The nuances of a salary card at UniCredit Bank. Special conditions for employees of Unicredit salary project

I have already written about the salary project.

I was assured that the situation had been corrected. And they talked about it so convincingly that I really thought that the situation had changed for the better.

But it was not there...

Today we needed to change the data in the program: add employees. It would seem: what could be simpler? Applications for release are submitted to the bank plastic cards new employees, an application is submitted from the organization to attach card accounts to the salary project. The bank sends a file with the changed data and instructions. The file was sent, instructions (on several sheets) were sent. Only a small piece of instructions applies to this situation: literally 10 lines.

You need to unpack the sent archive, take one file from it and copy it to its original location in the program. All. I copy it, do it as it should according to the instructions, but nothing in the program changes. What could be the problem? They may have sent you an old file.

Unfortunately, the employee who sent the file did not indicate her phone number where I could contact.
Therefore, instead of clarifying everything in 5 minutes, I already managed to talk with the support service, heard that they don’t know such an employee (however, if you raise your voice a little, they quickly find it), but promising to transfer the call, they transfer it exclusively to the Call Center; I managed to communicate with employees involved in the salary project, heard that our company is not a participant in the salary project (because they cannot find it using the client number), and this despite the fact that my employees have already received salaries several times. Again I raise my voice a little, and lo and behold! everything is located.

At the same time, whenever one of the employees does not know something, he switches to the Call Center, from which I conclude that the most knowledgeable employee in the bank is the Call Center employee. True, he first arranges a “biased interrogation” and then transfers the call, but... to the wrong department and to the wrong specialist.
Having started communicating with the bank about updating my passport data in Payroll Client at 10:30 a.m., and then (from 11:15 a.m.) about updating the list of employees, in two hours of communication with different specialists, I didn’t move a single step.

Thank you, dear bank employees, for “valuing” your clients’ time so much;
Thank you for separating all the processes in such a way that no one in the bank is responsible for anything, but instead of helping the client, they think: “Who should I transfer the call to?”
Thank you that you begin to resolve all issues only after the message appears in the “People's Rating of Banks”.

With the advent of a new banking product - salary cards, almost everyone managed to appreciate it: both company employees and their employers. And this is not strange, because “plastics” for transferring well-deserved earnings have a lot of advantages.

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For managers, their list is something like this:

  • there is no need to store it in the company cash register anymore a large amount to pay workers;
  • there are no long queues at the accountant’s door on payday;
  • the amount of paperwork, etc. is significantly reduced.

Speaking about employed people, the “advantages” for them are approximately the following:

  • Money is better protected from loss or theft. Indeed, in such circumstances, the client will be able to quickly block his card.
  • The opportunity to receive money in full, and not hear excuses like “no change, no hundred,” etc.
  • Level wages in this case, you can hide it from your colleagues.

Thanks to a large number benefits of a salary card, they are in good demand. And as you know, if there is demand, there will be supply.

This is precisely what can explain the fact that almost every financial institution offers its own salary projects. One of these is Unicredit Bank.

Reservations for the company

To understand what exactly the company will get from cooperation with Unicredit Bank, you should consider in more detail all their proposals, study their advantages and evaluate the work of the organization.

Only through this can you understand whether it was worth starting partnerships with this financial institution or not.

Advantages and operating principle

Speaking about the “advantages” of the salary project from Unicredit Bank, the following should be highlighted:

  • Reducing the responsibilities of accountants. They will stop complaining about the constant lack of time, and if desired, they can generally reduce the staff a little, which will have a positive effect on the company’s budget.
  • Reduced document flow.
  • The money will be under greater protection than if it were in a safe. After all, there may be cases of their opening or fire.
  • If necessary, you can pay money to an employee even when he is in another city. For example, business trips.

The operating principle will be as follows:

  • The company submits an application to open accounts and issue a card. The bank fulfills and issues everything very quickly.
  • Afterwards the transfer is carried out in one file: very simple and confidential. This is possible thanks to special software.
  • Employees can withdraw money from their cards on the same day.

Moreover, within the framework of the salary project from this bank, 2 types of offers are possible: with or without opening an account.

A huge “plus” to the bank’s offer is the ability to install an ATM on the company’s premises, while it will be easier for employees to withdraw money at work rather than then look for the nearest terminals

Available types of cards

UniCredit Bank, as part of its salary project, offers 2 types of cards: Visa Classic and Visa Gold.

Their distinctive features can be found out in the table below:

Type of bonuses Visa Classic Visa Gold
Cashback for purchases + +
Online account management + +
Free transfers to ruble accounts of third-party banks + +
Free cash withdrawals from ATMs of other financial organizations 2 times a month +
Free SMS information + +
Discounts by program “Discount card”, “visa bonus” “Discount card”, “premium visa”
Free insurance when traveling abroad +

Technical details

It would also not be superfluous to clarify some of the features of the salary project under consideration.

