APK reporting Q1 update Frequently asked questions about the program

The 1C company and the MKSKOM company notify users and partners about the release of a new specialized solution "1C:Enterprise 8. AIC reporting. Basic version." Software designed to improve the quality and efficiency of obtaining data on the financial and economic condition of organizations agro-industrial complex.

Composition of the product

  • Installation disk with latest version platforms "1C:Enterprise 8";
  • Quick user guide;
  • Envelope with PIN protection code;
  • Registration card.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is not provided.

Brief description of functionality

The software product is necessary for organizations individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms that do not use 1C industry solutions for accounting purposes, specially developed for agricultural producers, namely: “1C: Agricultural Enterprise Management”, “1C: Poultry Farm Management”, “1C: Integrated Accounting of an Agricultural Enterprise” ", "1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise", "1C: Accounting for a poultry farm", "1C: Accounting for an elevator and feed mill".

The functionality of the listed solutions allows you to generate reports based on credentials, thereby minimizing the costs of reporting preparation.

"1C: AIC reporting. Basic version" is intended for:

1. Filling out reporting forms approved by the Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation on the financial and economic state of commodity producers in the agro-industrial complex.

2. Checking the correctness of filling out reports in accordance with the methodology of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - Control ratios).

The software product allows you to prepare reports for only one organization and upload reports into electronic format for submission to the authorized regional (municipal) management body of the agro-industrial complex.

Installation procedure:
Information on updating the database

Unzip the downloaded archive
1) ATTENTION! Before installing the update, do not forget to make an archive copy of the database (Configurator - Administration - Unload infobase).
2) Update the configuration (Run the program in the Configurator - Configuration - Support - Update configuration mode)
3) Go to the program on the “Directories and Settings” tab, select “Download model update from MSKh”
4) In the window that opens, select and install the update of reporting forms (for example 1q02)

ATTENTION! To download updates, use the link on the "References and Settings" tab - Download model... (not via - File - Open)

ATTENTION! If the program asked you about switching to new base, then after transferring the database you must do the following:
1) On the "Directories and Settings" tab, select the item - "Transfer initial details of organizations" - indicate the directory with the code of your area, click the button "Write initial details"
2) On the same tab, select the menu item - “Change area code” - confirm your code by clicking the “Set code” button
After these operations, the calculation of the vault will proceed without the error of creating vault forms.

Common mistakes

Problem: Arch forms are not created


Problem: Transition to a new database due to exceeding the database size


1) Launch 1C, go to the “Directories and Settings” tab

2) Click the "Change area code" button - in the window that opens, confirm the code of your area and click the "Set code" button

3) Click the "Transfer initial details of organizations" button - in the window that opens, select the folder with the code of your area and click the button "Write down initial details"

4) Click the button "Filling out OKVED reference books"

5) Click the "Create consolidated organizations" button

6) Click the "Download model update from the Ministry of Agriculture" button

Problem: When uploading data from district to region, the tabular part is empty


1) We look at the Protocol of the Code for each form. The vault should be highlighted in green. Solve the problem of. Repeat data upload.

2) Run a verification report on all items. The check should be successful. Solve the problem of. Repeat data upload.

3) On the “Directories and Settings” tab, Execute - “Change area code”, write down the current code. Execute - “Transfer of initial details of the organization”, recalculate the form of the summary, accept and record. Repeat data upload.

Problem: When calculating the set, the organization is not included in the calculation, because Not a complete set of documents is presented


1) Go to the directory of organizations, open the card of the problematic organization, select a set of documents opposite to the one specified (for example, you need a Simplified set, then select the Full set)

2) Save the changes and select "Error correction"

3) We change the set of documents to the option we need. Save and select "New data"

4) If the forms were entered earlier, then you need to press the "Enter manually" button again, specify this organization and click "Create reports". The program will not delete completed reports, but will correct the error with the set of forms. Then we check and accept the forms again.

5) We check the correctness of our actions - Directory of organizations - card of our organization - button "Check reporting package". The completeness error should go away.

The software product was developed to improve the quality and efficiency of obtaining data on the financial and economic condition of organizations in the agro-industrial complex.

The software product "1C: Agro-industrial complex reporting. Basic version" is necessary for organizations, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms that do not use 1C industry solutions for accounting purposes, specially developed for commodity producers in the agro-industrial complex, namely:

    "1C: Agricultural Enterprise Management",

    "1C: Poultry farm management",

    "1C: Integrated accounting of an agricultural enterprise",

    "1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise",

    "1C: Poultry farm accounting",

    "1C: Accounting for elevator and feed mill."

The functionality of the listed solutions allows you to generate agribusiness reporting based on credentials, thereby minimizing the cost of reporting preparation.

"1C: APK Reporting. Basic version" is intended for:

  • Filling out reporting forms approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as agrarian and industrial complex reporting) on ​​the financial and economic condition of commodity producers in the agro-industrial complex.
  • Checking the correctness of filling out reports in accordance with the methodology of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - Control ratios).

