it takes for funds to be credited to your account.

It has become possible to receive a loan for any of the proposed terms in the amount of up to 4,000,000 without collateral, guarantee and additional commissions at OTP Bank. All you have to do is meet the requirements and provide required package documents.