They are:

  • Employees of one organization have the right to have accounts and be serviced in different branches of the bank.
  • Employees of one company, if desired, can order “plastics” to carry out transactions in rubles, dollars or euros.
  • Foreign companies can transfer salaries to their domestic employees in their own currency, while employees will receive them in foreign currency accounts.
  • UniCredit Bank does not impose any requirements on account balances. But it is important to note that if they are available, interest will be accrued quarterly.

Clarifications for managers

Managers of companies cooperating with Unicredit Bank should also know some nuances. It would not hurt for them to explore the benefits of such a partnership.

general review

UniCredit Bank's clients are managers who value their time and their work. After all, thanks to such cooperation they will be able to solve everything financial questions very fast and simple. And all this is available thanks to a convenient tool such as salary project.

As part of the proposal of the financial organization in question, managers are entitled to be issued a “Visa Gold +” card.

It provides the following bonuses and privileges:

  • cashback in the amount 1% for purchases;
  • free insurance policy when traveling abroad;
  • online account monitoring;
  • free transfers to third-party bank accounts;
  • free cash withdrawals from any ATMs in Russia;
  • free SMS information;
  • bonuses under the “Discount Card” and “Visa Premium” programs.


For company managers, Unicredit Bank offers to connect a package of services under the same name, which will highlight the client’s status and receive more bonuses.

Here's what the card holder will be gifted with in this case:

  • cashback in the amount 10% when making payments World map MasterCard Black Edition in any restaurants, cafes and bars in the world;
  • benefits from UniCredit Prime Club in the form of a separate manager, personal communication line, dedicated service area without queues at bank branches;
  • free transfers in any currency;
  • free cash withdrawal from any ATM anywhere in the world;
  • free access to business lounges at airports participating in the Priority Pass program;
  • discount in 90% when renting safe deposit boxes(they will help save valuables while traveling or conducting transactions);
  • free insurance policies when traveling abroad for the cardholder and his family members;
  • assistance in organizing holidays in the Russian Federation and abroad under the Concierge Service program;
  • issue of up to ten free additional cards;
  • nice bonuses under the Priceless Cities program.


Company executives are also provided with products with better rates.

Among them:

Features of salary cards from Unicredit Bank for employees

When the employer cooperates with this financial institution Employees will also benefit. They will be offered more profitable loans, friendly service and excellent service.

Balance control

Company employees will be able to find out their account balance in several ways:

Calling the bank's call center The telephone number for residents of Moscow is 8-495-258-72-00, for other regions - 8-800-700-73-00. The operator will immediately notify you of the amount of funds on the card.
Through the UniCredit service by logging into your personal account In this case you will need pre-registration indicating the card number.
Thanks to SMS notifications To activate the service you will need to do a number of steps:
  • insert the “plastic” into the ATM, enter the code;
  • find and click on “other services” - “card management”;
  • In the window that opens, click on “activate SMS banking.”

You can activate the service in another way, by calling 332. It is worth noting that it is paid: the money will be debited from the card account at the time the option is activated.

Using an ATM To do this, you need to insert the card into the device and select the “account balance” window. That's all! The account status will appear before the user's eyes.

Additional Products

UniCredit Bank offers potential clients several types of debit cards that can be used to receive wages. They are issued both for individuals and as part of corporate salary projects implemented jointly with a financial organization.

The most popular cards for depositing salaries include:

  • Prime from MasterCard. Premium banking product, allowing you to get up to 10% cashback on purchases and other bonuses. The cost of service is 3 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • Extra from Visa. At a lower service price of 1.5 thousand rubles. per month, allows you to return up to 5% of the cost of purchases. Like Prime, it allows you to open a card in foreign currencies - US dollar or euro;
  • Gold from each of the international payment systems. Costs the owner even less - 500 rubles. monthly. Allows you to get up to 3% cashback. Cash withdrawal limits are set at 250 thousand rubles. per day and 1 million rubles. per month;
  • "Drive". The package of services provided includes up to 3% refund of payments paid when making purchases Money. The cost of monthly service is 300 rubles;
  • Classic. The cashback amount is set at 1%. The standard cost of service is 150 rubles. monthly;
  • "Without Borders". Suitable for those who like to travel, as it allows you to save up to 5.3 thousand. bonus miles in year. Service for the card holder will cost 500 rubles. every month.

A common characteristic feature of UniCredit Bank debit cards is the opportunity free service. It is provided upon fulfillment of the conditions for monthly plastic turnover or the size of the balance on the client’s personal account.

Required documents

UniCredit Bank requires the presentation of the client’s passport when issuing a salary card. In addition, he needs to be on the website or in the branch credit organization fill out an application form for the production of a card.

Recipient requirements

The only one additional condition issuing salary debit card UniCredit Bank advocates reaching the age of 18 years. There is no need to officially confirm solvency.