The delivery set includes the following forms of regulated and specialized reporting approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia:

  • Form1. Balance sheet
  • Form2. Report on financial results
  • Form3. Statement of changes in equity
  • Form4. Traffic report Money
  • Form5. Explanations for balance sheet and financial results report
  • Form5APK. Report on the number and wages employees of the organization
  • Form6APK. Report on industry performance indicators of organizations in the agro-industrial complex
  • Form8APK. Main production cost report
  • Form8сх.Report on the expected results of financial and economic activities of agricultural organizations
  • Form9APK. Information on production, costs, cost and sales of crop products
  • Form10APK. Funds report targeted financing
  • Form 13APK. Report on production, cost and sales of livestock products Form 15APK. Animal presence report
  • Form 16APK. Product balance
  • Form 17APK. Agricultural Technology and Energy Report
  • Form1kfh. Information about production activities peasant (farm) farms
  • Form2kfh. Information on the availability of resources in peasant (farm) farms
  • Form1sp. Information on the provision of services by agricultural consumer cooperatives (without credit)
  • Form1spRK. Information on the results of activities of agricultural consumer credit cooperatives

The software product "1C: AIC Reporting. Basic version" allows you to prepare reports for only one organization and upload reports into electronic format for submission to the authorized regional (municipal) management body of the agro-industrial complex.

The solution "1C: AIC Reporting" has passed the "1C: Compatible" certification, Information Letter No. 18532 dated June 30, 2014.

"1C: APK Reporting. Basic version" includes:

  • Installation disk with the latest version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, industry configuration "Agribusiness Reporting";
  • Quick user guide;
  • Envelope with PIN protection code;
  • Registration card.

Expansion of the number of automated workstations is not provided.

We create smart analysis, planning and control systems that help manage a holding, corporation or government organization.


We love complex tasks, but we don’t like to complicate simple ones. Our portfolio includes projects on budgeting and IFRS at Rosatom, GIS for collecting industry data in Russian municipalities, and implementation of 1C: Holding Management for Russian Post.

Our portfolio includes projects for Rosatom, Russian municipalities and Russian Post.


To be leaders, we constantly develop our competencies and remain demanding of ourselves - we take on a project only when we know exactly what to do. Therefore, you can be sure that we will cope with the task and meet the deadline.

We are constantly developing our competencies. We take on a project only when we know exactly what to do. You can be sure that we will cope with the task and meet the deadline.


We are inspired by the fact that management systems help people and protect their most valuable resource - time. Therefore, we are introducing automation and fast information processing tools. As a result, we get a result that we are proud of.

Management systems protect the most valuable resource - time. We are introducing automation and fast information processing tools.


We hear our clients - we know that the success of the project depends on a transparent understanding of the task. We take into account all the customer’s wishes and create the optimal solution exactly for the needs of the business.

We know that the success of the project depends on a transparent understanding of the task. We take into account all the customer’s wishes and create a solution precisely tailored to the needs of the business.

If you find any errors or inaccuracies in the main inspection scheme of the Ministry of Agriculture, we ask you to send us e-mail your suggestions on what control ratios need to be corrected. All proposals will be considered by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and further implemented in the program.

In order to add your own control ratios in addition to the main scheme, you need to check the “Additional verification scheme to the main MSKh” flag in the coordination scheme you created. Creating control ratios and a reporting reconciliation scheme is described in the administrator's instructions (part 2).

How can I see what's included in summary forms?

Decoding summary reports

When installing the 1C8 update, it displays the message “Access rights violation”, what should I do?

Before updating, follow these steps:

Assign the user to "Administrator" full rights. To do this, in the Configurator mode -> select the "Administration" menu -> the "Users" item -> open the "Administrator" user -> on the "Other" tab, in the "Available roles" field, check the "Full rights" line -> Click "OK" .

Close the configurator!

Errors were found when generating consolidated reporting for the 1st quarter. What operations need to be done to quickly find them in the context of subordinate enterprises? (for example, for each line of form no. 1)

There are three options for searching:

  • When receiving reports, you must check the organization's reports (via the "Check" function on the desktop, use the "Custom check" mode)
  • If you are interested in a specific reference ratio for which there is a discrepancy in the summary report, then the actions are as follows:
  • remember the reference ratio number,
  • start the check (the “Check of subordinate organizations” mode, the governing body is your subject, in the diagram field select the control ratio, the number of which you memorized)
  • For visual checking (for example, to find errors with report units), you can use transcripts of summary reports. Read instructions for this function above.

How to ensure that enterprises submit reports electronically?

The issue of providing software to enterprises requires solutions.

Firstly, we emphasize that enterprises cannot use the solution “1 C: Set of reports of the agrarian and industrial complex 8. District”, which is distributed only for districts that cannot work via the Internet in the subject’s database.

There are currently four options for businesses:

  • Behind 1st quarter of 2010, an update was released for the old version 1 C 7.7, files from the old version are loaded into version 8.
  • If the company uses accounting systems"1C :Accounting for agricultural enterprises 8" or
    "1 C: Agricultural Enterprise Management 8", then it can now generate a file with reporting forms from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia in a new format to the management bodies of the agro-industrial complex.
  • It is also possible to connect via the Internet to the databasesubject data for the enterprise to enter reporting directly.
It is also planned to implement other opportunities for enterprises to provide reporting in electronic format. We will immediately inform all entities about new decisions.